Lancer Magazine Fall/Winter 2019

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Congratulations to Camille Kennedy ’20 who was selected as the 102nd Tournament of Roses Queen. Camille led the annual Parade down Colorado Boulevard on New Years Day.




Lancer Magazine is published by the Office of Advancement at La Salle College Preparatory, for alumni, parents, and friends.


Mr. Robert Nuccio ’71 P’00, ’02, ’04, Chair Mr. Brad Berger P’03, ’04, ’07, Vice Chair Mr. Nabil Anthony Bisharat ’02 Mr. Dennis Patrick Burke ’60, P’85 Mr. Robert (Bob) Carrejo Mr. Michael Harper P’93, ’95 Mr. Andrew Hubert P’13 Dr. Stephanie Paggi Mr. Ray Pearl, Jr., ’99 Mrs. Victoria Richards P’08 Br. Kevin Slate, FSC Mrs. Tamara Wann Wheeler ’97


Mr. Peter S. Griffith P’00, ’03 (Chair) Mr. Camilo Becerra, Esq. P’18 Mr. Doug Campbell

Dr. Dino Clarizio ’75, P’06 Mr. Dennis Jebbia, Esq. Mr. Bill Kinney P’19 Mr. David Lam P’08, ’09 Mr. John Moe II, Esq. ’68 Dr. Kris Mohandie ’80, P’21 Mrs. Leigh Olivar P ’12, ’21 Mr. Tom Radle P’17 Mr. Brent Schoenbaum P’16, ’19 Mr. Thom Steinhoff P’21, ’22 Mrs. Julie Williams P’04 Mrs. Janet Xu P’20 Mrs. Gina Zhang P’21 Mrs. Jennifer Zhao P’20


Mrs. Robin (Quintanilla) Aksu ’03 Mr. Joe Alvarez ’83, P’20, ’22 Dr. Christopher Bigley ’05 Mrs. Maria (Romero) Bitonti ’97, P’22 Mr. Gabriel Castillo ’96 Mr. Jay Crews ’86 Mr. Nico Garcia-Corona ’12 Mr. Bill Hall ’62 Mr. Paul Lees ’75 Ms. Christina Mesesan ’99 Mr. Tony Messineo ’80 Mr. Rafael Mirasol ’80, P’17, ’18 Ms. Kristine Nonato ’06 Mr. Armando Ramirez ’93, P’14, ’20 Mr. Chris Rettig ’84, P’19

Mrs. Amanda (Gonzalez) Richardson ’01 Mr. Rich Schmidt ’72 Mr. Manny Soriano ’12 Mr. Mike Sullivan ’70, P’08, ’13


Mr. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, P’94, ’97 Acting President Mrs. Courtney Kassakhian Principal Ms. Tina Bonacci ’94 Assistant Principal for Curriculum & Instruction Mr. Kevin Delaney ’89 Vice President for Advancement Mr. Robert Packard Chief Financial Officer Mr. Michael Stumpf Dean of Students


Mr. John Blackstock ’67 Ms. Elizabeth Kalmus ’04 Ms. Carolyn Neuhausen ’04






Mr. John Blackstock ’67 Ms. Kjersti (Housman) Holyfield ’04 Ms. Becca Velasco ’04 Mr. Brian Walsh Ms. Keira Wight ’12

PUBLICATION AND PRODUCTION: KGB Studios Inquiries and/or correspondence should be directed to: La Salle College Preparatory C/O Mrs. Vanessa Strouse-Kenney ’97 3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard Pasadena, California 91107 All pages are displayed on the La Salle website:

Mrs. Vanessa Strouse-Kenney ’97



Ms. Kristen Schultz ’98 Ms. Jessica Stegner ’03 Mrs. Vanessa Strouse-Kenney ’97


When you see this icon, go to and click the Flickr icon to see more event photos.



Academic and Competition Teams Highlighted



Becca Velasco ’04



14 AMAZING EDUCATORS Kjersti (Housman) Holyfield ’04 18 LANCER ATHLETICS Introducing La Salle’s New Athletic









MATTERS A colleague and personal friend, Br. George Van Grieken, FSC, has been authoring an outstanding series of Lasallian Reflections that he most kindly shares with many of us. A recent one, that I especially enjoyed, centered on the role that authentic evangelization plays in the life of the Church. Br. George was reflecting on the October 13, 2019 canonization of John Henry Newman and the style of preaching Saint Newman used as well as on the Saint’s views regarding evangelization. Saint Newman wrote “In Scripture to preach is to do the work of an evangelist, is to teach, instruct, advise, encourage in all things pertaining to religion, in any way whatever. All education is a kind of preaching – all catechizing, all private conversation – all writing.” Br. George also quoted Pope Francis, “Young people have good will, but they can be easy prey to deception as well as impatient. It is necessary to be close to the young people, to give them space so that they can discern what is happening in their hearts. Formation considers ideas and feelings together. For example, we must help the youngest to recognize when they live in resignation, and therefore in stagnation,



and also to recognize when they live a healthy restlessness. In short, we need spiritual discernment, accompaniment.” As I contemplated Br. George’s reflection, I could not help but to think of it in the context of our reality at La Salle College Preparatory. Within the opening pages of the School’s Handbook, we boldly state that the School plays “a special part in God’s providential plan for students,” and that we recognize “the value and uniqueness of each student as a person with religious, intellectual, imaginative, emotional, social, and physical potential,” and, we acknowledge and echo the principles of evangelization quoted before from Saint John Henry Newman and Pope Francis when we further state in our School Philosophy that “the teacher leads the students to seek the fullest development of their talents.” Again, I quote from Pope Francis, “Personal witness synergizes who we are for others; example outweighs words any day, especially among our students. Evangelization is essentially witness. Proselytizing is convincing, but it is all

about membership and takes your freedom away. I believe that this distinction can be of great help. The Church does not grow by proselytism, it grows b y att r a c t i o n , t h e attraction of witness. Ev a n g e l i z e rs never violate the conscience: they announce, sow and help to grow.” At L a Sa l l e C o l l e g e Preparatory, it is the obligation and blessing for all of the adults who encounter our students to lead and encourage them by being for our students an authentic witnesses of one’s own faith journey and dedicated professionals within each adult’s area of educational expertise. We do not demean or embarrass our students and, as Pope Francis exhorts, we do not violate their conscience by proselytizing. Our school adults witness, on a daily basis, the School’s commitment to our 5 Core Lasallian Principles: 1. Faith in the Presence of God 2. Respect for All Persons 3. Establishing an Inclusive Community 4. Concern for the Poor and Social Justice 5. Providing a Quality Education The truly exciting and inspirational reality is that one has to only spend a small period of time among our students to come to the realization that for them, the above principles are a given, a lived-reality - a perfect witness to the ideal of authentic evangelization in

the real world. Is La Salle as an institution perfect at all times; are our adults and students perfect at all times? No! Is there a daily commitment by our community to the ideals and goals boldly established in our Core Principles and School Philosophy? Yes! It is in this commitment that the school community is evangelizing and being authentic witnesses to the unique values and ideals of our shared mission. As I am fond of doing, I end this commentary with a quote from our Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, who wrote, “Example makes a much greater impression on the mind and the heart than words, especially for children. They are led more readily to do what they see done for them than what they hear told to them.” Saint La Salle was exhorting his adult community to be witnesses of authentic evangelization for their students. I humbly encourage all of us to likewise be evangelizers not only for our young people but for our greater world as well. Live Jesus In Our Hearts!




THE ROAD TO PERFECTION Welcome to the latest issue of Lancer Magazine. In this issue you will read about our many academic teams that allow and encourage our students to apply and expand their academic learning in ways that are fun, competitive, and meaningful to them. Academic Decathlon, Mock Trial, Robotics and Speech & Debate all give our students opportunities to work and compete as a team in the way students involved in athletics or the performing arts have long been able to do, but to do so in the realm of academics. Although many of our highest achieving students are involved in these activities, these are not exclusive to only students with 4.0 GPAs. On the contrary, these activities need and thrive with students from all academic backgrounds, and when these students do participate in these activities all of them grow academically in incredible ways. You will also get a chance to catch up with one of our young alumna. Becca Velasco ’04 is a wonderful example of our motto Learn, Serve, Lead being lived out. The education and opportunities she received at La Salle truly impacted the choices she has made in her career and we are incredibly proud of how he is using her Lasallian education in her work. Our graduates have the experiences they do in large part because of the wonderful educators they encounter during their time here. One of those educators, who is also an alumna, is Kjersti (Housman) Holyfield ’04. Mrs. Holyfield is not only an academic leader on campus, chairing the science department, she is also our head cross country coach, on the mentor committee, and part of our LEAP team. Her passion for La Salle runs deep and her students and peers have seen and acknowledged that and awarded her with the Signum Fidei in 2013 and 2017 and named her the Lasallian Educator of the year in 2015. I’m sure the profile in this issue will help you understand why she’s received these awards and why she is such an important member of our La Salle community.


PLAY TO WIN By: Jessie Stegner ’03

you will join us on the sidelines or in the stands at a La Salle athletic event soon and perhaps meet him yourself. As always, there has been and continues to be a lot happening at La Salle. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about all of these things by reading Lancer Magazine and thank you, of course, for your continued support of our wonderful school. God bless!


Almost every year we have new members join our community. One terrific new Lasallian is our athletic director, Mr. Brian Walsh. Mr. Walsh has joined La Salle after about two decades of working at his alma mater St. Anthony High School in Long Beach. I’m excited that you will have the opportunity to get to know him in this issue and hope that



Members of The Academic Decathlon, Mock Trial, Speech and Debate, and the Robotics Team shown left to right: Back Row- Ally Gatewood ’22, Ava Crespo ’20, Sydney Haupt ’20, Rhyen Hunt ’21 Front Row- Quinn Painter ’22, Aaron van Blerkom ’20 and Nathaniel Lucas ’20


Building a robot, cross-examining a witness, becoming an expert on China’s foreign policy and performing an impromptu speech about William Shakespeare might not be activities you associate with high school programming. But La Salle College Preparatory’s academic and competition teams offer exciting learning opportunities that go beyond the classroom. Robotics, Speech and Debate, Mock Trial and Academic Decathlon/World Scholar’s Cup serve a growing number of the student population. They provide Lancers with engaging topics and activities as well as four teachers who are passionate about their purpose and success.

robotics team

Under the leadership of moderator Roy Chang, students in the robotics program learn how to design, build, prototype, test and iterate mechanical designs. These designs (or robots) are then put to the test in tournament play where they compete against an opposing school’s machine to see which can complete tasks quicker and easier. These robots operate from the computer program the students code and download themselves, requiring 50 to 100 hours of build time and even more hours for programming. “It’s an intensive process,” Chang says. “Lots of strategizing and communication has to happen. To get a robot to pick up a ball and throw it, for example, takes hours of programming and reprogramming.”

lives of the students who participate. Chang shares that many students use their experience as part of their college admissions essay and several now work in the field. “At least a quarter of the students have gone on to be engineers,” Chang says. “Because the program gives students an understanding of both hardware and software, students have found interest in a myriad of subjects- from engineering to medicine.”

Robotics not only teaches students about engineering, but the importance of persistence. Chang recalls a particularly high stakes tournament in 2010 when two robot teams had qualified for the world championships in Orlando. “Both robots were accidentally shipped to North Carolina,” he explains. “So our senior team had to rebuild a robot overnight in order to compete the following day.” That team ended up placing 11th in the regional rounds out of 40 total teams.

Academic Decathlon Team 6


Robotics has proven to be an incredibly influential aspect of the 7


ACADEMICS Rebekah Schaller ’97 moderates La Salle’s mock trial team. After receiving the annual case packet generated by the Constitutional Rights Foundation, students get to work on developing a prosecution and defense. They come up with theories to the case, a timeline of events, go over objections and cross examination and what to anticipate from the opposing side. Their work culminates in a trial against another school’s team at the Los Angeles County Courthouse with professional attorneys acting as judges. “It’s a good snapshot of what real attorneys do,” Schaller says. With a Juris Doctor degree herself, she likens the program to her first year of law school as it exposes students to a diverse amount of law. Everything from constitutional to civil, property law to torts. She adds that her students not only enjoy the experience but develop exceptional lawyering skills in the process. “They learn analytical reasoning and how to apply both statutory and case law,” she says. The program has had a profound effect on those who participate. Many students have gone on to major in pre-law, politics or related fields.

Speech and Debate Team

Moderator Elizabeth Meerson refers to the speech and debate program as a “many headed beast” as students spend the year developing a diverse set of skills for tournaments, which can take place as often as four times a month. Speech team members perform in a number of events including platform speech, in which they write an original piece on a topic of their choosing. One recent speech focused on the obsession with celebrity culture and how it has made us question our own subjectivity. Another spoke on typeface in campaign materials and how it affects the public’s perception of a political candidate. Other events include humorous and dramatic interpretations of pre-existing works. These are paired with a short introduction written by the student in which they interpret the piece however they like. A student recently performed a monologue from the film The Boy in the Plastic Bubble and likened it to our general sense of isolation within the world. The debate team is equally busy as each of their tournaments involve a new set of topics. Students research and formulate platforms, then practice in scrimmages against one another before competing against opposing schools. Recent debates 8


have addressed issues including whether Spain should allow Catalonia to secede and whether or not the U.S. should continue selling firearms to Saudi Arabia. “The sheer amount of information that these kids process is insane,” Meerson comments. But the hard work does not go unnoticed. Among their many accolades and wins, the duo team of Rhyen Hunt ’21 and Maddy Cahill ’21 were ranked 29th in the country this year and placed in the Sweet 16 at the Yale Invitational. Speech and debate students have carried the skills they’ve learned far beyond the walls of La Salle. Not only do program participants tend to score well in standardized testing, many have gone on to study at high caliber universities including Berkeley and Stanford. Meerson mentions one student in particular, Nikki Strubinski ’19, who received a full scholarship to the Rhode Island School of Design. “As opposed to other students who apply to RISD, Nicole was used to being around new people and in new situations. She had something complex, intricate and nuanced to say about every question that they asked her in the interview process.”

Mock trial team 9



Academic Decathlon Team

Members of the Academic Decathlon and World Scholar’s Cup program spend their time memorizing facts, preparing speeches, creating debate arguments and practicing essay writing, all during a 7 a.m. class. Under the guidance of John Erb, Lancers begin the school year training for the Academic Decathlon, a two day event in February. The competition includes interviews, prepared and impromptu speeches, and an oral super quiz spanning seven subjects (Science, History, Language/Literature, Economics, Art, Music, and Math). Then it’s on to World Scholar’s Cup which includes a mega-multiple choice test based on hundreds of topics students research individually. They also compete in collaborative writing events and team debate. A recent debate topic was to argue positively or negatively the statement, “It does not matter whether or not William Shakespeare wrote his own works.”

“IT OPENS STUDENTS UP TO RANDOM KNOWLEDGE THEY’D NEVER GET IN THEIR TRADITIONAL CLASSES.” - JOHN ERB While the program is rigorous, students are eager and excited to participate. “My class goes crazy with individual research.” Erb says. “They type hundreds of pages of notes in a three week span.” Their hard work pays off. Lancers recently competed in the global round of the World Scholar’s Cup against hundreds of international teams from 51 nations. La Salle finished in an impressive eighth place overall. With 14 years experience in academic coaching, Erb not only loves the program but feels strongly of the advantages it gives his students. “It opens students up to random knowledge they’d 10


never get in their traditional classes,” he says. While these programs may appeal to a wide range of interests, every moderator shares the same sentiment when it comes to their program- how great their students are. “The character of our students is what I love,” Schaller says. “They are so motivated and driven but also have a genuine regard for other human beings.” All four teachers refer to their students as intelligent, articulate and kind. Meerson says, “We have so much faith in kids who are interested in creating something out of their knowledge base and truly changing the world.” These innovative programs give La Salle students the tools to do just that.


Sometimes, the idea of graduating high school is harder on the parents than it is on the students. La Salle College Preparatory offers a unique program for these parents to help ease their concerns.

Luncheon where outside vendors sell unique items that can be purchased for Christmas gifts. Proceeds from the event are earmarked towards the San Miguel Scholarship. To date, MAC has raised $90,000 for this scholarship.

“The Mothers of Alumni Council (MAC) is an excellent way for senior parents and alumni parents to build a support system and get advice from parents who are experiencing or have experienced the same thing,” says program President Lisa Urbina, P’09, P’10, P’16.

In Spring, MAC hosts their Champagne and Cupcakes event that focuses on helping senior parents deal with separation anxiety related to their child graduating. The event also features a member of La Salle’s Guidance and

The program, founded in 2007 by Gloria Delaney, P’82, ’85, ’89, builds a support community and keeps alumni families connected to La Salle with volunteering opportunities and events. “I know it’s called ‘Mothers of Alumni’ but it’s not just for mothers. We want the whole community to be involved and we do have fathers that actively participate as well,” says Urbina. The school year kicks off with MAC’s first event Discover Mothers of Alumni. This event offers parents insights into what to expect senior year. This informational and volunteer-oriented event unites MAC and the Alumni office to help prepare care packages for the newly graduated students who are now college freshmen. “It’s really nice for kids who are now freshmen in college, to receive a care package from their alma mater,” says Urbina. The second event is the Annual Holiday Boutique and

Counseling Department who gives professional advice. The final event of the year is the MAC Cocktail Party where senior mothers and fathers are officially inducted into MAC and the Gloria Delaney “Volunteer of the Year Award” is given to a graduating parent who exemplifies the School’s Motto: Learn-Serve-Lead. For more information about MAC, please contact Lisa Urbina at 11


DIFFERENCE made, that are actually inclusive of the community voice,” Velasco says. After receiving her MPP at the University of Southern California and working for four years at the California Charter Schools Association, Velasco began working at The Partnership for Los Angeles Schools (The Partnership) as the Senior Manager of Strategy and Growth. There, Velasco is part of a team that provides an additional layer of support to 18 of LA Unified’s most under-resourced schools. The Partnership provides capacity-building support for school leaders, teachers, and families and works on advocacy issues to achieve significant improvements for all schools in LA Unified.

Becca Velasco ’04 (shown first row, third from right) with her External Relations team at The Partnership


From an early age, ​Becca Velasco ’04​ felt drawn to working with kids. Her experiences tutoring students during La Salle’s service days, helping in her mom’s classroom, and working at a nearby summer camp, would eventually lead to her building a career that would carry on the tradition of St. John Baptist de La Salle. “I spent a lot of time in my mom’s kindergarten classroom in East Los Angeles, before I figured out that I wanted to work in public education. I wanted to change systems so that students in low-income communities would have the same access to opportunities that I had in private schools,” Velasco says. After earning her undergraduate degree from Stanford, she tutored local students who were almost exclusively from very affluent and privileged backgrounds. She realized she felt more drawn to work with students where her work could make more of an impact. She began working with Los Angeles education non-profit Spark, that had 12


just expanded from San Francisco to Los Angeles and runs apprenticeship programs for underprivileged middle school students and pairs them with mentors in their field of interest. She was later hand-picked to oversee the launch of a Spark program in the Bay area, working with students in two highneed Oakland middle schools. She recalls a single moment that motivated her to pursue a master’s degree in public policy: “One of the Spark schools had a beloved principal in that community - Mr. Gourdine - who knew every kid and every family and was a phenomenal leader. He was told he’d be transferred and no one in the community wanted that. Anyone who knew the school, knew he was the best person to run that school. I realized a decision was made, with maybe good intentions at a central office, that could potentially have a dramatic impact at a school level. It was clearly out of touch with what the community wanted. That led me to explore developing better policies and systems to ensure more comprehensive and intentional decisions were

To date, The Partnership has advocated for policies that help curtail racial bias in the classroom, making the process of identifying gifted students more objective, and offering opportunities to students who have traditionally been overlooked. The organization has provided workshops to over 8,000 parents on topics like graduation requirements and preparing kids for college, information that has traditionally not been offered to parents in a typical public school district.

Velasco’s most current work is focused on codifying The Partnership’s best practices and exploring ways to aid other districts with the organization’s lessons learned from over a decade of experience in Los Angeles. Velasco is also participating in The Broad Residency in Urban Education, where she’s furthering her career development in topics like effective communication, leadership, management, and racial justice education. “When I look back at my schooling experience, I was fortunate, even when experiencing friend or self-esteem issues, I always felt known. My teachers knew who I was and they had expectations of me. Right now, a lot of public schools are not set up to do that for kids. They are overcrowded, under-staffed, and under-resourced. But what if kids were known by all adults in the building? What if they were understood and challenged? We know it’s currently not happening, and that’s what I want to change. My goal working at The Partnership is to create the structure and the policy to allow schools to do that for kids. La Salle did that for me and I think that was hugely important,” she says. Velasco notes that the social justice teachings in La Salle’s curriculum have held profound value for her. “Your work should help make the world a better place for other people. Growing up, I don’t think I ever thought work would be separate from what I enjoyed and found meaningful, where I could have an impact on the world.​La Salle’s mission of Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve became second nature. The service days at La Salle and religion classes rooted in social justice, helped build the foundation of who I am and how I see myself and my responsibility in the world.” 13





By: Elizabeth Kalmus ’04

Kjersti (Housman) Holyfield ’04 first stepped onto La Salle College Preparatory’s campus as a newly accepted student in August of 2000, and she welcomed the immediate connection she felt with her fellow students and teachers. “I just remember that, no matter what was happening in my personal life or at home, La Salle was my second home. I always knew that I was seen and taken care of at La Salle.” Holyfield graduated from La Salle in 2004 and went on to attend Azusa Pacific University (APU), where she obtained a bachelor of science degree and made the decision to continue to medical school. But before her journey towards becoming a doctor could continue, it suddenly switched course.


“Right after I graduated APU, I started helping at an afterschool petting zoo program for children with autism that my mother started. I was able to work there tutoring, prepping lessons and camp schedules, and developing the curriculum.” It was this experience where Holyfield realized her passion for education and teaching others. “I just fell in love.” Holyfield suddenly found herself battling an internal debate between pursuing a degree in education or continuing with her original plan of attending medical school. “One day, I ran into Brian Miller ’79, my old Science teacher from La Salle, at a Starbucks. He asked what I was doing, and I told him about my work in the medical field but also how I was now considering education. After listening, he mentioned that La Salle could always use extra substitute teachers, advising me to contact the principal. I did, and the rest is history.” Holyfield began substitute teaching for science courses in Biology and Physics while also coaching the track and field team, reliving her high school days of being on the team. “For me, sports was my release from everyday stress in high school. My sports teams were everything to me. I felt that way as a student and then again, when returning to La Salle as a coach. It was wonderful to be on the coaching side and see the team from that perspective because it affirmed just how much everyone on La Salle’s campus cares for every student that walks in the door.”



Holyfield blossomed at La Salle as a substitute teacher and aide in coaching the track and field team. She returned to college and earned a Master’s in Secondary Education. While working on her master’s, she was hired full-time as a science teacher and assistant coach for track and field. She says the support she received from La Salle’s staff upon returning as a full-time teacher, were reminders of how these same individuals had nurtured her as a student. “The first year I taught I was terrified. But right away, the teachers and staff whom I had known as a student immediately gave me a special place to continue to learn and fail and try again as a teacher.” Holyfield mentions the fantastic support she received from the Science Department. “Even though they had already invested four years in me as a student in high school, they continued to invest in me to become a leader.” Holyfield has now spent ten years as an educator at La Salle. In that time, she has taught Biology, Physics and worked with the track and field team. She also earned a second Master’s in Lasallian Leadership. She teaches Physics, is chair of the Science Department, and head coach for the cross country team and assists with track and field.

BAND Bon Iver FAVORITE WAY TO RELAX Hanging out with my family or listening to a good podcast. FAVORITE PODCAST RobCast, a philosophical and religion podcast by Rob Bell. IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, WHERE WOULD YOU GO? Tibet. I’d love to meet the Dalai Lama. FAVORITE PLACE ON CAMPUS AS A STUDENT? The track with my coaches and teammates. FAVORITE PLACE ON CAMPUS AS A TEACHER? The track, but this time with the learners and fellow coaches helping my students become better athletes.

Holyfield enjoys interacting with her students and giving back to La Salle as an educator. She hopes to inspire her students to embrace themselves and help them become the people they are meant to be in the world after high school. “As a student here, I felt safe. La Salle was always an extension of my family, and now, coming back, it has been an honor to give that back to the students and provide them with someone that believes in them, just as I felt as a student here.” She believes that, in the big picture, it is not only about the grades, or about the time they run on the track or cross-country course. It’s about who they are becoming as a person, how their character grows, and to make sure they feel seen and loved. “That’s my main goal, to support them, and it’s a joy I experience coming to work at La Salle every day.” Holyfield recently gave birth to her second son, Jeremiah. She and her husband Anthony, who teaches math at La Salle, live in Pasadena with their two sons Everett and Jeremiah.

Kjersti pictured with her husband Anthony and son Everett. 15



LANCER GOLF CLASSIC By: Don Olender ’70, P’08, ’09

This years annual Lancer Golf Classic (LGC) was another remarkable event! The event took place, once again, at the beautiful and historic San Gabriel Country Club, where 100 golfers were treated to perfect weather and an exciting day of friendly team and individual competitions. In addition to a round of golf that included a fore caddie, the players enjoyed lunch, an amazing champagne/cocktail reception and silent auction. The festivities continued with a rousing live auction and plated awards banquet in the evening.

Longtime JV and Varsity coach Harry Agajanian received the “Phillip J. ‘Duffy’ Lewis” Award and was recognized as a key architect of La Salle’s very successful baseball program.






LA SALLE WELCOMES NEW ATHLETIC DIRECTOR La Salle College Preparatory has a new Athletic Director who knows a thing or two about creating competitive athletic programs in Southern California. Brian Walsh, who began as A.D. at La Salle in July, had spent the past sixteen years at St. Anthony High School in Long Beach, California. He served in multiple roles including assistant principal, athletic director, dean, facilities manager, teacher and head football coach. Since 2008, he has been the league coordinator for the Santa Fe and Camino Real Leagues. Additionally, he has served as a member of the CIF Southern Section Council, CIF Southern Section Football Advisory Board, and the CIF Southern Section Official Fees and Relations Committee. “We are tremendously excited to have Brian join our team here at La Salle. He brings a wealth of experience with him and is exactly who we need to lead our athletic department into the future,” said La Salle’s Principal Courtney Kassakhian. “His vision and expertise will shape our athletic program and community for years to come.” For the past four years, Walsh has been one of the few athletic directors recognized by the CIF Southern Section 18



as part of their MVP AD program. During his time at St. Anthony’s, the Saints won 45 league championships, eight CIF Southern Section and State Regional championships, and nine CIF Southern Section individual championships. In 2016, Walsh was recognized by the Long Beach Post as one of their “40 under 40” honorees, celebrating the outstanding achievements of individuals in the city of Long Beach. “I am extremely excited about the opportunity to lead the La Salle athletic program. I look forward to working with all stakeholders to fulfill the mission of La Salle through athletics,” said Walsh. Walsh has quickly familiarized himself with the Lancer athletic program and knows what he wants to tackle first. “Emphasizing all programs is a really important aspect of my strategy. We want a competitive program across the board. My goal is that each program is given the attention it deserves that is equal between the coaches, kids, and funding. When you start to have success amongst all programs, it breeds success across everything. It raises the bar and expectation. It’s not just about the revenue sports. It’s about all sports,” says Walsh.


IF YOU COULD HAVE DINNER WITH ANYONE (SPORTS RELATED) WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHY? Michael Jordan. Growing up, he was one of those iconic athletes that transcended sports. Obviously he was a winner but his impact on the marketability of sports and individual athletes was tremendous - Nike, Gatorade, Wheaties, etc. The Air Jordan shoe was revolutionary. In addition, he has always been a rather private person so having the opportunity to sit down with him and talk to him him about his journey would be pretty cool. FAVORITE MOMENT IN SPORTS Kirk Gibson’s homerun in 1988 World Series

As an educator who previously worked as an assistant principal and teacher, Walsh has seen first-hand how important building a well-rounded student is. “Many school’s focus a child on a single sport. You play football and that’s who you are. La Salle has so many offerings beyond sports. At La Salle, a student can focus on education and football. They can play many different sports and not get pigeon-holed. La Salle’s very attractive because it offers the development of the entire student.” Walsh graduated from California State University, Long Beach with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and a minor in psychology, and he earned a master’s degree from CSULB in sports management. He also earned a master’s degree in education and a California clear teaching credential from Loyola Marymount University. He and his wife, Liz, have two young children, Shane and Charlotte. 19




2018-2019 2018-2019


Bowdien pictured center with Harry Agajanian, La Salle Baseball Coach (left) and Eric Valenzuela, Bowdien’s recruiting coach and pitching instructor at San Diego State (right).

Bowdien “Bubba” Derby ’12 played four years of varsity baseball at La Salle both as a pitcher and an infielder. He was a two-time Division 4 All-CIF selection, the Del Rey League MVP his senior year and was named to the Pasadena Star-News All-Area team in 2012. As a Lancer, he compiled a pitching record of 9-1 with a 0.60 earned run average, striking out 117 batters over 81.2 innings. He also hit .395 with nine doubles, three home runs and 27 RBIs. Bubba was recruited to play for the San Diego State Aztecs where he served as the closer during his freshman year. His save total ranked 6th on the SDSU single season list and tied for 10th in Aztec history. He was named a Louisville Slugger Freshman All-American and made the 2013 Mountain West Conference second team. His sophomore year he became San Diego State’s Friday starter and ranked 2nd in the league in strikeouts in all games with 100. His 3.08 earned run average ranked 7th in the Mountain West and his 3.13 ERA in league-play was sixth best in conference. He was named a Louisville Slugger National Player of the Week and 20


made the 2014 All-Mountain West Conference first team. Bubba was drafted in the 6th round of the 2015 draft to the Oakland Athletics and finished his career as an Aztec as a three-time Mountain West Conference Champion and a two time scholar athlete earning over a 3.2 GPA. Bubba is ranked 4th in career strikeouts in San Diego State history and 2nd in single season strikeouts. Bubba was traded to the Milwaukee Brewers in February 2016 and was called up to represent the Brewers in the 2018 Arizona Fall League. He was invited to the first big league camp in 2019 and has been playing AAA for the last three years. For his athletic accomplishments at La Salle and beyond, Bowdien “Bubba” Derby ’12 was awarded the Tenth Battalion Alumni Athletic Award at half-time at the Homecoming Football Game on October 18, 2019.

While La Salle makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, there may be errors in gift information listed. Please email the Institutional Advancement office with any errors you encounter. FY 2018 includes July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019 21




Statements of Financial Position June 30, 2019 and 2018

ASSETS Cash Investments Receivables, Net Unconditional Promises to Give, Net

Property and Equipment Building and Improvements Furniture and Equipment Construction in Progress Vehicles

Less Accumulated Depreciation

Land Net Property and Equipment





Admissions & dev


Oper & Maint




Interest Exp




$4,572,348 2,725,216 527,734

$5,765,698 2,588,966 532,176



13,291,493 2,082,806 364,345

12,319,107 2,082,805 493,342 364,345













“Bene Merenti” is Latin for “Well-deserving.” Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions have exceeded $100,000 are truly welldeserving of our gratitude for their commitment to the School’s Mission.











Anonymous (2) Ahmanson Foundation Archdiocese Of Los Angeles Tom and Jeri Beck Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 The Brenninkmeijer Family California Wellness Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75 Andrew and Keri Crowell De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Fritz B. Burns Foundation The Georgina-Fredrick Children Foundation

Mr. Peter S. Griffith Ms. Erica Hahn Bill Hannon Foundation William H. Hannon Foundation Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper Kohorst Allen Family Foundation Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Mr. Zili “ Eric “ Li and Ms. Yang “ Angela “ Liu The Lumarda Family Don Mareina Marshall Charitable Trust John F. Marshall ’85 George H. Mayr Foundation

Mediverse International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitchell The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 The Pankow Family Pasadena Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tom Radle Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Rose Hills Foundation Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae Walcott-Rounds Mark and Daina Shuster The Twomey Family Webb Foundation Walt and Julie Williams


Total Assets




LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Accrued Compensation Deferred Revenue - Tuition and Registration Total Liabilities



$173,285 763,498 4,544,503

$149,984 742,694 4,066,844





2,759,085 2,015,464 4,774,549

3,651,105 2,010,618 5,661,723







$10,626,093 433,301 136,250 194,551 11,390,195

$10,893,305 486,459 186,345 145,391 11,711,500

762,524 827,522 1,590,046

593,551 382,270 975,821



9,510,014 2,585,978 1,185,741 13,281,733 (301,492)

9,371,297 2,362,149 953,040 12,686,486 835

Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions are between $50,000 and $99,999 join the Buttimer Society; named after the first American Superior General of the Christian Brothers – Brother Charles Henry Buttimer, FSC. Like Brother Charles Henry, who governed the Institute during the turbulent decade of the Sixties, these donors ensure the financial stability of La Salle.


WITHOUT DONOR RESTRICTION WITH DONOR RESTRICTION Time and Use Restrictions Endowments Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets






Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets June 30, 2019 and 2018 CHANGES-UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS SUPPORT AND REVENUE Net Tuition and Fees Contributions Unrealized Gain on Investments Other Revenue Net Assets Released From Restrictions Released From Time Restrictions Released From Program Restrictions

EXPENSES: Program Services Administration Institutional Advancement Total Expense

(Decrease) Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets CHANGES IN NET ASSETS WITH RESTRICTIONS TIME AND USE RESTRICTIONS Contributions Net Assets Released from Restrictions







(Decrease) Increase in Net Assets from Operations Write off Capitalized Master Plan Costs (Decrease) Increase in Net Assets

(1,196,847) (493,342) (1,690,189)

77,824 77,824

Net Assets at Beginning of Year





Net Assets at End of Year





La Salle recognizes those donors who have restricted their contributions of $1,000.00+ to the School’s Endowment Funds or included La Salle in their estate planning through one of a number of Planned Giving instruments including gift annuities, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, lead trusts and bequests. These donors are honored as members of the Saint Benilde Society. Similar to the visionary actions of Brother Celestine, the founding principal of La Salle High School, the support of these individuals will help secure the perpetuity of the Mission and Philosophy of La Salle College Preparatory for generations.




Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. Marshall Rose Mr. and Mrs. Brent Schoenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Mr. and Mrs. Craig Silvers Craig and D’Arcy Sloane Southern California Edison Company Ms. Jie Zhen Su Valley Processing Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vanni The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Dr. John K. Waken Weingart Foundation Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Western Asset Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead E.L. Wiegand Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wright Heather and Jason Young



1,040,170 (975,821)

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson Mrs. Kathryn Keele Mr. Larry Keele Kinney and Company Mr. William Kinney and Ms. Lily Chen Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konrad ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lo Guercio Mrs. Linda Lui Mr. Steve Madison Monique and Edward Malicdem ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Shyam S. Manwani Jane and Jerry Marks Dr. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Olender ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olivar Mr. Russell J. Osterman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palffy Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley


689,845 (1,590,046)

Mr. Roland Aldridge Bank of America Foundation MG Program Peter K. Barker Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Barker ’66 Brad and Nancy Berger Campbell Family Foundation Mr. Douglas Campbell Mr. John Delaney Gregory Dickson, Ph.D. Mr. James Ding and Mrs. Janet Xu Blaine and Lynda Fetter Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Richard Gray, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Bret Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holland Mr. Fred Hughes ’61 Ms. Nancy L. Iredale

Mr. and Mrs. Kamran Aghili ’88 Ahmanson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alden Mrs. Sharon Baker Cameron Mrs. Wendy Baker Offield Mrs. Pamela Baker Werner Mrs. Joanna L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Barker ’66 Dr. and Mrs. Peter Barry ’62 Mr. and Mrs. David Barulich Mr. and Mrs. Zoran K. Basich Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beck Mr. and Mrs. Ned R. Bennett ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Berger Mr. Monty Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bieker Mr. and Mrs. James F. Blackstock ’65 Mr. and Mrs. David Bolstad ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. H. Thomas Boyle and Ms. Wendy Lees Mr. and Mrs. Titus Brenninkmeijer Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Buccola ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Burke ’60

The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Carey Charles Pankow Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheney ’61 Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford Mrs. Mary Danenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) Mr. John Delaney Mr. Michael P. Delaney ’60 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dirmann ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doda




Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dooling ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elam III Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Fetter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fetters ’60 Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Dr. Robert G. Frank, Jr. ’61 and Ms. Jeanne Adams George H. Mayr Foundation Mrs. Alice Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Graf Richard Gray, Ph.D. Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith Mrs. Pamela Gripp Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harper The Hastings Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hood Ms. Carolyn L. Imrie Ms. Nancy L. Iredale Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. Mr. Michael R. Johnson ’62 Mr. Tim Q. Johnson ’60 Mr. Louis Johnston K.B. Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. Mark Karahadian Mr. David L. Kennelly ’65 Mr. Bob Kohorst ’71 and Ms. Shelley Allen Dr. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Mr. Gregory M. Kunert and Ms. Carol A. Watson

La Salle High School Academic Boosters Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Lucas, Horsfall, Murphy & Pindroh, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Mackel Mr. Don Mareina Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Maurin ’65 Mediverse International, Inc. Dr. Krishnan R. Mohandie ’80 Mr. Michael Molino The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mueller Ms. Katherine I. Murray ’16 Ms. Kathleen B. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Nino ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Nursing Home Solutions, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 Capt and Mrs. Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Mr. Russell J. Osterman Pasadena Community Foundation Mr. Stanley Perzanowski ’61 Peter K. Barker Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James H. Pike ’71 Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley The Estate of Steve F. Ready ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Richards Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Roman, Jr. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Roosevelt, Jr. ’63

Mr. Robert M. Rossini Mr. Thomas Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Saraf ’60 The Schow Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. Barry J. Schweiger ’60 and Ms. Donna Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Mr. Louis P. Smaldino ’60 Mrs. Marge Smith Ms. Peg Smith Mr. and Mrs. David C. Soltis ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 Ms. Dolores Tukich Mr. Scott Twomey and Mrs. Karen SkinnerTwomey Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Vert ’62 The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Mr. Dennis P. Voltattorni Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walsh Wellpoint Foundation WFB Ohio-Foundation (MN) Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Wiegand ’60 Mr. Peter Williams and Mrs. Serena Flowers/ Williams Mr. and Mrs. Walt Williams Mr. Donald Wood Mrs. Kristen M. Schultz Wray ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford W. Wright ’73

Honor Roll of Donors

Each year La Salle College Preparatory recognizes the generosity of individuals and organizations whose tax-deductible cash contributions and new pledges during the year total $1,000 or more. These donors play a critical role in strengthening the current programs for our students and helping La Salle plan for the future. Founded in 1989, there were 11 individuals, couples, and organizations as members in its initial year. For 2018-19, 382 individuals, couples, and organizations comprise the membership of its most prestigious order of donors. President’s Cabinet $10,000+ Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Camilo Becerra The H.N and Frances C. Berger Foundation Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 California Community Foundation California Wellness Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75 Clear Foundation Mr. James Ding and Mrs. Janet Xu Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation The Georgina-Fredrick Children Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith Ms. Erica Hahn Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper Mr. William Kinney and Ms. Lily Chen Kinney and Company Mr. and Mrs. David Lam The Lumarda Family Don Mareina Mr. Joseph L. McKay ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olivar The Pankow Family Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Perzanowski, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Radle Rose Hills Foundation 24


Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae WalcottRounds Mr. and Mrs. Brent Schoenbaum Schwab Charitable Fund Mark and Daina Shuster Mrs. Yinghao “ Gina “ Zhang President’s Council $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Allen ’84 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bent ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 Campbell Family Foundation Mr. Roy Chang Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chiara Dr. John Desjarlais and Dr. Christine Brown Mr. Scott L. England and Mrs. Jennifer Windham Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Bret Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hedman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holland Dr. Irina Jasper and Mr. Dimitry Barkovsky Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. ’73 Mr. Min Lin and Ms. Jian Qing Xu

Mr. Chen Lu and Ms. Sharon Liang Monique and Edward Malicdem ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Harish Manwani Mr. and Mrs. William Martin Dr. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. and Mrs. John Newell Operational Consulting International, Inc. Orange County Community Foundation Pasadena Community Foundation Mark and Victoria Richards Jenny and Michael Rue ’69 Mr. Lawrence Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steinhoff Ms. Ling Sun Dr. Guangsheng Wan Mr. Charlie Wang and Mrs. Jessica Zhang Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wilcox IV Heather and Jason Young President’s Circle $2,500-$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alvarez ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Chunsheng Bai Mr. and Mrs. Steven Basile Mr. and Ms. Hamid Behdad Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Beltre Mr. Robert T. Bouttier ’67 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cahill Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Juan Cardenas

Mr. and Mrs. Binglang Chen Mr. and Mrs. Steven Chin Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge Mr. Giovani Dacumos and Ms. Carina Caparas Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 Mr. Gary Delossa and Mr. Scott Storey The Walt Disney Company Foundation Mr. Raymond Ealy and Mrs. L. Charmayne Ealy Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Mark Forbush Dr. and Mrs. Marc Futernick Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gomez William H. Hannon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hart Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helbing Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Helgeson Mr. and Mrs. William K. Henley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hubert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hurrell Ms. Carol Ko Mr. and Mrs. Shant Koumriqian Ms. Ian Lao The George and Mary Ann Leal Foundation Mr. Michael D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Steven Long Dr. Michael P. Miller and Dr. Catherine L. Louden John A. Moe II ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Olender ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Pando Mr. and Mrs. John R. Queen III ’83 Mr. and Mrs. James Schaefle Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sgherzi Mr. and Mrs. Javed Sheikh Mr. William P. Skipper and Ms. Jennifer Hammond Mr. Zhibao Sun and Ms. Dan Jia Mr. and Mrs. James Surtees, Jr. Dr. Benjamin Tam and Dr. Irene Ho Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Thorne Mr. and Mrs. Alan Tippie The Twomey Family Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Van Buren Ms. Sharon Verani The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Mr. and Mrs. Adam Waggoner Dr. John K. Waken Mr. Yujun Wang and Ms. Junhong Ma Walt and Julie Williams Carol and Bradford Wright ’73 Ms. Jin Ling Wu Mr. Terry Xia and Ms. Jing Liu Mr. and Mrs. Frank Xue Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yu Jr. Mr. Xueming Zhao and Mrs. Yifei Tian Dr. and Mrs. John Zweizig Crystal Circle $1,000-$2,499 Drs. Bruce and Lara Abbott Dr. Pierre Abboud and Ms. Grace Soueidan Ms. Bertha Aguirre Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alvarado Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Alvarez Amgen Inc. AMH Capital, INC. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anaya ’89 Ms. Hue Ary

Dr. and Ms. Bruce Atkinson Mr. Michael Avakian and Ms. Marvelyan The Emanuel Bachmann Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baghdassarian Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Baldwin ’69 Mr. and Ms. Harry Balian Peter K. Barker Foundation Mr. Gary P. Barrera ’91 Ms. Jennifer Barrera ’98 Mr. Marcos Barron and Ms. Ashleigh Heisley Mr. and Mrs. Hank Bataille ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Beard Mr. Jim Beckham Mr. Andrew Beilfuss Ms. Ines Y. Bello Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berger-Davis Ms. Alison Birnie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boecking Mr. Vincent Bohanec Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Ms. Kathleen Brennan de Jesus Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brogan Bubalo Family Fooundation Mr. Bruno Campo and Ms. Carolyn Grijlava Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Candelaria Michele and Kenneth Canzoneri ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Casani Mr. Bruce Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Chen Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chen Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheney ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Thane Christopher Citizens Business Bank Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Clarizio, Jr. ’81 Ms. Michele Conn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cortes Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Cotter ’65 Dr. and Mrs. William Crary Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Crespo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Culver Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtiss Mr. Gregory E. Danenhauer ’70 De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) Mr. and Mrs. Victor De Silva Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Delaney ’89 Mr. John Delaney Dr. and Mrs. Dennis C. DeMesa ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Baogang Deng Mr. Donald DesHarnais Gregory Dickson, Ph.D. Jim Dirmann ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Durandette ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Amir Elahe Ashori Ms. Kelly Etter Beilfuss Mr. and Mrs. David Ettinger Mr. Mark W. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Randy Fall Mr. Philip Feghali and Ms. Michelle Feghali Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fosselman Fosselman’s Ice Cream Co. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fraley Dr. Robert G. Frank, Jr. ’61 and Ms. Jeanne Adams Mr. and Mrs. Rick Fraser Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Frias Mr. and Mrs. Jon Fullinwider Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner Mr. Montano Geronimo and Mrs. Elaine Mercado Geronimo

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillespie Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Gioia ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Gomez Ms. Cathy Goyette Mr. J. Brady Graham ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Ola Grenner Mr. Carlos G. Gutierrez and Ms. Linda M. Tunstad Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Haines Mr. and Mrs. Tirta Halim Mr. William R. Hall ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harold, Jr. ’65 Dr. William Harrity II Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heidenberg Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Mr. ZuoYin Huang and Ms. YaRong Zhou Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hussain Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Ioele ’96 Ms. Nancy L. Iredale Mr. and Mrs. Hossein Jadvar Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jeffery Mr. Aaron Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jordan Mr. Daniel A Jose, Sr Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Kent Kachigian Dr. Morton R. Kahn and Dr. Lisa Kahn-Yee Mr. and Mrs. Esper Kanaan Mr. and Mrs. Kosta Karvelas Mr. Suyeol Kim and Ms. Jaeyeon Kang Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kirland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klum Mr. and Mrs. Kc Kong Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Krouse ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lai Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lam Mr. and Mrs. William Larr Mr. and Mrs. William R. LaRue ’69 Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation Mrs. Jessica Lee Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lenz Mr. Stephen Leung and Ms. Yui Wa Mr. James LeVeque ’80 Dr. and Mrs. William Lewczuk Ms. Kelly Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William Lieberg Mr. and Mrs. Vu Lieu Ms. Karin J. Liljegen Ms. Ely Lin Ms. Nancy Lingao Mr. and Mrs. Zhihao Liu Ms. Anny Liu Ms. Louise Liu Mr. Hank Lo and Mrs. Jennifer Su Mr. and Mrs. Danny Lo Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Maldonado John F. Marshall ’85 Mr. Dennis Martin Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Martinez ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Hmayak Matossian Mr. and Mrs. Augustine May Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlo Mejia ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Mourad Milad Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morioka Ms. Tammy Morioka-Shimazu Ms. Hong Li (Iris) Mou Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullin 25


Mr. William C. Murphy III and Mrs. Pamela B. Johnson Ms. Katherine I. Murray ’16 Ms. Pacita Nabua Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Naguit Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nahra Mrs. Shinko Nakayama Mr. and Mrs. Todd Nevell Blessed John Henry Newman Mr. and Mrs. Fai Man Ng Mr. and Mrs. Toan Nguyen Dr. Heriberto Nunez Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Olgin Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ortiz-Luis Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ouwerkerk Mr. Changqing Pan and Ms. Lili Ma Mr. and Mrs. Steve Paradis Pasadena Tournament of Roses Mr. Mayron Payes and Ms. Angelica Salas Mr. and Mrs. Brian Petersen Pfizer Inc. Matching Gift Plan Ms. Mary Grace Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Pink ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Polchow Mr. and Mr. Laurie Popham Mr. Gonzalo Posada and Mrs. Zoraida Davila-Posada Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Posada Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quinn Ms. Sheila Quintana Mr. and Mrs. Efren Quizon Mr. Rafael Ramirez and Mrs. Denise Miyashiro-Ramirez


Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Rangan Mr. Jun Rao and Ms. Donglai Wang Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Ray ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Reeves Ms. Janet M. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Refugio Reynoso Mr. Christopher Ring ’01 Mr. and Mrs. David Rodriguez ’89 Mr. Lee Roesner and Mrs. Cindy Shimomaye Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Romano ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Rigoberto Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Oleksandr Rytov Dr. Ron S. Saito Mr. and Mrs. George Sakellariou Ms. Jogelin R. Santos Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Schionning Mr. and Mrs. David Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Shutan Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sindici Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smatko Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith, Jr. Mr. Ray Sosa and Ms. Leticia Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Marc St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Stenzel Mr. James N. Stevens ’69 Ms. Junfei Su Mr. and Mrs. Tony Tang Mr. and Mrs. Elias Tango Dr. James Tatoian Mr. and Mrs. Celso Templo Mr. and Mrs. Kent Tesoro Mrs. Shirlie Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thoresen

Dr. Norlan Torres ’97 Mr. Hung Trac and Ms. Erica P. Nieto Mr. and Mrs. Hieu Tran Ms. Lisa Tromba Mr. Martin Truitt Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Turner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Van Blerkom Mr. and Mrs. Joey B. Ventigan Morris and Esther Victor Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wall Mr. Weizhong Wang and Mrs. Nancy Wu Mr. Kevin Watkins and Mrs. Diana Margaret Watkins ’96 Mrs. Jenny Wei Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Weigel ’65 Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Mr. Van Wen and Mrs. Ellen Xu Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Werden Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wong Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wong Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Woodman Mrs. Darrell A. Wright Ms. Jennifer Y. K. Wu Mr. and Mrs. Andy Yuan Mr. and Mrs. Vadim Yuzefpolsky Dr. and Mrs. Ebrahim Zandi Mrs. Lori Zanteson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zavala Ms. Yue Zhang Mr. Zhengfang Zhu and Mrs. Hong Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Yu Zhu


In the spirit of the School’s motto, “Indivisa Manent” (We Stand Undivided), the following listing of donors includes individuals and organizations that support the everyday operations of La Salle College Preparatory. The following giving programs are included in this generous and supportive group: Parent Giving Program, Lancer Golf Tournament, Crystal Ball, Alumni, Scholarship and Financial Aid, Endowment, Capital, Technology and all General Donations. Thank you for supporting the students at La Salle College Preparatory. Organization / Foundations Altadena Town & Country Club AXA Foundation Inc. Benevity Community Impact Fund Bloomfield Creamery Butterfly Effect Day Spa California Cactus Center CocaCola Domenico’s Dot’s Daughter Design El Portal Restaurant Embassy Suites Arcadia Great Expectations College Prep Herban, Inc. Hope Organizers In-N-Out Burger Islands of Pasadena J. McLaughlin Georgica Pine Jostens Kids Klub Pasadena Launa Penza Photography Lavender & Honey Expresso Bar Los Angeles Beauty College Mijares Mexican Restaurant Mobile Cardiac Imaging NickCo Hospitality Group Nicole M. Beadles, Nikki & Suzy 26


Nikki C’s Pauline’s Premier Sweets Poppy Cake Baking Co. Publication Delivery Service Inc. Reinas Insurance Agency, Inc. Rose Bowl Opertating Company Salon Zelo Salutations Home Senior Citizens of Big Bear Valley Sierra Autocars, Inc. Southern California Edison Company Southern Roots SS Felicitas & Perpetua Church St. Rita School Studio Movie Grill Technix Academy, LLC The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation The Fuentes Law Firm The Only Place In Town The Outlet by E.L.S. The Pampered Chef Two Dragon Martial Arts Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign (DoTopia) Wells Fargo Philanthropy Fund Yoga Madre

YourCause Individuals Ms. Isabelle Abboud ’19 Ms. Joni Regina Ablay ’03 Mr. Harry Agajanian Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Agapito Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ajamian Mrs. Robin Quintanilla Aksu ’03 Mr. Moises Alarcon Mr. Nathan M. Alarcon ’19 Mr. Jaime Albino and Mrs. Elva Vieyra Dr. Lawrence Albinski ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Quinn H. Alexander ’10 Dr. Stan J. Alexander, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Algiers Ms. Hana K. Ali ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Allaire ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Almeida Mr. Bruno Alonso ’13 Mr. Anthony R. Alvarado ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Damon Anastasia Mr. Michael J. Anastasia ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio Ancheta The Honorable Clifford R. Anderson III ’70 and Mrs. Karen Anderson Ms. Lugenia Anderson

Mrs. Virginia Anderson Mr. Steven G. Andres ’94 Mrs. Christyann M. Stanislawski Andrianopoulos ’95 Mr. Gentry G. Angsanto and Ms. Leslie Mapua Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Anicich ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Anthony ’67 Ms. Brianna N. Antillon ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Rhonel Aquino ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Archambault ’75 Mr. Samera Arkel Ms. Taylor R. Arrighi-Bracci ’13 Ms. Rosemary Arroyo Ms. Angela Arunarsirakul ’09 Mr. Timothy J. Ary ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ashkinos Mr. and Mrs. Avak Avakian Mr. Wayne G. Avjian ’77 Mr. Christian R. Ayala ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Badzey ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Bahou Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bailey Mrs. Toya Bailey Mr. J. Brian Baird and Mrs. Deborah Sinnette-Baird Mr. and Mrs. David C. Balak ’62 Mrs. and Mrs. Enrico Balcos Mr. and Mrs. Duke Banks III ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Barbaro III ’02 Mrs. Jill M. Trousdale Barr ’01 Mr. Andy Barragan Mr. Jose Barrera Ms. Julia M. Barrero ’10 Mr. Kennedy J. Barron ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Marcos Barron Mrs. Stefania M. Bisharat Bauer ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baum ’63 Mr. Richard E. Baumer ’63 Ms. Gianina A. Bautista ’08 Dr. and Mrs. Ramil Bautista Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bearse Mr. Sam J. Bearse ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Becker ’65 Dr. and Mrs. Abdallah Beddawi Mr. and Mrs. Marc Beddawi Mr. and Mrs. Jerald M. Behrens ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Belcher ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Todd G. Bennett ’98 Ms. Jamie Bennison ’06 Mr. Dave Bent ’75 Mrs. Monika Bent Ms. Stephanie Bergdahl ’02 Mr. David Berger Ms. Zoe R. Berger-Davis ’19 Mr. and Mrs. David Bernstein Mr. Daniel Berry ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Betancourt Mr. John A. Bettencourt IV ’87 and Dr. Karen Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Bevan ’70 Dr. Christopher P. Bigley ’05 Mr. Jacob T. Bigley ’09 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Bigley ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bigley ’77 Sister Marilyn Binder, CSJ Mr. Andrew Binns Ms. Alison Birnie Mr. and Mrs. Nabil Bisharat ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Bitonti ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Bitonti Ms. Pamela Bivens

Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Blackman Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blackstock ’67 Mr. Justin W. Blackstock ’71 Mr. Richard A. Bleuze ’95 Ms. April Blooms Dr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Bock Dr. Ernie Bodai ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bogue ’88 Ms. Angela Bohanec Ms. Annika M. Bohanec ’18 Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. James L. Bonaccorso ’85 Mr. John L. Bottala ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bottala Mr. Michael J. Bottala ’10 Ms. Maria Brenes James and Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brennan ’77 Mr. Taylor B. Brennan ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Briegel Mr. Jeffrey T. Briegel ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Brink ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Brinton ’73 Ms. Caroline Britton Ms. Katrina Britton Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Brock, C.P.A. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Mr. Scott Brown ’75 Ms. Angela Bruning ’07 Mr. Anthony Buccino Ms. Chanel M. Buccola ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Buccola ’69 Ms. Catherine Budincich Mr. and Mrs. David Buennagel ’04 Mr. John Burch and Ms. Carla Buigues Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burch Mr. John R. Burke ’77 Mr. David T. Burkhart ’12 Mr. Stephen A. Burkhart ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burkhart Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Busbee Ms. Kami Busbee ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Byrd ’61 Larry R. Byrd, Ph.D. ’63 Mr. Christopher Cadd and Ms. Rosario Sabillo Ms. Robin C. Cadd ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Cafagna Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cahill ’76 Ms. Jacqueline Cai Mr. and Mrs. Renato Calvario Mrs. Vittoria Campo Mr. Jesus Campos Cabezas and Mrs. Gayle Reyes-Campos Mr. and Mrs. Phil T. Cannon ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cantos Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Canzoneri Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Capobianco III ’71 Ms. Susan E. Capoccia ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Matt Cargal Ms. Nicole M. Carlos ’12 Mr. Eric Carlos ’06 Mrs. Claire E. Brennan Carmody ’98 Mr. Robert Carrejo Mr. Joseph F. Carreon ’13 Mr. Rick Carron Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Castillo ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Javier Castro Mr. and Mrs. John Caulfield ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Centola ’77

Mr. and Mrs. David Chambers Mr. David C. Chambers ’14 Mr. and Ms. Sako Charkhedian Mr. and Mrs. Jason Charvat ’97 Mr. Derek K. Chen ’19 Mr. Eugene Chen Mr. Jonathan Chen ’19 Ms. Sophie V. Chiara ’19 Mr. Suresh Chilukuri Mr. Edward E. Chisholm ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Christensen Mrs. Makenzie Pedrotti Chronopoulos ’07 Ms. Chloe Chuong ’19 Ms. Josephine Chuong Ms. Angela M. Ciccone Mr. John Ciccone and Ms. Aitrang Tran Mr. Daniel J. Cina ’18 Mr. and Mrs. John Cina Mr. John N. Cina ’12 Mr. Matthew A. Cina ’14 Major Leroy L. Cisneros ’89 Ms. Nina M. Claudio ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Claudio Ms. Elizabeth Clingerman ’98 Mrs. Shannon Hogan Cody ’08 Ms. Carolyn H. Cohn ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cohn Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Colella Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Collins ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collins Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Colton Mr. Gabriel Compton and Mrs. Cristina Claisse Mrs. Marianne Compton Mr. Aidan Conley ’19 Ms. Joni Conlon Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Coombes ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Corsetti ’67 Ms. Alyssa M. Cortes ’19 Mrs. Stephanie Smith Courain ’06 Mr. George Courville ’72 Mr. Matthew N. Crabtree ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Crawford, Jr. ’69 Mr. Richard K. Crawford ’75 Mr. Burt C. Cresta ’14 Mr. Jay Crews ’86 Mr. Bob Cruz ’75 Anthony and Catherine Cuellar Mr. Devon J. Culpepper ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Will Culpepper Mr. and Mrs. Severino Dacumos Ms. Xue Ling Dai Mr. Jeff T. Daley ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Dalton ’78 Mr. Benjamin S. Damir ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Damir Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Damore ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff W. Danna Ms. Erin DaSilva ’06 Dr. Carol A. Davis ’02 Ms. Chrissie Davis ’99 and Mr. Sebastian Grillo Mrs. Diane A. Davis Mr. Scott P. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William E. Daws ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Day Mr. and Mrs. Luke de Kansky Mr. Sebastian F. de Kansky ’19 Ms. R-Lene De Lang Mr. and Mrs. James P. De Leo ’78 Mr. Matthew M. Dean ’19 27


Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dean Mr. and Mrs. John Defoe Ms. Adela Del Rio Ms. Rosemarie DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Dustin DeMesa ’96 Ms. Aubrey L. Deneen ’13 Ms. Judy d’Entremont Mr. and Mrs. James DeRose Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Dewald ’75 Dr. Dale V. Di Stefano ’70 Mrs. Esmeralda Diaz Ms. Molly E. Diedrich ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Dignam ’68 Dr. David C. DiLettera ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dilluvio Ms. Samantha M. Dilluvio ’19 Mr. Jason Dineros ’05 Mr. Christopher F. Dinkel ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Anthony Dionisio III Mrs. Nancy Doede Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Doerning Mr. and Mrs. Gil Dominguez Ms. Kelly A. Dominguez ’15 Mr. Randall P. Dominguez ’12 Ms. Mia N. Dooley ’19 Ms. Sheila Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dooling ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. D’Orazio ’76 Mr. Jordan G. Dorenfeld ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60 Mr. Sebastian Dunbar ’19 Dr. Mosey Nuccio Dunn ’02 Ms. Stephanie Dunne Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Dupuy ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Pierre A. Dupuy ’77 Mr. Aaron M. Ealy ’13 Mr. Luis Echeverria Mr. Charles J. Edgar and Ms. Aimee Yanez Ms. Isabella J. Edmundson ’19 Ms. Susan E. Ehring ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Eiben ’63 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Elfelt ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Elia Mr. James F. Elko ’67 Mrs. Teresa M. Ring Elmslie-Britt ’03 Ms. Karla Enrequez Ms. Maya L. Enrequez ’19 Mr. Sergio Escalante ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Escamilla ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Escovar Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eskridge Jr. Ms. Emily Eslava ’19 Mr. Jorge Espinoza and Ms. Polly Salas Mr. Raul E. Espinoza ’71 Ms. Elizabeth A. Esquivel ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Esquivel ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esquivel ’88 Mrs. Sara Rodriguez Estevez ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Estrada Mr. and Mrs. Jose F. Estrada Ms. Amanda C. Evans ’05 Ms. Kimberley T. Evans ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Evans Mr. Jae Evers ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Evleth ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Exposito ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fahey ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Fan ’02 Mr. Francisco Farias and Mrs. Maria Dzul Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farnham Mr. and Mrs. Gregg W. Fasching 28



Ms. Amanda C. Feghali ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Ferguson ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandes Mrs. Lynette Ramos Fernandez ’02 Mrs. Rochelle L. Rodriguez Ferrari ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Fessler ’69 Ms. Giselle Figueroa ’07 Mr. and Mrs. William Filice Mr. and Mrs. James S. Fischella ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Fisher ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Fisher, Jr. ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Fletcher Ms. Alexis N. Flores ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Raudel Flores Dr. Kathryn A. Fogarty Ms. Arielle L. Fong ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Franco Mr. and Ms. Gustavo Franco Ms. Melanie-Phoebe D. Franco ’13 Mr. Todd Frankel and Mrs. Roberta TinajeroFrankel Mr. and Mrs. Edmund French, Jr. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Frey ’70 Ms. Julia M. Frisina ’11 Ms. Lori P. Froio Ms. Sonya Froio Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fulps Mr. Matthew A. Futernick ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Futernick Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Mr. Andrew Gaines ’19 Mrs. Helen Gaines Mr. Ted Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Gianni Galati ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Galindo ’71 Ms. Mary Ann M. Gamez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ganguin Mr. Michael Gao and Mrs. Shuxia Zhang Mr. and Mrs. James Garber Ms. Esperanza Garcia Ms. Galilea Garcia ’19 Ms. Marilyn J. Garcia Mr. Nathan D. Garcia ’19 Mr. Nikolai Garcia ’19 Ms. Paloma Garcia ’09 Mr. Ruben Garcia and Mrs. Sonia BarajasGarcia Mr. Victor Garcia and Mrs. Marina Vergara Mr. Vincent Garcia and Ms. Margarita Carrillo Mr. Nico Garcia-Corona ’12 Ms. Sarah Garger Mrs. Nicole Paradis Garthwait ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Woody Gatewood Mr. and Mrs. Thanos Gauthier Dr. Haig L. Gazarian ’08 Dr. Robert P. Gendron ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Genovese ’68 Ms. Daniella Gersh ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gersh Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gettinger ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Gettinger ’66 Ms. Katarina Gezalyan ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gezalyan Mr. and Mrs. Roger Giacopuzzi ’75 Mr. George Giambastiani ’72 Mr. David A. Gibbs ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbs ’03 Dr. and Mrs. Joe Gifford ’69 Mr. and Mrs. James Gilb Ms. Deborah Giles

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gioia ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gioia Ms. Gianna A. Gioia ’05 Ms. Stephanie R. Gioia ’08 Mr. Zachary Godfrey ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Godina Mrs. Patty Godshall Mrs. Cynthia L. Cerecedes Goldstein ’97 Mr. Daniel T. Gonzalez ’19 Dr. and Mrs. Fernando Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Gonzalez ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gonzalez Mr. Michael C. Gordon ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy J. Gorman ’95 Mr. Nicholas P. Gorman ’99 Mr. Paul J. Gormican, Jr. ’79 Mr. Daniel Goyette Ms. Madison Goyette ’19 Mr. Kendall N. Grant ’98 Ms. Kristanna Grant Mrs. Judith Graven Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Gray ’75 Richard Gray, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Ola Grenner Mrs. Nancy Culjak Gresik ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Griffith ’00 Ms. Melody J. Griffith ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith Ms. Samantha P. Grijalva ’19 Mr. Joseph P. Grimes ’68 Mr. Sean M. Grimes ’02 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grivich ’64 Mr. Patrick Grochmal ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Gross ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Guerrero Mr. John T. Guidas ’61 Mr. Charlie D. Guillen ’94 Ms. Margaret A. Guillen Ms. Jesstine Guzman ’98 Mr. and Mrs. John Guzman Ms. Karina N. Guzman ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Guzman Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hakanen Ms. Julia M. Hakanen ’15 Ms. Taylor J. Hakanen ’15 Mr. and Ms. Darryl Hampton Alex Hansen and Renu Bhat-Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Stefan M. Hanson ’66 Ms. Samantha J. Hardy ’16 Mr. Blake Hardy ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hardy ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harper Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harper ’68 Ms. Lisa Harris Ms. Patricia Harris Dr. and Mrs. William Harrity Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hart Mr. Michael Hartfield, C.P.A. ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Haslett Mr. Van J. Haslett ’19 Ms. Nicole A. Haun ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Haupt ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Havens ’75 Ms. Kaitlin Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Chria Hazlitt ’93 Mr. and Mrs. John Helbing Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Helin ’77 Ms. Jacqueline E. Henley ’19 Ms. Megan Herek ’04 Ms. Madeline N. Herlache ’09

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Herman ’97 Ms. Marina D. Hernandez Faraj Mr. and Mrs. Armando A. Hernandez ’66 Mr. Leonardo R. Hernandez and Mrs. Sonia M. Jerez Ms. Patricia Hernandez ’13 Mr. Makana Herrera ’19 Mrs. Margaret Pett Herrera ’98 Dr. and Mrs. Steven W. Herring ’71 Dr. Gabriel Hertzberg Mrs. April Hicks Ms. Makenna R. Hicks ’19 Mr. Rodney Hicks Ms. Olivia Hilsendager ’18 Mr. Michael A. Hinojos ’60 Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Hiti ’71 Mr. Brian Hoffman ’02 Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman ’77 Drs. Kurt and Melissa Hoffman Mr. Mitchell J. Hoffman ’13 Dr. Taryn Hoffman ’06 SSG Timothy P. Hoffman ’09 Mr. and Ms. Dominic Holguin Mr. Russell K. Holliday Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hollis ’04 Ms. Leyna Hong ’19 Mr. Kees W. Hood ’19 Ms. Jeannette Horne and Mr. Larry Renger Mr. Maxwell F. Horvath ’19 Mr. Stephen Horvath Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hou ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hou Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Housman ’09 Mr. Nathan B. Housman ’03 Mr. Raffi Hovnanian ’93 Ms. Ashley C. Howie ’08 Mr. Ryan R. A. Hubert ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulbert Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hunt Mr. Darey L. Huo and Mrs. Penny Low-Huo Mr. Tristan Y. X. Huo ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Ibarra Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ibbotson Mr. Gregory Imhoff and Ms. Shelley Seckel Mr. Eduardo Iniguez ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Inman Dr. and Mrs. Eloy A. Ituarte ’67 Hector Ituarte ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Jacobsen, Jr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Jahnke ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Jahnke Dr. and Mrs. Quinton James Ms. Jamila Jelks ’19 Mrs. Gayle Jenkins Daley Mr. Ethan R. Jenkins ’19 Mr. Sean Jernigan and Ms. Martha Marquez Mr. Christopher J. Jimenez ’19 Mr. and Mrs. James Jimenez Mrs. Carolyn Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Julius R Jones, Jr. Ms. Emma Jones ’19 Mr. Gary Jones ’80 Mr. Greg Jones Mr. Kalani C. Jones ’19 Ms. Virginia S. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jorgenson ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Danilo Jose Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Joseph, Jr. ’80 Mr. John A. Joseph ’84 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Jouvenat ’75

Ms. Christina M. Judson ’14 Mr. Ray Judson Mr. Ryan M. Judson ’19 Mr. and Mrs. John Junak ’76 Mr. Adam M. Jurecki ’13 Mr. Will Kaliel ’00 Ms. Kaylin Kanaan ’19 Dr. Naji Kandalaft, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Tony F. Kane ’60 Mr. Mark Kara and Ms. Paula Giraldo Mr. Douglas J. Karnowski ’68 Mrs. Courtney Kassakhian Mr. Jon Keates and Ms. Thanh Hoang Mr. Michael Keating, P.E. Ms. Sophia T. Kedjidjian ’19 Ms. Lisa M. Keeler ’00 Mr. and Mrs. William Keith ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kejmar Mr. and Mrs. Clive Kelly Mr. Terence M. Kelly ’75 and Ms. Alison Nichols Mrs. Vanessa Strouse Kenney ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Khaw Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kief ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kiertzner Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy F. “ Buzz “ Kiley ’62 Mrs. Alexis Vanni Killam ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Kenney Kimble Mrs. Antionette Santucci Kinder ’95 Mr. Brandon King ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel King Mr. William Kinney ’19 Mrs. Monique Gougeon Kirchoffer ’03 Mr. and Mrs. William Kirland Mrs. Jennifer Kiser Ms. Isabel J. Kitson ’19 Mr. John Kitson Mrs. Samantha Godfrey Klebe ’08 Dr. Kristine Penner Klein and Mr. Steven Klein Mr. and Mrs. Tze H. Ko Dr. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Mr. Peter Kong ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konrad ’87 Mrs. Allison M. Hannegan Kooiman ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Koroghlian Mr. Henry Koyamatsu Mr. Nicholas J. Koyamatsu ’19 Mr. Jonathan P. Krieg ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krings Mr. Phillip M. Krings ’17 Mr. Dwight Kroll ’75 Mrs. Walter Kummetz Mr. Martin A. Kunz ’82 and Ms. Maria McCord Ms. Danielle K. Kurkdjian ’19 Mrs. Courtney Zimmerman Kutach ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lamberti ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanza Mr. Kelby W. Lanzarotta ’13 Ms. Maria Lapid Mrs. Gina Bottala LaPorte ’99 Mr. Ankarino Lara Ms. Sarah L. Holl LaReau ’98 Mr. Peter B. Larr ’07 Ms. Daniella C. Laset ’10 Mr. Kenneth Lau and Ms. Alicia Choi Mr. Max Lau ’19 Dr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Lauder ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Laun Ms. Madeline M. Laun ’19 Mr. Roderick Y. Law ’14 Ronnie and Patcharin Law Mr. Ryan C. H. Law ’17

Ms. Keanna Jane N. Lazaro ’19 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Le Berthon ’75 Mr. Francis X. Leary, Jr. ’63 Dr. and Mrs. Brian J. LeBerthon ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Ledesma Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Mr. Paul Lee and Ms. Benita Chen Ms. Deborah Leeb Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Lees ’75 Ms. Anela N. Leis ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Bernardino Leis Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Leming ’92 Ms. Megan M. LeNoue ’09 Ms. Hannah M. Lenz ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lewin Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Ms. Mindy H. Lewis ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Mica R. Lewis Mr. Timothy Lewis ’06 Ms. Sophia Li ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Liberio ’73 Ms. Kimberly C. Muljono Liem ’98 Dr. Timothy C. Lim and Dr. Atsuko Sato Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Lima ’85 Ms. Long Lin ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lingenfelser Mr. and Mrs. Robert Litschi ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Lizarazu ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lomas Mr. and Mrs. George Lomeli Mr. and Mrs. James Long Mr. and Mrs. Clark Longhurst Mr. and Mrs. Evan D. Loomis ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Hector Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lossada Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Louden Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lowery Ms. Katie Lowery ’19 Mr. Cameron Z. Lu ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lucas Mr. and Mrs. John Lukes ’69 Mr. Ethan J. Luu ’19 Katie and Gary Macdonald ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Kirk MacDonald ’85 Mr. Gregor B. MacKay ’62 Ms. Allison Madden ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Madden Mr. John J. Maffei ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Magluyan ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Magpantay Miss Bonnie Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Danny Mahoney ’86 Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Maldonado ’73 Ms. Madeleine V. Malicdem ’16 Michael J. Malicdem Ms. Ellen Mareina Christine Marez Jane and Jerry Marks Mr. Jordan N. Marks ’12 Ms. Taylor C. Marks ’15 Mr. Michael J. Marlatt ’75 Mr. Alejandro Marquez and Ms. Karina Salazar Ms. Kimberly A. Marquez ’19 Mr. Steve Marsden ’75 Mr. Joseph H. Marshall ’64 Ms. Deena Martin ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Brad Martinez Ms. Noelle Martinez ’19 Mrs. Marissa Lluch Martinez ’95 29


Mr. Noeh F. Martinez ’13 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Martinez Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Maskin L. Robert Mastro, Pharm D ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John Maust ’98 Mr. Tim Mayworm Mr. Robert F. McAlister ’14 Mrs. Kathleen McCauley Ms. Shannon G. McCauley ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McCormick ’69 Mr. Jared McCray ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McDonald ’66 Mr. Ken McFall and Mrs. Emily Vaughn Henry Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFaul ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Russell McGregor Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McInerney ’71 Mr. Matthew McIntyre Ms. Elena K. McLaren ’13 Mr. John S. McLoughlin ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James M. McManus ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McNamara ’96 Mr. and Mrs. James McPhillips Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Meaglia ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Medina ’90 Ms. Brittney Medrano ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Juan Mejia Mr. and Mrs. Ramon A. Melin Ms. Kathryn F. Mena ’19 Ms. Kayla B. Mena ’19 Mr. Derek M. Mendez-Takizawa ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Merfeld ’69 Melinda M. Meserve Byers Ms. Barbara Meserve Ms. Christina Mesesan ’99 Mr. Michael Meskell ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Meskell ’75 Mr. Anthony Messineo ’80 Mr. Salvatore A. Messineo Ms. Sarah J. Milad ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron B. Milam ’99 Mr. Max S. Miller ’08 Ms. Melissa A. Miller ’09 Mr. Michael J. Miller ’05 Mr. and Mrs. David Milton Mr. Jacob S. Milton ’19 Dr. and Mrs. Michael Minehart, M.D. Mr. Arnaldo P. Mirasol ’83 Mr. Nicholas Mirasol ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Mirasol ’80 Mr. Chuck D. Mispagel ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Mitchell ’69 Mr. Robert L. Mizia ’71 Mr. Gregory A. Moeller ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Montesa Mr. and Mrs. Maximiliano Mora Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Morales Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morales Mr. and Mrs. John Moreno Ms. Meredith Moreno ’19 Mr. Bob Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Morgan ’75 William V. Morris, Ph.D. ’75 Mr. Jeffrey D. Moscaret ’77 and Ms. Valerie Tesauro Mr. Stephen A. Mudnich ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Mueller ’70 Ms. Emily Mukai ’13 Ms. Elizabeth Mullen Mr. Steven M. Mullen ’96 Mrs. Virginia Mullen Ms. Alina M. Mullins ’14 30



Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Juan Munoz Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muro Ms. Jolene L. Murphy ’19 Ms. Phoebe M. Nabua ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Amit Nagrecha Mr. Fred Nahra Mr. Pierce Nakamura ’19 Mr. George Nakayama ’19 Mr. and Mrs. David Nardoni Ms. Devon R. C. Nardoni ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Peter Newell Mr. Joshua A. Ng ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nice Reverend William C. Nicholas, Jr. ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholls Ms. Anita Nicol Ms. Diane Nicol Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Nino ’62 Mr. Timothy R. Nolan ’62 Ms. Kristine Nonato ’06 Ms. Shirlene Noralez Mr. and Mrs. James Nuccio Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nuccio ’69 Ms. Anaise S. Nugent ’19 Mr. Daniel Nugent and Ms. Sabina Zenkich Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nunez Mr. Jeffery Nuzzi Ms. Katie A. Nuzzi ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nuzzi Ms. Suzanne M. Nuzzi Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien Mr. Charles G. Ochoa ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Connor Mr. Andrew Ogden and Mrs. Shelley Short Ogden Mr. and Mrs. David J. Olender ’67 Mr. Joseph M. Olender ’08 Ms. Katie Olender ’09 Mr. Mark Orcholski ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore M. Orefice III ’95 Ms. Regina P. Orona ’03 Ms. Nicole R. Ortiz ’19 Mr. Kirk Osborne ’75 Capt and Mrs. Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Mrs. Patricia Ostiller Mrs. Hailey Ott-Rude ’08 Mr. Fernando Pacheco II ’75 Dr. Stephanie Paggi Mr. and Mrs. James “ Skip “ Paige Mr. and Mrs. Oskar Painter Mr. Gabriel M. Palaganas ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palffy Mr. Evan J. Paniagua ’06 Dr. Luann N. P. Pannell Mr. Howard Parkins Mrs. Hasmik Patatanyan Mr. Robert Paulak and Ms. Trangdai Ngo Mr. Michael A. Paulsen ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Pavon Mr. Mayron Payes and Ms. Angelica Salas Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Pearl ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Pearl, Jr. ’99 Mr. James Pearman and Ms. Julia Peacock Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Pelongco Mrs. Dana Pelsone Ms. Monica Y. Perez ’13 Mr. John Perrotta

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Petermann ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Peters ’76 Mr. Jacques Peysson and Mrs. Corinne Boyer Mr. Nam N. Phan ’05 Mrs. Jonelle Pickett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Piesik The Robert L. Pindroh Family Mr. Benjamin D. Pirih ’96 Mr. and Mrs. William Po Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Polek ’74 Dr. and Mrs. Wayne V. Polek ’72 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Pollara ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poon Mr. Samuel Poon ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pope Mr. and Mrs. Scott Potter ’97 Mr. Jake C. Powe ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Kedric Powe Mrs. Yvonna Rowinski Press ’98 Mr. Tomas Prietto ’76 Mr. Julian R. Prins ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richard Prins Ms. Gina C. Puccinelli ’17 Ms. Patricia Pullara Mrs. Rosa Pullara Ms. Nina P. Punaro William Pung The Pyle Family Ms. Rebecca Quach ’19 Mr. William Quach and Ms. Debbie Thai Mr. and Mrs. James R. Quandt ’67 Mr. William Quijano and Mrs. Xiomara Lafaurie Dr. and Mrs. Brian Quinn ’03 Mr. Ian S. Quinn ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Benito Quintana Mrs. Jennifer E. Fox Quintana ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Pedro R. Quintanilla ’96 Mr. Martin Quintero and Ms. Claudia Melendez Mr. Jonathan S. Rad ’96 Mr. Michael J. Rademacher ’66 Mr. Thomas W. Radle ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Abel Ramirez Mr. Joel Y. Ramirez ’19 Mr. Jorge Ramirez Mr. Mauro Ramirez Ms. Mina M. Ramirez ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Armando Ramirez ’93 Ms. Yahaira Ramirez ’14 Mr. Steven Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rath ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Rausch ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Brad G. Reaume ’70 Mrs. Alice Recendez Ms. Lucy Redoglia ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reed, Jr. Mr. CJ Rettig ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rettig ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rettig ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rey Mr. Elijah C. Reyes ’19 Mr. Nicholas F. Reynolds ’19 Mr. Christopher M. Richards ’08 Mrs. Amanda Gonzalez Richardson ’01 Ms. Janet Richman Stuart Richman Mr. and Mrs. Joel Riegsecker Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Riley ’75 Mrs. Kathy Ring Mr. R. John Ring Ms. Ahtziri R. Rios-Aguirre ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Rivas ’89

Ms. Christine Rivera Ms. Jamie N. Rivera ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Job Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Jose E. “ Eddie “ Rivera Ms. Gabriela M. Rizzi ’19 Mr. John Rizzi and Mrs. Maria F. MaldonadoRizzi Mrs. Katlynn McCauley Roberts ’04 Ms. Jennifer A. Robi ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robidoux Mr. Michael Robison ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Robles Mr. Jedd M. Roca ’13 Mr. Brian Roche ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rochester ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Rodriguez ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rodriguez Mrs. Emily S. Cairns Roffe-Silvester ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Rogers ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Roman, Jr. ’73 Mr. Alfonso Romero Rivas Mr. and Mrs. Vicente R. Romero Mr. Gabriel Romo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roosevelt ’65 Mrs. Melissa Barrero Ross ’06 Ms. Billie J. Rude ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Rue ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Rodel O. Rufo Mr. Thomas M. Ruggles ’75 Ms. Lisa M. Russo ’03 Christopher M. Ryan, Ph.D. ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ryan ’86 Mr. Shane T. Ryan ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis P. Rybaczyk ’73 Mr. Doug Rynerson and Mrs. Jude LucasRynerson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rysdon ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Paschal Sabatella ’71 Mr. Aaron M. Saenz ’95 Mr. Albert Salas Ms. Evelyn Salas Mr. Javier A. Salas ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Salas, Jr. ’75 Mrs. Sonia Salas Ms. Shaney Salcido Mr. and Mrs. James Sale Ms. Hazel Salomon-Jimmy Mr. and Mrs. John Salvatierra Mr. Dalton P. Salvo ’08 Ms. Kelli M. Samartin ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Sanchez ’72 Mrs. Kathryn A. Sanchez Ms. Kelly M. Sanchez ’13 Mr. Armando Sandoval and Mrs. Kirsten Tallmon Mr. and Mrs. Rigoberto Sandoval Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis Sankikian Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Sansone Mr. Sean R. Sansone ’87 Ms. Sophia L. Sansone ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Santos Mrs. Anna M. Sariol Mr. Daniel Sarkis ’05 Mr. Mark Sarkis ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sayer Mr. Everett W. Sayer ’19 Mr. Alex F. Scandore ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Scandore Mr. James Schaft ’77

Mr. Michael D. Schainfeld ’01 Mr. Michael Schaller Ms. Rebekah M. Schaller ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Schionning Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt ’72 Ms. Gwyneth J. Schoenbaum ’19 Mr. Spencer T. Schoenbaum ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schoenbaum Ms. Czarina Scolari Mr. Marshall Searcy Ms. Tricia Searcy Mr. Stephen E. Seastrom ’70 Ms. Madison S. Sebenius ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Serhan Mr. Alexander Serrano ’19 Ms. Joanna Serrano ’06 Mr. Jose Serrano and Mrs. Mayra AriasSerrano Mr. and Mrs. Chris Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seymour ’62 Mrs. Michelle N. Mouton Shackelford ’95 Mrs. Jennifer Havens Shasha ’99 Mr. Daniel T. Sheridan ’98 and Mrs. Andrea Nelson Mrs. Michelle Toyoshima Shigemasa ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Sielen ’67 Mr. Benjamin J. Sigoloff ’19 Mr. and Mrs. John Sigoloff Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Simon ’74 Mr. and Mrs. James Simone Ms. Anne-Marie Singer ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Singer ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Singer ’70 Mr. Philip Siripasopsotorn ’08 Ms. Audrey M. Sirois ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sirois Brother Kevin Slate, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Scott Slater ’85 Mrs. Ellen Slatkin Mr. and Mrs. John B. Slavin ’65 Mr. Lawrence D. Smalls ’98 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Smith ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Snyder ’75 Mr. Lakin W. Soldate ’98 Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Solomon Mr. and Mrs. David C. Soltis ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Somarriba ’79 Mr. Manny S. Soriano ’12 Ms. Xochitl L. S. Sosa ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Southard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Casey A. Spencer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Trevor R. Spicer ’94 Mr. Thomas Stafford ’99 Mr. and Mrs. William Stafford Ms. Michelle C. Stanton ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steben Mr. Ethan Stein ’19 Mr. and Mrs. James Stein Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Steinmeier ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stern Mr. Nathaniel A. Stern ’19 Mr. Garrett D. Stone ’13 Edward T. Stork and Mary E. Barrie Mr. and Mrs. Bob Strasser ’75 Ms. Nicole I. Strubinski ’19 Mrs. Anita Suazo

Ms. Annika G. Suderburg ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Suderburg Mr. Daniel Sullivan ’77 Ms. Megan L. Sullivan ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sullivan ’70 Mr. Patrick C. Sullivan ’13 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sullivan ’75 Mr. Jaron V. Surtees ’19 Ms. Beverly Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Sweeney ’77 Mr. David Swope Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Takizawa Ms. Stephanie Tang Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tao Mrs. Kelly Harper Tapert ’95 Mrs. Stacy L. Randolph Tarzia ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Taylor Mr. David Taylor ’98 Mr. Donovan A. Taylor ’19 Ms. Summer G. Taylor ’13 Mr. Donald Tellez ’75 Mr. Luis Tello-Cerda and Mrs. Yolanda Vallejo-Jimenez Mr. Celso M. Templo III ’19 Mr. Benjamin Thackara ’97 Ms. Brittany L. Thomas ’08 The Honorable and Mrs. Nicholas S. Thompson ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Thorsen Mr. Richard Tipping Mr. and Mrs. John Todd Ms. Sophie P. Todd ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tom Mr. Eric S. Toms ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Brad Toothman ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Torncello Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Torres Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Tortell Mrs. Elizabeth M. Davis Toth ’98 Mary Jo Townsend and Family Mrs. Erin Davini Trachy ’99 Mr. Sean D. Tracy ’08 Mr. Dave Trade Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tres ’70 Mr. Steven E. Tucker ’09 Ms. Dolores Tukich Mr. Mark Turner and Mrs. Claire E. Wavell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Urbina Mr. Cristobal L. Urena ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Urteaga Mr. Austin M. Uteda ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Rommel Valarao Mr. Joshua B. Valmonte ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Van Leeuwen ’01 Dr. and Mrs. Andre van Rooyen Mr. Ezra S. van Rooyen ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Vargas Mr. Tyler R. Varing ’09 Ms. Amelia N. Vasquez Gill Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vasquez Ms. Gianna Vazira ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Homer Vazira Mr. Phil Velasco ’07 Mr. Marco A. Venegas ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Venegas ’88 Ms. Dominique Vialar Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Victor ’05 Mr. Daniel J. Villarreal ’08 Ms. Raquel Villavicncio Mrs. Francisca M. Gonzalez Virtue ’94 31



Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Voors ’75 Ms. Pam Wagner Mrs. Tawni Hart Wagner ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Wahl Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walker ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walker ’70 Mr. Michael Walters and Ms. Sharra Gage Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wann Mr. and Mrs. Zane A. Wann ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon D. Ward ’99 Ms. Tanya R. Ward ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Hiroyoshi Watanabe Mr. and Mrs. Kip Waterhouse, Jr. Mr. August F. Weideman ’98 Mr. and Mrs. James Weisenberg ’69 Mr. William S. Weiss ’19 Dr. Jeffrey Weitzel and Ms. Pauli Morin Ms. Jill Werden Dr. and Mrs. David Wheat Mrs. Tamara Wann Wheeler ’97 Ms. Jeanie Whited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whittingham Mr. and Mrs. John Wickersham ’67 Ms. Lisa M. Wickhem ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Wickhem Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wiebe Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Wiedenfeld ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Wiegand ’60

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Wiegand ’97 Ms. Keira Wight ’12 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wilcox IV Mr. Roger Wilcox ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Stan M. Wilcox, Jr. ’80 Mrs. Hannah E. Miller Wilder ’97 Ms. Kelli A. Wiley ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Dana Williams Mr. and Mrs. David Williams Ms. Erika N. Williams ’98 Peter and Serena Williams Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Willumson ’67 Ms. Ashley Wilson Mr. Ian Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson Ms. Eleni S. Wojcik ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Radoslav Wojcik Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Wong Ms. Arcelia Wong Ms. Sophie F. Woodman ’19 Ms. Monika Woods-McMillan Ms. Riley M. Worley ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Wratten ’98 Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wright Mr. Scott Wright ’82 Mr. Ben J. X. Wu ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Wynne, Jr. ’73

Dr. and Dr. Bin Xie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yamarone Ms. Sandra Yanez Ms. Anita Yang Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Ybarra Ms. Annie Yerevanian ’19 Ms. Keanuenue Yim-Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Young ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Yunker ’69 Mr. Brian Yuon ’19 Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Yurchak Ms. Katrina F. Yuzefpolsky ’19 Ms. Verma Zamora Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D. Mr. Mark L. Zarceno ’98 Ms. Jennifer L. Zavat ’00 Dr. Stephan Zeeman ’69 Mr. Michael S. Zenner ’19 Mrs. Angela Torres Ziskie ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Can Zou Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Zoumas Mr. John T. Zuerlein ’63 Mr. Ronald Zullo ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zuniga Mr. Vincent D. Zuniga ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Zwart III ’67 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Zwart ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zwart ’71


La Salle College Preparatory would like to give special recognition and thanks to all the alumni donors who supported the School community throughout the 2018-2019 fiscal year. All donations benefited the numerous programs for our students, faculty, staff, and coaches. The percentages listed indicate the giving percentage rate per class.



Class of 1975


Class of 1969


Class of 1967


CLASS OF 1960- 15.63%

Mr. Dennis P. Burke ’60, P’85 Mr. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 Mr. William E. Daws ’60 Mr. James R. Dirmann ’60 Mr. Mitchell Drasco, J.D. ’60 Mr. Michael A. Hinojos ’60 Mr. Anthony F. Kane ’60, P’82, ’84 Mr. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Dr. Stephen P. Ray ’60 Mr. Jack P. Wiegand ’60

CLASS OF 1961- 21.28% Class of 1977


Class of 1961


Class of 1970


Class of 1973


Mr. Gary Byrd ’61 Mr. Phil T. Cannon ’61 Mr. James H. Cheney ’61 Mr. Edmund B. Ferguson ’61 Dr. Robert G. Frank, Jr. ’61 Mr. John T. Guidas ’61 Mr. Richard W. Jacobsen, Jr. ’61 Dr. C. Patrick Lauder ’61 L. Robert Mastro, Pharm D ’61 Mr. Stanley A. Perzanowski, Jr. ’61

CLASS OF 1962- 14.10%


Class of 1998


Class of 1971



Mr. David C. Balak ’62 Mr. R. Keith Brown ’62 Mr. William R. Hall ’62 Mr. William Keith ’62 Mr. Kennedy F. Kiley ’62 Mr. Gregor B. MacKay ’62 Dr. Henry E. Nino ’62

Mr. Timothy R. Nolan ’62 Capt Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Mr. John R. Seymour ’62 Thomas L. Young, J.D. ’62

CLASS OF 1963- 10.77%

Mr. Michael Baum ’63 Mr. Richard E. Baumer ’63, P’94 Larry R. Byrd, Ph.D. ’63 Mr. Michael Dooling ’63 Mr. Joseph P. Eiben ’63 Mr. Francis X. Leary, Jr. ’63 Mr. John T. Zuerlein ’63

CLASS OF 1964- 8.97% Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Duke Banks III ’64 Peter J. Gettinger ’64 James A. Grivich ’64, P’96 Joseph H. Marshall ’64 John S. McLoughlin ’64 Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Christopher M. Ryan, Ph.D. ’64

CLASS OF 1965- 7.92%

Mr. Lambertus Becker ’65 Mr. Gerald P. Cotter ’65 Mr. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Mr. Robert Harold, Jr. ’65 Mr. Paul F. Maurin ’65 Michael A. Roosevelt, Esq. ’65 Mr. John B. Slavin ’65 Mr. Mark C. Weigel ’65

CLASS OF 1966- 10.84% Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Peter K. Barker ’66 Stephen H. Gettinger ’66 Stefan M. Hanson ’66 Armando A. Hernandez ’66 John J. Maffei ’66 Bryan McDonald ’66 Michael A. Paulsen ’66 John B. Pollara ’66 Michael J. Rademacher ’66

CLASS OF 1967- 22.22.%

Mr. Thomas R. Anthony ’67 Mr. Jack W. Belcher ’67 Mr. John C. Blackstock ’67 Mr. Robert T. Bouttier ’67 Mr. Edward W. Collins ’67 Mr. Richard A. Corsetti ’67 Mr. James F. Elko ’67 Mr. Vincent E. Fisher, Jr. ’67 Mr. J. Brady Graham ’67 Mr. Michael Hartfield, C.P.A. ’67 Dr. Eloy A. Ituarte ’67 Mr. Charles D. Mispagel ’67, P’86 Mr. David J. Olender ’67 Mr. James R. Quandt ’67 Mr. Alan B. Sielen ’67 Mr. Timothy R. Steinmeier ’67 Mr. John Wickersham ’67 Dr. Robert P. Wiedenfeld ’67 Mr. Glenn G. Willumson ’67 Mr. Frank M. Zwart III ’67

CLASS OF 1968- 11.11.%

Mr. Charles Dignam ’68 Dr. Robert P. Gendron ’68 Dr. Michael A. Genovese ’68 Mr. Joseph P. Grimes ’68 Mr. Robert G. Harper ’68 Mr. Peter C. Hoffman ’68, P’02, ’04 Mr. Douglas J. Karnowski ’68 Mr. James M. McManus ’68 Dr. Robert J. Meaglia ’68 Mr. John A. Moe II ’68 Mr. Thomas Romano ’68

CLASS OF 1969- 40%

Mr. Christopher J. Allaire ’69 Mr. Michael B. Baldwin ’69 Mr. Henry Bataille ’69 Dr. Balazs Bodai ’69 Mr. Gene D. Buccola ’69 Mr. Edward E. Chisholm ’69 Mr. Kenneth W. Crawford, Jr. ’69 Mr. Michael C. Fessler ’69 Dr. Joe Gifford ’69 Dr. Frank R. Gioia ’69 Mr. Donald J. Gross ’69 Mr. Dennis M. Haupt ’69, P’20 Mr. William R. LaRue ’69 Mr. Robert Litschi ’69 Mr. John Lukes ’69 Mr. Patrick J. McCormick ’69 Mr. Mark Merfeld ’69 Mr. Michael Meskell ’69 Mr. Stephen A. Mitchell ’69 Mr. John R. Nuccio ’69 Mr. Paul A. Pink ’69 Mr. Michael J. Rath ’69 Mr. Brian Roche ’69 Mr. Michael M. Rue ’69

Mr. James N. Stevens ’69 Mr. Douglas Walker ’69 Mr. James Weisenberg ’69 Mr. Roger Wilcox ’69 Mr. Stephen Yunker ’69 Dr. Stephan Zeeman ’69

CLASS OF 1970- 18.37%

The Honorable Clifford R. Anderson III ’70 Dr. Thomas C. Bent ’70 Mr. Mark H. Bevan ’70 Mr. Gregory E. Danenhauer ’70 Dr. Dale V. Di Stefano ’70 Dr. Timothy J. Elfelt ’70 Mr. Patrick A. Frey ’70 Mr. Mark R. Krouse ’70 Mr. Stephen G. Mueller ’70 Mr. Don J. Olender ’70, P’08, ’09 Mr. Brad G. Reaume ’70, P’05, ’06, ’08, ’10 Mr. Stephen E. Seastrom ’70 Mr. Stephen M. Singer ’70 Mr. Michael Sullivan ’70, P’08, ’13 Mr. Richard Tres ’70 Mr. Richard Walker ’70

CLASS OF 1971- 16.84%

Mr. Justin W. Blackstock ’71, P’02, ’10 Dr. Phillip Capobianco III ’71 Mr. Raul E. Espinoza ’71 Mr. Eric D. Fisher ’71 Mr. Thomas J. Galindo ’71 Dr. Steven W. Herring ’71 Dr. Alan L. Hiti ’71 Mr. Matthew McInerney ’71 Mr. Robert L. Mizia ’71 Mr. Robert M. Nuccio ’71, P’00, ’04, ’02 Mr. Stephen P. Petermann ’71 Mr. Kenneth S. Rausch ’71 Mr. Geoffrey Rue ’71 Mr. Paschal Sabatella ’71 Mr. Peter C. Thompson ’71, P’11, ’14 Mr. Paul Zwart ’71

CLASS OF 1972- 7.50%

Dr. Kenneth J. Canzoneri ’72, P’01, ’02, ’04 Mr. George Courville ’72 Mr. George Giambastiani ’72 Dr. Wayne V. Polek ’72 Mr. Jose L. Sanchez ’72 Mr. Richard Schmidt ’72

CLASS OF 1973- 17.95% Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Jerald M. Behrens ’73 Thomas C. Brinton ’73 Barry E. Brock, C.P.A. ’73 Thomas Fahey ’73 James S. Fischella ’73 Gregory Jorgenson ’73 Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. ’73 Rocco Liberio ’73 Jeffrey A. Maldonado ’73 Charles G. Ochoa ’73 Nicholas Roman, Jr. ’73 Curtis P. Rybaczyk ’73 Bradford W. Wright ’73, P’07, ’12 Thomas A. Wynne, Jr. ’73, P’08, ’10

CLASS OF 1974- 5.56%

Mr. Gregory S. Anicich ’74 Mr. Anthony Exposito ’74, P’08

Mr. Victor V. Polek ’74 Mr. Bernard Simon ’74

CLASS OF 1975- 54.44%

Anonymous Mr. Paul J. Archambault ’75 Mr. David Bent ’75 Mr. David Beringer ’75, P’11, ’14, ’18 Mr. Daniel Berry ’75 Dr. John M. Bigley ’75 Mr. Scott Brown ’75 Dr. Dino Clarizio ’75, P’06 Mr. Philip A. Coombes ’75 Mr. Richard K. Crawford ’75 Mr. Bob Cruz ’75 Mr. Wayne J. Damore ’75 Mr. Mark M. Dewald ’75 Dr. David C. DiLettera ’75 Mr. Sergio Escalante ’75 Mr. Jae Evers ’75 Mr. Edmund French, Jr. ’75, P’20 Mr. Roger Giacopuzzi ’75 Mr. Christopher R. Gray ’75 Mr. Ronald Havens ’75, P’99, ’01 Mr. Eduardo Iniguez ’75 Mr. James B. Jouvenat ’75 Mr. Terence M. Kelly ’75 Mr. Dwight Kroll ’75 Mr. James L. Le Berthon ’75 Mr. Paul J. Lees ’75 Mr. Gary J. Macdonald ’75, P’01, ’04 Mr. Michael J. Marlatt ’75 Mr. Steve Marsden ’75 Mr. Edward McFaul ’75, P’06, ’10, ’11, ’16 Mr. Joseph L. McKay ’75 Mr. Steven Meskell ’75 Mr. Robert A. Morgan ’75 William V. Morris, Ph.D. ’75 Mr. Kirk Osborne ’75 Mr. Fernando Pacheco II ’75 Mr. Patrick Riley ’75 Mr. Thomas M. Ruggles ’75 Mr. Javier A. Salas ’75 Mr. Miguel Salas, Jr. ’75, P’06, ’07 Mr. Robert Singer ’75 Mr. Richard A. Snyder ’75 Mr. Robert A. Strasser ’75 Mr. William L. Sullivan ’75, P’07, ’07, ’10 Mr. Donald Tellez ’75 The Honorable Nicholas S. Thompson ’75 Mr. Christopher T. Voors ’75 Mr. Ronald Zullo ’75 Mr. John C. Zwart ’75, P’09

CLASS OF 1976- 8.95%

Kevin A. Cahill, Esq. ’76 Mr. Robert R. D’Orazio ’76 Mr. John Junak ’76 Mr. Michael J. Lamberti ’76 Mr. Joseph D. Peters ’76 Mr. Tomas Prietto ’76

CLASS OF 1977- 21.33%

Mr. Wayne G. Avjian ’77 Mr. Paul A. Bigley ’77, P’05, ’07 Mr. Mark Brennan ’77 Mr. John R. Burke ’77 Mr. Charles Centola ’77 Mr. Pierre A. Dupuy ’77 Lawrence D. Durandette, Esq. ’77 Mr. Michael C. Helin ’77 33


Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

John Hoffman ’77, P’06, ’08, ’12 Jeffrey D. Moscaret ’77 Mark Rettig ’77, P’07 James Schaft ’77 and Mrs. James D. Smith ’77 Daniel Sullivan ’77 Stephen R. Sweeney ’77

CLASS OF 1978- 6.76%

Mr. Brian R. Dalton ’78 Mr. James P. De Leo ’78 Hector Ituarte ’78 Dr. Brian J. LeBerthon ’78 Mr. Enrique Lizarazu ’78, P’08, ’12

CLASS OF 1979- 3.80%

Mr. Jacques Dupuy ’79 Mr. Paul J. Gormican, Jr. ’79 Mr. Francisco Somarriba ’79

CLASS OF 1980- 10.67%

Dr. Lawrence Albinski ’80 Mr. David S. Blakeslee ’80 Mr. Gerald E. Jones ’80 Mr. Benjamin J. Joseph, Jr. ’80 Mr. James LeVeque ’80 Mr. Anthony Messineo ’80 Mr. Rafael Mirasol ’80, P’17, ’18 Dr. Krishnan R. Mohandie ’80, P’21

CLASS OF 1981- 3.33%

Mr. Orlando Clarizio, Jr. ’81, P’13, ’17, ’20 Mr. Ronald Escamilla ’81, P’20, ’23 Mr. Mario C. Tromba ’81, P’22

CLASS OF 1982- 2.02%

Mr. Martin A. Kunz ’82 Mr. Scott Wright ’82, P’10, ’13, ’19

CLASS OF 1983- 6.33% Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Jose Alvarez ’83, P’20, ’22 Max R. Esquivel ’83, P’17, ’20 J. C. Mejia ’83, P’10 Arnaldo P. Mirasol ’83 John R. Queen III ’83

CLASS OF 1984- 11.48% Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Jeffrey J. Allen ’84, P’20 Peter G. Badzey ’84 William D. Hardy ’84 John A. Joseph ’84, P’13, ’16 Gregory A. Moeller ’84, P’17 Stephen A. Mudnich ’84 Christopher Rettig ’84, P’19

CLASS OF 1985- 4.35% Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

James L. Bonaccorso ’85 Kirk MacDonald ’85, P’15, ’17 John F. Marshall ’85 Scott Slater ’85

CLASS OF 1986- 8.11% Rhonel Aquino, Esq. ’86 Mr. Patrick M. Brink ’86 Mr. Joseph Crews ’86 Mr. Gianni Galati ’86 Mr. Danny Mahoney ’86 James B. Ryan, Esq. ’86

CLASS OF 1987- 5.13%

Mr. John A. Bettencourt IV ’87, P’23 34



Mr. Everett M. Evleth ’87 Mr. Adam Konrad ’87, P’15, ’15 Mr. Sean R. Sansone ’87, P’18, ’19

CLASS OF 1988- 7.04%

Mr. Patrick Bogue ’88 Mr. Richard Esquivel ’88, P’19 Mr. Edward L. Malicdem ’88, P’16, ’19 Reverend William C. Nicholas, Jr. ’88 Mr. Brian Rysdon ’88, P’19 Mr. Matthew C. Venegas ’88

CLASS OF 1989- 7.46%

Mr. Leo Anaya ’89, P’20 Major Leroy L. Cisneros ’89 Mr. Kevin J. Delaney ’89 Mr. Frank M. Rivas ’89 Mr. David Rodriguez ’89, P’21

CLASS OF 1990- 7.25% Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Owen Hou ’90, P’21 Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Eric Medina ’90 Thomas J. Rochester ’90 David C. Soltis ’90

CLASS OF 1991- 3.51%

Mr. Gary P. Barrera ’91 Mr. Bradley R. Toothman ’91

CLASS OF 1992- 3.70% Mr. Jeffrey A. Leming ’92 Mr. Jeffrey J. Rogers ’92

CLASS OF 1993- 5.49% Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Anthony R. Alvarado ’93 Christopher C. Hazlitt ’93 Raffi Hovnanian ’93 Armando Ramirez ’93, P’14, ’20 Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. ’93, P’15

CLASS OF 1994- 7.69%

Mr. Steven G. Andres ’94 Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Dr. Dennis C. DeMesa ’94, P’21 Mr. Carlos D. Guillen ’94, P’22 Mr. Edward I. Magluyan ’94, P’23 Dr. Christopher A. Pearl ’94 Mr. Trevor R. Spicer ’94 Mrs. Francisca M. Gonzalez Virtue ’94

CLASS OF 1995- 8.96%

Mrs. Christyann M. Stanislawski Andrianopoulos ’95 Mr. Dominic P. Bitonti ’95, P’22 Mr. Richard A. Bleuze ’95 Mrs. Sara Rodriguez Estevez ’95 Mr. Jeremy J. Gorman ’95 Mrs. Antionette Santucci Kinder ’95 Mrs. Allison M. Hannegan Kooiman ’95 Mrs. Marissa A. Lluch Martinez ’95 Mr. Salvatore M. Orefice III ’95, P’23 Mrs. Jennifer N. Sangkum Orefice ’95 Mr. Aaron M. Saenz ’95 Mrs. Michelle N. Mouton Shackelford ’95 Mrs. Kelly Harper Tapert ’95

CLASS OF 1996- 8.84%

Mr. Gabriel J. Castillo ’96 Mrs. Krista M. Lindsay Charvat ’96 Mr. Dustin DeMesa ’96, P’17

Mr. Jorge A. Gonzalez ’96 Mr. Mark P. Ioele ’96 Mr. Michael A. McNamara ’96 Mr. Steven M. Mullen ’96 Mr. Benjamin D. Pirih ’96 Mr. Pedro R. Quintanilla ’96 Mr. Jonathan S. Rad ’96 Mrs. Tawni Hart Wagner ’96 Mrs. Diana M. Sankikian Watkins ’96, P’20 Mrs. Angela J. Torres Ziskie ’96

CLASS OF 1997- 11.59%

Mrs. Maria Romero Bitonti ’97 Mr. Jason Charvat ’97 Ms. Susan E. Ehring ’97 Mrs. Rochelle L. Rodriguez Ferrari ’97 Mrs. Cynthia L. Cerecedes Goldstein ’97 Mr. Matthew W. Herman ’97 Mrs. Vanessa Strouse Kenney ’97 Dr. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Mr. Scott Potter ’97 Mrs. Jennifer E. Fox Quintana ’97 Ms. Rebekah M. Schaller ’97 Mr. Benjamin Thackara ’97 Dr. Norlan Torres ’97 Mrs. Tamara Wann Wheeler ’97 Mr. Nicholas J. Wiegand ’97 Mrs. Hannah E. Miller Wilder ’97

CLASS OF 1998- 17.11%

Ms. Jennifer Barrera ’98, P’22 Mrs. Stefania M. Bisharat Bauer ’98 Mr. Todd G. Bennett ’98 Mrs. Suzanne Saenz Bogue ’98 Mrs. Claire E. Brennan Carmody ’98 Ms. Elizabeth Clingerman ’98 Mr. Kendall N. Grant ’98 Ms. Jesstine Guzman ’98 Mrs. Margaret Pett Herrera ’98 Mr. Adam Kief ’98 Ms. Sarah Holl LaReau ’98 Ms. Kimberly C. Muljono Liem ’98 Mr. John Maust ’98 Mrs. Yvonna Press ’98 Mr. Daniel T. Sheridan ’98 Mr. Lawrence D. Smalls ’98 Mr. Lakin W. Soldate ’98 Mr. David Taylor ’98 Mr. Eric S. Toms ’98 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Davis Toth ’98 Mr. Zane A. Wann ’98 Mr. August F. Weideman ’98 Ms. Erika N. Williams ’98 Mr. Timothy W. Wratten ’98 Mrs. Kristen M. Schultz Wray ’98 Mr. Mark L. Zarceno ’98

CLASS OF 1999- 7.93%

Ms. Christina L. Davis ’99 Mrs. Janel Moncada Gonzalez ’99 Mr. Nicholas P. Gorman ’99 Mrs. Gina Bottala LaPorte ’99 Ms. Christina Mesesan ’99 Mr. Aaron B. Milam ’99 Mr. Ray V. Pearl, Jr. ’99 Mrs. Mary Magluyan Pearl ’99 Mrs. Jennifer Havens Shasha ’99 Mr. Thomas Stafford ’99 Mrs. Erin Davini Trachy ’99 Brandon D. Ward, Esq. ’99 Ms. Tanya R. Ward ’99

CLASS OF 2000- 4.27%

Mrs. Erin L. Alex ’00 Mr. Dean C. Griffith ’00 Mr. Will Kaliel ’00 Ms. Lisa M. Keeler ’00 Mr. Jeffrey R. Rodriguez ’00 Mrs. Stacy L. Tarzia ’00 Ms. Jennifer L. Zavat ’00

CLASS OF 2001- 4.82%

Mrs. Jill M. Barr ’01 Mr. Sam J. Bearse ’01 Mrs. Nancy Culjak Gresik ’01 Mr. Evan D. Loomis ’01 Mrs. Amanda Gonzalez Richardson ’01 Mr. Christopher Ring ’01 Mr. Michael D. Schainfeld ’01 Mr. Steven A. Van Leeuwen ’01

CLASS OF 2002- 8.67%

Mr. Philip Barbaro III ’02 Ms. Stephanie Bergdahl ’02 Mr. Nabil Bisharat ’02 Mrs. Vanessa L. Casillas Caulfield ’02 Dr. Carol A. Davis ’02 Dr. Mosey Nuccio Dunn ’02 Mr. Jonathan Fan ’02 Mrs. Lynette Ramos Fernandez ’02 Mrs. Kathryn Canzoneri Griffith ’02 Mr. Sean M. Grimes ’02 Mr. Brian Hoffman ’02 Mrs. Meagan E. Bitonti Loomis ’02 Mrs. Sarah F. Hansen McNamara ’02 Ms. Lucy Redoglia ’02 Mr. Michael Robison ’02

CLASS OF 2003- 8.09%

Ms. Joni Regina Ablay ’03 Mrs. Robin Quintanilla Aksu ’03 Mr. John Caulfield ’03 Mrs. Teresa M. Ring Elmslie-Britt ’03 Mrs. Nicole Paradis Garthwait ’03 Mr. James Gibbs ’03 Mr. Nathan B. Housman ’03 Mrs. Monique Gougeon Kirchoffer ’03 Ms. Brittney Medrano ’03 Ms. Regina P. Orona ’03 Dr. Brian Quinn ’03 Mrs. Jessica Horn Quinn ’03 Ms. Lisa M. Russo ’03 Mrs. Michelle Toyoshima Shigemasa ’03

CLASS OF 2004- 4.38%

Mr. David Buennagel ’04 Mrs. Lynn Nuccio Buennagel ’04 Mr. Anthony Gioia ’04 Ms. Megan Herek ’04 Mr. Jeffrey S. Jahnke ’04 Mr. Mark Orcholski ’04 Mrs. Katlynn M. Roberts ’04

CLASS OF 2005- 5.95%

Dr. Christopher P. Bigley ’05 Mr. Jason Dineros ’05 Mr. Jordan G. Dorenfeld ’05 Ms. Amanda C. Evans ’05 Ms. Gianna A. Gioia ’05 Mr. Michael J. Miller ’05 Mr. Nam N. Phan ’05 Mrs. Emily Cairns Roffe-Silvester ’05 Mr. Daniel Sarkis ’05 Mr. Christopher S. Victor ’05

CLASS OF 2006- 7.23%

Ms. Hana K. Ali ’06 Ms. Jamie Bennison ’06 Mr. Eric Carlos ’06 Mrs. Stephanie Smith Courain ’06 Ms. Erin DaSilva ’06 Dr. Taryn Hoffman ’06 Mr. Timothy Lewis ’06 Ms. Kristine Nonato ’06 Mr. Evan J. Paniagua ’06 Mrs. Melissa Barrero Ross ’06 Ms. Joanna Serrano ’06 Ms. Kelli A. Wiley ’06

CLASS OF 2007- 6.35%

Ms. Angela Bruning ’07 Ms. Chanel M. Buccola ’07 Mrs. Makenzie Pedrotti Chronopoulos ’07 Ms. Kimberley T. Evans ’07 Ms. Giselle Figueroa ’07 Mr. Zachary Godfrey ’07 Mr. Patrick Grochmal ’07 Mr. Peter B. Larr ’07 Mr. Jared McCray ’07 Ms. Anne-Marie Singer ’07 Mr. Phillip R. Velasco ’07 Ms. Lisa M. Wickhem ’07

CLASS OF 2008- 13.69%

Ms. Gianina A. Bautista ’08 Mr. John L. Bottala ’08 Ms. Susan E. Capoccia ’08 Mrs. Shannon Hogan Cody ’08 Dr. Haig L. Gazarian ’08 Ms. Stephanie R. Gioia ’08 Ms. Nicole A. Haun ’08 Ms. Ashley C. Howie ’08 Mrs. Alexis Vanni Killam ’08 Mrs. Samantha Godfrey Klebe ’08 Mrs. Courtney Zimmerman Kutach ’08 Ms. Allison T. Madden ’08 Mr. Maxwell S. Miller ’08 Mr. Joseph M. Olender ’08 Mrs. Hailey E. Ott-Rude ’08 Mr. Christopher M. Richards ’08 Mr. Dalton P. Salvo ’08 Mr. Philip Siripasopsotorn ’08 Ms. Michelle C. Stanton ’08 Ms. Megan L. Sullivan ’08 Ms. Brittany L. Thomas ’08 Mr. Sean D. Tracy ’08 Mr. Daniel J. Villarreal ’08

CLASS OF 2009- 6.82%

Ms. Angela Arunarsirakul ’09 Mr. Jacob T. Bigley ’09 Ms. Paloma Garcia ’09 Ms. Madeline N. Herlache ’09 SSG Timothy P. Hoffman ’09 Mr. Matthew Housman ’09 Mrs. Ashley Thomas Housman ’09 Ms. Megan M. LeNoue ’09 Ms. Melissa A. Miller ’09 Ms. Kathryn D. Olender ’09 Mr. Steven E. Tucker ’09 Mr. Tyler R. Varing ’09

CLASS OF 2010- 3.03%

Mr. Michael Quinn H. Alexander ’10 Ms. Julia M. Barrero ’10 Mr. Michael J. Bottala ’10

Ms. Molly E. Diedrich ’10 Ms. Daniella C. Laset ’10

CLASS OF 2011- 2.17%

Mrs. Erin Lopez-Valdez Alexander ’11 Ms. Julia M. Frisina ’11 Ms. Melinda H. Lewis ’11 Mr. Mark Sarkis ’11

CLASS OF 2012- 5.26%

Mr. Jeffrey T. Briegel ’12 Mr. David T. Burkhart ’12 Ms. Nicole M. Carlos ’12 Mr. John N. Cina ’12 Mr. Randall P. Dominguez ’12 Mr. Nicolas C. Garcia-Corona ’12 Mr. Jordan N. Marks ’12 Ms. Shannon G. McCauley ’12 Mr. Manuel Martin S. Soriano ’12 Ms. Keira Wight ’12

CLASS OF 2013- 16.57%

Mr. Bruno Alonso ’13 Mr. Michael J. Anastasia ’13 Ms. Taylor R. Arrighi-Bracci ’13 Mr. Joseph F. Carreon ’13 Ms. Aubrey L. Deneen ’13 Mr. Aaron M. Ealy ’13 Ms. Melanie-Phoebe D. Franco ’13 Mr. Michael C. Gordon ’13 Ms. Patricia Hernandez ’13 Mr. Mitchell J. Hoffman ’13 Mr. Ryan R. A. Hubert ’13 Mr. Adam M. Jurecki ’13 Mr. Jonathan P. Krieg ’13 Mr. Kelby W. Lanzarotta ’13 Mr. Noeh F. Martinez ’13 Ms. Elena K. McLaren ’13 Ms. Emily-Marie M. Mukai ’13 Ms. Monica Y. Perez ’13 Mr. Ian S. Quinn ’13 Ms. Jennifer A. Robi ’13 Mr. Jedd M. Roca ’13 Ms. Billie J. Rude ’13 Ms. Kelly M. Sanchez ’13 Mr. Garrett D. Stone ’13 Mr. Patrick C. Sullivan ’13 Ms. Summer G. Taylor ’13 Mr. Cristobal L. Urena ’13 Mr. Austin M. Uteda ’13 Mr. Joshua B. Valmonte ’13

CLASS OF 2014- 5.42%

Mr. David C. Chambers ’14 Mr. Matthew A. Cina ’14 Mr. Matthew N. Crabtree ’14 Mr. Burt C. Cresta ’14 Ms. Christina M. Judson ’14 Mr. Roderick Y. Law ’14 Mr. Robert F. McAlister ’14 Ms. Alina M. Mullins ’14 Ms. Yahaira Ramirez ’14

CLASS OF 2015- 4.12%

Mr. Taylor B. Brennan ’15 Ms. Kelly A. Dominguez ’15 Ms. Julia M. Hakanen ’15 Ms. Taylor J. Hakanen ’15 Ms. Taylor C. Marks ’15 Ms. Riley M. Worley ’15 Mr. Benjamin J. X. Wu ’15 35


Ms. Samantha J. Hardy ’16 Ms. Madeleine V. Malicdem ’16 Ms. Katherine I. Murray ’16 Mr. Spencer T. Schoenbaum ’16

CLASS OF 2017- 4.46%

Mr. Christopher F. Dinkel ’17 Ms. Arielle L. Fong ’17 Mr. Phillip M. Krings ’17 Mr. Ryan C. H. Law ’17 Mr. Nicholas Mirasol ’17 Ms. Gina C. Puccinelli ’17 Mr. Thomas W. Radle ’17

CLASS OF 2018- 2.76% Ms. Annika Bohanec ’18 Mr. Daniel Cina ’18 Mr. Jeffrey Daley ’18 Ms. Melody Griffith ’18 Ms. Olivia Hilsendager ’18

CLASS OF 2019- 86.25%

Ms. Isabelle Abboud ’19 Mr. Nathan Moises Alarcon ’19 Ms. Brianna Antillon ’19 Mr. Timothy J. Ary ’19 Mr. Christian R. Ayala ’19 Mr. Kennedy Justice Barron ’19 Ms. Zoe Rose Berger-Davis ’19 Mr. Stephen Burkhart ’19 Ms. Kami Busbee ’19 Ms. Robin Cadd ’19 Mr. Derek Chen ’19 Mr. Jonathan Chen ’19 Ms. Sophie Chiara ’19 Ms. Chloe Chuong ’19 Ms. Nina Claudio ’19 Ms. Carolyn Cohn ’19 Mr. Aidan Conley ’19 Ms. Alyssa Cortes ’19 Mr. Devon Culpepper ’19 Mr. Benjamin Damir ’19 Mr. Sebastian de Kansky ’19 Mr. Matthew Dean ’19 Ms. Samantha Dilluvio ’19 Ms. Mia Dooley ’19 Mr. Sebastian Dunbar ’19 Ms. Isabella Edmundson ’19 Ms. Maya Lawson Enrequez ’19 Ms. Emily Eslava ’19 Ms. Elizabeth A. Esquivel ’19 Ms. Amanda Feghali ’19 Ms. Alexis Flores ’19

Mr. Matthew Futernick ’19 Mr. Andrew Gaines ’19 Mr. Nathan Garcia ’19 Mr. Nikolai Garcia ’19 Ms. Galilea Garcia ’19 Ms. Daniella Gersh ’19 Ms. Katarina Gezalyan ’19 Mr. David Gibbs ’19 Mr. Daniel Gonzalez ’19 Ms. Madison Goyette ’19 Ms. Samantha Perry Grijalva ’19 Ms. Karina Guzman ’19 Mr. Blake Hardy ’19 Mr. Van Haslett ’19 Ms. Jacqueline Erin Henley ’19 Mr. Kamakanamaikalani Herrera ’19 Ms. Makenna Hicks ’19 Ms. Leyna Hong ’19 Mr. Kees Hood ’19 Mr. Maxwell Horvath ’19 Mr. Tristan Huo ’19 Ms. Jamila Jelks ’19 Mr. Ethan Jenkins ’19 Mr. Christopher Jimenez ’19 Mr. Kalani Jones ’19 Ms. Emma Jones ’19 Mr. Ryan Judson ’19 Ms. Kaylin Kanaan ’19 Ms. Sophia Kedjidjian ’19 Mr. Brandon King ’19 Mr. William Kinney ’19 Ms. Isabel Kitson ’19 Mr. Ling Tao Kong ’19 Mr. Nicholas Koyamatsu ’19 Ms. Danielle Kurkdjian ’19 Mr. Maximus Lau ’19 Ms. Madeline Laun ’19 Ms. Keanna Jane Lazaro ’19 Ms. Anela Leis ’19 Ms. Hannah Lenz ’19 Ms. Sophia Li ’19 Ms. Long Lin ’19 Ms. Katie Lowery ’19 Mr. Cameron Lu ’19 Mr. Ethan Luu ’19 Mr. Michael Joseph Malicdem ’19 Ms. Kimberly Marquez ’19 Ms. Deena Martin ’19 Ms. Devin “ Noelle “ Martinez ’19 Ms. Kathryn Mena ’19 Ms. Kayla Mena ’19 Mr. Derek Mendez-Takizawa ’19 Ms. Sarah Milad ’19 Mr. Jacob Milton ’19

Ms. Meredith Moreno ’19 Ms. Jolene Murphy ’19 Ms. Phoebe Nabua ’19 Mr. Pierce Nakamura ’19 Mr. George Nakayama ’19 Ms. Devon Nardoni ’19 Mr. Joshua Ng ’19 Ms. Anaise Nugent ’19 Ms. Katie Nuzzi ’19 Ms. Nicole Ortiz ’19 Mr. Gabriel Palaganas ’19 Mr. Samuel Poon ’19 Mr. Jake Powe ’19 Mr. Julian Prins ’19 Ms. Rebecca Quach ’19 Mr. Joel Yoshiharu Ramirez ’19 Ms. Mina Ramirez ’19 Mr. CJ Rettig ’19 Mr. Elijah Reyes ’19 Mr. Nicholas Reynolds ’19 Ahtziri Roca Rios-Aguirre ’19 Ms. Jamie Rivera ’19 Ms. Gabriela Rizzi ’19 Mr. Shane Ryan ’19 Ms. Kelli Samartin ’19 Ms. Sophia Lyn Sansone ’19 Mr. Everett Sayer ’19 Mr. Alex Scandore ’19 Ms. Gwyneth Schoenbaum ’19 Ms. Madison Sebenius ’19 Mr. Alexander Serrano ’19 Mr. Benjamin Sigoloff ’19 Ms. Audrey Sirois ’19 Ms. Xochitl Sosa ’19 Mr. Ethan Stein ’19 Mr. Nathaniel Stern ’19 Ms. Nicole Strubinski ’19 Ms. Annika Suderburg ’19 Mr. Jaron Surtees ’19 Mr. Donovan Taylor ’19 Mr. Celso Templo III ’19 Ms. Sophie Todd ’19 Mr. Ezra van Rooyen ’19 Ms. Gianna Vazira ’19 Mr. Marco Antonio Venegas ’19 Mr. William Weiss ’19 Ms. Eleni S. Wojcik ’19 Ms. Sophie Woodman ’19 Ms. Annie Yerevanian ’19 Mr. Brian Yuon ’19 Ms. Katrina Yuzefpolsky ’19 Mr. Michael Zenner ’19 Mr. Vincent Zuniga ’19



CLASS OF 2016- 2.42%


David Lindley ’62, (pictured second from right), who is known for his work accompanying the likes of Jackson Browne and Warren Zevon in addition to his own music, performed at The Palms Playhouse in Winter, CA on September 13, 2019. A long champion of world music, his electro-acoustic performance combined American folk, blues and bluegrass traditions with elements from African, Arabic, Asian, Celtic, Malagasy and Turkish musical sources. Members from the Class of 1968 in attendance included Jeff Wright ’68, Mike Porter ’68, Walt Slavin ’68, and Dan D’Orazio ’68. The performance was sold out and a great time was had by all!


John Maffei was named a Bob Breitbard Meritorious Achievement Award winner by the San Diego Sports Association Coaching Legends. The banquet was held on November 7th in San Diego. John is a sportswriter at the San Diego Union Tribune and is in his 48th year writing

In Memory of Thomas Rath Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Baldwin ’69 In Memory of Ian A. Blakeslee ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Blakeslee ’80



In Memory of Frank Tidwell ’61 Dr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Lauder ’61 In Memory of Robert Pindroh Mr. and Mrs. Dan Spencer

In Memory of Margaret Roman Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Willumson ’67 In Memory of Frederick C. Riley Ms. Lisa M. Wickhem ’07

Paul Badzey is an admissions and records technician at Cerritos College. Mike Anderson is an executive vice president and registered investment advisor with Firestone Partners in Beverly Hills. John Coombes is the owner and operator of J.C. Painting and J.C. Handyworks out of Anaheim.

David Timmerman is the Provost at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Steve Huber is the eastern regional manager for Wilson Sporting Goods. Scott Rettig ’74, Mike Marlatt ’75 and Bob Strasser ’75 enjoyed some time traveling together in London in September. They are pictured toasting to their years of friendship that started at La Salle at the Rules Restaurant in London, the oldest restaurant in the city.





The following individuals have given gifts “In Memory Of” an individual to the following funds: Bob Alcorn Memorial Scholarship Fund For Humanities, Sylvia Bernstein Memorial Golf Fund, Ian Blakeslee ’85 Memorial Scholarship Fund, Pat Bonacci, AFSC Endowed Scholarship Fund, Brother Celestine, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund, Gloria Delaney Memorial Scholarship Fund, Tim Gripp Memorial Theatre Scholarship Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Student Scholarship Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund, Corene L. Pindroh Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund, STEAM, Bob Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund For Math & Science, Tuition Assistance Fund and the Margaret Roman Scholarship Fund.

sports in San Diego. Bob Brietbard was the owner of the then NBA San Diego Rockets and founder of the San Diego Hall of Champions, which is now housed at Petco Park, home of the San Diego Padres.

the LAPD and the FBI. He has contributed to numerous scientific studies on violence and has over 30 academic publications in this regard. He is now sharing his expertise with the public with his recently published true crime book Evil Thoughts: Wicked Deeds. The book offers Kris’ practical thoughts and ideas on how to navigate one’s self safely in the world of today.

Kris Mohandie, Ph.D is a clinical, police and forensic psychologist with over 30 years of experience in the psychology of violence. He has consulted in field response and case investigations for local, state and federal law enforcement agencies including

Rick San-Martin ’82 and Peter Sena ’82 were inducted into the Fresno Pacific University Hall of Fame on September 16, 2019 as members of the 1984 & 1985 NAIA National Championship Finals teams. Both teams were the NAIA N at i o n a l C h a m p i o n s h i p Runners-Up. Rick is currently a teacher and varsity soccer coach at Cathedral High School and Pete is an insurance claims adjustor with Allstate. 37

John Cummings and his wife Adriana have moved to San Antonio Heights in Upland after living in Claremont since 1999. They have two grown children and two beautiful grandsons. Hans Underbrink works for RICOH USA. He and his Alverno graduate wife Carolyn (Volmert) live in Santa Monica with their four children. They are active in their parish, St. Paul the Apostle in Westwood, where their children also attend school.


Steve Velling is the chief of staff at two veterinary hospitals in northern Virginia. He and his wife Carrie celebrated 25 years of marriage this year and have two grown daughters.


Mike Ryan is an orthopedic surgeon and lives with his wife Laurene and their 3 sons, Michael (17), James (15) and Patrick (7), in Carlsbad.

psychologist and the founder and director of The Boys’ Institute for Growth (BIG) in San Diego.

Chicago and Minneapolis. He and his wife Alison have three children, Flynn (5), Lily (5) and Charlie (7).


Joe White is currently back in school pursuing a bachelor of science in nursing. He is also a sponsored Highland Games athlete.

Joe Cannon is a deputy district attorney with the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office. Michael Martinez is an attorney with his own offices Michael Martinez Law, APC in Pasadena. Frank Martinez is the company store manager for Snap-On Tools in Los Angeles.

Devon Fenimore was a finalist in the 2019 Content Marketing Awards for a cookbook/e-book she designed and styled for the Salesforce AppExchange. Devon is a senior art director with Salesforce.



Roc Rudluff retired in 2018 and moved to Maquoketa, Iowa where he purchased Squires Manor Bed & Breakfast, LLC. Squires Manor is a five star boutique hotel housed in the historic Squires Mansion.



Adrian Mison Fulay works at Salesian College Preparatory in Richmond, CA.


Chuck Murphy runs Murphy Research, a brand strategy and market research firm based in Santa Monica with additional offices in

Patrick Piwowarczyk works in the technology sector for Poly in global channel development. Miller





Gabriel Magni is teaching beginning and intermediate Tango classes at Downtown Dance & Movement in Los Angeles.


Matt McKune is the owner and operator of Sabre in Work, a software development and consulting company. He and his wife Nathalie reside in Sierra Madre. Michael Dondanville is still touring with Broadway musicals. He is entering his 12th year in the industry and is currently on tour as the head of hair for Hamilton. Chrissie Davis is a partial owner and vice-president of Core Builders, a multi-family builder in the Bay Area. She and her husband Sebastian have two children, Amelia (11 months) and Julian (3), and live in San Jose.

2002 Cosmo Konrad ’15, Adam Konrad ’87 and Tom Murphy ’87 played in the Century Link Celebrity Golf Tournament in July at Edgewood Golf Course in South Lake Tahoe. 38


Nicole Meldahl has accepted the position of Executive Director at Western Neighborhoods Project (WNP). WNP is a California nonprofit that preserves and interprets the

history of San Francisco’s west side, in addition to managing OpenSFHistory--an online archive of city-wide historical photographs. She had been volunteering with the organization since 2012, and serving as a member of the Board of Directors since 2014. To learn more about what Nicole does, visit and www., or listen to the WNP podcast “Outside Lands San Francisco” on Spotify or iTunes.


Manfred Gerlinger has been promoted to director of streaming o p e r at i o n s a t C B S S t u d i o s International.


Haley (Windsor) Potter graduated from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in 2007 wining the Interior Designer Award for her academic and design work. She spent 12 years in the construction and design industry and has now launched her own company, Potter Design Group offering services in interior and exterior design, kitchen and bathroom remodels, new construction, event design and planning and project management. Haley can be reached at 702-6592459 or potterdesigngroup@yahoo. com. Rose (Swim) Roopenian was recently promoted to associate, production finance at Netflix. She graduated with an MS in Marriage and Family Therapy from LMU in 2010 and worked in mental health for 5 years. In 2016, Rose pivoted to a role as a production finance coordinator at Twentieth Century Fox. In 2017, she joined Netflix as a production finance coordinator with the JET Program. She has

worked with the Original Films and International Originals teams as a coordinator before being promoted to a role with the Original Series team.


Megan France has started teaching Kindergarten-4th grade science at Saint Mark’s School in Altadena.


John Kopcha is working for Stub Hub as a global customer relationship marketing manager in San Francisco. Ashley Ravelo is a project manager for TechMDinc in Burbank. Marie Piette earned her Master’s in Information Systems and Technology from Claremont Graduate University in 2018 and is working as a software systems engineer at JPL.

Robert Fraser has started a new job at Thinkwell Group working as a project development junior associate. Thinkwell Group is a global experience design and production agency specializing in the creation and master planning of theme parks, destination resorts, major branded and intellectual property attractions, events & spectaculars, museums & exhibits, expos, and live shows around the world. Amelia Kahr has been named to the United States Australian Football League (USAFL) Freedom team, which will compete next year in Australia at the International Cup. USAFL is a grassroots, amateur sports organization dedicated to the development of and participation in Australian football within the United States.

Kevin Quintero works as a stagehand through the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE, Local 16) and lives in San Francisco. Katie Olender earned her Master’s in Applied Psychology from USC earlier this year and is an associate at Mercer Population Health & Total Wellbeing Benefits Consulting. Elyse Chui earned her Master’s in Systems Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona and is working as an electrical installation engineer at Boeing. Courtney Little was recently named the producing director at Art House Productions in Jersey City, NJ.


Alanna (Johnson) White is teaching first grade for the Department of Defense in Japan.

Lily Zaldivar is an animation production coordinator for VIZ media, an American manga publisher, anime distributor and entertainment company headquartered in San Francisco.


Nicolas Sonnenburg started Loyola Law School in the fall.


Blake Berge is the business development manager for Tonik+, a digital marketing company. Based in Manhattan Beach, Blake is in charge of client retention and managing an inside sales team as well as a team 39

based in cities across the country such as Chicago, Boston, Dallas, and NYC. Blake earned his MBA from Marymount California University earlier this year.

as Ops and Traffic Analyst II at Expedia.

Ryan Flynn graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Mechanical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology and is now working as a R&D S&E Systems Engineer for Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, CA.

Joel Akobian started law school at USC this fall.


Peter Siberell recently graduated from the University of Washington and is working as a production assistant at Fremont Brewing Company in Seattle. M att C i n a i s t h e d e p u t y communications director for Representative Michael Waltz, the U.S. Representative for Florida’s 6th congressional district.


Dionna Williams graduated from APU this past spring with a degree in acting for the stage and screen. She was in a short webseries that premiered in April and is currently working at Montrose Church on their Pasadena Bresee campus teaching children’s ministry. Justin Zumel graduated in June from Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business with a BS in management information systems and a minor in business analytics, and completed an internship as a financial analyst at Sanmina. He moved to Seattle to begin his career 40


Karren Balaian started pharmacy school at USC this fall.

Desiree Monarrez graduated from Portland State University in June with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. She is now pursuing a m a s t e r ’s in biological sciences f r o m C a l P o ly Pomona and is working in a plant physiology lab. Kevin Quinn graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in finance from Southern Methodist University’s Cox School of Business with a specialty in Alternative Assets Management on May 18, 2019. He is currently working as a financial analyst at Zion Bancorporation – Power and Project Finance Group in El Segundo. Kevin is pictured center with his brothers Ian ’13 and Liam ’22.

Michael Torres graduated from Loyola Marymount University in May 2019 and is working for KSBY News, an NBC affiliate in San Luis Obispo, as a television news reporter. So far, he has covered major breaking news stories such as the Conception boat fire in Santa

Barbara, fires, uncovered stories locally, and has filled in as a sports anchor.



Robert Griffith graduated from UCLA’s School of Engineering and Applied Science with honors in just three years on June 15, 2019. He was conferred a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Engineering. He was accepted into UCLA’s masters program in computer science where he is currently working on research and a thesis concerning the use of FPGAs while working as a software engineer.

Tim Kane ’84 married Carolyn Hooper on May 25, 2019. Members of the bridal party included Best Men Jeff Allen ’84 and Bill Hardy ’84 and Groomsmen Mike Kane ’82, Scott Beggs ’83 and Chris Rettig ’84.


Michelle Cervantes is a junior at UCLA studying psychology and her first book Pentalpha is being published in February 2020.

Mary Jo (Boyd) Prince ’96 and her husband Andrew welcomed their son Griffin James Prince on June 11, 2019. He joins big sisters Violet (10) and Camille (6). Mary Jo and her family continue to live in Sierra Madre.


Claire Forrest has transferred to the University of Portland to play volleyball for the Pilots. Claire began her collegiate career with Seton Hall where she was used as both an outside hitter and middle blocker and played in 49 sets over 18 matches. She notched two matches with 10 kills, including a career-high 11 kills against Virginia Commonwealth University. Claire is majoring in business economics and will be playing both indoor and beach volleyball for Portland where she will be sporting #13, the same number she wore at La Salle when the team went to the state finals!

Kjersti (Housman) Holyfield ’04 and her husband Anthony welcomed their second son Jeremiah Ray Ichizo Holyfield on October 24, 2019 weighing in at 6lbs., 14 oz. and 20” long. He joins his big brother Everett (2).

Jennifer (Horn) Raffard ’00 and her husband Robin welcomed their second child, a son, on June 7, 2019 at 2:36am. Xavier John Alain Raffard weighed 8 lbs., 1oz. and was 21’’ long. His older sister, Audrey (3), is for the most part, loving being a big sister. The Raffard’s are settled in Belmont, CA and both Jenn and Robin work in San Francisco.

Coreena Salazar ’09 welcomed her

daughter Coralline Sage Algie on August 9, 2019 weighing 6lbs., 11oz.

Jennifer (Gibbs) O’Brien ’02 and her husband Garry welcomed their daughter Sophie Louise O’Brien on April 22, 2018. Sophie joins big brother Jack, who was very excited along with all of her aunts and uncles including Jimmy Gibbs ’03, Shannon (Gibbs) Velez ’07, Peter Gibbs ’11, Michael Gibbs ’17, and David Gibbs ’19. 41




JONAH LEE ’18 Jonah Lee ’18 is a rising sophomore at Howard University majoring in political science and minoring in legal communications. Jonah got involved in Howard’s student government his freshman year and the active political scene on campus. This past summer, he applied for and was accepted as a summer intern in the office of Senator Kamala D. Harris. During the internship, Jonah’s work focused on affordable housing and closing the racial wealth gap in California. His day to day intern tasks involved drafting correspondence mail, legislative memos, and attending briefings on Capitol Hill.



Alumni Day of Service takes place the day after Homecoming and is a unique opportunity to unite La Salle graduates through community service. To organize a project in your area contact Kristen Schultz ’98 in the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or



Alumni volunteers and their family members assisted with sorting food donations at Foothill Unity Center.

Alumni volunteers participated in a beach cleanup with Heal the Bay near the Santa Monica pier.

3. SAN DIEGO Alumni volunteers and their family members partnered with Traveling Stories at the City Height’s Farmers Market reading with children and their families.

4. BAY AREA Alumni volunteers worked with Excelsior Community Food Pantry, a partnership of Jewish Home San Francisco and Mission Bay Community Church, in collaboration with the San Francisco - Marin Food Bank, to distributes food to families in need.





MONET HURST-MENDOZA ’05 Monet Hurst-Mendoza ’05 joined the writing staff of the hit NBC television show Law and Order: Special Victims Unit in May. Her first episode “Down Low in Hell’s Kitchen” aired on November 10th. Now in its recordbreaking 21st season, the series will become the longest-running primetime live-action show in American TV history. Her play Torera was also featured on both the 2019 Kilroys List and 50 Playwrights Project’s Best Unproduced Latinx Plays List. She was profiled by Remezcla in July 2019 as one of the “8 Most Exciting Latino Playwrights Making Work Right Now.” Monet got engaged to her now fiance, Ugo Anyanwy, on May 20, 2019. Both share successful careers in theatre and television and currently reside in New York City.







Decade of the ’80s Bash

Group Photo with John Ring

Alumni Weekend 2019 kicked off with the Homecoming Football Game on Friday, October 18th on Kohorst Field. Every decade was represented in the stands cheering the Lancers onto victory over the Victor Valley Jackrabbits with a score of 50-32.

Nearly 200 guests enjoyed an evening of food, drink, entertainment and more at the Decade of the ’80s Bash which took place on campus on Saturday, September 21st to celebrate the Classes of 1980-1992. The event also included a Roast of Mr. John Ring which had the whole room laughing and ended with a standing ovation for the La Salle legend.





• Pat Bonacci, AFSC

• Carol Kealey

• Brother Christopher Brady, FSC

• John Matheus

• Tom Cano

• Tim Mayworm

• Patrick Henry (AKA Brother Pat)

• John Ring

• Brother James Joost, FSC

• Robert Mizia (AKA Brother Robert) 45

Class of 1980

Left: Back Row, l-r: Tom Roach ’80, David Howells ’80, Shawn Blakeslee ’80, Kris Mohandie ’80, P’21, Steve Huber ’80, Benny Joseph ’80, Mark Ruelas ’80, Gary Jones ’80, Gary Utter ’80, Geoff Gause ’80, John Morgan ’80, Brother Chris Brady, FSC, Rafael Mirasol ’80, P’17, ’18. Seated l-r: Al Prado ’80, Bob Sjoberg ’80, Tony Messineo ’80, Jack Brkich ’80, Jim LeVeque ’80, Stan Wilcox ’80, Larry Albinski ’80. Front row l-r: Tom Bigley ’80, P’09, Eric Nobriga ’80 Below Right: Luis Marquez ’87, Bhaesh Patel ’87, John Bettencourt ’87, P’23, Hazim Rabadi ’87, Jay Cali ’86, Blake Proudfit ’86, Alex Sanchez ’87, Chris Schnaider ’88, Frisbee Miller ’87, Kevin Delaney ’89, Tom Murphy ’87, Matt Venegas ’88, John Tellez ’85, Everett Evleth ’87, Patrick Piwowarczyk ’87, Adam Konrad ’87, P’15, ’15

Class of 1970 50th Reunion Celebration May 27-28, 2020

Save the Date for your 50 Year Reunion celebration (which includes the unforgettable Golden Diploma Ceremony)! Additional events will include a welcome reception, campus tour, luncheon on campus, and a private Reunion Party at a very cool private venue. Class of ’70 Reunion Committee • Sam Auriemma • Mark Bevan • Don Olender • Michael Petermann • Bob Schneider

Jeff Piering ’89, Frank Rivas ’89, Carlos Villalobos ’89, Eric Kalmus ’89, Mike O’Brien ’89, Leo Anaya ’89, P’20

• Mike Sullivan • Gary Wood More information available online or call 626-696-4362

STAY CONNECTED Ron Escamilla ’81, P’20, ’23, Jon Frontino ’81, John Matheus, Tom Cano, Mario Tromba ’81, P’22


Brother James Joost, FSC, Kevin Hall ’82, Hydee Hall, Ken White ’82



WHAT’S NEW IN YOUR LIFE? Mary Hennessy, Hector Ramos ’83, Joe Alvarez ’83, P’20, ’22, Robert Mizia ’71, Ruben Alvarez ’83 46


Carlito Espino ’86, James Ryan ’86, Stephen Zoccoli ’86, Ron Aquino ’86


Send us your exciting news and we’ll include it in the next issue of Lancer Magazine. Send to ALUMNI@LASALLEHS.ORG 47



LANCER CHALLENGE La Salle ended fiscal year 2019 with an alumni giving participation rate of

10.82% - the highest rate ever in School

history! But each year we start back at zero. Our goal is to reach 11% by June 30, 2020 and to see which graduating class comes out on top. Amount doesn’t matter, just that you give and give annually.


A giving competition that challenges each class to increase the number of donors who contribute to La Salle over the fiscal year (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020).


Every gift matters. No gift is too small to count for your class. The competition is based on the number of alums from each class who give, not the dollar amount. *All tax-deductible gifts made to La Salle will impact your class participation score.



The Class with the highest number of donors at fiscal year-end (June 30th) will receive: • Placement on the Lancer Challenge Championship Banner in the Gym • Recognition in Lancer Magazine • Bragging rights (and they are priceless!)

Class standings are updated regularly online at

2. Mail your gift in the envelope provided. Checks made payable to “La Salle College Preparatory.” 3. Call 626.696.4362 to make your gift over the phone.


BROTHER E. MARTIN ASH Former faculty WILLIAM BARGER Father of Shannon ’10 GRETCHEN BERGER Mother of Brad (Trustee); Grandmother to Mark ’03, Nick ’04 and Brooke (Berger) Gunness ’07 DENNIS BILLINGS Father of Arik ’21 SISTER MARILYN BINDER Trustee JEROME BLACKMAN Father of Joe ’89 JAMES BRENNAN Father of Taylor ’15



ROBERT HICKEY II ’60 Brother of Michael ’66 and Sean ’84 WILLIAM HUBER Father of Steve ’80 and Mike ’81 FLETCHER INGRAM ’76 LEO JAMES Husband of Janna (Employee); Former employee ADRIANE KELLY Wife of Thomas ’72

ROBERT PINDROH Father of Matt ’90 ROBERT RAMIREZ Father of Elsa Barnard (employee); Grandfather to James ’18 and Karina ’20; Father-in-law of Scott Barnard (employee) JUDITH RAY Mother of Robert ’88 JESUS PORRAS SAENZ Grandfather to Aaron ’95 and Suzanne (Saenz) Bogue ’98


ELEANOR CHAMBERS Grandmother to David ’14

CLAIRE LAVOIE Mother-in-law of Bob Schneider ’70

DEDINA LYNN SMALLS Mother of Max ’93 and Lawrence ’98

FY’18 2007 FY’19 1975

RAQUEL CRUZ Mother of Nicole ’95 and Erika ’97

FRED LIBARDONI Father of Christina ’04 and Eric ’08

JOE SOLANO Father of Joseph ’87


WAYNE LICHER, JR. Father of Lindsey (Licher) Guest ’00


TIM DELANEY ’82 Brother of Tom ’85 and Kevin ’89 PRAXEDITA DE LOS SANTOS Mother of Max ’90 and Robert ’93

30 Donors

DON MIGUEL ESPINOSA Grandfather to Frederick Alanis ’92

Class of 1998

26 Donors


DANIEL HERNANDEZ Father of Dan ’77 and Daryl ’82

INCI PEKEROL Mother of Shirstan (Pekerol) Barragan ’94

MARK STEELE Father of Brad ’05; Step-father to Jason Soden ’00

Class of 1969


JAMES HALL Father of Kevin ’82 and JP ’84

NANCY PEARL Grandmother to Christopher ’94, Ray ’99 and Timothy Parent ’02

FLOYD KONRAD Father of Adam ’87; Grandfather to Cosmo ’15 and Ryan ’15


23 Donors

EDWARD “TED” HALE ’97 Brother of Julie (Hale) Donaldson ’94

Lancer Challenge

49 Donors

Class of 2008

SALVATORE OREFICE Father of Sam ’95; Grandfather to KATHERINE HADERLEIN Mother of Steve Haderlein (Faculty); Ava ’23; Father-in-law of Jennifer Grandmother to Kathryn ’12 and Jenny ’16 (Sangkum) Orefice ’95

RENAE CATALANO Mother-in-law of Collette Salvatierra (employee)

Class of 1975

24 Donors

PETER BRADLEY GUNNESS Son of Brooke (Berger) Gunness ’07

MARION NUCCIO Mother of John ’69 and Bob ’71; Grandmother to Scott ’00, Mosey (Nuccio) Dunn ’02 and Lynn (Nuccio) Buennagel ’04


FY 2018-2019

Class of 2013

RHINA GUILLEN Mother of Charlie ’94; Grandmother to Carhin ’22

LICIA NICASSIO Mother of Pam Wagner (employee)

MARIA SANTANA Mother of Simon ’93, Annie SantanaGrush ’94 and Julieta ’96; Former faculty



JOHANNA ALLEN Mother of Jeff ’84; Grandmother to Tyler Schulz ’02, Corey Schulz ’10 and Collette Allen ’20

Williams ’04 and Robert Williams ’06

BRIAN KELLY Former faculty (Brother Brian)

There are several ways to make a gift and boost your class’ standing: 1. Give online at

JANINE ABEL Sister of Dean Haupt ’63, John Haupt ’68 and Dennis Haupt ’69

MARY FENIMORE Mother of Devon ’95

BILL FITZGERALD Husband of Kathy Sanchez-Fitzgerald (employee) * Physical banner hangs in the Duffy Lewis Gymnasium and is updated annually.

THOMAS FLOWERS Father of Tamara Flowers (Former Trustee) and Serena Flowers-Williams (Former Regent); Grandfather to Derek

RICHARD MAHLMANN Father of Andrew ’02: Step-father to Ryan McEvoy ’96 MAUREEN MANNING Sister of Michael ’65, Tim ’68 and Sean ’79 JOHN MCALISTER Father of Lauren ’08, Kelsey ’11 and Robert ’14; Father-in-law of Adam Fetter ’07 SUSAN MITULSKI Mother of Brett ’03

CARLOS MONCADA Father of Janel (Moncada) Gonzalez ’99 and Leslie ’03; Father-in-law of Jorge Gonzalez ’96 GREG MOORE Brother of Kevin ’79 and Jeff ’85

RICHARD “GENE” STEWART Father of James ’68, John ’69, Eugene ’70 and Timothy ’76 WALTER TRASK Father of Courtney (Trask) Stevenson ’01; Father-in-law of Kevin Stevenson ’01 CAROLYN VALENCIA Mother of Geoff Gause ’80 FATHER JOHN VOGEL ’78 GRACIE WAKEN Mother of John ’78; Grandmother to Nicole Haun ’08 and Matt Haun ’11 KEANUENUE “NUE” YIM-HERRERA Mother of Makana Herrera ’19 SALLY ZUERLEIN Wife of John ’63





Mt. Lowe Brewing ∙ Fantasy Frostings ∙ Altadena Town & Country Club ∙ El Portal San Antonio Winery ∙ Domenico’s ∙ RT Rogers Brewing Co. ∙ Sierra Fusion ∙ Johansing Farms Craft Beer Cellar Eagle Rock ∙ El Cholo Pasadena ∙ Nothing Bundt Cakes ∙ Casa Del Rey The Four Seasons Tea Room ∙ Pasadena Sandwich Company ∙ Patticakes: Bakery & Coffee House AND MANY MORE! Sponsorships, Underwriting Opportunities and Events Tickets are available online at

Buy your Opportunity Drawing tickets NOW for a chance to win a fabulous prize like “Eat Out for a Year” featuring gift cards to local eateries ∙ Pampering stay at The Langham Huntington Hotel ∙ “Stock Your Bar” featuring premium libations plus many more! Opportunity Drawing tickets are discounted between now and January 31st- 2 for $10, 10 for $25, 25 for $50, 60 for $100. Winners will be drawn at the event and do not need to be present to win.

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