La Salle High School Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

Ready…set… GO! This is exactly how I have felt for the past six months waiting for the arrival of July 1. While my sabbatical year was wonderful, I am VERY pleased to be back at work with students and an engaged faculty. As the new Principal of La Salle (and following in the footsteps of a beloved figure) I can only tell you how pleased I am to be “back” at this School. The place where it all began for me…as a young teacher…in the last century! My first few days on the job have had me listening, watching, laughing and meeting with some of the many individuals who make this School operation hum. I am honored to be here and look forward to working with you in this important educational venture called Catholic Lasallian education.

In the Middle of the Action My office, on the third floor of the school, is right in the middle of the action. I have had the opportunity to see our Summer Academic Institute and Sports Camps going full bore. It is clear to me that this campus is a very busy place – year round! I want to acknowledge Brian Miller and his Academic Institute staff for their diligence and efforts in the classroom these summer days. In addition, our maintenance staff has been busy giving the entire campus a thorough cleaning, polishing and spit-shine. For the grid-iron fans, the football field project is progressing nicely with a new drainage system and fresh “carpet.” The start of the school year for NEW (9th grade and transfer) students is Wednesday, August 22. The day will include an orientation program from 9:00am to 2:00pm that will be directed by students and adults from our Student Life Team. Lunch will be provided (no charge!) and there will be no need for textbooks nor uniforms that day. That same evening, August 22, we will also host a very informative New Parent Orientation Program beginning at 6:30pm in the Dining Hall. You will be receiving detailed information in a separate mailing regarding this evening program. For your reading Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “All minds are not attracted in the same way and it is necessary to know how to deal with each in order to lead it to give itself over to the task.”

Meditations for Sundays 64.2 Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1704




Principal Ideas Continued from page 1

pleasure and in anticipation of our meeting, you can access our New Parent Survival Guide at www. Click, Parents Click, Survival Guide. I would strongly encourage the parents of our new students to attend this activity. I have been told that it is a most informative experience in addition to hearing my pearls of wisdom!

First Day of Classes / Books SCHOOL STARTS AUGUST 23

On the next day, August 23, the ENTIRE student body will gather for its first day of classes beginning at 8:00am – textbooks and full uniforms are required. The bell schedule template can be found on the back cover of the Parent/Student Handbook & Calendar, (mailed to you on July 19). I recommend that you begin buying your textbooks soon, to assure their arrival at your homes by early August. Our authorized online bookstore, ESCO, can be accessed from our school’s website and is now available to receive your orders. While you are able to buy your textbooks from many different sources, we provide ESCO with detailed information about our course textbook needs including the most current ISBN coding under the Academics tab of the website. We regularly update the ISBN code in order to avoid textbook version confusion. Purchase correctly as refunds are not always easy to obtain and/or may come with a restocking charge.

all students on Dress Up Days. In addition, the Armory contains other La Salle apparel that will make you suitable for most occasions.

Registration Packet Soon you will receive a packet containing our necessary annual school forms, many of which will need to be completed and returned to us by Friday, August 3. PLEASE comply with these return dates. Thank you in advance. Additionally, you will also receive the 2012-2013 Parent-Student Handbook & Calendar. It makes for a most interesting (?!) and necessary read. Please familiarize yourself with the contents as it helps in resolving most questions and concerns. While each student will receive their own calendar in the first week of school, the mailed copy is for home use. In a few days (Okay – 35 to be exact) we will again begin the process of returning to the classrooms for formal education. It is a tremendous opportunity for all of us to pledge our support and recommit our effort as a learning community. We all have a vital role to play in this process and I promise that I will do my best to assure that the faculty and staff of this School are ready, willing and able to work with your son/daughter in maturing them to young adulthood. I look forward to meeting you during the course of this year.

Lancer Armory The Lancer Armory is available to purchase approved locker combination locks, PE clothing and School ties that must be worn by

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal

Calling All Sophomore, Junior & Senior Parents: New Incoming Parents Want You! We are well underway preparing for our annual Freshman Parent & New Parent Orientation program that will be held on the evening of August 22nd. This is a great opportunity to get a jump-start on service hours for the coming year. Please let us know if you would like to help with this special event, either during the organization phase or on the evening of August 22. Please contact me for additional details. Event Co-Chair Hilary Scofield P’14 - / 626.806.2407 PAGE 2



From the Parent Association

Outline for a Great New Year Greetings La Salle Parents,

With another school year behind us and the start of 2012/2013 fast approaching, I hope you will join me and the Parent Association in our enthusiasm for what lies ahead for the La Salle parent community. We are currently in the planning stages of what promises to be a vibrant calendar featuring interesting and informative programs. Our monthly Parent Association meetings will continue to provide outstanding featured content and our exceptional speakers will continue to headline our Parent Education Series. Our four booster groups are right now hard at work developing parent-enhanced activities and communication of volunteer opportunities. When reflecting on the 2011/2012 school year, a wave of emotions return: gratitude for another The safe and successful year for our students, thankfulness for our wonderful faculty and staff, and most of La Salle all, overwhelming pride in our recent graduates whose collective service accomplishments and formidable Difference list of accepted colleges are more impressive each year. Truly they define The La Salle Difference. A hearty is REAL “Well Done and Farewell!” to the Class of 2012, and to our outgoing PA Presidents Carol and Brad Wright ’73 P’07, ’12. Brad and Carol’s commitment to La Salle High School cannot be overstated. Their dedication serves as a beacon to all of us who come after them – we cannot thank them enough! We also join in saluting Mr. Pat Bonacci, AFSC, for his 15 years as La Salle's Principal… and now adding to his 27 years of service to La Salle as our new Vice President for Mission – Congratulations, Mr. Bonacci! Now looking forward to 2012/2013 – I am so pleased to have the honor of introducing to the Parent Association our new Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC. Brother Christopher's warm smile and engaging personality compliment his many years of experience as an educator. We are thrilled to have such a steady leader as a guide for our students. We also want to take this opportunity to welcome the parents of the Class of 2016 and the parents of NEXT incoming transfer students as they begin their wonderful journey exploring the Parent Association endless possibilities offered at La Salle. With this in mind, the Parent Association Meeting: Tuesday, is hosting its annual Freshman Parent and New Parent Orientation program. September 11, This program is designed to provide incoming parents the opportunity to better 7:45pm acquaint themselves with life at La Salle. All freshman parents and parents new Blakeslee Library to La Salle should mark their calendars for Wednesday, August 22 at 6:30pm in the Dining Hall for this very special event. Additional details will be sent out in a separate mailing in late July. Once again, we are very excited about the upcoming year and look forward to seeing all of you at La Salle. With gratitude for God’s many blessings, my wife Kathi and I wish you and your students a safe and happy summer!

Craig Snodgrass P’09,’12,’14 President

Library Volunteer Opportunities The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation! Also, donations of snacks and drinks will be accepted for the Café Bibliothèque events in the library. The dates for events are: September 20, October 25, November 29, January 24, February 14, March 14, and April 25. Please call Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 or Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 to sign up. PAGE 3



La Salle Matters



Recently, I was asked to serve on a Dissertation Defense Committee at the Rossier School of Education at USC. A “Dissertation Defense Committee” is the final step before a graduate student is awarded a doctorate in his or her chosen field of study. Different universities have different requirements for the membership of a Dissertation Defense Committee. At USC’s Rossier School of Education, the Committee is composed of faculty directly involved with the graduate student’s research and a representative of the field of inquiry which is the focus of the dissertation. I was honored to be asked to serve on this particular committee because the focus of research was the “effective leadership practices of Catholic high school principals.” While it’s been a long time since I have had the opportunity to serve as a principal of a Catholic high school, I have been privileged to spend the last 12 years working alongside one of the most caring and dedicated Catholic high school principals I have ever known. So, the opportunity to step back into the halls of the “academy” and to revisit the time-honored (and sweat-producing) journey from graduate student to doctoral candidate not only caused me to reflect on my own experience of this challenging reminder of my passage through this gateway (it involved a red-eye flight from California and spilled coffee on my pants moments before the Dissertation Defense Committee began its deliberations); but it also reminded me of the importance of studying schools, teachers, students and their parents with respect to how we bring “value-added” to the 12-year journey we call pre-collegiate education. At schools like La Salle, it is all too easy to assign “value-added” (particularly given the outstanding college-prep options which exist here in the San Gabriel Valley) to the penultimate outcome of a student’s four-year journey to the college of his choice. I claim that this trajectory is “easy” (though most parents would argue that it is anything but) because that journey is only 50% of the goal which justifies La Salle’s existence. The other 50% is precisely linked to the focus of the dissertation that I was asked to evaluate - specifically how the leadership of Catholic High School principals impacts student achievement. A substantial portion of Chapter 2 of the dissertation (there are 5 chapters in the entire study) was devoted to the question: “how do the leadership strategies of successful Catholic high school principals impact teacher behavior and student learning?” Earlier I referenced the “penultimate” outcome of Catholic, college-prep high schools. College destination for schools like La Salle is the “penultimate” outcome because I have said in this space and elsewhere that the Mission of La Salle is to produce good students (college-prep) and good people (values-orientation). Reading this dissertation reminded me of how critical the second aspect of a La Salle education is to the reason for our existence. Given the robust options for college-prep schools here in the San Gabriel Valley, it is understandable when families choose other highly-valued schools over La Salle. Continued on page 5



La Salle Matters Continued from page 4

However, when that decision is made through the lens of moral, ethical and religious values, we expect parents to consider La Salle because of its substantial emphasis on the education of the whole person: academically, athletically, artistically and – most importantly – spiritually. This reflection has been triggered by a wonderful component of the dissertation I have been asked to evaluate. The study makes the claim (with which I agree) that successful Catholic high school principals embrace the concept of “servant leadership” in their day-to-day behavior. In other words, the authority of Catholic high school principals is rooted in the “ethic of care and the ethic of service” which typifies their day-to-day practice. As we transition from the leadership of one outstanding – and well known – “servant leader” (Pat Bonacci, AFSC) to another, less well-known, but wellregarded “servant leader” (Brother Christopher Brady, FSC), I take comfort in this theory-based comment in the dissertation I have been asked to review: “Having situational awareness entails being able to predict what might occur and being aware of issues that may not have arisen but could possibly create strife.” We are all well-aware of Pat Bonacci’s outstanding ability to pay attention to “issues that may not have arisen but could possibly create strife.” Having had the privilege of working with Brother Christopher for the better part of the last six weeks, I am reasonably confident that he will bring to La Salle the skills described in the dissertation I have been asked to review. With this ParentNewsletter, we formally welcome the families of the Class of 2016. I am confident that you will be as comfortable with the leadership of Brother Christopher as the last 15 years of graduates have been with Pat Bonacci. AFSC.

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2012

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:

Happy New Year!

Richard Gray, Ph.D. President

Transforming Lives Since 1680




From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors


Camp College – Second Offering

College-related Events of Interest

For those who missed the first Camp College session in June, the College Center will offer another section of this course the week of August 13. The purpose of this three-day seminar is to provide students with an overview of the college admissions process and provide hands-on instruction regarding organizational systems, the application process, and the college essays. Most students will have one essay completed and have drafts of a second and a third essay by the end of the course. Registration forms are available in the College Center. Non-La Salle students are welcome to attend. Please contact Mr. Hou at 626.696.4314, if you have any questions.

Colleges That Change Lives Fair – Tuesday, July 31 and Wednesday, August 1 at 7:00pm at the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City Hotel. The forty colleges featured in Loren Pope’s book Colleges That Change Lives (CTCL) will offer an information session and a college fair for prospective students and parents. All students and parents who are interested in learning more about these liberal arts colleges and universities and interested in hearing more about the CTCL philosophy – namely, that there are great college options for every student (not just for the strongest students) and that the college search should focus on finding the best match for each student – are invited to attend. There is no cost to attend and pre-registration is not required. Please read Loren Pope’s book or go to www.ctcl. com for additional information on the colleges in the CTCL group. Additional information to these and other events can be found under the “Area College Events” section on our Naviance page.

College Tours Visiting college campuses is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see a variety of campuses before they begin the college admissions process. This year we are offering the following tours: Santa Barbara College Tour Monday, November 12 UC Santa Barbara, Cal Lutheran University and Cal Sate Northridge. Bay Area College Tour Thursday and Friday, October 11-12 UC Santa Cruz, UC Berkeley, Santa Clara U, Saint Mary’s College, and Stanford. San Diego College Tour Friday, February 8, 2013 UC San Diego, University of San Diego and San Diego State University. East Coast College Tour During the Easter Holiday, April 1-6, itinerary and colleges to be determined.


News for Seniors and Their Parents Remember to utilize Family Connection from Naviance. Family Connection is a web-based application that enables our counseling office to offer a comprehensive website that you and your student can use to help in making decisions about colleges and careers. Family Connection is linked with Naviance, which we use in our office to track and analyze data about college and career plans, so it provides up-to-date information that’s specific to La Salle. Family Connection will allow your student to: • Keep track of the process – Build a resume, complete on-line surveys and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers • Research colleges – Compare GPA, SAT scores and other statistics to actual historical data from

ParentNewsletter our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past. •Sign up for college visits – Find out which colleges are visiting our school and sign up to attend those sessions Senior students can access the Sr. College Planning Survey on Naviance. The survey is to be completed and submitted by August 31. The individual senior college meeting will be scheduled according to the receipt date of the Sr. College Planning Survey. In other words, first come-first served. Senior parents/guardians will be able to access the Parent/Guardian College Planning Survey on Naviance. We would appreciate your help by setting aside a few minutes to answer this survey. Please complete the survey by Friday, August 31. Reminder: at least one parent /guardian must register on Naviance. The college counseling office uses your registered email address to communicate important college admissions information/deadlines via Naviance. Please contact your student’s college counselor if you need assistance registering on Naviance.

Senior College Night Please mark your calendars for Thursday, August 30 to attend the Senior College Night at 7:00pm in the Dining Hall for both parents and seniors. (Follows the Back-to-School Night General Meeting)

Senior College Night Schedule 7:00 pm

Senior Parents & Students: Welcome (Dining Hall) M. Teresa Baldonado & Owen Hou 7:15 pm Overview of the college admissions process 7:50 pm The Application Essay 8:20pm Questions & Answers 8:30 pm Adjournment Seniors will receive formal instruction on the college admission application process in their Mentor Period.


Standardized Testing Registration is open for the Fall SAT and ACT. If your student would like to take these standardized test(s) and has not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. We encourage you to register online, for the SAT at www.collegeboard. com, and for the ACT at Please note the registration for the September ACT is just around the corner.


SAT Test Date (Register By) October 6, 2012 (Sept. 7) November 3, 2012 (Oct. 4) December 1, 2012 (Nov. 1) ACT Test Date (Register By) September 8, 2012 (Aug. 17) October 27, 2011 (Sept. 21) December 8, 2011 (Nov. 2)

Fall SAT Prep Course We are proud to partner with the Princeton Review for this upcoming school year. They will be offering two SAT prep courses a year, one for the Fall and one for the Spring. The Fall course prepares students for the October 6 SAT. It starts with a practice test on Saturday, September 8 and runs to Wednesday, October 3. Classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays, with practice tests on Saturdays. Additional information, including a full course schedule and cost can be found on the Princeton Review website at www.princetonreview. com. First, click on ‘SAT’ and then click the link next to ‘Classroom Courses.’ While the Classroom Course is usually 18 hours long, we were able to get the Princeton Review to add an additional 6 hours for no cost. Families can also receive a $100 discount with the promo code: LASALLEVAL100.

Freshman, Sophomore and Junior News News for Freshman, Sophomore and Junior parents: The following standardized tests will be administered on October 17: Freshmen – EXPLORE, Sophomores – PLAN, Juniors – PSAT. College Center

Continueon page 8 PAGE 7



College Center

Continued from page 7

EXPLORE results can be a benchmark before taking the PLAN and the ACT test. Taking PLAN as a 10th grader is a great way to prepare for the ACT. The PSAT (preliminary SAT) provides firsthand practice for the SAT. All juniors will be required to take the ACT this coming spring on Saturday, February 9. La Salle High School is an ACT test center for this date.

in the National Honor Society (NHS) and/or the California Scholarship Federation (CSF), please remind him or her to register. The deadline to register for CSF is August 31 and NHS is September 7. Please note, in order to wear the CSF cord for graduation, the student must be a member of CSF for four or more semesters, with at least one of the semesters during the senior year. In order to wear the NHS cord, the student must be an active member of NHS for at least two years (to be determined by the NHS moderator).

NHS and CSF Registration

If your student is eligible for membership

Start Your Volunteer Hours Now Please check the calendar on the Parent Association website. If you have not yet signed up on the Volunteer Website: CHECK VOLUNTEER OPPS ON PA WEBSITE

Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the «calendar» at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for.

Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.

ACADEMIC BOOSTERS EVENTS* August 5 - Used Uniform Set Up 4:00pm August 6 - Used Uniform Sales 9:00am and 6:00pm

*Volunteers will be advised of exact start time and hours available prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.




From The Parent Association

Freshman Parent & New Parent Orientation We know with summer officially in high gear, the thought of getting ready for the upcoming school year is the farthest thing from many peoples' minds. For some, the excitement of summertime plans may soon be giving way to the nervous anticipation of starting a new high school. For new La Salle parents, we are sure that you and your child are running through a gamut of emotions as you prepare to embark on your upcoming high school experience. Whatever the case, this can truly be an exciting time for you and your son or daughter. We are very much looking forward to the arrival of all new students and welcome their parents to the family that we call La Salle! In order to help incoming parents discover their own La Salle experience, we invite you to our Freshman Parent & New Parent Orientation. This event, which will be held on the evening of August 22 at 6:30pm, will provide new and returning parents the opportunity to familiarize or re-acquaint themselves with life at La Salle. You will learn, through a variety of information sessions, the details of what we are all about. We will address key aspects of life at La Salle from both a parent and student perspective. You will also have the chance to explore many organizations and opportunities for involvement that may be of interest to both you and your child. Following the orientation program, we offer time for socializing and provide a “New Parents Only” opportunity for you to purchase certain last minute student apparel and locker items from La Salle’s Armory.


Additional details about Freshman Parent & New Parent Orientation will be mailed in a few weeks. In the meantime, be sure to mark your calendars for this very special event. If you have any questions about our orientation program, please contact event Co-Chairs:

Hilary Scofield P’14 Craig Snodgrass P’09. ’12. ’14 626.806.2407 626.688.6523




From Guidance and Counseling

Our Wholehearted Commitment to Your Student’s Well Being By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling

Welcome back to La Salle High School! We extend a special welcome to our incoming freshmen students and parents. We hope that those of you who were in classes during the summer experienced The La Salle Difference.


The beginning of a new school year can be felt as a combination of excitement and anxiety. Our incoming 9th grade class will be making the adjustment to block schedules, organizing their study schedules and new instructors whose requirements may differ among classes. One significant difference for most freshman students is the change from attending elementary through middle school in a smaller class of students who knew each other to being in a larger 9th grade class. The challenges in this developmental shift come from being the oldest student on a campus whose peer groups are established to being the youngest student in the school. The pressures are academic and social. Biopsychosocial is a term that is used to describe the understanding that a person’s behavior and functioning is influenced by their physical health and maturation, coping resources, and the social supports such as friends and activities in which a person participates. In high school, students are in different stages of physical and emotional development. A student’s social skills are an important part of their ability to make friends or to find a group of friends with whom they share interests. Problems in any of those areas can cause distress in an adolescent. Learning how to negotiate the more complex world of high school is something that each of your students will learn. Their coping skills will grow and be strengthened through guidance from parents, teachers and activities that affirm them. If you think that your student seems to be struggling and you notice behavior changes that might indicate emotional difficulties or distress, please contact my office for school based support for you and your student. There are also other community based support services and professionals that provide assistance to our students. We have a wholehearted commitment to your student’s well being. We believe that this commitment is an integral piece of caring for your students, whom you have entrusted to our care.




20th Annual Lancer Golf Tournament and Banquet

Save the Date

Monday, October 29, 2012 Glendora Country Club Four-Person Scramble 11:00am Shotgun Start More information? 626.696. 4381


La Salle Lancers Flags Show Your Colors! Large 28" x 42" Flag 3" sleeve to fit standard wooden flag poles $25.00 Contact Esmeralda Garcia to place an order.

An Arts Boosters Exclusive PAGE 11



The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News


Lancer swimmers, junior Samantha Torres and sophomore Paul Gouw, were selected as members of the Pasadena Star-News All Area first team. The Girls Swimming Coach, Nicole Maichrowicz, who lead the Lancers to their first ever Girls CIF Championship was named Coach of the Year! Our Del Rey League Baseball Champions produced a pair of StarNews All Area first team selections with senior infielder Chris Williams, who batted .465 with 40 hits and 23 RBIs and senior infielder/ pitcher Bowdien “Bubba” Derby who was 9-1 with a 0.60 ERA and 117 strikeouts. He batted .395 and is off to San Diego State on an athletic scholarship. Junior Daniel De La Torre, who won the CIF SS Cross Country title as well as the Del Rey League's 1,600 and 3,200 meter runs before going to the State meet, was selected as the Pasadena Star-News Track Athlete of the Year. Boys Volleyball had senior Peter Nuguid make the All-Area second team. Peter also played in the Private versus Public All-Star match along with senior Alec Shuster.

plishment. The citation read in part: We believe that every successful student has a supportive and inspiring teacher standing behind him or her. We also recognize that to good teachers, teaching is not just a career; it is a way of life. To honor your dedication to your students, please accept the enclosed medal as a commemoration of this milestone in your career. We are thrilled that your students have demonstrated such outstanding creative potential and that you chose to share it with us. We hope that you will continue to find exciting new ways to bring art and writing to your students and that you will encourage them to participate in next year’s Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.

Art Teacher Honored

Art teacher Ellen Slatkin, shown above, received a medal and commendation certificate from the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers because her students were recognized by the Allience as gold medal winners. (see April newsletter). In the 2012 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards there were more than 200,000 submissions and only 1,600 students earned National Awards. For La Salle to have multiple award winners is truly a great accomPAGE 12

Kohorst Field Gets New "Carpet"

Construction of the new football and soccer fields continues as the field is nearly completed with the addition of sand and rubber pel-


ParentNewsletter lets to "grow the grass." The hand installation of the Lancer logo at center field is scheduled to be completed by July 21. Resurfacing of the track will begin after the football field is completed.

Lancers Selected as Student Leaders Three La Salle students made the list

of THE Magazine’s “50 Student Leaders” this spring. The list was comprised of juniors and seniors from the San Gabriel Valley who demonstrate qualities of leadership, either through dedication in community outreach efforts, entrepreneurial achievements or artistic achievements, etc. In May, juniors Cassidy Rey and Jonathan Ajamian with senior Lauren Valdes, were honored at an event that took place in Pasadena with Jamie Lee Curtis as the emcee. Valdes Rey Proceeds from the event went to the Frostig Center, an organization that helps individu-

als with learning disabilities. Each student received a Certificate of Recognition from the California Senate and a Scholastic Achievement Award from the California State Assembly. The students are listed in the April issue of THE Magazine which can be found at

Save the Date

Our Family Communion Breakfast will take place on Sunday, October 21. Please see flyer attached to this e newsletter.



Please Register for eScrip NOW Be sure you are signed up at Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. • To register for VONS, go to • To register Ralphs Rewards cards, go to • To register at Albertsons go to

Our School ID is: 139428998 or type in La Salle High School. If you need help please email Craig Snodgrass at or call him at 626.688.6523.






Check your School calendar for all event times and dates

August/September Highlights August 3 All Student Forms and Signature SIGN-OFFS Due


Note: Dress Up Day All students are required to wear the La Salle Tie on Dress Up Days.

August 6 CKW New Uniform Sales Used Uniform Sales 9:00am - 11:00am 6:00pm - 7:30pm Dining Hall and Blakeslee Library

August 29 Liturgy Schedule Dress Up Day Mass of the Holy Spirit 9:20am Dining Hall August 30 Back-to-School Night and Senior Parent College Night and General Parent Meeting 6:15pm Dining Hall

August 22 New Student Welcome and August 31 Orientation Senior Parent and 9:00am - 2:00pm Student College Survey Due Casual Dress CSF Applications Due Lunch Provided FOOTBALL vs Glendale HS New Students Parents’ 7:00pm Orientation Kohorst Field 6:30pm Dining Hall September 3 Labor Day School Holiday August 23 Special Schedule September 4, 5 First Day of School Freshmen Retreat / Service 8:00am - 2:25pm Complete Uniforms and all Books September 5 are Required “Play Like a Champion” Lancer Armory Open Athletic Director and Parents Meeting August 24 Dress Up Day (Fall Winter Teams) CSF, NHS, SNHS 6:00pm Applications Available Dining Hall Yearbook and ID Photos Taken September 7 Spirit Day August 24 NHS, SNHS Applications Due FOOTBALL vs Temple City HS FOOTBALL vs 7:00pm Village Christian HS Kohorst Field at Occidental College 7:00pm August 27 Fall Team Pictures September 8 Saturday 2:45-4:30pm Welcome Dance Campus Locations 8:00-11:00pm Dining Hall

September 10 SAT Prep Class 3:30-6:30pm September 11 Parent Boosters Meetings 6:30pm Campus Locations Parent Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library September 14 FOOTBALL at Maranatha HS Varsity 7:00pm September 18 Visual & Performing Arts Parent Meeting 6:30pm Grinstead Theatre September 19 Lancer Club Day Lunchtime September 13 Special Schedule Dress Up Day Academic Awards 9:20am Dining Hall September 21 Spirit Day Senior Non-Uniform Day FOOTBALL at St. Bernard HS Varsity 7:00pm September 29 Saturday Gift Gathering Party September 30 SundaySenior Alumni & Friends Memorial Mass 10:00am Dinning Hall

For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations log on to or Athletics PAGE 14

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