ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
The month of September is complete and the young men and women who walk the hallways of this high school are staying busy both in and out of the classroom. I share with you that as they stay busy I appreciate their diligence and attention to their studies.
Back-to-School Night Let me thank all those parents who traversed our hallways and classrooms in late August. The turnout was standing room only in some of the lower division classes. In addition, the Senior College Parent Meeting was well received and valuable information exchanged. As you well know, you are always welcome to contact a teacher regarding an academic concern you might have. I would encourage you to have a conversation with your son/daughter beforehand because they can usually explain or clarify most concerns for you. Communication is always good! Academic Awards On the morning of September 19, we acknowledged the academic excellence and improvement of almost 280
students because of their performance in this past springs’ classes. Many members of our current senior, junior and sophomore classes were honored and presented certificates of high achievement. It was a privilege for me to be involved in the ceremony and I hope that many more students will be honored next semester because of their classroom work this current semester.
Parent/Teacher Conferences I wish to remind you that PowerSchool always has the latest grade postings for your student. You are welcome to visit it at any time and compliment your son/daughter on a job well done and/or to offer words of encouragement. On Thursday, October 3, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held. Classes on that day will end at noon. Then, from 12:45 – 2:30pm and then again from 4:30 – 6:00pm parents are welcome to meet with individual instructors on a first-come-first-served basis. I encourage you to review your student’s PowerSchool performance prior to the conference and to download a printed copy of the grades. Unlike previous years, we will not be providing a Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “Provide your pupils with the means of salvation appropriate to their development. Teach them without using clever words, lest the Cross of Christ...become devoid of meaning.” Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703 Meditations for the Time of Retreat
ParentNewsletter Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
“hard copy” for you. Please bring your own. We ask that the individual conferences be limited to less than seven minutes in consideration of others who may be waiting in line.
Homecoming 2013 The week of October 14 is our annual Homecoming Week. Our Student Life Council is planning an enjoyable week of activities and events for the entire student body. On Friday evening of that week, at the football game against Mary Star High School, we will crown the King and Queen for the year. The week will conclude with a dance on Saturday evening in the Dining Hall. Standardized Tests STANDARD TESTS OCTOBER 14
On Wednesday, October 16, freshmen, sophomores and juniors will be occupied by a morning of standardized tests. The freshmen will be taking the Explore exam while the sophomores and juniors will be with the PSAT. The importance of these examinations cannot be overstated and I would hope that each student would approach these tests with a seriousness of purpose. For seniors, this day would be a great opportunity for a local college visit as they continue their application and search process. On Friday, October 25, we will conclude the first grading period for the semester. During the following week, we will mail home report cards.
Brother Christopher Brady, FSC
“A Black and White Affair” The 15th annual Crystal Ball will be held Friday, May 2, 2014 at the Langham, Huntington in Pasadena. Please join us for what promises to be a wonderful event. Proceeds from this event support La Salle’s Academic, Arts, Athletic and Financial Aid programs. We are putting together committees and invite you to become a part of this special evening by helping plan the 2014 Crystal Ball. If you are interested in helping, please contact Liz Kwong at or call 626.826.1411. Joining the Crystal Ball team is a great way to meet other parents and, while having a great time, satisfy your service hours.
Parent Association Monthly Meeting Topics October - Brandon Birr, Dean of Students November - Holiday Hospitality - Tablet Technology Project Update January - Student Technology Implementation Plan for 2014-2015 February - Mission Effectiveness Committee Presentation March - College Counselors Year-End Report April - Thank You Celebration PAGE 2
From the Parent Association
A Great Start Towards an Extraordinary Year As I was driving up Michillinda towards La Salle, a couple of Tuesday evenings ago, I wondered what to expect for the chairing of our first Parent Association meeting and first Booster meetings of the year. Even with the reminder email, phone blast and banners out in front of school that morning, there was still a sense of nervous anticipation about how those efforts would all come together. Especially changing the General Meeting start time to 6:30pm, prior to the Booster gatherings. Tonight, I thought, was going to be a true test of where the year was headed for the La Salle Parent Association. As I approached the driveway to the lower parking lot and began to pull in, any fears that I may have had were quickly dispelled when I noticed that there was no place to park, the lot was full! We are thrilled to report that attendance at our first meetings of the year was at all time highs with standing-room-only at the general Parent Association meeting, and Booster gatherings had fantastic turn outs as well. All in all, our first meetings of the year proved we are off to a great start towards an extraordinary year. On Tuesday, October 8th, we will have the second round of our monthly Parent Association and Booster meetings. If you did not have the chance to attend one of the September meetings, don’t miss out this time around as meeting agendas are getting into high gear; you will also learn more about our upcoming events and of additional opportunities for parent involvement. All of the Booster groups need your help, and we strongly encourage everyone to take part in whatever you can. In addition to helping out with various school events and activities, participation in any of these meetings is a great way to stay connected with the School and meet other parents of the La Salle family.
of Students, Mr. Brandon Birr, '03 who will share insight into his new role. Please join us for what promises to be another excellent meeting. As a reminder, all parents are given credit for one service hour for each meeting attended. The first of the Parent Education Series Seminars will be Wednesday, October 23rd. La Salle will once again present Mr. Jonathan Scott, an NEXT accomplished author and coParent Association founder of the Miles-To-Go Drug Prevention Education Meeting: Tuesday program. Mr. Scott will October 10, 2013 speak of the challenges 6:30pm facing today’s teenagers and Blakeslee Library will discuss recent trends in addressing alcohol and drug abuse in the high school environment. The meeting will take place at 7:00pm in the Blakeslee Library. And remember, you get service hours for attending the PES seminar too. Once again, thank you to everyone who attended either their first Parent or Booster meeting last month. Along with all of the other parents who regularly attend these meetings, your presence and involvement are vital to the success of our children and represent but a few of the defining characteristics of what we call “The La Salle Difference”. Hopefully, you found these meetings beneficial and look forward to your future participation. With continued best wishes for an exciting new year,
Tess Crabtree P’12, '14 For our October general Parent Association President meeting, we will be featuring La Salle’s new Dean Parent Association PAGE 3
La Salle Matters
BOOKS the wave of the future?
The City of San Diego opened its new, nine-story, $189 million dollar library last weekend. It took them over 30 years to bring the project into existence. Some wags note, rather cynically, that San Diegans had more pressing priorities - like building a light-rail line and a downtown Baseball stadium. Regardless of motivation, the magnificent structure, complete with a three-story atrium offering spectacular views of San Diego Bay, is open for business and, apparently, well worth the wait. In addition to state-of-the-art technology, San Diego’s new library will accommodate 1.2 million books. Wait a minute… haven’t we been barraged by the (mis)perception that books are a thing of the past in the 21st Century? In fact, are libraries even necessary? La Salle Librarian, Delia Swanner answers the latter question with a resounding yes! She quotes the American Association of School Librarians 2009 position statement: “Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs”: 1. Mission The mission of the school library program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information; students are empowered to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information. 2. Collaboration The school library program promotes collaboration among members of the learning community, and encourages learners to be independent lifelong users and producers of ideas and information. 3. Reading The school library program promotes reading as a foundational skill for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. 4. Multiple Literacies The school library program provides instruction that addresses multiple literacies, including information literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, and technology literacy. One only has to walk through the Blakeslee Library at lunch (especially around Finals week) to encounter a room filled with students using the space for what it was intended: to study, to work on a project, to do research, to get a leg up on tomorrow’s assignments, and, most important of all - to ask for help. But that’s not all. While it should not be a surprise to learn that the student presence in the Blakeslee Library after school plummets (although never to zero), the monthly after-school Café Bibliotèque (a “coffee house” featuring guest speakers/entertainers and/or original student work such as poetry) tends to draw better than three dozen students from every grade level. Interestingly enough, the single largest attendance at Café Bibliotèque was last December when 70 students helped create Christmas greeting cards for teenagers who were spending the holidays in Juvenile Hall.
Even so, traditional uses of a library like La Salle’s continue to frustrate the predictions of 21st Century prognosticators. The Blakeslee Library witnessed an annual door count of 18,420 (this is an increase of 23% over the prior year) and an average of 18 class visits per month. 728 books were checked out for research purposes. This represents a 34% increase over the prior year. In support of this, more proactive view of libraries, Luis Herrera, the City Librarian of San Francisco, offers a compelling argument for the continued need for libraries: Libraries are more relevant than ever. They are a place for personal growth and reinvention, a place for help in navigating the information age, a gathering place for civic and cultural engagement and a trusted place for preserving culture. So, while libraries will undoubtedly survive the “Age of Technology,” it is not at all clear that books in print will survive the duration of the 21st Century. According to one study, however, less than 10% of the world’s books in print have been digitized, suggesting that they will be around for the duration of our lifetime and the lifetime of the so-called “Millennials.” And, as the inevitable shift to electronic media drives current library users to a computer portal, books in print must be preserved, no longer because they are the primary source of research information, but because they represent an essential component of intellectual inquiry that will not be electronically replaced anytime soon. Meanwhile, magnificent buildings like San Diego’s new Central Library, remind us of our aspirations to know more about our world and its story through the fundamental task of sitting quietly with a book in our hands.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2013
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
Transforming Lives Since 1680
Havana Great Night! Gift Gathering
Check out ALL the Photos on the La Salle Website
A great big thank you to Angela McLaren and her committee for a wonderful “Havana Night.” Parents, friends and staff enjoyed delicious food, drinks and a Cigar Bar! In addition to having the opportunity to meet and mingle with new and returning families of La Salle. Many generous gift donations were collected. These donations will be used to create exciting baskets and other items which will be available through the live and silent auctions at the Crystal Ball, "A Black & White Affair," on Friday, May 2, 2014 at The Langham, Huntington, Pasadena. The success of the evening was due to all who attended and gave so generously! The event, however, would not have been possible without those who donated their time, energy, and talents to its preparation. A big thank you to Dr. Gray, Brother Christopher, Angela and Steve McLaren, Jacky and Juan Samartin, Irene Santucci, Town and Country Rentals and the Academic, Arts and Athletic Boosters! Havana Nights also was the first chance to buy Crystal Ball opportunity drawing tickets for a “Maui Getaway for Two” at the Royal Lahaina Resort, iPad or Disney Family Park Passes. Look for future chances to purchase Crystal Ball opportunity drawing tickets – you do not want to miss your chance at a dream vacation!
21 Annual Lancer Golf Classic and Banquet
The 21st Annual Lancer st Golf Classic took place on Monday, September 23, 2013 at the beautiful Glendora Country Club. The weather was perfect and we had a great group of 110 golfers that came out to play. We would like to recognize and thank our generous sponsors for the day’s events: Don and Georgette Mareina, Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken, Adam Konrad ‘87 (Pacific Homeworks) and Don Olender ‘70 (Wells Fargo Capital Finance), as well as our many alumni, families and friends who underwrote the cost of the tournament, purchased tee signs, sponsored game holes, ran ads in the program and donated items for the auction. Each year, the Tournament raises significant funds for La Salle’s Academic, Arts, Athletic and Financial Aid Programs. The low scoring team of the day was: Mark Miller, Jack Plescia, Anthony Melillo and Ben Findel, but everyone that played and supported this event is a winner and deserves our warmest thanks! A special thanks goes out to the dedicated volunteer committee members: John Caulfield '03, Steve Jones, Kevin Delaney '89, Kristin Donahue, Pete Griffith, Dennis Jebbia, Matt Jones '05, Steve Paradis, Irene Santucci, Craig Sloane and Morris Victor. A big thank you also to the many volunteers who contributed to a wonderful event! Keith Brown, '62 had the pocker high-hand and won a trip to the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Las Vegas.
Zak Forbes, Lawrence Forbes, John Dewar P'17 and Jason Havner. PAGE 8
Happy Volunteer Beverage Ladies, Leslie Freiberger P'15 and Marianne Siberell P'14, '16.
Check the La Salle Website for more Lancer Golf Classic photos.
Top: The Larry Name during the banquet. Top: The Larry Name during the banquet. Middle: The big winners: Ben Fidel, Dr Richard Gray, Anthony Melillo, Mark Miller and Jack Plescia. Bottom: Joe Olander '08 and Don Olander '70, P'08,'09. Top: The Larry Name during the banquet. Middle: The big winners: Ben Fidel, Dr Richard Gray, Anthony Melillo, Mark Miller and Jack Plescia. Bottom: Joe Olander '08 and Don Olander '70, P'08,'09.
Top: Dave Desmond, Ed O'Connor P'16, '17, John Caulfield '03 and Jeff Wright '04. Middle: Ryan Asao P'16 and Richard Asao GP'16. Bottom: Steve Schoenbaum GP'16, Brent Schoenbaum'16, Vince Fortanasce '91, and Dr. Vincent Fortanasce P'91,'94,'97.
Top: The Larry Batalla P'99,'08,'10, table during the Lancer Classic Golf Banquet. Middle: The big winners: Ben Fidel, Dr Richard Gray, (host), Anthony Melillo, Mark Miller and Jack Plescia. Bottom: Joe Olander '08 and Don Olander '70, P'08,'09.
We hope to see all of you again at next year’s 22nd Annual Lancer Golf Classic.
From the Athletic Boosters
La Salle is experiencing a renaissance of sport with teams competing at a high level and giving their best. Our athletes leave for School early, come home late, work hard to keep grades up and it is not easy for them, so they deserve a lot of support and we thank them for their efforts. I often think the best way we can show our appreciation for their work is by attending sporting events. Our football games have record crowds, volleyball is packing the gym and the lower profile teams are also getting good fan support, so all is good - right? Well, yes and no. Our volunteers are great, however the numbers of volunteer s are down. The Athletic Boosters (as everyone must know by now) run all the charged sporting events. It is our job to organize the events and manage all the wonderful volunteers at these events. You would think with the increase in all the sports' success, we would not need additional help. Unfortunately, we are down volunteers at the events this year, so I am asking parents who have not done so to get involved. For the last two years, and again at the Freshman Parent Orientation, I have said “High School is a contact sport. Get involved before it is too late.” And I will say it again. Please get involved. Athletic Boosters offers a great way to meet a lot of people and get your hours in. It does not matter if your child plays a sport or not, just get involved. If it is not with us, then help the other booster groups.
Senior parents; your time will start winding down very soon. Jump in and to get the most out of your child’s last year. You will not regret it By the time you read this, the Wounded Warriors Game will have been played, but the message from that game must live on. We can never forget the sacrifice America's young men and women have given so we may enjoy all the things we have. The La Salle community has an obligation to do what it can to help our veterans through this organization.Please make a donation if you can. We must always remember those who have given so much. It goes hand-in-hand with the sprit of La Salle and what our motto stands for: “Learn, Serve, Lead.” The Athletic Boosters are always looking for people who want to be more involved at La Salle. Please do not hesitate to contact me at jdcina@, for more information on any projects the boosters are working on. It is already a very exciting year for Lancer Athletics. Please join us! God Bless,
John D. Cina P'13, '14 Athletic Boosters President
For specific game dates, times and locations log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics Boosters page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. PAGE 10
From the Academic Boosters
PARENTS: YOU NEED HOURS! These events are now available for sign-ups AND HERE IS HOW TO SIGN UP FOR THEM: Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website, click «calendar» at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for.
Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.
Open House
11:30 AM
Junior Leadership Ceremony
6:00 PM
Back to School Night Semester 2
5:30 PM
Junior “Planning for College” Night
5:30 PM
FAFSA Workshop
6:30 PM
Entrance Exams & Interviews
7:30 AM
Entrance Exams & Interviews
7:30 AM
Registration & Freshman Pledge
7:30 AM
College Forum
6:00 PM
Senior Uniform Buyback
11:30 AM
Commencement Exercises
6:00 PM
Academic Awards Night
5:30 PM
Used Uniform Buyback
9:00 AM
Used Uniform Sale Set-Up
Used Uniform Sale
TBA 11:00 AM
*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Credit will be based on actual hours served. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event.
Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman: Diane Taylor: Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club.” PAGE 11
GREAT GAME FOR A GREAT CAUSE Lancers triumphantly raise the Showdown for the Crown! trophy after the Wounded Warrior game.
Time is up for the Minutemen Lancers Keep Crown in 40-0 Win! The La Salle Lancer Football program hosted the Wounded Warrior Project game sponsored by Under Armour on Friday, September 20. The Lancers beat Maranatha High School in a rout, 40-0 and retained the Showdown for the Crown! trophy for the second year in a row. Two true American heroes were honored during the game, Scott Shore and Dane Kaimuloa as they
Cheerleaders during pre-game ceremonies PAGE 12
represented the more than 100,000 Wounded Warriors in this country. The La Salle Boosters, fans and friends donated over $1,000 at the game to the WWP. The project Mission is to honor and empower Wounded Warriors, while the Vision is to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history.
Honored Wounded Warriors , Scott Shore and Dane Kaimuloa with AD, Anthony Harris, Center.
Running back Bryce Harvey
Quarter back Will Pyburn
Lancers take down a Minuteman
The La Salle Cheerleaders wore all black accessories to show respect and to honor to the veterans and enlisted soldiers in the United States Military. The Wounded Warriors were recognized at the football game through an Under Armor program that supports wounded soldiers coming home from war. As part of the Cheerleaders continuing community service, they donated the proceeds from the 50/50 Raffle to the Wounded Warrior Project.
Running back Milan Acquaah
Baskerville Named Lancers Basketball Coach NEW COACH TO LEAD LANCERS
La Salle High School announced that Ernest Baskerville has accepted the position of Boys Varsity Basketball Coach. Baskerville was the Head Coach at Providence High School in Burbank, LACES in Los Angeles, and has college experience as an assistant while at the College of the Canyons. “Coach Baskerville understands the private Catholic school community and studentathlete,” Athletic Director, Anthony Harris reports. Baskerville, the 2012 CIF Division V Coach of the Year, brings 12 years of coaching experience to the Lancers. In addition, Coach Baskerville is the Director of Marketing for the John Wooden Award, and has been very successful running topof-the-line tournaments, leagues, and showcases for several years. Having had three coaches the past three seasons, the arrival of Baskerville gives La Salle an energetic young coach with a history of success. Baskerville is fresh off a two-season combined 36-23 winloss record at Providence, where he steered the team to its first league championship in a decade last season. Baskerville also led the team to its first-ever CIF Southern Section championship game, and qualified for its first-ever state playoffs. Despite his success at Providence, Baskerville, a Pasadena native, welcomed the offer to coach the La Salle boys team and be closer to home. From an interview in Pasadena Now, Baskerville said he looks forward to coaching the Lancers but admits to having mixed feelings about leaving Providence, saying he will miss the school because he believes in the values and foundation the school teaches its students. However, Baskerville quickly notes the similarities between La Salle and Providence: both are Catholic schools, both are college preparatory schools, and both have a great academic foundation and sports programs. Baskerville will be joining the Lancers, who went 13-10 and 3-4 in the Del Rey League for third place, with a squad of talented returning players. Baskerville will be replacing Jelani Gardner, who left the program August 27. Harris believes Baskerville is a well experienced head coach and will be a positive influence in our community. "We are extremely excited about the future of La Salle Basketball with Coach Baskerville as our leader.”
NO COST FUNDRAISERS is an Easy way to help la salle
From the College Counseling Center
College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
Colleges Scheduled to Visit La Salle in October The College Center has already hosted many fine colleges during the month of September, and many more colleges are scheduled to visit La Salle in October. Colleges are being added to the College Visit Calendar every day. Please check the Naviance website under ‘visit schedule’ or the College Center bulletin board for the most up-to-date schedule. Please also encourage your student to list his or her colleges of interest in Family Connection by Naviance, as it automatically generates e-mail reminders to your student when a college he or she is interested in visits La Salle.
Individual Senior Meetings Mr. Hou and Ms. Baldonado are busy meeting with students who have completed their Senior Surveys. Unfortunately, a significant number of students have not completed them. Please encourage your student to complete their Senior College Planning Survey online at Family Connection by Naviance if he or she hasn’t done so already. Friday, October 11, Monday, October 14, and Wednesday, October 16, are days off for seniors to catch up on the college application process. Seniors can use these days wisely by visiting local and far away college campuses, start or complete their college essay/personal statement or finalize their college list on Family Connection. Seniors will find the process to be less stressful once they finalize their college list and start their applications. Those three days are also excellent days to submit Cal State applications and to check them off their ‘to do’ list will lighten their load.
SAT/ACT Testing Seniors have their last opportunity to take standardized tests in December. The regular registration deadline for the November 2 SAT and PAGE 16
the Subject Tests is October 3. The late registration deadline is October 18 (space permitting).
Important Dates to Remember SAT or SAT Subject Tests: Test Date - December 7 (Regular Registration Deadline: November 8) ACT: T est Date - December 14 (Regular Registration Deadline: November 8)
UC and Cal State Systems Update There has been some news around the UCs accepting more nonresident students for financial reasons. While the representatives of the UC system acknowledge this to be the case, they also noted that the University’s admission of international and out-of-state students does not displace California residents. For Fall 2013, ten percent of enrolled undergraduates will be nonresidents and UC campuses enrolled California students beyond the designated state funded spaces. The UCs shared that nonresident students bring a diversity of perspectives and experiences to the community and nonresident tuition is used to benefit all students. Many of the 23 California State University campuses are impacted to First Time Freshmen. Go to for the full listing of CSU campuses. We suggest students apply broadly to the CSU campuses. Reminder, La Salle High School is considered a local high school to CSU Los Angeles and CSU Northridge which means that our students will be accepted to these campuses as long as they are CSU eligible given the CSU eligibility index (GPA and test scores on a sliding scale). The California State University application is available October 1 at with a deadline date of November 30. The University of California application i s av a i l a b l e O c to b e r 1 a t h t t p : / / w w w. The UC
application filing period is November 1 to November 30 - NO EXCEPTIONS. Most private colleges utilize the Common Application and can be accessed electronically at www. Check each out-of-state and private colleges’ websites for their application procedures.
Standardized Testing for 9, 10 and 11 Grades Just a reminder that all 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be testing on Wednesday, October 16. Freshmen will take the EXPLORE, Sophomores will take the PLAN and Juniors will take the PSAT. They should bring calculators. Everyone should bring No. 2 pencils. All students are expected to finish at around 11am.
College Tours Thank you for all of you who have signed up for the Bay Area College Tour. The tour reached capacity by early September and we expect a great trip. We are offering the following college tours in the Spring. Additional details will be available later this semester. Greater Los Angeles Tour Friday, February 14 We will be visiting UCLA, Loyola Marymount and Cal State Long Beach. The registration deadline will be January 15.
San Diego College Tour Monday, March 17 We will be visiting UC San Diego, San Diego State University and University of San Diego that day. The registration deadline will be February 19. East Coast College Tour Monday, April 21 to Saturday, April 26 We will be touring colleges from Boston to Washington, D.C. with Campus Excursions this spring. A separate mailing for this tour will be sent to all junior families later this month. Please see Mr. Hou or Ms. Baldonado if you have any questions about this or any other college tour.
SAT Preparation Course We are proud to announce that we will again use the Princeton Review as our SAT preparation course vendor this spring. This six-week course will take place on the La Salle campus in February and March and will prepare juniors for the March 8 SAT Reasoning exam. The cost of this program for La Salle students is $499. The dates for this course are listed in the calendar. Additional information and registration materials will be posted in the November ParentNewsletter.
From Guidance and Counseling
Miles To Go Drug Abuse Parent Education October 23 By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
Each Program is GRADE level specific
This month, Mr. Jonathan Scott, from Miles To Go Drug Prevention Education Program, is scheduled to return to La Salle High School and speak with our current freshman, sophomore and senior students. Scott will be at La Salle on October 21, 22 and 23. All of the programs are designed to educate and engage your students in a program that provides accurate information about alcohol and drug use. The focus of Mr. Scott’s presentations is to empower your student with accurate facts that they need in order to make safe choices about using alcohol or drugs. The program is designed in a manner which is specifically suited to the age and grade level of your student. Please check your school calendar and note which day and class period your student will attend the program. We ask that you please rearrange non emergency appointments for your student on the day she or he is scheduled to attend the program. The October Parent Education Series will be the parent portion of the Miles to Go Drug Prevention Education program. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23, at 7:00pm in the Blakeslee Library. Mr. Scott will speak with La Salle parents about the current trends in drug and alcohol use among high school students. He will answer your questions, address your concerns and provide educational materials and references at the meeting. We strongly encourage you to attend and obtain information that will help you to empower your student’s safe choices about alcohol and drug use now and in the future.
From the Blakeslee Library
Library Volunteer Opportunities The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Also, donations of snacks and drinks will be appreciated for the Café Bibliothèque events in the library. The dates for events are: October 24, November 14, December 5, January 23, February 13, March 20, and April 10, 2014. Please call Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 or Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to sign up.
Mothers of Alumni Council “MAC-TIES”
Did you know that there is a very special way for mothers to continue the connection with La Salle High School and other La Salle mothers, even after your child has graduated?
Student Life Christmas Tree Sale For the fourth year in a row, La Salle’s Student Life wants to sell you a fantastic Christmas tree! We invite you to join the families from the past years and purchase a tree for your family. Simply fill out the e-attached form and return it with your payment to La Salle High School. On Saturday, December 7, come to the La Salle senior parking lot and pick out your tree and we will load it onto your car for you. Or better yet, for a $10 donation we will deliver it to your house if you live within 10 miles of the School. You can come pick out the tree yourself, or have the Student Life team pick one out for you. All of our trees are guaranteed. If you do not like your tree, we will give you back 100% of your money. If you like bigger trees, (noble fir, 8ft and above) you will find it hard to beat our prices. Everyone wins! You get a great tree for your Christmas Holiday, and the La Salle Student Body is able to use funds raised for the many great events facilitated by Student Life. If you are not in need of a tree, but would like to donate a tree to a member of the armed services, you can do that too. Last year, the La Salle community purchased over 120 trees that were donated to the soldiers at Fort Irwin. If you have any questions, please contact Ed O’Connor, Director of Student Life at 626.696.4329 or SEE eFLYER ATTACHED
Please join us for “MAC-TIES” Mothers of Alumni Council tie-ing us all together!
Wednesday, October 16, 6:30pm, Library Conference Room
The Mothers of Alumni Council (MAC) invite all mothers of seniors and 2013 graduates to a general meeting and information session. Refreshments will be served, and information will be provided about our mission and all our MAC activities. In addition, mothers will have an opportunity to help prepare care packages for the 2013 La Salle graduates who are now college freshmen. This is a great opportunity to earn service hours, and most importantly, to gather for an evening of fun and fellowship. RSVP to Yolanda Valadez at 626.833.0384 or Lisa Urbina at 626.712.4825. We hope to see you there!
ParentNewsletter From the Arts Boosters
Fall Report and Sweet News
The school year is well under way and, most parents are aware that they must provide service hours to the school, so many look to the Booster groups as a way to fulfill their commitment. Choosing which group to work with isn’t always easy. Should you pick the group that supports your child’s activities, or one that more closely matches your own interests? In order to help you with this decision, the Arts Boosters have devised a simple test. Think of a typical school day. What will be the highlight of your evening? a) Picking up your sweaty child from some kind of sports activity. b) Helping your child with homework. c) Curling up in front of the television to watch a show or movie. If you answered a) then you should probably gravitate towards the Athletic Boosters. If you would prefer b) then perhaps the Academic Boosters is more your thing. However, if c) sounds more appealing, your best fit will probably be found in the Arts Boosters.
The Arts Boosters support all of the many Arts-related activities at La Salle High School. Film, Television, Dance, Music, and Fine Arts all fall under our area of responsibility. If any of these activities interest you, please join us at our next meeting, in the Linda Grinstead Theatre at 7:30pm on Tuesday, October 7. The Fall Theatre production is gearing up, casting is complete, and rehearsals underway. Performances are scheduled for November 2 (2 shows), 8, 9 (2 shows), 14, 1 5, and 16 (2 shows), but please call early as performances do sell out. Our big See's Candy fundraiser is also getting underway, offering the opportunity to buy some candy for Christmas while donating some money toward the Arts. Which brings us to our point…if you like going to the theater or eating candy, Arts Boosters may well be the best choice for you.
The annual See’s Candy Sale runs through November 15. Each order provides much needed funds to the students in the Theatre, Dance, Chorus, Visual Arts, Band, and Digital Media Departments. Thanks to all who make this one of our most successful fundraisers. Please send your orders to the front office by Friday, November 15. Orders will be available for pick-up in the band room on Saturday, December 7 from 9:00am to noon. You will receive one service hour for every $100 of candy ordered. We also have access to gift baskets for corporate orders. Please contact Tina Delany with any questions at 323.823.2461 or Volunteers The See’s Candy fundraiser provides opportunities to earn hours by buying candy or helping with distribution. Five people are needed on Friday, December 6 between 3:00 and 6:00pm to assist with sorting and packaging, and four more volunteers on Saturday, December 7 from 9:00am until noon to help with distribution. To Volunteer, contact Tina Delany at 323.823.2461 or PAGE 20
City of Pasadena and La Salle Parking Laws The following rules and guidelines have been established by the administration and the Pasadena Police Department for the safety of your children. Parents may drop off students in front of school and by driving into the school parking lot on Sierra Madre Boulevard. Enter the parking lot using the second gate west of the gym and exit as indicated. The City has provided an additional dropoff zone going south on Michillinda Avenue, just north of the School’s driveway. This is for immediate drop-off only and is indicated as such. Both La Salle and the City are very concerned by the ongoing double, (and at times, triple) parking by parents during drop-off on Sierra Madre Boulevard. This is not only illegal, but extremely unsafe. The City will continue to enforce a no-left-turn policy for northbound Michillinda Avenue traffic onto Canfield Road and Landfair Road, as well as a no-right-turn policy for southbound traffic on Michillinda Avenue onto Canfield and Landfair. This policy is in effect from 7:00am to 8:00am, Monday through Friday. Parents are also reminded that there is absolutely no student drop-off in the lower faculty parking lot. This creates a very dangerous back-up of cars in the oncoming traffic lanes. The School also reminds our driving students that they should not park their cars on residential streets such as Canfield Road. The School will continue to work with the City in providing a process for safe and efficient drop-off of students. Parents should make use of the Sierra Madre Boulevard lot to pick up students at the end of the school day. We expect our parents and students to adhere to these policies and regulations. They will be enforced by the Pasadena Police Department. Contact Mr Brandon Birr, Dean of Students, at 626.696.4360 if you have any concerns about these procedures.
Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406
A parent or guardian must call before 9:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state student's name, date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from the parents or guardians stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by Mr. Birr, Dean of Students. PAGE 21
Page 22
La Salle High School to host the event along with the Pasadena Community Health Fair The La Salle Board of Regents is proud to announce that the Hoop It Up Basketball Tournament is returning to Southern California after a ten year absence. Established in 1989 by the National Basketball Association, Hoop It Up is the nation’s largest three-on-three outdoor street basketball competition. Over the years, more than 500,000 players have competed in the games. The tournament is designed to promote both community and fitness, and will be open to youths, teens and adults, with an expected participation of 400 to 500 players with hundreds more in attendance. The weekend’s events will be held on the La Salle High School Campus and will also feature a 3-point shooting contest and slam dunk contest on Saturday, October 5. As part of the ongoing efforts to promote fitness, health, and well-being in the community at large, La Salle High School will also host the inaugural Pasadena Community Health Fair during the Hoop It Up Tournament on October 5th from 9:00am to 4:00pm on the La Salle campus. This supporting Community Health Fair will be free to all participants thanks to the generosity of the event sponsors Methodist Hospital of Arcadia, Merrill Lynch, East West Bank, and Dick’s Sporting Goods. The event flyer is e-attached. For registration or more information on Hoop It Up, visit For more information about La Salle High School or the Pasadena Community Health Fair contact Edward Malicdem at 626.356.2085 or PAGE 23
Academic Awards The fall Academic Awards Ceremony took place on September 19, in the Dining Hall. Over 275 students were acknowlwdged for high academic achievement. The ceremony began with a performance of the Minuet & Gigue – Telemann Dance Suite, performed by Claire Fitzgerald '14 and Yoltic Sandoval '15. The National Honor Society introductions were made followed by the induction of new members of the Science National Honor Scociety. The Keynote Address,was given by seniors Olivia Kavanaugh, Elisa Stephens and Steven Bickel, who were selected to attend the first La Salle environmental immersion project in Yellowstone National Park during July, 2013. Thanks to the generosity of Ricki and Joel Robinson, parents of Chad, an alum of La Salle, the School created the Robinson Fellowship in Environmental Science. The trio spent a week in Yellowstone Park, working side-by-side with National Park Service ecologists and field researchers. They presented their work on conservation, wildlife restoration, population studies, invasive and endangered species accounting as well as challenges to the food chain.
Claire Fitzgerald and Yoltic Sandoval
Olivia Kavanaugh, Elisa Stephens
Page 24
Presentation of Certificates.
Steven Bickel
Admissions Calendar
PARENT TOURS Tuesdays October 1, 2013 - January 21, 2014 Tours Are Scheduled From 8:30am - 9:30am. Spaces are limited. Applicant parents should call Teresa Ring at 626.696.4365 to register for a tour.
Claire Fitzgerald and Yoltic Sandoval Ben Dalgarn, Student Life President, lights the first NHS candle.
OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 3, 2013 12:00-2:30pm A chance to tour the campus, meet teachers and students, visit classrooms and watch sporting events. Call Teresa Ring at 626.696.4365 to register. PRIVATE SCHOOL FINANCIAL AID SERVICE WORKSHOP Thursday, November 14, 2013 7:00 - 8:00 pm In this workshop we will walk you through the financial aid application process. Call Teresa Ring at 626.696.4365 to register. PRIORITY SIBLING APPLICATION DEADLINE Monday, December 2, 2013 APPLICATION DEADLINE Friday, January 17, 2014 (Late applications will be accepted, but may be placed on the waiting list.) FINANCIAL AID APPLICATION DEADLINE Friday, January 17, 2014
Solina Beringer, NHS member lights the second candle.
ENTRANCE EXAMS (STS/HSPT) AND ADMISSIONS INTERVIEWS Saturday, January 25, 2014 8:00 - 11:00am - Exams 10:30am -12:30pm - Interviews for students who did not interview during their school visit Saturday, February 1, 2014 8:00 - 11:00 am - Exams 10:30am -12:30pm - Interviews for students who did not interview during their school visit DEADLINE FOR TRANSCRIPTS, TEST SCORES, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Friday, February 7, 2014 NOTIFICATION LETTERS MAILED Friday, March 7, 2014 REGISTRATION CLASS OF 2018 Friday, March 15, 2014
Presentation of Certificates.
The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor
Principal, Brother Christopher, Brady FSC, announced today that Ben Dalgarn has been named a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist in the 2014 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from La Salle and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program, will be presented by the principal to this scholastically talented senior. There are approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 59th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Ben now has an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,000 National Merit Scholarships worth about $35 million. Brother Christopher also announced that Jackson Goyette, Jamie Kwong, Roderick Law and George Situ have been named Commended Students in the 2014 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from La Salle and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation will also be presented by the principal to these scholastically talented seniors. About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. ‘The young men and women being named Semifinalists and Commended Students have demonstrated outstanding potential for academic success,” commented a spokesperson for NMSC. ‘These students represent a valuable national resource; recognizing their accomplishments, as well as the key role their schools play in their academic development, is vital to the advancement of educational excellence in our nation. We hope that this recognition will help broaden their educational opportunities and encourage them as they continue their pursuit of academic success.” Emma Martinez '14, Marisol Dakan '14, Tomas Dakan '12 and prospective student Diego Martinez '18 raised money for Cancer Research at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Between the Martinez and Dakan Families over $2,000 was raised benefitting the cause. Getting up on Sunday morning at 3:15am, and entering the ocean just after 7:00am, means these students were committed to making a difference. Marisol and Tomas completed the the entire event which includes a 1/2 mile ocean swim, an 18 mile bike race, and a 4 mile run. Emma Martinez was on a relay team with her brother Diego and mother, Sue Martinez. Emma did the 1/2 mile ocean swim.
Emma Martinez '14, prospective student Diego Martinez '18 Tomas Dakan '12 Marisol Dakan '14.
Look for a letter, in the flyers file attached, from Superior General, Brother Alvaro Rodreguez Echeverra, regarding the Beatification of 74 Christian Brothers who were murdered during the Spanish persecutions in the early part of the 20th century. They are just one group of martyrs to be beatified later this year. Interesting reading. Page 26
Patriotic Cheerleaders Continuing their tradition of honoring our local Fireman on the anniversary of 9/11, the La Salle Cheerleaders took baked goods and “cheer” to Pasadena Fire Station 37. On October 13, the students in Ms. Osick’s English classes were treated to a visit from writer and poet Jacqueline Suskin, who has created a new twist on an ancient art: poetry as performance art. As she does in public spaces, such as farmers’ markets and shopping malls, Jacqueline brought poetry into the modern age of everything “on-demand.” Rolling out her manual typewriter and index-cardsized slips of recycled paper, she asked for ideas and started to create individual poems for the students. Suggestions ranged from the expected (love, family, loss) to the unusual (the Challenger explosion, eating apples after a nuclear apocalypse), but as Jacqueline noted, when it comes to poetr y, “the themes are always the same – human themes.” What most impressed the students was the speed of Jacqueline’s writing – one poem in
under two minutes. Each reading was met by genuine applause and astonishment that something so moving could be created in so short a time. She suggested that there are many ways of doing the same thing, and that the best way to discover a new way is to write. Amazed that very few students today keep a journal, she responded simply, “You need to keep a journal.” Good advice for us all. Jacqueline Suskin operates The Poem Store ( and is the author of "The Collected" (2010), a series of poems written in honor of found photographs. PAGE 27
Check your School calendar for event times and dates OCTOBER 2013
October Highlights TESTING DAY OCTOBER 16
October 3 Parent Teacher Conferences Dismissal 12:00pm Conferences: 12:45 to 2:30pm 4:30 to 6:00pm
October 18 Rally Schedule Homecoming FOOTBALL vs Mary Star High School 7:00pm Kohorst Field
October 5 Hoop It Up Basketball Tournament 9:00am - 7:00pm All Campus and Kohorst Field Hoop It Up Health Faire 9:00am - 4:00pm October 8 Parent Association and Boosters Meetings 6:30pm Parent Association Blakeslee Library 7:30pm Booster Boards Various Campus Locations October 11 Student Holiday Faculty In-Service
October 19 Saturday Homecoming Dance 8:00-11:00pm Dining Hall
October 14 School Holiday Columbus Day Observed October 16 PSAT/PLAN/Explore Testing Dismissal Approximately 11:30am Senior College Visit Day October 17 Great California Shake Out Full Disaster Drill 12:00pm All Campus
October 21 Junior Retreat Begins October 23 Parent Education Series: Miles to Go 7:00pm Blakeslee Library October 24 Café Bibliothèque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library November 1 Liturgy Dress Up Day All Saints Day 9:30am Mass Note: Dining Hall November 3 Sunday OPEN HOUSE Noon - 2:30pm All Campus
Dress Up Day Ties
All students are required to wear the La Salle Tie on Dress Up Days.