ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
Yes, we have reached our summer midpoint and that means that it is more than half over! I hope that you and your family have been able to find some time for enjoyable rest and relaxation. If not, you still have a few weeks. I know that the summer months can be even busier than the rest of the normal school year but it is a wonderful time to catch your breath and have a nice, cool lemonade.
NEW (9th grade and transfer) students is Tuesday, August 19. The day will include an orientation program from 9:00am to 2:00pm that will be directed by students and adults from our Student Life Team. La Salle will host lunch and there will be no need for textbooks or to be in school uniforms
New Parents That same evening, August 19, we will also host a very informative New Parent Orientation Program beginning at 6:30pm in the Dining Hall. I would strongly encourage the parents of our new students to attend this activity as it is a most informative experience in addition to hearing my pearls of wisdom!
Summer Packet Yesterday afternoon, we mailed a packet of information home for each student. It will be arriving shortly. Please carefully read the contents and be sure to complete the online information process with InfoSnap by the due date of August 11. Meeting this deadline will hopefully avoid any potentially embarrassing moments at the time school starts. THANK YOU in advance for your cooperation on this matter.
New and Transfer Students
The start of the school year for
First Things First On Wednesday, August 20, with students on campus by grade level, we will be addressing many issues and practical concerns that normally get spread over a number of days at the beginning of the school year. We decided to role all of them into one day and get it done. Some of the areas Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "You should act the part of intercessor with God to obtain for your pupils by your prayers and piety, that no other care and attention could procure for them." Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c.1703 Meditations for Sundays and Feasts
Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
include: verification of online forms, finance office clearance, acceptable use policy regarding electronic devices, class meetings, ID pictures and cards, distribution of the La Salle Handbook and Planner. Please see the letter that was sent on July 17 for reporting times.
First Day of School
On the next day, August 21, the ENTIRE student body will gather for its first day of classes beginning at 8:00am and concluding at 12:20pm. All classes will meet on this day – textbooks and full uniforms are required. I recommend that you begin buying any hardbound textbooks soon, to assure their arrival by the start of school in August. Our authorized online bookstore, ESCO, can be accessed from our school’s website and is now available to receive your orders. We regularly update the ISBN code in order to avoid textbook version confusion. Purchase correctly as refunds are not always easy to obtain and/or may come with a restocking charge.
Lancer Armory The Lancer Armory is available for approved school locks, PE clothing and school ties. In addition, the Armory contains other La Salle apparel that will make you suitable for most all occasions. For your convenience, the Armory will be open on August 19 from 8:00am – 9:30am and again from 5:30pm-6:30pm.
Associate Principal for Academic Life
ballroom dancing. Yes, a man of many talents! Educationally, Mr. Salmingo earned his M.A. in Secondary Education at Loyola Marymount University and is working on his doctoral degree at Pepperdine University for Learning Technologies. As a married man with two young sons (2.5 years and 9 months), he has been busy learning the ins-and-outs of the school and the people who help make it run. He has the primary responsibility for seeing that our instructional program is implemented and that we continue to grow and develop our curriculum.
A Fresh Coat of Paint Our process for getting ready for the return of students to our regular program is well underway. The janitorial and maintenance staff is doing their best to have everything in place by the first day of school. In our continuing efforts to provide an attractive and enjoyable school setting, many of our classrooms are getting a fresh coat of paint. New carpeting is being installed on the second, third and fourth floor hallways along with some classrooms on the fourth floor. We are currently working on both the women’s and men’s locker rooms to bring them into the 21st Century.
Our Lasallian Community As with the start of a new school year, it is a renewed opportunity for all of us to pledge our support and recommit our effort as a Catholic Lasallian learning community. We all have a vital role to play and I promise that I will do my best to assure that the young men and women who attend this School are encouraged, supported and given every reasonable opportunity to succeed. As I begin my 26th year as a Principal, I do not take for granted the trust and responsibility that is placed in our hands of educating the hearts and minds of the students in this Lasallian school. See you in a few weeks!
In mid-June, we welcomed Edgar Salmingo, Jr. to the La Salle Community as our new Associate Principal for Academic Life. Mr. Salmingo began his professional career at St. Anthony High School in Long Beach and most recently was the Director of Educational Technology at Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary in Montebello. At both schools, he managed their one-to-one iPad programs and was responsible for all faculty professional development. He has been a math department chair and taught math and science classes. Additionally, he has moderated the Brother Christopher Brady, FSC yearbook, coached tennis, and taught hip-hop/ Principal PAGE 2
From the Parent Association
Freshman Parent and New Parent Orientation We trust, by now, with summer officially in high gear, the thought of getting ready for the upcoming school year is the farthest thing from your mind. But for some, the excitement of summertime plans may soon give way to the nervous anticipation of starting high school or transferring to a new school. For new Lasallian parents, whether those of transfer students or of the incoming Class of 2018, we are sure that you and your child are running through a gamut of emotions as you prepare to embark on your upcoming high school experience. Whatever the case, this can truly be an exciting time for you and your son or daughter. We are looking forward to the arrival of all our new students and welcome all parents to the family that we call La Salle!
Parent Association Meeting Tuesday, September 12 6:30pm Blakeslee Library
In order to help incoming parents discover their own La Salle experience, we invite you to our Freshman Parent and New Parent Orientation. This event will be held on the evening of August 20 at 6:30pm in the Dining Hall. It follows your son or daughter’s orientation earlier that day and will provide you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with life at La Salle. You will learn, through a variety of information sessions, the details of what we are all about and we will address key aspects of life at La Salle from both a parent and student perspective. You will also have the chance to explore many organizations and opportunities for involvement that may be of interest to both you and your child.
Following the orientation program, we will offer a time for socializing and provide a “New Parents Only” opportunity for you to purchase certain last minute student apparel and locker items from The Lancer Armory. Additional details about Freshman Parent and New Parent Orientation and PALS (Parents At La Salle) have been and will be mailed to you. In the meantime, be sure to mark your calendars for this very special event.
La Salle Matters
I must admit that I have never liked Don Draper. I tried liking him in Season One of Mad Men; largely because the critics said I should like the brutally honest way in which the hugely popular TV show portrayed the rough and tumble, testosterone fueled battle for gender and career dominance in the decade of the sixties. After having watched about a third of Season One, I realized that, contrary to the critics’ perspective, not only did I find Don Draper repulsive (irrespective of the later revelation of his traumatic childhood) in his personal and his professional life, but I also found him “unwatchable.” By that I mean, even for this recovering English teacher there is a certain level of verisimilitude which deserves to be ignored; if only because there are aspects of Life that do not require imitation by Art. In the case of Mad Men, Don Draper’s odious treatment of women, including his - then - wife, is all too much still with us in the second decade of the 21st Century. I am not at all clear as to why any thinking person needs Television to remind us that Draper’s aggressive, self-absorbed and misogynous persona continues to haunt the halls of corporate America some 50 years later. These musings surfaced after reading a Blog entry by New York Times writer Michael Port entitled: "The Don Draper Problem: Root Out Your False Narratives." His column makes the case that Draper, the protagonist in Mad Men (actually, he’s the antihero of the show), is ultimately undone by his, rather farfetched, back-story in which Draper assumes the identity of an Army buddy killed in the Korean War. Port’s column highlights the brutal price Draper pays decades later for (literally) burying his secret identity. What irritated me about Don Draper’s character (and to a lesser extent, Port’s deconstruction of it) is how little attention was focused on the price paid by family and friends who unknowingly suffered because of the (unacceptable) ways in which he compensated for his secret past. However, Port uses Draper’s dysfunction to make the case for personal authenticity in our every day adult interactions. He explains his point this way: “A great deal of the literature around “authenticity” really comes down to this question (do) we have the courage to talk about who we really are, not just who we want others to think we are.” Don Draper’s fatal flaw, in effect, was his creation of an identity that was at odds with who he really was. And while Draper’s dramaturgy is an extreme case - even for the most credible of viewers - Port’s point is well worth considering. He hit home with me when he posed this, all too common, scenario: “Think about how some of us add on layers of personae to gain others’ approval while hiding parts of ourselves that we think are embarrassing." Of course, we all do this to some extent. What our family knows about us is not necessarily the same as what our friends know about us (and some times, vice-versa). Port is not suggesting that we should become completely transparent in all situations - that would spell disaster for most of us; but he is
making a compelling case for the value of being vulnerable in front of others, especially with respect to those aspects of our lives that keep us from being our best selves. Port sites Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s success as the author of the bestselling book Lean In as an example of someone who was willing to name her internal conflict around intimacy, marriage and having children. At La Salle, it is not our role to encourage teenagers to be vulnerable (they are often able to accomplish that in highly unattractive ways all by themselves); but it is our role to nurture authenticity in their public and private behavior. Adolescents are fully capable of hiding their weaknesses from themselves and others. What they need to learn - and what Don Draper learned too late in life - is that personal authenticity (and its cousin, integrity) is strengthened when they allow themselves to be vulnerable in the presence of those who care about them - their parents, extended family and, at La Salle, their teachers and coaches. I have been privileged over the last 16 years to observe our students blossom because of the trust they placed in a teacher or coach who challenged them to be their best selves. So, I suppose that Don Draper’s character is worth paying attention to, if only to remind ourselves that a lack of authenticity - and integrity - can cause any one of us to walk down a path we did not intend and will not result in a life well-lived. As our teenagers gear up for another school year, its worth noting that the most important outcome of their journey through La Salle is that they become good students and good people.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2014
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org
Transforming Lives Since 1680
From the Athletic Boosters
Friday Night Lights and Lancer Volunteers Summer is half over and the first day of school is coming at you like a freight train. Parents will be making sure that uniforms have been purchased, books ordered, and carpools in place. Do not forget your iPads! Freshmen are getting excited and returning students will be wondering where their summer went. Our sports teams have been busy with summer camps preparing for the fall and just like our students, the athletic booster board has also been busy. Parents your help is needed! Please consider taking a position to support our Friday night football games. It’s a great way for freshman parents to meet people and sophomore parents who were hesitant in the past, to now get involved. Listed below are some great opportunities for parents to get started on their volunteer hours. If you are interested, contact me at By taking one of these Athletic Booster positions you will satisfy your volunteer hours for the year.
Buyer Two buyers needed; main person and assistant. Yearly volunteer hours satisfied. Coordinate with Boosters board on purchasing all items needed for game day. Boosters will help establish the menu. Buyer is to place orders as needed then make sure of its delivery for the game day
Game Day Set Up Eight parents volunteers needed. 2:30 to 4:30pm. Double hours Assist with Snack Bar table set up, (which includes stocking drinks, sorting candy, etc.). Assist with BBQ area set up.
Snack Bar Manager One parent volunteer. Yearly volunteer hours satisfied. Coordinate volunteers for the snack bar set up, cash registers (with Boosters) set up, as well as, drinks, snack and food from set up. Work and direct game day set up crews.
Admissions Manager One parent manager volunteer. Yearly volunteer hours satisfied. Coordinate volunteers for ticket sales and admission to the games
Security Manager Two parent manager volunteers. One manager varsity game, one manager JV game. Yearly volunteer hours satisfied. Assist game set up. Manage parking and coordinate volunteers at their positions. Rotate security volunteers to specified positions during the game.
Football Season VIP Packages Athletic Boosters is also offering the following programs for the football season. They are a great way to support the teams and get some VIP treatment while at the games. Please contact me if you would like to purchase a Lancer Football VIP Package. Platinum Package $1,000 Includes 2 field passes, 2 meals, and a VIP parking pass for each home game. Also included are 2 Lancer stadium chairs, 2 La Salle shirts and 2 Lancer hats. This is for all home games. CIF playoff regulations require an entry fee, but all other advantages apply.* Gold Package $550 2 passes for reserved seating, 2 meals, parking for 1, (each home game). Also included are 2 Lancer stadium chairs, 2 La Salle shirts and 2 hats.
Silver Package $450 2 passes for reserved seating, parking for 1, (each home game). Blue Package $400 1 field pass, parking for 1, (each home game). Red Package $300 1 pass for reserved seating, parking for 1, (each home game). (Package pending bleacher reconfiguration). We will also be offering the ability to purchase tickets on-line, so check out our Athletic website during the summer for updated information. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Christine Marez to the Athletic Boosters Board. We look forward to working with her in her new position as Athletic Boosters Secretary. The Board is still looking for Football and Basketball program editor. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me at, Don’t forget to check out our sports website for sports schedules and results at Have a great summer and go Lancers! God Bless,
John D. Cina P'13, '14, '18 Athletic Boosters President PAGE 7
22nd Annual Lancer Golf Tournament and Banquet Monday, October 13, 2014 Glendora Country Club A GREAT DAY FOR FOURSOMES FRIENDS AND FUN
• Four-Person Scramble • 11:00am Shotgun Start • Auction and Raffle
Player Package Includes:
Green Fee and Cart, Complimentary Lunch On Course, Banquet Dinner, Lancer Golf Gift, Complimentary Beverages on the Course (Beer, Soda, Water), Range Balls, Bag Tag, $25,000 Hole In One Prize, Foursome Picture and Putting Contest
ALL LEVELS WELCOME Calloway Scoring System Special Young Alumni (’99-’14) Discount For more information, please contact: Irene Santucci 626-696-4312 or
Proceeds to benefit La Salle’s Academic, Arts, Athletic, Student Life and Financial Aid Programs PAGE 8
Technology Program FAQ If you are still looking to purchase an iPad for your daughter or son, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions below to make your purchase. If you already have an iPad that your daughter or son will be using, please check that the device meets the minimum required technical specifications listed below. What are the minimum required technical specifications?
Can I use or purchase an iPad Mini that meets the minimum required technical specifications? · Yes an iPad mini that meets the n minimum required technical specifications is acceptable. · · Keep in mind that those who choose n to use an iPad mini will be working with significantly less screen area when compared to a full-sized iPad.
· iPad-2 or newer n · 16 GB of memory or higher n
After obtaining an iPad, it is recommended that you carry out the initial set-up to include the following:
· WiFi (Standard) n · Apple ID for downloading applications n at Apple App store · iOS 6.0 or higher n
Can I use an iPad 1? No. Do not use first generation iPad (iPad-1). · The first generation device does not n support iOS versions beyond 5 and therefore can not be used with key applications at La Salle High School. · Not having an onboard camera would n not allow work requiring multimedia elements through their iPads. · ·
n · Screen lock password (using it and keeping it secret). · Activating an Apple ID to facilitate the n download of needed Applications and to turn on key security features of the iPad. (Part of the minimum requirements list.) n · Turning on the “Find My iPad” function. n · Activating iCloud for data backup. n · Attaching a protective cover if you do not yet have one. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email Mr. Roy Chang at
From the College Counseling Center
College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
Camp College – Second Offering For those who missed the first Camp College session in June, the College Center will be offering another section of this course from Monday, August 11 to Wednesday, August 13.
The purpose of this three-day seminar is to provide students with an overview of the college admissions process and provide hands-on instruction regarding organizational systems, the application process, and the college essays. Most students will have one essay completed and have drafts of a second and a third essay by the end of the course.
East Coast College Tour D u r i n g the Easter Holiday, April 6-11, itinerary and colleges to be determined
Registration forms are available in the College Center. Non-La Salle students are welcome to attend. Please contact Mr. Hou at 626.696.4314, if you have any questions.
Colleges That Change Lives Fair Wednesday, July 30 and, Thursday July 31, 7:00pm at the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City Hotel. The forty colleges featured in Loren Pope’s book Colleges That Change Lives (CTCL) will offer an information session and a college fair for prospective students and parents.
College Tours
Visiting college campuses is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see a variety of campuses before they begin the college admissions process. This school year, we will be offering the following tours: Greater Los Angeles College Tour Monday, September 22, 2014 UC Irvine, Cal State Fullerton and Chapman University
San Diego College Tour Monday, March 16, 2015 UC San Diego, University of San Diego and San Diego State University.
Bay Area College Tour Friday and Saturday, February 13-14, 2015 UC Berkeley (Cal), Santa Clara University, UC Santa Cruz, Saint Mary’s College, Stanford University, and University of San Francisco.
College-related Events of Interest
All students and parents who are interested in learning more about these liberal arts colleges and universities and interested in hearing more about the CTCL philosophy – namely that there are great college options for every student (not just for the strongest students) and that the college search should focus on finding the best match for each student – are invited to attend. There is no cost to attend and pre-registration is not required. Please read Loren Pope’s book or go to www.ctcl. com for additional information on the colleges in the CTCL group. Additional information to these and other events can be found under the “Area College Events” section on our Naviance page.
ParentNewsletter News for Seniors and their Parents
College Night for Senior Parents
Remember to utilize Family Connection from Naviance. Family Connection is a web-based application that enables our counseling office to offer a comprehensive website that you and your student can use to help in making decisions about colleges and careers. Family Connection is linked with Naviance, which we use in our office to track and analyze data about college and career plans, so it provides up-to-date information that is specific to La Salle
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, August 28 to attend the College Night for Senior Parents at 7:00pm. in the Dining Hall (parents only). The meeting will follow the Back-to-School Night General Meeting (6:00pm).
Family Connection will allow your student to: 3· Keep track of the process – Build a resume, complete on-line surveys, and manage time lines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers · Research colleges – Compare GPA, SAT scores, 3 and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past 3· Sign up for college visits – Find out which colleges are visiting our school and sign up to attend those sessions Senior students can access the ‘Senior College Planning Survey’ on Naviance. The survey is to be completed and submitted by August 29. The individual senior college meeting will be scheduled according to the receipt date of the ‘Senior College Planning Survey’. In other words, first come-first served. Senior parents/guardians still have an opportunity to complete the Parent/Guardian College Planning Survey on Naviance if you have not done so. We would appreciate your help by setting aside a few minutes to answer this survey. Please complete the survey by Friday, August 29. Reminder: at least one parent /guardian must register on Naviance. The college counseling office uses your registered email address to communicate important college admissions information/deadlines via Naviance Please contact your student’s college counselor if you need assistance registering on Naviance.
Senior College Night Schedule 7:00pm Welcome Senior Parents (Dining Hall) M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou 7:15pm Overview of the college admissions process 7:50pm The Application Essay 8:20pm Questions & Answers 8:30pm Adjournment Senior students will receive formal instruction on the college admission application process in their Mentor Period.
Standardized Testing Registration is open for the Fall SAT and ACT. If your student would like to take these standardized test(s) and has not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. We encourage your student to register online, for the SAT at www., and for the ACT at Please note the registration for the September ACT is just around the corner.
SAT Test Date (Register By) October 11, 2014 (September 12) November 8, 2014 (October 9) December 6, 2014 (November 6) ACT Test Date (Register By) September 13, 2014 (August 8) October 25, 2014 (September 19) December 13, 2014 (November 7) Fall SAT Prep Course We are proud to partner with the Princeton Review for this upcoming school year. They will be offering two SAT prep courses a year, one for the Fall and one for the Spring. In addition, they will also be offering an ACT boot camp during the Christmas Holiday.
ParentNewsletter Camp College – Second Offering For those who missed the first Camp College session in June, the College Center will be offering another section of this course from Monday, August 11 to Wednesday, August 13.
The purpose of this three-day seminar is to provide students with an overview of the college admissions process and provide hands-on instruction regarding organizational systems, the application process, and the college essays. Most students will have one essay completed and have drafts of a second and a third essay by the end of the course. Registration forms are available in the College Center. Non-La Salle students are welcome to attend. Please contact Mr. Hou at 626.696.4314, if you have any questions.
College Tours Visiting college campuses is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see a variety of campuses before they begin the college admissions process. This school year, we will be offering the following tours:
Monday, September 22, 2014 UC Irvine, Cal State Fullerton and Chapman University Bay Area College Tour Friday and Saturday, February 13-14, 2015 UC Berkeley (Cal), Santa Clara University, UC Santa Cruz, Saint Mary’s College, Stanford University, and University of San Francisco. San Diego College Tour Monday, March 16, 2015 UC San Diego, University of San Diego and San Diego State University. East Coast College Tour During the Easter Holiday, April 6-11, itinerary and colleges to be determined
College-related Events of Interest Colleges That Change Lives Fair Wednesday, July 30 and, Thursday July 31, 7:00pm at the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City Hotel. The forty colleges featured in Loren Pope’s book Colleges That Change Lives (CTCL) will offer an information session and a college fair for prospective students and parents.
Greater Los Angeles College Tour
From the Blakeslee Library
Volunteer Opportunities
The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Also, donations of snacks and drinks are appreciated for the Café Bibliothèque events in the Library. Café Bibliothèque will take place on September 18, October 23, November 13 and December 4. In 2015 Café Bibliothèque will be on January 15, February 19, March 19, and April 23. Please call Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 or Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer or sign up.
From Guidance and Counseling
Wake up and Get Some Sleep By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
The summer is drawing to a close and in August your student will begin another school year. We look forward to the arrival of our new freshman class. The freshman year can be challenging for both parents and students. Ensuring that your student gets adequate sleep is very important. During summer months your students may have stayed up later with no pressure to awaken in the early morning. Returning to school will require the discipline to reinstate a schedule that includes adequate time for homework and sleep. The academic demands of high school require skills that involve organization, time management and the ability to communicate with teachers. Adequate sleep assists your student’s ability to feel alert and focus in class, especially the first block of the school day. Another fundamental task in high school is your student’s ability to make friends, which creates a peer support group. For freshman students, this is a challenge since their former peers from middle school may not be enrolled at La Salle High School. However, even when friends move to the same high school, changes in former friendships may occur. This is part of adapting to a new school environment which your freshman student will learn to negotiate. These challenges help your student to develop life skills that are necessary to acquire during their high school years. The mastery of these skills enable and prepare them for the multitude of developmental steps to young adulthood.
Finally, a balanced schedule includes ‘downtime’ to relax in order to meet the daily academic and emotional demands of high school.
Neither La Salle High School nor Student Life of La Salle High School is sponsoring or is liable for any student participation in summer trips to places such as Europe, Mexico, Alaska or Hawai’i. These activities are solely the responsibility of the sponsoring person or group. School sponsored events, such Venaver, class retreats or those with Student Life, will always include the standard Parent Request Form that clearly indicates the School’s support and approval of the event.
The Obsequious Observer
By John Blackstock, The Editor
Names in the News Recent graduates Caroline Knop, Kennedy Cribbs and Beverlee Valerio played in the Private vs Public All-Star softball game and Jordan Rodgers '14 pitched in the San Gabriel Valley All-Star baseball game. Ben Dalgarn ’14 was selected to the All-Area first team for volleyball while Will Pyburn ’15 was selected to the second team and Conor Williams ’14 received honorable mention. Dalgarn and Williams were named to the All-CIF first team for Division 4.
Brian Miller is Featured Teacher SOPHIA, an innovative online learning program developed in conjunction with Capella University and “Bill Nye the Science Guy,”has chosen Mr. Brian Miller '79, who is in his 30th year as a science educator, and in his 25th year at La Salle, as their “Featured Teacher” for his use of technology in the classroom. Brian organizes his teaching based upon what he called the “The Six C’s”: Think Critically, Communicate Clearly, Work Collaboratively, Embrace Culture, Develop Creativity, and Utilize Connectivity. Look for more about Brian in the summer issue of Lancer Magazine.
Yes, that was La Salle in the World Cup Kia Commercial Kohorst Field was featured in a Kia automobile commercial during the recent World Cup matches. Filmed over two days, the spot featured international super model Adriana Lima. In the commercial, she drives a new Kia onto the Lancer football field, disrupting football practice. She says "In my country this is Futbal," and kicks a soccer ball into the crowd of football players. Dozens of students watched the filming and met Adriana. If you are curious, here it is. http:// (Adriana Lima Football vs. Futbol - FIFA World Cup). Look for students and more about the shoot in the next Lancer Magazine.
Lancer Golf
Do you play Golf or want to learn how to play Golf? Join La Salle’s Girls Golf Team beginners welcome. The season starts in August, contact Coach Teresa Baldonado for details: or 626.696.4311. PAGE 14
La Salle families, please use the eScrip Online Mall for your gifts or regular shopping.
Spaghetti Tower Challenge In May, the mentor committee put together a team building exercise called “The Spaghetti Tower Challenge.� Ms. Lisa Shulman tells us that students in mentor periods for grade levels 9, 10, and 11 participated. Groups of 3 to 4 students were challenged to build the tallest tower out of 20 raw spaghetti noodles, 3 yards of tape, 3 yards of string, and 1 marshmallow. The challenging part was to make sure that the tower stayed standing with the marshmallow placed at the ver y top of the tower. Design, teamwork , and problem solving were all put into action during this fun and creative mentor activity.
Earn money for La Salle at absolutely no cost to you! It is easy. Here is how:
1. Enroll with 2. Click on the online Mall logo at: 3. Shop at your favorite brand name stores and automatically donate to La SaIIe. 4. Download AutoEARN to earn contributions every time you shop without having to visit the Online Mall first!
Thank you! PAGE 15
Check your School calendar for event times and dates
August Highlights July 24 Summer School Concludes
July 28 CKW and Mills New Uniform Sales Noon - 6:00pm Dining Hall August 8 School Building Closed August 11 Completion of Online Information
Mass of the holy spirit AUGust 27
back to school night august 28
August 13 Fall Sports Parents / Team Meeting 6:00 - 8:00pm Dining Hall August 19 New Student Welcome and Orientation Casual Dress 8:00am - 2:00pm Lunch Provided Lancer Armory Open New Students Parents’ Orientation 6:30pm Dining Hall Lancer Armory Open August 20 Student Information and Planning Day - All Students Dress Uniform Yearbook and Student ID Photographs Lancer Armory Open
August 21 Special Schedule First Day of Classes Regular Uniform Seven Period Schedule 8:00am to 12:20pm August 25 CSF, NHS, SNHS Applications Available (See President's Office, Principal's Office and Science Department) August 27 Liturgy Schedule Mass of the Holy Spirit Dress Uniform 9:20am Dining Hall August 28 Back-to-School Night and Senior Parent College Night and General Parent Meeting 6:15pm Dining Hall August 29 Senior Parent and Student College Survey Due CSF Applications Due
September 5 Spirit Day NHS, SNHS Applications Due FOOTBALL @ Pasadena High School Varsity 7:00pm Pasadena HS Field September 6 Saturday Princeton Review SAT Prep Class 12:45 - 3:45pm Campus Lancer Welcome Dance 8:00-11:00pm Dining Hall September 9 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations
FOOTBALL vs Compton High School Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field September 1 Labor Day School Holiday
LANCER ATHLETICS For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. PAGE 16