ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas Dear Parents, Learn•Serve•Lead
Last June, I began to seriously reflect on the next stage of my life’s journey. My reflection was prompted by two observations: first, in looking at the school calendar for this year I am going to turn 64 in January; and second; it is literally taking me more time (and energy) to accomplish tasks and projects that in previous years would have been signed, sealed and delivered in a matter of hours or days. In December, 2011, Dr. Gray invited me to take on the position of Principal at La Salle beginning July 2012. I was of the mind that I could fulfill the responsibilities and duties for years to come. Getting older, in my mind, has never been a concern for me so why would it be in the future. Unfortunately, I’ve come to find out that life doesn’t always work that way. While aging may bring wisdom (one hopes!), it also brings a fresh set of realities into one’s life. Recently, I met with Brother Donald, Visitor of the San Francisco New Orleans District and discussed my thoughts and concerns with him. Since 1979, with the exception of a few years, I have had the privilege of serving in high school administration in six different Lasallian schools. I have been honored to have been a principal for almost 27 of those 36 years. As a result of my reflections and conversations, I spoke with Dr. Gray and informed him that I will be ending my time and responsibilities at La Salle this coming June. I will be stepping away from school administration and being a Principal. My heart is telling me that it’s time to let go! Being a school leader in today’s educational setting requires more than I can realistically give it. If I had the power to add three or four more hours to each day and a body that didn’t Continued on page 2
More About The De La Salle Christian Brothers The Christian Brothers, whose reputation for excellence in education extends back to 1680, are members of a worldwide educational order comprised of over 1,000 schools within which 1,700 Brothers and 84,500 Lasallian Partners teach nearly 1,000,000 students in 84 countries.