ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
With the month of September nearly completed it gives me an opportunity to look back on our opening weeks of school. Yes, they are gone, but not forgotten! Let me thank all those parents who traversed our hallways and classrooms on Back-to-School Night. The turnout was standing room only in some of the lower division classes. In addition, the Senior College Parent Meeting was well received and valuable information exchanged. A special thank you also goes out to those who were able to complete the survey that was emailed following this event. As you well know, you are always welcome to contact a teacher regarding a concern you might have. I would though encourage you to have a prior conversation with your son/daughter first because they can usually explain or clarify most concerns for you. Communication is always good. On the morning of September 20, we acknowledged the academic excellence of almost 300 students because of their performance in this past springs’ classes. Many members of our current senior, junior and sophomore classes were appropriately honored and presented certificates of high achievement. It was a privilege for me to be involved in the ceremony and I hope that many more students will be honored because of their classroom work this semester. Speaking of communication (a few paragraphs up), you should have recently received a Progress Report from the school indicating academic achievement so far. It is only a snap-shot reading of what has been accomplished (or not!). It is our hope that this “snapshot” will serve as a well done comment and/or for some, appropriate words of encouragement at home. To further assist in the dialogue please note that on Thursday, October 4, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held. Classes on that day will end at 12:15pm. Then, from 12:30 – 2:00pm and then 4:30 – 6:00pm parents are welcome to meet with individual instructors on a first-come-first-served basis. I encourage you to review you student’s performance in PowerSchool prior to the conference since there may be grade Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “We must realize that this day has been given us in order to work for our salvation. We must act as if this day is our last.” Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703 Exercisies of Piety
Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
additions/changes that have occurred between the time you received the mailed Progress Report and the time the conference will be taking place. We ask that the individual conferences be limited to less than seven minutes in consideration of others who may be waiting in line. Some of the upcoming events during this month of October have affected the school calendar. On, Thursday, October 11, the entire faculty will gather off campus for a Faith Formation Presentation sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. On Wednesday, October 17, freshmen, sophomores and juniors will be occupied by a morning of standardized tests. The importance of these examinations cannot be overstated and I would hope that each student would approach these tests with a seriousness of purpose. For seniors, this day would be a great opportunity for a local college visit as they continue their application and search process. Our annual Family Communion Breakfast will be held on Sunday, October 21 beginning at 9:30am in the Duffy Lewis Gymnasium. On this Sunday morning, we will host a family liturgy as we come together as a faith community of believers who trust and respect in the love of God. Families of all faiths are invited and encouraged to join us for this service. I wish to inform you of a change in our operational procedure regarding the use of Interquest, pages 26 and 27 of our current Parent /Student Handbook. Should one of the trained canines “alert� on a students possessions, whether or not a controlled substance can be physically found, it will be treated as though something HAS BEEN FOUND. This change is warranted by students who have placed themselves in locations and groups where contolled substances have been illegally used. I would strongly advise parents to counsel their son/daughter to avoid such occasions and to make sure that their possessions (i.e. clothing, backpacks, and automobiles) are residue-free of any illegal substances. The disciplinary sanction for this matter is most severe. Go Lancers!
Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal
La Salle Family Communion Breakfast Sunday October 21, 2012 Liturgy 9:30am La Salle Gymnasium See flyer attached for more information or call Charmayne Ealy at 626.644.1569 or email PAGE 2
From the Parent Association
Celebrate The La Salle Difference! I’m pleased to report the strong attendance at our Parent Association and Booster meetings last month (Fifty -seven guests at the PA meeting, alone!). Realizing that there is a lot more to volunteering than just helping out with an event or two, these parents are quickly seizing the opportunity to share in the La Salle experience with their children. Won’t you come join us? Together we will firmly establish this year’s theme of “Celebrate the La Salle Difference!” with our sons and daughters. On Tuesday, October 9th, we will have the second round of our monthly Booster and Parent Association meetings. All of the Booster groups need your help, and we strongly encourage everyone to take part in whatever capacity you can. In addition to helping out with various school events and activities, you’ll also learn more of upcoming events. Best of all, these meetings are a great way to stay connected with the School and meet other parents of the La Salle family.
The La Salle Difference is REAL
For our October general Parent Association meeting, we will be featuring La Salle’s new Head Football Coach, Mr. Russell Gordon. In the midst of the fall sports season, Coach Gordon will provide his views on the direction of La Salle’s football program, coaching philosophy, the impact of school spirit on an athletic contest and the importance of team sports in the high school experience of our student athletes. Please join us for what promises to be another exciting and informative meeting. As a reminder, all parents are given credit for one NEXT service hour for each meeting attended.
Parent Association Meeting: Tuesday, October 9, 7:45pm Blakeslee Library
As an additional reminder, parents are highly encouraged to either sign-up or renew their registration in the Lancer eScrip program by November 1st. Parent participation in eScrip all but guarantees a ready source of funding for the Parent Association’s various activities and provides additional opportunities for parent support to La Salle. Please see the ad on page 14 in this month’s ParentNewsletter on the specifics of how to participate in this worthwhile fundraising program. Once again, our thanks go out to everyone who attended either their first Booster or Parent Association meeting last month. We hope that you find these meetings beneficial and look forward to your future participation. With continued best wishes for an exciting new year,
Craig Snodgrass, P’09, ’12, '14 Parent Association President PAGE 3
Last August, Cardinal Timothy Dolan invited the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates of both parties to sign a petition, organized by the Knights of Columbus, to seek civil dialogue and to refrain from personal attacks for the remainder of this election cycle. The petition had its origins in a Marist Poll that found 78% of Americans are frustrated with the tone in politics today. It’s easy to see why. Television and radio ads for both sides typically feature a voiceover that sounds like it was forged at Hogwarts and forecasts equally ominous news for the unwary voter who strays from the accepted path to Truth. Yet, if 78% of Americans are fed up with attack ads, why are they so prevalent? Well, for starters, they are not prevalent in California or Colorado or Kansas. Those of us who hail from these and other states are not considered to be a cost-effective investment of “mediabuys” - advertising dollars. Why? Because we are not “swing” states. We are either solidly “blue” or solidly “red.” A preponderance of research on the effectiveness of political advertising reinforces the accepted wisdom that no form of advertising will sway voters whose minds are already made up. Who will it sway; voters in states where the preponderance of those who are eligible to vote do not form a solid red or blue majority. Think Ohio or Florida. Roughly 4% of voters fall into this category; but they live in just six states…hence the attack ads. I won’t bore you with the psychology of this phenomenon, other than to point out that another study highlights the problem when a “red” ad or a “blue” ad attacks the other side. If the candidate being attacked fails to respond, research shows that the media (on both ends of the ideological spectrum) tend to report the failure as evidence of weakness or, worse, “unelectability.” The medium is the message, as Marshall McLuhan once noted. In the words of one political scientist: “Advertising matters at the margins.”
Which is why I am enamored of Cardinal Dolan’s bold attempt to get both sides to tone down the rhetoric. It is also why I was so pleased to see that he accepted the offer from both parties to provide the closing prayer at their conventions. And, while he tailored his remarks to specific issues that each party appears to be at odds with Catholic social teaching, he also makes clear in his prayer that the search for Truth is never simple and never easy. This is the reason civility in politics is so necessary and so often found wanting. Moral choices are never simple and never easy and they require careful consideration around the question: which harm is the greatest. Because, assuredly, moral choices - especially in the Catholic arena - are frequently about having to choose between the conflicting evidence of moral harm and moral good. This is why I find great comfort in the leadership of Cardinal Dolan when it comes to the challenging - and conflicting - issues of our day: if everyone is shouting at everyone else, no one hears and, of course, no one learns. At La Salle, we are busy about the goal of learning. There is no greater argument for the necessity of dignified dialogue than in a Catholic high school. Combine teenage rebelliousness with adolescent outrage, add a dose of arrogance and leaven with a failure to appreciate the need to hear the other side of an argument and you pretty much have the volatile stew of any religious studies classroom in our Nation’s Catholic high schools. Cardinal Dolan cautions us to listen carefully, think deeply and to ponder carefully “WWJD” - what would Jesus do? Jesus, I think, would have done exactly what Cardinal Dolan did - reach out to both sides, chide them for their stridency and encourage everyone to take a breath and reflect deeply on how to achieve the greater good for the greater number. A sobering thought as we fasten our seat belts for a rocky conclusion to this year’s presidential election.
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
Login Procedures for PowerSchool Parent Accounts
When you log into PowerSchool you will need to perform one extra step in order to create a new parent account if not done so already. By creating the new account you will be able to personalize your Username and Password and, if you have multiple students in La Salle High School, you will have access to view the information on these students with a single sign in. To create a new parent account, click “Create Account” at the bottom of the login screen and then provide the following information:
· First Name & Last Name – This refers to your first and last name, not the student’s.
· Email – Type in the email account to
which notifications and corres-pondence related to your parent account should be sent. If two parents are creating sepatate accounts the email address MUST be unique for each parent.
· Desired Username – Indicate your preferred username, if it is not already in use by another account.
· Password – You will enter this twice.
It must be at least 6 characters long. For greater security you should consider using capital letters and/or numbers within the password.
· Link Students to Account –
Provide information for a minimum of one student, including the student name, your parent Access ID, your parent Access Password, and your relationship to the student.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2012
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:
Note: There is no change to the procedures for students logging into their student accounts.
Transforming Lives Since 1680
From the Crystal Ball Committee
It’s Crystal Ball Season… This is a reminder that the Crystal Ball Fall Gift Gathering Party (Casino Night) will take place this Saturday, September 29, 2012 at the Viehl’s Residence from 7:00 – 11:00pm. All of the donations from this event, along with the upcoming Holiday Gift Gathering Party and San Miguel Social, go toward making The Crystal Ball 2013 – CirQue De La Salle - Rêvez Grand (Dream Big) a huge success. It is still not too late to RSVP to Casino Night. Come enjoy a fun-filled evening. You can RSVP to Allison Viehl at Attending all of these events is a great way to get to know other La Salle parents, get involved and support our children’s education at La Salle High School. Your donations help raise money for the Academic, Arts and Athletic programs as well as technology, tuition assistance, faculty and staff professional development and the endowment.
Important Dates to Remember: Holiday Gift Gathering – Montoya’s Residence December 2, 2012
San Miguel Social – Clarizio’s Residence February 10, 2013
More exciting news to come… PAGE 6
The Crystal Ball – The Langham Huntington Pasadena April 12, 2013
PARENTS: YOU NEED HOURS! These Events are now Available for Sign-ups HOW TO SIGN UP FOR EVENTS Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the "calendar" at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for. Please check to see how many volunteers are needed and how many have already signed up.
DATE 11/11/12 11/19/12 12/3/12 1/10/13 1/16/13 1/26/13 2/2/13 3/9/13 4/10/13 5/14/13 5/23/13 5/23/13 5/24/13 6/5/13 7/11/13 7/12/13
ACADEMIC BOOSTER EVENT Open House Junior Leadership Ceremony FAFSA Workshop Back to School Night Semester 2 Junior “Planning for College” Night Entrance Exams & Interviews Entrance Exams & Interviews Registration & Freshman Pledge College Forum Academic Awards Night Senior Uniform Buyback Baccalaureate Mass & Reception Commencement Exercises Used Uniform Buyback Used Uniform Sale Set-Up Used Uniform Sale
START TIME* 11:30 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:30 AM 5:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 6:00 PM 5:30 PM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA 11:00 AM
HOURS* 5 3 2 2 3 5 5 5 3 4 3 4 3 3
*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.
Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman Diane Taylor
Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club.”
The Crystal Circle Honors Regent, Dennis Jebbia La Salle High School presented Mr. Dennis Jebbia with the Distinguished Lasallian Award during the 24th Annual Crystal Circle Dinner. This prestigious award is given annually to an individual or organization that has greatly contributed to the enrichment of a Catholic education for La Salle students. The reception and dinner was held at the Westin Hotel in Pasadena on September 16. Guests were greeted by Brobot DeSales. A charming creature created by the Lancer Robotics team. Brobot DeSales rose, up as it's gears revolved, and tipped
its top hat to welcome the guests as they passed by. Music during the reception was provided by various student groups, and the drum line (yes, the drum line) announced dinner and led the guests into the dining room. As the first course was served Crystal Circle members were serenaded by a beautiful young trio of singers. President of La Salle, Dr. Richard Gray with fellow Regent and former Board of Trustees Chair, Pete Griffith and Regent Yolanda Valadez Dennis Jebbia Continued on page 19
Stephen and Catherine Pankow P' '07, '10. Right, James and Michelle Ratkovich P '11, '16.
Tesia Meza '13, Judah Lacy '13 and Cheyanne Williams '13.
Dennis and Beth Baier P'08, '13 and Barbara and David Volkman P'09.'12.
Ambar and Brandon Ward '99.
Robot wranglers, Robert Hulbert '13, Andrew Lucas '13 and Sabrina Calzeta '16 with Brobot DeSales.
Tom and Julia Brady P'14.
Dennis Jebbia, Yolanda Valadez P'08, and Peter Griffith P'00,'03 with "the bowl!" PAGE 9
From Guidance and Counseling
Miles To Go Education Series Rescheduled to November 1 By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
Last month, the Miles to Go Drug Education program was scheduled for September 17 through September 19. The Tuesday and Wednesday programs were cancelled because our speaker, Jonathan Scott, became ill. Our seniors have been rescheduled to meet with Mr. Scott on Wednesday, October 31. The remaining freshman and sophomore classes will meet with Mr. Scott on Thursday November 1. The Parent Education Series has been rescheduled to Thursday, November 1, at 7:00pm in the Blakeslee Library. Mr. Scott will share his updated information for our Parent Education Series that evening. PARENT EDUCATION SERIES NOVEMBER 1
Your students have received their first progress reports. Their grades reflect their adjustment to the academic demands of these first few weeks at La Salle High School. If you are concerned about your student’s grades, please contact their academic advisor. Ask your students to speak with their teachers about materials which they find difficult to understand. There is an after school Student Success Workshop (SSW) where students can work on assignments with faculty who proctor that program. During lunch, there is also NHS tutoring available to students. Please discuss the different academic support options that are in place on campus with your student if you believe that additional help is necessary. In addition to academic support, I am a licensed psychologist who can provide personal support for students and parents. I meet with students and their parents to lend support to issues of personal concerns or current difficulties that are causing distress. Please contact me, if you wish, by calling my confidential voicemail at 626.696.4390. If you prefer, you may also email me at
Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406 A parent or guardian must call before 9:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state the date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from a parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by a Dean of Students. The Dean for grades 9 and 11 is Mr. Johnston, and for grades 10 and 12 is Dr. Ruggles.. PAGE 10
Third Annual Student Life Christmas Tree Sale For the third year in a row, La Salle’s Student Life wants to sell you a fantastic Christmas Tree. We invite you to join families from the past two years and purchase a tree this year for your family. If you do not have a need for a Christmas Tree, you are invited to help the Support Our Troops club spread some holiday cheer and purchase a Christmas Tree for a military family stationed at Fort Irwin in Barstow, California. It is very easy to order a tree. All you have to do is fill out the form that follows the newsletter and return it with your payment to La Salle High School. On Saturday, December 8, come to the La Salle senior parking lot and pick out the tree you want and we will load it onto your car for you. Or better yet, if you wish, for a $10 fee we will deliver it to your house if you live within 10 miles of the school. You can come select the tree yourself, or have the Student Life team pick one out for you. These trees are guaranteed. If you do not like your tree, we will give you back 100% of your money. If you like bigger (8ft and above) Noble furs you will find it hard to beat our prices. Everyone wins! You get a great tree for your Christmas Holiday, and the La Salle Student Body is able to use funds raised for the many great events facilitated by Student Life. If you have any questions, please contact Ed O’Connor, Director of Student Life at 626.696.4329 or
From the Athletic Boosters
Fall Brings Good Tidings to Lancer Athletics Fall has come to La Salle in name only. I have watched in amazement as our athletes compete in this hot, hot weather! These athletes continue to go out day-after-day swimming, running, hitting and jumping when most of us find it difficult to get from one air-conditioned spot to the next. I guess it is the benefit of youth, however, it does not make what they do any less impressive. Our teams continue to gain in stature in their perspective sports. Girls Volleyball continues its winning ways from last year with the current record of 18 and 2 as of September 24, I am sure they will continue dominating their opponents.
Cross Country, led by Daniel De La Torre won the Fastback Shootout with his teammates racking up an additional 11 medals. We will make mention of the rest of La Salle sports in our next newsletter when they enter league play, but all have high hopes for the fall season. However, I will spend a little extra time on Lancer Football for this newsletter. If you have not heard or have not been following football, you really have missed something. La Salle football, as of September 23rd had not lost a game and has dominated its opponents. Our football team brought back the Pasadena Trophy to La Salle with a devastating win over Maranantha 63-7. I would strongly suggest that if you have not been to a game, you should come to one. This is a special group of players who work together to win. The team enters league play against Verbum Dei High School on October 5 at home. We have high hopes for these student-athletes this year and they could use your support. Our October 5, our football game will bring another theme night; “Junior High Night.� The Athletic Boosters, as well as the other Booster groups and admissions is taking advantage of Friday Night Football to promote the best kept secret in the San Gabriel Valley. The La Salle Admissions and Athletics Departments have been promoting the event in throughout surrounding community. We hope to have a large perspective student crowd at the game to see the great things La Salle can offer. The Athletic Boosters will have a give away item at the gate and hold a raffle for the junior high students to make the night even more exciting.
For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to or Athletics PAGE 12
La Salle Lancers Flags Show Your Colors! Large 28" x 42" Flag 3" sleeve to fit standard wooden flag poles $25.00 Contact Esmeralda Garcia to place an order.
An Arts Boosters Exclusive
La Salle Athletic Boosters meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the band room. During the meeting, Mr. Anthony Harris, our AD, updated us on the various La Salle sports. We have added a new wrinkle this year, asking one of the coaches to come in and talk about their sport. At the September meeting, Chris Ring spoke about our Cross Country team. It was very interesting to hear how they prepare for meets as well as what they do to train. Coach Ring was very informative and we appreciate him taking the time to educate us. We hope to have another Coach in October to do the same. I would like to end this article by thanking all the parents that have volunteered for the previous football and volleyball games. With out your help, they would not be a success. Please visit the La Salle athletic website at Check under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. God Bless, John D. Cina P'13, '14 Athletic Boosters President PAGE 13
ParentNewsletter From the Arts Boosters
Art Attack, Back and Running At the first Arts Boosters meeting of the new school year, Visual and Performing Arts Chair Jude Lucas-Rynerson outlined the busy arts events schedule coming up this fall. In addition to eight performances of “The Importance of Being Earnest” coming in November, the season is awash with musical events and other arts-related activities.
First up is the Family Communion Breakfast on October 21, which will feature the LaSalle Choir and Music for Masses. Next comes a Dance Festival at the Music Center in November. Then after the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving, take time to relax at the Jazz Concert on November 30th, but be sure to call for reservations (626.696.4415) as this event usually sells out. The Jazz Concert will be closely followed by the Christmas Band and Choir Concert on December 1 at 6:00pm in the dining hall. One week later, it is time for the Fall Dance Concert, with performances on Friday, and Saturday, December 7th and 8th at 6:00pm.. Concurrent with this is the AP Art Show, which can be seen in the Library from December 7 to 13. December is also notable for the distribution of See’s candy (just in time for Christmas) although orders for this fundraiser are taken throughout October and November. Opportunities to earn volunteer hours abound, and there are also vacancies in a number of Arts Boosters liaison chairs. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday October 9 in the Linda Grinstead Theatre at 6:30pm, so please come and join the fun.
Support Your LANCERS Register NOW
If every Parent registered their market cards, the School would make tons of money…so register today and get all your friends and family to register too! Be sure you are signed up at Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. (As well as credit cards ~ Macy’s no longer is a participant). • To register for VONS, go to • To register Ralphs Rewards cards, go to • To register at Albertsons go to Our School ID is: 139428998 or type in La Salle High School. If you need help please email Craig Snodgrass at or call him at 626.688.6523
La Salle Thespians Promise Oscar-Worthy Performances La Salle students will take audiences on a "Wilde Ride" when they perform “The Importance of Being Earnest,” opening November 9 in the Linda M. Grindstead Theatre. Directed by Jude Lucas, Oscar Wilde’s “trivial comedy for serious people” is a biting satire of Victorian ways. Ms. Lucas is keeping true to the Victorian era in costuming and sets. The script brims with Wilde’s acerbic wit, as found in a quote from the play’s Lady Bracknell: “To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness.” The production will be performed November 9 at 7:00pm, November 10 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm November 11 at 6:00pm., November 16 at 7:00pm, November 17 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm, and November 18 at 2:00 pm. Excerpts from the play will also be performed throughout Open House on November 11, from 1 to 3:30pm. With an intense rehearsal and performance schedule, Arts Boosters and parent volunteers are desperately needed to provide meals/food/beverages for the cast during the rehearsal week before opening night, as well as on those two Saturdays when the cast does double duty at the matinee and evening performances. Unfortunately, the stereotype of artists willing to starve for their art apparently does not apply to growing teenagers. Parent volunteers are also needed on performance dates to provided goodies and beverages for the concessions stand, as well as supplying "people power" to sell the refreshments. The very popular cast/show buttons and magnets will also be available at each performance, and a crew of volunteers is needed to help assemble and sell these items. To help with refreshments at intermission, please email Lynell Messineo at lynell.messineo@ Contact Michael Powers if you want to help with the buttons, at powers_md@sbcglobal. net. A knowledge of graphic arts is helpful. To assist with meals/food, contact Arts Boosters President Esmeralda Garcia at Reservations are Ernestly recommended. Please call the box office at 626.696.4415.
Library Volunteer Opportunities The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Donations of snacks and drinks will be accepted for the Café Bibliothèque events in the library. The dates for events are: October 25, November 29, January 24, February 14, March 14, and April 25. Please call Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 or Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 to sign up. PAGE 15
ParentNewsletter From the College Counseling Center
College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
College Visits The College Center has already hosted many fine colleges during the month of September, and many more colleges are scheduled to visit La Salle in October.
Colleges are being added to the College Visit Calendar every day. Please check the Naviance website under ‘visit schedule’ or the College Center bulletin board for the most up-to-date schedule. Please also encourage your student to list his or her colleges of interest in Family Connection by Naviance, as it automatically generates e-mail reminders to your student when a college he or she is interested in visits La Salle.
Individual Senior Meetings Mr. Hou and Ms. Baldonado are busy meeting with students who have completed their Senior Surveys. Unfortunately, a significant number of students have not completed them. Please encourage your student to complete their Senior College Planning Survey online at Family Connection by Naviance if he or she has not done so already. Thursday, October 11, Friday, October 12, and Wednesday, October 17, are days off for seniors to catch up on the college application process. Seniors can use these days wisely by visiting local and far away college campuses, start or complete their college essay/personal statement or finalize their college list on Family Connection. Seniors will find the process to be less stressful once they finalize their college list and start their applications. Those three days are also excellent days to submit Cal State applications and to check them off their ‘to do’ list will lighten their load.
SAT/ACT Testing PAGE 16
Seniors have their last opportunity to
take standardized tests in December. The regular registration deadline for the November 3 SAT and the Subject Tests is October 4. The late registration deadline is October 19 (space permitting).
Important Dates to Remember SAT or SAT Subject Tests: Test Date December 1 (Registration Deadline: November 16) ACT: Test Date - December 8 (Registration Deadline: November 2)
UC and Cal State Systems update During the Spring, much of the news centered around the UCs accepting more outof-state students for financial reasons. While the representatives at the UCs acknowledge this to be the case, they also noted that most UC campuses also enrolled more in-state students than the year before. They are currently not planning to raise tuition and fees for 2013-14. While they will not be able to confirm any enrollment targets for the 2012-13 application cycle, they expect to enroll a similar number of students as last year. The Cal State conference has not taken place at press time. We will be briefing the seniors on any changes to Cal State admission in early October. Given the CSU’s recent admission practices, we strongly recommend all students submit their application as early as possible. The California State University application is available October 1 at The University of California application i s av a i l a b l e O c to b e r 1 a t h t t p : / / w w w. The UC application filing period is November 1 to November 30 - NO EXCEPTIONS. Most private colleges use the Common Application. It is now accepted at over 480 colleges. We strongly recommend students comple it on line
ParentNewsletter at Students who complete it online will receive instant confirmation, and it will allow La Salle to send school forms (Transcripts, recommendations, etc.) electronically via Naviance. If a college is not a member of the Common Application, then it should have an application link on its website.
Standardized Testing Reminder
ensure your student has a spot on the tour. Please contact Mr. Hou for additional information. This spring, we will be offering two more tours:
San Diego College Tour Friday, February 8, we will be visiting UC San Diego, San Diego State and University of San Diego. The registration deadline will be January 11.
Just a reminder that all 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be testing on Wednesday, October 17. Freshman will take the EXPLORE, Sophomores will take the PLAN and Juniors will take the PSAT. They should bring calculators. Everyone should bring No. 2 pencils. All students are expected to finish at around 11am.
East Coast College Tour
College Tours
SAT Preparation Course
We want to thank everyone for the amazing response to the Bay Area College Tour. The tour was over capacity on deadline day and we had to charter a second bus to accommodate the additional students.
Los Angeles College Tour The deadline for the Greater Los Angeles College Tour (November 12, visiting Pepperdine, Cal State Northridge, and Cal Lutheran Universities) is coming soon (October 15). Please register quickly to
Monday, April 1 to Saturday, April 6, (Easter Break) we will be touring colleges from Boston to Washington, D.C. with Campus Excursions this spring. A separate mailing for this tour will be sent to all junior families next week. Please see Mr. Hou or Ms. Baldonado if you have any questions about this or any other college tour.
We are proud to announce that we will again use the Princeton Review as our SAT preparation course vendor this spring. This six-week course will take place on the La Salle campus in February and March and will prepare juniors for the March 9 SAT Reasoning exam. The cost of this program for La Salle students is $499. The dates for this course are listed in the School calendar. Additional information and registration materials will be posted in the November newsletter.
Lancers Hit the Links October 29 TEE-OFF 11:00AM OCTOBER 29
The 20th Annual Lancer Golf Tournament is just around the corner. This year’s event is Monday, October 29, 2012 at Glendora Country Club with registration beginning at 9:00am and shotgun tee-off at 11:00am. Join the parents, alumni, friends and administration of La Salle High School in a day of fun and camaraderie. The entry fee is $195 per golfer and $125 for young alumni and alumnae (1998-2012). The player package includes green fee and cart, on course lunch, dinner, drink ticket at dinner, Lancer Caddy Pouch, complimentary beverages on the course (beer, soda and water), putting contest, range balls, bag tag and several games holes. Thanks to the generosity of past corporate sponsors, the Tournament has been able raise significant funds for La Salle’s Academic, Arts, Student Life and Athletic Programs, as well as the school’s Financial Aid Programs. In addition to having their names prominently displayed on the Tournament Banner and featured in the day’s program, sponsors receive many other benefits.
Sponsorship Opportunities Title Sponsor - $10,000 Three Foursomes Name on Banner and Tee Sign Full Page Ad in Program
2012-2013 President’s Council Membership
Silver Sponsor - $1,750 One Foursome Name on Banner and Tee Sign Half Page Ad in Program
2012-2013 Crystal Circle Membership Platinum Sponsor - $5,000 Two Foursomes Name on Banner and Tee Sign Full Page Ad in Program
2012-2013 President’s Circle Membership Gold Sponsor - $3,500 One Foursome Name on Banner and Tee Sign Full Page Ad in Program
Game Hole - $200 Name displayed at one of the exclusive Game Holes on the Glendora Country Club course Tee Sign - $150 Name displayed at one of the 18 holes on the Glendora Country Club course
2012-2013 President’s Circle Membership
Underwriting Opportunities Banquet Dinner $7,000 Printing & Postage $2,000 Golf Tee Promotion $2,000 Cocktail Reception $1,750 Tee Sign & Banner $1,500 (name on every tee sign) Lunch $1,250 Long Drive Pro $1,000 On Course Beverage $900 $25,000 Hole-In-One $775 Awards $750 Driving Range Balls $700 Golf Cart $500 $1,000,000 Shoot-out $200 $5,000 Putt $175 Beer Cart $150
Program Ads Full Page (8” X 10”) $200 Half Page (8” X 5”) $150 Quarter Page (4” X 5”) $100 Business Card (2” X 3.5”) $75
Please contact Kristin Donahue at 626.696.4381 or for more information.
Register online:
See you Monday, October 29! PAGE 19
Brandon Burr '03 Receives Alumni Academic Excellence Awards
"Even by the standards set by the opened up and he was able to return to his alma characteristics set by previous recipients of the mater. Brother T. Mel Anderson, FSC Award, Brandon Not surprisingly, Mr. Birr embraced his Birr ’03 is a remarkable individual," commented Dr. responsibilities at La Salle with the same energy Richard Gray as he introduced the 2012 recipient of and enthusiasm that characterized his time here the Alumni Award for Excellence in Academics. as a student. He took on a hefty load of classes in As a student, Mr. Birr was actively involved the Social Studies Department while also serving Campus Ministry, Pi Alpha Chi and the Student as part of the adult team of Student Life. Mr. Birr’s Ambassador program. talent, enthusiasm Mr. Birr participated in and dedication to LEAP, The Lance, Junior the Lasallian Mission Classical League, Chorus resulted in his selection and Track and Field. This for the Christian deep commitment to coBrothers’ Discerning curricular programs as Leaders Program which a student at La Salle did nurtures talented not prevent him from educators serving in succeeding academically as Lasallian schools on the well. He was the recipient West Coast with a view o f t h e A rch d i o c e s a n towards preparing them Christian Service to become the next medal. He was selected generation of academic by the Faculty to be the administrators. Commencement Speaker Dr. Gray at Graduation and received continued, "Mr. Birr’s the Bank of America and obvious devotion to the Senior Class Scholastic the Mission of La Salle Award. resulted in his selection After graduation, Mr. Birr headed off by the Senior Senate for the Signum Fidei Award in to Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, a campus he 2012. Is it any wonder, therefore, that we honor Mr. knew quite well from his time participating in Birr as the recipient of the Brother T. Mel Anderson, student leadership programs sponsored by the FSC Alumni Award for Excellence in Academics?" Christian Brothers. College life deepened Mr. Birr’s commitment to community service. By the Dennis Jebbia time he graduated from Saint Mary’s, Mr. Birr was Continued from page 8 so successful in this role that the Director of the presented the Distiguished Lasallian Award to DenAdmissions Office tried to recruit him to a full-time nis. Dennis has been on the Board of Regents since position on his staff. And, like his time as a high 2007 and now serves as its Chair. The Crystal Circle recognizes the generosschool student, Mr. Birr’s commitment to academic ity of individuals and major donors for their taxsuccess resulted in his selection as the Valedictorian deductible contributions during the year. Founded of his graduating class at Saint Mary’s. Following graduation in 2007, a growing in 1989, the Crystal Circle had 11 individuals, desire to become a teacher found Mr. Birr spending couples, and organizations as members in its initial some time at our Lasallian school in Arizona, San year. Currently, there are 456 individuals, couples, Miguel High School. Happily, a position at La Salle and organizations as members of the Crystal Circle.
Regents Announce Campaign for the Visual & Performing Arts On Thursday, September 27, 2012, La Salle’s Board of Regents formally endorsed a $300,000 initiative tailored to add to the strengths of each of the School’s six programs in the Arts (Visual Art, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Dance, Theatre, Film and Video Production). More than 43 percent of La Salle students benefit from the Schools award-winning Arts programs at a time when many other secondary schools are reducing or eliminating these programs.
The Regents Campaign for the Arts (RCA) runs through June 30, 2013, and aims to raise $100,000 to endow a scholarship in the Arts, and an additional $200,000 for capital purposes, including the refurbishment of the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre, the Mareina Dance Studio, and equipment purchases (sound and video upgrades for the theatre; acoustic shells and instruments for instrumental and vocal music; technology upgrades in the visual arts; and broadcasting, lighting and sound upgrades for LTV, and film and video production). The Regents have themselves committed $100,000 to the project, and they have made an additional commitment to raise $100,000 from other sources, including parents, alumni, grandparents, former parents and friends of La Salle. President Gray and the Institutional Advancement team have been charged with the task of raising the remaining $100,000. The supporting materials for the RCA are being designed by La Salle students themselves, and the solicitation of gifts has already begun, with more than $40,000 in gifts or pledges raised for the project. Look for more information on the Campaign in the Fall/Winter issue of Lancer Magazine. Gifts may be made through the La Salle website, where you will find the Regents Campaign for the Arts on the left side of the homepage; or you can go directly to the giving page at PAGE 21
The Obsequious Observer
By John Blackstock, The Editor
Names in the News Reilly Spriestersbach, senior volleyball middle blocker was the September 5 Athlete of the week. She had 17 kills and 10 solo blocks to lead the Lancers to a third-place finish in the tough Gahr Tournament. Junior, Mak Garrett was named to the All-Area Boys Tennis Second Team late this summer. The boys Tennis team was also the CIF Academic Champions.
Recent La Salle Graduates in the News La Salle graduates who really stepped up to the plate this summer were Colleen McWillaims, (All Area second team) Victoria Baltazar, Madison Worley and current senior Stephanie Ferri in the 4-2 victory in the Private Schools vs. Public Schools softball game. Going into a scoreless sixth inning, Baltazar led off with a single. A player from San Gabriel Mission was walked, then Colleen McWilliams crushed a 3 run homer. Ferri added a two out RBI double. Baltazar had 5 strikeouts pitching for the Privates Schools. Jordan Adams and Austin Fitzgerald proved to be a formidable pair, as the
two singles players played their first set together at the Del Rey League tournament and captured a Del Rey League championship. In CIF competition, the duo advanced to the second round and finished with a 5-2 record. They were named to the All-Area Boys Tennis Doubles Team. That was Fun During lunch on September 7, students were surprised with a “Flash Mob” of student life members dancing to the tune of “Wobble Baby.” Cheerleader, Claudia Vazques, informed us that the group learned the dance at the Lasallian Student Leaders camp at St. Mary’s College this summer. “We were taught the dance by the student leaders from La Salle High School in New Orleans. Every student leader was dancing the “Wobble” by the end of camp. It was amazing!” she said. Student Life was promoting the WelcomeDance on September 8.
DIRT, One Man Play Mesmerizes Students On September 25, La Salle students experienced "Dirt", a one man show by actor/comedian John Morello. “Students don’t need flashing lights, cliches, and a circus production to connect with them. Like all of us they want honesty, respect, and someone who is real.” As characters speak honestly about their experiences the audience understands how seemingly disconnected lives are indeed tied together and influencing each other. In the end “Dirt” addresses the core reasons for substance abuse such as self esteem, depression, and a desire to find a purpose in this often chaotic life.
Cheer Performs at UCLA Game The Lancer Cheer squad practiced and learned new cheers and routines that they performed as part of the USA Cheer sponsored halftime show during the UCLA versus Huston football game in the Rose Bowl. Our girls spent nearly five hours on the feild in 104 degree temperature on Saturday, September 15. Talk about dedication!
Pictured: Coaches, Gianna Henke and Lauren Palfrey, in red. Varsity: Katie DoVale, Julianne Robi, Melissa Mena, Solina Beringer, Hailey Johnson, Madi Blaney, Kylie Salkin, Nicolette Swayne, Christina Judson, and Victoria Mandigo. Junior Varsity: Sydney Flynn, Lexi Dyer, Isabella Mandigo, Katelyn Stone, Sarah Reyonds, Sivan Diaz, Stella Pontrelli, and Taylor Marks.
Lancer Medals at Nautica Malibu Triathlon Several La Salle Students participated in the Nautica Malibu Triathlon supporting Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Cancer Research. While most students were sleeping soundly at 3:30am on September 16th, Brett Mirly, Emma Martinez, and Kelly Thompson were geared up and ready to go face the chilly Pacific Ocean. Brett Mirly, '13 did all three legs of the event and placed 1st (Gold Medal) in the Male Division 14-17 year olds. He raised $225 to support Children’s Hospital. The Classic Distance is 1/2 mile ocean swim, 18 mile bike, and 4 mile run. He completed this event in 1 hour 32minutes. Emma Martinez '14 completed the event with friend, Kelly Thompson '14 and Kelly’s brother Greg. They did the relay with Emma doing the swim, Greg doing the bike, and Kelly finishing with the run. Together they raised over $1500 to support Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Cancer Research. This is just another example of La Salle students reaching out and making a difference.
Above, Emma Martinez, Kelly Thompson, and Greg Thompson. Right, Brett Mirly with gold medal.
Check your School calendar for all event times and dates
October Highlights
September 29 Saturday Gift Gathering Party "Casino Night"
October 11 Student Holiday October 12 School Holiday Columbus Day
September 30 Sunday Alumni & Friends Memorial Mass 10:00am Dinning Hall
October 17 PSAT/PLAN/Explore Testing 11:30am Dismissal
October 4 Parent Teacher Conferences Dismissal 12:15pm 12:30 - 2:00 and 4:30 - 6:00pm October 5 FOOTBALL vs. Verbum Dei High School Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field October 6 Saturday SAT & Subject Tests October 9 Parent Boosters Meetings 6:30pm Campus Locations Parent Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library
October 21 Sunday Family Communion Breakfast Mass 9:30am Duffy Lewis Gymnasium October 26 Spirit Day Senior Non-Uniform Day FOOTBALL vs Cantwell-Sacred Heart HS Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field October 29 Monday 20th Annual Lancer Golf Tournament Glendora Country Club 11:00am November 2 Special Schedule Homecoming FOOTBALL vs Don Bosco Tech Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field
Endeavour Flys Over La Salle
We climbed up onto the gym roof around 11:50am on September 21 to get some shots as the Space Shuttle Endeavour flew over near La Salle. Hundreds of students broke from lunch to witness the fly-over on the baseball outfield. - The Editor.