ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
And around the stretch they come… Yes, with the month of May upon us, we are getting quite close to the finish line. This “almost” last month of school brings with it a host of events and activities at La Salle. The Visual and Performing Arts Department is preparing for events including Spring Band and Choir Concerts, the Jazz Concert and the Dance Recital. Additionally, if sports are your pleasure, we still have regular and playoff athletic contests from which to choose. We also have our various endof-the year Award Celebrations: Academic Awards, Athletic Banquet and Awards, and the Visual & Performing Arts Awards. At each of these events, we will be honoring students for their richly deserved achievements.
The Taming of the Shrew In April, our young thespians presented a most interesting version of William Shakespeare’s, The Taming of the Shrew. The cast, crew and production staff should be rightfully proud of a production that was quite entertaining. (See page10 and 11 for photos). Bravo to all! Parent Association Thank You With the end-of-the-year also comes the changing of the guard with our Parent Association. I want to thank Tess Crabtree for her service this year in the role of Parent Association President. She did a wonderful job in facilitating the work of the parents in support of our school programs. She was a master of the one hour meeting! As the leader of this organization, she spearheaded a terrific group of parents who assisted the Association by taking on committee and event leadership roles. The scheduling, planning and execution of events by our Parents Association is noteworthy because it is done in service to our students and their betterment. As we say goodbye and thanks to Tess for her service, we are pleased that Tony Delgatto will be leading the Association next year. Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "Love your students, especially the poor, for it is in them that you will meet Jesus Christ." Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c.1703 Meditations for Sundays and Feasts
MAY 2014
Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
Advanced Placement Exams AP EXAMS BEGIN MAY 5
Beginning next Monday and continuing to May 16, many upper division students will be involved in Advanced Placement exams through the College Board Program. These exams are the culminating act for a year of study and preparation with the results determining whether or not the individual student is eligible to receive college credit. Traditionally our students have done exceedingly well and we expect no less this year. As the AP exams come to an end, we immediately (the afternoon of May 16) launch into our own Senior semester examinations. These tests are part of the evaluation process and do affect their final grade and transcript. The old adage that “it’s not over till the fat lady sings” holds true even for our seniors. We all hope they continue to do their academic best right up until the end.
Senior Graduation 2014 On May 21, we have a full day of activities including our Baccalaureate Mass. A mere two days later we will be honoring not only the graduating seniors for their work over the past four years, but as important for me, our Graduation ceremony is a terrific event in honor of our parents who have sacrificed and been a steady influence in the life of their son or daughter. Every student at La Salle completes their journey at this school because of the care and support parents provide on a daily basis. To the parents of our graduating seniors, I say thank you for your evident commitment and love in the raising of your soon-to-be college bound offspring.
Underclassmen Exams On Friday, May 30 all of our underclassmen will begin their final examinations for the Spring Semester. The process of testing will conclude on June 4. As I indicated in the above paragraph, these examinations contribute to the final grade of each student – the grade that is entered onto a students’ transcript. The teachers at this school are willing to offer special help to each student upon request. All the student needs to do is ask!
Memorial Day Toward the end of May is our country’s annual remembrance of those American service men and women who have died in service to our country. It is a wonderful opportunity to recall the many opportunities and blessings we have inherited because of those who lost their life in defense of our freedoms. As citizens of this country, it is most appropriate for us to say thank you and to honor the sacrifice of life given by those who have died in the line of duty while serving in our Country’s armed forces. May we always be grateful for their sacrifice and honor their memory. Happy Memorial
Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal
MAY 2014
From the Parent Association
Too Fast!
Happy Spring! This is a very exciting time at La Salle, seniors are preparing themselves for their finals and making decisions on which college they will attend in the fall. Underclassmen are looking forward to moving “up” and rising freshmen are anticipating joining the La Salle family.
It does not seem as though it has been six years since our oldest son was the excited incoming freshman. To this day, the memory of sitting in the Dining Hall and Dr. Gray welcoming us as new parents to La Salle is very clear. He said to get involved and enjoy the next few years because it will go by quickly. He was correct. As we enter the final stretch of the semester, reality has set in that we are in the last several weeks of our time at La Salle since our youngest son is graduating. Difficult to believe it is over so fast. There is a song titled, “It Won’t Be Like This For Long” and ironically it came on the radio this morning while I was driving to La Salle to help with Grandparents Day. As the song played, memories made me smile and wonder: Wasn’t it not too long ago that our kids were toddlers? Don’t you remember dropping them off at pre-school with them clinging to your legs? I recall the teacher saying it would only be like this for a week or two. Sure enough, in middle school our boys would ask to be dropped off several blocks away. They never even looked back to notice if we were gone. It was a phase and luckily it didn’t last for too long. Watching Matthew with his Grandparents today was bitter sweet because I already know it won’t be like this for long either. Soon he too will be all grown up and gone off to college.
To La Salle’s outstanding teachers, faculty and staff, our heartfelt appreciation. You have made a difference in our lives, and the future of our two sons. The Lasallian education has given our children the opportunity to discover and develop their inner talents and has provided them with the ability and confidence to meet whatever future challenges they may face. Combine that with a social conscience and a sense of duty to serve, we are confident it has prepared our sons for choices faced in their college life and well beyond. To the parents, GET INVOLVED by participating and volunteering. You will create cherished memories and friendships for years to come. Make the time. Your students may not realize it now, but they too are going to miss this wonderful school. These are the good times, so enjoy them together. Before you know it, you too will wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast. To the student body, follow your dreams and dance to your own beat. Your future may depend on many things, but mostly, it depends on you. In closing, to each and every person at La Salle, Jay, Andrew, Matthew and I, thank you for the memories. It has been our privilege to be a part of the La Salle family these past six years.
With fondness and gratitude,
Tess Crabtree P’12, '14 President, Parent Association PAGE 3
MAY 2014
La Salle Matters
I was in Boston visiting family for the Easter Break. I arrived on the afternoon of the Boston Marathon, fortunately, by the time I got out of Logan Airport, the last of the runners had crossed the finish line on Boylston Street in the Back Bay, so the City was (for a change) relatively congestion free. In the West End, where I was staying, there was little evidence of the historic follow up to last year’s tragedy, save the occasional reveler celebrating in one of the ubiquitous Irish pubs found throughout “Bean Town” and more than a few satisfied hurtlers with completion badges proudly displayed around their neck. I have to admit to a small amount of reluctance in making this trip as its proximity to the anniversary of last year’s bombing, like the anniversary of 9/11 brought the tragedy a little too close to home for comfort (see the November entry of my Blog at Readers of this space will remember that my brother, who works in New York’s City Hall, which is blocks from Ground Zero, was impossible to contact until late in the day on 9/11. Ironically, last year’s Boston Marathon found two of my cousins, cheering on the athletes, just blocks from the finish line. Fortunately, they were far enough away that they were out of harm’s way; but who really understands that in real time? So, as it got closer to my departure day and the news stories on the anniversary of the Boston Marathon tragedy began to multiply in frequency and in depth, I found myself turning off the radio during drive time. I was not sure how to feel, much less what to expect when I arrived in Boston, but I was fairly confident that it would be
unusual. What I found, upon landing, was a city determined to prove to the world that a random act of terrorism was not going to detract from their pride in and support of the Nation’s oldest continuously operating marathon held in a city that they loved. Someone made a lot of money on tee shirts, as everywhere I went people were wearing the slogan “Boston Strong.” Even when I got together with my cousins, there was hardly a mention of their connection to the bombing (and, trust me, my cousins talk a lot). It was only then that I began to understand the concept of resilience. A common definition of resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. It echoes the virtue of prudence from the "Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher," the 18th century treatise written by Brother Agathon, the fifth Superior General of the Christian Brothers. He defined prudence as a virtue which makes us understand what we need to do and what we need to avoid. My cousins, proud - and resilient Bostonians, were not about to dwell on a painful moment in time, but wanted to talk about the next family reunion, while I was turning off the radio because I did not want to be reminded of that awful tragedy. In a recent interview on "Face the Nation," the Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, commented on the anniversary of the Boston Marathon tragedy by claiming:
It’s an Easter story... Boston has risen up from carnage, from death…at an event that brings people together. They’ve risen from that…the whole Boston community, has reminded us once
MAY 2014
again of the message of Easter. Life is stronger than death. Hope is stronger than despair. I suppose, in the end, Cardinal Dolan’s approach is not only the message we need to emphasize when life delivers overwhelming difficulties; but we must also embrace his Easter notion that life is stronger than death and hope is stronger than despair. I must admit that it was abundantly obvious to me, during my short sojourn, that Bostonians - even those who were victimized by the bombing - were committed to the virtues of resilience and prudence. I learned a lot from my cousins and from the city of Boston about how to confront life’s realities, however positive or negative, and, why Easter continues to matter. My Easter resolution is to read Brother Agathon’s "Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher" a little more deeply so that my resolve to be resilient and prudent will shape how I handle the vagaries of life.
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
La Salle Summer Programs As in past years, La Salle High School will conduct the Summer Program from June 23 to July 24. In addition, we will conduct various sports camps throughout June and July. Current students and incoming students are invited and encouraged to attend. La Salle Summer Programs catalog is available online and at the reception desk. Please refer to the school website for updated information and registration for all camps.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2014
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org
Academics • Athletics • Enrichment Transforming Lives Since 1680
MAY 2014
Celebrate! Grandparents April 16, 2014 marked the Ninth Annual Grandparents Day for La Salle High School. Over 245 grandparents were in attendance with 35 parent volunteers serving the event. Student members of the visual and performing arts department - music, videos, songs and dance, entertained the grandparents. The morning closed with the varsity cheer squad teaching the grandparents the LANCER cheer. La Salle President, Dr. Richard Gray said, he would like to thank all the parent volunteers who made Grandparents Day such a special event. "In particular, kudos go out to the Committee and Grandparents Day Chair: Lynell Messineo P’14 and CoChairs, Stephanie La Porte P’15 and Jennifer Gregory P’17. (See photo opposite, center). Their leadership of this event is typical of the close working relationship between parents, students and teachers that characterizes life at La Salle. It is this partnership with families that we have come to described as The La Salle Difference," he said. Following the performances, the grandparents enjoyed a delicious lunch with their grandchildren catered by City Café in Azusa.
MAY 2014
MAY 2014
The Great Mandala
Through the Power of Community We can Make a Difference
The concept for this project was to work in community, educate and make a difference in the world
The project was a collaborative effort, open to all students. It was directed by senior Ashley Podrebarac, who created a design club last year with the dedicated guidance of Ms. Ellen Slatkin in the Visual Arts Department. The Design Team decided to create a large floor mandala in sand representing: “To Heal the World” The Mission was to increase awareness and implement ecological and socially regenerative practices of human beings, living in harmony with each other within their environment. Water is life. It covers 73% of the world. The reference for this project came from the book “Going Blue a teens guide to saving our oceans, lakes, rivers and wetlands" by Philippe Cousteau and Cathryn Kaye. Pollution, oil spills, climate change, overfishing: these are just some of the threats to our planet's water system. “Be water smart, go blue,” says Cousteau. The definition for mandala in Sanskrit is “circle.” Tibetan – healing a person’s body, mind, as well as, healing the environment. Buddhist – a perfect world is accomplished through balance. Thus, the meaning of our mandala is to heal the world, explains Podrebarac. Today, a mandala is used symbolically in meaningful projects and works to bring awareness to community. The need to protect and repair the world from various kinds of pollution that have, in theory, added to environmental changes. PAGE 8
ParentNewsletter Alicia Wilson and Melody Munson. This was a multi-departmental and cross-curricular project, with nearly 50 students participating. The central image was created by carefully pouring sand over an outline map to create the earth as seen from space. This was the essence of the mandala. Additional central circles were created around the earth in traditional mandala patterns. The second main circle of endangered species was created by using recycled plastics, clay and origami. The second circle included turtles, dolphins, whales, fish, reefs, birds and water foul. The clay animals were created after school by over 40 students outside the Design Team. The various animals enhanced the meaning of the mandala. Ms. Lisa Shulman, from the Mathematics department crocheted turtle shells from recycled plastic bags, as well as making origami animals with senior Andrew Ting. The third main circle consisted of poetry and quotations from the Bible and world literature that seemed appropriate to the Handcrafted animals environmental issues prepopulate the "earth." sented. These were written on re The Design Team researched the environcycled brown mental problems both locally in our community and paper bags and in the world at large. They studied sustainability de- added to the velopment – a pattern of resources that aims to meet c i rc l e . T h e human needs while preserving the environment. quotes were The Design Team captains were: seniors researched by Ashley Podrebarac, Alina Mullins, Graydon Man- st u d e n t s a n d ske, juniors Mariel LoGuercio, Aubin Schuler, Mr. Billy Williams and Ms. Monique Gougeon '03 from the English and Religious Studies departments respectively. Additional environmental facts and research were presented on the display boards. Librarian Ms. Delia Swanner created a wonderful environmental website accessible from the School website, which all the participants worked with. Science teacher, Mr. Brian Miller '79 coordinated the scientific research. The entire project (from the first lunch meeting to the step-by-step sand creation in the library) was documented by LTV and filmed by sophomore Patrick Madden with producer Mrs. Jude Lucas, chair of the V&PA department. Research display table with the inspirational source book, "Going Blue."
MAY 2014
MAY 2014
Yahoo Buckeroo, They Tamed the Shrew!
Left, from left, Jack Freiberger, Jessica Messineo and Ryan Browne, Dani Pomeroy, Vanessa Boull’t and Emari McClellan
The La Salle Visual and Performing Arts Department took on a grand project – setting William Shakespeare’s comedy, "The Taming of the Shrew," in the good ol’ American West. The cast boasted 40 plus student actors, technicians, musicians, dancers and artists all working to bring the Bard’s words to life. Incorporating western music into the mix was an exciting and fun addition. Utilizing bass, banjo, guitar and fiddle, the students danced, sang and had a good ole time creating the Shakespeare classic along side cowboys, saloon girls, ranchers and their gals. In addition to the usual love stories and comedic characters, students were involved in complex choreography and physical stunts. The production ran for nine performances at Porticos Arts Space at St. James United Methodist Church in Pasadena. Direction and design by Jude Lucas. Choreography by Ashleigh Doede. Musical direction by Chris Rolontz. Stunts and Technical direction by Doug Rynerson.
Dani Pomeroy
MAY 2014
Left, from left, Aly Hartman, Lexi Dyer, Aliza Alcabasa, Amell Bishara, Dani Pomeroy, Precious Lacy, Vanessa Boull’t, Reilly Milton, Sinclair Daniel, Dionna Williams
To view more photos go to la salle home page Parent Newsletter downloads LINK FLICKR
Above, Sabrina O’Reilly and Duncan Breda Center right, In background: Lani Nugent, Charmaine Ong, Catherine Dewar, Meghan Pelayo, Dionna Williams, Amell Bishara, Jenna Gilb, Aliza Alcabasa In foreground: Spencer Raines, Tommy Moreno, Emari McClellan Right, from left, Duncan Breda, Sabrina O’Reilly, Aliza Alcabasa, Ryan Browne, Lexi Dyer, Reilly Milton
MAY 2014
From the Dean of Students
New Uniform Guidelines Next school year (2014-2015), La Salle will launch its new set of uniform rules for the Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior classes. Seniors, while they have the option to use items from the new uniform, will only be required to adhere to the uniform policies of this current school year, 2013-2014. This new uniform is a result of a committee made up of faculty, staff, students and parents that shared their opinions and offered improvements to the existing uniforms. While the full list of new requirements can be found on the following page, here are some highlights: · 3
Ladies o o o o
A new red plaid skirt A new blouse that can be left untucked Elimination of oxford shirts, ties, green plaid skirts, blue skirts, & shorts White knee socks for dress uniform days 3 · Gentlemen o Elimination of blue oxfords (long sleeve & short sleeve) o Elimination of short sleeve white oxfords · Both Ladies & Gentlemen 3 o Elimination of navy blue pants and shorts o Dress shoes required on dress uniform days o Only solid white socks permitted as part of regular uniform o Only La Salle outerwear is permitted (sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets).
Ladies Dress Uniform
Gentlemen Dress Uniform
• Red plaid skirt No shorter than 1 inch from the fingertips when held straight alongside the skirt • La Salle White overblouse shirt (short sleeve) May be left untucked Only top button may be left unbuttoned
• CKW, Mills, Dockers khaki color pants that are not tight-fitting, baggy, jeans-like, or rolled at the ankle • Solid black or brown belt • White oxford shirt (long sleeve) Oxford must be tucked into pant • La Salle Tie Tie must be worn all day and not loosely around the neck
• Brown or black leather loafers, flats, saddle shoes • White knee socks
• Brown or black leather dress shoes not extending above the ankle • Brown, black, or white socks
• Outerwear is restricted to the La Salle vest or v-neck sweater on Dress Uniform Days
• Outerwear is restricted to the La Salle vest or v-neck sweater on Dress Uniform Days
MAY2014 2014 MAY
ParentNewsletter Ladies Regular Uniform
Gentlemen Regular Uniform
• Skirts Red plaid or khaki skirt No shorter than 1 inch from the fingertips when held straight alongside the skirt
• Pants CKW, Mills, or Dockers khaki pants that are not tight-fitting, baggy, jeans-like, or rolled at the ankle • Shorts CKW, Mills, or Dockers khaki shorts that are not baggy • Shirts La Salle issued polos Polos must be tucked into pants
• Pants CKW, Mills, or Dockers khaki pants that are not tight-fitting, baggy, jeans-like, or rolled at the ankle • Shirts La Salle issued polos La Salle white overblouse shirt with collar (short sleeve) Polos must be tucked in, while overblouses may be left untucked with only top button unbuttoned • Shoes Must be closed back and toe and cut at or below the ankle with flat heels UGGS, boots, slippers, moccasins may not be worn
• Shoes Must be closed back and toe and cut at or below the ankle Boots, slippers, or moccasins may not be worn • Socks Any solid white socks not extending beyond the lower calf • La Salle issued outerwear only (Sweaters, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Jackets)
Socks/Tights Any solid white socks not extending above the lower part of the knee
Solid black or solid navy tights
• La Salle issued outerwear only (Sweaters, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Jackets)
MAY 2014
From the Athletic Boosters
Lancers are Busy in May
The first of April brought an end to our monthly Athletic Booster and Parent Association meetings. A tradition at the Parent Association meeting is to recognize parents who have helped the various booster groups during their time at La Salle and will not have a child in the school next year. Athletic Boosters tends to have more than most because every team has a team parent and the amount of effort to pull off some of our events requires the manpower and dedication of many parents. On behalf of the Boosters, I would like to thank those parents for all their help and time that they have donated to La Salle.
Special Recognition to the following parents: Jimmy Provincio: Booster Board, Football Games Patty Thompson: Booster Board Water Sports, Maria Dakan: Water Polo, Swim Fred Borquez: Football Barbeque Jamie Gray: Booster Board, Gym Sports Operations Yolanda McCreary: Swim, Water Polo, Boys Basketball Ruth Cresta: Track Kevin and Karen Fitzgerald: Girls Tennis, Track By the time you read this ParentNewsletter, we will be entering May, the last full month of school. I, like many parents, have a senior graduating. It has been such a rewarding experience watching him grow from a 14 year old boy to the cusp of being an adult. I know his time at La Salle being involved in sports and studies has served him well. As we begin the transition to college, I notice the way he speaks with adults; the questions he asks; and the confident way he handles himself during our college visits. I can see that his coaches and teachers have prepared him well for the next level. Our last challenge in these closing months is to get through the senioritis and make sure they complete all homework, projects and activities in a fine fashion. PAGE 14
Some exciting new s for La Salle football next year. Because of our success and competitiveness in the Del Rey League (19-3 the past two seasons) we have been moved up into the Mission League. Lancer Football will now be in the same league with St. Francis, Cathedral, St. Paul and Harvard-Westlake. Coach Gordon is excited by the move, as it will attract better student-athletes from our area. We will have one of the largest incoming classes of football players in years, so our program continues to grow. The balance of our teams will remain in the Del Rey League. With the end of the year approaching, Athletic Boosters are looking to the future and will be discussing the year end in sports and what the fall has in store for us. So until then feel free to contact me at You can find more information about schedules and game results on our sports website at www. Finally, I would like to thank the parents of the graduating class of 2014 for the great memories and friendships. It was wonderful to see you step in and be part of your child’s high school life. I think you made it a better and richer experience for them. You will be missed, but never forgotten, as you are now a thread in the ever-growing quilt of the La Salle High School Family. God bless you. Go Lancers!
John D. Cina P'13, '14 Athletic Boosters President
MAY 2014
Would you like to get more involved? Check out Academic Boosters! Are you interested in fulfilling your Parent Hours in an easy and fun way? Please consider volunteering to be part of the Academic Boosters Board. We are in need of a couple more helping hands on the Hospitality Team for next school year. The members of the Hospitality Team take turns setting up refreshments at the various Booster events.
If you are interested, please contact
Shaya Akobian ( or Jesse Marez ( Co-Presidents, Academic Boosters
DATE DATE 5/21/14 5/27/14 6/4/14 7/10/14 7/11/14
ACADEMIC BOOSTERS EVENT Senior Uniform Buyback Academic Awards Night Used Uniform Buyback Used Uniform Sale Set-Up Used Uniform Sale
START TIME 11:30 AM 5:30 PM 9:00 AM TBA 11:00 AM
HOURS 3 4 3
*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served
Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website, click "calendar" at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for. Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman Diane Taylor
MAY 2014
From the College Counseling Center
College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
Advance Placement Exams
Junior News
Advanced Placement (AP) testing will take place May 5 – May 16. The AP Exam Calendar is posted on the College Center bulletin board indicating the date, time and location of each AP exam. Students taking the AP exams will be excused from class during testing. Students taking a morning exam, will be excused from the remainder of the day. Students taking an afternoon exam (AP European History and AP Physics C) will be excused from morning classes the day of the exam. Please contact Ms. Baldonado at 626.696.4311 for more information regarding the AP exams.
Senior News While you may already have heard about the University of California and the California State systems cutting its enrollment due to the current economic crisis, we still had a very successful year in College Counseling! We found the students who applied to a wide range of schools ended up being happy with their college choices and the ones who primarily applied to only California colleges may have experienced disappointment. In addition, students who were open to out-of-state public colleges found their choices to be excellent fits, and affordable! By now all of our seniors have deposited with the colleges that they plan to attend, and they have notified the colleges they will not be attending. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou wish the class of 2014 all the best in their college careers.
Graduation Program We are now in the process of collecting application results and scholarship award information for our graduation program and our ad in the Pasadena Star-News. Please strongly encourage your senior to complete the “Senior Graduation” and the “Senior Involvement” surveys on Naviance (under the “About Me” tab), if he or she has not already done so.
We have met with most of the juniors about their college plans. If we have not met with your student, chances are your student has not completed his or her College Planning Survey (for Juniors). All juniors who have turned in their survey will be seen before the last day of the school year. Once your junior has met with his/her college counselor, parents are welcome to make appointments with us. (Reminder, parents have a separate survey to complete, too.)
All juniors took the ACT in February. They may have taken or have registered for the SAT and possibly for the SAT Subject Tests this spring. If your junior is interested in taking the SAT or SAT Subject Tests June 7, they must register by May 9. The ACT will take place on June 14; students must register by May 9. The June SAT and the June ACT are extremely popular and they usually fill up well before the late registration deadlines. All colleges will accept the ACT or SAT scores. To save time and money, students are advised to invest their time and money in one of the standardized tests, either ACT or SAT. There is no testing during the summer. For those of you who like to plan ahead, here are the testing dates for Fall 2014. Most colleges will accept test scores through December of the student’s senior year:
SAT Reasoning AND Subject Tests June 7 October 11* November 8* December 6* *proposed dates
ParentNewsletter ACT June 14 September 13 October 25 December 13 Remember that the registration deadlines are usually about five weeks before the test dates. Register early! Juniors should remember to keep their grades up. The Cumulative GPA that will go on their college applications will include the one they earn at the end of this semester. Some colleges will look at senior year grades, too.
Senior (Class of 2015) College Planning Survey The Class of 2015 will receive the next steps to plan for college by email in the summer, which will include an announcement to access and complete the Senior College Planning Survey on Naviance. Members of the Class of 2015 will have time to think about the questions and their answers over summer break. We would like the students of the Class of 2015 to submit their survey electronically by the first week of school. The next college information meeting for parents and students will take place early fall of 2014. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. In addition to handing out transcripts, college handbooks and other information, we plan to bring in a speaker to discuss essay writing. The meeting is usually held the same day as Back-to-School Night. Check the 2014-15 calendar (published in July) for the scheduled date and time.
Camp College The College Center will be offering a threeday seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of
MAY 2014
the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Programs brochure or online at Two sessions are available for students to choose: June 9 - June 11, 8:00am to 12:00pm. August 11 – August 13, 8:00am to 12:00pm. Please contact Mr. Hou or Ms. Baldonado should you need more information on Camp College.
College Visitation Tours The college tours will continue next year and will be held around the Faculty In-service holidays. We have tentatively planned the following tours: October 13 Greater Los Angeles Tour - Chapman University, UC Irvine and Cal State Fullerton February 13 and 14 Bay Area Tour - UC Berkeley, St. Mary’s College, University of San Francisco, Stanford, UC Santa Cruz and Santa Clara. March 16 San Diego Tour - UC San Diego, San Diego State and University of San Diego April 6-11 (Easter Break) East Coast Tour* Seventeen colleges from Boston to Washington D.C. *The registration deadline for this tour will be in November. Please note with the exception of the East Coast Tour, the other tour dates are tentative. The confirmed dates will be posted in the August ParentNewsletter.
MAY 2014
Lancer Baseball's New Home
La Salle Baseball began a new era on Monday, April 14 when, after the ceremonial “first pitch” was made by numerous city and School officials. The Lancers beat Cathedral High School 1-0 in extra innings. The new field at Arcadia County Park has been renovated by La Salle, with the help of numerous donors and volunteers. La Salle baseball and softball will play at the park, just 10 minutes from campus, for the next 15 years.
Above, Athletic Director, Anthony Harris receives a declaration from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, presented by Ms. Rita Hadjimanoukian. Right, Shortstop Jordan Gray, makes a play at second base during La Salle's 1-0 win over Cathedral. PAGE 18
MAY 2014
La Salle Summer Programs June 23 - July 24 La Salle families, please use the eScrip Online Mall for your gifts or regular shopping. Earn money for La Salle at absolutely no cost to you! It's easy. Here's how: 1. Enroll with
2. Click on the online Mall logo at:
3. Shop at your favorite brand name stores and automatically donate to La SaIIe. 4. Download AutoEARN to earn contributions every time you shop without having to visit the Online Mall first!
Thank you!
•Enrichment Grades Four Through Twelve
Call for Catalog 626.351.8951 Register Online
MAY 2014
Student Life 2014 -2015 President: Riley Worley Commissioner of Activities: Makenzie LaPorte Assistant Commissioners of Activities • Frankie Delgatto • Lilianna Grbavac • Brandon Jenkins • Jacqueline Tooley NEW LANCER STUDENT LIFE MEMBERS
Communications • Haley DeSales • Madi Lanyi • David Magluyan • Emily O’Connor • Harvey Situ Commissioner of Rallies: Maddy McGoldrick and Natalie Sirois Assistant Commissioners of Rallies • Kyle Cuellar • Jack Freiberger • Katherine Knop
Commissioner of Service: Nate Chandler Assistant Commissioners of Service • Sinclair Daniel • Samantha Hardy • Aoife Megaw • Alexa Tango • Alex Tuason Co-Commissioners of Spirit: Jenny Haderlein and Lani Nugent • Marisa Bussone • Katie Sparks • Katelyn Stone •Alyssa Villavicencio Commissioners of Spiritual Life: • Tatiana Kedjidjian • Maddy Malicdem • Erin McFaul • Jonathan Raymundo • Jennifer Rodriguez • Kiki Shuster
D and F Grade Warnings In order to remain strong candidates for college and university admission, all students should be aware that “D” grades are not college qualifying. Therefore, any student earning “D” grades at the end of any semester (especially in math, science, English and world language) and who wants to qualify for a four year college, must make up these grades before continuing to the next school year. Of course, all “F” grades are unacceptable. Students who fail to make up any “F” grades in an approved summer course will jeopardize their re-admittance into La Salle. Please see Mr. Donald DesHarnais, Director of Academic Advising, if you have any questions. PAGE 20
Four days in Rome, Italy! Four days in Paris, France! A day in Reims, France where Lasallian education was born. This experience of a lifetime is offered by Education First/ Educational Tours and open to all La Salle students. Every detail from local restaurants to cultural discoveries has been customized for La Salle High School students. Everything is included in this Education First/Educational Tour: Airfare: Round-trip flights from Los Angeles Transportation: Comfortable motorcoach Accommodations: Overnight stays as specified on itinerary in hotels with private bathrooms Meals: Breakfast and dinner every day Tour Director: Full-time EF Tour Director Education First is the World Leader in International Education* Our mission and our passion are one and the same. For almost 50 years, we’ve helped millions of people become citizens of the world by breaking down barriers of language, culture and geography. Through cultural exchanges, educational travel, language training and degree programs we are the World Leader in International Education. PARENT/STUDENT INFORMATION SESSION May 14, 2014 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Blakeslee Library Hugh Robbins, Education First Regional Manager, will tell you all about the trip and be available to answer your questions. RSVP to RonÊe McLaughlin, 626.696.4310 or *This trip is sponsored and organized by Education First. La Salle High School teachers will chaperone the trip, but all legal liabilities rest solely with Education First. PAGE 21
MAY 2014
From the Academic Boosters
Used Uniform Buy-Back Thursday May 22 12:00 to 2:00pm Dining Hall Atrium • Wednesday, June 4 9:00am to 11:00am Dining Hall Atrium NEW YEAR NEW UNIFORMS
La Salle Academic Boosters Used Uniform Fundraiser It is time to clean out your student’s closet. The Academic Boosters will buy back used uniforms on June 4th. Receive cash for your used uniforms by bringing your Mills or CKW uniforms to the Dining Hall Atrium. Uniforms must be in new to good condition and freshly laundered.
Due to changes in the uniform for next year we will only buy back the following items: Khaki skirts Khaki pants (boys and girls) Khaki shorts (boys only) Long-sleeved white oxford shirts (boys only) The money from the Used Uniform fundraiser enables the Academic Boosters to support the teaching and enrichment programs of our school curriculum by granting items on the “Wish Lists” of the faculty and staff.
Parents - Used uniform donations are also gratefully accepted. A used uniform collection box is available in the school library. PAGE 22
MAY 2014
Tentative Student Calendar 2014-2015 AUGUST
19 20 21
New Student Orientation (Freshmen and Transfers) Student Information and Planning Day (All students) School ID and Yearbook photos First Day of Classes – Dismissal 12:20pm
1 22
Labor Day (Holiday) Student Holiday (Faculty In-Service)
10 13
Student Holiday (Faculty In-Service) Columbus Day Observed (Holiday)
10 26-30
Veterans Day Observed (Holiday) Thanksgiving Break
15-18 19
Fall Semester Exams Christmas Break Begins
7 19
Classes Resume Martin Luther King Day Observed (Holiday)
13 16
Student Holiday (Faculty In-Service) President’s Day (Holiday)
School Holiday
Easter Break
22 29
Graduation Spring Semester Exams Begin Spring Semester Exams Conclude
*While these dates are “firm”, they are subject to change.
New Parking Regulations
Review of new regulations published in last month's ParentNewsletter 1. Only Seniors may park in La Salle’s Upper Parking Lot along East Sierra Madre Boulevard. 2. Any student may park in a numbered space in the Sierra Madre United Methodist Church Parking Lot off of Michillinda Avenue. 3. Any student may park on East Sierra Madre Boulevard or on Michillinda Avenue. 4. Any street or parking lot not mentioned above is off-limits to student parking. All student drivers must register their vehicle with the Dean’s Office. Questions? Contact Mr. Birr '03, Dean of Students - 626.696.4360. PAGE 23
MAY 2014
MAY 2014
The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor
Names in the News BREAKING NEWS - The Girls Cross Country Team is the 2014 winner of the ALL-CIF Academic Team Award. More in next month's ParentNewsletter. Mrs. Jude Lucas reports that the Regional Scholastic Art & Writing Award winners are Stephen Boyer '14, Gold Key Film & Animation: "Paradigm" and Graydon Manzke '14, Gold Key Painting: "Look Before You Jump." More Gold Key winners will be reported as they are announced. Junior soccer forward India Hines, received Honorable Mention on the Star-News All-Area Soccer Team. Seniors Caroline Knop and Claire Fitzgerald played in the Tribune/Star-News All-Star Basketball Classic on April 11, 2014.
Hoop it up is Back
Hoop It Up and now, Kick-It 3v3 Soccer, are at La Salle! June 14 is the day of 3v3 Basketball and 3v3 Soccer. Fun, games, food, family activities all on the La Salle Campus. See the flyers attached to this newsletter and check the La Salle website for more information.
Casildo Receives Academic Scholarship November 12, 2013, marked the first induction ceremony of the Hispanic National Honor Society. Just four months later, Nadia Casildo '14, one of the inductees, is the winner of the Joseph Adams Senior Scholarship awarded by the Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Nadia received this award in recognition of her academic achievement and dedication to the study of the Spanish Language. This one thousand dollar award is applied to her college tuition. Nadia, currently a student in AP Spanish Literature and Culture class, received this award from her teacher and chapter sponsor, Ms. Andrea Nelson (see photo at left). This national recognition was celebrated by La Salle and every member of the Mision del Valle de San Gabriel Chapter.
Neither La Salle High School nor Student Life of La Salle High School is sponsoring or is liable for any student participation in summer trips to places such as Europe, Mexico, Alaska or Hawai’i. These activities are solely the responsibility of the sponsoring person or group. School sponsored events, such Venaver, class retreats or those with Student Life, will always include the standard Parent Request Form that clearly indicates the School’s support and approval of the event. Page 24
MAY 2014
Baseball Takes Midway
On April 25th, Lancer Varsity Baseball took advantage of Easter Vacation to take a trip to San Diego to watch Alum Bowdien Derby '12, now at San Diego State University pitch against San Jose State University. This was not just vacation time, it was an educational trip. The Lancers learned firsthand the qualities of Division 1 Baseball. Before the game while in San Diego, the varsity team took a tour of the USS Midway. Here they learned about real teamwork and what it takes to win battles, learn responsibilities, and create brotherhood.
Class of 2014 Senior Class Gift
The Class of 2014 is raising money to update the printing capabilities for students in the Blakeslee Library which will include the addition of a new air printer. Additional money will go to helping fellow Lasallians with the extra costs of iPads for next year. Gift amounts are $5, $10 and $20.14. Donations at any level are appreciated and will help the class reach their goal of 100% participation. Those that give $20.14 or more receive a Class of 2014 Alumni T-Shirt which can be worn in lieu of the uniform polo between now and graduation. Those that participate by May 9th will be recognized in the graduation program. Forms and money are due to Ms. Schultz in the Alumni Office (Room 348) by May 21st.
Seniors Class Gift Committee Members, Conor Williams, Kennedi Whittingham, Derek Iwata and Katie DoVale.
MAY 2014
MAY 2014
Check your School calendar for event times and dates
May Highlights CRYSTAL BALL MAY 2
AP EXAMS Begin May 5
Class of 2014 Graduates May 23
May 2 Friday Crystal Ball 6:00pm Langham Hotel and Spa Pasadena May 3 SAT and Subject Tests Band & Choir Concerts 4:00 and 5:00pm Dining Hall AP Art Show 5:00 - 7:00pm Blakeslee Library May 9, 10 Spring Dance Concerts 7:00pm Friday 2:00, 7:00pm Saturday Porticos Art Space Pasadena May 9 Jazz Concert 6:00pm Grinstead Theatre May 19 Arts Hall of Fame Induction 6:00pm Dining Ha May 20 Sports Reception and Awards 6:00pm Dining Hall May 21 Alumni Legacy Reception 3:30pm Blakeslee Library Baccalaureate Mass 5:30pm Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Pasadena
May 22 Senior Presentation and Class of 1964 Golden Diploma Presentation 8:15am Duffy Lewis GymnasiumSenior Brunch 10:00am Dining Hall Senior Uniform Buy Back 11:00am - 1:00pm Atrium Used Uniform Buy-Back 12:00 - 2:00pm Atrium Grad Night at Disneyland 12:00pm to Thursday 3:00am May 23 School Holiday 55th Commencement Exercises 7:00pm Church of the Nazerine Pasadena May 26 Monday Memorial Day School Holiday May 27 Academic Awards 7:00pm Dining Hall May 27 - 29 Special Schedule Dismissal 2:00pm May 30 - June 3 Semester Exams Dismissal 11:20am June 4 Semester Exams End Dismissal 9:30am
Used Uniform Buy-Back 9:00 - 11:00am Atrium June 7 Athletic Physicals 9:00am -1:00pm Band Room June 23 Summer Institute Begins
Lancer Physicals The Athletic Department will hold its annual summer physicals in June and July and the Department is looking for parent volunteers to help with the process. We need physicians and a registered nurse to aide in the physical exams as well as parents to check-in the students. Parent Volunteer Hours will be awarded for your participation. The dates for the physicals are June 7th and July 12th and run from 9:00am to 1:00pm. If you are interested, please contact Tim Rasmussen, Athletic Trainer, at trasmussen@lasallehs. org. We thank you for your help.