1 minute read
Color Marking a Reality
Victor Wolansky, Laser-Mate
in order to not heat the steel as to cause a chemical separation of the alloy and reverse the process of passivation.
Lastly, I should mention the two major softwares used in the operation of all laser systems mentioned; EZcad and Lightburn, which each have pros and cons. While my software of choice is EZcad 3—mostly due to the longer time it’s spent in the market operating with Galvos, allowing it to maintain more advanced options for the use of lasers—Lightburn is still an excellent choice, holding with it a much better set of basic design tools; however, I will always recommend a vector design software like Adobe Illustrator to create graphics that are properly transferable, while allowing for greater design potential.
To properly bookend—I use a BWM TECH 80W MOPA 2.5D, this is a laser with a JPT 7M source, my main lenses are 100, 200, and 300mm with the latter being the one I use most. You can see examples of my work at https://www.facebook.com/lasermate.us