ParentNewsletter THE LA SALLE
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
Welcome to summer! You and your children have made it through another school year! It was a busy year and the last month flew by due to all of the activities happening here at La Salle.
Founder’s Day On May 15 we had our annual Founder’s Day Liturgy. Every year at this event we announce our Lasallian Educator of the Year. This year that honor was bestowed on Mr. Scott DoVale. Mr DoVale has been a part of the La Salle community for many years as both a teacher and parent. (His youngest child, Max, graduated this year.) Besides teaching English, Mr. DoVale sings with Music for the Masses, can be seen supporting our students at games, concerts, and plays, and always has his door open for students. This was also the second year that we have honored one of our non-teaching staff with the St. Joseph the Worker Award. This year’s recipient was Teresa Elmslie-
Britt. Mrs. Elmslie-Britt is the counseling assistant, but does so much more than her title would imply. Besides her duties in counseling, she is a mentor teacher and all around helpful person, ready to step in at any time to chaperone an event, cover lunch for a colleague or get the copy machine going again. We are happy to have been able to honor and thank these two very special individuals who truly embody the qualities of St. La Salle.
Showdown IV Just before Founder’s Day, we had our 4th annual Showdown on Friday, May 12. It was an awesome display of spirit and school pride, and all in attendance, including parents who came to watch in the stands, had a great time. The seniors won and the class of 2017 was able to claim victory for the second year in a row.
Spring Shows & Concerts May also had many performances by our visual and performing arts students who participated and performed in spring art shows and concerts. Some highlights included two original pieces of Principal Ideas Continued on page 2
In the Words of Saint John Baptist de La Salle "When you encouter difficulty in the guidance of your disiples, when there are some who do not profit from your teaching...and [have] a reckless spirit... turn to God with confidence." Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c1705 Meditations in time of Retreat 4.1