La Salle ParentNewsletter
For Parents and Friends of La Salle College Preparatory • Pasadena • California August 2019
Principal Ideas Hello! We have reached August and a return to school for your children is just around the corner. Knowing there is less of summer break to go than we have already had, I hope you and your children have been able to thoroughly enjoy the summer so far and have plans to enjoy the weeks of summer yet to come.
Courtney R. Kassakhian Principal
On July 15, we mailed a packet of information home for each student. Please carefully read the contents and be sure to complete the online enrollment finalization process with PowerSchool when you reach this link. We need to have this important information about your student should we need it in an emergency. THANK YOU in advance for making the completion of these forms a priority.
The New School Year Begins
St. John Baptist de La Salle
Did You Know? Today, there are nearly one million students worldwide that are being taught in a Christian Brothers Institution. De La Salle's influence is felt in over 80 countries on six continents.
The start of the school year for NEW students (9th grade and transfers) is Wednesday, August 14. The day will include an orientation program from 9:00am to 2:00pm (check-in begins at 8:30am) that will be directed by students and adults from our Student Life Team. Students may come in free dress and do not need to bring any textbooks; lunch will be provided. The night prior to the student orientation - Tuesday, August 13 - we will host a very informative New Parent Orientation Program beginning at 6:30pm in the Dining Hall. I strongly encourage the parents of our new students, both freshmen and transfers, to attend this activity. As you know, the transition to high school is a big one; the goal of this evening is to give you as parents the tools and information to help your student navigate that change successfully. In anticipation of our meeting, you can access our New Parent Survival Guide at under the Parents tab. The school year officially begins on Thursday, August 15, with our First Day of School. This day has slightly changed from last year. The biggest difference is that while freshman students will need to arrive on campus by 8:00am, our returning students do not need to check in to their first class until 9:00am. Freshman students should report Principal continued on page 2
August 2019
Principal Ideas continued from page 1
to the Amphitheatre at 8:00am, while all other students will report directly to their mentor period at 9:00am. The day will include a rally, liturgy, ID pictures and a focus on preparing to have a successful year. All students will be dismissed at 12:30pm. It is a Dress Uniform Day for all students. The next day - Friday, August 16 - we will begin our regular A/B schedule. Summer is always a time for change in a school - facilities get upgrades, some community members leave, and new people join the community. This summer has been no different.
As you know, last year La Salle undertook the LAC3 campaign in an effort to raise money to upgrade some of our athletic facilities. Thanks to all of our community members who supported this endeavor, we will be opening our new Fitness Center with the 2019-2020 school year and our young ladies will be seeing some major changes and upgrades to the girls’ locker room. The Fitness Center will be located in what was the former weight training room on the south side of the Duffy Lewis Gymnasium. This space will include three elliptical machines, three treadmills, three rowing machines and three recumbent bikes, as we all as TRX equipment. This center is central to our rethinking and redesigning the PE/Health curriculum at La Salle. Thanks to the efforts of Ms. Bonacci, Mr. Buys and Ms. Tuitama, I am incredibly proud to say that we now have four UC approved PE/Health classes. This means that our students’ grades in these classes will count in their UC GPA when they apply to college. No other school in the San Gabriel Valley has UC approved PE classes and we are excited that this will allow students to learn about and practice healthy choices while also strengthening their college applications. The second part of LAC3 was the Girls’ Locker Room. After meeting with a number of our female athletes, we redesigned the space to better fit their needs. Some of the changes and improvements include added vanity spaces, Lancer Pride details throughout the space and AV equipment so that the locker room can be better used as a team meeting space. Lastly, our Student Life room has gotten major improvements. The flooring has been changed, storage space has been added and new furniture is coming in for both the students and the adults that use that space. Our student life council does so much work planning for and implementing all of the activities that make four years at La Salle such an incredible, fun, and memorable experience. We are glad that they will now have a much better space in which to do that important work. Additionally, students will notice that all the doors in the school now have Lock Bloks on them. These devices allow a door to remain locked all day long, but still allow access to the room by “blocking” the lock. However, in the case of an emergency
August 2019
the block can easily be slid over so as to allow the door to lock without the need of a teacher having to find keys and then go into the hallway to lock the door from the outside. We are very happy to add this as our latest safety precaution on campus. As there is every year, we also have changes in personnel for the upcoming school year. In addition to the people I shared would be moving on in the June/July newsletter, over the summer we also said goodbye to Mrs. Garcia, who will be teaching at Loyola Marymount University.
Staff and Faculty Changes
When some people leave others, of course, enter. I am excited to introduce you to some of the new people who will be joining our fantastic faculty and staff for the upcoming school year. Cassie Aschinger - Mrs. Aschinger has joined our Guidance and Counseling Department. Among her duties, she will be the lead in working with our students with learning differences and helping any students who may find themselves in crisis throughout the year. She most recently worked as a counselor and English department chairperson at St. Anthony, but also has previously worked at another Lasallian school in our district, St. Mary’s College High School in Berkeley. Sheima Berenji - Ms. Berenji is not completely new to La Salle: she has been our girls soccer coach for a number of years. We are excited to welcome her to our faculty this year as part of our science department. Ana Fraley - Ms. Fraley is joining our World Languages department and will be teaching Spanish. She has more than 20 years experience in Catholic education, most recently working at St. Paul High School. Joshua Thompson - Mr. Thompson will be joining our PE/health department. A recent graduate of Azusa Pacific University, Mr. Thompson will also work as an assistant coach for our football team. Brian Walsh - Mr. Walsh has joined La Salle as our new athletic director. As you hopefully read in the press release sent out in July, Mr. Walsh has an extensive background in athletic administration and we are incredibly excited to welcome him to our Lancer team. (See page 6). Gregory Ziomek - Mr. Ziomek is joining La Salle as our music teacher. Although new to our faculty, he is not new to our community: Mr. Ziomek’s sons - Elijah '08 and Nathaniel '10 - both graduated from La Salle. Mr. Ziomek comes to La Salle after having worked many years at Holy Family High School in Glendale.
Back to School Night
You can meet all of our teachers, new and returning, at our annual Back to School Night on August 28. Please mark it on your calendar and plan on being there to find out about what the year holds in store for your student. Back to School Night begins at 7:00pm and is preceded by a Senior College Information Night at 6:00pm in the Dining Hall. As we look forward to the beginning of another school year, I hope that you and your students are excited about the possibilities that the year holds. The faculty and staff at La Salle are here to help students learn and grow, and we all look forward to working with you throughout this year.
August 2019
La Salle Matters
Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, P'94,'97 Acting President
I hope that the summer is treating you well and that it is packed with family enjoyment. During these recent summer weeks, our hallways, classrooms and the Blakeslee Learning Commons have been filled with the students enrolled in our Academic and Athletic Summer Programs. I enjoyed talking to these students, especially the excited incoming 9th graders. A big thanks to all of the summer teachers and coaches, especially our Summer Program Director, Mr. Laird, and our wonderful office support staff for their dedication and efforts on behalf of our summer students. Our ever-present and hard-working facility and maintenance staff members are still busy cleaning, repairing, and refreshing our facility. In this ParentNewsletter, Mrs. Kassakhian has given you a full update on all of the projects that were completed during the summer. The list is long, detailed and impressive. We immediately used the donations you and other La Salle supporters generously gave to us through last year’s LAC 3 initiative to refurbish the Girl’s Locker Room and the Student Life Center and construct the new Wellness Center. Creating funding campaigns that will enrich the educational experience of our students in “real-time”, not in some distant year down the line is my immediate focus. Over the next months, I will be sharing exciting news about our donor project for this new school year that will be completed for the opening of the 2020-2021 school year. I am confident that you will be excited by the vision and scope of this academic project and I am positive that you will want to support this endeavor with your resources. More information to come! One of the new enhancements you will see when you come onto our beautiful campus is the launching of a schoolwide security protocol. The details are being finalized, so you will hear more about this over the next weeks. The school’s administration believes that the safety and protection of our students and adults is paramount, so we have made this initative a top priority for the beginning of this year. In the June ParentNewsletter, I expressed some candid thoughts to you regarding my postponing my retirement and accepting the request to assume the President’s position until the Trustees complete a search process and hire a permanent President. This process has begun. The Trustees are reviewing numerous proposals from search firms and will be interviewing the final selection of firms over the next month. Their goal is to
August 2019
hire the most qualified and experienced firm and then to begin the detailed search process prior to the end of September. At some point in the Fall, the selected firm will have direct communications with our current families and school community. Your input into this process is essential. I will keep you updated on this process. I will end this first newsletter of the school year with a prayer for the new school year that is based on the Mission of La Salle College Preparatory; that derives its foundation and heritage from our founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle:
For the Christian Brothers and all those Associated in their world-wide ministry... We Thank You Lord! For the teachers, staff, coaches, and administrators of LSCP … We Thank You Lord! For our students, parents and families … We Thank You Lord! For our alumni … We Thank You Lord! For our benefactors … We Thank You Lord! For providing new horizons for the students entrusted to our care … We Thank You Lord!
Faith, Service, Community The Purpose of Lasallian Education: to provide a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor, according to the ministry which the Church has entrusted to it.
The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian School, 1694 Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron of All Teachers Founder, Brothers of the Christian Schools
Let us remember... ...we are in the Holy Presence of God.
August 2019
Brian Walsh Selected to Lead Lancers La Salle College Preparatory has announced the hiring of Brian Walsh as its new athletic director. Walsh assumed his duties at La Salle on July 1, 2019.
Mr. Brian Walsh Athletic Director
Walsh has worked the past 16 years at St. Anthony High School in Long Beach, having served in multiple roles including assistant principal, athletic director, dean, facilities manager, teacher and head football coach. Since 2008, he has functioned in the capacity of league coordinator for the Santa Fe and Camino Real Leagues. Additionally, he has served as a member of the CIF Southern Section Council, CIF Southern Section Football Advisory Board, and the CIF Southern Section Official Fees and Relations Committee. “We are tremendously excited to have Brian join our team here at La Salle. He brings a wealth of experience with him and is exactly who we need to lead our athletic department into the future,” said Principal Kassakhian. “Brian has done an incredible job of building the athletic department at St. Anthony. His vision and expertise will shape our athletic program and community for years to come.” For the past four years, Walsh has been one of the few athletic directors recognized by the CIF Southern Section as part of their MVP AD program. During his time at St. Anthony’s, the Saints won 45 league championships, eight CIF Southern Section and State Regional championships, and nine CIF Southern Section individual championships. In 2016, Walsh was recognized by the Long Beach Post as one of their “40 under 40” honorees, celebrating the outstanding achievements of individuals in the city of Long Beach.
August 2019
“I am extremely excited about the opportunity to lead the La Salle athletic program. I look forward to working with all stakeholders to fulfill the mission of La Salle through athletics,” said Walsh. “Throughout the entire interview process, I was very impressed by the unified vision and support of the school administration and firmly believe we will elevate Lancer athletics to new heights. I am thankful for my years at St. Anthony High School and all those families, administrators, and coaches who supported me along the way.” Walsh graduated from California State University, Long Beach with a bachelor of science in kinesiology and a minor in psychology, and he earned a master’s degree from CSULB in sports management. He also earned a master’s degree in education and a California clear teaching credential from Loyola Marymount University. He and his wife, Liz, have two young children, Shane and Charlotte.
Join us for the amazing
Fall Tailgate and Chili Cook-off
September 28, 2019 Dining Hall 6:00-10:00pm $25 or gift of equal or more value per person Adults Only
A fun event for all new and current parents featuring games, food, drinks and college football on big screens RSVP Families receive 2 service hours for attendance
See more information on the Flyer attached to this email
August 2019
Welcome New Parents to the New School Year As the summer days start to draw shorter, I am always conflicted. I love the laziness of summer and the longer days that make me feel like there are more hours in the day to get things done, but the structure of the school year schedule calls to me. Jacky Samartin '15,'19,'21 Parent Association President
We welcome many new things to the beginning of the school year. Welcome to our new freshman. Welcome to our new seniors who take their place as the school leaders. We know you will make us proud. I am beginning my ninth year as a parent here at La Salle and I have the honor of again serving as Parent Association President. We would like to welcome our new Athletic Director Brian Walsh as well as many new faculty and staff. We also have some endings. First, and most significant is the retirement of Dr. Richard Gray. We are so thankful for his 20 years of leadership and dedication to our school. I was able to work very closely with him as a parent volunteer and I am grateful for all of the opportunities he afforded me here at La Salle. We wish him many blessings as he transitions into retirement. We also had several faculty and staff either retire or move on to new opportunities. We also wish them well in their new endeavors. We all have come to La Salle from different paths and have different expectations from high school. I have had an athlete, a dancer and a computer kid. The beauty of La Salle is they each found their own unique path here. When my children were in elementary school, I would drive by every morning on my way to Holy Angels in Arcadia. I always took note at how happy the kids looked. Along with a strong educational experience, I wanted our kids to be happy. We have found that and know we are very blessed. Our oldest just graduated from University of Arizona and has returned home. Any other time this would take us time to adjust but with our daughter leaving shortly for here freshman year at University of Arizona also, it will be nice to have him home.
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August 2019
As you enter this New Year, become involved, participate and be present. It makes our lives better and makes our children better people. The transition to high school is always difficult. Leaving the elementary school environment to navigate high school can be overwhelming for both students and parents. We have many volunteer and social opportunities to help you land in a comfortable place. Freshman and transfer parents please join us for “New Parent Orientation� Tuesday, August 13. Check-in begins at 6:00pm in the dining hall. The meeting will begin at 6:30pm. Our PALS organization will guide you as you enter your new school year. Back to School night will be on Wednesday, August 28, at 7:00pm. Senior parents will have a mandatory meeting at 6:00pm. Parent Association meetings are where you are informed about what is happening at school. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13, 2019, at 6:30pm in the Blakeslee Commons. Our focus for this meeting will be to present an overview of the goals of the upcoming year. Mr. Bonacci, our interim President will be our featured speaker and he will be introducing our new Athletic Director Brian Walsh. After the general meeting, there will be breakout meetings for our booster groups, Art, Academics and Athletics. Please join us for our first home football game Friday, September 20 at 7:00pm. This is a great way to spend a Friday night. Bring the entire family, have dinner and cheer on our Lancers. This is one of our favorite activities. It is fun to see new and old friends and great for school spirit.
Blessings to all of you for a wonderful 2019-2020 school year.
August 2019
City of Pasadena and La Salle Parking Laws The following rules and guidelines have been established by the administration and the Pasadena Police Department for the safety of your children.
The Pasadena Police will cite double parking violators
Parents may drop off students in front of the gym and school in the designated curb side “drop off” lane. They may also drive into the school parking lot on Sierra Madre Boulevard entering the parking lot using the second gate west of the gym and then exit as indicated. There is no parking in front of the Sierra Madre Boulevard school parking lot from 7:00am to 4:00pm on school days. There is a 2 hour parking area in front of the gym and school from 9:00am to 9:00pm. The City has provided an additional drop-off zone going south on Michillinda Avenue, just north of the School’s driveway. This is for imediate drop-off only and is indicated as such. Both La Salle and the City are very concerned by the ongoing double, (and at times, triple) parking by parents during drop-off on Sierra Madre Boulevard. This is not only illegal, but extremely unsafe. The City will continue to enforce a no-left-turn policy for northbound Michillinda Avenue traffic onto Canfield Road and Landfair Road, as well as a no-right-turn policy for southbound traffic on Michillinda Avenue onto Canfield and Landfair. This policy is in effect from 7:00am to 8:00am, Monday through Friday. Parents are also reminded that there is ABSOLUTELY NO STUDENT DROP-OFF IN THE LOWER FACULTY PARKING LOT OR LOT ENTRANCE. Pulling into this lot entrance creates a very dangerous back-up of cars in the oncoming traffic lanes. You will be cited. Driving students must register their cars and pick up a 2019-2020 Parking Permit from the Dean of Students. The School also reminds our driving students that there is additional parking in the Sierra Madre United Methodist Church parking lot as they should not park their cars on residential streets. Parents should make use of the Sierra Madre Boulevard lot to pick up students at the end of the school day. We expect our parents and students to adhere to these policies and regulations. They will be enforced by the Pasadena Police Department. Contact Michael Stumpf, Dean of Students at 626.696.4371 if you have any concerns about these procedures.
August 2019
Lancer Golf Classic San Gabriel Country Club Monday October 14, 2019 Save the Date • Champagne Reception Banquet and Auction Included * All Proceeds benefit La Salle’s academic athletic arts and financial aid programs
Sponsorships, underwriting and volunteer opportunities please contact 626.696.4381 *Reception Banquest and Auction only tickets for non-golfers are available
August 2019
College Center News College Counselors: Cassie Aschinger, Tina Bonacci '94, Owen Hou '90, P'21, Tam Ly, Marcia Yu P'21
Note College Fairs in the Next few Months
College Admission Counselors are on the road visiting high schools and attending college fairs. Around 100 college visits will take place at La Salle each fall from early September to mid-November. You can find the upto-date schedule for college visits and the option to register under ‘What is New’ section on Naviance Student. This is a great opportunity to learn about the schools you are considering and also to demonstrate interest.
College Planning Survey for Seniors
Seniors who have not yet completed their College Planning Survey should do so using Naviance under the ‘About Me’ tab. This survey is due on August 30th. We are scheduling individual college application meetings with students in the order that the surveys are submitted. Parents may optionally fill out the Parent College Planning Survey, which helps the college counselors to learn more about your son or daughter and keep that information in mind when writing letters of recommendation. If you do not have your login to Naviance Student, please contact your son or daughter's college counselor.
College Fairs
All La Salle students are invited to attend the college fair held at Saint Francis High School. The date and time is to be announced. It is one of the largest fairs in the San Gabriel Valley with over 80 colleges present and attracts close to a thousand students each year. Plan to arrive early and carpool as parking will be scarce.
College Tours - Save the Date
Visiting college campuses is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see a variety of campuses before they begin the college admissions process. This school year we will be offering the following tours: Los Angeles Area College Tour October 07, 2019 Cal State Northridge, Cal Lutheran, UC Santa Barbara
August 2019
San Diego College Tour February 21, 2020 University of San Diego, UC San Diego, San Diego State University Bay Area College Tour March 16-17, 2020 [Colleges TBD] Schools listed are subject to change without notice. If you have questions about any college tour, please contact Mrs. Yu.
Standardized Testing
Registration is open for the Fall SAT and ACT. If your son or daughter would like to take these standardized test(s) and has not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. We encourage you to register online, for the SAT at and for the ACT at SAT Test Date (Register By) October 5, 2019 (September 6) November 2, 2019 (October 3) December 7, 2019 (November 8) ACT Test Date (Register By) September 14, 2019 (August 16) October 26, 2019 (September 27) December 14, 2019 (November 8)
Mock SAT & ACT
Revolution Prep will be offering a practice ACT and SAT exam this fall. This is a good opportunity for juniors to become more familiar with the standardized test and for seniors to have some live practice to further prepare for the actual exam.
The price for each mock test is a $20 donation. All proceeds go towards our Academic Boosters. To register, please submit a check to the College Center, made payable to La Salle College Preparatory.
Homework Help
Available for all grade levels, Revolution Prep also offers tutoring in any major subject seven days a week. Expert tutors are on hand to help students with homework or prepare for a quiz or test. Register here: Cost: $49/month, use code HHSALLE
Off To A Good Start
Parents, encourage your son or daughter to be off to a good start this year by reaching out to their academic advisors whenever needed and taking advantage of the Academic Support period to have additional time with teachers. This will not only boost their academic performance, but also develop their assertiveness, communication skills, responsibility, and confidence, all very important skills they will need as they make their transition to living independently in college.
Mock SAT – Saturday, September 21, 2019 Mock ACT – Saturday, October 12, 2019
August 2019
Welcoming the Class of 2023
Planned Giving for La Salle's Future
Soon the members of the Class of 2023 will begin their academic years at our School. The summer months on campus are full of various activities offering opportunities in academics, athletics, and arts as well camps for young women and men who are not yet of high school age. Many campus facilities are receiving needed attention. Financial support for our School and its various needs are provided through a combination of annual giving and planned giving. Tuition and annual giving programs are keys to providing the financing necessary for any year’s operations and maintenance. The results of sound financial strategies through the years provide additional security and long-term support in these efforts. A significant part of our School’s efforts to meet its mid and long-term financial needs is our Planned Giving program. This program supports and enhances our endowment. Planned Gifts are often considered to be large in nature, and oftentimes this is the case. But even a modest Planned Gift is a strategic and integral part of this program. Key characteristics of a Planned Gift include (but are not limited to):
Leaving a Legacy without giving up assets currently
Enhancing the rate of return on one’s portfolio
Reduction of income tax liability with the potential to eliminate capital gains taxes
Diversification of one’s investment portfolio
Providing additional sources of retirement income
August 2019
The implementation and impact of the 2017 federal tax legislation continues to impact all of us, and though there have been changes affecting charitable giving, most of the underlying giving strategies are still in play.
Matching Gifts
As our School embarks on the new academic year, let us consider the possibilities of supporting the long-term needs of our School through a Planned Gift that is beneficial to both the donor and La Salle College Preparatory. These gifts are an integral and strategic part of maintaining and enhancing the successes and opportunities available to our students. Please review the Planned Giving articles in future publications of both the ParentNewsletter and Lancer Magazine for ongoing updates in the Planned Giving Program. In Summary La Salle College Preparatory can provide more information, both generically and specifically, regarding the benefits available through Planned Giving. For more information, please contact Kevin Delaney '86, Vice President for Institutional Advancement at 626.696.4318.
If you are an employee of a matching gift company, we would love to work with you. This is an easy way to raise funds for La Salle. If you are not sure if your company participates, you can ask your employer or contact: Tara Morales at: or call 626.696.4381.
August 2019
Senior Portrait Deadline
2019 Centurion Bridges to the Future
Parents Note: If your son or daughter was unable to schedule their senior portrait on campus last week, please call LifeTouch directly at 626.577.7012 for a sitting. The deadline for submitting senior portraits is September 27, 2019 in order to be included in the Centurion.
Seniors Tributes Senior Tribute ad flyers and order form for the 2020 Centurion Yearbook will be mailed to you in September. The ad deadline will be December 15, 2019
Centurion Yearbook Needs Editors If your son or daughter wants to be a memorable part of La Salle then the yearbook staff is for them. The Centurion needs design editors, writers, text editors, photographers, photo editors, advertising editors and section editors for arts, athletics, clubs, Student Life and so much more. This year the yearbook staff will meet during 8th period so students participating will be able to work around club activities, music and athletic practices. If interested, sign up when school starts or email the Centurion moderator,
August 2019
World Scholars Fare Well in Europe By John Erb Moderator/ Coach World Scholars
Our Academic Decathlon team sent six of its members to The Hague, Netherlands in July to compete in the second round of the World Scholars Cup, competing against 1,900 students from 51 different countries. "Over the last three years, we’ve sent our teams to Prague, Cape Town, and Melbourne. However, this year, we have completely new teams competing globally. They really enjoyed their roles as American ambassadors and represented both the US and La Salle with pride.” noted moderator Erb. Teammates Colby STenzel ’20, Ewan Painter ’20, and Matthew Day ’21 finished 8th place overall, competing against over 650 teams. The 120-question Scholar’s Challenge and audio-visual Scholar’s Bowl proved successful for the Lancers, finishing 5th overall in both disciplines. On the individual level,Stenzel excelled, garnering a total of 14 gold medals and 1 silver medal. Stenzel also had the honor of carrying the United States flag for the delegation at the Closing Ceremonies. The second team of Franklin Cheng '21, Christina Chen ’20, and Adam Lewczuk '21 also achieved a gold medal, finishing 48th place overall in the competition. Both teams earned a spot in the Tournament of Champions competition at Yale in November.
Stenzel, Cheng, Chen, Lewczuk, Day, Painter
Lancer Armory Summer hours
The Armory will be CLOSED August 6th to August 8th, OPEN August 9th from 10:00am-2:00pm. OPEN August 13, 5:00-8:00pm August 14, 8:00am-3:00pm August 16, 7:30am-3:30pm* August 24, Saturday 9:00am -1:00pm *Regular Operating Hours
August 2019
August Highlights August 13 Faculty and Staff In-Service 8:00am - 3:00pm Dining Hall New Parents’ Orientation 6:00- 8:00pm Dining Hall
August 24 Saturday Lancer Armory Open 9:00am - 1:00pm
Lancer Armory Open 5:00 - 8:00pm
August 28 Senior College Information Night 6:00 - 7:00 Dining Hall
August 14 New Student Welcome and Orientation Casual Dress 9:00am - 2:00pm Dining Hall Lunch Provided Transfer Student Welcome and Orientation Casual Dress 9:00am - 12:30pm Room 302 Lancer Armory Open 8:00am - 3:00pm August 15 Special Schedule First Day of School Dress Uniforms Mass of the Assumption ID and Yearbook Photos Lancer Armory Open 7:30am - 3:30pm August 16 First Day of Classes Regular Uniforms Lancer Armory Open 7:30am - 3:30pm August 23 Welcome Back Dance 7:30 - 10:30pm Dining Hall Last Day to Drop/Add Classes
August 26 CSF and NHS, Applications Available
Back to School Night 7:00 - 8:00pm Dining Hall Classrooms August 30 CSF and NHS Applications Due September 2 Labor Day School Holiday September 5 Liturgy Schedule Dress Uniforms Mass of the Holy Spirit Makeup Picture Day September 9 Freshman Retreat September 10 Freshman Retreat Service Day Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Learning Commons Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations
Transforming Lives Since 1680