1 minute read
Julie Knight
Layering + Mixing Curls
How to lash in layers and blend multiples curls to create signature looks
Analsye the layers and lash them like a pro!
Learn to test, mix and map 2+ curls in a set
Improve your lash designs and creativity
Hey there! I’m Julie Knight and I fell into lashing when accompanying a nervous friend on a course! I became addicted. I’ve taken 40+ courses globally and done 25k+ sets of lashes over the past 13 years! I’ve taught over 100k peoplebothinpersonandonlineoverthepast11years.
I have a passion for helping others to thrive and excel through my global lash training and domestic abuse awareness, magazine (Lash-Ed), events like this and its awards and competition that are fair and based on evidence of skill andachievementratherthanpopularity!

I started mixing curls and trying different application techniques through the lash layers when I started out - through shear fascination! I’ll dispel the ‘3 layer’ myth and teach you how to analyse them, choose the best curls and how tomixandmapthemsotheyblendlikeapro!
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Bryonyhasover8years’experienceinthelashindustry,activelylashingclients and teaching hundreds of students with perfection being her thing. She has won awards, judged many competitions, been affiliated with some of the biggest brands and transformed lash artists work with her teaching and knowledge,manyofwhomhavesincebecomeincrediblysuccessful.
OverthelastfewyearsBryonyhastakenastepinanotherdirectionalongside lashingherclients,studyingapsychologydegree,andworkingonthefront-line supporting victims/survivors of Domestic Abuse, a role she is beyond proud of. Despite this her passion for lashes still shines through, every client deserves perfection at every appointment. If you want someone to pick apart your work andmakeensureyouareperformingatyourbest,she’stheoneforthejob.


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I’m a multi-award winning Lash Artist and Educator with over 12 years of experience based in Hampshire. I have a love for all things lashes, especially Classics, and I am now obsessed with lash lifts! In my first Lash Competition in 2021,Iplaced2ndinthehighestentrylevel.Thisinspiredmetotakeadvanced trainingtobecomeaLashLiftMasterandIlovesharingmyexpertisewithmy students.

Teaching is my passion, and I was honoured to have won a Lash Educator of theyear2022awardatTheLashAwards.Throughmytrainingandmentoring, my mission is to help Lash Artists start and grow their dream lash business so they can pursue their love for lashes and turn it into a successful career. I am also developing an Educators Programme that will help lash artists to become educators,aimingtoraisethestandardofeducationwithintheindustry.
@lauravictory lushlash