ParentNewsletter THE LA SALLE
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
Let me begin this newsletter by giving thanks to all of the families who joined us for our Family Communion Breakfast. This annual event allows us the opportunity to come together in prayer and worship as a school community. I am especially thankful to all of our wonderful parent volunteers, to Mrs. Ealy and Mrs. Mullins who organized the event, and to the members of our Student Life
Team who coordinated the Liturgy. The numerous students and faculty members who were involved with the liturgy - choir, musicians, sound system, readers and altar servers – were all marvelous – thank you.
Mid-Semester Report You should have received your student’s Mid-Semester Report Card in the mail earlier this week. Unlike the first Progress Report in late September these Mid-Semester grades are based on numerous student assessments and therefore, a reliable indication of academic trends, both positive and negative. Academic Advisors have been seeing students and offering specific recommendations as needed. In some cases, these will include regular student attendance at our after school Student Success Workshop (SSW) program. This Monday through Thursday program helps students with organizational skills as well as providing direct teacher assistance. Please remember, that there are also opportunities available for student to student tutoring, if requested, through our NHS program as well as set times during the week for students to meet with specific teachers. If you have questions regarding the SSW program, you can contact Mr. Chang. Please contact Mrs. Sinnette-Baird regarding NHS tutoring. Finally, you can always contact your student’s Academic Advisor for assistance. Mid-semester grades are often a wakeup call for students regarding their academic responsibilities. Any delay on the student’s part in responding to this wake-up call could become most detrimental to this semester’s academic results. Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle
“Receive Jesus today with respect and thanksgiving.” Meditations 114.2 ca1680 Saint John Baptist de La Salle
Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
JUNior lEaDErsHiP CErEMoNy NoVEMBEr 21
I remind everyone that the year’s first semester ends on December 16 and that the endof-the-semester exams begin on December 13. Since there are no additional mailed-home progress reports before these dates, it is imperative that parents and students use the PowerGrade system to stay current with grades.
Junior Leadership Ceremony. I encourage the parents of Juniors to join their student for the annual Junior Leadership Ceremony. This event will be held on Monday, November 21 at 7:00pm in our Dining Hall. This annual ceremony is a rite of passage that celebrates the Class of 2013's growing leadership role within the School. Each student will be presented a symbol from the School that illustrates their leadership abilities. This ceremony is also a good opportunity for parents of Juniors to catch up with other parents. I hope to see you at this ceremony.
Tournament of Roses Royal Court As I am sure most of you know, Senior Cynthia Louie has been named to the Pasadena Rose Court. Cynthia joins numerous graduates who have also ridden down Colorado Boulevard on the Royal Court Float. I congratulate Cynthia and look forward to seeing her give the “regal wave” during the parade. I also congratulate the other members of our senior class who participated in this annual rite-of-passage for students who live in the Pasadena area. It is a one-of-a-kind experience for young ladies in this area and they consistently tell me how much fun it was for them. Senior David Priore will also be seen and heard during the Rose Parade as he was selected, through a stiff competition process, to be a member of the Rose Parade Band. As the weeks move on, it is not uncommon to hear that other students will also have roles in the parade as scouts and members of other floats – the joys of going to school in Pasadena. Well done all!
Morning Traffic Control Big thanks to parent Ray Ealy for organizing the volunteer efforts of parents to assist with traffic control each morning. These parents are providing a much-needed service to our community. I do hope that other parents who can spare 30 minutes in the morning on even a random basis step up to the plate and assist with this program.
Thanksgiving Prayer I have traditionally included in the November ParentNewsletter a prayer that I found meaningful for the Thanksgiving Season. I hope you will find this one to be appropriate for this family-filled and faith-filled time of the year.
O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us. Thank you for the blessings of the food we eat and especially for this feast today. Thank you for our home and family and friends, especially for the presence of those gathered here. Thank you for our health, our work and our play. Please send help to those who are hungry, alone, sick and suffering war and violence. Open our hearts to your love. We ask your blessing through Christ your son. Amen.*
Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Principal *From Celebrating Faith: Year-round Activities For Catholic Families, by Mary Cronk Farrell
From the Parent Association
Family, Community, Theatre…and Roses! Like so many parents with college-age children, we are reminded that the month of October typically marks the season of family and parents’ weekends across the nation’s campuses. Having gone through this ritual a number of times before with our two older children, we are looking forward to a welcome return to this rite of passage as our son, Stephen, embarks upon his own collegiate life experience after graduation from La Salle next May. In all of our previous visits to our children’s parents’ weekends, we found this annual event to be a wonderful opportunity for us to immerse ourselves and experience the sights and sounds of their homeaway-from-home. But even to this day, what strikes us the most about the schools that Stephen’s older sister and brother attended was the supportive way that these two very different, yet extremely similar universities, viewed their undergrads and the manner in which they encouraged parent involvement in university life. Whether it was attending courses at a “Parents College”, celebrating the dedication of a new student center or residence facility, listening to the university’s president outline the plans of a community redevelopment project, or even taking in a home football game, the message was the same… take joy and pride in your children and celebrate what we as a collective family can accomplish. In many respects, we are still continually reminded of what we as parents do here at La Salle and the comfort we find in knowing that we are part of a much larger community. As a parent, we look to family and community to provide a network of support for our children, and for those of us that call La Salle our home, we look to each other. At La Salle, this has become a way of life that ultimately guides our collective family in everything that we do and ever hope to achieve. On Sunday October 2nd, we were able to take part in a most extraordinary event that embodies our sense of the La Salle community and of the spirit that makes it up. As a family, over 200 of us shared in the experience of the Family Com-
munion Breakfast and were blessed in being able to celebrate the liturgy with Father Pat Brennan. It was an especially moving and personally fulfilling occasion with so many families participating. Our thanks go to committee co-chairs MaryAnna Mullins P’14 and Charmayne Ealy P’13 for all of their hard work and efforts in helping to make this such a wonderful and memorable event. For our November general Parent Association meeting, we have an unparalleled opportunity to showcase the talents and accomplishments of our own La Salle student body. NEXT First of all, we will be providing a glimpse Parent Association into this fall’s theatre production, William Meeting:Tuesday, Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night,” by featuring th the theatrical prowess of the production’s November 8 7:45pm cast members. And as an extra special guest Blakeslee Library who will be attending our November meeting, we are honored to welcome Ms. Cynthia Louie ’12, La Salle’s latest addition to the 2012 Tournament of Roses Rose Court. Princess Cynthia and her family will recount the events leading up to her selection as one of the seven finalists of one of the world’s most famous pageants. Do not miss this opportunity to share in what promises to be a fantastic evening! And once again, parents are reminded that they are each given credit for one service hour for every meeting attended. Given that November is typically viewed as a “kick-off” to the holiday season, the November Parent Association meeting should be no exception. At the conclusion of our last meeting of 2011, please join us for a festive, pre-holiday celebration hosted by Dr. Gray and the Parent Association. Special refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served. We hope to see all of you there! With continued best wishes for an exciting year,
Carol and Brad Wright ’73 Co-Presidents PAGE 3
La Salle Matters WE rEMEMBEr BroTHEr DoNalD
Sadly, I had to fly up to Saint Mary’s College to attend the funeral of one of the Christian Brothers - Brother Donald Mansir, FSC (John Blackstock ’67, a college classmate of Brother Donald’s, was asked to be one of the Pall Bearers). Brother Donald began his teaching career here at La Salle Pasadena in 1974, where he taught math, religion, and German, and was the music and Theatre Arts Director as well as the The Lance and Centurion moderator for four years. He was well-regarded and a popular teacher. From 1979 to 1986, he was a teacher and administrator at San Joaquin Memorial High School in Fresno. He left the high school arena in 1986, eventually earning a Ph.D. in Theology and Near Eastern Studies. Brother Donald spent ten years in the Middle East, first as an instructor at Bethlehem University (sponsored by the Christian Brothers), then as a member of the staff of the Apostolic Delegation in Jerusalem (the Pope’s representative in Israel). Brother Donald then joined the staff of the Pontifical Mission for Palestine, eventually becoming its Director in Jerusalem and then Chief Operating Officer of the Mission’s headquarters in New York City. He concluded his service to the Holy Land when he was appointed Director of the New York office of the International Catholic Child Welfare Bureau and Permanent Observer to the United Nations’ UNICEF. He returned to California in 1988 and assumed a faculty position at Saint Mary’s College, where he would remain - happily - for the rest of his life. He succumbed to metastatic cancer just before he turned 62. I knew Brother Donald fairly well and considered him a friend (as did many of the standing room-only crowd that attended his funeral in the College Chapel). So it was all the more surprising to me to learn of his distinguished career in the Middle East. As I reflected on my lack of knowledge of Brother Donald’s activities between the time he left Pasadena and the time he returned to Saint Mary’s College, I realized that for all of his talent and intellectual brilliance, Brother Donald did not need to showcase his accomplishments. He was content with the quiet quotidian of a professor’s life. He lived in the dormitories for the entire time he was on the faculty of the College and delighted in his duties as a tutor in the Integral Program (Saint Mary’s version of the Great Books program). Having an apartment in the dorms enabled Brother Donald to engage in one of his favorite activities - cooking. Many student members of the Integral Program would find their seminar sessions adjourning to Brother Donald’s apartment for a lavish supper. So it should have been no surprise to me (it was) to see a number of the College students in attendance at the Mass celebrating Brother Donald’s life to be openly weeping because of their grief that such a treasured teacher was taken from them too soon. In thinking about their tears on the flight back to Pasadena, I wondered how many of us engaged in the ministry of Lasallian education would be similarly honored by the students entrusted to our care at the time of our passing. For the first time in my 20 years working in Lasallian schools, I could fully appreciate the oft-quoted encouragement written by Saint John Baptist de La Salle over 300 years ago:
You, too, can create miracles by touching the hearts of the students entrusted to your care! PAGE 4
Continued on page 5
Continued from page 4
Those tears of grief represented (for me) the profound ability of Brother Donald to “touch the hearts” of the students entrusted to his care. The significance of this outcome is made even more powerful by the fact that two alums from La Salle, Pasadena flew up to attend Brother Donald’s funeral. Brother Donald had taught one of them, Alan Cabral ’78 for each of his four years at La Salle; and that experience was still memorable to him almost 30 years later. De La Salle in his Sixteenth Meditation for the Time of Retreat captured this amazing outcome: Oh what glory there will be for those who have instructed youth, when their zeal and devotion to procure the salvation of children will be made public before all people! All heaven will resound with the thanksgiving which these blessed children will render to those who have taught them the road to heaven! Rest easily, Brother Donald, in God’s presence and, through your intercession, may we who continue the work of Lasallian education merit a similar reaction when it is time for us to meet our Maker.
© 2011
• EDITOR, DESIGNER JOHN BLACKSTOCK ’67 Richard Gray, Ph.D. President
From left,: Michele Lewis, Margarita Ductoc, Hillary Sanchez, Jenny Dennis, Khristie Neville, Tess Crabtree, Leigh Jackson and Yolanda McCreary.
le '07 with Isabel Chris Wright
Huang '07.
MARGARITAVILLE 2011 With the first fall Gift Gathering Party behind us…"Margaritaville 2011"…we are well under way for the season and we are looking forward to our next event on December 4 – The Christmas Gift Gathering Part A great time was had by all this past Saturday, complete with dancing, great food, photos, and casino games. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, my entire Margaritaville Committee for an excellent job well done! PAGE 6
and Sh
eri Bon
Margaritaville Committee Khristie Neville Valli Ghantous Jamie Gray Leigh Jackson Paula Knop Michele Lewis Pam Cimino Yolanda McCreary Pamela Marceca Margarita Ductoc Lisa Bononi Tess Crabtree Hillary Sanchez
Margaritaville Chair
Please join us on Sunday, December 4 for the Crystal Ball Christmas Gift Gathering Party at the lovely home of Titus and Wendy Brenninkmeijer P'07, '09,'12, in Pasadena. Enjoy the sounds of the La Salle Holiday Choir, delicious food and drink mixed with wonderful holiday spirit. Invitations are in the mail. PAGE 7
Diana Cina and Hillary Sanchez.
rosE CoUrT FiNalisT Lauren Valdes, third from left, (next to La Salle’s, Cynthia Louie, second from left) with the Rose Court Finalists. Photo by Terry Miller
Lauren Valdes Walks Tall Lauren Marie Valdes is all smiles at the Tournament of Roses photo shoot. La Salle’s Courageous Senior has been selected as Finalist for the 2012 Rose Court Reprinted with permission from Beacon Newspapers by Terry Miller with John Blackstock La Salle senior Lauren Valdes was introduced to the media last Thursday along with 34 other Rose Court hopefuls. As she approached the steps for the group photo at Tournament House Thursday afternoon, one could not help but notice Valdes’ infectious smile. Standing in the front PAGE 8
row with 34 other Royal Court hopeful teenage women, Valdes was the epitome of confidence and character as well as beauty. It was only on closer inspection one could see that she had a prosthetic right leg. Diagnosed with cancer at the start of her freshman year, Lauren Valdes 17, has spent over 100 nights collectively in Children’s Hospital for various chemotherapy treatments and surgeries over an 18 month period.
Valdes has played soccer since age two and had hopes of playing on the Lancer Varsity team and competing in CIF games. After surgery, she did not want to let cancer change her life, but had to adapt to some stares and “strange and rude reactions” by others. She found a special, caring community at La Salle High School…where she was accepted as a bright individual with enormous courage, convictions and awareness of the human spirit at
ParentNewsletter an unusually early stage in her life. Surgeons at Children’s Hospital had told her that she had the option of trying to save her lower right foot and lower leg, but would end up with limp and be flat footed. Valdes wanted to play soccer again, wear four inch high heels and just be a normal teenage girl. She initially thought the pain in her ankle was from soccer, but after months of not getting better, an MRI confirmed their fears. “I just didn’t want to be defeated. I didn’t want to be sick. I was, but I had to define who I was. I couldn’t lose this fight!” Valdes told her friends and family. The prosthesis she now has will allow her to play soccer and other activities according to her doctors. She still has to tell her brain how to walk and climb stairs, but is getting “better and is starting to play soccer again,” according to John Blackstock of La Salle High School. Valdes tried to keep the loss of her foot a secret for a long time. She always wore pants, leotards, and yoga leggings according to Blackstock. She ran at a fundraiser almost two years ago in sweat pants. “I was a speaker that night. When I told the audience I was a cancer survivor and my lower leg had been amputated, a girl called out ‘You kicked my butt this morning, not fair!’ “I just didn’t want to be judged, but I needed to get on with my life.” After that evening,
Valdes started wearing dresses again. Her confidence had returned. Her father said, “She was never disheartened. She never felt like a victim or said ‘why me? Ever!’ She has always been positive and tried to help others at Children’s Hospital stay positive.”
Lauren recalled how hard it was to stay positive. She said that after months of seeing some of these kids and getting to know them in the hospital… “all of a sudden, I would show up and they were gone. I was so sad.” “This has changed me, of course. Some of my old friends want the old me back, but I’m just not that concerned anymore if the color of a dress is not quite right or this boy or that didn’t call me. My priorities have changed.” she said. In 2009, Valdes saw the Rose Court when she was a patient in Children’s Hospital LA, and saw how excited and happy the court and queen made the
young cancer patients. She was very excited too. Valdes thought the Princesses were “so kind and beautiful.” Since that visit by the Royal Court to Children’s Hospital in 2009, Valdes has aspired to be a member of the court. So when she was selected as one of the final 35 she said “I’m absolutely thrilled to be in the final group.” Valdez is now a spokesperson for CHLA and has personally raised over $100,000 for cancer causes in the last two years alone, one of which was ‘Rally for Kids.’ The exceptional teenager Valdes said, “You don’t need to be perfect to be beautiful. You do not have to let cancer beat you.” When she graduates from La Salle she hopes to go to USC, UCLA or LMU (or perhaps UC Santa Barbara). She wants to stay close to home because her family has been such a great source of support. Valdes has a 15 year old sister at Mayfield and lives in Pasadena with her parents. In addition to all her other talents and ambitions, Valdes completed an internship in New York City with a fashion designer. She hopes to major in communications and marketing and work in the fashion industry. Additionally, Valdes truly enjoys public speaking.
HosPiTal VisiT iNsPirEs laUrEN
Editor’s note: We are happy to report Lauren Valdes has had no signs of cancer for the past two years.
Making a Difference with a Splash
FiVE laNCErs sWiM BikE aND rUN For CHla Five La Salle students made a difference in the lives of young cancer patients at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles by raising over $1000.00 through their athletic efforts in the Nautica Malibu Triathlon, Classic Distance held September 18, 2011. This annual event is a Corporate Challenge to raise money for Cancer Research at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. While most kids were sleeping at 3:30am on that Sunday morning, these students got out of bed, headed out in the dark to Malibu where they braved the frigid water, uphill bike route, and rigorous run. Congratulations to Ellie, Tomas, Marisol, Emma, and Brett! The students pictured above participated on relay teams and their leg event is listed below. Pictured above from left to right: Ellie Rae Hoffman ’12: 1/2mile Ocean Swim Tomas Dakan ’12: 1/2 mile Ocean Swim Marisol Dakan ’14: 18 mile Bike Race Emma Martinez ’14: 1/2 mile Ocean Swim Brett Mirly ’13, pictured below: Entire Event: 1/2 mile Ocean Swim, 18 mile Bike Race and 4 mile run
From Guidance and Counseling
Give Thanks for the Love and Care that Sustain us By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
Thanksgiving is a holiday which provides us with an opportunity to express gratitude for all of the gifts and blessings that we enjoy. It also signals the beginning of our holiday celebrations and liturgies. When these celebrations occur within the context of life’s usual and expected changes, it can be a time to celebrate and relax with family and friends. However, there are times in our lives during which the changes are unexpected and involve personal and family losses that are poignant and make the approaching holiday season especially difficult. Financial stresses, illness, the death of a student’s parent or grandparent and significant changes in parent relationships are circumstances that precipitate and may require adjustments to your family celebrations and holiday rituals. If your family is experiencing difficulties at this time, you may have concerns about your student’s emotional and academic wellbeing. La Salle High School is a community which cares about each of our students and families. We are committed to your student’s wellbeing. Please consider making contact with my office, your student’s academic advisor and his or her teachers, so that we can work together to provide support for your student and family. As you celebrate Thanksgiving this year, ask for the strength and faith to face adversities which with you may be struggling. Extend a helping hand to families and friends you may know who need your emotional and practical support at this time. Bless your meal with a grace that gives thanks for the love and caring that sustain us and continue to enrich our lives. Let us also remember in prayer those within our La Salle High School family those who grieve for an absent family member or friend this Thanksgiving.
From the Arts Boosters
Exciting Schedule for the Arts The run up to Christmas is always busy for Arts Boosters, and this year will be no exception. Jazz Band Heads East The Blue Note Octet played Cafe 322 in Sierra Madre on October 12 to the delight of a near-capacity house. The band took full advantage of this opportunity to represent La Salle in the local community, and impressed the audience with their professionalism. Pushing somewhat farther eastwards, the Advanced and Jazz Band Trip will be to New Orleans this year in March.
Congratulations The Ar ts Boosters would like to congratulate David Priore ’12 for being named to
and also for clean up afterward. We will also need at least 33 dozen cookies on the day of the performance! Please check the volunteer website for further information.
See’s Candy Sale This year’s See’s Candy fundraiser is in full swing, with opportunities to earn hours by buying candy or helping with distribution. Five people are needed on Friday, December 2nd between 3 and 6:00pm to assist with sorting and packaging, and four more the following day from 9:00am until noon to help with distribution. Please contact Sue Buchanan with any questions at 626.796.0133 or
Fall Dance Concert
the 2012 Tournament of Roses Marching Band, and Cynthia Louie for being named to the 2012 Tournament of Roses Royal Court.
Band and Choir Concert On December 10th the annual Band and Choir concert will take place. Volunteers are needed to help out with setting up the day before on Friday, December 9th, on the day of the show, PAGE 12
Reserve your tickets early for the Fall Dance Concert on Saturday, November 19, at 2:00pm. and 6:00pm. The concert, which will be held in the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre. It will feature performances by students in Introduction to Dance, Dance 1, Dance 2, as well as Genesis Dance Ensemble, the school’s pre-professional company. Due to the scheduling conf licts between spor ts and dance rehearsal schedules, Movement for Athletes will not be participating. Nevertheless, more than 50 students are expected to perform the works choreographed by their instructors as well as some pieces created by students. Arts Boosters will be needed to support this event, including at least two parents to assist students backstage, six parents to help set up and clean up for the dinner for the cast and crew, as well as three parents to work in the lobby selling
ParentNewsletter beverages, desserts, flowers and “dance-grams.” Food needed for the dinner includes 25 foot-long Subway sandwiches, five salad or vegetable dishes to serve 15 people each. Desserts to feed 75 people, and three cases of water or fruit juice (no soda). For the concessions, we need 24 dozen cookies or brownies.
Snacks and beverages for 75 students will also be needed for the dress rehearsal. To volunteer, please sign up on the Parent Association website, or email Dance Liaison Daphne Trager at dtrager@
See’s Christmas Candy Sale The annual See’s Candies Sale runs through November 18. Each order provides much needed funds to the students in the Theatre, Dance, Chorus, Visual Arts, Band, and Digital Media Departments. Thanks to all who make this one of our most successful fundraisers. Please send your orders to the front office by Friday November 18. Orders will be available for pick-up in the band room on Saturday December 3 from 9:00am 12:00pm. You will receive order forms in the mail and prices may be found at You will also receive one service hour for every $100 of candy ordered. We also have access to gift baskets for corporate orders. Please contact Sue Buchanan with any questions at 626 796-0133 or susanbuchanan@
2011 Winter Fundraising Program Pre-Sell Flyer
1 lb. $18.90 (#902)
1 lb. $16.50 (#316)
Assorted Chocolates
Milk or Dark Chocolates Milk (#326) • Dark (#330) 1 lb. $16.50
1 lb. $16.50 (#334)
Peanut Brittle
Assorted Molasses Chips
Assorted Peppermints
Jolly Snowman Box
Mini Holiday Fancy Box
1 lb. $16.50 (#318)
1 lb. 8 oz. $15.90 (#355)
8 oz. $8.25 (#360)
a sWEET Way To HElP la sallE
Nuts & Chews
8 oz. $8.25 (#358)
Assorted Gourmet Lollypops 1 lb. 5 oz. $15.80 (#296)
4 oz. $6.50 (#9127)
4 oz. $6.50 (#596)
Gift Certificate
Continental: 1 lb. $16.50 (#767)
PAGE 13 1487-8
Café Bibliothèque to Feature South African Folk Art Join us to support Fair Trade in South Africa
On Thursday, November 10 at 2:30pm, La Salle students, parents, and faculty are invited to attend the monthly Café Bibliotheque in the Blakeslee Library for an exhibit of handmade folk art objects made by women from South Africa. Tom Harding, Executive Director of Altadena-based non-profit Art Aids Art will be bringing elaborately beaded dolls, as well as a number of other items such as jewelry, clothing and home décor. Mr. Harding will be discussing how Fair Trade practices improve the lives of these artists and the many projects in South Africa with which the organization is involved. All the items displayed will be for sale, benefitting the women and children from impoverished townships around Capetown. There is a wide price range for the pieces, and they make wonderful Christmas gifts! Mr.Harding will also be on hand to discuss South African culture and the HIV/AIDS crisis. You can visit the ArtAidsArt website and see many of the unusual items for sale created by South African artisans at:
Please come and join us!
Blakeslee Library Service Opportunities
Volunteers are needed as after-school monitors in the library from 3:00-5:00pm Monday through Friday. Contact Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 or Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332.
Café Bibliothèque Service Hours
One Thursday a month, the library hosts Café Bibliothèque where students gather to listen to storytellers, authors, performers or learn a craft. Service hours are given for donations of snacks such as vegetables, fruit, cheese, brownies, pretzels and soft drinks. These events will take place November 10, December 8, January 19, February 16, March 29, and April 26. Please contact Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer. PAGE 14
2nd Annual Student Life Christmas Tree Sale Last year, over 275 families purchased and were very pleased with the Christmas trees they bought from the Student Life Christmas Tree Sale. We invite you to join those families and purchase a tree this year for your family. It is easy! All you have to do is fill out the form that follows this ParentNewsletter and return it with your payment to La Salle High School. Then, on Saturday, December 10, come to the La Salle senior parking lot and pick out the tree you want and we will load it onto your car for you. It is that easy! You can come pick out the tree yourself or have the Student Life team pick one out for you. These great Chrsitmas trees are guaranteed. If you do not like your tree, we will give you 100% of your money back. If you like bigger and taller trees (8' and above) you will find it hard to beat our prices. In addition, we will deliver your tree right to your front door for a small $10 fee. However, you must live within 10 miles of the school for this service This is a win-win event. You get a great guaranteed tree for your Christmas Holiday, and the La Salle Student Body is able to afford many more events facilitated by Student Life. Everyone wins! Poinsettia information will be available in the November ParentNewsletter. If you have any questions, please contact Ed O’Connor, Director of Student Life at 626.696.4329 or
What They do for Love: “Twelfth Night” Students Show Passion for Acting The nearly 40 students performing in the Visual and Performing Arts Department’s production of William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night; or, What You Will” know about finding their passion. oPENiNG NiGHT oCToBEr 30
Connor Duffey caught the acting bug as a sophomore at La Salle when he was performing in “Lend Me a Tenor,” and now, as a senior, he is planning on being a theatre major in college. “I found the thing I’m good at,” he said during a break in rehearsal for “Twelfth Night,” which is being performed at the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre this month. “I was first apprehensive, but I found my passion here.” Like the rest of the cast, Connor spent long hours after school and on weekends clutching his script, rehearsing his lines as the prankster Sir Toby Belch in “Twelfth Night,” a comedy about mistaken identity, deceit, and love. Nicole Carlos, a senior who has been in drama as a four-year arts program student, said that she sees herself as a “science girl” but plans to continue acting as an extracurricular college activity. “The arts builds moral character and allows us to think creatively and to solve problems in a different way,” said Carlos, who will be portraying Maria, the conniving chambermaid. To provide as many opportunities for our students to perform in “Twelfth Night,” Jude Lucas, the department chairperson and the show’s director, has double and triple, and in some case quadruple cast the show. The production will have a Victorian “Steampunk” costume and set design.
The cast includes Tomas Dakan and Chris Tse as Duke Orsino; Dani Pomeroy, Sophie Nelson and Cheyenne Williams as Olivia; Meaghan Allen, Amelia Garrison, Nicole Carlos and Maddie Corwin as Maria; Eric Braun and Adam Riancho as Sebastian; and Emily Bannon, Josette Maskin, Alyssa Breda and Tesia Meza as Viola. Also performing are Maddie Pefferle and Camille Torres as Valentine; Connor Duffey and Liam Doyle as Sir Toby Belch; Nathan Bautista and Angus McKay as Antonio; Carina Henry and Ashley Duell as Currio; and Connor Duffey and Liam Doyle as Captain. Others in the cast are Joaquin Barlow and Nico Garcia-Corona as Malvolio; Angus McKay and Nathan Bautista as Sir Andrew Aguecheek; Judah Lacey and Jessica Messineo as Feste; and Mechi Lakatos and Maddie Corwin as Fabian. The ensemble includes Johnny Consiglio, Ethan Gauthier, Luke Bolle, Joely Zucker and Ashley Duell. “Twelfth Night” will be performed October 30 at 2 and 7:00pm, November 3 at 3:00pm for the faculty and middle schools, November 5 at 2 and 7:00pm, November 6 at 2 and 7:00pm, November 11 at 7:00pm, November 12 at 2 and 7:00pm, and November 13 at 6:00pm. Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for students. For reservations, call the La Salle Box Office at 626.696.4415.
Call Early For Tickets
Lasallian Convocation Honors Donald DesHarnais’ and Brother DeSales’ 25 Years at La Salle On October 4, the annual Lasallian Faculty Convocation celebrated the contributions of the entire faculty to La Salle. Principal Patrick Bonacci, AFSC presented commemorative gifts for dedicated years of service to the faculty and staff. Principal Bonacci’s presentation text follows.
25 Years of Service
Donald DesHarnais – Donald has been our go-to-guru for all things related to our academic use of technology for all of his 25 years here. It was he who brought to our use the earliest versions of our electronic grade books – and scheduling on the computer – I was doing it by hand with magnets and markers on scheduling white board before Donald taught us how to schedule with software. He did this in his past role as Dean of Studies and he still coordinates this with Frank today. When our power grade crashes we all run to him to fix the problem – usually with me in the front of the line. He led us through a very successful WCEA process for at least the 4th time here with me and he continues to monitor our action plan. By the way, if any of you ever catch a spelling or grammar error in any of my written work – do not yell at me – yell at Donald since he has for years proof read my stuff. Brother DeSales Benning, FSC – On the faculty side – only Brother DeSales and our Mr. La Salle, John Ring, were here before I joined the school. I caught up with Brother in my years here because he left us for 3 years while he sojourned for the District in Arizona and Fresno. He is the energizer bunny – always moving, always active, always involved with Donald DesHarnais us and with the students that he truly loves. When others – like me – ask to take a step back in responsibilities, he asks to take on another teaching class. We have been blessed to be able for these 25 years to witness his living out his vows as a Brother –vows he took some 55 years ago. On a daily basis we witness his zeal and faith and because of this our life and our faith are enhanced because of his role modeling. In all aspects, he is our visible animator of the true Spirit of Saint La Salle – he is without equal on this.
20 Years of Service
Jenné A. Hakanen – When I see Jenné I see a true friend as well as a trusted colleague and an exemplary teacher– I have walked with her from her first days here, went to her wedding, watched her as she and Eric have nurtured and raised their lovely and wonderful daughters – and now, full circle, I have the privilege to teach her daughter just as she taught mine. She joined us at a time when PAGE 18
Brother DeSales Benning, FSC
Jenné A. Hakanen
Kaelyn Silva
we were making the most significant change in the culture of this school since the school’s founding – we were moving to being a co-ed school. There is no way to overstate the essential role Jenné played in this transition – she immediately became a role model and confident for our first girl students. She is a fantastic teacher and motivator and when you ask her peers or our students or parents about her commitment to her students - she is consistently placed in the top spots of everyone’s list. Kaelyn Silva – Like Jenné, Kaelyn joined us at the crucial time we were transforming the culture of the school with the welcome addition of young ladies. What many of you may not know is that Kaelyn was directly responsible for bringing immediate acclaim and creditability to our newly emerging girl’s athletic program as the head coach of our soccer team. As we were establishing ourselves as a school that was truly moving from being an all boys school to one that was not just accepting girls but was in fact embracing girls into our community – the consistent successes of the soccer teams Kaelyn coached were instrumental in placing our girl’s athletic programs on par with all of the girl’s only schools in our valley. She also moved the PE Dept from one that was basically playing only games to one that was instructing our students in life skills through an established PE curriculum.
lEarN sErVE lEaD
10 Years of Service
Kathy Medlock, Thomas O’Connor, Billy Williams
5 Years of Service
Chija Bauer, Louis A. Johnston, Dr. Joanie Ruggles, Jenny D. Dennis , Diana Barnes
Ladies...SAVE the DATE
December 1, 2011 Annual Christmas Lunch & Boutique at the Altadena Country Club PAGE 19
From the College Counseling Center
College & Counseling News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
College Application Filing Deadlines Please be reminded that November 30 is the last day to apply to universities in University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) systems. Please note that both systems MAKE NO EXCEPTIONS FOR LATE FILERS. To avoid frustration, do not wait until November 30th to file electronically. The servers may be very slow accepting files due to the many students filing on the last day. Applications for private colleges are also available. You may be able to obtain applications directly from the colleges in which you are interested. Please pay close attention to the application deadlines for your specific colleges – MANY COLLEGES HAVE UNIQUE DEADLINES.
Senior Meetings with College Counselors Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou have met with a vast majority of students who have submitted their Senior College Planning Surveys to discuss their college opportunities. Please encourage your student to complete the survey if he or she has not already done so.
Financial Aid Seminar The Senior Parents FAFSA workshop will be held December 7, 2011 at 7:00pm in Blakeslee Library. Our guest speaker will be from the University of La Verne’s Financial Aid Office. The financial aid officer will provide an in depth discussion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and will guide senior parents line by line through the FAFSA. Please mark your calendars for December 7!
Class of 2013 – Junior College Night All Junior students are required to attend the Junior College Night on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 6:30pm. It is highly recommended that at least one parent attend as well. Topics for the evening will include: Searching for Colleges PAGE 20
and Identifying the Right Fit, Utilizing Naviance, Reviewing the UC and Cal State Requirements, and Standardized Testing. A packet of college admission information materials will be distributed. An agenda for the evening will be printed in the December Parent Newsletter and on the Welcome page of Naviance.
Class of 2013 – February 12 ACT All Juniors have signed up to take the ACT at La Salle on February 11, 2012. You should have received a confirmation via postal mail. If you have not received your confirmation or if you would like to switch the test date and/or test location, then please call the ACT directly at 800.553.6244. In order to have online access to your student’s February ACT score, your student would first need to go online to create an ACT account and then link their February ACT registration by calling the ACT directly. Please note La Salle has already paid for this test and there is no expense on your part. Should your student decide not to take the ACT this academic year, then we will have to bill the cost back to you.
Class of 2013 – East Coast College Tour, April 9 to 14, 2012 An email regarding information and registration for the East Coast College Tour was sent to junior parents in late October. Please contact Mr. Hou if you did not receive that information.
Take a Lancer to Lunch Week During the first week of the second semester (Wednesday, January 4 to 10), we will be inviting young alumni who are currently in college to come back to speak with our current students about their college experiences. More information will be available in the December ParentNewsletter.
Volunteers Needed for Traffic Control
Andrew and Keri Crowell, parents of Thomas ’14, recently made a $100,000 challenge grant to La Salle High School to support hardware upgrades, enhance our technology infrastructure, and support the Lancer Robotics program. The Crowells have offered a 2:1 dollar challenge; that is, for every two dollars La Salle raises between now and June 30, 2012 to build and improve upon its technologic platform, the Crowells will in turn provide a matching dollar. Here is your chance to have your donation make an even bigger difference to La Salle. The threshold gift is $1,000 and the maximum gift to be matched is $50,000. In other words, your gift of $1,000 will trigger an additional $500 in matching funds from the Crowells; a $5,000 gift will generate $2,500 in matching funds, resulting in a $7,500 gift to La Salle; and a gift of $10,000 will result in a $15,000 gift to improve La Salle’s technologic base and to keep us at the leading edge of learning technologies. Your corporate matching gift will also count toward the challenge. The goal of the Crowell Family Challenge is to raise at least $300,000 to build upon the excellence of a La Salle education through technologic improvements and innovation. To make your gift to the Crowell Family Challenge, please go to
La Salle High School is seeking Parent Volunteers to assist with morning drop-off traffic control. Our goal is to maintain the safety of La Salle students, while working within the confines of the Pasadena Police Department’s traffic guidelines. Parent volunteers are needed for approximately 30 minutes in the morning (from 7:30am to 8:00am) for one, two or three days per week.
all ParkiNG laWs ENForCED
Volunteers will receive one hour of service credit for every 30 minutes of volunteer participation. If you have the time and are interested in supporting this effort, please contact either Raymond Ealy ( or Dr. Joanie Ruggles at ( We truly appreciate your time, consideration and support!
Parents: You Need Hours! Here is how to sign up for them Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the «calendar» at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for. Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.
Open House
11:30 AM
Junior Leadership Ceremony
6:00 PM
FAFSA Workshop
6:00 PM
Junior College Night
5:30 PM
Entrance Exams & Interviews
7:30 AM
Entrance Exams & Interviews
7:30 AM
Registration & Freshman Pledge
7:30 AM
College Night
6:00 PM
Academic Awards Night
5:30 PM
Baccalaureate, Mass & Reception
5:00 PM
5/25/12 Commencement Exercises 6:00 PM 3 *Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served. Space is limited! Secure your service hours today by signing up early. Volunteer Coordinators: Janet Klich Ellen Hoffman Diane Taylor
Cookies are needed for most of these events.
Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club.” Page 22
lEaGUE CHaMPs aGaiN La Salle’s Golf team’s top players qualified to participate in the Del Rey League Finals held at El Dorado Park Golf Course. From left, junior Megan Reid, sophomore Cheri Raymundo,* senior Lauren Schano,* senior Madi Worley,* senior Gian Ryan, sophomore Caroline Knop,* senior Juliet Brooks.* *1st Team All League
Lancer Girls Golf Team is Del Rey League Champions Congratulations to Brittany Barrera ’13, Juliet Brooks ’12, Sarah Calnan ’13, Ashley Duell ’15, Marissa Huckaby ’14, Caroline Knop ’14, Paloma Lamb ’14, Cheri Raymundo ’14, Megan Reid ’13, Gian Ryan ’12, Lauren Schano ’12, Elisa Stephens ’14, Mallory Susank ’15, Meaghan Susank ’14, and Madison Worley ’12 who captured the Del Rey Championship for the second year in a row. Undefeated in league play with an 8-0 record and a 10-5 overall, the Lady Lancers competed in CIF Team play on Thursday October 27. Check the CIF website for results. La Salle’s top seven golfers participated in the Del Rey League Prelims (individual playoffs) on October 17th at Santa Anita Golf Course. All five Del Rey League teams (Bishop Amat, St. Paul, Cantwell Sacred Heart, Connelly) participated and the top 16 players competed in League Finals on October 19th at El Dorado Park Golf Course. All seven La Salle golfers qualified to compete in League Finals. Five of the seven are All League 1st Team: Caroline Knop, Juliet Brooks, Cheri Raymundo, Lauren Schano, and Madi Worley. All League 2nd Team are Megan Reid and Gian Ryan. Juliet Brooks, Lauren Schano and Cheri Raymundo will compete in CIF Individuals at River Ridge Golf Club in Oxnard on October 31st.
E ParentNewsletter
Delazari Places at Canadian Animation Film Festival DiD yoU kNoW THaT?
By Lou Johnston
Junior Stephanie Delazari, with her first animated film, “Birds Walking” won a second place Honorable Mention award this past September at the prestigious Ottowa International Animation Film Festival. She and her mother, Irene, were invited to attend the screening and were flown to Ottawa for the four-day festival. The film, noted “for its refreshing sense of humour”, is about a worm who thinks he is attending a worm convention, but instead mistakenly finds himself smack dab in the middle of a convention being attended by a large flock of birds. Stephanie was the youngest of the film makers from around the world to be invited to the competition. This alone is quite an achievement, but to have won an Hon-
orable Mention is remarkable. She is to be congratulated. Stephanie transferred to La Salle last year from Immaculate Heart High School because of the reputation of La Salle’s Art Department and says she is very happy to be a part of our Mission. She plans on attending Cal Arts after graduation, and is already attending select classes there this year.
Support Your LANCERS
RE-REGISTER BY NOVEMBER 1 Once you register, that’s it for the whole year!
If every Parent registered their market cards, the school could make tons of money…so register those cards today and get all your friends and family to register too! Be sure you are signed up at Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. (As well as credit cards ~ Macy’s no longer is a participant). • To register for VONS, go to • To register Ralphs Rewards cards, go to • To register at Albertsons go to Our School ID is: 139428998 or type in La Salle High School. If you need help please email Craig Snodgrass at or call him at 626.688.6523 PAGE 24
The Obsequious Observer Names in the News Daniel De La Torre continues to tear up the Cross County courses in Southern California. He was named the Pasadena Outlook's Athlete of the Week for his 10th place Championship Division race at the presigious Clovis Invitational in 15:37. Senior Diamond RidleyPierce was named the Pasadena Star-News Athlete of the Week for her outstanding volleyball play with 19 kills in our win against Bishop Montgomery and 42 kills in six games as the Lancers won their second consecutive volleyball tournament. She was also the MVP of the Marlborough Tournament. Of course, we congratulate senior Cynthia Louie for her selection as Princess for the 2012 Tournament of Roses Parade. Senior Daniel Priore has been selected to play and march in the Tournament Band and senior Stephen Wright was selected to participate as part of the Boy Scouts of America Rose Parade Tournament Troop. He is an Eagle Scout and will carry one of the award banners in the parade on January 2. Speaking of the Tournament of Roses, our past Crystal Ball Honoree Jeff Throop P’00,’01,’04 is the immediate Past President of the Tournament preceding our alumnus, Gary DiSano '64, who was President in 2009-2010. Yep, La Salle High School was the Reader Recommended Best Private School by the readers of the Pasadena Weekly. Congrats to all of us!
Check your School calendar for all event times and dates
November Highlights
la sallE oPEN HoUsE NoVEMBEr 13 VETEraNs Day 11-11-11 ADOPT-AFaMily GiFT WraPPiNG ParTy DECEMBEr 3 CrysTal Ball CHrisTMas GiFT GaTHEriNG ParTy DECEMBEr 4
October 29 Saturday Homecoming Dance 8-11:00pm Dining Hall October 30 Opening Night Shakespear's "12th Night" 7:00pm Grinstead Theatre October 31 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL vs Bishop Montgomery 6:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium November 1 Dress Up Day All Saints Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall GIRLS VOLLEYBALL vs Notre Dame Academy 6:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium November 2 Winter Sports Parents Meeting 6:00pm Dining Hall Winter Sports Team Meetings 7:00pm Dining Hall November 4 Spirit Day Dismissal 12:15pm BOYS WATER POLO vs Web 3:15pm Sierra Madre Aquatic Center FOOTBALL vs Bishop Montgomery 7:00pm Kohorst Field November 8 Parent Association and Boosters Meetings 6:30pm Booster Boards Various Campus Locations 7:45pm Parent Association Blakeslee Library November 10 Café Bibliothèque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library
November 11 School Holiday Veterans Day Observed November 19 Saturday Art Show 3:00pm Blakeslee Library Dance Concert 2-6:00pm Grinstead Theatre November 21 Junior Leadership Ceremony Dress Up 7:00pm Dining Hall November 23 Dress Up Day Thanksgiving Prayer Service 9:15am Dining Hall November 24, 25 Thanksgiving Holiday November 29 GIRLS SOCCER vs St Lucy's 5:00pm Kohorst Field GIRLS BASKETBALL vs Pasadena Poly 5:30pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium BOYS BASKETBALL vs Servite 7:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium November 30 Christmas Assembly BOYS SOCCER vs Valley Chrsitian 5:00pm Kohorst Field December 2 Jazz Concert 7:00pm Grinstead Theatre December 4 Sunday Crystal Ball — Gift Gathering Christmas Party 6:00pm Pasadena December 8 Dress Up Day Feast of the Immaculate Conception Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall