Quality Management System summary

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Hlaðbær Colas Quality Management System (reference ÍST EN ISO 9001:2008) Summary with references to Quality Handbook

Version 3, 01.11.2008 Rev. 3 – 26.08.2009


Hlaðbær Colas Quality Management System (reference ÍST EN ISO 9001:2008) Summary QUALITY POLICY OF HLAÐBÆR COLAS..................................................................... 4 4 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM............................................................................. 4 4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................4 4.2 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................5 4.2.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................................5 4.2.2 QUALITY MANUAL.............................................................................................................7 4.2.3 CONTROL OF DOCUMENTS (VR 3.02 SKJALASTÝRING Í GÆÐAKEFINU).............................8 4.2.4 CONTROL OF RECORDS (VR 3.04 SKRÁR)..........................................................................9 5 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY.......................................................................... 11 5.1 MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT...........................................................................................11 5.2 CUSTOMER FOCUS..............................................................................................................11 5.3 QUALITY POLICY................................................................................................................11 5.4 PLANNING...........................................................................................................................12 5.4.1 QUALITY OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................12 5.4.2 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PLANNING....................................................................12 5.5 RESPONSIBILITY, AUTHORITY AND COMMUNICATION.....................................................12 5.5.1 RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY....................................................................................12 5.5.2 MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE.....................................................................................12 5.5.3 INTERNAL COMMUNICATION............................................................................................12 5.6 MANAGEMENT REVIEW.....................................................................................................13 5.6.1 GENERAL..........................................................................................................................13 5.6.2 REVIEW INPUT..................................................................................................................13 5.6.3 REVIEW OUTPUT...............................................................................................................13 6. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................... 13 6.1 PROVISION OF RESOURCES................................................................................................13 6.2 HUMAN RESOURCES...........................................................................................................14 6.2.1 GENERAL..........................................................................................................................14 6.2.2 COMPETENCE, AWARENESS AND TRAINING......................................................................14 6.3 INFRASTRUCTURE..............................................................................................................14 6.4 WORK ENVIRONMENT........................................................................................................14 7 PRODUCT REALIZATION............................................................................................. 15 7.1 PLANNING OF PRODUCT REALIZATION.............................................................................15 7.2 CUSTOMER-RELATED PROCESSES.....................................................................................16 7.2.1 DETERMINATION OF REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO THE PRODUCT....................................16 7.2.2 REVIEW OF REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO THE PRODUCT..................................................17 7.2.3 CUSTOMER COMMUNICATION...........................................................................................19 7.3 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................................19


7.4 PURCHASING.......................................................................................................................21 7.4.1 PURCHASING PROCESS......................................................................................................21 7.5 PRODUCTION AND SERVICE PROVISION............................................................................22 7.5.1 CONTROL OF PRODUCTION AND SERVICE PROVISION.......................................................22 7.5.2 VALIDATION OF PROCESSES FOR PRODUCTION AND SERVICE PROVISION........................23 7.5.3 IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY................................................................................23 7.5.4 CUSTOMER PROPERTY......................................................................................................23 7.5.5 PRESERVATION OF PRODUCT............................................................................................23 7.6 CONTROL OF MONITORING AND MEASURING DEVICES...................................................24 8 MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT............................................... 25 8.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................................25 8.2 MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT...................................................................................25 8.2.1 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION................................................................................................25 8.2.2 INTERNAL AUDIT..............................................................................................................25 8.2.3 MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT OF PROCESSES...........................................................26 8.2.4 MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT OF PRODUCT..............................................................26 8.3 CONTROL OF NON-CONFORMING PRODUCT.....................................................................26 8.4 ANALYSIS OF DATA............................................................................................................26 8.5 IMPROVEMENT...................................................................................................................28 8.5.1 CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT..............................................................................................28 8.5.2 CORRECTIVE ACTION........................................................................................................28 8.5.3 PREVENTIVE ACTION........................................................................................................28


Quality Policy of Hlaðbær Colas The Quality Policy of the company is describd in VR 1.02 Gæðastefna and can be summarised as follows: Hlaðbær Colas (MHC) will establish and maintain a company-wide quality managament system based on the ÍST EN ISO 9001:2008 specification to ensure that the products and services of the company meet the quality requirements of its customers. The products and services supplied by MHC must be the result of controlled circumstances which involves  Defining and describing the product properties and the processes involved in their realization  Using the correct and adequate tools and equipment  Using proper control and measurement tools and procedures The Management further emphasises that • Delivery of quality products and meeting customer expectations are the responsibility of each and every employee • The quality management system must be continously improved to the benefit of the profitability and market position of MHC • Laws, rules and regulations must at all times be respected Management will continously strive to fulfill this through • Registration and follow-up of complaints and input related to the performnce of MHC • Registration of costs related to non-conformities • Performing customer surveys • Providing training of employees • Working systematically on the relevant corrective actions • Provision of adequate resources • Conducting staff meetings / briefings to ensure the quality management system is understood • Performing a Management Review • Continously monitoring the performance and relevance of the quality management system

4 Quality Management System 4.1 General Requirements Hlaðbær Colas has established and maintains a quality management system (QMS), which is documented in a Handbook (Gæðahandbók) a) The processes needed for the QMS and their application throughout the organization are described in the Handbook as follows: QMS process Management activities Establish and publish quality objectives Providing and controlling resources for QMS Establish and publish quality goals. Reference of results. The use of Work Instructions

Where defined in Handbook


VR 1.02


VR 1.02


VR 1.03


VR 3.01

Lýsing á uppbyggingu kerfisins


Conduct management reviews of QMS Process for document control in QMS Using Internal audits Records and registration Handling of comments and complaints Process for improvements to QMS Process for preventive actions Handling of non-conformances Using internal meetings Establish organization to suit the requirements Establish a quality management system

VR 2.02 VR 3.02

Almenn gæðastjórnun og Rýni stjórnenda Skjalastýring í gæðakerfinu

VR 3.03 VR 3.04 VR 3.05

Innri úttektir Skrár Ábendingar og kvartanir

VR 3.06



Forvarnir Meðferð frábrigða Innri fundir Stjórnskipulag og starfslýsingar Almenn gæðastjórnun og Rýni stjórnenda

3.09 3.07 3.08 2.01

VR 2.02

Provision of resources Development Training of staff Maintenance of equipment Product realization Sales and marketing Procurement Production Execution

VR 5.01 VR 10.01 VR 12.01, VR 12.02

Vöruþróun Símenntun starfsmanna Viðhald búnaðar

VR 4.01, 4.04 VR 6.01, 6.04 VR 7.01, VR 8.01,

VR 4.02, VR 4.03, VR

Sölu og markaðsmál

VR 6.02, VR 6.03, VR


VR 7.02, VR 7.03 VR 8.02, VR 8.03

Framleiðsla Framkvæmdir

Measurements Inspections, tests and VR 9.01, VR 9.02, VR 9.03, VR Skoðun og prófun analyses 9.04, VR 9.05, VR 9.06 b) The interaction of these processes is illustrated in FR02.02 Samverkan höfuðferla

4.2 Documentation Requirements

4.2.1 General a)

Statement of quality policy and quality objectives are found in the Quality Handbook in section VR 1.02 (Gæðastefna) and VR 1.03 (Gæðamarkmið) and can be summarised as follows: Quality policy main points Hlaðbær Colas (MHC) will establish and maintain a company-wide quality managament system based on the ÍST EN ISO 9001:2008 specification to ensure that the products and services of the company meet the quality requirements of its customers.


The products and services supplied by MHC must be the result of controlled circumstances which involves  Defining and describing the product properties and the processes involved in their realization  Using the correct and adequate tools and equipment  Using proper control and measurement tools and procedures b) c) d) e)

The Quality Handbook (Gæðahandbók) forms part of the quality management system The required procedures are described in the Quality Handbook The documents required for the quality management system are described in the Quality Handbook The procedures concerning records are described in work procedure VR 3.04 Skrár


4.2.2 Quality Manual The Quality Handbook constitutes the quality manual of the entire company MHC a) The scope of the quality managament system is defined in work procedure VR 1.02 Gæðastefna and covers all the activities of the company. Customer property (7.5.4 Customer property) is not relevant to the operations of the company and hence constitutes an exception in terms of 4.2.2 Quality Manual. b)

The documented procedures are each defined in Work Procedures / Verklagsreglur as described in VR 3.01 Lýsing á uppbyggingu kerfisins. The principle of these can be described in the flow diagram FR 3.01 Principle of Work Procedures / Uppbygging Verklagsreglum

FR 3.01 Principle of Work Procedures c)

The interaction between the processes of the quality management system is summarised in FR02.02 Samverkan höfuðferla


Process relations

4.2.3 Control of documents (VR 3.02 Skjalastýring í gæðakefinu) a) b) c) d)

e) f) g)

Procedure for approval of documents: The Quality Manager or General Manager shall approve documents as per VR 3.02 Skjalastýring í gæðakerfinu Review and update of documents: The Quality Manager is responsible. Revision status is indicated on each document. Changes are described and listed on the form EB 03.03.02 Tikyning um breyttingar í gæðahandbokinni Relevant versions of the documents are available at the main server S:\Gaedakerfi,Öryggis, heilbrigð, umhverf\Gæðahandbók 2008\Gæðahandbók útgafa 2\Gæðahandbók útg 3 á pdf. This is defined as the point of use, being accessible to all employees, directly or indirectly (can be copied from there). Documents required for the quality management system must be kept legible and identifiable. This is further defined in VR 3.02 Skjalastýring í Gæðakerfinu. Documents of external origin (eg drawings, specifications etc) are controlled by the relevant Head of Department as described in VR 3.02 Skjalastýring í Gæðakerfinu. The prevention of the unintended use of obsolete documents is the responsibility of each employee.


4.2.4 Control of records (VR 3.04 Skrár) The procedure for control of records is indicated in the following table: Type of document





Quotations sent out

Number in Navision

In Navision and with HoD

Restricted access

Daily reports

Project no

Duplicate copies


Title, date and version no.

With respective staff and after submission to HoD: In file under project no With HoD in project file

By reference to number or client By reference to project no.

Restricted access

By reference to project

Drawings from Clients

Title, date and version no.

With HoD in project file

Restricted access

By reference to project

Personal data, eg names, kennitala, contact details

As relevant, eg by company or name

With relevant HoD (employee data as per regulations)

Restricted access

By reference to name, project or association

As appropriate


Title, date and version as appropriate

With HoD and/or Quality Department

As required.

As long as relevant


Quotation no and reference

From file

As long as relevant

Shredded if sensitive


Quotation no and reference. Internal booking no in Navision system

With appropriate recipient in file for project. Copies distributed as required Original with Acconts Department Copies as required with Recipient or HoD

Several copies & restricted access Restricted access

Restricted access

Min 7 years

Shredded if sensitive

Financial controller

Own invoices

Invoice no, Client, date

In Navision and with HoD

Restricted access

Min 7 years

Deleted from system

Financial controller


Reference, Title, date and version no. Reference, date

With relevant recipient / Operator

Restricted access

Booked in Navision bookkeeping system. Original stored in file Reference to Invoice no.,& Client From file

As relevant

Shredded if sensitive

On shelves in container

Restricted access

By reference to date & project no.

Min 3 years or as required by Client


Relevant Head of Department or Manager Head of Quality Department

Material samples

Retention time Min 3 years



Shredded if sensitive

Head of Department

Min 3 years

Shredded if sensitive

Head of Department

As appropriate but min 3 years As appropriate but min 3 years

Shredded if sensitive

Head of Department

Shredded unless agreed different with Client Deleted from records or as agreed with individual Disposed when irrelevant

Head of Department


Head of Department

Head of Department / Quality Department Recipient

Type of document





Material test reports

By recipe no, date and project reference By name of staff

On S:sameign and Lotus Notes

Restricted access

With Receptioinst/Human Resource Assistant

Restricted access

Access through Lotus Notes From file by name of staff

By name of meeting, date held and number

With relevant HoD

Restricted access

Certificates of competence (Operator´s licenses etc) Minutes of Meetings

From file by reference to name, date & no.

Retention time Min 3 years



Deleted data file

Head of Quality Department

As relevant


Min 3 years

Deleted / destroyed

Human Resource Manager / Financial Controller Head of Department



Management responsibility

5.1 Management commitment In VR 1.02 Gæðastefna the Top Management commits itself to the Quality Management System by a) communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer -, statutory - and legal requirments b) confirming the establishment of the quality policy c) establishing quality objectives d) conducting management reviews e) confirms the allocation of the necessary resources

5.2 Customer focus In VR 1.02 Gæðastefna the Top management confirms its focus on customer requirements and satisfaction. This is further described as follows in the sections of the Quality Handbook:

Activity Enquiry from customers and quotations Evaluation and specfication of customers´requirements Dealing with orders from customers Production of asphalt Production of asphalt in mobile plant Production of emulsion Paving Earthworks Paving repair works

Where described in Handbook VR 4.01


VR 4.02

Samningsrýni og rýni viðskiptamanna

VR 4.03

Móttaka og afgreiðsla pantana

VR 7.01 VR 7.02

Framleiðsla malbiks Framleiðsla á malbiki í færanlegri malbikunarstöð Móttaka á hráefnum, birgðahald, framleiðsla á bíkþeytu og afhending afurða í bíkstöð Malbikun Jarðvinna Malbiksviðgerðir

VR 7.03 VR 8.01 VR 8.02 VR 8.03

Fyrirspurnir og tilboðsgerð

5.3 Quality policy The quality policy of the company is described in VR 1.02. It remains the responsibility of the Top Management to ensure that the quality policy a. Is appropriate to the goals of the company b. Includes a commitment to comply with the Quality Management System c. Includes a commitment to continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System d. Provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives e. Is communicated and understood within the company f. Is reviewed for continued relevance


5.4 Planning

5.4.1 Quality objectives Quality objectives are measurable as per VR 1.03 Gæðamarkmið. The measured criteria reflect on how well the product requirements are met.

5.4.2 Quality management system planning. Top Management is committed to ensure that a.


The planning of the quality management system reflects the structure of the company as per VR2.01 Stjórnskipulag og starfslýsingar and the processes described in 4.1 General Requirements The integrity of the quality management system during changes is maintained as per VR2.01 Stjórnskipulag og starfslýsingar

5.5 Responsibility, authority and communication

5.5.1 Responsibility and authority Overall responsibilities and authorities within the organisation are defined in  VR 2.01 Stjórnskipulag og starfslýsingar and in the  organisation diagram FR 2.01 Skipurit

5.5.2 Management representative As per VR 2.02 Almenn gæðastjórnun og Rýni stjórnenda, the Top management has appointed a Quality Management Council (Gæðastjórn) headed by a Quality Manager. The Quality Management Council comprises Gísli Eymarsson Jón Smári Sigurðsson Lars Peter Jensen – Quality Manager

5.5.3 Internal communication The internal lines of communication in the organization are as illustrated in FR 2.01 Skipurit and the communication regarding the effectiveness of the quality management system is formally conducted through the annual staff meeting as explained in VR 2.02 Almenn Gæðastjórnun og Rýni stjórnenda.


5.6 Management review

5.6.1 General As per VR 2.02 Almenn gæðastjórn og Rýni stjórnenda, a Management Review is conducted at the beginning of each year, or more frequently if deemed necessary, with a set agenda. The minutes of meeting are recorded.

5.6.2 Review input As per VR 2.02 Almenn gæðastjórn og Rýni stjórnenda the agenda for the annual Management Review includes the following: a. Follow-up from previous management reviews b. Results of audits c. Customer feed-back - questionnaires d. Process performance and product conformity e. Status of preventive and corrective actions f. Changes that could affect the quality management system g. Recommendations for improvements h. Supplier evaluation i. Training j. Risk assessment (8.5.3) k. Review of policy

5.6.3 Review output As per VR 2.02 includes a. b. c.

Almenn gæðastjórn og Rýni stjórnenda the output from the management review Improvements to the quality management system and the processes Improvements of products Resource requirements

6. Resource management 6.1 Provision of resources As per VR 1.02 Gæðastefna resources will be provided by the Top Management for implementing the quality management system and for enancing customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements.


6.2 Human resources

6.2.1 General As per VR 1.02 Gæðastefna the staff of the company shall be given the necessary training to perform their work.

6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training As per VR 10.01 Simenntun starfsmanna the organization shall a. Determine the necessary competences necessary for staff performing tasks which can affect the quality of the products b. Provide the necessary training to achieve this competence c. Evaluate the efectiveness of the training provided d. Ensure that the staff are aware of how important is their performance to the quality of the products e. Maintain records/certificates of education, training, skills and experience of each staff member

6.3 Infrastructure Infrastructure needed for product realization and conformity with requirements include buildings, process equipment and supporting services such as transport and communication as per VR 2.01 Almenn gæðastjórn og Rýni stjórnenda.

6.4 Work environment It is a stated objective of the company (VR 1.02 Gæðastefna and VR 1.04 Umhverfis og öryggisstefna) that work environment is an integral part of the quality managemant system.


7 Product realization 7.1 Planning of product realization Product realization is the result of planning and developing the processes illustrated again in FR 02.02 Samverkan höfuðferla


7.2 Customer-related processes

7.2.1 Determination of requirements related to the product Type of product requirement As specified by Customer

What is determined Properties of finished product

Where specified in Handbook VR 8.01 VR 9.02

As necessary for correct, specified or intended use of product

Wishes, demands concerning delivery, Price, schedule etc

VR 4.01, VR 4.02, VR 4.03

Properties of constituent materials

VR 9.01 VR 9.05 VR 6.03

As required by regulations

Production methods including health, safety and environment concerns

VR 9.04 VR 8.01, VR 8.02, VR 8.03 VR 7.03 VR 1.05

Additional requirements

Specifications and standards required for CE marking and Factory Production Control

VR 7.01 & VR 7.02

Title + Framkvæmdir Malbikun + Skoðun og prófun við framleiðsla + Sölu og markaðsmál

+ Móttökueftirlit steinefna + Móttökueftirlit stungubiks + Innkaup og móttaka á hráefnum + Skoðun og prófun við framkvæmdir + Framkvæmdir Malbikun, jarðvinna, viðgerðir + Framleiðsla á bikþeytu... Umhverfis og öryggismarkmið

+ Framleiðsla malbiks


7.2.2 Review of requirements related to the product What is reviewed Product requirements defined Changed requirements


Contract conditions

Where specified in Handbook VR 4.01


VR 4.01

+Fyrirspurnir og tiboðsgerð +Samningsrýni og rýni viðskiptamanna Samningsrýni og rýni viðskiptamanna Samningsrýni og rýni viðskiptamanna

VR 4.02 Organization

Own capabilities

VR 4.02


Customer financial capabilities

VR 4.02

Fyrirspurnir og tiboðsgerð

Results of reviews conducted are handled as follows: What is stored



Printed and stored in Navision financial Printed and stored with Head of Department Reviewed and stored in Navision financial system


Customer balance of payments

Reference in Handbook VR 4.01 VR 4.02

VR 4.02

Title Fyrirspurnir og tiboðsgerð Samningsrýni og rýni viðskiptamanna Samningsrýni og rýni viðskiptamanna

The flow chart FR 4.03 illustrates the process



Any changes to the requirements, timing or specifications are confirmed to the Customer before product realization and communicated internally through use of the Work plan (EB 08.01.02 Verkáætlun)

7.2.3 Customer communication What communicated Product information

Enquiries, contracts, order handling including amendments

Customer feed-back including complaints

How / where described in Quality Handbook Price list / list of products and Quotations VR 4.04 Home page www.colas.is VR 4.01 VR 4.02

Complaints and Feed-back VR 3.05 VR 3.07

Title Reikningagerð

Fyrirspurnir og tilboðsgerð Samningsrýni og rýni viðskiptamanna

Ábendingar og kvartanir Meðferð frábrigða

7.3 Design and development The design and development process in the company is described in VR 5.01 Vöruþróun and can be summarised by the flow diagram FR 5.01 Þróunarferli.



7.4 Purchasing

7.4.1 Purchasing process The requirements concerning the purchasing process in the company are defined in the workprocedures as follows: What activity Purchasing of spareparts, consumables and services Purchasing of services from sub-contractors and suppliers Purchasing of new investments Purchasing of raw materials

Where defined in Quality Handbook VR 6.01 Innkaup á varahlutum, rekstrarvörum og þjónustu VR 6.02 Undirverktakar við framkvæmdir VR 6.03 Nýfjárfestingar VR 6.04 Innkaup og móttaka á hráefnum

The general process can be illustated by the flow chart (FR 06.01 Innkaupaferli)


7.5 Production and service provision Production and service provision mainly comprises the following in Hlaðbær Colas     

Production of various types of Asphalt for private and public customers Paving of asphalt for private and public customers Maintenance of existing pavements Preparation works /base course ahead of asphalt pavements Sale of aggregates

7.5.1 Control of production and service provision Production and service provision is planned and carried out under controlled conditions as described in work instructions (verklagsreglur) in the Quality Handbook. The main criteria for this to function are as indicated below: Main criteria Availability of information describing the products Availability of work instructions

Example of where described VR 9.03 Gerð og breyting uppskrifta

Availability and use of monitoring and measuring devices

VR 9.06 Stýring vöktunar –og mælitæki

Use of suitable equipment

VR 7.01 Framleiðsla malbiks VR 12.01 Fyrirbyggjandi viðhald VR 9.02 Skoðun og prófun við framleiðslu, lokaskoðun og lokaprófun vöru VR 9.04 Skoðun og prófun við framkvæmdir VR 9.02 Skoðun og prófun við framleiðslu, lokaskoðun og lokaprófun vöru VR 9.04 Skoðun og prófun við framkvæmdir

Implementation of monitoring and measurement

Implementation of delivery and post-delivery activities

VR 3.01 Lýsing á uppbýggingu kerfisins


7.5.2 Validation of processes for production and service provision The processes for production and service provision are validated through quality control and monitoring during production and service provision.. This is for example described in VR 8.01 Malbikun (Undirbúningur fyrir útlögn og mat á aðstæðum á verkstað & Vinna við útlögn) for the paving process, the preparations and execution. When deficiencies become apparent after delivery, the relevant process for dealing with nonconformities is described in VR 3.07 Meðferð frábrigða. The main validation processes are illustrated as follows: Process Example of where described Criteria for review and approval of the VR 3.06 Úrbætur processes VR 3.09 Forvarnir Approval of equipment and qualification of VR 8.01 Mabikun (Undirbúningur fyrir útlögn og personnel mat á aðstæðum á verkstað) Use of specific methods and procedures VR 3.01 Lýsing á uppbýggingu kerfisins VR 7.01 Framleiðslu malbiks & VR 8.01 Mabikun Requirements for records VR 3.04 Skrár Revalidation VR 3.06 Úrbætur VR 3.09 Forvarnir

7.5.3 Identification and traceability The product is identified by its product number throughout product realization from ordering to delivery and for quality control purposes. The product can be traced by its product identification number and date of production. Relevant references in the Quality Handbook are for example • Day-reports (dagsskýrslur) as described in  VR 7.01 Framleiðslu malbiks,  VR 8.01 Malbikun  Recipes (uppskriftar)  VR 9.03 Gerð og breyting uppskrifta

7.5.4 Customer property Customer property used in the company´s operations would most likely be intellectual property like • Drawings and designs • Personal information like names, titles and contact details including telephone numbers The safeguarding of these is described in VR 3.04 Skár (Records) as required under 4.2.4 Control of Records.

7.5.5 Preservation of product During production / product realization the product and its constituent parts are handled, packed, stored and protected to preserve the conformity of the end product. Relevant references in the Quality Handbook are for example  Receipt of bitumen VR 9.05 Móttökueftirlit stungubiks  Procurement and receipt of raw materials VR 6.04 Innkaup og móttaka á hráefnum  Asphalt production and paving VR 7.01 Framleiðslu malbiks and VR 8.01 Malbikun. This for example includes:



Ensuring correct material in silos, covering of finished material in trucks, ensuring correct temperature and other precautions during paving (GL 8.01-4 Útlögn malbiks)

7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring devices The monitoring and measurement to be undertaken is described mainly in  Receipt of aggregates VR 9.01 Móttökueftirlit steinefna  Monitoring and measurement during and after production o VR 9.02 Skoðun og prófun við framleiðslu, lokaskoðun og lokaprófun vöru o VR 9.04 Skoðun og prófun við framkvæmdir The contol including calibration of measuring and control equipment is described in  VR 9.06 Stýring vöktunar –og mælitæki.


8 Measurement, analysis and improvement 8.1 General The processes listed in the table are continuously • Monitored • Measured • Analysed • Improved

Process Demonstate conformity of the products

Ensure conformity of the quality management system Continually improve effectiveness of the quality management system

Examples of where referred to in Quality Handbook VR 9.02 Skoðun og prófun við framleiðslu, lokaskoðun og lokaprófun VR 9.04 Skoðun og prófun við framkvæmdir VR 2.02 Amenn gæðastjórnun og Rýni stjórnenda


VR 2.02 Amenn gæðastjórnun og Rýni stjórnenda

The annual review of the quality management system includes assessment on how and what improvements are required Quality objectives are held up against results of performance statistics Procedures for implementing improvements

VR 1.03 Gæðamarkmið VR 3.06 Úrbætur

Tests and inspections to verify properties and characteristics of products during and after production

The annual review includes an assessment of the conformity of the system

8.2 Monitoring and measurement

8.2.1 Customer satisfaction Information concerning customer satisfaction is monitored every two years through a customer survey (viðhorfskönnun) as described in VR 1.03 Gæðamarkmið. Additional means of obtaining information from customers are described in VR 3.05 Ábendingar og kvartanir – describes handling of complaints or other service issues from customers

8.2.2 Internal audit At planned intervals internal audits are conducted to assess the proper functioning of the quality management system. VR 3.03 Innri úttektir (Internal audits) describes the internal audits and responsibilities in terms of follow-up actions and their verification.


8.2.3 Monitoring and measurement of processes The monitoring and measurement of the processes of the quality management system takes place through the processes: • • • •


3.03 3.07 3.06 3.09

Innri úttektir – Meðferð frábrigða – Úrbætur – Forvarnir –

internal audits handling of non-conformities corrective action preventive action

8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product The characteristics of the product are monitored at planned intervals to ensure requirement are met. The tests, characteristics and intervals are described in the handbook as follows: • •

VR 9.02 Skoðun og prófun við framleiðslu, okaskoðun og lokaprófun vöru VR 9.04 Skoðun og prófun við framkvæmdir

8.3 Control of non-conforming product The procedure VR 3.07 Meðferð frábrigða (handling of non-conformities) describes how products which do not conform to product requirements are identified and controlled.

8.4 Analysis of data MHC shall determine, collect and analyze appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the quality management system and to evaluate where improvements are relevant.


Analysis of data is described in the quality handbook as illustrated by the following examples of references What is analysed Customer satisfaction

Example of reference in the handbook VR 1.03 Gæðamarkmið

Conformity to product requirements

VR 9.01 Móttökueftirlit steinefna

Explanation Collection and analysis of data from customer complaints and surveys Incoming quality control of raw materials (aggregates)

VR 9.02 Skoðun og prófun við framleiðslu, lokaskoðun og lokaprófun vöru

Quality control during production and collection and analysis of data wit reference to specifications

VR 9.03 Gerð og breyting uppskrifta

Reaction to collected data may call for new/revised recipes

VR 9.04 Skoðun og prófun við framkvæmdir

Quality contrl during and after paving, including collection and analysis of data (eg core samples) with reference to specifications

VR 9.05 Móttökueftirlit stungubiks

Incoming quality control of raw materials (binder)

Characteristics of trends and possible preventive actions

VR 1.03 Gæðamarkmið VR 3.09 Forvarnir


VR 6.01 Innkaup á varahlutum, rekstrarvörum og þjónustu VR 6.02 Undirverktakar við framkvæmdir VR 6.03 Nýfjárfestingar VR 6.04 Inkaup og móttaka á hráefnum

Statistics analysed Preventive actions eg as a result of inernal audits Suppliers are evaluated against specified criteria


8.5 Improvement

8.5.1 Continual improvement The effectiveness of the quality a) Quality policy b) Quality Objectives c) Audit results d) Analysis of data e) Corrective action f) Preventive action g) Management review

management system is continuously improved through the use of (VR 1.02 Gæðastefna) (VR 1.03 Gæðamarkmið) (VR 3.03 Innri úttektir) (refer above table) (VR 3.06 Úrbætur) (VR 3.09 Forvarnir) (VR 2.02 Almenn gæðastjórnun og Rýni stjórnenda)

8.5.2 Corrective action The procedure for handling corrective action is described in VR 3.06 Úbætur and contains requirements concerning a) b) c) d) e) f)

Reviewing non-conformities Determining the cause of non-conformities Evaluating the need for action to ensure that non-conformities do not recur Determining and implementing the actions needed Records of the results of action taken Reviewing the corrective action taken

8.5.3 Preventive action The procedure for determining the actions needed to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities and prevent their occurrence is described in VR 3.09 Forvarnir and contains requirements concerning a) Determination of potential non-conformities b) Evaluation of the need for preventive action c) Determination and implementation of actions required d) Records of results e) Review of preventive actions


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