ParentNewsletter THE LA SALLE
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
It was a delight to see and speak with so many of you at last month’s Back-to-School Night and Parent Meeting on January 10. Thank you for making the time in your busy schedule to be with us for a few hours. I also want to thank the parents of our seniors for joining me at last month’s meeting. We were able to cover all of the important information regarding the rapidly approaching graduation activities for the Class of 2013. Later this semester, I will be sending a follow-up letter to all parents of seniors that will include updates and forms regarding the various graduation events we spoke about at the January senior parent meeting. I am very privileged to have an experienced group of faculty who will coordinate the ceremonies and help prepare our seniors for these events.
Semester Grade Statistics During our Back-to-School Night Parent Meeting, I shared with you some of the statistics of our Fall Semester grades. Seventy-nine percent of all semester grades were A’s and B’s. It should
come as no surprise then that 425 students have appropriately earned a placed on our Honor Roll. Their outstanding achievement in their academic work is truly commendable!
Security Concerns In looking back at the month of December for a moment, I believe we were all horrified by the tragedy that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The unspeakable acts of violence perpetrated on those young boys and girls brings tears to my eyes. I cannot fathom the pain those families are experiencing. As a principal, it caused me to reexamine our procedures in the event of an unwelcome intruder on campus. You should know that we do have a lockdown procedure (which we practiced in October) should we need to invoke it. It will remain our constant hope that our practice drills are all we will ever need. At one time, I was fairly confident in telling our parents and students that our school site was out of harm’s way. Given the Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “You are engaged in a ministry wherein you have to touch hearts: you cannot possibly do this without the assistance of the Holy Spirit.” Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703 Meditations for Sundays
ParentNewsletter events of Newtown, which by all standards was a very safe and secure campus, I am reminded that unfortunately, anything is possible these days. Be assured that we will continue to investigate ways to protect and secure our campus from unwanted individuals.
Good Health The month of January was almost complete before the dreaded influenza arrived on campus. It is late in arriving but it is now here! Since the flu season is far from over, I would ask you to keep your son/daughter at home if they are exhibiting any symptoms associated with the flu: fever (usually high); severe aches and pains in the joints and muscles and around the eyes; generalized weakness; ill appearance with warm, flushed skin and red, watery eyes; headache; vomiting; dry cough, and or; sore throat and watery discharge from your nose. The best place to battle the flu is in the privacy of your home and not on a school campus with 700 other young folks plus adults. Additionally, we will be most grateful that they will not contaminate the rest of us. Here’s to good health!
if you have a change in home address, home or emergency phone number or email address. You can contact her at 626-696-4309 or at In particular, it appears that email addresses are often changed without notification being given to us. As you know, one of the ways we communicate with you is through our automated (Blackboard Connect) phone and email communication system. For this important system to function efficiently, we must have accurate and updated data.
The Season of Lent In a few weeks, the liturgical season of Lent will begin. This 40 day period (which culminates at Easter) is an opportune time for each of us to examine our lives by focusing on the many things that can prevent us from being the better, more caring and loving person we aspire to be. It is through the process of reflection and then corrective action that we grow and mature as individuals on our life journey. My hope and prayer is that each one of us will make a concerted effort to improve not only their life but also the life of another during this Lenten Season.
Contact Information As the Second Semester is clearly underway, it is appropriate to remind you to please notify our Registrar, Mrs. Kathy Medlock,
Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal
Library Volunteer Opportunities The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Donations of snacks and drinks will be accepted for the Café Bibliothèque events in the library. The dates for events are: February 14, March 14, and April 25. Please call Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 or Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 to sign up.
From the Parent Association
The Journey Continues...Part II For us, it seems hard to believe that we are already halfway through the school year, knowing full-well that many of you share the same disbelief. For freshmen parents, the transition to high school life is all but complete with the days of the parent orientation nothing more than a distant memory. Sophomore and junior parents are well-entrenched in life at La Salle and, understandably, senior parents now have an eye on May 24th when we will join the ranks of other alumni parents when our sons and daughters graduate. Even though our focus has now changed from the one we held at our first Back-to-School Night, the purpose we share as parents of our students remains the same. If you recall, back in September, our theme for the Parent Association was “Celebrate the La Salle Difference.” Our focus then was to assist our students in their adjustment to a new role in addition to their new class work. As parents, we spoke of our ability to take part and share in this experience with them. Now that we have entered the second semester, we have the opportunity to add one more New Year’s resolution to redouble the efforts we initiated back in September as “The Journey Continues … Part II.” For our February general Parent Association meeting, we are featuring members from La Salle’s Mission Support Committee, Mr. Walt Williams and Mr. Pete Godfrey. In their presentation, parents in attendance will learn more about the Committee and its annual Mission Effectiveness Workshop (which will be held in late March). Key mission objectives will be discussed and parents will have the opportunity to provide valuable input regarding a number of topical issues that the Committee will be addressing at the workshop. This is a key opportunity for us as parents to make ourselves heard with a committee focused solely on the goals and objectives of the school.
Before I close, I want to take a moment to share with you an experience I had at La Salle since my last newsletter article. On December 14, all of us were left stunned and reeling from the horrible tragedy suffered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. That day happened to coincide with our Faculty Appreciation Luncheon at La Salle, and the lovely holiday banquet to which our parents contributed nEXT seemingly endless treats stood in Parent Association stark contrast to the grief unfolding Meeting: Tuesday, on the east coast. As the feast was February 12, 7:45pm about to begin, Br. Christopher Blakeslee Library came over the loudspeaker to acknowledge the heartbreaking news and lead the school in a prayer for the victims and their families. His direct yet tender words in that sad moment were comforting and reassuring and compelled me to give thanks again and again for the wonderful school, students, parents, faculty and staff that make La Salle the best place for our high school children. Like you, I hugged my kids a little tighter that night. Once again, we invite you to come explore the opportunities that abound, share the experience with your children and those within the La Salle parent community, as we look confidently ahead to the second semester as “The Journey Continues … Part II.” With continued best wishes for an exciting New Year,
Craig Snodgrass, P’09, ’12, ’14 Parent Association President
La Salle Matters
The Newtown tragedy raises a series of questions, the least important of which (for me) is the question of gun control. Other questions that arise include the social impact of undiagnosed/ untreated mental health issues; what constitutes public safety in public buildings and, of course, what is the obligation of the bystander to prevent mayhem? The most important question for me is also a deeply Catholic one - how to reconcile the problem of evil with a belief in a loving God? Philosophers and theologians since the time of Saint Thomas Aquinas have been grappling with this conundrum for generations. The Catholic answer rests in our understanding of the gift of free will, which God has bestowed upon us. The Church teaches that God created us to love Him and each other; but for love to exist, we have to be able to choose it. Choice implies that there is an opposing view: namely that we can choose to be evil as readily as we can choose to be good (and hence, loving). When faced with the specific evil of Newtown, scholastic debates regarding the problem of evil, free will and choice can appear to be beside the point. Just ask the First Responders who entered those classrooms containing the bullet-riddled bodies of six and seven year old children. These tough, “seen-it-all” men and women collapsed into each other’s arms after they had completed their awful responsibility to determine if there were any survivors among these “Holy Innocents.” Already, some of them have begun treatment for PTSD. Or ask those noble teachers who either got in the way of the bullets or exercised yeoman effort to hide the children entrusted to their care. After the horror of a parent learning of the death of a child, I can think of no worse horror than that of the teacher who does not know how
to keep students safe in the face of implacable and unexplainable evil. This is the challenge inherent in any effort to reconcile the problem of evil with a loving God - it is always intellectually credible and often emotionally unsustainable - especially in the face of tragedy. This is particularly frustrating in situations such as Newtown where the assailant commits suicide, robbing us of the now unanswerable question “Why?” We are left with our emotions to make sense of the matter. And, in the absence of answers, we seek solutions which arise out of our emotional reactions. This is certainly true with respect to the debate around gun control. Both sides of the issue often adopt extreme positions out of fear that a compromise solution will erode into a “slippery slope” of accommodation. For example one left-ofcenter Blog asserted this claim:
The bottom line is that a gun is a lethal weapon and its only function is to kill; the fewer people have it, the better it is. While this is an emotionally satisfying argument for those who support greater measures to control gun ownership, its assumption that legislation predicated upon an arbitrary goal of reducing the number of people who own guns runs afoul of the Second Amendment. To pass judicial muster, any limitation on the scope of the Bill of Rights must demonstrate a compelling argument in favor of the general welfare. The First Amendment right to free speech, for example, was famously constrained by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.’s opinion in Schenck v. US in which he argued that no one has the right to “yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.” So gun control legislation
must address the danger posed to the general welfare, for example, of an “assault weapon.” It is equally misleading - though no less emotionally satisfying - to argue as National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has that:
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Yet there were no less than two armed security personnel on the scene at Columbine in 1999. Both took shots at Harris, one of two assailants, and both missed. Parenthetically, including Newtown, there have been an additional 31 school shootings since Columbine. The point is this: emotional solutions to controversial issues are never easy and certainly never simple. As Professor Evan Getz, at Houston Baptist University, observed: “There is no way to make sure that nothing like the Sandy Hook murders ever happen again.” He is right; which brings us back to the problem of evil. If we cannot prevent evil from intruding into our lives in highly visible and dramatic ways, what can we do? An “unsung hero” of the Sandy Hook shootings is Msgr. Robert Weiss, Pastor of Saint Rose of Lima Church, where ten of the 26 victims were parishioners. When asked how the people of Newtown should deal with the celebration of Christmas, he had this to say: “I believe that we celebrate it in its truest sense, putting aside all the secularity and simply sitting in silence and praying that the hope, healing and peace promised to us by Christ will be given to us in abundance.” It is a little too easy to dismiss Msgr. Weiss’ words as more pious than realistic. But, at the end of the day, are not all believers called to trust in the loving God who (apparently) allows evil to enter into our world? For those of us who doubt this proposition (myself included), here is the evidence Msgr. Weiss used to support his take on the problem of evil and the existence of a loving God:
The moment the first responder broke through the doors we knew good always overcomes evil. For now, that is good enough for this believer.
La SaLLe hiGh SchooL
3880 e. Sierra maDre BLVD. paSaDena, caLiFornia 91107-1996 • TeLephone 626.351.8951 FacSimiLe 626.351.0275 WWW.LaSaLLehS.orG • The La SaLLe PARENTNEWSLETTER iS puBLiSheD monThLY eXcepT JanuarY anD JuLY BY La SaLLe hiGh SchooL oF paSaDena, incorporaTeD
© 2013
• eDiTor, DeSiGner John BLacKSTocK ’67 DirecTor oF communicaTionS TeLephone: 626.696.4316 • emaiL: JBLacKSTocK@LaSaLLehS.orG
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
Transforming Lives Since 1680
CirQue De La Salle
Please join us for an evening of thrills and excitement at The Langham Huntington in Pasadena on Friday, April 12, 2013. The 14th Annual Crystal Ball will honor Steve and Cristi Seidner, P’09, ’12 for their generous support and dedication to La Salle High School over the years.
Crystal Ball 2013 Cirque De La Salle This magical evening will be filled with cocktails, dinner, dancing along with live and silent auctions. In addition, opportunity drawings will be held for the following prizes: an exciting Maui vacation for two; an Apple iPad; Family 4-pack of Disney Park Hopper Passes. Go to La Salle's home page for Crystal Ball Opportunity Drawing information. Thank you to everyone who has already generously donated to the Crystal Ball. We still need your help and there are many ways you can participate.
Sponsorships Make a significant impact with opportunities ranging from $1,500 to $20,000. Along with many other benefits, all sponsorships include tickets to the event. Maître D’Anneau (Ring Master) $20,000
Contorsionniste (Contortionist) $5,000
Artiste de Trapèze (Trapeze Artist) $15,000
Acrobate (Acrobat) $2,500
Artiste Aèrien de Sole (Aerial Silk Artist) $10,000
Lance-Flammes (Flame Thrower) $1,500
ParentNewsletter Program Ads
Promote your business or say congratulations to Steve and Cristi Seidner, P’09, ’12. Supply your own art or we can create it for you.
Inside Front/Back Cover: $1,500
Gifts From the Heart Social
Outside Back Cover: $2,500 Full Page Ad ( 8”X 10”): $500 Half Page Ad ( 8”X 5”): $250 Business Card Ad: $100
Consider helping by offsetting the cost of the entertainment, music, decorations, centerpieces, etc. Wine and Corkage: $1,000 Music/Entertainment: $1,000 Auctioneer: $1,000 Decorations: $500 Auction Table Decorations: $500 Sound and Lighting: $500
Auction Donations
Spark a bidding frenzy by donating an item, big or small, from gift certificates, gift baskets, event tickets, airline miles, VIP passes to dream vacations, etc.
We need volunteers to work the day and night of the event. This is a great way to earn double or even triple service hours. Please contact Becky Bickel at or sign-up online on the Parent Volunteer website in February. For Event Donation Forms or additional information regarding the Crystal Ball, please contact Pamela Jacques at jacquespamela@ or Irene Santucci at La Salle High School or email her at All proceeds from the Crystal Ball benefit La Salle High School Academic, Arts, Athletic, Student Life and Financial Aid programs.
Please join us for a special event celebrating “Gifts From the Heart” on Sunday, February 10, 2013, at the beautiful home of Hope and Dino Clarizio ’75, P’06, from 5:00 – 8:00pm. Delicious culinary treats and libations will be served. Over the years, the monetary donations given at the “Gifts From the Heart” social have benefited the San Miguel Scholarship Fund. By supporting the San Miguel Scholarship Program, La Salle can ensure that deserving families and their students receive the financial support necessary to attend our school. In the next fiscal year, the School will offer eight full tuition scholarships to incoming low income students that show academic promise. The scholarship is for four years, providing the student maintains an acceptable level of academic achievement, contributes in appropriate ways to the School community, and is able to demonstrate financial need. Currently, there are 29 students at La Salle High School who benefit from this full tuition scholarship program. Thank you for helping the School make a Lasallian education possible for these students. We look forward to seeing you at the “Gifts From the Heart” social. Please remember at this event, we are asking for monetary gifts only.
ANNUAL HOLIDAY HAPPINESS Back row, from left, Evan Baranich, Michael Anastasia, Nicky Keros, Katie Smither, Brianna Rodriguez, Connor Bent. Front row, Jen Robi, Olivia Kavanaugh, Brigit Murphy, Julia Jacques and Santa Claus..
La Salle “Adopts” 150 Children for Annual Christmas Party Student Life members joined with Eliot Middle School and Hillsides Services for the 18th Annual Adopt-a-Family program held on Saturday, December 15, 2012 on La Salle’s campus. Hundreds of students, parents, children and families enjoyed games, Christmas cookie decorating, Christmas carols, bingo and a delicious lunch at the Adopt-A-Family Christmas party. Santa and his elves arrived to visit with the children at the party and to help distribute Christmas presents. During the week preceding the party, La Salle students wrapped hundreds of gifts for foster and needy children from Hillsides and Eliot Middle School. Additionally, gifts were donated to 15 children of military families from Fort Irwin. “It is a selfless, generous and fun way for our students, alumni and our community to start the Christmas Season,” said Michelle Grima, Student Life Service Coordinator. “Everyone truly had a great time!” Dancing Elves: Julia Jacques, Chloe Beauvois, Olivia Kavanaugh. PAGE 8
FEBRUARY 2013 From left, Robby McAlister, Brigit Murphy, Michael Anastasia, Nicky Keros, Evan Baranich.
From left, Ms. Michelle Grima, Julia Jacques, Ian Quinn, Tyler Anastasia, Jamie Kwong.
Christina Weisbruch, Carlos Zaragoza. Left, Katherine Leek and Stephanie Ferri.
From the Athletic Boosters
Winter is not Freezing La Salle Sports I would like to use this newsletter to bring you up-to-speed on athletics at La Salle, and to focus on the Athletic Boosters, what we do and how you can help.
First, I feel it is completely appropriate to sing the praises of our student athletes. I think when you read the following information you will be amazed at how well we did with a school of just 700 young adults. Also, keep in mind these athletes are excelling in their sports even with a rigorous academic schedule. Five out of six of our fall teams advanced to the CIF playoffs, while two teams won league championships. Three athletes were named player of the year in their respective leagues and 29 athletes were All League selections. We had one CIF championship team, one individual State Champion, one state championship qualifying team, 11 All Area selections, two Coaches of the Year recipients, and two CIF Player of the Year awards. Now tell me, schools three times our size should have such a diverse success among its athletes and sports. All we can say is great job kids. Great Job Coaches and hats off to our athletic director, Anthony Harris. The year starts with orientation for our Freshman Parents describing what is available to all parents. We stress, above all, to get involved with your child's interest because the year goes by
fast. I can attest to this with one son who graduated last year and another one going out next year. We see great enthusiasm at the Athletic Boosters meetings at the beginning of the year with many people in attendance. But as the year moves on, we see less and less attendance. However, the demands and desires to better serve our sports programs do not diminish. The Athletic Boosters exists to help support our programs at La Salle, and without the help of our parents it becomes difficult. The Athletic Department and coaches have many additional needs and we are here to help. The Athletic Boosters raise most of our funds from the football games concessions and advertising in our game programs, as well as banner sponsorships. We all know it has been a tough couple of years and it is difficult to ask people to do more financially. I am normally more of a soft sell type, but I feel it is imperative to set new goals for our group and ask you, the La Salle community, to try and help us continue what we do. On our sports web page, we have Banner Sponsorships for field banners that cost $1,000. The banners are hung on the fence on Kohorst field for the entire year. As a bonus, an ad for the sponsor is placed in all our athletic game programs for the year as well. Our goal is to sell 30 of these for the 2013-14 fall season. I will personally start it
For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities.
ParentNewsletter off with a commitment for a Kohorst Field Banner for the 2013-14 year. Let's try to get some local businesses to sponsor one, and maybe you can have your company buy one. Parents can split a banner, so a couple of of you can get together to sponsor a banner for their Athletes. Let's be creative! The Athletic Boosters Board fulfills many duties each year, putting in many hours and we need to now draw on the sports community at La Salle and ask them to get involved. We are looking for new people to join the Board and take on some new projects. We support many athletes from football to tennis, water polo to volleyball and everything in between. If you want these teams to be able to compete at our expected level of excellence, we need your help, your ideas and your support. I hope our La Salle parents will step up to make sure we can maintain the level of success we are now experiencing. You can learn more about banner sponsorships, game schedules and results on Lancer athletics website at or contact me at
It is with great sadness that I report that Mary Anne Cross is leaving the Board. Mary Anne has been a board member from the start of my tenure and has always been a great source of support and wisdom. She will be greatly missed. And it is with great pleasure that I announce the addition of Jimmy Provincio to the Board. For the last two years, Jimmy has been involved in managing the security at our football games. He has been a great source of ideas and innovation for the past two seasons. We look forward to Jim being even more involved in the future. I hope to see you the second Tuesday of each month in the Band room at 6:30pm for our Boosters meetings. Until then, be safe and “Go Lancers!”
God Bless, John D. Cina P'13, '14 Athletic Boosters President
Three Lancers Sign Athletic Letters of Intent Please join the Athletic Department in recognizing the athletic acheivements of Daniel De La Torre (UCLA), Stephanine Ferri (Fordham) and Cassidy Rey (University of Denver) Family, Friends, Students, Faculty and Staff are invited to the Signing Ceremony Wednesday, February 6, 2013 11:30am - 12:05pm (During Lunch) Duffy Lewis Gymnasium From left, Daniel De La Torre, Stephanie Ferri, Cassidy Rey
Colgate Thirteen Sings and Serenades Senior CONCERT SPOTLIGHTS EAST COAST SCHOOL
The Colgate Thirteen a capella group from Colgate University performed at La Salle on January 10th at a school assembly. Colgate University is a small liberal arts university located in Hamilton, New York. For more than 60 years, the Colgate Thirteen, all-male collegiate a capella group, has delighted audiences with old and new musical favorites. They give over 50 concerts each semester to introduce Colgate University to high school students across the nation. The Colgate Thirteen travel over 13,000 miles a year. They perform at schools, dinner parties and even sporting events. The Colgate Thirteen have performed on the Tonight Show, for presidents and royalty, and even at Super Bowl XIII. The Colgate Thirteen concert was brought to the student body by the College Counseling Department to raise awareness of colleges on the East coast as well as an activity available on college campuses. Our students enjoyed Colgate Thirteen’s songs and fun surprises. The entire troupe serenaded senior Monica Perez during the consert to the delight of the student body.
Senior Monica Perez joins The Colgate 13 for a brief interlude.
Thank You
to all who have helped with our events to date, and all who have signed up to help in the coming months.
We still need Volunteers!
Please check the calendar for our May, June & July events, and sign up!!
HERE IS HOW TO SIGN UP FOR hours: Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.”
Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the "calendar" at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for.
Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.
DATE 5/14/13 5/23/13 5/23/13 5/24/13 6/5/13 7/11/13 7/12/13
ACADEMIC BOOSTERS EVENTS 2013 ACADEMIC BOOSTER EVENT Academic Awards Night Senior Uniform Buyback Baccalaureate Mass & Reception Commencement Exercises Used Uniform Buyback Used Uniform Sale Set-Up Used Uniform Sale
START TIME* 5:30 PM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA
HOURS* 4 3 4 3 3
11:00 AM
*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.
Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman Diane Taylor Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club.” PAGE 13
From the College Counseling Center
College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
Seniors – Class of 2013
Transcripts with 1st semester senior grades were submitted to colleges on the Common Application at the end of January. Other colleges may contact the student requesting their 1 st semester senior grades. If so, please contact your college counselor or our registrar, Mrs. Medlock and we will send your transcripts as requested. Students: Please update Naviance – My Colleges with your application decisions. Parents: For those of you who will be applying for financial aid, you must send in the FAFSA as soon as possible. FAFSA worksheets are available in the College Center or you can download it at www. Also, many of you have had questions regarding filling out the GPA verification form for the Cal Grants. The GPA Verification form is submitted electronically from La Salle for the entire senior class. Therefore, you will not be required to send in the individual form. Please disregard the GPA Verification form. To be eligible for the Cal Grant, students MUST submit the FAFSA. If you and your student are interested in applying for private scholarships, this is the time to do so. Numerous private organizations (Elks, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.) and companies (Target, Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Edison, Best Buy, etc.) offer scholarships. Some send applications to the college counseling office. Information on scholarships can be found on Naviance under ‘Scholarship List.’ Many more can be found at and other scholarship websites. Check out the ‘Money for College’ link on Naviance. Please note that there are plenty of scholarship scams out there. Beware of having to pay any money to qualify for a scholarship.
Summer Programs While there are still quite a few months until summer, it will be here before you know it. Now is the time to start thinking about possible summer programs because some have application PAGE 14
deadlines. Many college representatives speak about the importance of attending a summer program where a student can learn more about an area of interest or learn more about a major for college. A student who attends a summer program stands out to an admissions officer as one who has foresight and one who is committed to their education. T h e We s t r i d g e S c h o o l S u m m e r Opportunities Fair (on Saturday, 2/2) and www. are two good places to start your research. Please check Naviance – ‘Summer & Gap Year’ link for additional details to the Summer Opportunities Fair and other summer program presentations.
Juniors - Class of 2014 We would like to thank all the students and parents for coming out to the Junior Student & Parent College Information Night last month. Your feedback is valuable, please let us know what we can do to improve this event for next year. Many Junior students have completed their Jr. College Planning Survey on Naviance and have scheduled an appointment to meet with their College Counselor. Those who have not, please take a few moments to complete the Jr. Survey as soon as possible. Mr. Hou and Ms. Baldonado want to make sure we meet with all Juniors before Spring Break. Juniors will be given an “Initial College Planning Meeting” form at the end of their individual meeting. Students are asked to share the form with their parents as it will have notes regarding the college admissions process. The College Counselor will then post colleges on the student’s Naviance account to research. Students should research the list of colleges using the web (check out Naviance ‘Resources’ for a list of websites), college guide books (i.e. Fiske Guide to Colleges and many others available at all bookstores and libraries) and most importantly, visit colleges in person. Student holidays in February and March are great times to make plans to visit colleges or
ParentNewsletter travel to colleges over spring break (3/28-4/7). You can find local college tour information in the junior packet.
Sophomores – Class of 2015 We are planning to reintroduce Career Day later this semester. To ensure its success, we will start with just the sophomore class. The current plan is to bring in 7 to 9 speakers each day during Mentor Period on May 7, 8 and 9. We are actively looking for strong presenters. Please contact Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou if you have any suggestions for topics or speakers.
College Forum (9-11th grade parents and students) Save the date to attend our College Forum on Wednesday, April 10, at 6:00pm. (Revised from 7:00pm on the Calendar) College admission representatives from many colleges will present important information to our families (see tentative sessions below). The College Forum is a great opportunity for students to learn about the College admission process and learn how to research and identify the right college for them. So highlight the College Forum on your calendar. Tentative Presentations: Words of Advice from Veteran Parents How to Pay for College
Tips for Admission to Highly Selective Colleges The NCAA, the Student Athlete & Admission The Visual Arts: The Application Process and Portfolios Studying the Sciences and Engineering Navigating Naviance: Family Connection, Admission Stats, and More Searching for the Best Opportunity: Parents’ Advice to Out-of-State Colleges Understand Need and Merit Based Discounting Studying Business Studying Nursing and the Health Sciences Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program and other scholarships
Mock SAT The La Salle parent boosters will be offering a practice SAT exam with SAT Strategy Session. This is a good opportunity for sophomores and juniors to become more familiar with the standardized test. Mock SAT – Saturday, February 23, at 9:00am The price for the Mock SAT test is $25. The fee includes a follow-up SAT Strategy Session workshop offered to both parents and students to review the test and answer any test-related questions. The workshop will be held Wednesday, February 27 at 6:00pm, Blakeslee Library. To register, please submit a check to the College Center, made payable to La Salle High School.
La Salle Alumni Scholarship All members of the Class of 2014 are invited to apply for the Alumni Scholarship sponsored by the La Salle High School Alumni Association.
Application deadline is Thursday, February 28, 2013
Class of 2014 Application and Information Questions about the Alumni Scholarship should be directed to Kristen Schultz ’98, Director of Alumni Relations, in Office #348 at 626.696.4362 or PAGE 15
AP/Honors Meetings and Testing Dates
English Department
Informational meetings will be held after school on February 4th and 5th in room 320
Tuesday, February 5 Honors Chemistrywill be held at lunch in room 231 Honors and AP Physics will be held in room 230 at lunch
English Testing dates will be after school in room 320 on February 13th and February 15th
Social Studies AP US History during lunch in room 409 on February 1st
Preparation and Information Meetings
AP Government during lunch in room 409 on February 12th
Math Department AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC at lunch on Monday, February 4th in room 205
AP European History during lunch in room 405 on February 13th
Pre-calculus Honors at lunch on Wednesday, February 6th in room 223 Science Department Thursday, January 31 AP Biology and AP Chemistry meeting will be held at lunch in room 231
AP Economics teacher will meet with each US History course Parents and students can contact the appropriate department chairs if you have any questions.
All AP and Honors applications (except English) are due to the appropriate departments by February 15
Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406 A parent or guardian must call before 9:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state the date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from a parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by a Dean of Students. The Dean for grades 9 and 11 is Mr. Johnston, and for grades 10 and 12 is Dr. Ruggles.. PAGE 16
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SUMMARY OF KEY PROVISIONS OF AMERICAN TAXPAYER RELIEF ACT OF 2012 THAT IMPACT CHARITABLE GIVING CHANGE IN TAX RATES The top tax rates increased for 2013 for taxable income over $400,000 (single), $425,000 (head of household) and $450,000 (married-joint). The top tax rate will be 39.6%. For taxpayers in this bracket, maximum long term capital gains tax rate will be increased from 15% to 20%. This includes the tax treatment on qualified dividends. Normally, an increase in tax rates corresponds to a greater tax benefit from charitable donations. However, beginning in 2013, phase-outs of itemized deductions (Schedule A) and exemptions for taxpayers with adjusted gross income (AGI) in excess of $250,000 (single), $275,000 (head of household), and $300,000 (married-joint) return. These phase-outs had been suspended for tax years 2010-2012. As such, taxpayers impacted by the phase-out ranges will not receive full tax benefit for their itemized deductions. From a practical standpoint, the reduced tax benefit is in most cases nominal or not applicable.
ESTATE & GIFT TAX MATTERS There is a permanent estate tax rate of 40% (up from 35%) for estates of decedents dying after 2012 with an annual exclusion of $5 million (adjusted annually for inflation). The exemption amount for 2012 is $5,120,000; for 2013 it is expected to be $5,250,000. The exemption for a couple is double the amounts noted. The cap on annual gifts not requiring a gift tax return increases from $13,000 in 2012 to $14,000 in 2013. Higher tax rates on estates translate into larger estate tax savings from charitable bequests. 3.8% NET INVESTMENT INCOME TAX The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act of 2010 (which increases taxes by an estimated $400 billion), includes a new 3.8% surtax on net investment income for taxpayers with earned income over $250,000 (married joint), $200,000 (single and head of household) and $125,000 (married-separate). Net investment income includes dividends, interest, annuities, royalties, net rental income, and net capital gains. Higher taxes on capital gains translate into higher tax benefits from donating appreciated assets to a qualified charity. A prior tax rate of 15% could be as high as 23.8% in 2013 (an increase of 58.7%)! DIRECT TRANSFER OF AN IRA TO A CHARITY The ability for taxpayers over age 70 ½ to transfer up to $100,000 in an IRA to a charity was extended for 2012 and 2013. This can benefit high income taxpayers whose charitable donations could be reduced/limited based on the phase-out of itemized deductions noted above. It could also benefit lower income taxpayers whose ordinary tax bill could be disproportionately increased by reporting both an IRA distribution and a corresponding deduction for a charitable donation. Inasmuch as this legislation was enacted at the stroke of midnight on December 31, there are provisions allowing for such a transaction in January of 2013 to be applied to a 2012 required IRA distribution.
Matthew Crabtree Earns Eagle Scout Honor Junior Matthew Crabtree began his scouting career at Cub Scout Pack at Highland Oaks Elementary School where he earned the Arrow of Light. As a Boy Scout, Matthew earned 26 Merit Badges. His avorite was the Scouting Heritage merit badge, as it was a brand new badge offered
at the Centennial National Jamboree. He enjoyed learning about scouting in other nations and traditions from years past. It was great earning the Shotgun merit badge because it is a hobby he already enjoys and it was fun to reach the Boys Scout requirements. He has held the following leadership positions: Librarian, Scribe, Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, Instructor and Senior Patrol Leader. During his summers as a scout, Matthew attended Camp Cherry Valley on Catalina Island and Treasure Mountain in
Wyoming. He enjoyed Treasure Mountain, because it was his first full week Boys Scout trip out of state. He was able to experience a different part of the country and met new friends, as he was with scouts from the Driggs, Idaho area. "The camp territory covered almost the entire mountain, including a river, streams, creeks, trees, mud and more mud. "It was a blast!", he said. Matthew loves to be active and build things. With that in mind, he designed an Eagle Project that would benefit his community and create something that would last for many years to come. Matthew solicited materials and donations to build an 8’ x 12’ wooden shed with multiple levels of shelving for the Assistance League of Arcadia (a non-profit organization). This much-needed shed was built to house clothing for local, underprivileged elementary school children as well as infant layette items for disadvantaged newborns. His biggest challenge was leading a project and instructing volunteers on how to build a shed, while learning how to do it himself. His Eagle Project was more complicated than he anticipated and required a lot more coordination and planning than he had originally thought. The project taught Matthew the importance of time, budget and personnel management. He also learned to seek volunteers as well as carry out a project in an efficient manner. After graduation Matthew hopes to attend Ole Miss (University of Mississippi).
From the Vice President for Mission
Mind the Mission
I hope that the recent New Year and second semester have begun well for all of our families and students. I can happily state that the students in my 9th grade Christology class are all doing very well as are the majority of those in the Sophomore class that I work with as their Academic Advisor. And, the Juniors in my Mentor Class are the best! The past month of January is one of particular note within our Lasallian World. A few weeks ago, January 24, was the celebration of the transferring of the sacred relics of Saint John Baptist de La Salle to the Chapel of the Generalate in Rome. Think of the Generalate as the World Headquarters for all the various Lasallian Institutions that one finds in some 80 countries. In 1937, the sacred relics of Saint La Salle were moved there after being in his original burial site, Rouen, France for 187 years. His relics were also held for an additional 31 years at Lembecq-lez-Hal, Belgium before their final transfer to Rome where they were received into the present chapel with great solemnity. The photo below this article is of Saint La Salle’s Reliquary which holds his relics within the Chapel dedicated to him.
While we are still in a New Year mode, I want to share with you the Christmas and New Year’s greeting that was sent by Brother Álvaro, the Superior General of the Christian Brothers, to all members of our Lasallian World: Dear Brothers, Sisters, Union of Catechists, Members of the Signum Fidei Fraternity, Partners, Associates, and all members of the Lasallian Family The shepherds then returned giving glory to God for all they had heard and seen. (Luke 2:20) In Jesus, God’s gaze became human and close. The verb “to see” is possibly one of the most repeated in the Gospel: to see fishermen who become disciples, to see Levi counting tax money, to see the crowds on which he took pity, to see the young rich man, the children who approached him, those who carried the stretcher, the widow of Nain, Peter after his denial, the good thief on the cross… Jesus of Nazareth looked at people and recognized in each person the deepest part of their being, he saw the best of each one and then he untied them from the inside, liberated them and brought them cures, salvation, thanksgiving and praise (Fernando Negro Marco).
ParentNewsletter During this Christmas season and in the year that is coming may we extend God’s human and close gaze, made flesh in Jesus, so that each person, especially children and young people, may feel loved, valued, blessed, important and needed by others. A Happy and Holy Christmas to you and a New Year filled with many blessings Brother Álvaro Rodríguez Echeverría Superior General
A New Year and, for a school, a new semester gives us the opportunity to once again try to do it better: make better academic and life choices and, as members of our Lasallian faith community, better and more suitable personal and spiritual choices. As Brother Álvaro stated above, we are asked to commit ourselves to make sure that “...each person, especially children and young people, may feel loved, valued, blessed, important and needed by others.” Given the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, I can think of no better hope and prayer for the sake of the young people in our Lasallian Community. Have a fantastic New Semester!
Annual Grandparents Day SAVE THE DATE MARCH 27, 2013 La Salle will be hosting its Annual Grandparents day. Invitations will be arriving through the mail.
Seating is limited. For parents interested in volunteering please sign up on La Salle's Parent Volunteer web page.
Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Vice President for Mission
Students Tackle Interactive, Courtroom Drama La Salle students will tackle James Reach’s interactive, courtroom drama, “You, The Jury,” opening Saturday, February 22, at the 199-seat Porticos, 2033 E. Washington Boulevard, on the campus of St. James Methodist Church in Pasadena. The three-act play has a two-weekend run, closing March 10. Directed by drama instructor David Paul Needles, the play encourages the audience to act as a jury and vote whether Barbara Scott, who is on trial for the murder of Chester Arthur Brant, is innocent or guilty. Edith doggedly fights back, and she is finally rewarded when help arrives from a totally unexpected source. Conflict and tension build until the audience renders its verdict. “Students at La Salle have never done a courtroom drama and I wanted to expose them to this milieu,” said Needles. “Also, the audience is treated as and indeed becomes the jury in this play. This should be fun for the audience and the actor/lawyers alike.” The play has more roles for women than many plays, he noted. “Since most of the La Salle students who audition for our plays are female, I thought this would be a good choice,” he said.
The play will be performed by two casts. The cast features Emily (Kate) Coolidge/ Kayla Rix as the defendant Barbara Scott; Dani Pomeroy/ Tesia Meza as defense attorney Edith Scott; and Jack Freiberger/Patrick Lownes-Santos as prosecutor Allan Woodward. Patrick Barmann/Taylor Arrighi-Bracci will attempt to keep order in the court as Judge Findlay. PAGE 22
ParentNewsletter Witnesses called in the trial include, Cheyanne Williams/Kennedy Gordon who will play Shelia Vincent, a society girl who was engaged to the murder victim; Sydney Flynn/ Reilly Milton who will play student Janice Scott; Asdghig Abadjian/Maddie Pefferle who will play the murdered man’s housekeeper Gwendolyn Kelton, and Gianni (Johnny) Consiglio as Jimmy, the elevator operator who worked in the murdered man’s apartment building. The court staff will be played by Bailey LeRoy/Carina Henry as the court clerk, Emily Wright/Caroline Andre as the court stenographer, and Kimmy Yelninek as the prosecutor’s assistant Miss Carver. The law enforcement side of this courtroom drama’s cast includes Jack Goyette/Tom Usle as policeman Robert McPherson; Ari Harris/Spencer Raines as policeman Lewis Rennie; Jenna Gilb as prison matron Mrs. Lake, and Mathew Parra as the bailiff. T h e p ro d u c t i o n i s b e i n g performed at Porticos as the new art space has a larger stage and can seat up to 199 people, according to Jude Lucas, chairperson of the Visual and Performing Arts Department. The theater is home to Arroyo Repertory Theatre, the Nancy Evans Dance Theatre and the Pacific Opera Project. Ms. Lucas is the artistic director of Arroyo Repertory Theatre. Performances will be Friday, Februar y 22, at 7:00pm; Saturday Februar y 23 at 2:00 and 7:00pm. Sunday, Februar y 24, at 6:00pm, Friday, March 8, at 7:00pm, Saturday, March 9, at 2:00pm and 7:00pm; and Sunday, March 10, at 6:00pm All performances will be at Porticos, 2033 East Washington Boulevard, Pasadena, on the campus of St. James Methodist Church. Tickets are $9 for students; $12 for adults. For reservations, call the La Salle Box Office at 626.696.4415.
From the Arts Boosters
Lancers Shoot for STN Conference On March 7-10, La Salle Students will once again take part in the Student Television Network (STN) Conference, which this year is being held at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles. The theme for 2013 is “Media Madness”. Students will be challenged to find out how to manage the madness while harnessing the power of media for classroom, education and career. LTV teams will compete with students from other schools to produce short films in a variety of categories, including the intense “Sweet Sixteen” film and broadcast events in which a sixteen minute film or television presentation must be shot and edited in less than sixteen hours. La Salle students have a long history of successes and accolades from previous conferences. At last year’s event in Dallas, Texas, LTV students won two second place awards, including one in the short story category. Participation is being sponsored in part by the Arts Boosters. Online registration closes on February 15th. For more information, visit the STN Conference website at http://www.student
The Board of Regents Campaign for the Arts continues through the spring semester. “We are just past the half-way mark in this important initiative,” reports Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement, “and we are enormously gratified by the response from parents alumni and friends. Especially gratifying was the news in December that La Salle had been awarded a $100,000 grant from the Francis Bacon Foundation to establish a scholarship in the Arts; the first scholarship will be offered this March.” This campaign is specifically tailored to add to the strengths of each of the School’s six programs in the Arts (Studio Art, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Dance, Theatre, Film and Video Production). Forty-three percent of La Salle students benefit from the School's award-winning Arts programs.
The campaign will endow a scholarship in the Arts, and includes the refurbishment of the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre, the Mareina Dance Studio, the band room and the LTV video production studio. "It is magical to witness the change in some of our students. Their talents really begin to show and that is wonderful," said Jude Lucus, V&PA chair. The Regents Campaign for the Arts (RCA) runs through June 30, 2013. Gifts may be made through the La Salle website, where you will find the Regents Campaign for the Arts on the left side of the homepage; or you can go directly to the giving page at
Lancer Film Festival Screening The Board of Regents of La Salle High School invite you to a film screening and reception highlighting the talented students of Film & Media Sunday, March 3 4:00pm – 6:00pm At the home of Dennis and Liz Jebbia 245 Arbolada Drive Arcadia, CA PAGE 24
RSVP by February 20 to Kristin Donahue 626.696.4381 or email
Tentative 2013-2014 Student Calendar August 21 (Wednesday) New Student Welcome August 22 (Thursday) First Day of Classes September 2 (Monday) Labor Day – Holiday October 11 (Friday) Student Holiday (Faculty In-service) October 14 (Monday) Columbus Day – Holiday November 11 (Monday) Veterans Day – Holiday November 27 – December 1 Thanksgiving Break December 17 – 20 Fall Semester Examinations December 21 – January 6 Christmas Vacation
January 7 (Tuesday) Classes Resume January 20 (Monday) Martin Luther King, Jr. – Holiday February 14 (Friday) Student Holiday (Faculty In-service)
February 17 (Monday) Presidents’ Day – Holiday March 17 (Monday) School Holiday April 17 – 27 Easter Vacation May 23 (Friday) Graduation, School Holiday May 26 (Monday) Memorial Day – Holiday May 30 – June 4 Spring Semester Examinations
Has your child outgrown their uniforms? Need shorts for the upcoming Spring weather?
Then it is time to shop the Academic Boosters
Mid-Year Used Uniform Sale
Saturday, February 16 • Blakeslee Library • 9:30am – Noon New lower prices for 2013!
From Guidance and Counseling
The Big Question in Life By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
This month we celebrate the beginning of the Lenten season. It offers us a time to think about our lives and our relationships Father Lawrence Signey was an associate pastor at a local parish during his far too short life. He often began his first Sunday of Lent homily with a question which challenged his parishioners. The question was, “What needs fixing in my life?” Each person will have different answers. As a parent, one of your answers may lead you to examine your relationship with your child. There are many relationships and parts of our lives with which the Lenten season provides us with time to think. Whatever our answers may be to the question, “What needs fixing in my life?”, I hope that we will all take the time to think about our answers and begin to work on the solutions.
Cookie Volunteers La Salle's winter play 2013 will be "You, The Jury". For each performance we will need BAKED GOODS. If you love to bake or have a favorite baked good to share, please sign up on the Volunteer website. Additionally, we will need Volunteers to help with Intermission. Cookies and Intermission Volunteers will be needed for six performances: See the article on page 22 for times and dates. If you have questions please contact Lynell Messineo 626.607.5029 See you at the show! PAGE 26
The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor
Names in the News A number of Lancers have recently been named to the All CIF teams. In football, Israel Lacy, Shane Tierney, Bobby LaSalle and Marcus Tappan were All CIF First Team selections. Lacy and Garret Stone were named to the All-Area First Team while Tierney was named to the second team with Austin Wallis receiving Honorable Mention. Coach Russell Gordon was named Coach of the Year. In tennis, Chloe Beauvois also received Honorable Mention and Danny De La Torre was an All Area First Team selection for Cross Country. Senior Kevin Chan has been selected as a semi-finalist in the prestigious Music Center Spotlight Awards. Kevin’s classical piano program included J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue No. 3 in C# major, WTC I, BWV 848 and Chopin and Ballade No. 1 in g minor, Op. 23. Brittany Barrera '13 was featured as a "young, aspiring, and very talented teen" i n T h e C h a n c e R a s p b e r r y New s l et te r. She was the Artist of the Month selection. Her illustrator name is Red Moon Dragon, creator of the epic web comic, Skies Aflame! “Brittany has much love and passion for animated content, as well as the craft itself, she also expressed a rare level of enthusiasm and ambition, which has since driven her onward to establish her brand online,” said the editors.
Letters of Intent A special lunchtime event for scholarship recipients, on February 6, will feature soccer goalkeeper, Cassidy Rey who has
committed to The University of Denver; runner Danny De La Torre to UCLA and softball catcher Stephanie Ferri to Fordham University in New York.
Saint La Salle Saint Jean-Baptiste de La Salle or John Baptist de La Salle (April 30,1651 – April 7,1719) was a priest, educational reformer, and founder of Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. He is a saint of the Roman Catholic Church and the patron saint of teachers. He dedicated much of his life for the education of poor children in France; in doing so, he started many lasting educational practices. He is considered the founder of the first Catholic schools. As Pat Bonacci mentioned on page 20, January is a very special month for our Patron Saint. On January 7, 1667 John Baptist de La Salle was made a canon of the Cathedral of Reims. On January 26, 1678, La Salle received his license in Theology. On the 26th in 1725, Pope Benedict XIII approved the Institute of the Brothers and on the 26th in 1987 Pope John Paul II approved the revised Rule of the Brothers.
Catholic Schools Week The week of January 28 was Catholic Schools Week. Look for a full report in the next ParentNewsletter.
Seniors at the Senior Retreat are at left, from top, Nikole Maroe Sarah Kopcha Ms Kjersti Holyfield Alex Chang On the right, Aubrey Deneen Alex Cross Bryce Shaw Kara Donahue
Check your School calendar for all event times and dates
February Highlights
February 1 Liturgy Schedule Dress up Day Catholic Schools Week Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall February 2 Saturday Entrance Exams 8:00am Prosective Student Interviews 10:30am - Noon February 4 Returning Students Financial Aid Applications Due to PSAS/LSHS February 5 Recruiting Realities with Jack Renkens 7:00pm Dining Hall February 7 Special Schedule Dismissal 12:15pm Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30 - 2:00pm and 4:30 - 6:00pm February 8 Student Holiday Teacher Inservice February 9 Saturday ACT for Juniors 8:00am
February 10 Sunday San Miguel Gift Gathering Party Crystal Ball Gifts from the Heart 4:00pm Arcadia February 11 Monday No Late Start - Dismissal 12:00pm February 12 Boosters Board Meetings 6:30pm on Campus Parents Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library February 13 Liturgy Schedule Dress up Day Ash Wednesday Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall February 14 Special Schedule Valentine’s Day Dress-Up Day Academic Awards Ceremony 9:15am Dining Hall Café Bibliothèque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library February 16 Saturday Mid-Year Used Uniform Sale 9:30am to Noon Blakeslee Library
February 18 Holiday Presidents' Day February 20 Assembly Schedule Student Life Assembly February 22 Winter Drama Opens 7:00pm Linda M. Grinstead Theatre March 3 Sunday RCA / LTV Film Festival 4:00 - 6:00pm Pasadena March 7 Rally Schedule Spring Sports 1:50pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium March 9 Saturday Registration for the Class of 2017 Dining Hall and Gym March 20 Liturgy Schedule Dress up Day Lenten prayer Service 9:15am Dining Hall March 22 Spring Dance 8:00 - 11:00pm Dining Hall
Student Financial Aid Deadline In order to properly allocate financial aid for incoming freshman for next year, we have added an earlier due date.There will be two Financial Aid Deadlines in 2013.
2) Returning Students without new siblings; DEADLINE: February 4, 2013. Parents must submit 2012 tax returns.
1) Incoming Freshman and Transfer Students (includes new siblings); The deadline was January 18, 2013 (the same date that the applications are due). This deadline required 2011 tax returns.
If you have questions plese contact Mr. Robert Packard, CFO at 626.696.4334 or