3 minute read
My Poor Dear Autumn
Written by Gina Dewar.
Autumn has been my favorite season ever since I can remember.
I love it, although psychologists say that autumn is a melancholic season of ‘loss and preparation’ for the coming blow (in this case, winter). I like its climate, freshness, and transition from warm weather to cool nights. In some parts, the trees change their colors from green to ocher, orange, brown and yellow. Even here in southern California, there are parts that give us that wonder of colors.
There are fresh mornings without being too cold. The pumpkins, the smell of cinnamon and spices. The light winds and the inevitable fall of all vegetation.
I really like this season.
I still don’t understand what magic it has, but it surrounds me, and I like it a lot. I sometimes think it is those gigantic moons that illuminate the less hot nights. It is that clarity of the sky that announces that winter is going to be strong and cold.
Days become shorter where. At 5 pm, it is already dark, and you want to put on your pajamas.
There is nothing better than enjoying pumpkin pies and baking more often.
That’s why I don’t like it when I start to see Christmas things already put up in the stores, houses, and holiday songs as early as mid-October.
I don’t want to criticize that too much because I don’t want to hurt people who put up their holiday decorations in October.
Don’t get me wrong. I am one of the people who loves the Christmas season the most, its ornaments, its gifts, the parties, meals, reunions, the family, etc.
I love everything related to Christmas and all the December festivities.
I’m not a GRINCH, but I like to start celebrating it until the end of November, after THANKSGIVING.
It is the usual tradition; passing Thanksgiving and Christmas follows!
I don’t understand why things go so far forward.
Life goes by so fast! We need to slow it down.
Going down the street and seeing how Christmas is already everywhere gives me the feeling that we are skipping the Fall months!
We are not enjoying each week as it should be. And do you know what?
I am going to continue enjoying these months of my dear and poor autumn, slowly buying the decorations that I will put up in December.
I am going to enjoy looking for the best PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE, and I will continue to enjoy this Fall season that everyone wants to make shorter every time!
Let’s save Autumn.