2019 March ParentNewsletter

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La Salle ParentNewsletter

For Parents and Friends of La Salle College Preparatory • Pasadena • California March 2019

Principal Ideas Hello and welcome to March. February was a short month, but one packed with activity and excitement at La Salle.

Courtney R. Kassakhian Principal

St John Baptist de La Salle

Did You Know? In 1685, De La Salle founded the first "Normal School" in Rheims, France, whose sole purpose was to train teachers.

February began with two of our winter sports teams advancing to the CIF playoffs: boys basketball and girls soccer. Our girls soccer team made it all the way to the CIF Championship game, which they played at home on Kohorst Field vs. St. Margaret’s on February 23 in front of a packed house. After two regulation periods, two over time periods, and an overly exciting penalty kick session, our team finished the game CIF Champions! (see page 8 - 9). Huge congratulations to head coach Sheima Berenji and all of our talented, hard working girls on their tremendous success. Additionally, many of our winter sports athletes were recognized by being named first or second league: Boys Basketball First League Honors: Kalani Jones and Kenneth Franklin Jr. Second League Honors: Naeem Lewis, Calen Murray, and Aaron Johnson Girls Basketball – First League Honors: Nicole Ortiz Second League Honors: Brianna Antillon, Zarah Huo and Crystal Ramirez Boys Soccer – First League Honors: CJ Rettig Second League Honors: Brandon Clarizio, Corbin Jones and Nick Reynolds Girls Soccer – First League Honors: Emily Eslava, Tatum Mediano, Shelby Melin, Anaise Nugent and Sarah Ybarra Second League Honors: Celina Akroush, Karina Guzman and Yocelyn Marquez

AcaDeca Success

Our academic co-curriculars also had great success in competition last month. - The first two weekends in February brought the annual private school Academic Decathlon. La Salle brought the Principal continued on page 2


March 2019

Principal Ideas continued from page 1

largest contingent of competitors with 34 students, and our team earned 91 medals and 4 trophies! Under the guidance of Coach John Erb, they are now preparing for the World Scholars Cup competition, which will be held at La Salle this month.

Speech & Debate Success

City of Angels Opens March 22

Our debate team continued to make us proud throughout February. Seniors Sebastian Dunbar and Jackie Henley competed at the Cal Berkeley Round Robin, where out of 560 debaters Jackie was awarded the 13th speaker overall and Sebastian was awarded the 14th speaker overall; as a team they placed in the top 8 out of 280 teams competing. Later in the month, Sebastian and Jackie, along with teammates Madison Cahill and Rhyen Hunt, both earned national qualifier spots in Public Forum debate, meaning they will be competing in Nationals in Dallas in June. Congratulations to them and their coaches Ms. Elizabeth Meerson and Mr. Jeff Niemiec. All of these successes are testaments to the work ethic and talent of our students, as well as the quality of our teachers and coaches who spend many, many hours working with our students to make sure they are prepared to succeed.

Arts and Media Success

In addition to competitions, our students always shine when they are participating in our Arts and Media programs. The National Art Honor Society (NAHS) and the National Honor Society for Dance Arts held their induction ceremony in February. Eleven new members were inducted into NAHS and eight new members were inducted into the National Honor Society for Dance Arts. You can come see the talent of our students on full display this month by coming to watch our Spring Musical production - City of Angels - under the direction of Dr. Jude Lucas. The musical will open March 22 and run on the weekends through March 31.

Course Selections

As we head into March, your students should be completing their course selections for the upcoming school year. These need to be entered into PowerSchool by Friday, March 8. They should all be meeting with their academic advisors to review their choices, but please be sure you have also reviewed them with your child. Thank you again to all of the parents


March 2019

who came out to parent receptions in January and February in order to better understand the course selection process.

Summer School Registration

March will also bring summer school registration. Any student who has been approved for a Math advancement course has already received a letter from Mrs. Hakanen verifying which course they have been approved to enroll in during the summer. Summer school auto-enrollment letters will be mailed to these families in March to confirm their enrollment and payment for this class. In June, any student who requires summer school for remediation will be auto-enrolled into the appropriate La Salle Summer course and parents will be invoiced accordingly. Students who failed a class first semester have already received notification regarding summer school remediation. Additionally, our summer program offers enrichment in language arts, mathematics, science, STEAM and test preparation for grades 5-8, as well as a rich athletics program for grades 1-8. You can find information about all of our summer programs on our website; enrollment begins March 8.

Ash Wednesday ...from dust to dust...

Ash Wednesday

And finally, among the other things March will bring us is Ash Wednesday on March 6. As we celebrate Ash Wednesday as a school community, and begin Lent, a season of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving, I hope in your own families you might find the opportunity to talk with your children about how they plan to acknowledge and celebrate this special season of Lent.


March 2019

Parent Association Report Hi La Salle Families! Can you believe it’s March already? It’s a busy time for the Parent Association. As we move towards the end of the school year, please remember to sign-up for volunteer opportunities to complete your service hours. All parent hours will need to be entered by May 31, 2019. On June 1, 2019, the Parent Association will submit a report to the school with completed parent hours. Please make sure you log all your hours.

Cherry Agapito P’18,’20 Parent Association President

Volunteer Opportunities on Track it Forward New Family Reception - March 7 Registration Day - March 9 Parent Association Meeting - March 12 Academic, Arts and Athletic Booster Meetings - March 12 Mothers of Alumni Council Champagne and Cupcakes - March 14 Crystal Ball $5 Dress Day - March 29 Grandparents' Day Set-up - April 16 Grandparents' Day - April 17 Crystal Ball Gift Basket Prep - April 29, 30, May 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 Crystal Ball - May 10 Parent Association Events New Family Reception - March 7 Registration Day - March 9 Grandparents Day - April 17 Crystal Ball Event - May 10 I hope to see you at our next Parent Association meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 6:30pm in the Blakeslee Learning Commons. Food and drinks will be served by our Parent Association Hospitality Chairs, Lisa Tromba P’22 and Sheri Muro P’22. Attending a Parent Association meeting earns one hour of service. Parent Hours: Remember to log your service hours and sign-up for upcoming events on Track it Forward. Please remove yourself from the sign-up if you are unable to attend an event. This will give others the opportunity to volunteer instead. There are many volunteer opportunities from now until May, to complete your service hours. If you have any questions about the hours or the Track it Forward site, please send an email to Anna Sariol P’21 at lasallecollegeprep.volunteer@gmail.com.


March 2019

14th Annual

Grandparents' Day

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 9:00am Dining Hall The Celebration Concludes at 11:15am Invitations will be mailed March 13, 2019

La Salle’s Annual Crystal Ball will be held May 10, 2019 at the spectacular Noor, located in downtown Pasadena.

We are committed to making this event a night to remember as we celebrate Hollywood. To make this happen we are asking for your support in helping our committee put together some inviting auction items. We are looking for donations big and small, from weekend getaways, event tickets to smaller items to brighten up our auction baskets. We also have created an Amazon wish list to make donating even easier! Thank you in advance and we hope to see walking down the Red Carpet at the Crystal Ball! www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/EBMPXYG8633Y?ref=cm_go_nav_hz


March 2019

La Salle Matters

Dr. Richard Gray President

From an early age we are taught manners – to say “please” and “thank you.” We come to know what is expected of us in social settings in which these words convey far more than their simple definition: they communicate good breeding, the appreciation of what’s required in “polite” society and, equally, their absence says a great deal about the (relative) merit of one’s personality profile and social background. As a result, it is easy to take their usage for granted – an expected part of social discourse, without ever exploring why they are an important – indeed, a necessary, part of our interactions with others…which is why I am so enamored of 17th century British poet John Milton’s articulation of gratitude:

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. I’m not sure many of us (including myself) are inclined to use words like “reverence, epiphanies, transcendent or awe” to describe our understanding of the virtue of gratitude. Yes, we know well its verb partner “to be grateful,” and we recognize the importance of articulating its meaning within the context of specific social interactions; but I suspect that our use of these terms can often border on the perfunctory. Milton’s understanding of gratitude pushes us past the ordinary and mundane use of the term to a more profound recognition that not only is all of life a gift, but an unmerited one as well. In Milton’s world, we don’t “deserve” anything. What we receive – from the world – from others – is nothing less than awe-inspiring. Benedictine monk, Brother David Steindl-Rast views gratitude through the lens of surprise:

Have you ever noticed how your eyes open a bit wider when you are surprised? It is as if you had been asleep, merely day-dreaming or sleepwalking through some routine activity, and you hear your favorite tune on the radio, or look up from the puddles on the parking lot and see a rainbow, or the telephone rings and it’s the voice of an old friend, and all of a sudden you’re awake. It’s this element of surprise that, I think, serves as the foundation of Milton’s understanding of gratitude. His use of the word “epiphany” echoes the element of surprise. A Greek word meaning “appearance” or “manifestation,” epiphany takes on Christian overtones in both Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. In every case the term inherently includes the element of surprise.


March 2019

So, why wax eloquent about Milton’s understanding of gratitude in February? I recently attended a conference of Lasallian school administrators in Houston and was delighted when one speaker commented on the “912 days of February.” I think we all view February as a long and tedious month (in spite of the fact that it contains 28 days). Having grown up on the East Coast, February was a particularly long month because the height of the ravages of winter seemed to take place during these “912 days.” Being stuck in the house because of miserable weather and impenetrable snowstorms tended to make those of us who are afflicted with light deprivation especially cranky. And, yes, even though, for the most part, February in SoCal can be merely irritating around the time we are forced to get out of bed and the house is chilly, I really shouldn’t complain. Still, native Angelenos recognize that February is an outlier when it comes to the spectacular weather we take for granted throughout the other 11 months of the year.

We recognize, with reverence, the power of gratitude.

Hence, my focus on the importance of gratitude – there is so much to be grateful for here in Southern California that it is easy to take these blessings for granted. Here, at La Salle, this is especially true. It is easy to take for granted, for example, the success of our students – academically, athletically (Go Girls’ Soccer!), artistically and even spiritually. It is easy to take for granted that our philanthropic success is critical to the School’s ability to enroll students whose families can’t afford even our modest tuition (compared to other schools in the area). What shouldn’t be taken for granted is the intentional focus we put on the creation of a community of persons who care about the welfare of those we are charged to support in their quest for academic and personal excellence. Our recent Annual Report highlights a variety of accomplishments that our students and alumni have achieved in fulfillment of our Mission to produce good students and good persons. These are the “everyday epiphanies” which remind me to be grateful for the special community we call La Salle College Preparatory. For me, this entails a proper reverence for everyone who contributes to the success of our efforts to deliver on the promises we make when families first arrive on our campus. While, on one level, I am not surprised by this overwhelming support of La Salle’s Mission, I am, nevertheless, in awe with respect to the many ways the members of our community make sure that the students entrusted to our care are challenged to become their best selves. It is this dynamic which enables me to endure the “912 days” of February. And for this, I am deeply grateful and recognize, with reverence, the power of gratitude.


March 2019

Lancers are CIF Soccer Champions - Twice By James Escarcega, San Gabriel Valley Tribune

Lancer forward, Sophomore Celine Akroush

14 8

In one of the most bizarre finishes to a CIF-Southern Section championship game that you will ever see, the host La Salle Lancers defeated St. Margaret’s 2-2 (4-2 on penalty kicks) to win the CIF-SS Girls Soccer Division 4 championship. The events that led up to Tatum Mediano converting on the final penalty kick were surreal. With La Salle (18-5) ahead 3-2 and with St. Margaret’s the first team to shoot during the penalty kick session, Tartans sophomore Bryce Chan's shot flew over the goal, that set off an inadvertent celebration on the La Salle sideline. Junior Tatum Mediano, who was forced to wait with her teammates for more than five minutes while game officials explained the situation to school representatives, etched her name into school history as her shot flew past Tartans goalkeeper Ava Lentz, setting off a second and final celebration. After a brief meeting, the officials declared the game over. La Salle, believing it had the won the game, left the field. Except La Salle should have had to convert on one more penalty kick to clinch the win. The awards ceremony took place, the players had received their awards, and a CIF-SS official had already given the championship and runners up plaques to both teams when the officials reentered the field, ruled that the game was not over and that La Salle had to convert a final goal to clinch the title. “It was a goal of the team to make it to the championship, I’m not quite sure that this is what I had in mind,” Mediano said. “We won and that is all that I care about right now.” The Lancers got a huge effort from Celine Akroush who made a save in the penalty shot session that put the Lancers in position to win the title. “She is such an athletic person, I didn’t doubt that she was going to get one of the shots,” La Salle coach Sheima Berenji said. “She had played the entire game and we decided to throw her out there and we are very proud of her." According to Akroush, she was surprised that she made the save of the match. “I don’t even know what happened,” Akroush said. “I slid over a little and Chan shot it right to me. This is absolutely insane. I can’t even explain it, it feels so good."

March 2019

Senior Anaise Nugent

It appeared that St. Margaret's (20-2-4) was on the way to victory when Jasper Adams received the rebound off of a blocked shot attempt by Juliet Ballard and snuck a soft shot past Lancer goalkeeper Kathryn Mena with 12:54 remaining in the second half for a 2-1 Tartans lead. Four minutes later, La Salle's Sara Ybarra was fouled in the penalty box and was awarded a penalty kick. Ybarra's low-angled shot sailed past Lentz that tied the game at 2-2 that led to a finish that will be talked about for years to come." It feels amazing to do it with an awesome group of kids like this," Berenji said. "It's a dream come true to win CIF. I've been coaching for 10 years, and this is one of the best feelings that I've ever felt – especially with this group."

Sophomore Shelby Melin, left, collides into St. Margaret’s Juliet Ballard during the CIF-SS Division 4 girls soccer championship game at La Salle, on Saturday, February. 23, 2019. (Photos by Trevor Stamp, contributing photographer)

Check the Lancers and La Salle websites for more on our State Regional Championship games


March 2019

National Scholastic Art Medal Winners

Painting by William Murry

Gold Medal Winners

Honorable Mention

Advanced Art Marilyn Garcia, 1 drawing

Studio One Sophia Jasper, 1 painting Erica Tromba, 1 drawing

AP Art AP Art William Murray Nikolai Garcia, Christopher Jimenez 2 photographs Benny Sigoloff - photography Tristan Huo, 1 painting William Murray, 1 painting Nikki Strubinski, 2 paintings Silver Medal Winners Benny Sigoloff, 1 photograph AP Art Julian Prins, 3 paintings Advanced Art Nikki Strubinski, 2 paintings Sara Fraser, 3 photographs Mia Dooley, 1 painting

Sculpture Abbey Christopher, ceramic Sofia Ibbotson, ceramic

Girls State Congratulations to the following Juniors who have been selected as this year’s Girls State delegates for La Salle College Preparatory: Delegate: Emma Dillion 1st alternate: Kaiya Wilson 2nd alternate: Evelyn Ogier


March 2019

Speech & Debate members, clockwise from top, Jack Skipper '21, Maddie Cahill '21, Harlan Crawford '20, Jackie Henley '19, Ms. Elizabeth Meerson, coach, Sebastian Dunbar '19, Rhyen Hunt '21.

S&D at UC Berkeley La Salle Speech & Debate was victorious at the 2019 Cal High School Speech and Debate Tournament held on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley. In speech: Nikki Strubinski was a quarterfinals in Impromptu. In debate: Out of 280 teams, Rhyen Hunt and Maddie Cahill were one of the top 64 teams. Jackie Henley and Sebastian Dunbar were quarterfinalists, making it to the top eight teams. Out of 560 debaters, Sebastian Dunbar received the 14th best speaker award, and Jackie Henley received the 13th best speaker award.


March 2019

College Center News College Counselors Tam Ly, Owen Hou '90, P'21, Marcia Yu P'21

Senior News College acceptances are continuing to come in. Seniors have been offered admission to many colleges throughout California and the United States. Remember to add your admission decisions on Naviance. We need to know all the news, both good and not so good, in order to get a complete picture. Note SAT, ACT and AP Exam Schedules

Junior News

College counselors are meeting with juniors and talking to them about college options. Some Junior College Planning Surveys are still outstanding. If your student has not submitted his/her survey, please remind them to do so as soon as possible. The sooner they complete the survey, the earlier we will meet with them. Their responses help us to identify colleges that might be a good fit for them, what actions they need to take, events to participate in and so on. We then discuss our recommendations with them during the meeting. An early start on college planning often leads to a well thought out and less stressful college application process in the fall. We are also glad to meet with parents after your student has met with his/her College Counselor. Please feel free to call and schedule an appointment.

All Students Standardized Testing We would like to thank all juniors who took the ACT at La Salle in February. Some students have already reported seeing their scores on the ACT student website. We expect all the results will be available by early to midMarch. We hope that all juniors have already registered to take the SAT and/or re-take the ACT this spring. If not, they should register as soon as possible. Registration information is available in the College Center. The next SAT test dates are May 4th and June 1st; the next ACT test dates are April 13th and June 8th. The registration deadlines are about five weeks prior to the exam.


March 2019 If your student is planning to apply to a UC campus in a science or engineering major, then he/she is encouraged to take two SAT Subject Tests from different disciplines. The best time to take SAT Subject Tests is in June after the student has completed the course. There is time to retest for the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, and ACT during the fall of senior year, and all colleges will take the highest scores. In addition to the UCs, some colleges require or highly recommend applicants to submit two or three SAT Subject Tests. A list of colleges that require/recommend Subject Tests can be found at www.compassprep. com/admissions_req_subjects.aspx. We recommend freshmen to consider taking the Biology test and sophomores, the chemistry and/or World History test on June 1st if they are receiving an A- or higher in the course. Students should check out the pamphlet “Getting Ready for the SAT Subject Tests,” found in the College Center. Please contact your college counselor or academic advisor if you have questions.

Easter Break College Visits

Plan to visit colleges locally or outof-state with your student over the Easter break (4/18-4/28). Touring a college this time of year will allow your student to experience a true college setting with college students attending classes and club activities in the campus center. Seeing a college campus first hand will help your student to find the right college campus for him/her.

La Salle’s College Fair & Forum will be held on Wednesday, April 3rd. New this year will be a College Fair from 5:30pm - 6:30pm. The College Forum sessions will begin at 6:00pm. As in the past, college admission representatives from many colleges will present important information to our families (see tentative list below). The College Forum is a great opportunity for students to learn about the college admission process and how to research and identify the right college for them. So please plan to attend. At press time, the following colleges are confirmed for the College Fair: ● Denison University ● Lafayette College ● Loyola Marymount University ● Marymount California University ● Pasadena City College ● University College Dublin ● University of California, Merced ● University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ● University of New Mexico ● University of Oregon ● University of San Francisco ● Washington State University ● Whittier College

College Fair & Forum

Wednesday, April 3rd College Fair starting at 5:30pm College Forum starting at 6:00pm

College Center

Continued on page 14


March 2019

College Center Continued from page 13

The following sessions are planned for this year’s College Forum ● Getting In: Tips for Admission to Highly Selective Colleges ● Dollars & Sense ● Understanding UC & CSU Admission ● Studying the Physical Science and Engineering ● How to Find the Right College Fit ● The NCSS, the Student Athlete & Admission ● Preparing for Health Related Careers ● Parent Forum (Panel) ● The Arts: Application Process, Portfolios & Auditions ● ROTC and Service Academies ● Success Transition to College for Students with Learning Differences ● Standardized Testing Overview ● College Quickstart: Naviance Basics ● College Admissions from the Colleges’ Point of View ● International Colleges and Traveling Abroad ● Nursing Program Admission ● Western Undergraduate Exchange & Other Scholarships Once the representatives are confirmed for both the fair and forum, we will send an email with the finalized program in mid-March.

Advanced Placement Exams

Advanced Placement (AP) exams th May 6 to May 17th All students received their AP Exams Information Package including the Bulletin for AP Students and Parents, student checklist and schedule. The exam fees ($94.00 per exam) will be included in April’s tuition statement.


Advanced Placement Exam Scedule The AP exams will be administered on the following dates (all dates are printed in the school calendar): Monday, May 6 US Government & Politics, 8:00am Tuesday, May 7 – Spanish Language and Culture, 8:00am Wednesday, May 8 English Literature & Comp, 8:00am European History, noon Thursday, May 9 – Chemistry, 8:00am Friday, May 10 U.S. History, 8:00am Computer Science Principles, noon Monday, May 13 – Biology, 8:00am Physics C: Mechanics, noon Physics C: E&M, 2:00pm Tuesday, May 14 Calculus AB/BC, 8:00am Human Geography, noon Wednesday, May 15English Lang & Comp, 8:00am Macroeconomics, noon Thursday, May 16 Statistics, noon Friday, May 17 – Microeconomics, 8:00am Exams can only be administered at the designated date and time. If there is a conflict due to school athletics or any other school related activity, please let Mrs. Salvatierra know as soon as possible.

March 2019

Scott Wiard Named New Girls Basketball Coach La Salle announced the resignation of Girls Basketball coach Freedom McCullough on Thursday, February 14, 2019, along with the installment of Scott Wiard as the program’s new head coach. Wiard, who is currently a mathematics instructor at La Salle, has nine years’ experience as a high school coach. “I am very excited and honored to be named the coach at La Salle and it will be a privilege to coach such outstanding young people,” added Wiard. “From an athletic perspective, the administration is committed to providing our students with an excellent athletic experience and I am excited to be part of that experience for our student-athletes.”

Scott Wiard, New Girls Varsity Basketball Head Coach

With almost a decade of coaching experience under his belt, coach Wiard built an impressive list of accomplishments. Wiard led the Duarte High School Falcons to the CIF Championship game in the same year he was recognized as San Gabriel Valley’s “Coach of the Year.” Wiard’s record at Duarte High School totaled 55-10 with a perfect 20-0 in Montview League play. Wiard also served as an assistant coach at Bishop Amat, Providence, and Brentwood High Schools. “With coach Freedom's resignation, it only made sense to offer the position to Scott. There aren't many Girls Basketball coaches who have been to a CIF Final sitting on a shelf and to have one within our faculty made the decision automatic,” stated La Salle’s Athletic Director, Marc Hernandez. “The bonus to all of this is having Scott's father [Richard Wiard] as a member of his staff. I can't imagine a better combination than the Wiard family in the San Gabriel Valley.” Scott selected Richard Wiard, his father, to be his assistant coach. He has more than 35 years’ experience in coaching, boasting over 500 wins and participation in 8 CIF and 5 state championship games. “We are grateful to Coach McCullough for the last three years of leadership of our Girls Basketball team,” said Principal Courtney Kassakhian. “We wish him well as he pursues new ventures and we excitedly welcome Scott Wiard as our new Girls Basketball coach. Scott brings great experience and enthusiasm and we know he will be a fantastic leader for our program.”


March 2019

Los Angeles Rams legend, running back, Eric Dickerson.

Gifts from the Heart On February 10, the 11th annual Crystal Ball - Gifts from the Heart - San Miguel Scholarship Social took place at the gorgeous home of Hope and Dino Clarizio ’75, P’06, pictured above with Dr. Richard Gray. Eric Dickerson, NFL Hall of Fame member and Los Angeles Rams Legend, reminisced about his days in the NFL and senior Andrea Flores gave her personal impressions of the San Miguel Scholarship program.


March 2019


March 2019

The Positive Impact of Planned Giving The Planned Giving program at La Salle College Preparatory has been a focus for our School for about twenty years. Donors and supporters have contributed to our School’s endowment through one of many Planned Giving Instruments, and we are seeing continued growth in this component of development. Our School was founded in 1956 and has undergone significant changes in its over 60years of existence. It began as a high school for young men. The school welcomed women to the student body in the early 1990s. At this same time, football was added to the athletic program. In the late ‘90s, the stand-alone Dining Hall and the amphitheater were added, and significant additions were made to the wing of the School that borders Michillinda. In recent years, advancements on the technological side have taken place. The ID Lab became a part of the Blakeslee Library and is the home of the Technology Department. The Blakeslee Library recently transformed into the Blakeslee Learning Commons, and it now provides both access to technological and curriculum support and to facilities that enhance the learning experience for the young men and women enrolled at our School. Support of the Planned Giving program at our School has been instrumental in these campus and School developments and will play a part in the current drive to add two new buildings on campus. The planned gifts that are a significant component of this program include:

The donation of appreciated securities and real estate

Naming our School as a beneficiary of one’s will, estate, and/or life insurance policy

Transferring a part of one’s (donors over the age of 70 ½) IRA directly to our School

The establishment of a Charitable Gift Annuity

Our School wishes to extend sincere thanks to the many donors and benefactors who have supported the Planned Giving program through the years. Your efforts and sacrifice have been integral to the success of our School and its students. These will continue to be a core component in advancing the Mission of La Salle College Preparatory. Consultation with one’s tax and financial advisor is suggested as part of the consideration of a Planned Gift, particularly with the impact of the federal tax legislation that is in effect for 2018 tax returns.

In Summary

La Salle College Preparatory can provide more information, both generically and specifically, regarding the benefits available through Planned Giving. For more information, please contact Jon Keates, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement at 626.696.4344.


March 2019

Arts Booster News & Events Coffee Coffee Coffee

 Arts Boosters will again be selling coffee at all arts events. This is an ongoing fund raiser to promote arts performances, shows and activities. We urge you to purchase some java to enjoy at home. A one pound bag sells for $12.00. Contact Jill Christopher (jcchristopher136@ gmail.com) or Carol Lee (clee@lasallehs.org) for further information.

School Wide Art show Spring is a great time to stroll through the displays of student art work. The School Wide Art Show is scheduled on March 30th in the newly appointed Blakeslee Learning Commons from 4:00 to 6:00pm. It is a lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Music, Dance and Comedy are in the air! Spring Musical Set for March The annual spring musical will be opening March 22nd. Stay tuned and see the La Salle website for further info. This is always a wonderful event and we encourage you to attend one of 10 performances.

Arts Boosters Monthly Meeting Arts Boosters meet after the Parent Association meeting every second Tuesday of the month in the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre. We invite you to attend.

How to Locate Our Flickr Album

Simply... Open home page on the La Salle website Scroll down to the blue VIEW MORE NEWS & EVENTS bar in the center of the page Double click that bar, go to bottom of News & Events page See Click here to view Flickr Photo Album. You will go directly to the individual subject files, such as Homecoming, Halloween, Blakeslee Learning Commons and much, much more. Enjoy.


March 2019 s

Service and Sweets on Valentine's Day As students entered the Dining Hall for lunch, many moved through the 60 Seconds of Service line and prepared bag lunches for the needy at Union Station. Valentine's and Valentine's Day Candygrams, sponsored by the Freshman Class Council, were also distributed to delighted recipients. A "Newlywed" type game was the main attraction as "couples" compared their sometimes hilarious answers.

Lancers enjoy Valentine's Day and helping provide lunches to the needy.


March 2019



March 2019

March Highlights March 1 Rally Schedule Spring Rally 1:35pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium Third Quarter Ends Official Eligibility Grading Period March 6 Liturgy Schedule Dress Uniforms Ash Wednesday Liturgy March 9 Saturday Class of 2023 Registration 9:00am -12:00pm Dining Hall Duffy Lewis Gymnasium March 10 Sunday Daylight Savings Begins March 12 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Learning Commons Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations March 14 MAC (Mothers of Alumni) "Cupcakes and Champagne" 6:00 - 8:00pm Blakeslee Learning Commons March 15 Special Schedule Day B6, 12:30pm Dismissal March 17 Saint Patrick’s Day March 18 -19 Bay Area College Tour Senior Retreat Departs March 20 Angst Parent Education Night 6:30 - 8:30pm Dining Hall

March 22 Opening Night Spring Musical 7:00pm Porticos Art Space* March 27 Seniors vs Faculty Charity Basketball Game 7:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium March 30 Saturday Art Show 4:00pm Blakeslee Learning Commons April 3 Cillege Fair and College Forum Fair 5:30 - 6:30pm Dining Hall Forum 6:00 - 8:00pm Dining Hall April 7 Feast Day of Saint John Baptist de La Salle April 9 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Learning Commons Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations April 17 12:30pm Dismissal Grandparents' Day 9:00 -11:30am Dining Hall



April 19 Good Friday April 18 - April 28 Easter Vacation *Porticos Art Space, 2033 East Washington Boulevard, Pasadena.



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