3 minute read
Chieko Miyamoto
Amazing Premade Volume
Get phenomenal results each time for every client!
Learn about the different 'ready-made' fans
How to choose what's best for your client
How to get the best results each time with
Manami Edwards
Founder and Co-owner of Blanco Lash Studio in London Founder Co-Director of Blanco Lash Products London Ltd Organiser Lash Queen Lash competition 2019-2021.

MasterLashArtist,AwardwinningstylistTrainer,Speaker,Judge Expertinstyling,Pre-made,Beginnertraining www.blancolashstudio.com
Chieko is passionate about teaching students. After completing training with Chieko,herstudentshavegoneontowinandawardedcompetitions.
Julie Knight
Reaction action
Safeguard your client and your business!
Learn about common/rare reactions
Manage your duty of care professionally to reduce risk and liability
Hey there! I’m Julie Knight and I fell into lashing by accident and became addicted.I’vetaken40+coursesgloballyanddone25k+setsoflashesoverthe past 13 years! I’ve taught over 100k people both in person and online over the past11years.Mycoursesareratheruniqueasthey’reinformedbyprofessional insightfromscience,medicineandthelaw!

I have a passion for helping others to thrive and excel through my global lash training and domestic abuse awareness, magazine (Lash-Ed), events like this and its awards and competition that are fair and based on evidence of skill andachievementratherthanpopularity!

I’maconsultanttoalawfirmonmalpracticeandnegligencecases.Iseemany cases that could have been prevented when the client reported their concerns. I’ll teach you how to handle those dreaded messages professionally as it’s often the difference between a great outcome, or their case ending up as a claimthoughyourinsurerorthroughthecourts.
EVersatile Hybrid Lashes
Learn and discover just how creative and versatile a hybrid lash set can be!

Elisha Clewlow is the Founder and Managing director of @indulgeurself uk salon, academy and products. Over the years I have accumulated many Awardsinlashesincludingclassics,premadesandvolume

However one of our most requested sets of lashes are Hybrids which are a great option for those that something a little lighter than volume. Hybrids are a versatile technique from creative sets to bridging gaps in damaged natural lashes Mymasterclassaimstocoveralltechniquestocreateaclientfavourite www.indulgeurselfbeauty.co.uk
@indulgeurself uk
JWin Lash Competitions

How to prepare and win live and online lash competitions!
Learn how to plan and prepare for each comp
Get insider tips and tricks
Be the best you can be & earn maximum points
Jess Martin is the face behind Flutterbye Lashes and has been in the Lash industry for 10years. She has also been a Lash & Brow Educator since the beginningof2016.

Jess has judged numerous lash and brow competitions and was also a coorganiserofinternationalonlineFantasyLashartcompetition2016-2020 www.flutterbyelashes.co.uk
A 22 x award winner, in Classic, Volume, Pre-Made, Fantasy Lashes, Brow LaminationandHennaBrows.Alongwithwinningtraineroftheyear2018and Russianlashspecialistoftheyear2020andBeautySalonoftheyear2021.
L r business needs Learn

Rachel is a salon owner, leading lash and brow educator and mentor for ambitious women in the beauty industry who want to achieve £70k+ years and beyond.
With over 7 years experience, she is passionate about equipping women with theskillstheyneedtobuildacareerandlifeontheirownterms

Hannah Bramwell
Get Fully Booked and Boosted
Strategies for Filling Your Schedule and Growing Your Social Media Presence
Improve your Instagram to maximise reach & engagement Learn techniques & methods to get fully booked
Learn what content helps you to stand out www.lashologyengland.co.uk
I am a lash expert with more than five years of experience, and I specialise in supporting lash technicians to increase their bookings and enhance their abilitytomanage,run,andexpandtheirlashbusinesses.Asthefounderofthe Lashology Membership, I have assisted over 100 lash techs in achieving these goals through our on-demand program that provides access to more than 70 masterclasses,ebooks,andtrainingresourcesforjust£25/month.

Myaimistoalleviatethestressandoverwhelmofrunningalashbusinessand providevaluablesupporttohelpmyclientsreachtheirfullpotential.

Julie Knight
Treating Lower Lashes
Offer an all-round lash service that enhances the whole eye
Learn to assess & choose the best lashes
Learn how to apply them safely
Hey there! I’m Julie Knight and I fell into lashing when accompanying a nervous friend on a course! I became addicted. I’ve taken 40+ courses globally and done 25k+ sets of lashes over the past 13 years! I’ve taught over 100k peoplebothinpersonandonlineoverthepast11years.

I have a passion for helping others to thrive and excel through my global lash training and domestic abuse awareness, magazine (Lash-Ed), events like this and its awards and competition that are fair and based on evidence of skill andachievementratherthanpopularity!

I started lashing lower lashes 12 years ago having taken a rather dangerous lower lash course! I revolutionised the application process to make it safe, accurateandaboveall,comfortable!
Learnhowtoassessthelashes,howtochooseandmapthelengths/thicknesses andcurlsandhowtoapplythemsafely.Bringyourtweezersforpractice!
Wispy Lashes
How to create the ultimate wispy effect
Learn Mei’s signature mapping technique
Texturise lashes and create perfect 3D wispy sets
Learn different wispy looks
My name is Mei Thi and I am the founder of bbslash studio based in London

Wispy lashes is my specialty; the textured finish, spiky wisps and soft fluttery finishing is what I do. I would like to invite you to my wispy Master Class to learn all things wispy and texturise your lash sets so you can stand out and offersomethingtrulyuniqueforyourclients!CheckoutmyIG@bbslash
-Differenttypesofwispylooksandhowtocommunicatethistoyourclients www.bbslash.com