May 2013 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter THE LA SALLE


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

This “almost” last month of school brings with it a host of events and activities at La Salle The Visual and Performing Arts Department recently completed a very successful run of the musical, Guy’s and Doll’s. The cast, crew and production staff should be rightfully proud of a production that was entertaining for both young and old. Bravo to all! The same department is responsible for upcoming events including band and dance concerts. Additionally, if sports are your pleasure, we still have regular and playoff athletic contests from which to choose. We also have our various end-of-the year Award Celebrations: Academic Awards, Athletic Banquet and Awards, and the Visual & Performing Arts Awards. At each of these events, we will be honoring students for their richly deserved achievements.

Parents Association. With the end of the year also comes the changing of the guard with our Parents Association. I want to thank Craig Snodgrass for his service this year in the role of Parent Association President. He did an outstanding job in facilitating the work of the parents in support of our school programs. As the “leader of the pack” he had a terrific group of parents who assisted the Association by taking on committee and event leadership roles. The scheduling, planning and execution of events by our Parents Association are noteworthy

because it is done in service to our students and their betterment. While Craig steps down from his President role, we are pleased that he will continue to be involved next year as his son, Robbie is a junior. I am very pleased that Tess Crabtree will be leading the Association as she brings her “can-do” attitude and determination into play.

Advanced Placement Exams Beginning next week and continuing to May 17, many upper division students will be Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “It is not enough that children be kept in school and busy. Those who are called upon to teach them must devote themselves especially to bring them up in a Christian spirit.”

Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703 Meditations for the time of Retreat



MAY 2013

Principal Ideas Continued from page 1



involved in Advanced Placement exams through the College Board Program. These exams are the culminating act for a year of study and preparation with the results determining whether or not the individual student is eligible to receive college credit. Traditionally, our students have done exceedingly well and we expect no less this year. As the AP exams come to an end, we immediately (May 20-23) launch into our own Senior semester examinations.These tests are part of the evaluation process and do affect their final grade and transcript. The old adage that “it’s not over till the fat lady sings” holds true even for our seniors. We all hope they continue to do their academic best right up "till the end." On May 23, we have a full day of activities including our Baccalaureate Mass. A mere 26 hours later we will be honoring not only the graduating seniors for their work over the past four years, but as important for me, our Graduation ceremony is a terrific event in honor of our parents who have sacrificed and been a steady influence in the life of their son or daughter. Every student at La Salle completes their journey at this school because of the care and support parents provide on a daily basis. To the parents of our

graduating seniors I say thank you for your evident commitment and love in the raising of your soonto-be college bound offspring.

American Service Men and Women Toward the end of May is our country’s annual remembrance of those American service men and women who have died in service to our country. It is a wonderful opportunity to recall the many opportunities and blessings we have inherited because of those who lost their life in defense of our freedoms. As citizens of this country, it is most appropriate for us to say thank you and to honor the sacrifice of life given by those who have died in the line of duty while serving in our Country’s armed forces. May we always be grateful for their sacrifice and honor their memory. Happy Memorial Day!

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal


MAY 2013

From the Parent Association

Encouraging Words on Final Exams...for Parents! With May upon us, summertime is just around the corner. Irrespective of whether this month marks the end of your freshman student’s first year at La Salle, or your senior student’s last month as a Lancer, there remains one hurdle to clear: Final Exam Week. I thought about all the pithy advice I have received – both as a parent supporting students through the stress, as well as a student, myself, all those years ago: “get enough sleep.” Right. As though the grinding process of absorbing the endless information – in mountains of books and reams of notes – can be pleasantly switched to “sleep mode” and all will be well (for both the parent and student) in the morning! Rather, I thought to pull together some additional (and hopefully useful) tidbits NEXT to help a parent cope with this semester’s rite-of-passage. In no particular order, I hope Parent Association one or two of these ideas will provide your family with some measure of relief: · 3

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Meeting: Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 7:45pm Blakeslee Library

Renegotiate household responsibilities: Student commitments to household chores remain important; nevertheless, we remain in control of the timeframe under which these can be fulfilled. Consider relieving your student from responsibilities they can make up for later when exams are out of the way. Require “stress breaks”: Seeing signs of stress? Before unusual irritability or “Welcome to emotional outbursts get the better of you, try enforcing “stress breaks.” A defined time doing something different such as getting time outside, or listening to New Year ” music, relaxing, or other activities that allow students to laugh and blow off steam. Include snack-breaks as well. Nothing is more difficult for a student than listening to a growling stomach while trying to study. Arrange now for a tutor: this does not need to be costly or even professional. A reliable friend or relative can sometimes be a more sincere source of assistance than a stranger, especially at crunch-time. Professional tutors can be a godsend, too, if the situation warrants. If you think this might be the case, be sure to reach out to your student’s academic advisor for suggestions. Manage the environment: a boisterous household can be a challenge for a family trying to support a student through finals. Try setting aside a quiet place, away from disruptions and family traffic, and defend the turf on behalf of your student. Studying for finals is difficult enough without having to contend with a noisy room or cluttered space. Reward your student (and yourself!). Once final exams are over and the school year comes to a close, offer a special treat or outing to your student. He or she – and you – are all giving it your best effort. Take time to reward yourselves afterward for a job well done…you deserve it!


Best wishes to you and yours for a successful round of final examinations. Oh, one more thing: be sure your student gets enough sleep! With many thanks for all of God’s blessings,

Craig Snodgrass, P’09, ’12, ’14 Parent Association President PAGE 3


MAY 2013

La Salle Matters



I grew up on the shores of Onondaga Lake in Upstate New York. I am reminded of it on a regular basis because years ago a friend gave me a framed photograph of it for my birthday. It hangs in my study where I am writing this column. It’s a beautiful lake, and unusual in New York as there is virtually no residential development around its shores. Three quarters of the lake is surrounded by one of the longest parks in Upstate New York and attracts over a million visitors a year. Like most “Upstaters,” I spent a good chunk of the summer playing Frisbee with friends while enjoying the cool breezes that came off the lake. I never swam in Onondaga Lake, however. If I wanted to swim, I would have to drive 16 miles to the south and east of Onondaga Lake where Green Lake hosted a wide, sandy beach on its northern shore. Onondaga Lake is considered to be the most polluted lake in the United States. Swimming was banned in 1940 and commercial fishing on the lake ended in 1970. The lake’s destruction began in 1884 when the Solvay Process Company started producing soda ash which is used in the manufacture of a wide variety of products including paper and glass. Its by-products traversed a viaduct which then dumped them directly into the lake. I can still remember seeing the effluent pour into the lake while playing ball on the opposite shore. Even though Solvay Process closed its plant almost 30 years ago, Onondaga Lake is still unsafe; having been classified as a public health threat and listed as a Federal Superfund site. It will take 15 years and a third of a billion dollars to restore Onondaga Lake to the condition it was in at the

time the Iroquois Confederacy was created along its shores. Today (April 22nd) is the 43rd anniversary of Earth Day. From a modest protest march of Columbia University students down Fifth Avenue, the celebration of Earth Day has spread to schools and colleges throughout the United States and to 192 countries. The Clean Water Act became law just three years after the first Earth Day Celebration and, forty years later, continues to set the standard for what substances can be introduced into the Nation’s rivers and lakes. It took another 16 years, however, before Solvay Process would stop dumping chemicals into Onondaga Lake. Even today the lake continues to receive treated waste water from the local Metropolitan Sewage Treatment Facility. It never occurred to me when I was young that the willful pollution of Onondaga Lake was a monument al ecocrime. I just took it for granted that the lake was unswimmable as I drove the 16 miles to Green Lake. So, I wonder what our students take for granted now that Earth Day has become an annual fact of life. Certainly, the seniors in our Environmental Science class get a hefty dose of reality as they manage a school-wide recycling program two to three times a week. I wonder if they take note of the large quantities of paper that fill the blue bins in offices and classrooms. I wonder if they take for granted that not all the paper is recyclable and that a good chunk of it will help to fill up a land fill in Puente Hills. And, as I took for granted that Onondaga Lake was unswimmable, will they


assume that recycling is as good as it gets and - even more to the point - will they ask themselves who does the recycling when school lets out for the summer? Thanks to the generosity of one of our most loyal donors, the School has created the Robinson Fellowship in Environmental Science. Three juniors will be given the opportunity to spend a week this summer in Yellowstone Park, working side by side with National Park Service ecologists and field researchers. They will work on conservation and wildlife restoration projects, collect data related to current field research including population studies, invasive and endangered species accounting as well as challenges to the food chain. As part of the Fellowship, they will be expected to prepare a presentation on the experience to their fellow students in the Environmental Science class. Perhaps these students - and those who will follow them to Yellowstone Park - will acquire a better appreciation for the fragility of Nature than those of us who took for granted that we lived on the shores of the most polluted lake in the United States.

MAY 2013

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter

Richard Gray, Ph.D President

is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2013

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:

Transforming Lives Since 1680



MAY 2013

Student Life Council 2013-14 President: Ben Dalgarn Activities: Alex Krizek Haley DeSales Makenzie La Porte Victoria Perez Riley Worley NEW STUDENT LIFE OFFICERS ELECTED AND SELECTED

Communications: Katie DoVale Thomas Faber Jamie Kwong Michael Mariscal Historian: Tiffany Arunarisirakul Intramurals: Robbie McAlister PJ Siberell

Rallies: Caroline Knop/ Matt Crabtree Madeline McGoldrick Natalie Sirois Conor Williams

Spiritual Life: Jennifer Brady Marisol Dakan Frank Delgatto Austin Gewecke Tatiana Kedjidjian

Service: Laura Borquez Nate Chandler Sam Dier Madison Lanyi Emma Martinez Aoife Megaw Spirit: Christina Judson Solina Beringer Sabrina O’Reilly Brianna Rodriguez Katelyn Stone Kelly Synold

D and F Grade Warnings In order to remain strong candidates for college and university admission, all

students should be aware that “D” grades are not college qualifying. Therefore, any student earning “D” grades at the end of any semester (especially in math, science, English and world language) and who wants to qualify for a four year college, must make up these grades before continuing to the next school year. Of course, all “F” grades are unacceptable. Students who fail to make up any “F” grades in an approved summer course will jeopardize their re-admittance into La Salle. Please see Mr. Laurenzello, the Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction, if you have any questions.


MAY 2013

14th Annual Crystal Ball

CirQue De La Salle The 14th Annual Crystal Ball, “CirQue De La Salle” was held on April 12 at the Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena. Crystal Ball Chairs, Pamela Jacques P’13 and Hillary Sanchez P’14, chose the theme that is self-described as a dramatic mix of circus arts and street entertainment. Pamela says, “We wanted something different than anything else we had seen in the past and something that would create great energy and fun. Guests enjoyed an evening of wonder and charm in celebration of those in the Lasallian community who help create the La Salle experience through their generosity. CirQue De La Salle was engulfed in bright colors of pinks, oranges, purples, blues and greens as guests dined at tables beautifully adorned with white feather bouquets and draped in multiple vibrant hues, as well as watching performances by contortionists, acrobats, and aerial silk artists.

Crystal Ball Honorees, Cristi and Steve Seidner P’09, ’12 receive the Lasallian Volunteer of the Year Award from Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal and Dr. Richard Gray, La Salle’s President.

The night was filled with the thrill of pursuit with bidding on several dozen items during the live, super silent, and silent auctions. The Rêvez Grand (Dream Big) Auction items included tickets and dinner at the LA Phil, hockey tickets for the Anaheim Ducks, Los Angeles



MAY 2013

SEE MORE PHOTS ON THE LA SALLE WEBSITE Dodgers tickets, Adventures to Sea World, a trip to Augusta, Georgia to attend the 2014 Masters Golf Tournament, and “I Dreamed of Africa” photo safari, just to name of few. Aside from the auctions, there was also an Opportunity Drawing where people had the chance to win a trip for two for a 7-night stay in Hawai’i, an iPad or four Disney Park Hopper passes. Over 300 guests came to congratulate this year’s Crystal Ball honorees Cristi and Steve Seidner P’09, ’12. Cristi and Steve were selected as the recipients for the 2013 Lasallian Volunteer Award. The spirit of volunteerism runs deep in the Seidner family. They have volunteered for many places and organizations that included Foothill Unity Center, Maryvale’s “Shop for the Girls at Christmas” program, synagogues, Anita Oaks School, Barnhart School, La Salle’s Parent Association, Technology Fundraising Committee, and especially the Crystal Ball. “They have been untiring in their commitment to support their children’s high school – even after they have graduated,” says Dr. Richard Gray, President. “The Crystal Ball is truly a team effort. All the amazing parent volunteers, La Salle staff, and local businesses play such an integral


role in the success of the Crystal Ball. I’m truly thankful to our amazing committee, especially Co-Chair Hillary Sanchez. I couldn’t have done it without her,” says Pamela.

Top, Crystal Ball Co-Chair, Hilary Sanchez P’14 and Chair Pam Jacques P’13 with Brother Christopher and Dr. Gray, display their “thank you” gifts from an appreciative community . Top right, One of the Crystal Ball “Opportunity Drawing” winners was Mr. Luis Pimental who won an Apple iPad. Left, Having fun at the Live Auction were Stephanie Pelentey and Christie Joseph P'13,'16. Above, Cheerleaders Kylie Salkin '14 and Libby Lynch '14 present one of the marvelous silent auction items. Opposite top left, Another Crystal Ball “Opportunity Drawing” winners was Mr. and Mrs Paul Gelinas P’17 who won a one-week vacation in Hawai'i. Opposite top right and middle left, CirQue De La Salle Aeriel Ribbon Artists and contortionists perform.


MAY 2013

Middle right, Bret Hardy P'16 with Lidia and Brent Schoenbaum P'16 and Michele Hardy. Above, Emily Paniagua '02 and her fiancĂŠs Ryan Valentino. Right, Glen and Sheri Wedeen P'17, '17, with Shelley Allen and Bob Kohorst '71 P'07, '09.?



MAY 2013

From the Athletic Boosters

La Salle Sports May Report Dina Rude, Girls Basketball Linda Graves, Girls Tennis, Sue Hulbert, Boys Tennis Steve Ferri, Girls Softball Lynn Torres Lewis, Varsity and JV Football


The first of April brought an end to our booster meetings, and Parent Association meetings that were held on the second Tuesday of each month. A tradition at the Parent Association meeting is to recognize parents who have helped the booster groups during their time at La Salle. The Athletic Boosters tend to award more certificates because every team has a designated "team parent" and the amount of effort to pull off some of our events requires the dedication of many parents. So, I would like to thank those parents for their help and time they have donated to La Salle. We hope they do not become strangers to our sports program and school. The parents receiving recognition were: Cindy Mirley, Swim Bernie Barmann, Swim Danna Hansen, Swim John Reid, Football Barbeque Donna Rey, Girls Soccer

By the time the May ParentNewsletter goes online, we will be entering the last full month of school. Last year, I had a senior graduating, so we had a lot of crazy things going on. Finishing up sports, acceptance letters, figuring out how to pay for college, to name a few, but the most important thing was to keep senioritis from getting the best of my son. The last thing any parent needs in the home stretch is having their child leave La Salle on a bad note ( fortuneately, we made it with flying colors). The other hard task this month is to say good-bye to the great student-athletes and parents that I have gotten to know. Everyone wants to stay in touch, but the rigors of life somertimes get in the way. We hope to see you all next year at football or basketball games or other School event. I would like to again thank the parents of the graduating class of 2013 for the great memories, the friendship and most of all, the way you stepped in to be part of your child’s life. You made it a richer experience for them as well as for the rest of us You will be missed, but never forgotten You are now a thread in the ever growing quilt of the La Salle High School legacy. May God bless you and keep your child safe in their new adventure.

The last big Athletic Booster event is our

For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. PAGE 10

ParentNewsletter Year-End Celebration of La Salle Athletics. The event is May 22 in the Dining Hall at 6:00pm. This is an opportunity for everyone to come together one last time to celebtrate the accomplishments of our Lancer athletes. This event is not just for the award winners, but it is for classmates, parents, relatives, coaches, teachers and friends to come and acknowledge the accomplishments of these athletes. Please check the La Salle Athletics website @ for details. Next month, we will be talking about spring sports, the year in sports and what the next year has in store for us. So until then, feel free to contact me at You can also find out more information on our banners as well as schedules and results on our spring sports website. The La Salle Athletics Boosters Board is always looking for people to help, so if you would like to volunteer to coordinate or manage a project next year, please contact me. I hope to see you next year on the second Tuesday of each month in the Band Room at 6:30pm for our Booster meeting. So, until then, be safe and Go Lancers!

MAY 2013

Doctors and Nurses Needed The La Salle Athletic Department is still looking for Parent Volunteers to help with this year’s summer physicals. We are in need of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nurses to help with medical exams on June 8 (10:00am2:00pm) and July 13 (9:00am1:00pm). Parent volunteers are needed to help with check in and forms. Athletics wishes to have a minimum of six physicians staffed for each exam period. Please contact Tim Rasmussen, Trainer, at for more information. Thank you.

God Bless, John D. Cina P'13, '14 Athletic Boosters President


Summer Institute and Athletic Camps As in past years, La Salle High School will conduct the Summer Academic Institute from June 24 to July 25. In addition, we will conduct various sports camps throughout June and July. Current students and incoming students are invited and encouraged to attend. The Summer Academic Institute Program is available online and at the reception desk. Please refer to the school website for updated information and registration for all camps.



MAY 2013

Students Enjoy a Quick Lesson in Musical Theatre MODERN MUSIC FOR THE AGES

On April 10, the annual cultural assembly from the Music Center of Los Angeles featured “The History of Musical Theatre in 42 Minutes and 28 Seconds.” It was an educational revue written by Kevin McMahon that encompassed the rich history of the American Musical Theatre. Developed specifically by the Musical Theatre Guild for youth audiences, the piece spanned the gamut of early shows such as RoseMarie, moving straight through to the groundbreaking musicals of "Show Boat" and "Oklahoma!" and continuing with performances recently seen on Broadway stages ("Rent," "The Lion King," "Ragtime"). The colorful history and development of this true American art form was illustrated by a piano and four "There's no Business Like Show Business" singer/actors. The elements that make up a musical and the development of the genre were humorously presented, along with the significant historical events of the time periods involved. The program was an excellent introduction to this original American art form, inspiring La Salle’s theatre artists, as well as the whole audience.

"Grease," above, "Oklahoma!," right. PAGE 12


Make Mine Music

MAY2013 2013 MAY


Student musicians participated in the Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association Solo and Ensemble Music Festival at the Orange County High School for the Performing Arts. All students received a Superior Rating, the highest given. The recipients are, left to right, above, Matthew Rolan '14, Joey Messina-Doerning '15; Andrew Ting '14, Claire Fitzgerald '14, Ben Wu '15, Joe Occhipinti '14 (missing is Sara Rupp '13). Andrew Ting’s piece, “Through the Clouds” was recognized as an outstanding student composition. Students were also selected for the Chapman University Honor Band. Joey Messina-Doerning '15, Claire Fitzgerald '14, Joe Occhipinti '14, Andrew Ting '14 and Matthew Rolan '14 spent a day rehearsing with honor band students from all over Southern California, led by Dr. Paul Sherman of the Chapman Conservatory of Music. The day culminated with a performance of music by Leonard Bernstein, Elmer Bernstein and Vincent Persichetti.

Important Notice for Summer Trips Neither La Salle High School nor Student Life of La Salle High School is

sponsoring or is liable for any student participation in summer trips to places such as Europe, Mexico, Alaska or Hawai’i. These activities are solely the responsibility of the sponsoring person or group. School sponsored events, such Venaver, class retreats or those with Student Life, will always include the standard Parent Request Form that clearly indicates the School’s support and approval of the event.



MAY 2013

From the College Counseling Center

College Center News Advanced Placement Exams NOTE DATES FOR ALL AP EXAMS

Advanced Placement (AP) testing will take place May 6 – May 17. The AP exam calendar is posted on the College Center bulletin board indicating the date, time and location of each AP exam. Students taking the AP exams will be excused from class during testing. Students taking an afternoon exam (AP European History and AP Physics C) will be excused from morning classes the day of the exam. Please contact Ms. Baldonado at 626.696.4311 for more information regarding the AP exams.

deposited with the colleges that they plan to attend, and they have notified the colleges they will not be attending. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou wish the class of 2013 all the best in their college careers. We are now in the process of collecting application results and scholarship awards information for our graduation program and our ad in the Star News. Please strongly encourage your senior to complete the “Senior Graduation” and the “Senior Involvement” surveys on Naviance (under the “About Me” tab), if he or she has not already done so.

for the SAT and possibly for the SAT Subject Tests this spring. If your junior is interested in taking the SAT or SAT Subject Tests June 1, they must register by May 7. The ACT will take place on June 8; students must register by May 3. The June SAT and the June ACT) are extremely popular and they usually fill up well before the late registration deadlines. All colleges will accept the ACT or SAT scores. To save time and money, students are advised to invest their time and money in one of the standardized tests, either ACT or SAT.

Senior News

Junior News

There is no testing during the summer. For those of you who like to plan ahead, here are the testing dates for Fall 2013. Most colleges will accept test scores through December of the student’s senior year:

While you may already have heard about the University of California and the California State systems cutting its enrollment due to the current economic crisis, we still had a very successful year in College Counseling! We found the students who applied to a wide range of schools ended up being happy with their college choices and the ones who primarily applied to only California colleges may have experienced disappointment. In addition, students who were open to out-of-state public colleges found their choices to be excellent fits, and affordable! By now all of our seniors have PAGE 14

We have met with nearly all of the juniors about their college plans. If we have not met with your student, chances are your student has not completed his or her College Information Survey (for Juniors). All juniors who have turned in their survey will be seen before the last day of the school year. Once your junior has met with his/her college counselor, parents are welcome to make appointments with us. (Reminder, parents have a separate survey to complete, too.) All juniors took the ACT in February. They may have taken or have registered

SAT Reasoning AND Subject Tests June 1 October 5* November 2* December 7* *proposed dates

ACT June 8 September 21 October 26 December 14

ParentNewsletter Remember that the registration deadlines are usually about five weeks before the test dates. Register early! Juniors should remember to keep their grades up. The Cumulative GPA that will go on their college applications will include the one they earn at the end of this semester. Some colleges will look at senior year grades, too.

New Senior Class of 2014 College Planning Survey The Class of 2014 will receive the next steps to plan for college by email in the summer, which will include an announcement to access and complete the Sr. College Planning Survey on Naviance. Members of the Class of 2014 will have time to think about the questions and their answers over summer break. We would like the students of the Class of 2014 to submit their survey electronically by the first week of school. The next college information meeting for parents and students will take place early fall, 2013. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. In addition to handing out transcripts, college handbooks and other information, we plan to bring in a speaker to discuss essay writing. The meeting is usually held the same day as Back-to-School Night. Check the 2013-14 calendar (published and mailed home in July) for the scheduled date and time.

MAY 2013

Camp College The College Center will be offering a three-day seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at www. Two sessions are available for students to choose: June 10 - June 12, 8:00am to 12:00pm August 12 – August 14, 8:00am. to 12:00pm. Please contact Mr. Hou or Ms. Baldonado should you need more information on Camp College.

College Visitation Tours The college tours will continue next year and again will be held around the Faculty In-service holidays. We are planning the following tours: October 11, 12, 2013 Bay Area Tour - UC Berkeley, St. Mary’s, College, University of San Francisco, Stanford, UC Santa Cruz and Santa Clara.

February 14, 2014 San Diego Tour - UC San Diego, San Diego State and University of San Diego March 17, 2014 Greater Los Angeles Tour - UCLA, LoyolaMarymount, and CalState Long Beach April 21-26, 2014 (Easter Break) East Coast Tour* 17 colleges from Boston to Washington D.C. *The registration deadline for this tour will be in November.


Please note with the exception of the East Coast Tour, the other tour dates are tentative. The confirmed dates will be posted in the August ParentNewsletter.

Standardized Testing Standardized testing for the 2013-2014 school year will take place on Wednesday, October 16th, 2013. Freshman students will take the Explore test, Sophomore students will take the PLAN, and Junior students will take the PSAT. Seniors are not tested in October, so this is a great day to visit some local colleges. You will receive more information about testing in future newsletters.



MAY 2013

RCA Art Exhibit Parents, friends, Regents, Trustees, art teachers and guests enjoyed the wide array of student and alumni art at the Studio Arts Show on April 28. The exhibit was held on the tennis courts in the beautiful yard of D’Arcy and Craig Sloane, in Altadena. This exhibit was held as part of the Regents Campaign for the Performing Arts. Excellent, food and wine was served during the exhibit that highlighted the award-winning Studio Arts at La Salle.


Top, D’Arcy and Craig Sloane P'09,'11 with Richard Gray as he presents them a thank you gift for hosting the Art Show. Middle left, Art Department Chair, Jude Lucas with Charlie Powers '11. Middle right, Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement left, with Joe Lumarda P'14 and Craig Sloane P '09, '11. Bottom left, Mrs. Irene Carmargo with Bella Camargo '15. PAGE 16


MAY 2013

From left, Dr. Gray, Mike Stoddard P '07,'10,'12,'15, Jude Lucas and Patty Stoddard.

From left, Susan Fitch P'11,'16, Art Teacher Ellen Slatkin, Max Miller '09, Mrs. Miller. Right, Kevin Jick '09 with Lauren Cucchissi '09.

Lancer Alumni, from left, Max Miller '08, Rob Renn '10, Paul Selinski '11, Charlie Powers '11, Jon Murray '11 and Kevin Jick '09 with Dr. Gray. PAGE 17


MAY 2013

The Academic Boosters Say

“Thank You”

to all who have helped with our events to date, and all who have signed up to help in the coming months.

We still need volunteers!

Please check the calendar for our May, June and July events, then sign up! VOLUNTEER NOW AND EARN FINAL HOURS


Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.”

Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the calendar at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in.

Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.





5/14/13 5/23/13 5/23/13 5/24/13 6/5/13 7/11/13

Academic Awards Night Senior Uniform Buyback Baccalaureate Mass Commencement Exercises Used Uniform Buyback Used Uniform Sale Set-Up

5:30 PM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA

4 3 4 3 3


Used Uniform Sale

11:00 AM


*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.

Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman Diane Taylor Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club.” PAGE 18


MAY 2013

Many Thanks to Our No Cost Fundraiser Supporters A sincere "thank you" goes out to the families, grandparents and friends of La Salle for participating in our year-round, NO COST FUNDRAISERS! We would not have these programs if it were not for companies who give back to La Salle’s Parent Association. Please help us in thanking the following organizations: eSCRIP, Vons, Hows, Ralphs and Target and thier hundreds of suppliers and vendors. Reporting for September 2011 through August 2012: eScrip: $7,352 Ralphs: $1,349 Target: $ 720 Total: $9,421 Do not forget, these programs give back to La Salle all year long and you and your family and friends can sign up anytime. Go to the La Salle webpage and select “Parents” in the menu bar, then select “eScrip”, “Ralphs” or “Target” and learn how to sign up. Any questions, please call or email: Cheryl Butler 626.351.1264 Michele Hardy 626.836.8391 If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late! Sign up today! Thanks for your support at No Cost to you!


Online Shoppers Earn Money for La Salle Earn up to 16% from your favorite online retailers. You already shop online, why not earn when you shop? Get gifts for Moms, Dads, Grads, or just shop for the everyday stuff you need, and get great contributions for La Salle High School!

ONLINE MALL 1. Sign up or sign in at 2. Click on the “Online Mall” logo 3. Shop your favorite brands at online retailers to automatically earn for our group.

“EASY” BUTTON AutoEARN is the easiest way to earn when you shop online with participating retailers. Install it and forget it. Download it from the Online Mall, and in seconds you’ll be on your way to earning more for our group. Get one hour of parent service when you download the AutoEarn feature too! Some of the vendors who are giving back: • Adidas Store • • American Eagle Outfitters • Apple Store • Barnes & Noble • Best Buy • Bloomingdale’s • Disney • eLuxury • Gap • Home Depot • Nordstrom • Old Navy • PetSmart • Radio Shack • Safeway • Sony • Toys R Us and many more. PAGE 19


MAY 2013

From Guidance and Counseling

Love and Support is Critical Now By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling



On Monday April 15, our Lasallian community shared an experience of sorrow and disbelief when we learned of the senseless violence which occurred at the 2013 Boston Marathon. The event and its media coverage may have contributed to a sense of unease or anxiety in you and your students. This leads us to the question of how to parent your adolescents in ways that help them to learn to cope with the ordinary and extraordinary stresses in their lives. It is during those times that your student’s sense of well-being and security need your attention and support. Distress, which may appear manageable to a parent, comes from many years of experience coping with life’s successes and setbacks. Your adolescent does not share the years of experience that you possess. Your child is attempting to manage demanding academics, social pressures and self-esteem. This month our students continue to complete their academic obligations and prepare for final exams as they complete this school year. Senior parents and students will be preparing for the practical and emotional changes that accompany the transition to college. Increased tension or stress is not surprising at this time for our students or parents. That is why your presence and availability to listen to your student’s concerns and questions while engaging in dialogue process with them is especially important. Careful and attentive listening is the most important part of that process. Attentive listening will help you to understand what may be troubling your students as well as the extent of their concerns. Understanding the coping skills that your child possess, and helping them to learn additional ways to manage their stress is an important and evolving life skill. But most importantly, encourage you students, remain supportive of their efforts and remind them that they are loved.


MAY 2013

From the Office of Institutional Advancement

The Campaign for the Arts Drive to the Finish With just two months left before the Board of Regents Campaign for the Arts ends, this is a great time to consider your gift to this important initiative, if you have not yet contributed. This RCA campaign is well on its way to reach $300,000 by the end of June. Now is the time to be part of the success. The campaign, celebrates the strengths of the Visual and Performing Arts program and will endow a scholarship in the Arts. It also includes the refurbishment of the Linda M. Grinstead Theater, the Mareina Dance Studio, the band room and LTV video production studio. On May 11, 2013, as the final piece of the campaign, the V&PA department presents “An Evening with Groucho” in the La Salle Dining Hall. The play stars alumnus Frank Ferrante ’81, an award-winning actor, director and playwright. Ferrante recreates his PBS, New York and London acclaimed portrayal of legendary comedian Groucho Marx in this fast-paced 90 minutes of hilarity. A show perfect for all ages! Tickets for this wonderful event can be purchased through For more information go to the La Salle website. Gifts to the RCA can be directly to the gift site at

Academic Boosters Used Uniform Fundraiser


Uniform BuyBack

It is time to clean out your student’s closet. The Academic Boosters will buy back used uniforms on May 23rd (seniors) and June 5th. Receive cash for your used school clothing by bringing your Mills or CKW uniforms, gym shorts, sweatshirts and polo shirts with a La Salle logo to the Dining Hall Atrium. Uniforms must be washed, in good condition and meet current standards.

Thursday, May 23 12:00pm to 2:00pm Dining Hall Atrium

Wednesday, June 5 9:00am to 11:00am Dining Hall Atrium


New and Used Uniform Summer Sales on Campus Friday, July 12, Noon – 6:00pm



MAY 2013

From the Arts Boosters

Guys & Dolls Dances Done La Salle students performed “Guys and Dolls,” the hilarious show about gamblers, nightclub dancers and redemption. on April 20-28 at Porticos Arts Space in Pasadena. Directed by VPA department chairperson Jude Lucas, the musical features the brilliant music and lyrics of Frank Loesser. Playwrights Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows adapted the short stories of Damon Runyon to tell the musical tale of cops, con men, show girls, and

Salvation Army types as they get caught up in the hurly-burly of Times Square. Audience members came out of the theater humming Loesser’s unforgettable tunes -- “A Bushel and a Peck,” “Adelaide’s Lament,” “Guys and Dolls,” “Sit Down You’re Rocking the Boat,” “Sue Me” and “I’ve Never Been in Love Before.” The show had a cast of more than 40 students. “Everyone will be used in multiple numbers and in multiple ways and/or characters,” Ms. Lucas said. “All of the students are blessed with much talent.” Michael Gordon leads the cast as the gambler Nathan Detroit, who has to raise $1,000 to front the floating crap game he runs. To get the dough, he bets high-roller Sky Masterson (Izzy Lacy) that the next girl Sky sees will fall for him. And the next girl is the prim Sarah Brown (Sabrina O’Reilly/Tesia Meza), who runs the shabby Save-aSoul Mission. PAGE 22

While Sky courts Sarah, Nathan keeps jilting Miss Adelaide (Judah Lacy/Maddie Pefferle), the nightclub singer to whom he has been engaged for 14 years. The other denizens of Runyonland are just as colorful as the four leads. In the gamblers’ den, the audience meets Nathan’s right-hand man, Benny Southstreet (Tommy Moreno/Tom Ulse); Big Jule (Brandon Mulligan), a big-time craps player from Chicago; and Nicely-Nicely Johnson (Gianni Consiglio/ Andrew Ting), Nathan’s high-spirited friend who likes to bet on the ponies. Others gamblers are played by Jack Freiberger, Jamie Stover, Emari McClellan, Aaron Ealy, and Spencer Raines. At the Save-a-Soul Mission, Sarah is assisted by the no-nonsense Sgt. Cartwright (Precious Lacy). The mission has its dolls -- Sky Garcilasodelavega, Joely Zuker, Katerina Sigur, Jenna Gilb, Kasia Wilson. Sarah’s older, wiser relative, is played by Taylor Arrighi- Bracchi . Dancers include Alessandra Trager (dance captain), Carina Henry ( dance captain), Emily Wright, Thea McKay, Emily Coolidge, Jessica Messineo, Cheyanne Williams, Lexi Dyer, Dani Pomeroy, Kimmy Yelnick, Kennedy Gordon, Sydney Flynn and Reilly Milton, Kayla Rix, and Kasia Wilson.

MAY 2013



MAY 2013

MAY 2013

The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News Basketball forward, Vance Jackson, and guard, Milan Acquaah have been selected to the AllArea Basketball First Team. Jackson, a freshman, averaged 19.3 points and 8.9 rebounds per game for the Lancers. Acquaah, also a freshman, averaged 19.2 points 4.8 rebounds and 2.8 steals per game. Senior Caroline Knop made the All-Area Second Team for the girls basketball team. Senior Daniel De La Torre, won the prestigious Covina Invitational 1,600-meter race in 4:19.97. Will Pyburn, sophomore volleyball player, was the Pasadena StarNews Athlete of the Week at the end of April when he helped the Lancers to the Viewpoint Tournament championship, earning MVP honors. The Lancers defeated Village Christian, 25-17, in the title game. La Salle won all nine games and six matches in the tournament. Senior Tracy Cresta set a school record in the girls pole vault at 10'1". Junior Noelle Crowley broke the school record at 9' 7" just minutes before Tracy set the record at the Del Rey League Finals on Thursday. Just two weeks ago, another school record was set in the girls 4x1600 by Marlyn Crowley, a junior with freshmen Bettina Lee, Abigail Marich and Jane Zanteson. They broke a 17 year old school record. Kevin Chan, a senior, won second place at the Kathryn Gawartin Chopin Piano Competition in March. This competition was open to all Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC) branches. Entrants had to perform solo piano works of Chopin. Kevin’s repertoire was Ballade No. 1 in g minor. Stephanie Delazeri, a senior artist and filmmaker has won a Silver Key in two categories (Art Portfolio and Comic Art) in this prestigious national competition. Junior Malone Lumarda's film "The Farm" has been selected by the LA Film Festival. A very difficult festival to qualify for since is it so selective. The film will be screened for and judged by industry professionals. Senior, Stephen Boyer's film, "Opus" has been selected by the Bay Area Young Film Makers Festival and has also been selected a Best Live Action Film in a national competition sponsored by the Student Television Network. He competed with filmmakers from around the country. .

Groucho on Campus Next Week

La Salle Alum, Frank Ferrante '81 will present his stage show, “An Evening with Groucho” on May 11. It is a delightful show and I guarantee you will enjoy the Hollywood history and hilarity. Tickets can be purchased through Check the School website for more.

Marian Prayer Service The School community gathered for its annual Marian Celebration on May 1. Continuing a tradition of honoring the Virgin Mary many experienced while in Catholic elementary school, the prayer service combined Marian prayers, student readings of scripture, a video and reflections by religion teacher Mrs. Pam Wagner. The prayer service officially began the Marian month of May, a special month the Church has reserved to honor the Blessed Mother. PAGE 24


MAY 2013

Shantytown Built on Campus

Shantytown is an event led by the Youth leaders of the San Gabriel Habitat for Humanity (a combination of high school leaders from local high schools such as Mayfield, Sacred Heart, St. Francis, South Pasadena High School). Shantytown was held at La Salle on March 16 and 17 to raise awareness about local and global homelessness and poverty. High school students and youth groups from all over the San Gabriel Valley were sponsored to sleep outside in cardboard shantytowns that they build as a team. This gave the participants a feeling of what people all around the city, nation, and globe go through each night. A family that had been supported and transformed by Habitat for Humanity shared their story and testimony with the students. La Salle sophomores, Aoife Megaw and Madi Layni are part of the San Gabriel Habitat for Humanity youth leadership team and were primary leaders in planning Shantytown 2013. The girls, along with their fellow team members, worked hard to raise awareness and funds for Habitat for Humanity. This was La Salle’s third year participating, and second year hosting the event. "It was a night the students and leaders involved will remember for a lifetime," said La Salle teacher and moderator, Kjersti Holyfield.

La Salle Students making a hospitable shantytown to welcome those who are judging during the competition.

Students from left to right: Alexi Zate, Madi Layni, Katie Sparks, Student from Poly, Sarah Reynolds, Aoife Megaw, Katelyn Stone, Kiki Shuster, Christina Weisbruch, Laruen Gomez, Juliette Finnerman, Sabrina Caladaza

Spring Cleaning If your student does not want to wait in line to resell their used uniforms on the last day of school, you can still clear that closet and donate their uniforms which will then be resold to La Salle students during the summer. Just place good quality polo or dress shirts, pants, skirts, sweatshirts, or PE shorts in the Used Uniform box in the La Salle Reception Lobby now until June 2. The Used Uniform Sale is a project of the Academic Boosters and all proceeds fund the wish lists of La Salle’s teachers. Questions? Please call Chris Lynch at 626.914.4828. PAGE 25

MAY 2013


Check your School calendar for event times and dates MAY 2013







May 4 SAT and Subject Tests Band & Choir Concerts 6:00pm Dining Hall May 7, 8, 9 Sophomore Career Day Dining Hall 10:00am May 10, 11 Spring Dance Concerts Grinstead Theatre 6:00pm Friday 2:00, 6:00pm Saturday May 14 Academic Awards Dining Hall 7:00pm May 16 Junior-Senior Charity PowderPuff Football Game Kohorst Field 5:00pm May 17 Special Schedule Founder’s Day Celebration Dismissal 1:00pm May 20-23 Friday Schedule Dismissal 2:00pm

May 21 Arts Hall of Fame Induction Dining Hall 6:00pm May 22 Sports Banquet Dining Hall 6:00pm May 23 8:00am to 1:00pm

(Note time change from School calendar)

Senior Presentation and Alumni Induction Duffy Lewis Gymnasium 10:00am Senior Luncheon Dining Hall 11:30am Senior Uniform Buy Back Atrium Noon - 2:00pm Alumni Legacy Reception Blakeslee Library 3:45pm Baccalaureate Mass Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church 5:30pm Grad Night at Disneyland 9:00pm to Friday 3:00am

May 24 School Holiday 54th Commencement Exercises 7:00pm Church of the Nazarine May 27 Monday Memorial Day School Holiday May 28 - 30 Friday Schedule Dismissal 2:00pm May 31 - June 4 Semester Exams Dismissal 11:20am June 5 Semester Exams End Dismissal 9:30am Used Uniform Buy-Back Atrium 8:30-10:30am June 8 and July 14 Athletic Physicals Band Room 10:00am - 2:00pm June 24 Summer Institute Begins


MAY 2013

From the College Counseling Center

College Center News Advanced Placement Exams NOTE DATES FOR ALL AP EXAMS

Advanced Placement (AP) testing will take place May 6 – May 17. The AP exam calendar is posted on the College Center bulletin board indicating the date, time and location of each AP exam. Students taking the AP exams will be excused from class during testing. Students taking an afternoon exam (AP European History and AP Physics C) will be excused from morning classes the day of the exam. Please contact Ms. Baldonado at 626.696.4311 for more information regarding the AP exams.

deposited with the colleges that they plan to attend, and they have notified the colleges they will not be attending. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou wish the class of 2013 all the best in their college careers. We are now in the process of collecting application results and scholarship awards information for our graduation program and our ad in the Star News. Please strongly encourage your senior to complete the “Senior Graduation” and the “Senior Involvement” surveys on Naviance (under the “About Me” tab), if he or she has not already done so.

for the SAT and possibly for the SAT Subject Tests this spring. If your junior is interested in taking the SAT or SAT Subject Tests June 1, they must register by May 7. The ACT will take place on June 8; students must register by May 3. The June SAT and the June ACT) are extremely popular and they usually fill up well before the late registration deadlines. All colleges will accept the ACT or SAT scores. To save time and money, students are advised to invest their time and money in one of the standardized tests, either ACT or SAT.

Senior News

Junior News

There is no testing during the summer. For those of you who like to plan ahead, here are the testing dates for Fall 2013. Most colleges will accept test scores through December of the student’s senior year:

While you may already have heard about the University of California and the California State systems cutting its enrollment due to the current economic crisis, we still had a very successful year in College Counseling! We found the students who applied to a wide range of schools ended up being happy with their college choices and the ones who primarily applied to only California colleges may have experienced disappointment. In addition, students who were open to out-of-state public colleges found their choices to be excellent fits, and affordable! By now all of our seniors have PAGE 14

We have met with nearly all of the juniors about their college plans. If we have not met with your student, chances are your student has not completed his or her College Information Survey (for Juniors). All juniors who have turned in their survey will be seen before the last day of the school year. Once your junior has met with his/her college counselor, parents are welcome to make appointments with us. (Reminder, parents have a separate survey to complete, too.) All juniors took the ACT in February. They may have taken or have registered

SAT Reasoning AND Subject Tests June 1 October 5* November 2* December 7* *proposed dates

ACT June 8 September 21 October 26 December 14

ParentNewsletter Remember that the registration deadlines are usually about five weeks before the test dates. Register early! Juniors should remember to keep their grades up. The Cumulative GPA that will go on their college applications will include the one they earn at the end of this semester. Some colleges will look at senior year grades, too.

New Senior Class of 2014 College Planning Survey The Class of 2014 will receive the next steps to plan for college by email in the summer, which will include an announcement to access and complete the Sr. College Planning Survey on Naviance. Members of the Class of 2014 will have time to think about the questions and their answers over summer break. We would like the students of the Class of 2014 to submit their survey electronically by the first week of school. The next college information meeting for parents and students will take place early fall, 2013. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. In addition to handing out transcripts, college handbooks and other information, we plan to bring in a speaker to discuss essay writing. The meeting is usually held the same day as Back-to-School Night. Check the 2013-14 calendar (published and mailed home in July) for the scheduled date and time.

MAY 2013

Camp College The College Center will be offering a three-day seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at www. Two sessions are available for students to choose: June 10 - June 12, 8:00am to 12:00pm August 12 – August 14, 8:00am. to 12:00pm. Please contact Mr. Hou or Ms. Baldonado should you need more information on Camp College.

College Visitation Tours The college tours will continue next year and again will be held around the Faculty In-service holidays. We are planning the following tours: October 11, 12, 2013 Bay Area Tour - UC Berkeley, St. Mary’s, College, University of San Francisco, Stanford, UC Santa Cruz and Santa Clara.

February 14, 2014 San Diego Tour - UC San Diego, San Diego State and University of San Diego March 17, 2014 Greater Los Angeles Tour - UCLA, LoyolaMarymount, and CalState Long Beach April 21-26, 2014 (Easter Break) East Coast Tour* 17 colleges from Boston to Washington D.C. *The registration deadline for this tour will be in November.


Please note with the exception of the East Coast Tour, the other tour dates are tentative. The confirmed dates will be posted in the August ParentNewsletter.

Standardized Testing Standardized testing for the 2013-2014 school year will take place on Wednesday, October 16th, 2013. Freshman students will take the Explore test, Sophomore students will take the PLAN, and Junior students will take the PSAT. Seniors are not tested in October, so this is a great day to visit some local colleges. You will receive more information about testing in future newsletters.



MAY 2013

RCA Art Exhibit Parents, friends, Regents, Trustees, art teachers and guests enjoyed the wide array of student and alumni art at the Studio Arts Show on April 28. The exhibit was held on the tennis courts in the beautiful yard of D’Arcy and Craig Sloane, in Altadena. This exhibit was held as part of the Regents Campaign for the Performing Arts. Excellent, food and wine was served during the exhibit that highlighted the award-winning Studio Arts at La Salle.


Top, D’Arcy and Craig Sloane P'09,'11 with Richard Gray as he presents them a thank you gift for hosting the Art Show. Middle left, Art Department Chair, Jude Lucas with Charlie Powers '11. Middle right, Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement left, with Joe Lumarda P'14 and Craig Sloane P '09, '11. Bottom left, Mrs. Irene Carmargo with Bella Camargo '15. PAGE 16


MAY 2013

From left, Dr. Gray, Mike Stoddard P '07,'10,'12,'15, Jude Lucas and Patty Stoddard.

From left, Susan Fitch P'11,'16, Art Teacher Ellen Slatkin, Max Miller '09, Mrs. Miller. Right, Kevin Jick '09 with Lauren Cucchissi '09.

Lancer Alumni, from left, Max Miller '08, Rob Renn '10, Paul Selinski '11, Charlie Powers '11, Jon Murray '11 and Kevin Jick '09 with Dr. Gray. PAGE 17


MAY 2013

The Academic Boosters Say

“Thank You”

to all who have helped with our events to date, and all who have signed up to help in the coming months.

We still need volunteers!

Please check the calendar for our May, June and July events, then sign up! VOLUNTEER NOW AND EARN FINAL HOURS


Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.”

Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the calendar at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in.

Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.





5/14/13 5/23/13 5/23/13 5/24/13 6/5/13 7/11/13

Academic Awards Night Senior Uniform Buyback Baccalaureate Mass Commencement Exercises Used Uniform Buyback Used Uniform Sale Set-Up

5:30 PM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA

4 3 4 3 3


Used Uniform Sale

11:00 AM


*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.

Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman Diane Taylor Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club.” PAGE 18


MAY 2013

Many Thanks to Our No Cost Fundraiser Supporters A sincere "thank you" goes out to the families, grandparents and friends of La Salle for participating in our year-round, NO COST FUNDRAISERS! We would not have these programs if it were not for companies who give back to La Salle’s Parent Association. Please help us in thanking the following organizations: eSCRIP, Vons, Hows, Ralphs and Target and thier hundreds of suppliers and vendors. Reporting for September 2011 through August 2012: eScrip: $7,352 Ralphs: $1,349 Target: $ 720 Total: $9,421 Do not forget, these programs give back to La Salle all year long and you and your family and friends can sign up anytime. Go to the La Salle webpage and select “Parents” in the menu bar, then select “eScrip”, “Ralphs” or “Target” and learn how to sign up. Any questions, please call or email: Cheryl Butler 626.351.1264 Michele Hardy 626.836.8391 If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late! Sign up today! Thanks for your support at No Cost to you!


Online Shoppers Earn Money for La Salle Earn up to 16% from your favorite online retailers. You already shop online, why not earn when you shop? Get gifts for Moms, Dads, Grads, or just shop for the everyday stuff you need, and get great contributions for La Salle High School!

ONLINE MALL 1. Sign up or sign in at 2. Click on the “Online Mall” logo 3. Shop your favorite brands at online retailers to automatically earn for our group.

“EASY” BUTTON AutoEARN is the easiest way to earn when you shop online with participating retailers. Install it and forget it. Download it from the Online Mall, and in seconds you’ll be on your way to earning more for our group. Get one hour of parent service when you download the AutoEarn feature too! Some of the vendors who are giving back: • Adidas Store • • American Eagle Outfitters • Apple Store • Barnes & Noble • Best Buy • Bloomingdale’s • Disney • eLuxury • Gap • Home Depot • Nordstrom • Old Navy • PetSmart • Radio Shack • Safeway • Sony • Toys R Us and many more. PAGE 19


MAY 2013

From Guidance and Counseling

Love and Support is Critical Now By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling



On Monday April 15, our Lasallian community shared an experience of sorrow and disbelief when we learned of the senseless violence which occurred at the 2013 Boston Marathon. The event and its media coverage may have contributed to a sense of unease or anxiety in you and your students. This leads us to the question of how to parent your adolescents in ways that help them to learn to cope with the ordinary and extraordinary stresses in their lives. It is during those times that your student’s sense of well-being and security need your attention and support. Distress, which may appear manageable to a parent, comes from many years of experience coping with life’s successes and setbacks. Your adolescent does not share the years of experience that you possess. Your child is attempting to manage demanding academics, social pressures and self-esteem. This month our students continue to complete their academic obligations and prepare for final exams as they complete this school year. Senior parents and students will be preparing for the practical and emotional changes that accompany the transition to college. Increased tension or stress is not surprising at this time for our students or parents. That is why your presence and availability to listen to your student’s concerns and questions while engaging in dialogue process with them is especially important. Careful and attentive listening is the most important part of that process. Attentive listening will help you to understand what may be troubling your students as well as the extent of their concerns. Understanding the coping skills that your child possess, and helping them to learn additional ways to manage their stress is an important and evolving life skill. But most importantly, encourage you students, remain supportive of their efforts and remind them that they are loved.


MAY 2013

From the Office of Institutional Advancement

The Campaign for the Arts Drive to the Finish With just two months left before the Board of Regents Campaign for the Arts ends, this is a great time to consider your gift to this important initiative, if you have not yet contributed. This RCA campaign is well on its way to reach $300,000 by the end of June. Now is the time to be part of the success. The campaign, celebrates the strengths of the Visual and Performing Arts program and will endow a scholarship in the Arts. It also includes the refurbishment of the Linda M. Grinstead Theater, the Mareina Dance Studio, the band room and LTV video production studio. On May 11, 2013, as the final piece of the campaign, the V&PA department presents “An Evening with Groucho” in the La Salle Dining Hall. The play stars alumnus Frank Ferrante ’81, an award-winning actor, director and playwright. Ferrante recreates his PBS, New York and London acclaimed portrayal of legendary comedian Groucho Marx in this fast-paced 90 minutes of hilarity. A show perfect for all ages! Tickets for this wonderful event can be purchased through For more information go to the La Salle website. Gifts to the RCA can be directly to the gift site at

Academic Boosters Used Uniform Fundraiser


Uniform BuyBack

It is time to clean out your student’s closet. The Academic Boosters will buy back used uniforms on May 23rd (seniors) and June 5th. Receive cash for your used school clothing by bringing your Mills or CKW uniforms, gym shorts, sweatshirts and polo shirts with a La Salle logo to the Dining Hall Atrium. Uniforms must be washed, in good condition and meet current standards.

Thursday, May 23 12:00pm to 2:00pm Dining Hall Atrium

Wednesday, June 5 9:00am to 11:00am Dining Hall Atrium


New and Used Uniform Summer Sales on Campus Friday, July 12, Noon – 6:00pm



MAY 2013

From the Arts Boosters

Guys & Dolls Dances Done La Salle students performed “Guys and Dolls,” the hilarious show about gamblers, nightclub dancers and redemption. on April 20-28 at Porticos Arts Space in Pasadena. Directed by VPA department chairperson Jude Lucas, the musical features the brilliant music and lyrics of Frank Loesser. Playwrights Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows adapted the short stories of Damon Runyon to tell the musical tale of cops, con men, show girls, and

Salvation Army types as they get caught up in the hurly-burly of Times Square. Audience members came out of the theater humming Loesser’s unforgettable tunes -- “A Bushel and a Peck,” “Adelaide’s Lament,” “Guys and Dolls,” “Sit Down You’re Rocking the Boat,” “Sue Me” and “I’ve Never Been in Love Before.” The show had a cast of more than 40 students. “Everyone will be used in multiple numbers and in multiple ways and/or characters,” Ms. Lucas said. “All of the students are blessed with much talent.” Michael Gordon leads the cast as the gambler Nathan Detroit, who has to raise $1,000 to front the floating crap game he runs. To get the dough, he bets high-roller Sky Masterson (Izzy Lacy) that the next girl Sky sees will fall for him. And the next girl is the prim Sarah Brown (Sabrina O’Reilly/Tesia Meza), who runs the shabby Save-aSoul Mission. PAGE 22

While Sky courts Sarah, Nathan keeps jilting Miss Adelaide (Judah Lacy/Maddie Pefferle), the nightclub singer to whom he has been engaged for 14 years. The other denizens of Runyonland are just as colorful as the four leads. In the gamblers’ den, the audience meets Nathan’s right-hand man, Benny Southstreet (Tommy Moreno/Tom Ulse); Big Jule (Brandon Mulligan), a big-time craps player from Chicago; and Nicely-Nicely Johnson (Gianni Consiglio/ Andrew Ting), Nathan’s high-spirited friend who likes to bet on the ponies. Others gamblers are played by Jack Freiberger, Jamie Stover, Emari McClellan, Aaron Ealy, and Spencer Raines. At the Save-a-Soul Mission, Sarah is assisted by the no-nonsense Sgt. Cartwright (Precious Lacy). The mission has its dolls -- Sky Garcilasodelavega, Joely Zuker, Katerina Sigur, Jenna Gilb, Kasia Wilson. Sarah’s older, wiser relative, is played by Taylor Arrighi- Bracchi . Dancers include Alessandra Trager (dance captain), Carina Henry ( dance captain), Emily Wright, Thea McKay, Emily Coolidge, Jessica Messineo, Cheyanne Williams, Lexi Dyer, Dani Pomeroy, Kimmy Yelnick, Kennedy Gordon, Sydney Flynn and Reilly Milton, Kayla Rix, and Kasia Wilson.

MAY 2013



MAY 2013

MAY 2013

The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News Basketball forward, Vance Jackson, and guard, Milan Acquaah have been selected to the AllArea Basketball First Team. Jackson, a freshman, averaged 19.3 points and 8.9 rebounds per game for the Lancers. Acquaah, also a freshman, averaged 19.2 points 4.8 rebounds and 2.8 steals per game. Senior Caroline Knop made the All-Area Second Team for the girls basketball team. Senior Daniel De La Torre, won the prestigious Covina Invitational 1,600-meter race in 4:19.97. Will Pyburn, sophomore volleyball player, was the Pasadena StarNews Athlete of the Week at the end of April when he helped the Lancers to the Viewpoint Tournament championship, earning MVP honors. The Lancers defeated Village Christian, 25-17, in the title game. La Salle won all nine games and six matches in the tournament. Senior Tracy Cresta set a school record in the girls pole vault at 10'1". Junior Noelle Crowley broke the school record at 9' 7" just minutes before Tracy set the record at the Del Rey League Finals on Thursday. Just two weeks ago, another school record was set in the girls 4x1600 by Marlyn Crowley, a junior with freshmen Bettina Lee, Abigail Marich and Jane Zanteson. They broke a 17 year old school record. Kevin Chan, a senior, won second place at the Kathryn Gawartin Chopin Piano Competition in March. This competition was open to all Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC) branches. Entrants had to perform solo piano works of Chopin. Kevin’s repertoire was Ballade No. 1 in g minor. Stephanie Delazeri, a senior artist and filmmaker has won a Silver Key in two categories (Art Portfolio and Comic Art) in this prestigious national competition. Junior Malone Lumarda's film "The Farm" has been selected by the LA Film Festival. A very difficult festival to qualify for since is it so selective. The film will be screened for and judged by industry professionals. Senior, Stephen Boyer's film, "Opus" has been selected by the Bay Area Young Film Makers Festival and has also been selected a Best Live Action Film in a national competition sponsored by the Student Television Network. He competed with filmmakers from around the country. .

Groucho on Campus Next Week

La Salle Alum, Frank Ferrante '81 will present his stage show, “An Evening with Groucho” on May 11. It is a delightful show and I guarantee you will enjoy the Hollywood history and hilarity. Tickets can be purchased through Check the School website for more.

Marian Prayer Service The School community gathered for its annual Marian Celebration on May 1. Continuing a tradition of honoring the Virgin Mary many experienced while in Catholic elementary school, the prayer service combined Marian prayers, student readings of scripture, a video and reflections by religion teacher Mrs. Pam Wagner. The prayer service officially began the Marian month of May, a special month the Church has reserved to honor the Blessed Mother. PAGE 24


MAY 2013

Shantytown Built on Campus

Shantytown is an event led by the Youth leaders of the San Gabriel Habitat for Humanity (a combination of high school leaders from local high schools such as Mayfield, Sacred Heart, St. Francis, South Pasadena High School). Shantytown was held at La Salle on March 16 and 17 to raise awareness about local and global homelessness and poverty. High school students and youth groups from all over the San Gabriel Valley were sponsored to sleep outside in cardboard shantytowns that they build as a team. This gave the participants a feeling of what people all around the city, nation, and globe go through each night. A family that had been supported and transformed by Habitat for Humanity shared their story and testimony with the students. La Salle sophomores, Aoife Megaw and Madi Layni are part of the San Gabriel Habitat for Humanity youth leadership team and were primary leaders in planning Shantytown 2013. The girls, along with their fellow team members, worked hard to raise awareness and funds for Habitat for Humanity. This was La Salle’s third year participating, and second year hosting the event. "It was a night the students and leaders involved will remember for a lifetime," said La Salle teacher and moderator, Kjersti Holyfield.

La Salle Students making a hospitable shantytown to welcome those who are judging during the competition.

Students from left to right: Alexi Zate, Madi Layni, Katie Sparks, Student from Poly, Sarah Reynolds, Aoife Megaw, Katelyn Stone, Kiki Shuster, Christina Weisbruch, Laruen Gomez, Juliette Finnerman, Sabrina Caladaza

Spring Cleaning If your student does not want to wait in line to resell their used uniforms on the last day of school, you can still clear that closet and donate their uniforms which will then be resold to La Salle students during the summer. Just place good quality polo or dress shirts, pants, skirts, sweatshirts, or PE shorts in the Used Uniform box in the La Salle Reception Lobby now until June 2. The Used Uniform Sale is a project of the Academic Boosters and all proceeds fund the wish lists of La Salle’s teachers. Questions? Please call Chris Lynch at 626.914.4828. PAGE 25

MAY 2013


Check your School calendar for event times and dates MAY 2013







May 4 SAT and Subject Tests Band & Choir Concerts 6:00pm Dining Hall May 7, 8, 9 Sophomore Career Day Dining Hall 10:00am May 10, 11 Spring Dance Concerts Grinstead Theatre 6:00pm Friday 2:00, 6:00pm Saturday May 14 Academic Awards Dining Hall 7:00pm May 16 Junior-Senior Charity PowderPuff Football Game Kohorst Field 5:00pm May 17 Special Schedule Founder’s Day Celebration Dismissal 1:00pm May 20-23 Friday Schedule Dismissal 2:00pm

May 21 Arts Hall of Fame Induction Dining Hall 6:00pm May 22 Sports Banquet Dining Hall 6:00pm May 23 8:00am to 1:00pm

(Note time change from School calendar)

Senior Presentation and Alumni Induction Duffy Lewis Gymnasium 10:00am Senior Luncheon Dining Hall 11:30am Senior Uniform Buy Back Atrium Noon - 2:00pm Alumni Legacy Reception Blakeslee Library 3:45pm Baccalaureate Mass Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church 5:30pm Grad Night at Disneyland 9:00pm to Friday 3:00am

May 24 School Holiday 54th Commencement Exercises 7:00pm Church of the Nazarine May 27 Monday Memorial Day School Holiday May 28 - 30 Friday Schedule Dismissal 2:00pm May 31 - June 4 Semester Exams Dismissal 11:20am June 5 Semester Exams End Dismissal 9:30am Used Uniform Buy-Back Atrium 8:30-10:30am June 8 and July 14 Athletic Physicals Band Room 10:00am - 2:00pm June 24 Summer Institute Begins

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