September 2012 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

We are well underway and just completing our first full week of classes. From my glances into all the classrooms, I am pleased to report that all is very positive. The teachers have gone right to work with their students and the instruction we hoped for is occurring. Our grading periods move quickly so I never pass up an opportunity to remind students and parents to avail themselves of PowerSchool.

PowerSchool Tips This tool is accessible around the clock and can help answer many questions about a student’s progress. I do offer a few tips (based upon my experience) when questions arise regarding grades. First, your son/daughter is the first one to question. They most likely will have the answer – however painful. Second, after you have spoken with your student and your question is still not answered, then contact the teacher directly either by email or phone. Teachers should respond to you within one school day (usually within 24 hours – weekend time exempt). Should

you not get the required timely response, then contact the Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction, Mr. Frank Laurenzello. The sooner we can address issues and concerns, the quicker we can return our focus to the instruction and learning mode.

Start of School Thank Yous I want to acknowledge the many individuals who did a tremendous job in getting us ready for the start of school. While some might say they were just doing their job, that does not mean we should not thank them when they do it well. Building a Master Schedule and then seeing that students are placed appropriately is a time consuming and tedious job so I “tip-my-hat” to our Associate Principal Mr. Frank Laurenzello. Many individuals worked in support of him, most notably Mr. DesHarnis, Director of Advising. Preparing and restoring this physical facility for the daily use it receives falls under the direction of Ms. Elena Gallud, Director of Operations Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “Teach. your disciples the knowledge of God. Make known to them the truths of the gospel. Train them to put them into practice.”

Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703 Meditations for Sundays 100.2




Principal Ideas Continued from page 1

and Mr. Tim Stanton, Maintenance Supervisor. During the summer months, while things might slow down just a bit, various individuals stay quite busy. Thank you to our Registrar, Mrs. Kathy Medlock and Br. De Sales Benning who together reviewed the cumulative file folder of each student to access graduation requirements met. To the Business Office staff who graciously welcomed me by acquiring all of the office needs I presented them, I say thank you. It is quite clear to me that it takes many dedicated individuals to make this school community hum!

New Parent Orientation GLAD TO BE BACK

On the evening August 22, PALS (Parents At La Salle) along with many other volunteers hosted an outstanding orientation program for parents who are new to this school community. It was designed to be informative and helpful for our new network of parents. As a first time participant, I was duly impressed by the tremendous amount of organization and pride our current parents displayed as they welcomed a new batch of “recruits” to their ranks. I can attest to

the importance of involving parents in what we do as a Lasallian educational community and I welcome your participation. As this school year moves forward, I hope I have the opportunity to meet you as we work together in educating your gift from God.

Back to School and College Night Last evening, we hosted our annual Backto-School Night and our Senior Parent College Meeting. Both activities generated a great deal of participation and information sharing. Thank you to all the parents who attended these events. Should you have any follow-up questions or concerns I invite you to contact the appropriate educator here at school. It is always my hope that we can provide you the necessary support and resources for making the experience for your student here at La Salle the best.

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal

Alumni Scholarship

Class of 2013 Application & Information All members of the Class of 2013 are invited to apply for the Alumni Scholarship sponsored by the La Salle Alumni Association.

Application deadline is Friday, September 28th. Questions about the Alumni Scholarship should be directed to Kristen Schultz ’98, Director of Alumni Relations, in Office #348 at 626.696.4362 or PAGE 2



From the Parent Association

Experience the Wonders and Joy That Each Day Brings “ Two down, one-to-go” – was the catchphrase around the Snodgrass household last June, as daughter Lisa ’12 joined daughter Mary Pat ’09 as a freshly minted graduate of La Salle. June jocularity has been replaced by September somberness as we now ship them both off to college and realize our nest is dwindling. Son Robby ’14 becomes an upper classman and it will not be long until he joins his sisters away from home. “They grow up so fast!” is becoming all too true for Kathi and me. All this underscores the importance of enjoying each day we have with them – and supporting them where we can at La Salle. With an eye to the upcoming 2012-2013 academic year, the parents and students of our Lasallian Community have a lot to look forward to and every reason to celebrate the “La Salle Experience” as we enter the school’s 56th year of making a difference in the San Gabriel Valley. We want to take this opportunity to once again welcome the parents of the Class of 2016 and to those families who are here at La Salle for the first time. In connection with the new student orientation that took place on August 22nd, the Parent Association and the various booster groups hosted the Freshman Parent and New Parent Orientation that evening. We would like to take a moment to thank everyone who helped make this a success, especially my Co-Chair Hilary Scofield, for what continues to be nothing short of an extraordinary event. With the introduction of the Parent Orientation program seven years ago, we should be extremely proud of what we, as a school, have accomplished. As a community of parents, faculty and administrators, we have clearly worked in unison creating an extensive program with a high standard of excellence, given the fact that such a program is offered nowhere else in any of the surrounding area’s high schools. Just as orientation introduced new students and parents to a host of opportunities to explore,

we hope all our parents attended the Back-toSchool Night on August 30th. Whether you are a parent of a new freshman student or of a soon to be graduating senior, the importance of attending these activities cannot be underestimated. Learn about the classes your son or daughter is taking and meet their teachers or college counselors. Take an interest in their studies and share the classroom experience with them. Tuesday, September 11th marks the start The of our monthly booster and Parent Association La Salle meetings. We invite all parents to attend a booster Difference meeting of their choice. These meetings begin at is REAL 6:30pm. Booster meetings are then followed by the general Parent Association meeting at 7:45pm in the Blakeslee Library. Our featured speaker for the evening will be our new Principal, Br. Christopher Brady. Please join us for what promises to be an extremely informative and excellent first meeting. As a reminder, all parents are given credit for one service hour for each meeting NEXT attended. Parent Association As we begin the start of a new school year, we cannot help but think Meeting: Tuesday, about our school and the impact that it September 11, has on every family that calls La Salle 7:45pm their home. As parents, we have come Blakeslee Library to realize that it is the promise of a world filled with unlimited potential for our sons and daughters. We invite you to come explore the opportunities that abound, share the experience with your children and discover the infinite possibilities that are within your child’s grasp. With best wishes for an exciting and happy new year!

Craig Snodgrass, P’09, ’12, '14 Parent Association President PAGE 3



La Salle Matters It’s hot. I mean really hot…and not just in LA…everywhere in the continental US…even in Anchorage where it has reached historic highs for August. Every Sunday, for the past month, I’ve turned to the weather map in the Pasadena StarNews and all I saw was red (and a little bit of orange) from coast to coast. Here on the West Coast, for example, we had virtually no “June Gloom” to speak of and August temperatures in July and September temperatures in August. Now, relax, climate change enthusiasts (pro and con), this is


not about global warming (though it could be about continental warming). This is about the things we take for granted - until some external condition forces us to re-examine our casual assumptions about how the world works. During the three-year drought that recently ended in the LA Basin, homeowners in Pasadena, for example, recognized this dynamic every time they opened their PWP bill and found they were paying higher and higher rates to irrigate their


lawn. We all painfully learned (myself, included) to irrigate our lawns once a week during the Fall and Winter and twice a week in Spring and Summer. Now that the drought is officially over; I am (and other homeowners are) tempted to return to our formerly profligate irrigation habits. I try to stick to the drought-based routines, but I miss my brilliantly green lawn and the Hostas in my back garden are parched and practically begging me to douse them with an extra round of irrigation (especially since termites destroyed the hackberry tree that protected them from the afternoon sun). For the better part of the last ten years I took for granted that, between the Colorado River and the State Water Project, I could happily douse my gardens with as much water as I liked. Then the drought hit and I had to learn new behaviors - which are now being put to the test by the unseasonable heat we have been experiencing for the lion’s share of the summer now ending. All of which has caused me to reflect about how the arrival of a new school year and a new Principal (external conditions) will cause the members of the La Salle family (myself, included) to re-examine our causal assumptions about the way our School community works. As I write this, the Class of 2016 finished a day of orientation here on campus and their parents have arrived for their orientation this evening. I’ve asked a few parents how the morning session went for their son or daughter and the response has been remarkably consistent: “He/she loved the day and is excited about starting school tomorrow.” As far as I am concerned, that is about as good as it gets for a 13 year-old on the first day of school. For adults, however, the start of school produces hopes and fears (and not just among parents, by the way)… will the year be a good one…will (my) students/ (my)teachers like me? Will the new principal be like (or not) Pat Bonacci, AFSC? Will Dr. Gray ask me for more money? (That’s just to see if you read this far…if you did, let me know!) In short, the arrival of a new principal Continued on page 5



La Salle Matters Continued from page 4

and a new school year must result in the re-examination of casual assumptions about how La Salle works. And - quite frankly - that’s a good thing. The Class of 2016 brings its own opportunities and challenges to La Salle and Brother Christopher comes with more questions than answers as he attempts to make sense of the school culture we all take for granted. The one thing about schools that a climate change metaphor can’t explain is this simple proposition: when students, their parents, teachers and their administrators are brought together over a sustained period of time, anything can happen - and most of it will be good - especially if we let go of our casual assumptions about how our world ought to work. Happy new year!

Richard Gray, Ph.D. President

La Salle Family Communion Breakfast

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2012

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications

Sunday October 21, 2012 Liturgy 9:30am La Salle Gymnasium

Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:

See flyer attached for more information or call Charmayne Ealy at 626.644.1569 or email

Transforming Lives Since 1680





SAVE THE DATE! 2013 CRYSTAL BALL We are pleased to announce that the 14th Annual Crystal Ball event will be held Friday, April 12, 2013 at The Langham Huntington Hotel and Spa in Pasadena. Plan to join us for an exciting evening with Cirque De La Salle. The Crystal Ball is our main fundraising and social event of the year. Thanks to your efforts, last year’s Crystal Ball event raised over $283,000. This money supports academics, athletics, visual and performing arts, technology, tuition assistance, faculty and staff professional development and endowment. A talented team of committee members has been assembled to plan this school year’s event on April 12, 2013. Joining the Crystal Ball team is a great way to meet other parents, satisfy your service hours and have a great time. There is still time if you wish to be a part of the 2013 Crystal Ball team. Please contact Pamela Jacques at or Hillary Sanchez at We look forward to hearing from you. OTHER IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES September 29th – Casino Night Gift Gathering Party at the home of Peter and Allison Viehl P’13 December 2nd – Holiday Gift Gathering Party at the home of Mark and Jennifer Montoya P’13 February 10th – San Miguel Social at the home of Hope and Dino Clarizio ’75, P’06





Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the "calendar" at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for.


Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up. ACADEMIC BOOSTERS EVENTS 2012 and 2013 DATE




Open House

11:30 AM


11/19/12 12/3/12 1/10/13 1/16/13 1/26/13 2/2/13 3/9/13

4/10/13 5/14/13 5/23/13 5/23/13 5/24/13 6/5/13

7/11/13 7/12/13

Back to School Night

Junior Leadership Ceremony FAFSA Workshop

Back to School Night Semester 2

Junior “Planning for College” Night Entrance Exams & Interviews Entrance Exams & Interviews

Registration & Freshman Pledge College Forum

Academic Awards Night

Senior Uniform Buyback

Baccalaureate Mass & Reception Commencement Exercises Used Uniform Buyback

Used Uniform Sale Set-Up

5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:30 AM 5:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM

6:00 PM 5:30 PM

11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA

HOURS* 2 5 3 2 2 3 5 5 5 3 4 3 4 3 3

Used Uniform Sale 11:00 AM 8 *Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.

Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman: Diane Taylor: Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club." PAGE 7



Lancers Enjoy First Day Back








From Guidance and Counseling

The First Day for Students and Parents By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling

We hope that this Newsletter finds you well, and that your students are adjusting to the new school year. We welcome our new freshman students and parents and encourage you to become involved in the life and community of La Salle High School.


The Miles to Go drug education speaker, Mr. Jonathan Scott, will speak to your freshman, sophomore and senior students again this year. Mr. Jonathan Scott and Ms. Kelly Townsend co-founded the Miles to Go drug education program, which serves as the ongoing drug and alcohol education curriculum for your students. The program is sequential curriculum which begins in the freshman year and continues in the sophomore and senior year. Mr. Scott is the only speaker for the program. He will be here on Wednesday, September 18th , 19th and 20th. The September sessions are the first in a two part curriculum for your students. Mr. Scott will return to La Salle High School on April 22nd , 23rd and 24th to complete the 2012-2013 drug and alcohol prevention education curriculum. There will be a Parent Education Series meeting on Tuesday, September 18 at 7:00pm in the Blakeslee Library with Mr. Scott. He will speak with parents about the current drug and alcohol information about which he speaks with your students. Mr. Scott will answer parent’s questions about current trends in high school drug and alcohol use and abuse. Mr. Scott remains at the meeting until all parent questions are answered. He will also bring books, some in CD format, which he and Ms. Townsend have co-authored and published. Parents may review or purchase the materials if they wish to do so. One of the most important topics that he addresses and is contained in the books is how to speak with your adolescent about drug and alcohol use and establish your family rules in this serious matter. Miles to Go information is accurate and based upon reliable studies and resources. La Salle High School parents will learn about the Miles to Go website, which contains articles and the most current reliable information about drug and alcohol use among students. Please make an effort to attend the Parent Education Series parent night in the fall in order to learn about the most recent statistics regarding adolescent drug and alcohol use. Please reschedule any non emergency medical and dental appointments for your student during the days that she or he is scheduled to attend the presentation. The schedule can be found in your La Salle High School Handbook and Calendar. I will end this column with a poem that I think captures the hopes and dreams of all parents as their students return to school.



September, The First Day of School By Howard Nemerov

My child and I hold hands on the way to school, And when I leave him at the first grade door He cries a little but is brave; he does Let go. My selfish tears remind me how I cried before that door a life ago. I may have had a hard time letting go. Each fall the children must endure together What every child also endures alone: Learning the alphabet, the integers, Three dozen bits and pieces of a stuff So arbitrary, so peremptory, That worlds invisible and visible Bow down before it, as in Joseph’s dream The sheaves bowed down and then the stars bowed down Before the dreaming of a little boy. That dream got him such hatred of his brothers As cost the greater part of life to mend, And yet, great kindness came of it in the end.

II A school is where they grind the grain of thought, And grind the children who must mind the thought. It may be those two grindings are but one, As from the alphabet come Shakespeare’s Plays, As from the integers comes Euler’s Law, As from the whole inseparably the lives, The shrunken lives that have not been set free By law or by poetic phantasy. But may they be. My child has disappeared Behind the schoolroom door. And should I live To see his coming forth, a life away, I know my hope, but do not know its form Nor hope to know it. May the fathers he finds Among his teachers have a care for him More than his father could. How that will look I do not know, I do not need to know. Even our tears belong to ritual. But may great kindness come of it in the end. From: Howard Nemerov. gnomes & occasions: Poems by Howard Nemerov. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1973.


Parking Guidelines The following rules and guidelines have been established by the administration and the Pasadena Police Department for the safety of your children.

Parents may drop off students in front of school and by driving into the school parking lot on Sierra Madre Boulevard. Enter the parking lot using the first gate and exit as indicated. The City has provided an additional drop-off zone going south on Michillinda Avenue, just north of the school’s driveway. This is for immediate drop-off only and is indicated as such. Both La Salle and the City are very concerned by the ongoing double, (and at times, triple) parking by parents during drop-off on Sierra Madre Boulevard. This is not only illegal, but dangerously unsafe. The City will continue to enforce a no-left-turn policy for northbound Michillinda Avenue traffic onto Canfield Road and Landfair Road, as well as a no-right-turn policy for southbound traffic on Michillinda Avenue onto Canfield and Landfair. This policy is in effect from 7:00am to 8:00am, Monday through Friday. Parents are also reminded that there is absolutely no student drop-off in the lower faculty parking lot. This creates a very dangerous back-up of cars in the oncoming traffic lanes . The School also reminds our driving students that they should not park their cars on Canfield Road. The School will continue to work with the City in providing a process for safe and efficient drop-off of students. Parents should make use of the Sierra Madre Boulevard lot to pick up students at the end of the school day. We expect our parents and students to adhere to these policies and regulations. They will be enforced by the Pasadena Police.


Contact Dr. Joanie Ruggles, Dean of Students at 626.696.4387 if you have any concerns about these procedures.




From the Athletic Boosters

Welcome Back Lancers


When you receive the September ParentNewsletter, our children will have been back at school for almost a month. We will have had at least two football games the School year will have settled back into its usual routine. For our new parents, I will restate what you would have heard from me at our New Parents Orientation night. “Get involved-do not wait, or high school life will pass you by." You will hear this theme constantly for the next few weeks, and trust me, as the parent of a recently graduated student and of a junior, time at La Salle flies! The Athletics Boosters offers our parent’s various ways to get involved, such as working our football games on Friday nights or working the snack bar in the gym during the fall sports programs. We are always in need of your help, so what better way to make friends than to volunteer at a La Salle game? The Athletics Boosters meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in the Band Room at 6:30pm. Please join us and see what is going on in La Salle sports. The Boosters will try to bring in coaches to give brief reports on their team's progress and what they do, so you can become more familiar with our sports programs and who is coaching our children. Mr. Anthony Harris, our AD, will be there as well to keep you informed of the progress of our teams throughout the year. I would also like to take this time to introduce three new board members; Lisette Moreno, our Vice President/ Team Parent Coordinator, Jamie Gray, Gym Sports Operations and a freshman parent who heard the call, Brent Schoenbaum, Treasurer. Position changes on the board are; Pamela Marceca is taking over Football/Basketball Programs and Linda and Rene Gomez are handling football game operations. We have a lot of new plans in place for our main fundraising operation, "Friday Night Football.” We have now added a second snack bar to the upper level making it easier for our fans and visitors to get refreshments and we have opened an additional merchandise stand so you can get that great La Salle sports gear easier. Stairs have been added to the visitor’s side to get onto the track. We believe that will relieve the congestion leaving the stands. We are expanding our theme nights too; last year, we had a Junior High Night and with some good suggestions, we have now added Back to School Night, Grand Parents Night, and Senior Night. Please see the Lancer Athletics website for these dates. I would just like to end this with a warm welcome to our new parents and to let you know we are glad to have you with us. Also a heartfelt welcome back to our returning parents. I look forward to seeing you at our events. God Bless, John D. Cina P'13, '14 Athletic Boosters President

For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to or Athletics PAGE 12



Cross Country Team Trains at Mammoth Lakes Lancer Cross Country team members pose before they left for an eight day, 80 mile, high altitude training camp in Mammoth Lakes, California. From left (Front) Coach Chris Ring '01, Diran Johnson '13, Daniel De La Torre '13, Alessandra Gonzales '13, Mare Crowley '14, Patrick Lownes-Santos '14, Bettina Lee '16, Hannah Howard '16, Tracy Cresta '13. (Middle Row) Jessica Legaspi '13, Derek Iwata '14, Matthew Brennan '16, Sara Rupp '13, Aaron Jurasevich '14, Nick Nino '14, Coach Kjersti Holyfield '04. (Back) George Siberell '16, Ian Greenstreet '14, Adam Jurecki '13. (Not Shown: Noelle Crowley '14) .

Support Your LANCERS Register NOW

If every Parent registered their market cards, the School would make tons of money…so register today and get all your friends and family to register too!


Be sure you are signed up at Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. (As well as credit cards ~ Macy’s no longer is a participant). • To register for VONS, go to • To register Ralphs Rewards cards, go to • To register at Albertsons go to Our School ID is: 139428998 or type in La Salle High School. If you need help please email Craig Snodgrass at or call him at 626.688.6523


ParentNewsletter From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors


Summer is rapidly ending and College Admission Counselors are busy planning their fall travels. College Admission Counselors will be visiting up to a hundred high schools, in addition to attending various college fairs. Many of them will also be hosting information sessions at various hotels and providing interviews to students while they are in Southern California. Some will even visit La Salle. You can find the up-to-date schedule for college visits and college information sessions on Family Connection under College Visits. This list will grow to around 70 colleges to visit us this year.

College Fairs All La Salle students are invited to attend Saint Francis High School’s college fair on Thursday, September 27 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. It is one of the largest fairs in the San Gabriel Valley with over 70 colleges present and attracts close to a thousand students each year. Plan to arrive early as parking will be scarce.

College Tours This fall, La Salle High School will again be offering an opportunity for our students to participate in an organized college visitation tour to the colleges in the Greater Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area. This is a wonderful chance for our juniors and mature sophomores to see a variety of campuses before they begin their college application process. This is also a good opportunity for the seniors to get a final look at colleges. The Bay Area College Tour will be held on Thursday and Friday, October 11th and 12th. The tour will leave from the airport (most likely LAX) on early Thursday morning, October 11th and fly to San Jose. From there, students will board a bus and begin a two day tour. They will tour UC Berkeley, Saint Mary’s College of California, University of PAGE 14

San Francisco, Santa Clara University, Stanford, and UC Santa Cruz. They will return the following evening, Friday, October 12th. The Greater Los Angeles College Tour is a day trip and will be held on Monday, November 12th (Veterans’ Day holiday). We will be visiting Cal State Northridge, Pepperdine University, and Cal Lutheran University. The registration deadline for the Bay Area tour was on August 30. Please contact Mr. Hou if you are still interested. The registration deadline for the Greater LA tour is October 15. On February 8th (Student holiday), we will again be offering a tour of the San Diego colleges (UC San Diego, University of San Diego, and San Diego State). More information on this tour will be provided in the November and December ParentNewsletters. In addition to the above tours, we will also be running an East Coast tour for juniors over Easter break. Tentative dates are Monday, April 1st through Saturday April 6th. Additional information for this tour will be mailed to junior parents in November. Deposits will most likely be requested early December. If you have questions about any college tours, please feel free to contact either Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou.

News for Seniors and Parents

As requested in the August Parent Newsletter, Senior students and parents should complete the College Planning Survey located on Naviance/Family Connection (both were due 8/31). The Parent College Planning Survey helps the College Counselor learn about your student from another point of view and is helpful when

ParentNewsletter we write your student’s recommendation. If you do not have or misplaced your login to Naviance/ Family Connection, please contact your student’s College Counselor. Also note that the individual senior college meeting will be sched­uled according to the receipt date of the student’s Senior College Planning Survey. In other words, first come-first served.

Standardized Testing

Registration is open for the Fall SAT and ACT. If your student would like to take these standardized test(s) and has not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. We encourage you to register online, for the SAT at www.col­legeboard. com, and for the ACT at If you prefer to register by paper, registration forms are available at the College Center.

SAT & ACT Registration

In light of the recent cheating scandals, both the SAT and ACT have implemented new registration procedures and have tightened the check-in process. Among the more notable changes are: • Students must upload a photo and provide their gender designation when they register. • Students must present an Admission Ticket with acceptable photo ID • Students who miss the late registration deadline will be required to request standby testing online in advance of test day and must print a standby ticket. There will be no more walk-ins on test day. SAT Test Date (Register By) October 6, 2012 (September 7) November 3, 2012 (October 4) December 1, 2012 (November 1)


ACT Test Date (Register By) October 27, 2011 (Sept. 21) December 8, 2011 (Nov. 2)

Fall SAT Prep Course We are proud to again partner with the Princeton Review for this upcoming school year. They will be offering two SAT prep courses a year, one for the Fall and one for the Spring. The Fall course prepares students for the October 6 SAT. It starts with a practice test on Saturday, September 8 and runs to Wednesday, October 3. Classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays, with practice tests on Saturdays. Additional information, including a full course schedule and cost can be found on the Princeton Review website at www.princetonreview. com, first click on ‘SAT’ and then the link next to ‘Classroom Courses’.


While the Classroom Course is usually 18 hours long, we were able to get the Princeton Review to add an additional 6 hours for no cost. Families can also receive a $100 discount with the promocode: LASALLEVAL100.

NHS and Science NHS (SNHS) Registration

If your student is eligible for membership in the National Honor Society (NHS) and/or Science National Honor Society (SNHS), please remind him or her to register. The application deadline to register for both is September 7, 2012.

Library Volunteer Opportunities The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Donations of snacks and drinks will be accepted for the Café Bibliothèque events in the library. The dates for events are: September 20, October 25, November 29, January 24, February 14, March 14, and April 25. Please call Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 or Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 to sign up.



Mind the Mission Pat Bonacci, AFSC, Vice President for Mission

Even though we are some weeks into the new school year, let me take this opportunity to formally welcome you to the 2012-2013 School Year. As I have met with many of you over the last weeks, with great kindness I have repeatedly been asked, “How is the new job going?” My answer has been, “Very well and thank you for caring”. The next

question has most often been, “And, exactly what is it you are doing now?” This answer takes a bit more verbiage: To begin with, the transition of Principal from me to Brother Christopher went extremely well – no surprise since Br. Christopher is a long-term experienced and exceptionally capable Principal. I will continue to assist him in any ways requested. In other areas, I continue to teach in the Religious Studies Department at the 9th grade level – a level I have taught for many years now. I also continue to be an Academic Advisor with the same students with whom I worked


with last year and I will once again be part of the Mentor program inheriting an eleventh grade Mentor Class. On the new side, I am in the early stages of establishing a more detailed and systematic faculty formation program, a formation program that has as its essence a dedication to our Lasallian Mission. Within this responsibility, I have been given permission from Dr. Gray to take a road trip to visit Lasallian Schools that have established formation programs of the type I hope to make part of our own tradition here in Pasadena. Later this month, I will spend time at two schools with established formation programs, La Salle Academy High School in Providence, RI and Totino-Grace High School outside of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. In future Newsletters, I will share with you my discoveries. It will also be my pleasure to work more closely with our long- established Mission Effectiveness Committee, which is a sub-committee of our Board of Regents. As you know from past communications, this committee focuses its attention on selected aspects of the school program and how we, as a community, live out our Lasallian Mission. So, I hope this long answer adds some clarity to the question regarding my new position of Vice-President for Mission. I am very excited as well as a bit nervous as I assume this new role. I have been given a great opportunity to work far more intimately with our community within various aspects of our shared Lasallian Mission - this is something I have wanted to do and I thank Dr. Gray for giving me the opportunity.



Science Research Fills Summer for Senior Paluch Senior Emily Paluch conducted cutting edge research into the ways in which materials are processed and combined to create designer materials such as solar cells and stronger metals during an eight-week summer program at UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science. Under the mentorship of graduate student Jonathan Quan, Materials Science Professor JennMing Yang and visiting professor Arie Venkert, Emily and her partner, Sandy Babich, studied the effects of oxygen concentration on zinc oxide nanostructures grown by chemical vapor deposition. They conducted their research in

During the Scientific Poster Symposium for the 2012 UCLA Engineering High School Summer Research Program at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, La Salle’s Emily Paluch, ’13, shared the cutting-edge research she conducted under the mentorship of graduate student Jonathan Quan, and professors Jenn-Ming Yang and Arie Venkert.

the Hybrid Materials Lab at the department of Materials Science and Engineering. Emily was among 54 high school students selected from over 300 applicants to participate in the 2012 UCLA High School Summer Research Program. In addition to conducting research, the students learned about the latest research trends by studying journal articles and listening to presentations from multiple professors of different disciplines. They also met with engineers from such companies as Raytheon and Northrop Grumman to learn about the industrial applications of engineering. At the conclusion of the program, all of the students gave presentations on their findings to their peers and mentors, as well as producing scientific posters to summarize their research. The process mirrored that of academia. Displaying their work at the program’s closing Poster Symposium, the students discussed their work with the Associate Dean Richard Wesel, and other professors and graduate students, all of whom volunteered their time to the program. They also shared their projects with parents and guests. The UCLA High School Summer Research Program was started in 2006. Demonstrating UCLA’s dedication to nurturing the next generation of American engineers, the program provides an “incentive award” to students or the opportunity to live on campus for the eight weeks. UCLA HSSRP is sponsored by The Nicholas Endowment, Lockheed Martin, and the Samueli Foundation.


Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406 A parent or guardian must call before 9:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state the date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from the parents or guardians stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by a Dean of Students. PAGE 17

Change in Login Procedures for PowerSchool Parent Accounts

The next time you log into PowerSchool you will need to perform one extra step in order to create a new parent account. By creating the new account you will be able to personalize your Username and Password and, if you have multiple students in La Salle High School, you will have access to view the information on these students with a single sign in.

Hochhausler Makes Eagle Junior, Christian Hochhausler earned the rank of Eagle Scout from San Marino Troop 358. Christian held several leadership positions during his Scouting career including Quartermaster, Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader. Christian had many great experiences as a Scout including rock climbing, white water rafting and cross-country skiing. Most recently Christian spent his summers working as a counselor at Camp Tahquitz in the San Bernardino mountains teaching classes on environmental science. Christian’s Eagle Scout service project was to install landscaping along Rosemead Boulevard in front of the American Military Museum. Christian started the landscape and project planning in late spring of 2011. Over the next ten months, he had to clear the area, help obtain city permits for landscaping, seek out donations and finally install the new landscaping in front of the museum. The project was completed in May of 2012. Christian is a junior at La Salle High School where he also plays football, track and field, and tuba for the advanced band. This year he was awarded the Principal’s Award for being a scholar-athlete. PAGE 18

To create a new parent account, click “Create Account” at the bottom of the login screen and then provide the following information:

· First Name & Last Name – This

refers to your first and last name, not the student’s.

· Email – Type in the email account to which notifications and correspondence related to your parent account should be sent.

· Desired Username – Indicate your preferred username, if it is not already in use by another account.

· Password – You will enter this

twice. It must be at least 6 characters long. For greater security you should consider using capital letters and/or numbers within the password.

· Link Students to Account –

Provide information for a minimum of one student, including the student name, your parent Access ID, your parent Access Password, and your relationship to the student.

Note: There is no change to the procedures for students logging into their student accounts.



Memorial Mass for Alumni & Friends of the School The La Salle High School Alumni Association invites the entire La Salle community to attend the Memorial Mass for all deceased Alumni, parents, siblings and friends of the School, especially those who have passed away over the last school year.

Sunday, September 30 10:00am

La Salle High School Dining Pavilion Reception to follow in the Atrium

James Beaven ’66, Brother of Phil ’61 Eric Betzler, Father of Stephanie ’95, Trent ’99, Allison ’05 Tim Borquez, Brother of Laura ’14 Kristen Bruer, Sister of Lauren ’11, Marycarmen ’12 Chris Cahill, Son of William ’62 Brother Haig Martin Charshaf, FSC, (Former Principal) Michael Cimino, Former Faculty Olivia Cormier, Mother of Kevin Cormier (Faculty) George Courville, Sr., Father of George ’72 Albert DoVale, Father of Scott DoVale (Faculty) Shannon Foster, Mother of Craig ’63 William Gagliardi, Father of Paul ’86 Veronica Griffith, Mother of Frank ’62 Kevin Higgins ’73, Brother of John ’65

Charles Hixson, Father of Brad (Board of Regents) William Houston, Father of Bill ’83, Tom ’86 Dick Kuhlberg, Father of Jill ’01 Brother Donald Mansir, FSC, (Former Faculty) Christopher Maroe, Father of Nikole ’13 Linda Messineo, Mother of Tony ’80 Nyle Milam, Father of Aaron ’99 John Miller, Father of Erika ’02 Joseph Mims, Father of Bruce ’83 Bob O’Rourke, Step-father of Todd Bennett ’98, Ashley (Bennett) Carlton ’00 Harold Pavelka ’65 Aksel Pedersen, Father of Michael ’78, Erik ’85 Marie Pedersen, Mother of Michael ’78, Erik ’85 (Former Employee)

Tracy Priest ’65 Michael Robinson ’65 Jane Ross, Mother of Megan Foley (Faculty) Alessandra Sanchez, Sister of Marissa ’08, Riccardo ’13 Ben Schmidt ’65, Father of Brian ’98, Josh ’01 Danny Staggs, Father of Zach ’97, Daker ’00, Nikki ’02 Bill Sullivan, Father of Bill ’75, Dan ’77 Tony Waffen (Brother Anthony), Former Faculty Michael Whalen ‘62 Brother Raphael Willeke, FSC, Former Principal Betty Woodaman, Wife of Woody ’62 Michael Zubia ’86


Reservations and memorial gifts may be made online at For more information contact Kristen Schultz ’98 in the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or Please join us in professing our faith and hope of eternal resurrection and reunion with those who have passed away over the last school year. If you know of information that needs to be corrected or changed please let us know at 626.696.4362 or PAGE 19



La Salle is Ready to Hit the Links! TEE-OFF 11:00AM OCTOBER 29

The 20th Annual Lancer Golf Tournament is just around the corner. This year’s event is Monday, October 29, 2012 at Glendora Country Club with registration beginning at 9:00am and shot gun tee-off at 11:00am. Join the parents, alumni, friends and administration of La Salle High School in a day of fun and camaraderie. The entry fee is $195 per golfer and $125 for young alumni and alumnae (1998-2012). The player package includes green fee and cart, on course lunch, dinner, drink ticket at dinner, Lancer Caddy Pouch, complimentary beverages on the course (beer, soda and water), putting contest, range balls, bag tag and several games holes. Thanks to the generosity of past corporate sponsors, the Tournament has been able raise significant funds for La Salle’s Academic, Arts, Student Life and Athletic Programs, as well as the school’s Financial Aid Programs. In addition to having their names prominently displayed on the Tournament Banner and featured in the day’s program, sponsors receive many other benefits.




Sponsorship Opportunities Title Sponsor - $10,000 Three Foursomes Name on Banner and Tee Sign Full Page Ad in Program

2012-2013 President’s Council Membership

Silver Sponsor - $1,750 One Foursome Name on Banner and Tee Sign Half Page Ad in Program

2012-2013 Crystal Circle Membership Platinum Sponsor - $5,000 Two Foursomes Name on Banner and Tee Sign Full Page Ad in Program

2012-2013 President’s Circle Membership Gold Sponsor - $3,500 One Foursome Name on Banner and Tee Sign Full Page Ad in Program

Game Hole - $200 Name displayed at one of the exclusive Game Holes on the Glendora Country Club course Tee Sign - $150 Name displayed at one of the 18 holes on the Glendora Country Club course

2012-2013 President’s Circle Membership

Underwriting Opportunities Banquet Dinner $7,000 Printing & Postage $2,000 Golf Tee Promotion $2,000 Cocktail Reception $1,750 Tee Sign & Banner $1,500 (name on every tee sign) Lunch $1,250 Long Drive Pro $1,000 On Course Beverage $900 $25,000 Hole-In-One $775 Awards $750 Driving Range Balls $700 Golf Cart $500 $1,000,000 Shoot-out $200 $5,000 Putt $175 Beer Cart $150

Program Ads Full Page (8” X 10”) $200 Half Page (8” X 5”) $150


Quarter Page (4” X 5”) $100 Business Card (2” X 3.5”) $75

Please contact Kristin Donahue at 626.696.4381 or for more information.

Register online:

See you Monday, October 29! PAGE 21

a ParentNewsletter



Check your School calendar for all event times and dates

September Highlights September 3 Labor Day School Holiday


Note: Dress Up Day All students are required to wear the La Salle Tie on Dress Up Days.

September 4, 5 Freshmen Retreat / Service September 5 All Lancers Team Athletes Coaches and Parents Meet Guest Speaker, Oscar McBride 6:00pm Dining Hall September 7 Spirit Day NHS, SNHS Applications Due FOOTBALL vs Village Christian HS at Occidental College 7:00pm September 8 Saturday Welcome Dance 8:00-11:00pm Dining Hall September 10 SAT Prep Class 3:30-6:30pm

September 11 Parent Boosters Meetings 6:30pm Campus Locations Parent Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library September 14 FOOTBALL at Maranatha HS Varsity 7:00pm September 18 Visual & Performing Arts Parent Meeting 6:30pm Grinstead Theatre September 20 Lancer Club Day Lunchtime Dining Hall September 13 Special Schedule Dress Up Day Academic Awards 9:20am Dining Hall

September 29 Saturday Gift Gathering Party "Casino Night" September 30 Sunday Alumni & Friends Memorial Mass 10:00am Dinning Hall October 6 Saturday SAT & Subect Tests October 9 Parent Boosters Meetings 6:30pm Campus Locations Parent Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library October 17 PSAT/PLAN/Explore Testing

Be a Part of History at the 2103 Presidential Inauguration Would your student be interested in going to our nation’s capitol to witness the Presidential Inauguration? La Salle is organizing a student trip for this once-in-a-lifetime event in January 2013. A few spots are still available, but hurry, the deadline to register is September 15, 2012. For more information contact Kristen Schultz ’98, Director of Alumni Relations and School Coordinator for this trip, at 626.696.4362 or


September 21 Spirit Day Senior Non-Uniform Day FOOTBALL at Westchester HS Varsity 7:00pm

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