1 minute read

“Meat” The

Sebastian Villalobos is the self-proclaimed leader of the magazine, he is a student at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy. Apart from attending school, he enjoys playing basketball in his free time and playing FIFA with his friends after finishing his homework. He has made it clear that one of his favorite hobbies is going out thrifting with friends during the weekend. Something interesting about him is that whenever he is done with his education he would love to dedicate part-time to reselling vintage clothing, and maybe even starting his own reselling business.

Devin Feliciano, one of the four editors of the Texas Pit, is a freshman at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy. He usually spends his free time drawing and listening to music simultaneously, he said it gives him more of a soothing and calming experience when he is severely indulged in the lyrics of the songs. He religiously looks up to moving away from his parents and starting a dream of his own, yet he has no clue of what he wants to do and how he is gonna achieve his dream. One interesting thing you should know about Devin is that he loves answering spam calls and answering with, “ This is Dominos, what can I get you?”.


Devin Fe liciano

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