May 2020 Parent Newsletter

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La Salle Parent Newsletter For Parents and Friends of La Salle College Preparatory • Pasadena • California May 2020

Principal Ideas Hello. We have somehow reached the end of the 20192020 school year, and what a year to remember.

Courtney R. Kassakhian Principal

Reflection Prayer St. John Baptist de La Salle

"Never speak to anyone except with kindness"

(Med. 65.2)

We know that this move to distance learning for students, remote working for many parents, and the complete change to habits for everyone that this pandemic has necessitated have been difficult. Some of our students took to distance learning easily; others struggled. We all had to adjust to our new situations and an increase in anxieties and unknowns in our daily lives. For myself, these last two months have been a constant roller coaster of emotions struggling to keep up with a job that changed overnight while also trying not to drop the ball on my work at home as a mother of a five year old. I know so many of you face the same struggle, you need only adjust the age of the child. I also know that despite these struggles, people all over the world have stepped up to the challenge of these times and our La Salle community is no exception. Although we have not been perfect, I know we have been constantly reflecting and working on our distance learning program to not only give students a quality education, but also keep them connected to the community. So, I’d like to highlight just a few of the things that have happened in our community since having to stay “safer at home”: • Student Life created weekly activities to keep our students engaged with each other virtually including a spirit week, contests via Instagram, a virtual talent show, and a beautiful virtual prayer service for our annual Founder’s Day celebration • Our arts departments have found ways for our students to keep creating and sharing their work through an on-line AP Art show, virtual


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concerts by our singers and musicians, and continuing episodes of LTV Our athletic department celebrated seniors through salutes to senior spring athletes on social media and a virtual signing day presentation Our counseling department has regularly been sharing resources for mental health with the community, continued working with our students closely on the college selection process, and offered weekly “lunch with the counselors” opportunities Our staff reached out to every single La Salle family via phone to check in and find out how distance learning has gone for their students Our teachers have worked to reimagine classes in an online platform and work with students in new ways during this change, showing flexibility and understanding to the many ways having to stay at home has impacted their ability to focus on academics. Pat Bonacci, AFSC called for the establishment of the President's Emergency Fund to help provide critical resources during these challenging times and bring relief to students and families at our school by: • Supporting financial aid packages for students and families directly impacted by this crisis • Solidifying enrollment and retention efforts with increased merit and need-based academic scholarships, including co-curricular programs

We know there have been hiccups, but we want you to know how seriously we take the responsibility to educate our students and how much we value your entrusting your children to our care always, but especially now. As we look towards the upcoming school year, there is much that is unknown. However, what we do know is that we want to be back on campus, even if being on campus looks a little, or a lot, different than it did before COVID-19. Our administration and Academic Affairs committee have been discussing possible scenarios for a return to school that would involve 50% of our students on campus at a time if we cannot resume normal operations. We are committed to having opportunities for our students to have “live” classes even if we are in some sort of distance or hybrid model as we know consistency and routine are important and necessary for their ability to learn and succeed. Students and parents were sent surveys on distance learning and possible fall options. We appreciate everyone who took the time to complete the surveys as we do take feedback from our community very seriously and it will help inform the decisions we make. We are also looking at what safety protocols will be in place so our students and employees can confidently return to school. Before ceasing in-person classes in March we had already installed about 20 hand sanitizing stations around campus. We will spend the summer looking at issues such as hand sanitizing stations, seating in classrooms that allows for suggested social distancing, management of


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daily screening for students and employees on campus, and plans for monitoring among other considerations. There is a lot to be done, but we are excited about finding the solutions to these new challenges. Although these last two months are definitely the headline of this year, I also think it is important to remember that they are not the whole story. We had three quarters of successes and excitement before March 13, and those didn’t stop with the quarantine. We started the school year by unveiling our new fitness center and beautifully remodeled girls locker room and Student Life center. We are ending the year beginning work on the first phase of our STEAM 4 initiative, which will include the updating of two science labs, as well as our two art rooms over the summer. In regards to academics, this year was our first year offering AP Computer Science A, as well as UC approved physical education classes. This upcoming year we are excited to offer our students AP Music Theory, Technical Drafting with AutoCAD and Advanced Photography courses for the first time. In between the first day and last we also saw success by our athletic teams, including a first ever CIF Championship in girls water polo, a fantastic fall musical production, continued success by our Academic Decathlon, Speech and Debate, and Robotics team and we had yet another Rose Queen among our students. So, although we will never forget how the year ended I sincerely hope that when our students look back on this year in years to come, they will remember everything leading up to March 13, 2020 as the bulk of the story and that this last quarter will be the epilogue to a fun year. As we move into summer, I do hope that all of you and your students are truly able to get some rest and relaxation. Please know that communication from La Salle will not be stopping with the end of classes and we will continue to update you regularly with plans for the upcoming school year. Sincerely, Courtney Kassakhian


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La Salle Matters

Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, P'94,'97 Acting President


I sincerely hope and pray that you continue to be well and safe during these difficult times. As I recently said in a video message, that was part of our May 13 Founder’s Day virtual prayer service, “there is so much I am truly grateful for, but I am deeply saddened and profoundly disappointed to be ending my 35 years of active involvement at La Salle in a “virtual” environment.” Google meets and zoom conferences have provided us the necessary tools to ensure that the daily operations of the school are accomplished for the students entrusted to our care, but this virtual world can never replace the daily in-person interactions that feed my soul. I desperately miss my daily morning greetings and lunchtime conversations with our students, especially our seniors. I miss my interactions with our faculty and staff and all of the regular interactions I have with our parents. As you all know, I was prepared to say my goodbyes last June; but circumstances changed and I was asked to become the Acting President for this school year, and have been blest to continue my work at La Salle this year. I was, however, not prepared, nor were any of us, to have my last months at La Salle occur during the COVID-19 pandemic that would require me to work remotely. So many within our Lasallian and greater community are facing far more difficulties than I am because of COVID-19 – health concerns, loss of loved ones, financial concerns and many other realities we are not aware of. In addition, there are the loss of senior graduation events, college uncertainties, loss of student daily activities and the new realities and challenges of distance learning. Our faculty and students have remarkably overcome the new reality and challenges of distance-learning through stimulating virtual and live classrooms environments and fun and engaging Student Life events. Our La Salle community has daily been an inspiration and a blessing for me since 1985 when I joined the school as a member of the Social Studies faculty and Dean of Students. This daily blessing has continued through my many different roles at La Salle, from teaching in both the Social Studies and Religious Studies Departments and through the various administrative positions of VP, Principal and Vice-President for Mission, and the occasional years I was Acting President, right through to this very moment. I am deeply and humbly grateful to all my current Lasallian colleagues – Administrative Team, faculty, staff, coaches and Boards,

May 2020 and to my past colleagues, including our past presidents and principals. These outstanding professionals have continuously supported my efforts and aspirations for La Salle and they have completely dedicated themselves to our shared Lasallian Mission. I am also so grateful for the years of support and assistance that I have experienced from our current and past parents. The responsibility to educate our students, within our Lasallian context, has always been one that is a true partnership between the school and our parent community. I have always appreciated and felt this support. I also want to give my thanks to the Brothers of the Christian Schools. The Christian Brothers welcomed me to La Salle in 1985 with the same engaging spirit they demonstrated to me as a student at Saint Mary’s College in 1967. The many Brothers I have been blest to know, in addition to our current District leadership, have always supported our local Lasallian community and me. The legacy of the Lasallian educational philosophy and wisdom, which dates back more than 300 years to our Founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, can be seen every day in the almost one-millions students it serves daily around the world. With the exception of the unconditional love and acceptance that I give and receive from my own family, the biggest blessing that I have consistently felt is from my daily interactions with our current and former students. This blessing was true back in those beginning years in the 1980’s, with the first group of boys that I came to know and respect, and remains with our current student body. The feeling of making a positive and lasting difference in someone’s life is a daily blessing and reality for those of us involved in education. It is this passion that motivates me, and all dedicated educators, and I have genuinely experienced this deep feeling since my career began in Catholic School education in 1971 at Assumption of the BVM, Pasadena. As a proud parent of two distinguished and accomplished La Salle graduates and because of this daily blessing and my deep vocation, I will for as long as I am asked, continue to work with our alumni personnel, and continue to interact with our honored graduates. I am forever grateful for the students and alumni who have touched my heart through their dedication to the school and it’s Mission. As you all know, Mr. Perry Martin was selected to become La Salle’s third, full-time, President. I have been engaged in ongoing conversations with him since the selection and I am positive that Mr. Martin will be an exceptional President for La Salle. The original plan was that Mr. Martin would assume his leadership role as of July 1, but he informed the Trustees a few weeks ago that he was able to leave his current President position early. The Trustees wisely asked him to begin his tenure at La Salle early, and my second go-around as Acting President of La Salle will conclude at the end of this month and Mr. Martin will assume the role of President of La Salle College Preparatory as of June 1. Mr. Martin has been virtually meeting with several school personnel for several weeks and he is well aware of all of the current planning that the school has in place. I have no doubt that he will quickly come to recognize that La Salle is a truly unique and special place. I know that I am unashamed to say that La Salle is by far the best and most caring school community that can be found. I have always cherished being a part of this Lasallian community, and I will forever be its most dedicated and grateful supporter. Live Jesus in Our Hearts……….Forever!


May 2020

Welcome to La Salle

Perry Martin Incoming President

The Board of Trustees is pleased to welcome Mr. Perry Martin to La Salle College Preparatory starting June 1, 2020.

Hello, my name is Perry Martin. I’m honored to be your school president and look forward to getting to know you. As I begin my leadership role with La Salle College Preparatory, please pray for my new team of exceptional teachers, staff, administrators, board members, parents and alumni. We all want to build on the great traditions of La Salle. I am so grateful for Pat Bonacci’s professionalism and hospitality in both mentoring me and welcoming me to the school. I am also so blessed to have Bob Nuccio ’71, Chair of the Board of Trustees, to support and guide me regarding the governance of the school. I was born in San Jose but grew up in Corvallis, Oregon, where I was fortunate to be mentored by my parents, teachers, coaches, pastors, friends, teammates, and community members. All played significant roles in forming my character, and especially, my interest in education. They challenged me to become the best person I could be and encouraged me to follow my passion for teaching. As a young and aspiring student-athlete, the concept of teamwork taught me the value of varying skill sets for the success of the team. I became intrigued by how some groups of people achieved at high levels, and some not so much, based on the quality of leadership and disciplined execution. These lessons have always served me well in all my professional endeavors. To this day, I am never afraid to ask colleagues for advice or listen to criticism and stay mindful of timely and quality outcomes. I certainly would not be leading others, today, without the help of hundreds of people who have cared and advised me. For this, I am very thankful! My wife and I were international educators from 1983-1997, working in Saudi Arabia at both Saudi Arabian International School and Aramco Schools. Our children were born in Saudi Arabia, and to this day, appreciate, and value, the global nature of their early childhood. This international educational


May 2020 experience became an integral and valuable part of both of our professional ethos’ that forced us to work outside our comfort zone. Over this time, we developed language, friendships, cultural understanding, great joy, and empathy. I have led three other Catholic schools, all with different needs and cultures. In all of them, working with strong teams, and progressive boards, we were able to develop true Catholic identities, healthy school economies, innovative academic structures, elevation of competitive status, and heighten brand awareness. I consider myself as an innovative, passionate, and mission-driven school leader. I believe that encouragement and validation is the secret motivator for all employees. I am a futurist, always looking to build connections with what the next generation of students need to thrive in a new world of possibilities. I have learned to recognize and appreciate the human element of each school moment. I know that God works his miracles through all of us collectively. I am very fortunate to continue my vocation working in a charism and mission-driven school like La Salle College Preparatory. I’m ready to lead with integrity, honesty, transparency, and action. Please join me in making our school the very best it can be. My wife, Leann, and I look forward to meeting you all.


May 2020

Financial & Tax Planning in Uncertain Times The Planned Giving program at La Salle College Preparatory provides support to the School’s endowment through one of a number of Planned Giving instruments. The program is essential in supporting the long-term goals and Mission of our School. Considering the current financial and health environment, this month’s Planned Giving article will take a different approach than in the past. Most (if not all) short to midterm tax filing deadlines have been delayed as a result of current issues. Legislation has been and will continue to emanate from the feds and the state to address the myriad of new financial issues. No part of our society has been left unaffected by the pandemic, including the nonprofit sector. Our School is taking a proactive approach in its response to today’s environment looking at current students as well as those who will enter in the following academic years. The following is a brief summary of key changes to federal legislation that provides tax relief to donors. It is often said that charitable giving comes from the heart and that charitable giving will occur regardless of any economic benefits (an income tax deduction as an example). To encourage more charitable giving in 2020 as we deal with the coronavirus crisis, the recently enacted federal government stimulus bill (the “CARES Act”) provides opportunities for additional tax relief for donors. Below is a summary of some of the key provisions of the CARES Act as they apply to charitable giving. A new $300 “above the line” charitable deduction is available beginning in 2020 for individual taxpayers who take the standard deduction. (If you take the standard deduction a new $300 deduction will be available in addition to the standard deduction). A married couple can take a deduction of up to $600. A donation to a Donor Advised Fund does not qualify for this deduction. The adjusted gross income limitation for individual cash contributions made during 2020 is eliminated. A deduction is available up to 100% of adjusted gross income. (Prior to 2020 there was a limitation of charitable donations to 60% of your adjusted gross income.)


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Corporations may deduct up to 25% of its taxable income for qualified charitable purposes (previously this was set at 10%). Required minimum distributions from retirement accounts for individual’s over the age of 70 ½ are suspended for tax year 2020. This provision was enacted to allow retirement accounts to recover from the market losses sustained earlier this year. Naturally, support from our benefactors has been and continues to be crucial in supporting the Mission of our School. La Salle College Preparatory is blessed to have the base of financial supporters to maintain and enhance the quality and uniqueness of a Lasallian education and experience for today’s students and those in the future. In today’s environment, this support is even more critical. Under the leadership of Acting President Pat Bonacci, AFSC, our School established a President’s Emergency Fund to provide critical resources during these challenging times. More information on this can be found on the School’s website under the “Giving” link on the home page. Opportunities for supporting our School must be addressed in the contact of one’s overall financial and tax plan. Consultation with one’s investment and tax advisor(s) is a must when addressing and considering such opportunities. There are certainly new tax benefits available for 2020, but these need to be considered in the context of one’s overall financial, investment, and tax plan. IN SUMMARY La Salle College Preparatory can provide more information, both generically and specifically, regarding the benefits available through financial support our School. For more information, please contact either Jon Keates, the Major Gifts Consultant at (626) 696-4344 or Kevin Delaney, the Vice President for Advancement at (626) 696-4318.


May 2020

Parent Association Report

Jacky Samartin, P'15,'19,'21 Parent Association President

Well, this has been an interesting time to say the least. Usually this time of year, the school is a buzz with end of year activities. Obviously this year, things look very different. Daily my emotions are all over the place. I have been home this entire time because I am deemed “non-essential”. I have been doing my essential job as mom 24/7. I am trying hard to see the gifts this time has given me. I have always worked and never had the opportunity of being a stay-at-home mom. I have gotten a taste of that during this time. I have enjoyed it. All of my volunteer duties have ceased for the most part and I have rested. This is all good. I also had had great moments of sadness. Sadness for all of our students but clearly our seniors. A few weeks ago I got a message from Ed O’Conner that he needed help from the Parent Association and Booster groups to put something together for our Seniors. Principal Kasskhian organized a zoom meeting with the PA Executive Board and the Booster Boards. We had a very productive meeting and discussion about graduation and what we could do for the Seniors. We rallied the troops to put together a package that is to be hand delivered to our Seniors. Originally, Ed thought he would need help from our parents to do the deliveries but he had so much help from faculty and staff we were not needed. PA and Boosters put together the packages and faculty and staff hand delivered them. Our executive board has still been meeting via zoom and we are working on putting next year’s Parent Board together. I am a little sad that my volunteer tenure on the Parent Board will end like this after 10 years. My last son will be a Senior next year and I will move on to other volunteer activities. Thank you to my wonderful board this year. We had very successful Parent Association meetings throughout the year. A big thank you to our Hospitality crew - Sheri Muro and Bobbie Curley for all of their help. We have much to look forward to in the upcoming year. It will look different for now and maybe forever. We will be blessed to have our New President of the school starting and hopefully have time we can all spend together. Hoping everyone has a safe and blessed summer. Many Thanks Jacky Samartin P’15, P’19, P’21

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STEAM 4 is a $650,000 project aimed at addressing an urgent need at La Salle, the renovation of our four science laboratories and two art studios. The need to refurbish these six facilities has been sparked by burgeoning student interest in our School's STEAM program, first introduced in 2014, and the construction in 2018 of an Innovation and Design (I.D.) Lab. Our four science laboratories lie at the core of instruction in our biology, chemistry and physics programs, and our two art studios were last refurbished in 2004. In addition to improvements in the studios themselves, STEAM 4 will facilitate the construction of a new Kiln Room. To date, we have raised $457,300 in gifts and pledges to this important project; including a six-figure grant from the Ahmanson Foundation. In addition, we are pleased to share that over $2,500 was raised last week at during our online Crystal Ball special ask! Your support of STEAM 4 will bring new strength to the program, and will help La Salle students build on their competitive edge. Whether you choose to make a gift at the President's Circle level with a gift of $2,500 or more, or the Crystal Circle level with a gift of $1,000 or more, your gift, at whatever level will be greatly appreciated by all of us at La Salle. If you have any questions please contact Kevin Delaney ’89, Vice President for Advancement at (626) 696-4318 or

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Student Life #TBT Week!

Student life hosted a throwback week challenge on their Instagram page. They invited our community to send in various throwback photos from their baby, elementary school, middle school, and high school years. The week ended with photos from previous Showdown years to celebrate what would have been the seventh showdown. Be sure to follow @LaSalle_Lancers on Instagram for more.


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Be sure to head on over to their Instagram Account and check the highlights section to see all the photos from the entire week and try a round of Guess Who - Teacher Bitmoji edition! 13

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College Center News College Counselors Tam Ly, Owen Hou '90, P'21, Marcia Yu P'21

Support from Counselors As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, your son or daughter’s academic advisor and college counselor are available to continue supporting them with a modified schedule over the summer. Students may reach out to their advisor or counselor via email to set up a meeting date and time.

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 on their college acceptances!

Seniors At this point, most seniors should have submitted their deposit to the college where they plan to attend and have notified the colleges where they declined admission offers. Some schools have extended the deadline to submit the enrollment deposit due to the pandemic. Please check with the college directly to confirm their due date. We are in the process of collecting application results and scholarship award information for our graduation program and our ad in the Pasadena Star News. Please ask your senior to complete the “Senior Graduation” and the “Senior Involvement” surveys on Naviance (under the “About Me” tab), if he or she has not done so already. Those who have completed the surveys but have changed their minds in regards to the college they will attend, please inform Mr. Hou and update the answers in the survey. We know this has been an especially challenging end to their high school career, but we praise seniors for their perseverance, spirit, and wish the class of 2020 all the best in their college endeavors! Juniors College Planning Under normal circumstances, we would be advising juniors to visit schools, attend college fairs and events in our area offered by the schools they are interested in. Since this is not possible at the moment, we suggest that juniors shift their


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research even more so online. Below are very helpful websites to assist with your research: Naviance - Allows students to customize college searches, manage the list of colleges students are thinking about and eventually move them to colleges they are applying to. Accessible via / Quick Links / Naviance - Take virtual tours of over 600 campuses - Customize college searches based upon a set of criteria setup by the user - Student generated videos from the schools they attend - Customizable college search tool through College Board Meetings with college counselors for college planning College counselors are available to continue assisting juniors in their college planning. Students are welcome to reach out to their counselors to schedule an appointment. Class of 2021 College Planning Survey The Class of 2021 will receive a request to complete the College Planning Survey for Seniors on Naviance at the beginning of July. Rising seniors will have time to think about the questions and their answers over summer break and submit their survey electronically by the first week of school. College Night for Seniors (Class of 2021) The next college information meeting for parents and students will take place in early fall of 2020. In addition to handing out transcripts needed for college applications, we will be reviewing with you very relevant information necessary for college applications. Standardized tests SAT • The June 6th SAT has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Students registered for this date may reschedule the exam to a future date or request a refund by contacting the College Board customer service. • The upcoming test dates are August 29, September (date to be announced), November 7 and December 5. • Given the fluidity of the situation, please visit the College Board Coronavirus Update page for the most recent announcements in regards to the SAT ACT • The upcoming test dates thereafter are July 18, September 12, October 24 and December 12. • Given the fluidity of the situation, please visit the ACT COVID-19 Update page for the most recent information.


May 2020 Both the College Board and ACT have announced plans to provide online versions of their respective SAT and ACT in the event of the impossibility of administering traditional exams. Colleges going test optional

Be sure to go to Naviance to complete the latest surveys!

The UC and Cal State systems have made the decision to not require standardized tests for the Class of 2021 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many other colleges have also made the same decision. The list of schools who are test optional at least for the Class of 2021 can be found on this page of the FairTest website. We recommend students to discuss with their counselors in regards to the decision about taking the SAT/ACT, even if only applying to test-optional schools. Summer College Writing Workshop This summer, counselors are excited to offer juniors (class of 2021) a week-long college writing workshop delivered by Ethan Sawyer, aka the College Essay Guy. The class is from June 1-5, offered at no charge. This syllabus (see below) maps out what Ethan will cover during the workshop. Day 1: Brainstorming + Picking a Topic (Other than Covid-19) Day 2: Homework: Write a first draft Day 3: Revising your first draft Day 4: Homework: Write a second draft Day 5: Upleveling your essay Live sessions will be held on June 1st, 3rd, and 5th. Students can join for either the 10:00-11:30am session OR the 4:005:30pm session (whichever fits their schedule). If the student cannot attend, we strongly urge them to sign up in order to receive the lesson recordings. Here’s how to register: A) Go to this registration page. (https://www. B) Enter your name and email. C) That’s it! Put the date and time in your calendar, and keep an eye on your email with next steps and instructions for accessing the live webinar. Counselors are also available this summer to brainstorm, draft, and proofread students’ college essays. Students are welcome to reach out to their counselor for help.


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We will also be hosting our own College Essay Writing Workshop for juniors this summer. This three-day workshop will help students brainstorm and complete a first draft of their college essay. Through a case study program, students will also learn from an admission officer on the process and challenges an admission committee faces when reviewing applications. The workshop is planned for August but will depend on the stay at home orders at that time. Parents and juniors will be notified once details are finalized. Standardized Testing for Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors Standardized testing for the 2020-2021 school year is anticipated to take place Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Freshmen and sophomore students take the Pre-ACT, and junior students take the PSAT. This is a great day for seniors to visit some local colleges as there is no school for them that day. You will get date confirmation and more information about testing in future newsletters. Scholarship Resources Paying for school is an important piece of the college admission puzzle. There are thousands of scholarships out there for high school students and undergraduate students as they continue their studies. Scholarships range from merit based, need based, to a competition such as an essay contest. The search for scholarships requires time and patience. To help with this search, below are resources with top scholarship websites and essay questions students will most likely encounter in the application process. Peterson’s: Cappex: Raise Me: The Counseling Center wishes you and your family a fun and restful summer!

Congratulations to all of our Seniors - we are so excited for you all to start this next chapter and cannot wait to hear about all your new and exciting adventures. Be sure to come back and visit and let us know how you are all doing! We are so proud of you!


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2020 Crystal Ball Online Event Huge Success! Thank you to the entire La Salle Family for making this year’s Crystal Ball a great success. The event, which began on May 14 and concluded on May 17, brought many participants actively bidding on items and donating to La Salle and our Special Asks. Thank you to all our parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty/staff and friends who generously supported this effort. Special thanks again to the Crystal Ball Planning Committee for all their hard work and dedication in supporting our school. Special congratulations to our Opportunity Drawing Winners: • Angela Terrazas P ’18,’20,’22 Hawaiian Trip • Maxwell Miller ’08 Apple iPad • Dianna Damir P ’16,’19,’21 Disneyland Family 4-Pack Please visit the Crystal Ball webpage at There you can view the Crystal Ball Online Auction Program that includes all our Sponsors and Business Ads. We are very grateful for their participation and for supporting this online experience. Also, you can view the video content highlights of La Salle that was released on each day of the event. Thank you again for all your participation! We greatly appreciate the generous support of all our sponsors and underwriters: Preakness $10,000 Mareina Family Leigh and Harry Olivar P’12,’21 Belmont $5,000 Anonymous Pete S. Griffith P’00,’03 Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. Manwani Family Justify $2,500 Mark and Alison Gamble P’22, Sean and Elsy Headman P’22 Greg and Carol Kirland P'22 Clear Foundation – Gina Zhang P’21 American Pharaoh $1,500 Camilo and Stephanie Becerra P’18 / Bubalo Family Foundation Leann and Perry Martin Underwriters William H. Hannon Foundation Pasadena Tournament of Roses Brian and Michelle Smatko P’22,’24 In Memory of Margaret Smith The Schionning Family P’23


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Senior Class Gift Update It has been wonderful seeing Seniors from a safe and healthy distance come by campus to pick up their alumni t-shirts with their gifts of $20.20 or more! As of May 21, a total of 44 Seniors have donated to the class gift. If you would like to donate, please email Ms. Schultz at


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Celebrating the Class of 2020 Congratulations to the Class of 2020! We are so proud of you and want to celebrate you! We cannot believe how quickly the last four years just flew by. From winning Showdown to CIF Championships to all the musical and art productions to all the fun memories mad inbetween - we hope you can look back on your time here with nothing but happiness and laughter. We love you all and hope to celebrate with you in person soon. Until then, please visit for videos, slideshows, and more that highlight the Class of 2020.


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Follow Us on Social Media! To keep up to date with everything happening in our community and for fun and interactive Social Media Challenges, be sure to follow our various Instagram pages!



On behalf of the entire Faculty, Staff, and Administration of La Salle College Preparatory, we would like to wish you all a happy, safe, and well deserved Summer Break! 22

© 2020


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