ParentNewsletter The La Salle
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Mid-term grades went home last month and many students are continuing to perform admirably. I am always happy to applaud and congratulate academic success. On the other hand, some of the grades indicated the presence of academic concerns, maybe even some laziness. Let me remind all that the school year is not over and that academic diligence must be maintained. I encourage parents to maintain their vigilance by a regular review process of grades through our on-line PowerSchool protocol. As I indicated in my recent letter to the parents of seniors, this is an especially important time for senior parents to stay alert and watchful as Commencement ceremonies are less than two months away and participation in graduation events and the receiving of a diploma must be earned.
Class of 2019 On a beautiful Saturday morning in early March, we welcomed our incoming Class of 2019 and their families to our community. As of this ParentNewsletter, these new Lasallians will be receiving all of the normal communications that we send to our current families, so, I also welcome the parents of the Class of 2019 to our monthly Newsletter community. It is always a pleasure to greet those young men and women who wish to be a part of this school community. I look forward to our time together knowing that it will move quickly. I am pleased to note that mothers, fathers and families are still willing to sacrifice economically in order that their children may receive a Catholic Lasallian education. My thanks to all within our community who were involved in the Admissions process for their diligence and thoughtful work.
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The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "Take Saint Paul's advice, 'Quit now the old self...that wasted its aim in false dreams' and ask God that you may 'be clothed in a new self'" Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703