Jahir Orozco-Holguín

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Jahir Orozco-Holguín, Ph.D. Post Doctoral Fellowship Department of Nanoengineering University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Atkinson Hall, Room 2806 La Jolla, CA 92093-0448

Personal Details Place of birth: Medellín (Colombia), Nationality: Colombian Passport: CC71737460

Contact Information Phone: +1-858-822-7647 e-mail: JahirOrozco@ucsd.edu

Qualifications • Ph.D. Chemistry. “Chemical Sensors for Environmental Applications”. Institute for Microelectronics of Barcelona and University of Barcelona. Spain, 2008. • M.Sc. Environmental Analytical Chemistry. “Solid state microelectrodes for monitoring environmental parameters in bentonitic barriers”. Institute for Microelectronics of Barcelona and University of Barcelona. Spain, 2004. • B.Sc. Chemistry. University of Antioquia. Medellín – Colombia, 1998 • Tech. Chemistry. University of Antioquia. Medellín – Colombia, 1992

Expertise and Research Interest -

Nano(bio)technology, electrochemistry, environmental and analytical chemistry. Nanomotors-based sensors for environmental and biomedical applications. Integration of nanostructured and biomaterials for the development of selective recognition interfaces. Chemical (bio)sensors and (micro)nanodevices. Development of DNA-based sensors for detecting pathogens. Development of carbon and carbon nanotubes/polymer composites for enhanced sensing.

Attendance to Courses - Nanotechnology for Sensors and Microsystems. In the 6th Ibersensor congress. Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológica. Sao Paulo, Brazil. November 24, 2008. - Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and applications. In a Master curse, Microelectronic National Center, University Autonomous of Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain, 2008. - Nanotechnology in biomedicine. In the extraordinary curses of the University of Zaragoza. Jaca (Huesca) – Spain, 2007. - Systems of immobilization and detection of biomolecules in sensors In the 5º Ibersensor congress. Faculty of Sciences. University of La República, Montevideo – Uruguay, 2006. - Microsystems and sensors: Fabrication, characterization and application to environmental samples. In the 5º Ibersensor congress. Faculty of Sciences. University of La República, Montevideo – Uruguay, 2006. - II Workshop of Microsystems, sensors and microfluidic.


Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas, Sao Paulo – Brasil, 2005. - IV Day of research and technologic development in management of radioactive waste. Enresa. Barcelona – Spain, 2003. - Chromatography techniques to solve environmental problems - Prevention of risks in the chemical industry - Instrumental techniques applied in the environmental field - Chemistry and behavior of the pollutants in the environment University of Barcelona. Barcelona - Spain 2003.

Previous Positions - Observatoire Oceanologique de Banyuls sur Mer. Banyuls sur Mer – France. Postdoctoral researcher, 2009-2010. - Institute for Microelectronics of Barcelona. Barcelona – Spain. Postdoctoral researcher, 2008-2009. Doctoral research scholarship FPI from the Ministry of Science and Technology, 2004-2008 Pre-doctoral research contract, 2003-2004. - Panamco Cocacola. Medellín - Colombia, 2000-2002. Quality Control of drinking and waste water. - Centro de nivelaciones académicas. Medellín – Colombia, 1997-2001. Teacher of Chemistry and Natural Sciences. - Laboratory of Public Health. Medellín– Colombia, 1994-1996. Laboratory technician. - University of Antioquia. Medellín – Colombia. Practice auxiliary: Laboratory of General and Organic chemistry (1992), and Analytical chemistry (1992 and 1994).

Founded Received and Awards - Beatriu de Pinos Postdoctoral Grant, BP-A 00127, from L’Agència de Gestió d’Adjuts Universitais i de Recerca de Catalunya, Spain. 2010-2012. - Ph.D. Chemistry, Cum Laude with European Mention. University of Barcelona, 2008. - Research Scholarship from the FPI program (Ministry of Science and Education, Spain), 2004-2008.

Stages in other Researcher Centres - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies. School of Clinical and Laboratory Sciences. The Medical School, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom). March- September 2006. Modification of transducers by co-immobilization of enzymes. - University of Miguel Hernández, Alicante (España). February-May 1999. Evolution of the content of LAS and Nitrogenous dynamic in sewage sludge amended soils. Study by means of laboratory Incubation.

Peer Review - Sensors and Actuators B, - Bioelectrochemistry, - Analytical Letters and Electroanalysis.

Publications Peer reviewed 21. Jahir Orozco, Maria Guix, Miguel García, Wei Gao, Sirilak Sattayasamitsathit, Arben Merkoçi, Alberto Escarpa and Joseph Wang. Synthetic microengines for electrophoresis-free lab-on-a-chip immunoassays. In preparation to be Submitted to Lab-on-a-chip. 20. Jahir Orozco and Linda K. Medlin. Advances in Genosensors for Harmful Algae Blooms Monitoring. Invited review submitted to Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 19. Maria Guix, Jahir Orozco, Miguel García, Wei Gao, Sirilak Sattayasamitsathit, Arben Merkoçi, Alberto Escarpa and Joseph Wang. Superhydrophobic alkane-thiol-coated microsubmarines for effective removal of oil. ACS nano 6 (2012), 4445-4451. 18. Jahir Orozco, Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera and César Fernández-Sánchez. Electrochemical Performance of


Self-Assembled Monolayers at Gold Nanoparticle-Modified Ultramicroelectrode Arrays Architectures. Electroanalysis. 24 (2012) 635-642. 17. Susana Campuzano, Jahir Orozco, Daniel Kagan, Maria Guix, Wei Gao, Sirilak Sattayasamitsathit, Jonathan C. Claussen, Arben Merkoçi, Joseph Wang. Bacterial Isolation by LectinModified Microengines. Nanoletters 12 (2012) 396-401. 16. Jahir Orozco, Susana Campuzano, Daniel Kagan, Ming Zhou, Wei Gao, Joseph Wang. Dynamic Isolation and Unloading of Target Proteins by Aptamer-Modified Microtransporters. Analytical Chemistry 83 (2011) 7962-7969. 15. Susana Campuzano, Daniel Kagan, Jahir Orozco, Joseph Wang. Motion-driven sensing and biosensing using electrochemically propelled nanomotors. Analyst 136 (2011) 4621-4630. 14. Wei Gao, Sirilak Sattayasamitsathit, Jahir Orozco, Joseph Wang. Highly Efficient Catalytic Microengines: Template Electro- synthesis of Polyaniline-Platinum Microtubes. Journal of The Americal Chemical Society 133 (2011)11862–11864. 13. Jahir Orozco, Julia Baurdat and Linda K. Medlin. Evalutation of probes orientation and effect of the degoxigenin-enzimatic label in a sandwich hybridization format to develop toxic algae biosensors. Harmful Algae 10 (2011) 489-494. 12. Jahir Orozco and Linda K. Medlin. Electrochemical performance of a DNA-based device for detecting toxic algae. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 153 (2011) 71-77. 11. Jahir Orozco, Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera, César Fernández-Sánchez. Ultramicroelectrode arrays: a promising analytical tool for environmental monitoring. Sensors 10 (2010) 475-490. 10. Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera, Jahir Orozco and Antoni Baldi. ISFET based microsensors for environmental Monitoring. Sensors 10 (2010) 61-83. 9. César Fernández-Sánchez, Eva Pellicer, Jahir Orozco, Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera, Laura M. Lechuga and Ernest Mendoza. Plasma-activated multiwalled carbon nanotube-polystyrene composite substrates for biosensing. Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 335501 (7pp). 8. Jahir Orozco, Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera and César Fernández-Sánchez. Gold nanoparticle ultramicroelectrode arrays for biosensing: a comparative assessment. Bioelectrochemistry 75 (2009) 176-181. 7. Rosa Olivé-Monllau, Jahir Orozco, Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera, César Fernández-Sánchez, María del Mar Baeza, Jordi Bartrolí and Francisco Céspedes. Flow Injection Analysis system based on microsensors for free chlorine detection in swimming pool waters. Talanta 77 (2009) 1739-1744. 6. Jahir Orozco, César Fernández-Sánchez and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Underpotential deposition-anodic stripping voltammetric detection of copper at gold nanoparticle-modified ultramicroelectrode arrays. Environmental Science and Technology 42 (2008) 4877-4882 5. Ernest Mendoza, Jahir Orozco, Cecilia Jiménez, Ana B. González-Guerrero, Ana Calle, Laura M. Lechuga, César Fernández Sánchez. Scalable fabrication of immunosensors based on carbon nanotube polymer composites. Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 075102 (6pp) 4. Jahir Orozco, César Fernández-Sánchez, Ernest Mendoza, María del Mar Baeza, Francisco Céspedes, Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Composite planar electrode for sensing electrochemical oxygen demand. Analitica Chimica Acta 607 (2008) 176-182. 3. Jahir Orozco, Guillaume Suárez, César Fernández-Sánchez, Calum McNeil and Cecilia JiménezJorquera. Characterization of Ultramicroelectrode Arrays combining Electrochemical Techniques and Optical Microscopy Imaging. Electrochimica Acta 53 (2007) 729-736 2. J Orozco, A Baldi, R Baena, A Cadarso, A Bratov and C Jiménez. Portable system based on microsensors for environmental monitoring applications. Measurement Science and Technology 18 (2007) 1–6 1. Jahir Orozco, Antoni Baldi, Pedro Luis Martín, Andrei Bratov, Cecilia Jiménez. Monitoring of bentonite pore water with a probe based on solid-state microsensors. Analytica Chimica Acta 579 (2006) 95-



Book Chapters 2. Jahir Orozco, Kerstin Toebe and Linda K. Medlin. Assesment of theree genetic methods for a faster and

reliable monitoring of harmful algal blooms. Sensors for Ecology: Towards integrated knowledge of ecosystems. Centre National de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Institut Écologie et Environnement (INEE),CNRS ed. Paris, 2012 1. Jahir Orozco and Linda K. Medlin. Electrochemical detection of harmful algae using a sandwich hybridization assay on an electrode surface. Molecular Biological Technologies for Ocean Sensing. Springer Protocols Handbooks series, Humana Press. Submitted.

Non-peer Reviewed 3. Ibarlucea, Bergoi; Vila-Planas, Jordi; Cadarso, Victor Javier; Orozco, Jahir; Demming, Stefanie; Fernandez-Sanchez, Cesar; Wilke, Ralph; Buttgenbach, Stepanus; Dominguez, Carlos; Llobera, Andreu. Multiple internal reflection bioreactor for in situ detection of hydrogen peroxide. Optica pura y aplicada 42 (4) (2009) 203-208. ISSN 00303917. 2. Jahir Orozco, César Fernández-Sánchez and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Gold nanoparticle-modified ultramicroelectrode arrays: A suitable transducer platform for the development of biosensors. Procedia Chemistry 1 (2009) 666-669. 1. Jahir Orozco Holguín, César Fernández-Sánchez and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Microsensors for rapid estimation of the degree of contamination due to organic matter in waste waters. Tecnología del agua 28/303 (2008) 66-74. ISSN 02118173.

Meeting Contributions Invited Conferences: 5. Jahir Orozco, Joseph Wang. Nanomachine-Based Target Isolation. Sample preparation 2012, San Diego, CA, USA. May 3-4, 2012. 4. Joseph Wang, S. Campuzano, D. Kagan, J. Orozco, W. Gao. Nanomotor-based biosensing: Nanoscale motion transduction and isolation. 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition March 25- 29 2012, San Diego, California. http://abstracts.acs.org/chem/243nm/program/view.php?obj_id=115517&terms 3. Jahir Orozco. Micro and nanotechnologies for chemical and biological sensing. Presentation of the colombian diaspora of high recognition. December 12, 2011. Hotel Cosmos, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia. 2. J. Orozco, E. Mendoza, C. Fernández-Sánchez, F. Céspedes, C. Jiménez. Development of a microsensor for EOD determination: Optimization of scalable fabrication processes for composite films. In 5th IberoAmerican Congress on Sensors, Complejo Cultural Torre de las Telecomunicaciones, IBERSENSOR' 06, September 27th-29th, 2006 – Montevideo, Uruguay. Gomez, H. (ed.). 2006. 4 p. ISBN 9974-0-0337-7. 1. E. Mendoza, J. Orozco, V. F. Puntes, C. Jimenez and C. Fernandez. Carbon Nanotube based electrochemical (bio)sensors. In European Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting, Symposium F: Integrated Nanosensors, November 27 - 29, 2006, Boston, EE.UU. 2006. http://www.mrs.org/s_mrs/doc.asp?CID=6982&DID=178451

Oral Presentations: 12. Jahir Orozco and Linda K. Medlin. Development of a DNA-based device for detecting toxic algae. In 7th Ibero-american Congress on Sensors. Ibersensor-2010, November 9th to 11th, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. http://portugal2010.ibersensor.org/ 11. Jahir Orozco and Linda K. Medlin. Biosensors as routine analytical tools for toxic algae. 14th


International Conference on Harmful Algae. November 1-5, 2010. Hersonissos, Crete, Greece. http://www.hab2010.gr/ 10. M. Gutierrez, J. Orozco, C. Jiménez. Monitoring of wastewater quality using a multisensor system. Ecososteniblewine 2010. Jun 15-16, 2010, Villafranca del Penedés, Catalonia, Spain. http://www.ecososteniblewine.com 9. E. Mendoza, J. Orozco, C. Jiménez, C. Fernández. Low-cost high-sensitivity immuno sensor based on carbon nanotube-polymer composites. 216th ECS meeting, October 4 – 9, 2009, Vienna, Austria. http://ecsmeet6.peerx-press.org/jsp/mas/reportTechProg.jsp?MEETING_ID=101&SYM_ID=139#abs2835 8. Jahir Orozco, César Fernández-Sánchez and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Gold nanoparticle-modified ultramicroelectrode array: A suitable transducer platform for the development of biosensors. In Proceedings of Eurosensors XXIII conference: Sensors, actuators and micro/nanosystems. September 6-9, Lausanne, Switzerland. Procedia Chemistry 1 (2009) 666-669. 7. Jahir Orozco, Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera and César Fernández-Sánchez. Gold nanoparticle-modified ultramicroelectrode arrays for environmental applications. In 6th Ibersensor-2008, November 24 to 26. Sao Paulo, Brazil, Seabra A.C, Góngora-Rubio M.R. Ed, 2008, p 38-41. 6. Jahir Orozco, César Fernández-Sánchez and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Gold nanoparticle-modified Ultamicroelectrode arrays for copper detection in soil extract samples. 59th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, (ISE), September 7 to 12, University of Sevilla. Sevilla, Spain, 2008. http://event08.ise-online.org/site/index.htm 5. Fernandez-Cuesta, I; García-Cantón, J.; Orozco, J.; Baldi, A.; Fernández-Sánchez, C.; Borrisé, X.; PérezMurano, F. Nanofabrication for Biosensors. In WORKSHOP, NanoBioSensors for Biomedical Applications December 19th and 20th, Barcelona, Spain. 2007. 4. Jiménez, C.; Orozco, J.; Mendoza, E.; Baldi, A.; Fernández-Sánchez, C, Nanoparticles modified thin-film microelectrodes for biosensing applications. In WORKSHOP. In WORKSHOP, NanoBioSensors for Biomedical Applications December 19th and 20th, Barcelona, Spain. 2007. 3. E. Mendoza, J. Orozco, A.B. González-Guerrero, A. Calle, L.M. Lechuga, C. Jiménez, C. FernándezSánchez. Scalable Immunosensors base on carbon polystyrene composites: fabrication and characterization. European Materials Research Science, EMRS-2007. Symposium O. Strasbourg, France May 28th to June 1st, 2007 2. Jahir Orozco, Guillaume Suárez, César Fernández-Sánchez, Calum McNeil and Cecilia JiménezJorquera. Fabrication and Characterization of Ultramicroelectrode Arrays. xiième Rencontre Transfrontaliere Capteurs et Biocapteurs. 27-28 Septembre 2007. Ceret – Francia, p 1-2. 1. Jahir Orozco, Antoni Baldi, Andrey Bratov, Cecilia Jiménez. Microelectronic technology based sensors for measuring parameters of environmental interest in wastewater. In 11as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, (JAI’05), Barcelona, 15-17 Noviembre 2005. MA-08 CO, p 51

Posters: 23. Maria Guix, Miguel García, Jahir Orozco, Wei Gao, Susana Campuzano, Alberto Escarpa, Joseph Wang and Arben Merkoçi. Synthetic nanomotors towards lab-on-a-chip biosensing applications. WAMNANO2012. III International Workshop on Analytical Miniaturization and NANOtechnologies. Barcelona, Spain, Jun 11-12, 2012. 22. Jahir Orozco, Linda Medlin. Biosensors as routine analytical tools of toxic algae. Biosensors2010. May 26-28, 2010, Glasgow, United Kindgom. http://www.biosensors-congress.elsevier.com 21. B. Ibarlucea, V. J. Cadarso, J. Orozco, S. Demming, C. Fernández-Sánchez, R. Wilke, S. Büttgenbach and A. Llobera. Photonic bioreactors based on multiple internal reflection. The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2009). November 1 - 5, 2009, Jeju, Korea, p 289. 20. Jahir Orozco, Cecilia Jiménez, César. Fernández. Self-assembled monolayers at gold nanoparticlemodified ultramicroelectrode arrays. 216th ECS meeting, October 4 – 9, 2009, Vienna, Austria.


http://ecsmeet6.peerx-press.org/jsp/mas/reportTechProg.jsp?MEETING_ID=101&SYM_ID=141#abs2928 19. Jahir Orozco, César Fernández-Sánchez and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Ultramicroelectrode arrays: A promising analytical tool for (bio)sensing. Rencontre Transfrontaliere Capteurs et Biocapteurs. 24-25 September, 2009. Banyuls Sur Mer-France, p 24. 18. Jahir Orozco, César Fernández-Sánchez, Julián Alonso, Francisco Valdés and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Voltammetric detection of Cu (II) in soil extract samples using modified ultramicroelectrode arrays. In 6th Ibersensor-2008, November 2008, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Seabra A.C, Góngora-Rubio M.R. Ed, 2008, p 358-361. 17. Jahir Orozco, Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera and César Fernández-Sánchez. Comparative electrochemical study ème of the formation/selective desorption of self-assembled monolayers at ultramicroelectrode arrays. XII Rencontre Transfrontaliere Capteurs et Biocapteurs. 18-19 September, 2008. Andorra la Vella, Andorra, p 24. 16. Jahir Orozco, César Fernández-Sánchez and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Ultramicroelectrode arrays modified with gold nanoparticles applied to copper detection in environmental samples. In Internacional Meeting of Chemical Sensors-2008, 13-16 July, Columbus-Ohio, USA. 15. Fernandez-Cuesta, I; García-Cantón, J.; Orozco, J.; Fernández-Sánchez, C.; Baldi, A.; Borrisé, X.; Pérez-Murano, F. "Interdigitated nanoelectrodes for sensing: fabrication and characterization". In NanoSpain 2008, NanoIberian Conference, April 14-18, 2008, Braga Portugal. 2008. p. 143-144. 14. Jahir Orozco, César Fernández-Sánchez and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Microelectrode arrays modified with gold nanoparticles for the development of biosensor diagnostic tools. In Advances in microarray technology, 7-8 March 2008. Barcelona, Spain. 39 (AMT). http://www.selectbiosciences.com/conferences/AMT2008/Poster_Presentations.aspx 13. Jahir Orozco, César-Fernández, Ernest Mendoza, Mireia Baeza, Francisco Céspedes and Cecilia Jiménez-Jorquera. Silver (II) and Copper (II) Oxides-graphite composite planar electrodes: Application to sensing electrochemical oxygen demand in waste water samples. XIIème Rencontre Transfrontaliere Capteurs et Biocapteurs. 27-28 Septembre 2007. Ceret, Francia, p 19-20. 12. Jahir Orozco, Guillaume Suárez, César Fernández-Sánchez, Calum McNeil and Cecilia JiménezJorquera. Characterization of Ultramicroelectrode Arrays combining Electrochemical Techniques and Optical Microscopy Imaging. In proceedings Euroanalysis XIV, Antwerp, Belgica. 9-14 September 2007, p 237. 11. Fernandez-Cuesta, I; García-Cantón, J.; Orozco, J.; Baldi, A.; Fernández-Sánchez, C.; Borrisé, X.; Pérez-Murano, F, Nanoelectrodos interdigitados: fabricación y caracterización. In XXXI. In 17th Bienal Iberian meeting, Physic Spanish Royal Society. Scientific Comunicationas, Granada, September 10th to 14th 2007. ISBN 978-84-690-7298-1. 10. J. Orozco, G. Suárez, C. Fernández-Sánchez, C. McNeil, C. Jiménez and M. Roldán. Quality control of ultramicroelectrode arrays using fluorescence microscopy imaging. Focus on microscopy 2007. 10th13th April, 2007 Valencia, Spain. Posters B- Fluorescence. http://www.focusonmicroscopy.org/2007/index.html 9. E. Mendoza, J. Orozco, C. Jiménez, M Moreno, A. Calle, L.M. Lechuga, C. Fernandez-Sanchez. Fabrication of Microelectrodes based on carbon nanotubes for biosensing applications. In 32nd International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2006), 17-20 September 2006, Barcelona, Spain. 2006. p.295-296. 8. E. Mendoza, J. Orozco, C. Jiménez, M. Hernández, A. Calle, L. M. Lechuga and C. Fernández-Sánchez. Biosensors based on microelectrodes and functionalised carbon nanotubes. In 20th Eurosensors Conference Anniversary, (EUROSENSORS 2006): 17th-20th September, 2006, Göteborg, Sweden. 2006. T1B-P21. 7. R. Olive, J. Orozco, J. Artigas, J. Bartrolí, C. Fernández-Sánchez, Cecilia Jiménez. Microelectrodes for the detection of Chlorine in Water. In 11a. Trobada Transfronterera sobre Sensors i Biosensors (TTSB


'06), 14-15 setembre 2006, Girona, España. 2006. 6. Jahir Orozco, Cesar Fernandez, Francisco Cespedes,Cecilia Jiménez. Microelectrodes for Electrochemical Oxygen Demand determination based on graphite composites. In 11th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2006), July 16-19, 2006, University of Brescia, Italy. 2006. WP41#392. ISBN 88-902545-0-5. 5. C. Jiménez, L. Moreno, J. Orozco, C. Domínguez, A. Bratov. Microelectrodes and microsystems for environmental monitoring. In The SWIFT Annual meeting took place in Berlin in December 5-7th 2005, Germany. 2005. 4. Jahir Orozco, Roberto Baena, Antoni Baldi, Andrey Bratov, Cecilia Jiménez. Portable equipment based on microelectrodes for environmental monitoring applications. In 19th European Conference on SolidState Sensors (EUROSENSORS 2005): September 11-14, 2005, Barcelona, España. 2005. WPb35. 3. E. Romero, M. Baeza, J. Orozco, A. Gutés, C. Jiménez*, F. Céspedes. Microsensors development for the electrochemical oxygen demand determination. In 19th European Conference on Solid-State Sensors (EUROSENSORS 2005): September 11-14, 2005, Barcelona, España. 2005. WPb9 2. J. Orozco, R. Olive, J. Artigas, J. Bartrolí, C. Fernández-Sánchez, C. Jiménez. Comparative electrochemical behaviour of carbopaste electrodes and platinium micorelectrodes for chlorine determitation. In 10a. Rencontre Transfrontalière Capteurs et Biocapteurs (TTSB '05), 15-16 Setembre 2005, Albi (France) 2005. p. 59- 60. 1. J. Orozco, A. Baldi, A. Bratov, R. Baena, A. Merlos, P.Rivas, P.L. Martín,C. Jiménez. Development of a probe based on microelectrodes for in-situ monitoring of bentonitic barriers, X Trobada Transfroterera sobre sensors i biosesors, Tarragona – España, 2004.


San Diego - California. June, 2012. 9 Barcelona, May 2009 Barcelona, May 2009


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