ParentNewsletter The La Salle
MARCH 2012
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
As you know from your own admission experiences, February and March are key months in the school’s admission season. The members of our Admission Team will have scrutinized test scores, transcripts, evaluation forms, inter view worksheets and recommendation letters for 450-480 a pplica n ts prio r t o t h e M a rch 2 Acceptance Letter mailing. This is a daunting t ask each year for the Admission Team because of the supreme importance of selecting Mission appropriate students who will benefit from being part of our community. As in the past years, we will be enrolling a new 9th grade class of approximately 175 students. I have no doubt that once again we will be blessed with a wonderful group of new students and families who will thrive within our Lasallian Community. It is especially gratifying that approximately 17% of the applications continue to
come from families having either a past or current relationship with the school. The fact that year-inand-year-out families are willing to maintain their connection with the school is a key factor in creating the family environment that we are so proud of at La Salle.
Teen Issues Day I want to thank the Student Life Team for their efforts in planning and presenting another successful Teen Issues Day last month. I encourage any of you who have a suggestion for themes for this event to contact Mr. Ed O’Connor who directs the Teen Issues Day theme selection process. I had the opportunity to discuss the day with students in my class and they shared with me that they found the content of the day compelling and meaningful. The number of parents who attended the evening parent presentation was good but not great. I know that there is much going on that makes it difficult to attend such an event, but based on all of the parent feedback I have received, these parent presentations have been appreciated by those in attendance.
Parent/Teacher Conferences On a related note, parent participation in the recent Parent/Teacher Conferences was good. As always, the number of parents who attended the winter conferences was lower than for the fall conferences. It is important that parents make a Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle
“Take care that you often recall the presense of God, for this is the principal fruit of prayer.” Letter 3 to Brother Denis in Rethel - May 1701 Saint John Baptist de La Salle
ParentNewsletter Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
judicial use of the PowerSchool system to keep aware of the positive and negative academic trends demonstrated by one’s student. Also, do not hesitate to contact teachers as needed and remember that if you do not get a reply within a two to three school day window, let me or Associate Principal Laurenzello know so that we can follow up.
CHECK eBooks Review and updates
American Mathematics Competitions I have just received the results for AMC (American Mathematics Competitions), and I am very excited to inform you that two of our students were acknowledged: Clement Lau in AMC12 (11-12 grades) and Hua Situ in AMC10 (9-10 grades). Lau won a Bronze Medal this year and has qualified again to move on to the next level which is AIME Competitions (Invitational Mathematics Examination). The AMC is a very difficult test and to win any medal is extraordinary; also to qualify for AIEM is extremely difficult. (Qualification for AIME is by achieving an AMC 12-A score of 94.5. Clement, who is in two of Ms. Leah Rojhani's AP calculus classes, won the AIME last year with a score of 95%. This year he scored 96% in the AMC. George Pearman and Sagar Vaidyanathan have been acknowledged with students' team honors in AMC-12 and Roderick Law and Zhenni Zhu with students' team honors in AMC-10.
eBooks If you attended last month’s Academic Booster meeting, you know that Mr. Laurenzello and I had a very lively and informative conversation with parents regarding the potential use of eBooks versus textbooks. At this point, the school is very much in the research and information gathering phase. We have been in contact with various vendors and we are matching up our current textbook list with the availability of “interactive” digital eBooks not just inactive pdf eBooks. The current availability of interactive digital eBooks is still limited but it is growing and my assumption is that this growth will be accelerated over the next 12 months. Also know that the school has already contracted with a provider to greatly increase our availability of internet bandwidth to a level that will make it PAGE 2
MARCH 2012
possible for us to have our student body using an electronic device for classroom and eBook use. We are also in conversation with personnel from other high schools that have recently phased in or will be phasing in the use by students of digital devices for instruction. I will keep you updated on this area as more information is gathered.
National Merit Scholarship I am pleased to report that senior George Pearman is a finalist in the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program. He advanced from the pool of 16,000 Semifinalists and is eligible for one of 8,400 Merit Scholarships.
Lenten Prayer Since you will be receiving this newsletter shortly after Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, I want to again share with you a Lenten prayer that I found some years ago – it comes from the book, Bible Prayer Book for Today, written by Peter de Rosa:
Father, we remember that we are dust and unto dust we shall return. Of itself the ash upon our forehead should not frighten us. It is when we lose spiritual integrity that bodily disintegration acquires a new and threatening meaning. For when we sin, we fall away from you, Father, who is eternal life, and we become only what we are made of: dust. If we should so die, Father, will not the Risen Christ be forced to shake us off his feet as he leaves our earthly city for the New Jerusalem? We pray that in the days ahead we may repent of our sins. Give us thorough change of heart so we may become holy and Easter-whole again. Father, our lives are light as dust lifted by a summer’s wind. We beg you to send upon us the power and comfort of your Spirit, so that Death may not daunt us or destroy us utterly, but be our means of passing over with Christ from this dark world to everlasting Light.
Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Principal
MARCH 2012
From the Parent Association
"One Simple Little Word" It is a simple little word that does not often creep into our everyday conversation. Not because it is something obscure, but more likely than not it is because we do not give (or have) much time to think about it. Most people overlook a lot of things and quite frequently, albeit innocently, take certain special moments or situations for granted without even giving them a second thought because their attention has quickly shifted to something else. And as parents, it also seems like we are constantly striving to find that elusive balance between work, home life and the desire to share in our child’s high school experience. So with this whirlwind of activity surrounding us, it is unfortunate that for those times deserving special attention, we fail to rise above life’s details by not offering ourselves a time to pause and reflect upon what we have because our perspective of daily living has become so focused and narrowly defined. After attending the Senior Parent Meeting at Back-to-School Night in January, the realization that we are in the final chapter in our role as current parents at La Salle is painstakingly taking hold. In some sort of twisted belief, the blissful ignorance we have held over the past eight-plus years of our imminent “graduation” shielded us from the reality that we have clearly tried to postpone, if not entirely avoid. However over the past few months, we have grown to accept and now eagerly await the inevitable, and have looked back on our Lasallian experience and considered the impact that it has had on our family over the years. In a lot of respects, Senior Parent Night served as a personal catalyst in creating our moment for pause and reflection. In particular, this has been a time for us to think about the heritage of St. John Baptist de La Salle and the “Fratres Scolarum Christianrum” (Brothers of the Christian Schools), and at the same time to give thanks and silent recognition to the many members, past and present, of the La Salle High School Christian Brothers Community who bear the FSC or AFSC affiliation. With being a parent and alum of La Salle, the admiration that we hold for this dedicated and deserving group of educators who have been
so instrumental to the success of La Salle over the past 55 years is not easily forgotten. And that brings us back to the moment of pause and reflection and the one, simple little word that we too often neglect. Just as a lot of other current and alumni parents can similarly admit, if it were not for the Christian Brothers at La Salle, life for our family would not be as fulfilling as it is today. For 49 out of the past 55 years, the La Salle Christian Brothers Community has had such a profound and defining influence on three generations of the Wright family that we would be hard-pressed to imagine otherwise. Our Lasallian experience runs deep and has so enriched the character of every member of our family that it has become a way of life for us. And for that, we have an overwhelming sense NEXT of gratitude for the priceless gift that we Parent Association have been so blessed to enjoy. Now, just Meeting: Tuesday, for a second, we ask you to slow down a March 13, 7:45pm bit, take a step back and find a moment Blakeslee Library to pause and reflect about your own La Salle experience…and hopefully, that one, Anthony Harris simple little word, gratitude, may find its Featured Speaker way into your now broader perspective of family life. For our March general Parent Association meeting, we will feature La Salle’s Athletic Director, Mr. Anthony Harris. As we begin to enter the home stretch of his first year at the helm of Lancer Athletics, Mr. Harris will provide his views on the direction of La Salle’s athletic program, coaching philosophy, the impact of school spirit on an athletic contest and the importance of team sports in the high school experience of our student athletes. Given the reach and influence of La Salle’s athletic program throughout school life, this meeting promises to be of interest to every parent. We hope to see all of you there! With unconditional gratitude for the entire La Salle Community, we wish the best to all.
Carol and Brad Wright '73 Co-Presidents PAGE 3
MARCH 2012
La Salle Matters
Our Principal, Pat Bonacci, AFSC, and faculty volunteers have been meeting with various textbook publishers in order to get a better handle on how the future of tablet technology (read: “e-books”) will impact La Salle and the students entrusted to our care. Pat and I have had weekly conversations regarding the “crystal ball” every educator is peering into with the hope that the next advance in educational technology will appear sooner, rather than later, on our horizon. I’m reminded of Screenwriter, William Goldsmith, who famously had this to say about Hollywood: “Nobody knows anything.” It’s a lot like that with respect to the direction in which educational technology is headed. We really don’t know and only the lucky will guess right; which is why I am fond of telling folks that I am a big fan of being the “second school in” on technology innovation. Let others blaze the new trail and La Salle will happily follow, learning from their mistakes as well as their achievements. Several Catholic and independent schools in the Southland are experimenting with this technology - both with teachers and their students. Pat and his team are anxiously watching their progress in this regard. That having been said, Pat and I are keeping ourselves as current as possible with the way the technology winds are blowing. Of particular concern for Pat is the recent announcement by Apple that it is entering the “e-textbook” market. This could accelerate our plans to transition to tablet-based technology. This has prompted his
meetings with various textbook publishers. And, while we believe that Apple’s entry into the e-book market is a game changer, it is also very clear that traditional textbook publishers are relying on older business models to inform their approach to tablet technology. One example of this is the - fairly uniform - insistence on “renting” the software to end-users. Where this becomes problematic is in the structure of the financial relationship between supplier and user. Textbook publishers appear to be relying on a college-based relationship in which the end user needs to rent the technology for a minimum of 90 days (the typical length of a college semester). By doubling that number, they appear to have addressed the needs of students using a textbook for two successive semesters. Unfortunately, this is not the model for most private schools in California (in which the maximum number of days of instruction typically exceed 180 days by some small amount). In short, without a modification accommodating private secondary schools, users of tablet-based e-books would find their license to access the entitled software disappearing on the 181st day. A rather unwelcome surprise when a student is preparing for final exams on the 183rd day. I share this conundrum as a way to illustrate the validity of Goldsmith’s oracular comment about Hollywood, now applicable to the technology needs of secondary schools throughout the Golden State: “nobody knows anything.” In spite of (or perhaps because of) that dynamic,
MARCH 2012
Continued from page 4
La Salle has been quietly raising an additional $300,000 to prepare the School for the introduction of tablet technology in the classrooms (this is on top of the original, highly successful $500,000 campaign to outfit all classrooms with SMARTBoards and laptop-friendly desks). We are grateful for an anonymous La Salle family who has offered the School $100,000 once we raise the other $200,000. This will enable the School to upgrade its technology infrastructure so that it can support the heavier demand that tablet-based computers will require (for example, without a universal tablet platform currently in place, the School’s servers are running at 100% of capacity at 8:00pm at night). There are an unknowable number of questions that must be answered before we purchase the first tablet (“Should the School own or rent the technology?” “Who is responsible for lost/damaged tablets?” and… will the “My tablet crashed” become the substitute for the age-old teen-age excuse, “The dog ate my homework?”). I think you get the idea. I am pleased to report that we are “only” $75,000 away from accomplishing our goal of raising $200,000 in order to receive the $100,000 match. By the time you read this month’s edition of the ParentNewsletter, you should have received an appeal to help us complete this campaign. I can assure you that, while we don’t know what’s next in instructional technology; we do know that, at La Salle, we’ll be ready for whatever twist and turn we encounter. With your help we can keep La Salle current with whatever advances educational technology throws at us without leaping before we look.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2012
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications
Richard Gray, Ph.D. President
Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:
MARCH 2012
Gifts from the Heart The Gifts from the Heart party was held on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at the beautiful home of Hope and Dino Clarizio '75, at left with Dr. Gray. Fabulous food, imported wines, a beautiful belly dancer and amazing close up magic from Chef Anton from the Magic Castle thoroughly entertained all the guests. Megan France ’06 gave a most inspirational talk about her experiences at La Salle. Gifts from the Heart supports the San Miguel Scholarship Program.
Garry Bartea nad Jeanie Tacadena-Barta.
Joan, Megan and Linda France.
Above, Celeste and Jim LeBerthron '75. Left, Russell and Sandra Kaspe.r PAGE 6
Magician, Chef Anton, Peter Jauyard and Sharon Palmer.
MARCH 2012
Tess and Jay Crabtree with Hope Clarizio.
Geoff Ayers, Patty Stoddard, Ann Ayers and Mike Stoddard.
See more of Lauren of the website.
Laura Palmer '00 is amazed by Magician Chef Anton.
Brad Hixson and Pamela Jacques. PAGE 7
MARCH 2012
Brother Christopher Named New Principal Subsequent to a national search which attracted over 60 qualified candidates, Dr. Richard Gray, President of La Salle High School, has appointed Brother Christopher Brady, FSC as its 14th principal. Brother Christopher will begin his duties on July 1, 2012. He succeeds Patrick Bonacci, AFSC who, after 15 years of dedicated leadership will become the School’s Vice-President for Mission.
Brother Chris Returns JULY 1
Brother Christopher brings over 30 years of professional secondary school experience including 23 years as principal of two Lasallian schools located in the Bay Area. A native San Franciscan, Brother Christopher earned his B.A. at Saint Mary’s College of California and his M.A. in School Administration from the University of San Francisco. His career as a teacher included service in a variety of administrative capacities from Director of Student Activities to Dean of Students and Vice-Principal. In addition to his administrative duties, Brother Christopher has served on the Board of Trustees of: Justin-Siena High School (Napa, CA), La Salle Catholic College Preparatory (Milwaukie, OR), Saint Mar y’s College of California (Moraga, CA) as well as the Provincial Council for the Christian Brothers’ District of San Francisco. He is the recipient of the University of San Francisco Outstanding Educator in Administration Award and the Archdiocese of San Francisco Assumpta Award. In making the announcement, School President, Dr. Richard Gray, said, “Brother Christopher brings a proven record of educational leadership, a keen grasp of the challenges currently facing principals of Catholic secondary schools and a zealous passion for the students entrusted to his care.” In accepting the position, Brother Christopher’s educational career has come full circle: he is returning to the school where he began his teaching career in 1975.
ParentNewsletter BR. CHRISTOPHER BRADY, FSC VITAE: Born and raised in San Francisco Youngest of six children (2 brothers and 3 sisters) Entered the De La Salle Christian Brothers: Fall, 1970
MARCH 2012
Ash Wednesday
EDUCATION: St. Agnes Elementary School, Class of 1966 Sacred Heart High School, Class of 1970 Saint Mary’s College, Class of 1975 BA: Government Saint Mary’s College of California Standard Teaching Credential, 1978 University of Portland, University of San Francisco MA: Private School Administration, 1982 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1975 – 1979 La Salle High School, Pasadena Teacher & Director of Student Activities 1979 – 1983 Justin-Siena High School, Napa Dean of Students & Teacher 1983 – 1985 La Salle High School, Milwaukie, OR Vice Principal & Teacher 1985 – 1986 Christian Brothers High School, Sacramento Vice Principal & Teacher 1986 – 1999 Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory, San Francisco Assistant Principal (1986-87) Principal (1987 – 1999) 2000 – 2011 De La Salle High School, Concord, CA Principal SERVICE ON BOARDS: 1994 – 1996 Board of Trustees Justin – Siena High School, CA 1999 – 2005, 2007 – Current District Council Brothers of Christian Schools 1999 – 2008 Board of Trustees Saint Mary’s College, CA 2010 – 2011 Board of Trustees La Salle Catholic College Preparatory, OR AWARDS: 1991 University of San Francisco – Outstanding Educator in Administration Award 2004 Archdiocese of San Francisco – Assumpta Award
Above, Deacon Steven Marsh and Bishop Joseph Santoris mark the sign of the cross with ashes on students' foreheads.
On Wednesday, February 22 the entire student body, includimg the faculy and staff, participated in the 1,050 year old Christian tradition of sprinkling ashes and today, making the sign of the cross with blessed ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of penance. Traditionally this ceremony is accompanied by the words, “Remember you are dust and will return to dust,” but today “Repent and believe in the Gospel” was used. The student choir, Music for the Masses performed beautifully during mass. Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter as a reminder of the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert. (Actually 46 days, because Sundays are not counted). In the 12th century the rule developed that the ashes were to be created by burning palm branches from the previous Palm Sunday. Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline.
Café Bibliothèque Service Hours One Thursday a month, the Library hosts Café Bibliothèque where students gather to listen to storytellers, authors, performers or learn a craft. Service hours are given for donations of snacks such as vegetables, fruit, cheese, brownies, pretzels and soft drinks. These events will take place, March 29, and April 26. Please contact Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer. PAGE 9
MARCH 2012
From the Athletic Boosters
The Lancers March into Spring
March brings the start of spring and a new season of sports, Track, Swim, Boys Volleyball, Baseball, Boys Golf and Softball are all starting with high expectations. Boy Varsity Swim will be trying for their 5th consecutive league title; Baseball is expected to do extremely well in league this year with some of the areas top athletes.. I am sure all the other teams are going to compete at a high level just as the fall sports have done, so stop by the front desk or one of the events and pickup a pocket sports calendars to help keep you informed of the times and dates for the events. March is bringing some changes to the Boosters Board as well. I would like to officially welcome Renee and Linda Gomez to our board. Renee and Linda will be taking over Football Game Day Operations, both were very involved last year and have been gracious enough to jump in and help us with a very critical position. Pamela Marceca did a fantastic job at this position last year and will still be their to help Renee and Linda but Pam’s main focus will now be the Sports Program Brad Wright has managed. The program is very big responsibility and I know Pam will continue with the quality we have come to know from Brad and his group. Time waits for no one and as we march down the road at La Salle our parents begin to prepare to leave just like our athletes. The board will have open positions for the Treasurer, Parent Team Coordinator, Gym Sports Operations as well as some other potential positions. We are looking to fill these positions by the end of the 2012 school year, we want our new board members to work with the group that is leaving, so in January of 2013 they are ready and able to fulfill the duties needed. Please contact me if you are interested in any of these positions. Our Booster Club meets the second Tuesday of the Month at 6:30 in the band room: come see what’s going on in La Salle Sports.
Last but not least some very important sports event will be coming our way: first is the “Mandatory” Parent Like a Champion Seminar. The seminar will take place March 14th from 7:00 to 8:30pm in the Dinning Hall; it is again mandatory for at least one parent to attend. This will be an indispensible seminar on high school athletics and how you can enhance yours and your child’s experience. Second is as we near the end of our school year we will be having our Year in Athletics Banquet, this was formally the Hall of Fame Banquet. We now want to celebrate the whole year in sports at LaSalle and all those who participated. Special awards will be given out, but it is truly an event for everyone to come and celebrate our kids accomplishments no matter how small or big they were. The date will be May 23rd, and held in the Gym. The event will be $10.00 per, person, nice dress, so put it on your calendar. I would just like to address the last part of this news letter to the parents of kids in La Salle Athletics: I know everyone is probably sick of hearing me mention the subject of getting involved, I just feel it is so important to our kids and our school, My oldest son will be graduating this spring and I can not figure out were the time went, its just gone. I am fortunate to have a sophomore as well, so I can still enjoy some time with him, however soon enough this will end as well. I hope the message you hear from me is don’t sit on the side, be involved, help the teams and take the time to be their, the rewards in memories for the family are priceless. As always, you can find schedules and events on the la Salle Sports web site, so until next month take care and get out to some games for the action. God Bless, John D. Cina Athletic Boosters President
SAVE THE DATE MAY 23, 2012 All Sports Athletic Banquet 6:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium
MARCH 2012
The Salaamuna Ensemble Entertains and Informs On February 7, La Salle had its annual cultural assembly featuring the sounds from the middle and far east of Salaamuna Ensemble, through the Music Center. The band members included John Bilezkjian, world renown oud player (ancient lute) and famous singer from the country of Jordan, world famous drummer Souhail Kaspar from Lebanon playing darabuka or gobletshaped drum and renown percussionist Houman Pourmehdi on ney (cane flute), tanbur (lute) and Persian (Iranian) hand drums, and master of the santur, Mahshid Mirzadeh. The director and announcer of the ensemble was John Zeretzke, who also performed on kemence (ancient fiddle). Salaam translates in English as ‘peace’ and is also a greeting that people use in most Arabic cultures every day. The performance took listeners on an exotic journey with the sites and sounds of these unique musical instruments that date back thousands of years to ancient civilizations. The many styles of music from near and middle eastern countries developed over thousands of years and the instruments predate most western classical instruments. People and cultures developed their own musical systems, what we might call ‘non-western’
standards, for writing and performing music. To many Americans, these ideas are completely unusual and difficult to hear, if you do not know what to listen to or ‘feel’ in the music. The notes used in middle eastern music are at different pitches than our music here in America. These intervals are called quarter tones or mirco-tones and they sound out of tune to the western trained ear. The scales in Arabic music are called "maqamat." Musicians will use different maqamat when playing solos on their instruments (melodic - winds and strings). The age old art of improvisation, or free-style creation in music making is called "taqsim" for instrumental improvisation or "layali" for vocal improvisation. Middle eastern traditional rhythmic patterns are also unfamiliar to our western ears, yet very exciting to hear. Symmetrical and asymmetrical rhythms are used, including meters in 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and other more complex time signatures. Drummers and percussionists must know all these patterns by memory. The group elicited fascination and amazement of the musical traditions and the extraordinary talent and skill of the musicians. It was a fantastic journey into the exotic sounds from Armenia, Turkey, Greece, Jordan, and Lebanon. PAGE 11
MARCH 2012
Bootleggers, Moonshiners and Rum Runners Note Your invitation to La Salle High School’s 13th Annual Crystal Ball on April 27, 2012 at the Langham Hotel and Spa in Pasadena is arriving soon. You will enjoy a magical evening including cocktails, dinner, dancing, as well as live and silent auctions, a prizefilled opportunity drawing, and a special award presentation honoring our Principal, Pat Bonacci, AFSC, P’94, ’97, selected as the recipient of the 2012 Lasallian Volunteer Award. Thank you to everyone who has already generously donated to the Crystal Ball. We still need your help and there are many ways you can participate. For additional information regarding the Crystal Ball, please visit the La Salle website and click on the Crystal Ball link or feel free to contact the Event Chair, Tess Crabtree at or 626.355.3737.
The Crystal Ball Committee Opportunity Drawing is better than ever! When you purchase tickets for this year’s drawing, you have multiple chances to win! And to make it even better - you do NOT have to be present to win! Every ticket you purchase gives you a chance to win one of the prizes.
Maui Getaway for Two
Your Pleasant Holidays Vacation for two to Maui includes 8 days / 7 nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort with round trip airfare and $500 credit to selected resort restaurants.*
Family 4-pack of Disney Park Hopper Passes PAGE 12
iPad 2 *Maui Vaction is made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation
Visit the La Salle website later this month and click on the 2012 Crystal Ball link to purchase your tickets.
MARCH2012 2012 MARCH
From the Office of Institutional Advancement
Great Opportunities for the “Bootleggers Ball” With a little over three months to go, we would like to share these wonderful opportunities which will guarantee our biggest success ever. The “buzz” of the Crystal Ball is growing fast and we are expecting a crowd of about 400 guests. On behalf of La Salle High School, thank you to all the parents, alumni, grandparents and friends who have already contributed to this year’s event. We invite you to review the sponsorship opportunities and support this year’s Crystal Ball, an event which benefits ALL the students at La Salle. If you have any questions, please contact Irene Santucci at 626.696.4312 or We appreciate your support and generosity as we make final preparations for “Bootleggers Ball.”
Sponsorship Opportunities The Boss - $15,000
Two dinner tables (16 to 20 guests), premier seating, $50 in Opportunity Drawing tickets, full page ad plus recognition in the program, membership in the President's Cabinet and special recognition at the Crystal Ball.
Bootlegger - $10,000
Two dinner tables (16 guests), premier seating, $50 in Opportunity Drawing tickets, full page ad plus recognition in the program, membership in the President's Council and special recognition at the Crystal Ball.
Rum-Runner - $5,000
One dinner table (10 guests), premier seating, $50 in Opportunity Drawing tickets, full page ad plus recognition in the program, membership in the President's Circle.
Jazz Man - $2,500
Six Crystal Ball tickets, prefered seating, $50 in Opportunity Drawing tickets, half-page ad plus recognition in the program, membership in the Crystal Circle.
Flapper - $1,000
Four Crystal Ball tickets and business card ad plus recognition in the program.
MARCH 2012
A Sample of What’s in Store for The Bootlegger's Ball Live Auction “I DREAMED OF AFRICA”
6 NIGHT SOUTH AFRICA PHOTO SAFARI FOR 2 Enjoy 6 nights in luxury Hemingway-style tents, at he Heritage Safari Lodge or Zulu Nyala Game Lodge. Package includes 3 meals per day and 2 daily open Land Rover game drives with guides. Experience elephant, rhino, leopard, giraffe, hippo, zebra and many more wild animals up close. Note: Airfare, transfers, and side trips or excursions not included.
Ring in 2013 with a VIP Private Tour of the floats, and head off to four seats in the lower section of the grandstands right where the action and TV cameras are. These seats are not sold to the public. Finally, proceed to a VIP Tailgate Party to watch your favorite team play in the Rose Bowl Game. This package also includes all day parking.
A new twist to an old favorite! Not only do you get to enjoy an evening at Dr. Gray’s home, you’ll get to know our new Principal, Brother Chris too. This luxurious luau is planned for Saturday, September 8, 2012 and will include cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, a fabulous dinner and a unique opportunity to spend time with Dr. Gray and Brother Chris in Dr. Gray’s enchanting garden. This event is limited to 15 couples. Bids will be accepted at $1,000 per couple.
Enjoy this luxurious, newly renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bath beachfront condominium (sleeps 6) with an unobstructed view of the white sand beach and Atlantic Ocean. This condo is adjacent to The Ponte Vedra Inn and Club, a world-class 5 diamond resort. Ponte Vedra Beach is perfect for walking, surfing, sunbathing, biking, sailing, kayaking, fishing, swimming, snorkeling, diving, and relaxing, and just minutes from Sawgrass Country Club and the PGA Tournament Players Club. Golf can be arranged.
Join us for a once in a lifetime opportunity - say Farewell to Pat Bonacci at an intimate dinner party at the San Antonio Winery on Saturday June 9, 2012. You’ll also enjoy a private tour of the winery, and a tasting in the Aging Room. Then you’ll enjoy a spectacular 4-course meal. This package is limited to the first 15 couples who raise their paddles. Bid: $500 per couple. PAGE 14
MARCH 2012
Select any of five Lakers’ 2012-2013 season home games. You’ll enjoy a VIP evening for 12 people including food, wine, beer, soft drinks and even the famous dessert cart in a Lakers private luxury suite.
This fabulous trip to the 2013 Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club includes 2 Masters Badges with Hospitality Suite access, full open bar and meals. Winner will choose between Friday 4/12/13, Saturday 4/13/13 or Sunday 4/14/13. The lucky winner captures the coveted “toughest tickets in sports to get.” This trip also includes two night hotel accommodations.
If you have a 2013 Graduate, this package is for YOU! Get VIP Student Parking in the coveted LOWER LOT, 13 Reserved FRONT ROW seats at Graduation, and a Graduation Party for 75 of your child’s closest friends to be catered by Casa Del Rey!
Be there for the Grand Finale of American Idol. These “impossible-to-get” tickets are for May 29, 2012 at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. Since it’s an start time in the afternoon, wrap up your evening with a spectacular meal at Morton’s with a $250 Morton’s Gift Certificate.
This is just the beginning! There is so much more: Wonderful Dinners - Getaways - Sporting Event Packages - Student Lunches for a year! Don’t miss your opportunity to bid on some amazing items and support La Salle.
The Party Book is a compilation of a variety of great parties for kids, families and adults. Organized and sponsored by La Salle families, you can pay to attend these wonderful parties hosted throughout the year. The Party Book promotes the sense of community that epitomizes the Lasallian Spirit and raises a lot of money to support our amazing and enriching programs. 100% of the funds collected are donated to our School. Come to the Crystal Ball ready to sign up for one of these fun parties! • Wine Tasting • Father/Son Poker Night • Tequila Tasting • Winter Formal Manicure/Pedicure Have an idea for a party that you would like to host? Let us know. Contact Lise Dewey at PAGE 15
MARCH 2012
From the College Counseling Center
College Counseling News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
Senior News College acceptance letters continue to come in. Seniors have been offered admission to many colleges throughout California and the United States. Remember to add your admissions decisions on Naviance. We need to know all the news, both good and not so good, in order to get a complete picture.
Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou are now meeting with juniors and talking to them about college options. Some Junior College Planning Surveys are still outstanding. If your student has not submitted his/her survey, please remind them to do so as soon as possible. We promise to meet with every junior who submits the survey by the end of May. We are also glad to meet with parents after your student has met with his/her College Counselor. Please feel free to call and schedule an appointment.
All Students College Forum – Wednesday, March 21 Our largest college-planning event of the year will take place on Wednesday, March 21 at 6:00 p.m. This year, 15 different programs are planned for 9th, 10th and 11th grade students and parents including a session on Understanding Need and Merit-Based Financial Aid. Even if you are very familiar with the college-planning process, there should still be programs which interest you. A copy of the program is enclosed with this newsletter. Please contact either Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou if you have any questions.
Standardized Testing News We would like to thank all juniors who took the ACT at La Salle in February. We expect results will arrive via mail around mid- to late March. We strongly encourage all students to create an ACT web account at PAGE 16
as it is much more convenient to check and send test scores to colleges electronically. As discussed in Mentor, students should have received a letter directly from ACT with a personal identification number. Please contact your College Counselor if you have any questions. In addition, we hope that all juniors have already registered for a spring SAT and/or another ACT. If not, they should register in the very near future. Registration information and forms are available in the College Center. The next SAT test dates are May 5 and June 2; the ACT test dates are April 14 and June 9. If your student wants to apply to a University of California campus, he/she is still encouraged to take two SAT Subject Tests from different disciplines. The best time to take SAT Subject Tests is in June after the student has completed the course. There is time to re-test for SAT, SAT Subject Tests, and ACT during the senior year, and all colleges take the highest scores. SAT Subject Tests – In addition to the UCs, some colleges* require or highly recommend applicants to submit two or three SAT Subject Tests. The College Center advises Freshmen to consider taking the Biology test. Sophomores should take the Chemistry and/or World History test if they are receiving a B+ or higher in the course. Both exams are on June 2nd. Students should talk with their teacher about the material covered in the test or consider taking a practice Subject Test exam (see details at the end of this article). Please contact Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou if you have any questions. *A list of colleges that require/recommend Subject Tests can be found at:
Mock SAT Subject Tests The La Salle Parent Boosters will be offering practice SAT Subject Tests on April 21. This is a good opportunity for students to become more
ParentNewsletter familiar with these standardized tests and to see whether they are ready for the real thing in June. Mock SAT Subject Test(s) – Saturday, 4/21 at 9:00am, Room 301. The price for the mock SAT Subject Tests is $10 per test or $25 for three subject tests. The fee includes a follow-up workshop offered to both parents and students to review the test and answer any test-related questions on Thursday, April 26th at 7:00pm. It will be held in Blakeslee Library. To register, submit a check to the College Center, made payable to La Salle High School.
NACAC College Fair The NACAC College Fair will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center: Monday, April 30 from 6:00 to 9:00pm. Juniors, plan to attend this college fair as this is the largest event in Southern California. At least 220 universities and colleges will be represented. Brochures and applications can be obtained at the fair and many of your questions can be answered at this time. This is also a great time to make a good impression on the college representatives. Parents are encouraged to attend the college fair with their student. We encourage families to carpool as it costs $7 to park at the Pasadena Center and parking is limited.
College Visits Plan to visit colleges over Easter vacation. Plan a college tour locally or out-of-state with your son or daughter over the Easter break (4/5-15). Touring a college this time of year will allow your student to experience a true college setting with college students attending classes and club activity in the campus center. Seeing a college campus first hand will help your son or daughter find the right college campus for them.
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on the April Statement. The fee(s) will be processed according to your current payment plan selected (ACH, Credit Card or Check). The AP exams will be administered on the following dates (all dates are printed in the school calendar):
AP Exam Schedule Monday, 5/7 - Chemistry Tuesday, 5/8 – Spanish Language Wednesday, 5/9 - Calculus AB & BC Thursday, 5/10 - English Literature Friday, 5/11 - U.S. History, European History, Studio Art Monday, 5/14 - Biology, Physics C Tuesday, 5/15 - Government & Politics: U.S. Wednesday, 5/16 - English Language Thursday, 5/17 - Macro/Micro Economics Friday, 5/18 – Spanish Literature
Students who are not currently scheduled in an AP course but who are interested in taking an AP exam should pick up a registration form from Ms. Baldonado. The fee for each AP exam is $87. Forms must be returned to Ms. Baldonado by Friday, March 9. For additional information, please contact Ms. Baldonado, AP Coordinator, at 626.696.4311.
AP Exams All students currently scheduled in AP courses are required to take the AP exam. Each exam is $87 and the total will be billed to the student’s La Salle High School account and reflected
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From the Arts Boosters
Easter Eggs Equal Extra Equipment Support your sugar habit and the Arts Boosters at the same time. Easter Eggs and other See’s Candies are now available from the Arts Boosters. Order forms are available at pdf/12FRFlyer_Spr.pdf. All orders are due by March 16th, and will be available for pick up on March 31st. Every $100 worth of candy you order earns you one service hour. Please make checks payable to La Salle High School. For more information and a list of her personal favorites contact Susan Buchanan at 626.796.0133 or
Sally Forth! (well, seventh actually…) Preparations are in full swing for the seventh annual LTV Film Festival. It unspools on Saturday, March 17 at 6pm in the Linda M Grinstead Theatre. Students are once again competing for the coveted “Sally” award, with judging by industry professionals. Food and drinks will be available at the event – sign up on the volunteer website if you want to help out. Entries are already flooding in, but there is still time to submit your latest masterpiece. Entry forms are available in the LTV lab.
Last chance to see A Night in Elsinore March 2nd and 3rd at 7:00pm. Sunday March 4 at 2:00pm. Linda M. Grinstead Theatre • 626.696.4415 PAGE 18
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From Guidance and Counseling
What is Bullycide? By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
On Friday, February 10, a freshman student at Crescenta Valley High School whom some friends who were interviewed said was bullied for being different, jumped to his death. It is still uncertain if this was the cause, yet there are many documented cases of what is called ‘bullicide’. Bullying among students is a serious behavior and is observed in all media which are interactive, including cell phones, email, Facebook, Twitter, blogs and instant messaging. It occurs in verbal interactions between students. It is extremely important since being bullied can precipitate self-harming behavior, such as cutting, substance abuse, school avoidance and serious depression. It can also result in suicide. Among students who are bullied are those who may struggle with emotional problems that their peers may notice and not understand. Others may have learning disabilities, ADHD, physical disabilities, or those who are noticeable due to physical characteristics such as their weight, height, accents or noticeable discrepancies in social or economic class. Education about the nature of bullying and how to recognize and intervene when it occurs is very important for parents, teachers and our students. Dr. Stephanie Mihalas, a clinical and school psychologist has expertise in this area. We are very fortunate to have obtained Dr. Mihalas as our guest speaker at the April 24 Parent Education Series. The program will begin at 7:00pm in the Blakeslee Library. Please mark your calendars and come to this event. As a Catholic community, we are now in the Lenten season. This time provides us with the opportunity to examine our lives and relationships. Time spend thinking about how we live our lives includes our priorities. They are related to our values and how we interact with others. Students learn about parental priorities through observation of your behaviors and actions. If we want our children to learn about integrity, compassion and the importance of our beliefs, it is important to live those values. There are often situations in our lives that provide examples which give us the opportunity to speak with our children about our values. One important discussion can be about not focusing on what you will ‘give up’ for Lent, but consider using this Lenten season to find opportunities to model and discuss important beliefs and values with your students.
Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406
A parent or guardian must call before 9:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state the date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from the parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence.
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Physics Class Catapults Gumdrops for Grades On February 17, Mrs. Chija Bauer's honors physics class got to put what they were learning in class about energy and momentum into practice. The students worked in teams of two to build a catapult that would launch gumdrops 10 meters into a 30cm bullseye. The design criteria for the catapults were as follows: Maximum height of device with arm at lowest position – 0.4 meters. Maximum height of arm extended upwards – 2 meters. The throwing action must be the free action of the device. In other words, you may use human power to set and release the device, but you cannot hold the propulsion arm in place once it is set nor can human power be used to propel the gumdrop. There was no restriction on the orientation of the throwing arm. The catapult may throw the gumdrop overhand, side arm, or even underhand. Materials used were restricted to typical household items with a $5 maximum expenditure for purchased items. No hazardous materials, rat traps or explosives were permited. Typical materials included spoons, string, glue, rubber bands, popsicle sticks, wooden dowels, chop sticks, mouse traps and wire hangars. Students also tested how attaching a sling to their throwing mechanism, putting the catapult on an incline, and putting the entire catapult on wheels affected their accuracy and distance. MORE Physics Catapult Photos ARE oN THE WEBSITE PHOTO GALLERY
Patricia Quadra '13, Monica Perez '13. Page 20
Billie Rude '13, Samantha Torrez '13.
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From left, Lauren Perez '12, Brendan Wong '13, Vincent Feng '12, Johnny Guinto '12.
Claudia Vasquez '13.
From left, Liam Buchanan '13, Brianna Barta '13, Andrew Lucas '13.
Elysse Mosquera '13, Angela Dionisio '13.
Above,Bryce Shaw '13, Andrew Torrijos '13 Right, Brett Mirley '13, Robert "Jamie" Stover '13. PAGE 21
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2012–2013 Anticipated School Calendar CHECK SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR NEXT YEAR
August 22 New Student Orientation 23 Classes Begin for All Students September 3 Labor Day Holiday November 12 Veterans Day Holiday 22-23 Thanksgiving Break December 18-21 First Semester Exams 24 Begins Christmas Break January 2013 7 Classes Resume 21 Martin Luther King Holiday February 18 Presidents’ Day Holiday April 1 Begins Easter Break 8 Classes Resume May 24 Commencement School Holiday 27 Memorial Day Holiday June 4-7 Second Semester Exams
Academic Boosters WANT you!
Several of our loyal committee parents are moving on and we need to replace them. We need: • Co-President • Treasurer • Hospitality Team We can also add parents to our other committees so please come to our next meeting on March 13, 2012 at 6:30pm in the library and find out more about the Academic Boosters. Remember to go to the Parent Association Volunteer Website to sign up to bring cookies and volunteer for upcoming events. We look forward to seeing you. Denise Bieker and Jesse Marez.
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From the Academic Boosters
This just added:
New Opportunity for Parent Participation Hours:
Cookies are needed for a Parent Education Speaker, on April 18 at 7:00pm, in the Blakeslee Library. Please contact the Cookie Chair at to sign up.
If you haven’t yet signed up on the Volunteer Website:
Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the «calendar» at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for. Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.
Registration & Freshman Pledge
7:30 AM
College Night
6:00 PM
Academic Awards Night
5:30 PM
Baccalaureate Mass & Reception
5:00 PM
Commencement Exercises
6:00 PM
Check the next Newsletter for dates, times and volunteers needed for Used Uniform Sales. *Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.
Janet Klich
Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman
Diane Taylor
Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club,” or contact Elena Tran at PAGE 23
ETASTY TASTY ParentNewsletter
MARCH 2012
Amelia Garrison Gold Key and American Visions Nominee; 12 Other Lancers Honored for Art Amelia Garrison has been named as one of the top student artists in Los Angeles County in the Los Angeles Region Scholastic Art and Writing Award Competition. She was selected as one of the five Gold Key winners and American Vision nominees from Los Angeles County for her “Laundry Relationships,” a work of photography. (See photo below.) To be named an American Vision nominee, a panel of judges selected her work as
the “Best of Show” in her category for the 2012 Los Angeles Regional Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Amelia’s work will automatically advance to the national competition in New York. “I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the email and saw that my name was the first one. I am just one of five people in LA County to receive this honor,” said the 17-year-old La Salle senior. Her work, “Laundry Relationships,” shows three girls in a coin-operated laundromat, where an older teenager is folding clothes while two younger girls sit huddled together looking at a lacy shirt, readying themselves for the day when they can wear such a grown-up piece of clothing. Amelia caught the photography bug when she was in sixth grade and took a photography class at Amory for the Arts. By the time she was in eighth grade, she got her Nikon and has been taking photographs ever since. In addition to taking AP Photography, Amelia has been a familiar actor in numerous La Salle theater productions, including “Fiddler on the Roof” and “Twelfth Night.” She competed last October in the Drama Teachers Association of Southern California’s Fall Festival. She also plays tenor saxophone in Jazz Band, Pep Band and Advanced Band. “My involvement in all the arts has helped me develop an eye for seeing things differently,” she said, noting that her love for the arts was first nutured at the Waldorf School in Altadena, where she attended prior to La Salle. “I have learned to think out of the box and look at the world differently.” La Salle AP Art and AP Photography teacher, Ellen Slatkin, had assigned students to create a work that captured a slice of America. “No one pays attention to laundromats or the people inside,” said Amelia, who estimated she
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shot 75 images on her Nikon DSLR camera before she had the photograph she wanted. She used color enhancement and photo shop to make the image edgier and to highlight the LA feeling of the palm trees outside the dreary coin-operated laundry. “If I push them, they grow,” Ms. Slatkin said. “I expect them to reach down deep and they do.” Twelve other La Salle art students won regional Scholastic Art Awards, including Gold Key winners Katrina Dela Cruz for her still life painting, “Fruit and Shoes;” Stephanie Delazeri for her animated short film, “Ballmation;” Jessica Gardner for her painting, “untitled;” Shannon McCauley for her painting “Sky,” and Sheyda Pejoumand for her painting, “A Serious Man.” All of the regional Gold Key winners are being considered for national-level recognition. The
Gold Key winners will be notified if they advance to the national competition on March 15. In addition, Miles Brenninkmeijer won a Silver Key award for “Ripples,” a work of photography, and Elizabeth Hoffman won a Silver Key for her painting, “Cupcakes.” La Salle students receiving honorable mention awards include: Amara Blades, Tamara Chacon, Katrina Dela Cruz, Stephanie Delazeri, Andrew Linaac, Kelly Mercade, and Miranda Stein. You can see the students work for yourself at the Scholastic Art Award exhibit at the Armory for the Arts in Pasadena, which will be held from May 19 through June 10. The gallery hours are Tuesday through Sunday, noon until 5:00pm. The Scholastic Art Award ceremony and closing reception for the exhibit is Sunday, June 10, at the Armory at 2:00pm.
Back row, from left, Sheyda Pejamand, Tamara Chacon, Amara Blades, Amelia Garrison, Ellie Hoffman, Miranda Stein and Miles Brenninkmeijer. Front row, seated from left, Stephanie Delazeri, Kelly Mercade, Mrs. Ellen Slatkin, Katrina De la Cruz, Jessica Gardner and Shannon McCauley.
Kevin Chan Steps into the Spotlight
As mentioned in last month's Obsequious Observer column, junior Kevin Chan has been selected as a semi-finalist in the prestigious Music Center Spotlight Awards competition. Kevin, an accomplished pianist, was selected as one of the 15 semi-finalists in the classical instrumental music category. He will audition on March 17, which will determine who will advance as the finalists in the category. The final competition will be at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in April. The Music Center Spotlight Awards is one of the nation’s most acclaimed performing and visual arts education programs for teens in Southern California. The program offers training in the arts and awards more than $100,000 in scholarships annually to 1,194 finalists and semi-finalists. PAGE 25
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Used Uniform Buy-Back Thursday, May 24 • 12:00 to 2:00pm Dining Hall Atrium Wednesday, June 6 • 8:30 to 10:30am Dining Hall Atrium
La Salle Academic Boosters Used Uniform Fundraiser UNIFORM BUY BACK MAY 24
It is time to clean out your student’s closet. The Academic Boosters will buy back used uniforms on May 24th and June 6th. Receive cash for your used uniforms by bringing your Mills or CKW uniforms, gym shorts and shirts, sweatshirts, and polo shirts with a La Salle logo to the Dining Hall Atrium. Uniforms must be in new to good condition, freshly laundered and meet current standards. The money from the Used Uniform fundraisers enables the Academic Boosters to support the teaching and enrichment programs of our school curriculum by granting items on the “Wish Lists” of the faculty and staff. If you would like to volunteer to help during the buy-back or summer sales, please call Chris Lynch at 626.914.4828. Volunteer hours can be applied to either the 2011-2012 or 2012-2013 school year. Parents - Used Uniform donations are also gratefully accepted. Used Uniform collection boxes will be available starting April 16th in the School Lobby.
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Need to do Some Spring Cleaning? If your student does not want to wait in line to resell their used uniforms on the last day of school, you can still clear that closet and donate their uniforms which will then be resold to La Salle students during the summer. Just place good quality polo or dress shirts, pants, skirts, sweatshirts, spirit or gym clothes in the Used Uniform box in the La Salle Reception Lobby starting April 16th. The Used Uniform sale is a project of the Academic Boosters and all proceeds fund the wish lists of La Salle’s teachers. Questions? Call Chris Lynch at 626.914.4828. 626.914.4828 or e-mail
Join La Salle’s
A current La Salle family recently made a $100,000 matching grant to La Salle High School to support hardware upgrades, enhance our technology infrastructure, and support the Lancer Robotics program. The family has offered a two for one dollar match; that is, for every two dollars La Salle raises between now and June 30, 2012 to build and improve upon its technologic platform, the family will in turn provide a matching dollar.
Here is your chance to have your gift make an even bigger difference to La Salle While the threshold for matching funds is $1,000, any gift you choose to make to the La Salle Technology Fund will be appreciated, and will help build digital literacy at our School. Remember, your corporate matching gift also counts toward the the La Salle Technology Match Campaign. The goal of the Technology Match Campaign is to raise at least $300,000 to build upon the excellence of a La Salle education through technologic improvement and innovation. To make a gift to the La Salle Technology Match, please go to PAGE 27
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The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor
Names in the News During the second week of February, Senior Andrew Powers, a soccer forward, was the Pasadena Star-News Athlete of the Week with 10 goals and 7 assists in wins over Cathedral, St. Paul and Bishop Montgomery. Sophomore Nikola Vinski was named the Pasadena Outlook Athlete of the Week the following week for his goal and assists in the 3-1 defeat of St. Paul. Sierra Madre Rotary has selected Kathryn Melendez, Garrett Stone and Robert Stover as Rotary Youth Leadership Award winners. RYLA is an international program that was created by Rotary International to encourage strong leadership in youth. Young people chosen for their leadership potential attend an all-expenses-paid three day leadership camp at Idyllwild Pines in Idyllwild. The camp is dedicated to develop and enhance leadership skills through activities conducted in an atmosphere of trust and respect. Shantytown Habitat for Humanity Awareness sleepover was staged in the upper parking lot on the weekend of March 3. Watch for more in the next ParentNewsletter. Student Life will celebrate St. Baldrick’s day on March 22. La Salle is hosting the event with St. Francis to raise money for the St. BalMrs. Kjersti Holyfield. drick’s Foundation. This is a volunteer-driven charity that uses donations to fund research for childhood cancers. Become a shavee! Becoming a shavee means that students will shave their heads on the night of the event; but the hair will NOT be donated, the shaving is just to raise awareness for people suffering from cancer and to raise funds for research. Go to and click on “Sign up!” to become a shavee. See the flyer that follows the newsletter for more information. Remember the Taste of La Salle is coming March 24. Over 30 vendors are now scheduled to participate. This will really be a tasty event and well worth the ticket price.
A Special Tribute to Our Very Special Honoree, Patrick Bonacci, AFSC
As you all know, after 15 years as Principal, Pat Bonacci, AFSC will be transitioning to his new role as Vice President for Mission at the end of the 2011-2012 academic year. To celebrate 15 years of leadership and a quarter century of service to La Salle, Pat will be this year’s Crystal Ball Honoree. As part of that celebration, in conjunction with the School, the Crystal Ball committee will assemble a special Tribute Program. Staff, Alumni, current and former La Salle families are all warmly encouraged to purchase an ad (please include a family picture!) in the tribute book. Please consider sharing a special memory or sentiment in honor of a very special man. To submit a tribute to Pat, please complete the “Advertising Opportunity Form” that accompanies this newsletter. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Hilary Scofield at To find the “Tribute Advertising Form” please visit our website at, click on the “Pat Bonacci Tribute” link in the left hand column of the home page PAGE 30
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Support Your LANCERS
If not Registered to Support La Salle PLEASE REGISTER NOW If every Parent registered their market cards, the School would make tons of money…so register today and get all your friends and family to register too! Be sure you are signed up at Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. (As well as credit cards ~ Macy’s no longer is a participant). • To register for VONS, go to • To register Ralphs Rewards cards, go to • To register at Albertsons go to
eScrip is an Easy way to help la salle
Our School ID is: 139428998 or type in La Salle High School. If you need help please email Craig Snodgrass at or call him at 626.688.6523
a ParentNewsletter
MARCH 2012
MARCH 2012
Check your School calendar for all event times and dates
March Highlights
March 3, 4 An Evening in Elsinore 7:00pm Saturday 2:00pm Sunday Linda M. Grinstead Theatre March 6 BOYS Volleyball vs. South Pasadena HS 3:30pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium March 7 Rally Schedule Spring Sports Rally 1:50pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium March 10 Saturday Registration for the Class of 2016 Various Campus Locations March 13 Boosters Board Meetings 6:30pm on Campus Parents Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library March 14 TRACK vs. Serra HS 3:15pm Kohorst Field Mandatory Meeting for All Parents of La Salle Athletes Special Presentation and Guest Speaker: Parent Like a Champion 7:00pm Dining Hall March 15 SOFTBALL at Maranatha HS 3:30pm Maranatha Field
March 15 and 17 Class of 2016 Parent Pledge Meeting 7:00pm Altadena Country Club March 21 College Forum 7:00pm See ALL The Campus wide Flyers that March 22 St. Baldrick's Day Follow the Student Life Fundraiser Newsletter 2:30pm Online Dining Hall March 24 Taste of La Salle 6:30pm Dining Hall and Pavillion March 27 BASEBALL vs. Bishop Montgomery 3:30pm Lancer Diamond March 28 Liturgy Schedule Lenten Prayer Service 9:15pm Dress up day Dining Hall March 29 Café Bibliothèque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library April 4 Friday Schedule Dismissal at 2:00pm Grandparents Day 9:00 - 1:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium Dining Hall April 5 - April 15 Easter Vacation
WEAR YOUR LANCER PRIDE! La Salle apparel for men, women and children is available for
purchase online including reusable shopping bags, totes, sweatshirts, hoodies, polos, t-shirts, fleece, hats and more!