ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
It was a memorable experience to welcome the students of the Class of ’16, and their families to our community at last month’s Registration Day. As of this Newsletter, these new Lasallians will be receiving all of the normal communications that we send to our current school families, so I also welcome the parents of the Class of ’16 to our monthly ParentNewsletter community. It was a pleasure to give a special welcome to those members of the Class who are continuing their family’s involvement and legacy at La Salle. As I have often said, it is especially gratifying when families with prior or current ties to the school continue to entrust their children to La Salle High School. Given the difficult economic times that many within our community are facing, I am most pleased to note that we met our target enrollment number of 170-175 students for the Class of ’16. My thanks to all within our community who were involved in the Admissions process for their diligence and thoughtful work. As you may remember from your own Registration Day experience, we have a tradition here of having the new students take a picture with the Principal and President of the
school. It has been fun to take part in this tradition for the last 17 years. I will certainly be at the Registration Day a year from now assisting with the process, but Br. Christopher will be the new face in the photo – he is taller and younger than me but I do have a few more strands of hair.
Christian Service Award On behalf of our school community, I congratulate seniors Claire McCarthy and Matthew Godshall for meriting the Los Angeles Archdiocesan High School Christian Service Award. They were presented this award last month by his Excellency, Archbishop Jose Gomez, at a special liturgy held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. At a school such as La Salle High School that encourages students to willingly participate in various service opportunities, it is especially hard to select a recipient for this annual award. Our Student Life Team selected Claire and Matthew from a large number of outstanding seniors and the Administration was pleased and honored to accept their choice. This yearly event is one that I most enjoy attending since it brings together students from all of the high schools within Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle
“By love and patience, win over the hearts of those whom you teach. This is one of the best ways of helping them to live Christian lives.” Meditations for Sundays and Feast Days Saint John Baptist de La Salle
APRIL 2012
Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
the Archdiocese around the central theme of honoring service. The providing of active and consistent service to and for those in need is at the very core of our Lasallian traditions as well as being at the very core of the “Good News” we received directly from Jesus.
CHECK La Salle Prom GUIDEline for May 4
Grades Sent Home Mid-term grades went home last month and for some the grades indicated severe academic difficulties. Let me remind all that the school year is far from over and academic diligence must be maintained. I encourage parents to maintain their academic vigilance and maintain a regular review process of grades through our on-line PowerGrade protocol. As I indicated in the recent letter parents of Seniors received from me, this is especially a time for Senior parents to stay alert and watchfull– Commencement ceremonies are still months away and participation in graduation events and the receiving of a diploma must be earned.
Important Parent Presentation Dr. Susan Keens wrote an excellent article in last month’s ParentNewsletter titled “What is Bullycide?” If for some reason you did not read it, I urge you to do so. Dr. Keens noted in her article that she has arranged for Dr. Stephanie Mihalas, a noted expert in the area of bullying, to give a parent presentation on April 24 at 7:00pm in our Blakeslee Library. I encourage you to attend.
Notes for the Prom All parents of students attending our Prom on May 4 need to take particular care regarding preand post-prom parties. The school continues its long practice of mandating that all prom attendees must travel on school chaperoned chartered buses. I also remind all prom parents that students may neither arrive nor depart from school in limousines of any kind. My years of experience with proms and similar events has made it clear to me that it is foolish to believe that limo drivers will regulate or monitor the use of alcohol or other drugs by students. Proms are an important aspect of the high school experience and I strongly encourage all students to attend their prom. An enjoyable and memorable time can be had by all, but know that any inappropriate behavior demonstrated by any student will not be accepted. On behalf of the school community, I wish all of our families a safe and enjoyable Easter Break. It is worth remembering that for our Lasallian Community, this time off from school is not just a “Spring Break” but it is the special time in the year where Christians around the world celebrate the living reality and presence of the Risen Lord. Have a Blessed Easter,
Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Principal
2012 Archdiocesan Christian Service Award This award was given on Tuesday, March 20 at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral. It is given annually to one or two students from each Catholic school in the Archdiocese. Claire McCarthy received the award for her volunteer work at Huntington Hospital for the past three years, as well as her excellent leadership of service projects at La Salle, including Catholic Schools Week, and Adopt-a-Family. Matt Godshall received the award for his participation in a mission trip with his church to Nicaragua to work with poor families and children. This trip changed Matt’s perspective on life. He is planning to go back in the future. Matt also works with youth groups and music ministry at the Church of the Nazarene. PAGE 2
APRIL 2012
From the Parent Association
Celebrate the Gifts Within To say the least, it’s been nothing short of a remarkable year so far. Considering the number of events taking place on and off campus and those that we’ve been fortunate enough to attend, we’ve witnessed a wondrous display of abilities unlike anything that one would reasonably expect. And yet, at the same time, it really shouldn’t come as any surprise, given what we’ve come to appreciate about La Salle and the character of its students over the years. For any parent that’s attended a play or musical performance, cheered in the stands for one of our many Lancer athletic teams or even traveled to a film, cheer, robotics or mock trial competition, you know what we’re talking about. Whatever the event, parents come with the desire to share in their child’s experience and be treated to a glimpse of what their life at La Salle is all about. But more importantly, it’s also an opportunity for the greater La Salle Community of Parents to marvel in the talents that every Lasallian son and daughter has the potential to discover and develop themselves. whether it was a theatrical performance, display of artistic abilities or academic and athletic prowess, these parents have been able to experience just a sampling of the multitude of gifts that the students of La Salle possess. While our focus has naturally been on our children, let’s not forget that we too have been blessed with our own talents, especially when it comes to the parenting of our children. While today’s social conditions have radically changed the face of parenting from that of our mother and father’s era with the advent of cell phones, iPads, video games and the internet, the simple fact is that certain elements of raising children remain constant that don’t change from one generation to the next. As Mike Patin so aptly stated at the evening parent presentation of Teen Issues Day, what kids really need today is to be reminded of our unconditional love for them, the importance of our involvement in what they do and the ability for us to render discipline when warranted. Only then will our children be provided with the internal framework that will allow them to truly discover their inner potential and develop their own unique talents into a world filled with infinite possibilities. Even though this belief may seem selfevident, putting it into daily practice is all-together
something quite different. And that’s where we draw upon our own values, beliefs and relationships that we have with our children. No amount of external “noise” can supplant the impact and influence that parents offer their children. Their ultimate success begins at home…it all comes from within the family community. With that being said, each parent has been blessed with their own unique talents to create opportunities for their children during these formative years. We ought never lose sight of these abilities and should always take time to celebrate the gifts within each of us that we’re so blessed to be able to readily share with our children. With April being our last general Parent Association meeting of the school year, there’s still quite a lot of business left to discuss. In addition to our regular list of agenda items, La Salle’s new principal, Brother Christopher Brady, NEXT will be joining us for a casual introduction Parent Association before we break for the year; this will be a Meeting: Tuesday, great opportunity for everyone to person- April 17, 7:45pm ally meet him. What makes this meeting so Blakeslee Library extraordinary is that we take this time to give thanks and special recognition to a group of parents who will be “graduating” in May Introducing Brother along with their children. These parents, Christopher Brady in particular, have provided outstanding support and volunteer service to the school Senior Parent Tribute above and beyond the call of duty during their time at La Salle. We look to honor these dedicated individuals as they move on to join the ranks of alumni parents. To add to the celebration, please join us afterwards for a festive, end-of-year party hosted by Dr. Gray and the Parent Association. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served. We hope to see all of you there. With much thanks for all of God’s blessings and unconditional gratitude for the entire La Salle Parent Community,
Carol and Brad Wright '73 Co-Presidents La Salle Parent Association PAGE 3
APRIL 2012
La Salle Matters Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
-First Amendment to the Constitution
La Salle students have a unique opportunity to observe constitutional history being made as the meaning of the First Amendment to the Constitution is debated by the Nation’s Catholic Bishops and the Federal Government. At issue is the interpretation of the term “religious institution” as it applies to the Affordable Care Act. The Department of Health & Human Services initially limited the meaning of the term to actual churches (as in Saint Rita Church o r Pa s a d e n a Na z a re n e Church) thus excluding institutions sponsored by a religious denomination (as in La Salle High School or the University of Notre Dame). The overwhelming outcry, largely - though not exclusively - by Catholic Bishops led the Government to modify its definition to include sponsored institutions. At issue was the federal mandate requiring employers to provide access to contraceptive and birth control services as part of their insurance policies. As most know this mandate - as initially articulated - would force Catholic institutions to violate Church teaching on the sanctity of life. The compromise language alleviated but did not eliminate all of the Church’s objections. Specifically, Church institutions would not be
required to provide free access to contraceptive services, but their insurance companies would be. While this debate may seem arcane and uninteresting to teenagers, the underlying issue who defines what a religious institution under the Constitution is - should be of interest to them. In the study of US History it is significant that first among the Bill of Rights is listed the freedom of worship, speech, the press and assembly. These were the source of the most egregious violations visited upon the colonists by the British crown; so our Nation’s Founders resolved to create their absolute protection early in the unfolding of the new constitutional framework. And, as any but the most casual students of history will know, the interpretation of what it means to worship, speak and assemble has been a 200 year effort. So, it is significant that HHS sought to narrowly define “religious institution” as a “church” and it is significant that the government was forced to broaden that definition to include church-sponsored institutions. But that is not the end of the debate. For almost a hundred years, the Supreme Court has been asked to resolve the thorny question as to what constitutes worship, speech, etc. And, it is entirely likely that it will be asked to do so with respect to the current debate as to what constitutes a “church.” Hidden in the debate is a question posed by the Government: To be considered a “church” must all of the people you serve be members? The initial ruling issued by HHS said “yes.” The Nation’s Bishops and others said “no.” At first glance, the Bishops’ position may seem La Salle Matters Continued on page 5
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Continued from page 4
contradictory. After all, in each election cycle we hear of individual Bishops criticizing Catholic politicians for straying from Church teaching, endangering their membership. However that practice is a judgment call not an institutional priority. The Church - bishops, priests and the faithful - are expected to respond to the Great Commission at the end of the Gospel of Matthew (Therefore go and make disciples of all nations) which implies that, in order for the Church to implement Jesus’ instruction, it must reach out to everyone not just baptized members. And it is in our response to the Great Commission that we see the crux of the conflict between the Bishops and the Government: who gets to determine what constitutes a “church?” The most eloquent articulation of the Catholic position in this debate was made by Archbishop James Hickey when he justified services to non-Catholics in the Archdiocese of Washington: “We serve the homeless not because they are Catholic, but because we are Catholic. If we don’t care for the sick, educate the young, care for the homeless, then we cannot call ourselves the church of Jesus Christ.” This position is echoed at La Salle where we consciously reach out to non-Catholics in response to our Board of Trustees who expects that up to 30% of the students we serve must come from other - or no - faith traditions. While the debate on what constitutes a “church” may seem arcane and uninteresting to our teenagers; its implications for constitutional history and our own Catholic identity ought to be of interest to everyone.
Richard Gray, Ph.D.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2012
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:
APRIL 2012
Saint Baldrick's Day
Julia Jacques, Kimberlyn Kelly and Vinny Degatto.
Mr. Ed O"Connor, Bridget Quiambo, Mr. Owen Hou.
On Thursday, March 22nd, La Salle High School hosted a fundraising event for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. Money raised for St. Baldrick’s is used to fund research projects dedicated to finding cures for childhood cancer. One aspect of La Salle’s mission statement calls students to “respond passionately to the needs of others” and, in orchestrating this event, senior Kimberlyn Kelly has done just that. After seeing other St. Baldrick’s events, Kelly tackled the challenge of bringing such an event to La Salle. She encouraged over 30 students and faculty members to be “shavees,” participants who pledge to raise money for St. Baldrick’s and shave their heads on stage during the event. In addition to recruiting participants from La Salle, Kelly also reached out to St. Francis High School, garnering an additional shavee. Between donations collected online and at the event, almost $6,000 was raised for the foundation. Far left, Bridget Quiambo. Left, David Magluyan.
APRIL 2012
The Generous Shavees
Austin Wallis feels the love.
The essance of St. Baldrick's Day.
Above, Paul Hoffman, Dean Brumm and Patrick Sullivan.
Thomas Faber. PAGE 7
APRIL 2012
From the Athletic Boosters
La Salle and Spring Sports"What Could be Better?" March has given way to April and La Salle sports are in full swing - all our teams are doing well in their respective leagues. Baseball is ranked as one of the best in the San Gabriel Valley. Our swim team members have already been qualifying with CIF times, track members are posting top ten La Salle performances every week and Girls Softball defeated their rival, Maranantha. I think it is safe to say that all of our sports teams have gotten off on the right foot.
The end of March saw two events tied to Athletics: first was a presentation by Anthony Harris to the Parent Association. Mr. Harris delivered a PowerPoint presentation with sports videos created by La Salle student, Matthew Seidner, that was inspiring and motivational. The presentation showed the importance of athletics in the life of our kids and school, as well as showing how successful a small school like ours has been in the 2011-2012 year. I enjoyed how two unrelated departments came together for the benefit of the school. Matthew Seidner did a fantastic job and needs to be commended for his work. Mr. Harris uses this tool for alumni events as well as presentations on behalf of La Salle Athletics, so you can see how important it is to La Salle. I think everyone in attendance was inspired. I have listed our athletes' accomplishments below for 2011-2012 year-to-date: 4 league Champions 3 league MVP Awards 43 All League Players 8 CIF Qualifying Teams (4 winter, 4 Fall) Cheer Squad Qualifying for Nationals 1 CIF Champion 1 CIF Finalist
1 All State and 3 All CIF players 1 Coach of the Year 1 State Finalist-3rd Overall Division IV 1 State Quarter Finalist 4 Division 1 Scholarships The “Parent Like a Champion” event, sponsored by Notre Dame University, was a huge success. The presentation speaker, Mr. Oscar McBride, presented a very compelling argument on how we should relate to our kids and their sports. Winning is important; however, it is not everything. Our high school sports should be about striving to be the best you can be, at whatever level that is. We, as parents, need to work with our coaches to assure our athletes are getting the most out of their experience. Coaches and parents can achieve this by providing positive support for their student athletes and their accomplishments. The athletes who do or do not have a chance at a collegiate career will always remember the experience with their friends at La Salle regardless of what happens after graduation. It is our job as parents, together with the coaches, to make this happen. La Salle sports should be about striving for excellence in a positive, nurturing environment provided first by the parents, then by the coaches and administration. The speech was laced with humor directed at parents and our behavior. Mr. McBride gave many humorous anecdotes on how we act towards our kids and officials; I think everyone there could relate to being “This Parent” at one time or another. I was glad we could host this event and I think it should be mandatory every year, for our new parents as well as veterans of La Salle sports. It helps keep things in perspective. On the Booster Board front, I have the pleasure of announcing that Lisette MolinaMoreno has agreed to take the position of Parent Spring Sports
Continued on page 9
APRIL 2012
Bonacci Throws First Pitch
Lancers Begin League Play with 14-0 Win
Principal, Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, threw out the first pitch to start the league season for the baseball team. The Lancers rolled over St. Monica High School with a 14-0 crusher in their Del Rey League opener, at Lancer Diamond. La Salle hitters Nick Brown and Bowdein “Bubba” Derby each hit a home run for the team, while pitcher Austin Wallis threw magic from the mound, and is pictured above. Spring Sports Continuedf rom page 8
Team Coordinator for 2012-2013 year. The Board would like to welcome her to her new position. She will be taking over for Mary Anne Cross, who has dedicated three years to our Board. I can’t tell you how lucky La Salle is to replace one excellent parent with another. We still have 2 positions open: Treasurer and Gym Sports Operations. If you are interested in finding out what they are about, please contact me at The board is great place to meet many parents and make new friends. April’s Parent Association meeting will also be a time to say thank you to parents who have helped the Athletic teams during their time
at La Salle. The Parents receiving this recognition no longer will have students at La Salle and are leaving our school. We want to take a moment at the Parent's Association meeting and to let them know how much they mean to us. As always, please check the La Salle Sports website for games and times. God Bless, John D. Cina Athletic Boosters President
SAVE THE DATE MAY 23, 2012 All Sports Athletic Banquet 6:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium PAGE 9
APRIL 2012
From Guidance and Counseling
Miles to Go Drug Education By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
In March, all freshmen, sophomore and seniors attended the spring session of the Miles to Go Drug Education program. Freshmen and sophomore students learned about the impact of alcohol and marijuana on the brain and behavior. Mr. Scott gave your students information about the relationship between the amount of alcohol consumed by percentage of the alcohol in the drink and its impact on behavior and judgment. He addressed the consequent level of intoxication and how long it takes to return to sobriety. He spoke about the differences between male and female rates of alcohol metabolism and gave your students a ‘template’ to use in order to judge the levels of intoxication of other students when they are drinking during a party. Mr. Scott explained that a ‘no fault 911 call’ is dialing 911 when a peer becomes unconscious or looks as if they are ‘sleeping it off’ after heavy drinking. There is no negative consequence for the student who calls 911 in this situation. Heavy drinking to the point of passing out or falling asleep while very intoxicated can lead to death when peers don’t recognize how lethal this can be. The courage required to make that call was also discussed. Our senior students finished their program with a powerful presentation focused on going to college and their choices about drug and alcohol use and abuse. Students learned facts that related current drug and alcohol use as predictors of college freshmen use. Mr. Scott spoke about the relationship between college alcohol abuse and the decrements in the GPA. He enumerated some of the legal risks for felony charges as an adult associated with alcohol and drug abuse. These include incidents of physical assault, property damage and sex related crimes such as acquaintance rape while under the influence or intoxicated. Felony charges are associated with crimes such as acquaintance rape. He reminded them that driving while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol that results in a fatal collision will probably result in imprisonment. The often cited ‘fact’ that marijuana does not result in death is clearly untrue when a person driving while ‘stoned’ can cause death to self or others. Mr. Scott emphasized that your students have the power to prevent these tragedies by choosing to stop any existing drug and/or alcohol use and abuse now. A recent survey was administered to respected university and college presidents by the National Association of Independent Schools. Alcohol use and abuse were reported to be the major incoming freshmen problem. Mr. Scott discussed the initial ‘six week abstinence’ fact for college freshmen. Students who refrain from alcohol use during the first six weeks of college have a higher success rate for successfully completing college. Those who drink during those
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Milkes to Go Continued from page 10
first six weeks are at increased risk for dropping out of college by the end of the year. Six weeks falls approximately at Thanksgiving, when students who are already abusing alcohol or may be alcoholics, may not return to college because they are already failing their classes. These important facts were given to your seniors as something to consider before going to college. Hopefully, as Mr. Scott stated, they are the facts that will remind your students that they have a choice to change any current drug and/or alcohol abuse now. A student or parent at La Salle High School who proactively seeks help for alcohol or drug abuse and, before being identified by the Interquest drug dog, is helped to find treatment and expected to participate in the program referrals given by the school. That student is not expelled unless they refuse to participate in treatment. Your college freshman’s awareness of feelings of anxiety and depression is extremely important to their emotional well-being. One essential piece of information for all college bound seniors is to know where the college student health center is located. There is help at the college student health center. They provide licensed therapists who support and offer services for a range of problems during the freshman year, as part of the tuition. Social- emotional well-being can be upset by unexpected separation anxiety due to leaving home, adjustment to college academics, roommates and making friends. The awareness of symptoms of anxiety and depression is extremely important to your student’s emotional well-being. Treatment for these symptoms is provided at the college student health center. Unfortunately, one barrier to seeking help is the stigma associated with mental health services. Please encourage your college bound seniors to seek the help they may need during their college careers. More students arrive at college today with more emotional symptoms and illnesses than when their parents attended college. These students were not identified during high school and did not receive help. The most important proactive message that I can relay to you is that there is emotional support available for all of our La Salle High School students. I am the fulltime clinical and school psychologist and that is what I provide for your students. Parents and students can reach me by calling 626.696.4390 and leaving a confidential voice message. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your concerns.
The Dean’s Corner
Emergency Forms: Emergency forms will be sent to you during the second week of May. Please remember to make sure that the preprinted information is correct. Fill out both sides of the form completely; please print for legibility.
The completed forms are due before the end of school, June 6th. Your son/daughter will not receive their class schedule for the school year of 2012/2013 until the form has been turned in. Without the schedule, you will not be able to purchase the books needed for the classes. Please turn in the completed form by the deadline. Thank you for your diligence in completing the Emergency form. PAGE 11
APRIL 2012
The Crystal Ball Hawai'i Drawing is Better Than Ever! GREAT ODDS TO WIN
When you purchase tickets for this year’s drawing, you have multiple chances to win! And to make it even better - you do NOT have to be present to win! Every ticket you purchase gives you a chance to win one of the prizes.
Maui Getaway for Two Your Pleasant Holidays Vacation for two to Maui includes 8 days / 7 nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort with round trip airfare and $500 credit to selected resort restaurants. Maui Vaction is made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation
Family 4-pack of Disney Park Hopper Passes iPad 2
Visit the La Salle website, click on the 2012 Crystal Ball link to purchase tickets.
Experience the Crystal Ball as a Volunteer We need volunteers to work the day and night of the event. This is a great way to earn service hours as some of the positions and shifts offer double or even triple hours credit! For additional volunteer information, please contact Becky Bickel at 626.355.4005 or PAGE 12
Bootleggers, Last Call!
APRIL2012 2012 APRIL
You will enjoy a magical evening including cocktails, dinner, dancing, as well as live and silent auctions, a prize-filled opportunity drawing, and a special award presentation honoring our Principal, Pat Bonacci, AFSC, P’94, ’97, selected as the recipient of the 2012 Lasallian Award. Thank you to everyone who has already generously donated to the Crystal Ball. We still need your help and there are many ways you can participate. For additional information regarding the Crystal Ball, please visit the La Salle website and click on the Crystal Ball link or feel free to contact the Event Chair, Tess Crabtree at or 626.355.3737.
Bonacci Vinyards Commemorative Wine See the flyer attached to order your bottle or case of very special select 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon. Just $35 per bottle. To order call Donna Rey at 626.890.4037 or
APRIL 2012
The Bootleggers Ball Live Auction Fabulous Newport Beach Oceanfront Home
Prime Location! Prime Time!
If you love Newport Beach, you will love this oceanfront home. Enjoy a one-week stay at this charming Cape Cod-style, two-story home with 5 bedrooms, (sleeps 8), 2 1/2 baths, formal dining room, spacious living room with bay window, hot/cold outdoor shower, and parking for 3 cars. The home features a beautiful front deck looking out at the gorgeous blue Pacific. Ideally situated on Balboa Peninsula boardwalk directly between the Newport and Balboa piers. Available 8/48/11/12. Great family vacation.
Be there for the Grand Finale of American Idol. These “impossible-to-get” tickets are for May 29, 2012 at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. Since it’s an early start time in the afternoon, wrap up your evening with a spectacular meal at Morton’s with a $250 gift certificate.
PAT BONACCI’S FAREWELL DINNER Join us for a once in a lifetime opportunity - say Farewell to Pat Bonacci at an intimate dinner party at the San Antonio Winery on Saturday June 9, 2012. You’ll enjoy a private tour of the winery, a tasting in the Aging Room, followed by a spectacular four-course meal. This package is limited to the first 15 couples who raise their paddles. Bid: $500 per couple.
This fabulous trip to the 2013 Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club includes 2 Masters Badges with Hospitality Suite access, full open bar and meals. Winner will choose between Friday 4/12/13, Saturday 4/13/13 or Sunday 4/14/13. The lucky winner captures the coveted “toughest tickets in sports to get.” This trip also includes two night hotel accommodations. PAGE 14
APRIL 2012
SIX NIGHT SOUTH AFRICAN SAFARI FOR TWO Enjoy six nights in luxury Hemingway-style tents, at the Heritage Safari Lodge or Zulu Nyala Game Lodge. Package includes three meals per day and two daily open Land Rover game drives with guides. Experience and photograph elephants, rhinos, leopards, giraffes, hippos, zebras and many more wild animals up close. Note: Airfare, transfers, side trips, or excursions are not included.
Ring in 2013 with a VIP Private Tour of the floats, and head off to four seats in the lower section of the grandstands right where the action and TV cameras are. These seats are not sold to the public. Finally, proceed to a VIP Tailgate Party to watch your favorite team play in the Rose Bowl Game. This package also includes all day parking.
A new twist to an old favorite! Not only do you get to enjoy an evening at Dr. Gray’s home, you’ll get to know our new Principal, Brother Chris too. This luxurious luau is planned for Saturday, September 8, 2012 and will include cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, a fabulous dinner and a unique opportunity to spend time with Dr. Gray and Brother Chris in Dr. Gray’s enchanting garden. This event is limited to 15 couples. Bids will be accepted at $1,000 per couple.
STAPLES CENTER LUXURY SUITE Select one of five Lakers’ 2012-2013 season home games. You’ll enjoy a VIP evening for 12 people including food, wine, beer, soft drinks and even the famous dessert cart in a Lakers private luxury suite.
BEAUTIFUL PONTE VEDRA BEACH OCEANFRONT CONDO IN FLORIDA Enjoy this luxurious, newly renovated, three bedroom, two bath, beachfront condominium (sleeps 6) with an unobstructed view of the white sand beach and Atlantic Ocean. This condo is adjacent to The Ponte Vedra Inn and Club, a world-class 5 diamond resort. Ponte Vedra Beach is perfect for walking, surfing, sunbathing, biking, sailing, kayaking, fishing, swimming, snorkeling, diving, and relaxing, and just minutes from Sawgrass Country Club and the PGA Tournament Players Club. Golf can be arranged.
If you have a 2013 Graduate, this package is for YOU! Get VIP Student Parking in the coveted LOWER LOT, 13 Reserved FRONT ROW seats at Graduation, and a Graduation Party for 75 of your child’s closest friends to be catered by Casa Del Rey! PAGE 15
APRIL 2012
From left, Raymond Joubran, Mike Stoddard P'07, '10, '12, Pam Gripp P'06, '08, '11, Beth Dorr P'09, Patty Stoddard P'07, '10, '12, Greta Andre P'16 and Tom Andre P'16.
The Alumni Association hosted the first ever Taste of La Salle on March 24th. Over 250 guests tempted their taste buds with delicious food from the 29 participating restaurants and beverage vendors. The Opportunity Drawing drew a lot of interest with Brian Doerning '81 winning the 12 bottles of wine and pasta making basket. Giselle Figueroa '07 won the “Tools for a Top Chef” basket and Grace LaFanchi won the highly coveted “Eat Out For a Year” basket which included more than $1,000 worth of gift cards to local eateries. The event netted over $7,000 to establish the Alumni Scholarship Fund for a graduating senior. This scholarship program will be put into place during the 2012-2013 school year. Many thanks to all of our sponsors, vendors and volunteers for making this first time event such a success. It seems we have established a new tradition at La Salle.
Jane Greenstreet P’09, ‘14, Leona Villalobos, Devin Mostoufi, Stacey Birkholz, and Diana Breda P’10, ’12, ’14. Right, guests enjoying tastes from El Portal.
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Nance Eason, Jean Matakovich & Sue Behrens enjoying tequila tastes from Clase Azul.
Guest enjoying tastes from Sterling Cuisine (Chef, Steven Marshall ’96)
Chris Iglesias ’05, Brett Weigand ’05, Chris Victor ’05, Melissa Tavera ’05, Matt Jones ’05.
Top right, Chef Claud Beltran and his tasting table for Noir Food & Wine Middle, Ellen and Tom Hoffman, P’12, ’14 and Roccoc ’73 and Mary Jo Sanello, P’01, ’04. Bottom right, D’Arcy & Craig Sloane P’09, ’11, ’13 and Chef John Angelopulos from Altadena Town & Country Club.
APRIL 2012
From the Arts Boosters
La Salle Film Festival Awards On Saturday, March 17, the7th Annual La Salle Film Festival unspooled in the Linda Grinstead Theater. Master of Ceremonies, James Pearman, introduced 26 films to a packed audience and a distinguished panel of industry judges. Three awards were originally scheduled to be presented, but the standard of the entries was so high that the judges insisted that four films be honored.
Winner in the Animation category was “Ballmation” by Stephanie Delazeri. The three “Sally” recipients in the Drama and Comedy category were Mechi Lakatos for “Lucidity”, Matt Seidner for “Moving” and Joaquin Barlow and Jordan Marks for “Lightpost.” Emily Paluch also received praise from the judges for the range exhibited by her entries. Panellist Denny Dugally, Production Designer on the television show “GCB”, last judged at the LSFF five years ago. She expressed delight at the huge improvement in quality present in this year’s films. “These guys”, she said of the winners, “all have bright futures ahead of them in the industry”.
“Robber Bridegroom” Unmasked The La Salle Visual and Performing Arts Department presents its Spring Musical, “The Robber Bridegroom,” a rousing Southern fairy tale set in 18th century Mississippi. With book and lyrics by Alfred Uhry and music by Robert Waldman, “The Robber Bridegroom" weaves a story of double-mistaken identity, an evil stepmother, her peabrained henchman and a talking head-in-a-trunk into a rollicking country romp. Parent volunteer opportunities abound. We need parents to assist with providing meals and snacks for the cast and crew during rehearsals after school and between the matinee and evening performances. Parents are also needed to work during the two-weekend run at the concessions tables or by donating cookies and beverages for the audience. To earn those last volunteer hours, sign up on the Parent Volunteer website. Performance dates and times are April 21 at 7:00pm, April 22 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm, April 28 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm, and April 29 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm, all in the Linda M. Grinstead Theater. For reservations, call the La Salle Box Office at 626.696.4415. Be sure to claim your reservation 30 minutes before curtain time, or your seat may be reassigned. PAGE 18
APRIL 2012
Matthew Rolan Earns Eagle Rank
Matthew Rolán ’14 recently earned the rank of Eagle Scout in San Gabriel Troop 266. As a very active and well respected scout, Matthew has served in several leadership roles including Historian, Den Chief, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Instructor and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. He was selected to attend the National Youth Leadership Training Program which helped him to later lead his patrol to earn the National Honor Patrol Award along with several “Presidential” awards at Boy Scout Patrol competitions. Matthew has also earned more than three times the number of merit badges required for Eagle along with the Religious Emblem Award. He has enjoyed many of the experiences provided through Scouting including backpacking for ten days through Philmont High Adventure Camp in New Mexico, white water rafting, cycling 100 miles along the coast and many other adventures and accomplishments. Matthew’s Eagle Scout service project involved planning and leading a group of adults and youth to improve the facilities at Crystal Lake Campgrounds north of Azusa which had been damaged by forest fire. His project resulted in improvements to the visitors' center and several camp sites. At La Salle, Matthew has been on the Honor Roll since he started as a freshman. As an accomplished musician, he also enjoys participating in the La Salle jazz and pep bands.
Spring Cleaning Time If your student does not want to wait in line to resell their used uniforms on the last day of school, you can still clear that closet and donate their uniforms which will then be resold to La Salle students during the summer. Just place good quality polo or dress shirts, pants, skirts, sweatshirts, spirit or gym clothes in the Used Uniform box in the La Salle Reception Lobby starting April 16th. The Used Uniform sale is a project of the Academic Boosters and all proceeds fund the wish lists of La Salle’s teachers. Questions? Call Chris Lynch at 626.914.4828.or e-mail
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APRIL 2012
Delazeri and Gardner National Gold Medal Winners By Vicki Paluch, Arts Boosters
To See Stephanie's FILMS Go to the Arts website
Page 20
Two exceptional La Salle art students have had to be named regional Gold Key or Silver Key been named National Gold Medal recipients in the winners or Gold Key and American Visions nomi2012 National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, nees. This year’s competition attracted 200,000 the country's longest-running and most prestigious submissions in 28 categories of art and writing. program for creative teenagers. Thirteen students received gold, silver or Jessica Gardner ’12, a student in Ms. Ellen honorable mention awards for their art work in Slatkins AP Art class, garnered a gold medal for the regional competition. The regional Gold Key her painting, “Untitled” and Stephanie Delazeri winners included Katrina Dela Cruz, Stephanie ’13 received her gold medal for her animated Delazeri, Jessica Gardner, Shannon McCauley, and Sheyda Pejoumand. film, “Ballmation.” They Regional Gold Key and are among the more than American Visions Nomi1,600 students nationwide nee was Amelia Garrison. selected to receive national Regional Silver Key winners medals. All of the recipients were Miles Brenninkmeijer and their teachers have Jessica Gardner and Elizabeth Hoffman. been invited to the Art & Writing Awards ceremony “I was surprised by how at Carnegie Hall on June 1 in New York City. big a deal this is,” said Jessica, whose painting, along The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, run with the works of other medalists, will be exhibited by the nonprofit Alliance for Young Artists and at Parsons, The New School of Design in New York Writers, is the oldest and most prestigious national City. program offering early recognition and scholarships Jessica’s painting, “Untitled,” is of a Victoto creative teenagers. rian-era chair, stark in its simplicity and yet highly To advance to the nationals, the students detailed. An Advanced Placement Art student,
"I was suprised by how big a deal this is."
APRIL 2012
Jessica chose to study the “household architecture” of chairs as her portfolio concentration. She intends to create a series of 12 paintings of different types of chairs, using the chair “as a vehicle to express humanity in aloneness, not loneliness.” Her choice of subject matter is a natural outgrowth for Jessica, who intends to pursue an art/architecture major in college. Stephanie was honored for her inventive and humorous animated film, “Ballmation.” The film won a “Sally” Award, La Salle’s award for filmmaking. The film, which was shown at the school’s Film Festival on March 17, depicts the surreal adventure of a hand-drawn ball on a pad of paper. The ball becomes animated, breaks free of the writing pad, jumps off and bounces through a school corridor with a pixilated
"Stephanie is highly respected by her peers. They appreciate her quiet comments." Ms. Ellen Slatkin, AP Art Teacher Stephanie chasing after it. “I feel happy that other people are enjoying my work,” said the 16-year-old Advanced Art student, whose film will be screened in New York as part of the celebration. However, watching peoples' reaction to her films is not what motivates her. “I enjoy the process more than the displaying of it,” she said. Stephanie is no stranger to winning awards for her animation. Her animated films “The Right to Happiness” and “Everything Makes Sense” also won regional Honorable Mention awards in the 2012 Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards. Last year, her film, “Walking Birds,” received a regional Gold Key award. It also went on to win an honorable mention for student films at the Ottawa Animated Film Festival last summer. She created “Ballmation” in the Cal Arts CAP (Community Arts Partnership)/Sony Pictures Media Program at the Center for the Arts in Eagle Rock, where she attends the after-school program three days a week. While developing her skills as an artist at La Salle, Stephanie said she prefers the medium of animation because she gets to add “so much more character and personality” to her work. Imagine giving personality to a ball that bounces off the page and takes its creator to an awards ceremony at Carnegie Hall. PAGE 21
APRIL 2012
St. Rita's Choir Performs During Lenten Mass
St. Rita's School Choir joined the La Salle student body for its Lenten Mass. The choir, led by Joseph Augustynski, not only sang but played their recorders as well. Father Mark Strader reminded the community of the importance of making good choices and being responsible for one's actions.
APRIL 2012
From the Academic Boosters
Time is running out to complete your hours! Cookies may still be needed for a Parent Education Speaker, on April 18 at 7:00 PM, in the Blakeslee Library. Please contact the Cookie Chair at to find out.
If you have not yet signed up on the Volunteer Website:
Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the «calendar» at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for. Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.
ACADEMIC BOOSTERS EVENTS '11-'12 DATE 5/15/12 5/25/12
ACADEMIC BOOSTER EVENT Academic Awards Night Commencement Exercises
START TIME* 5:30 PM 6:00 PM
HOURS* 4 3
Check the next Newsletter for dates, times and volunteers needed for Used Uniform Sales. *Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.
Janet Klich
Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman
Diane Taylor
Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club,” or contact Elena Tran at PAGE 23
ETASTY TASTY ParentNewsletter
APRIL 2012
Used Uniform Buy-Back Thursday, May 24 • 12:00 to 2:00pm Dining Hall Atrium Wednesday, June 6 • 8:30 to 10:30am Dining Hall Atrium
La Salle Academic Boosters Used Uniform Fundraiser It is time to clean out your student’s closet. The Academic Boosters will buy back used uniforms on May 24th and June 6th. Receive cash for your used uniforms by bringing your Mills or CKW uniforms, gym shorts and shirts, sweatshirts, and polo shirts with a La Salle logo to the Dining Hall Atrium. Uniforms must be in new to good condition, freshly laundered and meet current standards. The money from the Used Uniform fundraisers enables the Academic Boosters to support the teaching and enrichment programs of our school curriculum by granting items on the “Wish Lists” of the faculty and staff. If you would like to volunteer to help during the buy-back or summer sales, please call Chris Lynch at 626.914.4828. Volunteer hours can be applied to either the 2011-2012 or 2012-2013 school year. Parents - Used Uniform donations are also gratefully accepted. Used Uniform collection boxes will be available starting April 16th in the School Lobby.
APRIL 2012
Support Your LANCERS
If not Registered to Support La Salle PLEASE REGISTER NOW If every Parent registered their market cards, the School would make tons of money…so register today and get all your friends and family to register too! Be sure you are signed up at Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. (As well as credit cards ~ Macy’s no longer is a participant). • To register for VONS, go to • To register Ralphs Rewards cards, go to • To register at Albertsons go to Our School ID is: 139428998 or type in La Salle High School. If you need help please email Craig Snodgrass at or call him at 626.688.6523
The Mothers of Alumni Council (MAC) hosts two events each year: the annual Christmas Boutique & Luncheon and a reception welcoming the mothers of graduating Seniors. If you have attended our Christmas luncheon, you know MAC throws a great party! This celebration will be in "YOUR" honor. Please mark your calendars for Thursday, May 17th at 6:00pm. A formal invitation will be mailed.
APRIL 2012
From the College Counseling Center
College Counseling News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
Senior News This month, we will be reminding seniors to enter their college acceptances into Naviance. To simplify this process, we have created a survey called “Senior Graduation Survey” on Naviance where your student can enter his/her college acceptances and scholarship awards. Parents, please also remind your students to communicate with the colleges to which they have been accepted. The colleges need to know if an accepted student is not planning to attend the college. If a student is sure he/she will not be attending a particular college, they should let the college know by letter as soon as possible.
Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou have met with almost every junior who has turned in their Junior College Planning Survey. If your student has not met with one of us, this is most likely because we have not received a completed survey from your student. The survey helps Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou learn more about the student and their plans after La Salle High School. Please note the better we get to know your student, the better we can help. The next SAT test dates are May 5th (4/6 is last day to register without a late fee) and June 2nd. The next ACT test date is June 9th. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou strongly recommend that all juniors take one of the standardized exams by June. The exams are not offered over the summer and the next SAT or ACT test dates are in September. Students also interested in applying to a UC campus are strongly recommended to take the SAT Subject test, also scheduled for May 5th and June 2nd.
Mock SAT Subject Tests The La Salle Parent Boosters will be offering practice SAT Subject Tests on 4/21. This is a good opportunity for students to become more PAGE 26
familiar with these standardized tests and to see whether they are ready for the real thing in June. Mock SAT Subject Test(s) – Saturday, 4/21 at 9:00am, Room 301 The price for the mock SAT Subject Tests is $10 per test or $25 for three subject tests. The fee includes a follow-up workshop offered to both parents and students to review the test and answer any testrelated questions on Thursday, April 26th at 7pm. It will be held in Blakeslee Library. To register, please submit a check to the College Center, made payable to La Salle High School.
NACAC College Fair The NACAC College Fair will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center: Monday, April 30th from 6 to 9:00pm. Juniors, plan to attend this college fair as this is the largest event in Southern California. At least 250 universities and colleges will be represented. Brochures and applications can be obtained at the fair and many of your questions can be answered at this time. This is also a great time to make a good impression on the college representatives. Parents are encouraged to attend the college fair with their student. Parking at the Pasaena Center is expensive ($9). We recommend either carpooling or parking at the Paseo Mall across the street, as most businesses will validate parking.
Sophomore News Since Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou are now winding down with our junior meetings, we will be able to meet with any sophomore students who are ready to discuss college. Students whose last names begin with A-K can meet with Mr. Hou, while students whose last names begin with L-Z can meet with Ms. Baldonado. Please contact your
ParentNewsletter college counselor if you would like to set up a meeting.
Advanced Placement Advanced Placement (AP) exams (5/75/18). All students currently scheduled in AP courses are required to take the AP exam. Each exam is $87 and the total will be billed to the student’s La Salle High School account and reflected on the May Statement. The fee(s) will be processed according to your current payment plan selected (ACH, Credit Card or Check). The AP exams will be administered on the following dates (all dates are printed in the school calendar): Monday, 5/7 - Chemistry Tuesday, 5/8 - Spanish Language Wednesday, 5/9 - Calculus AB & BC Thursday, 5/10 - English Literature Friday, 5/11 - U.S. History, European History, Studio Art Monday, 5/14 - Biology, Physics C Tuesday, 5/15 - Government & Politics: U.S. Wednesday, 5/16 - English Language Thursday, 5/17 - Macro/Micro Economics Friday, 5/18 - Spanish Literature Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Baldonado, AP Coordinator, at 626.696.4311 if you have any questions.
Volunteers for Lancer Physicals
The Athletic department will be holding annual summer physicals and we are looking for parent volunteers to help with the process. The department needs physicians and registered nurses to aide in the physical exams as well as parents willing to check the students in. Parent volunteer hours will be awarded for your participation. If interested, please contact Tim Rasmussen, Head Athletic Trainer at
APRIL 2012
2012–2013 Anticipated School Calendar August 22 New Student Orientation 23 Classes Begin for All Students September 3 Labor Day Holiday November 12 Veterans Day Holiday 22-23 Thanksgiving Break
December 18-21 First Semester Exams 24 Begins Christmas Break
2013 January 7 Classes Resume 21 Martin Luther King Holiday February 18 Presidents’ Day Holiday April 1 Begins Easter Break 8 Classes Resume May 24 Commencement School Holiday 27 Memorial Day Holiday June 4-7 Second Semester Exams
APRIL 2012
APRIL 2012
The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor
Names in the News
Juniors, Ryan Flynn, top right and Andrew Lucas earned the highest composite score of 36 on the ACT college admissions placement exam. Less than one tenth of one percent of the 1.6 million exam takers achieve this score. Senior Chelsee Glover-Odom was a judge on the Food Channel’s Cupcake Wars on March 11. The episode featured the Girl Scouts. Mercedes Lakatos has been selected as a 2012 national YoungArts winner. YoungArts is the signature national organization that recognizes and supports America’s most talented 15-18 year-olds in the visual, literary and perfoming arts. Mercedes, a senior, received her award in Cinematic Arts.
Did You Have Pi for Lunch? Wednesday, March 14 (3.14) was Pi Day. Lancers had fun exploring the implications of this mathematical constant that is the ratio of any Euclidean circle’s circumference to its diameter. π is approximately equal to 3.14. Pi is an irrational number; consequently, it is crazy and its decimal representation never ever ends and it never repeats. Yipes! Students also celebrated Pi Day by, of course, eating pie.
Athletes in the News Sophomore Kennedy Cribbs went 3 for 4 to lead the Lancers to a softball win over Maranatha and a place on the Pasadena Star-News Athletic Honor Roll for March 21. Our 5’9” sophmore guard, Candyce Smith, left, was named to the AllCIF SS Division IV first team in basketball. Water polo standout, sophomore goalie Marisol Dakan, was selected for the All-CIF second team and freshman Claire Barmann and senior Ellie Hoffman were selected for the All-CIF third team for Division V. The Del Rey League’s soccer champions had senior defender, Cesco Luna, selected for the All-CIF first team while senior defender, Hayden Berge, was selected on the second team and senior forward, Andrew Powers, was selected to the third team.
Café Bibliothèque Service Hours One Thursday a month the Library hosts Café Bibliothèque where students gather to listen to storytellers, authors and performers or learn a craft. Service hours are given for donations of snacks such as vegetables, fruit, cheese, brownies, pretzels and soft drinks. The last event will take place on April 26. Please contact Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer. Page 28
APRIL 2012
George & Nick Seniors, George Pearman and Nick Sonnenburg were just two of many students and Student Ambassadors who volunteered to assist Alumni Relations Director, Kristen Schultz ’98, at the most successful Taste of La Salle (See page 16). Nick and George compliment each other in the Jazz Band as Nick plays a hot Clarinet and George plays a mellow sax. Coming off their successful Super Bowl party, Nick says their ambition is to “just make people happy.” They both seem to volunteer for everything so, that must make someone happy.
Nick and George stand in front of the Lancer Magazine cover wall. They both hope to make the cover as alums.
Join La Salle’s
A current La Salle family recently made a $100,000 matching grant to La Salle High School to support hardware upgrades, enhance our technology infrastructure, and support the Lancer Robotics program. The family has offered a two for one dollar match; that is, for every two dollars La Salle raises between now and June 30, 2012 to build and improve upon its technologic platform, the family will in turn provide a matching dollar.
Here is your chance to have your gift make an even bigger difference to La Salle While the threshold for matching funds is $1,000, any gift you choose to make to the La Salle Technology Fund will be appreciated, and will help build digital literacy at our School. Remember, your corporate matching gift also counts toward the La Salle Technology Match Campaign. The goal of the Technology Match Campaign is to raise at least $300,000 to build upon the excellence of a La Salle education through technologic improvement and innovation. To make a gift to the La Salle Technology Match, please go to PAGE 29
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APRIL 2012
Check your School calendar for all event times and dates
April Highlights
April 4 Friday Schedule Dismissal at 2:00pm Grandparents Day 9:00 - 1:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium Dining Hall BOYS VOLLEYBALL vs. Bishop Montgomery 6:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium April 5 - April 15 Easter Vacation April 6, 7 TRACK & FIELD Arcadia Invitatioinal Arcadia High School April 17 SWIM LEAGUE MEET 1:00pm East Los Angeles College Boosters Board Meetings 6:30pm on Campus Parents Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library April 18 BOYS GOLF vs. St Bernard 3:15pm at Brookside Golf Course April 19 BOYS TENNIS vs. Bishop Montgomery 3:30pm Orange Grove Courts
April 24 SOFTBALL vs St Paul 3:15pm DLS Field BOYS VOLLEYBALL vs. Bosco Tech 5:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium PARENT EDUCATION SERIES 7:00pm Blakeslee Library April 27 BASEBALL vs Bishop Amat 3:15pm Lancer Diamond Crystal Ball 6:00pm Langham Hotel & Spa
See ALL The Flyers that Follow the Newsletter Online
April 30 TRACK & FIELD League Prelims 3:00pm Citrus College COLLEGE FAIR 6:00 pm Pasdena Convention Center May 2 Liturgy Schedule Marian Celebration Dress up day 9:15am Dining Hall May 4 La Salle Prom 7:30 - 11:30pm
WEAR YOUR LANCER PRIDE! La Salle apparel for men, women and children is available for
purchase online including reusable shopping bags, totes, sweatshirts, hoodies, polos, t-shirts, fleece, hats and more!