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Unidos US: The Power of Us
Imagine a group of more than 2000 people, most of them Hispanics, and Latinos, reunited in a 3-day conference event in the city of Chicago.
La Revista Binacional had the amazing opportunity of attending this year’s Chicago 2023 event.
UNIDOS US, formerly known as the National Council of La Raza, is the largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States. It works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans and focuses on issues such as education, employment, healthcare, and immigration. UNIDOS US also advocates for policies that promote the well-being and empowerment of the Hispanic community.
Attending UNIDOS US can provide you with numerous benefits. By participating in their events and programs, you can gain valuable knowledge about the issues affecting the Hispanic community and learn about potential solutions. It also provides an opportunity to network with other professionals and leaders who are passionate about improving the lives of Hispanics in the United States.
UNIDOS US can also give you a platform to voice your concerns and contribute to shaping policies that directly impact the Hispanic community. Additionally, by being a part of UNIDOS US, you can join a collective effort to promote equality, social justice, and inclusivity for all Hispanics in the country.
We are forever grateful to MAAC’s CEO Arnulfo Manriquez, who is also a member of UNIDOS US BOARD, for inviting us to participate. Special thanks to our friends from T-Mobile for inviting La Revista Binacional to their table at every event.
The special guest this year was VPOTUS, Ms. Kamala Harris, who addressed a beautiful speech where she emphasized that there are more things that unite us than those that separate us. It was a powerful speech, welcoming and inviting words for us to continue being a unified community that represents a positive income of trillions of dollars to the American economy.
We got to celebrate this year’s awardees:
• GRACIELA OLIVAREZ LA RAZA AWARD was for MARIA GABRIELA “GABY” PACHECO (Director of Advocacy, Development and Communications at TheDream.us).
• RAUL YZAGUIRRE PRESIDENT AWARD was for MARC MORIAL (CEO of the National Urban League).
• MACLOVIO BARRAZA FOR LEADERSHIP AWARD was for JUAN SALGADO (Chancellor, City Colleges of Chicago).

Congratulations UNIDOS US team and especially UNIDOS US President and CEO Janet Murguía for a beautiful conference, amazing organization, and venue. We will most definitely share our experiences with everyone. See you in Las Vegas, 2024!