Lash Inc UK - Issue 11

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ISSUE 11 2020

United Kingdom

contents welcome 4

Meet Team Lash Inc


Letter from the Editor




8 Post Lockdown

34 Lash Rebrand Journey


10 Christmas/New Year Edition

36 Cover Story... Success Secrets of Flawless Lashes by Loreta



Beauty & Make Up

12 An Interview with Tania Rice 14 Eyelash Affair circa 1962 16 COVID-19 SALON LIFE 18 NYC Volume Cup 23 Reader Gallery 33 NYC Volume Cup - Favourites

2 Welcome

38 Lockdown Start Up

M Curll

Client Masks & Lash Retention Problems




business 46

5 steps to creating and

developing your social media brand 48

Social Media Marketers

50 How to use brand specific hashtags to target followers?


51 Insta Lashspiration 52

Lash Inc Accredited

64 Training Directory 66 Supplier Directory


58 39 Welcome 3

Meet Team Lash Inc.

Britta Krueger UK Lash Inc Co-Editor, Owner Flirties.

Louise Tierney Editor-in-Chief


Mandy Clarke

Loreta Jasilionyte

Britta Krueger

Angelina Walsh

Tania Rice

Jenelle Paris

Jacqueline Falcomer

Emily Lee

Maya Andreea Rehman

Cover Photo Credits:

Lash Artist, Rapha Buco

4 Welcome

Leanne Harber UK Lash Inc Co-Editor, Owner Ultimate.

Letter from the Editors Welcome to this issue. It is without doubt that 2020 has been the most difficult year for all of us and it will certainly be a year that will be remembered for a long time to come! Whilst it has been challenging for the beauty industry and highlighted areas in our businesses we can improve on, it has also shown strengths, creativity, support and innovation and it proves that we, as passionate professionals can pull together to support and help each other through difficult times. After the latest announcements, the future looks a bit brighter and we wish you all the determination and strength it takes to persevere over the coming months. Hopefully, we as a team at Lash Inc and the articles in the magazine will help and inspire you.

Britta Krueger, Leanne Harber & Louise Tierney Lash Inc UK Co-Editors @louise_lashinc @lashinc

Published by Lash Inc Axiom Building Lash Inc, 102B 48-54 Washington Street Glasgow G3 8AZ Contact: Louise Tierney

Envelope GLOBE

facebook /LashInc TWITTER-SQUARE @LashInc instagram @LashInc Welcome 5

Brand new and unique to ultimate

Lash lift styling work shop with our new C. L. I. M. U. D

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In salon and group training available

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For all your lash lift styling needs theres a curl to suit every eye...

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Post Lockdown An Interview with Mandy Clarke Owner of Nailz2Beauty Salon and Nailz2Beauty Training Academy Isle of Man

Mandy, being on the Isle of Man you were one of the first salons and academies who were able to go back to work. Were you apprehensive about being in close contact with clients? We were very apprehensive going back, although we were prepared as I had started sourcing ppe the second week of lockdown so we did have everything in place, we were told we were phase 4 and looking at July so it was a surprise in May when we could open 10 days later.

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ow did your clients react to the fact you were able to offer appointments and treatments

again? Most clients were excited for us to be back open, once we had announced a date to open I sat for 2 days solid arranging appointments. Some clients were not ready to come back straight away. What precautions did you have to put in place? (PPE, spacing out in the salon, limiting students in courses) We had a great system in place - clients would ring the bell and wait for their therapist, the therapist would open the door to them wearing a mask and apron let them in, ask them to use the sanitizer at the station by the door and ask them to put on their mask, if they didn’t have a mask we could provide one for £1 which I put in a charity box as we had a local company donate some masks to us. We would then take their temperature with an infrared thermometer, we weren’t too sure how clients would react to this to start with but feedback was great, they loved knowing what their temperature was (whoever takes their own) The therapist would then take the client

4, we installed sneeze guards and additional sterilising units for each desk, our seats are velvet so we purchased some mechanic seat covers and change them after each client, the treatment rooms are designated to therapists and they are responsible for their rooms. We removed our waiting area because of the social distancing as we couldn’t adhere to that with the waiting area. We have had to reduce the number of clients in the salon throughout the day as we need extra time in between for deep cleaning. We had certain treatments we weren’t allowed to do to begin with being facials, semi permanent makeup - lips and nasal waxing, lip and chin waxing/threading were classed as high risk but could do these treatments with precaution, we would tell the client we were going to remove the mask and ask them not to talk. Unfortunately we couldn’t do any training courses as first and then we were allowed to do 1-1 training. How were the first few weeks back and what is the feedback? We have had great feedback from clients

to have their treatment, the therapist wore gloves and additional visors depending on the treatment.

saying they felt very safe and how we had thought of everything (I have to thank my husband for most to be honest, he’ll love that)

We have 5 nail stations, 4 treatment rooms a brow bar area and a tanning area, as we had to social distance we removed one of the nail stations to the brow bar area and made sure there was 2m distance between the remaining

Do you think that things will get back to what they used to be or will it be a “new normal” that we have to get used to? We were discussing only today how we like how things are and although we have been

covid free for over 45 days now we are staying as we are for the foreseeable to continue to protect ourselves and our clients. What would be your advice for all the therapists who are eagerly waiting to go back to work? I would advise to take things at your own pace, if you are not ready don’t open, don’t feel pressure to do so, although I’m pretty sure everyone will be! Do a run through first with a member of your household and anything you don’t feel sure if you can change, we put the bell system in last minute and it was the best thing, we all love it. Is there anything you would or could have done differently? I don’t honestly think there was anything we could have done any different, we followed guidelines from government, everyone that came into the salon we took their name, address and contact number for government track and trace, did risk assessments on all treatments for covid 19, we have left longer between clients which obviously does mean less clients but it’s actually nice not to feel rushed and sometimes even managing to get a HOT coffee Has your set up changed or have you made plans to adapt anything for the future? Our set up has changed but I personally think for the better and we are happy to keep things as they are.

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Christmas / New Year Edition by Britta Krueger

As we get nearer the end of this year, it is time to reflect about 2020 and what a year it has been! Who would have thought at the beginning of this year that we would be faced with a pandemic? With restrictions not only to our businesses but also to our private life!? This year has been outstanding (unprecedented as it is called so many times) and very very challenging for all of us! When we look back some of us will feel sad and distraught at the devastation this year has brought to all of us but some might also look back and see some positive glimpses that this year has brought. Whilst there is no denying that the pandemic had disastrous consequences for many businesses it has also offered opportunities for some and also some much valued time with kids and family for others. Some therapists will look at this year and plan to work even harder in those times when we can

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offer treatments or training without restrictions to make up for those times when we simply can't. Others might relish the time with family and friends and decide that there is more to life than just work and that a happy medium and a good work/life balance is maybe possible after all. The period around Christmas and New Year is normally the busiest time of the year with many therapists working crazy hours, ignoring the sore neck or wrist sprain to keep clients happy and “squeeze” everyone in before the holidays. Will it be the same this year? For some, it will be even more exaggerated as

the new “way” of working means fewer clients in a day with time to clean the treatment area between clients so the days might be even longer. Others might value their health and wellbeing and also the time with the family more and a structured approach to fixed hours or days per week might be the norm. When we look ahead into a bright and promising 2021 many of us will try and plan, come up with ideas for new treatments, take additional courses or tweak the business in a way to make it “better”, be it better. After all, you can spend more time with your family and have time to yourself or be it better because you are expanding and looking to boost your income or better because you are

moving your beauty business from home to a salon or vice versa. There are many ways to boost your business and more importantly to safeguard your business. Look at this year and what it has brought us! Nearly 6 months of not being able to take on clients which meant nearly 6 months of no or very little income. Those therapists who have looked ahead and reacted quickly have increased the retail side of their business which allowed continuous income and helping to maintain clients or even acquire new ones.

Could this be an option for you? Think about it, there are only so many clients you can take on, the day has only got so many hours BUT what if you could earn money without spending any additional time? Wouldn’t that be magic? Retail can be your magic wand! Retail to existing clients when they come for a treatment or retail to other clients that maybe don’t want to come for an appointment (there are many reasons) so why not retain those clients too? If your business is faced with a restriction or any other reason why the treatment side could

be slow then the retail side might give you the additional income. Stocking and displaying products will help you retail but some companies also offer dropshipping facilities so that you can retail to your clients without having to invest in stock or organise shipping! There are many reasons to be disappointed, sad or frustrated about this year but let us look at next year with a positive eye and try and make the most of the opportunities we have! GLOBE

Lashes 11

An Interview with Tania Rice Who had the experience of going back to work after lockdown in her country and is happy to share feedback from her journey so far.


y name is Tania Rice. I am a Journeyperson Esthetician in Regina, Saskatchewan. I have been working in the esthetics for over 12 years and have owned my own studio for the past 8 years.

in place. I have had the same clientele for years so I trust them and they trust me. I was also very clear about the new protocols in place and communicated that through social media, my website, email and text reminders.

Clients said they had set their alarms and even had their husbands log on to book appointments for them. They were pretty excited!

Tania, you have had your restrictions lifted a while ago, were you apprehensive about being in close contact with clients?

How did your clients react to the fact you were able to offer appointments and treatments again?

(PPE, spacing out in the salon, limiting students in courses)

I emailed my clients to let them know that I would be turning my online booking on a certain date and time. Then when it was that time, I had 37 appointments booked online in the first minute.

The protocols weren’t very detailed. One of the items was you had to wear a mask. But they never explain what kind of mask. After a few emails back and forth to the government, we were able to get more detailed protocols.

We have been open for about 6 weeks now. I wasn’t worried about being too close to clients, I was more worried about getting all the protocols

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What precautions did you have to put in place?

Employees had to wear masks, aprons/smocks, and safety glasses. Clients had to stay 6 feet apart from everyone. Businesses were not allowed to serve drinks, have magazines out or allow clients to use the bathroom unless absolutely necessary. Clients were not allowed to bring a friend or children to appointments and had to clean their hands upon entering the business. There were also more cleaning and sanitation protocols. As far as the sanitation I already had everything in place before the pandemic so that part wasn’t difficult. I work alone so I just had to make sure there were no clients coming and going at the same time. I allowed 15 minutes extra in-between clients to make sure that never happened. I also had to wear safety glasses and a mask for the first time. How were the first few weeks back and what is the feedback? I was really nervous. But after a day or 2, I got back into the groove of things. If anything it was more relaxing because I had so much time in-between clients. Client said they never had any hesitation to come back to get services. I already had pretty high standards for cleaning and safety.

Did you have another restriction where you were not able to work or salons had to close? What was the reaction from clients? No, we haven’t had any other restrictions since our initial closure. How was your experience with clients, have all your clients returned or did you find that some are more cautious or did you in fact gain new clients? The majority returned quickly. I do have a few clients who are immunocompromised or care for vulnerable people that have not returned yet. I have only lost 2 clients who started to DIY their services at home but It seems that everyone else has developed an appreciation to the quality of my services. Do you think that things will get back to what they used to be or will it be a “new normal” that we have to get used to? People are much more aware of personal space. I think this is the new normal. It might be years before we can stop wearing safely googles and masks at work. I’m ok with that though. What would be your advice for all the therapists who are eagerly waiting to go back to work?

You have to up your retail game. With booking clients so far apart you will be making less money. Make sure you have the essentials on hand so you are a one-stop beauty shop for your clients. The first week, book yourself breaks throughout the day. Many of us aren’t used to wearing masks and smocks and goggles. They will be annoying and you will want to adjust them all the time. You’ll get used to it. Connect with other professionals online in your area who are opening at the same time to share ideas on how you can get over certain problems or even just to vent. It will also be overstimulating and your body will be sore. You’ve been out of the game for a couple of months and it will. take your body and mind to get used to working again Is there anything you would or could have done differently? I don’t think so. Has your set up changed or have you made plans to adapt anything for the future? The only thing that has changed is that I have a hand sanitizing station outside my front door. I don’t think that there is anything more I could improve to make my space safer.

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Eyelash Affair circa 1962 by Jacqueline Falcomer

My earliest memories of my mother and aunts is of them taking turns sitting at the dressing table to “apply make-up” for their Saturday night date. A glass jar of multi-sized brushes, rivaling that of a portraitist, sat in the middle of the dressing table. A shoebox filled with a myriad of lipsticks sat in the right-hand drawer. Jet-black liquid eyeliners, brown, green and blue eye shadow containers, kohl pencils, blusher sticks, foundation skin-toned creams and tiny pencils with sharp points of white lead, filled the shoebox in the left-hand drawer. Most curious of all, in the middle drawer, lay a pile of slim, transparent boxes containing a jaw-dropping array of eyelashes in varying lengths and thicknesses along with tiny tubes of glue and several pairs of eyelash curlers. With her sultry coloring my mother wore her make-up following Sophia Loren’s style, including

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a strategically placed cheek mole. My three aunts followed the British ‘Dolly Girls’, Twiggy, Britt Ekland and Jean Shrimpton look. While the women differed in their choices, each unfailingly wore false eyelashes. Applying false eyelashes required a steady hand. Equally important, timing was of the essence. The smear of glue dexterously applied to the lash could only be attached to the eyelid when the right stickiness was achieved. If the weather varied, so too did the timing. If applied too soon, the eyelash would slip and slide. Applied to late, the lash would not adhere to the eyelid. At the age of five (in 1962), I already knew there was nothing more embarrassing than being unaware of having lost an eyelash. Or worse, having an eyelash attach itself to the face of the man one was kissing.

After the frenzied afternoon of make-up and eyelash application, copious amounts of hairspray to teased hair, and last minute perfume spritzes, my mother and aunts, beautifully dressed, would leave with their Saturday night dates. Grandmother and I sat at the dressing table, sorted and replaced each makeup article in its correct box. One Saturday evening my Grandmother asked, “Shall we try?” In awe, I nodded. “Choose which style you want.” By the time I’d made my selection, my grandmother already sported her choice of eyelashes. Compared to her daughters, she was lightning fast. I gazed at her in the reflection of the mirror. I’d never realized just how blue her eyes

really were. Moreover, she looked as glamorous as the magazine pictures of film stars my mother and aunts couldn’t get enough of. “Your turn. Look down.” I obeyed. Her fingers were as delicate as the lightest breeze. I didn’t feel the eyelashes on mine. “Take a look.” I looked up and stared at myself in the mirror. “They’re longer than a giraffe’s.” My grandmother laughed. Then I batted my lids as fast as possible but the lashes remained in place. They tickled. Later, when I was ready for bed, Grandmother removed my lashes with the slightest tug. “Put

yours back in its box. Here, let’s write your name on the box.” I looked at her enquiringly. “Remember, never wear a used pair of eyelashes.” I nodded wisely. I’d heard my mother and aunts discuss a friend’s eye infection from just having done that. “Can we wear them again next Saturday?” “Naturally.” Jacqueline Falcomer | Published Author JacquelineFalcomerAuthor/

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i my name is Ana and I live and work in Blackpool and my company is called the ultimate lash lounge.

When the devastating news but that we would need to close the salon and training academy for an unknown time we were all worried about what would happen to the business we spent so long building and how would we survive with zero income! As the months went on in lockdown it was hard to stay upbeat, money was getting tighter by the day. Luckily I was able to convert some training courses to partially online which gave a small amount of revenue. I did this at a reduced cost knowing myself how tough times were I wanted to help and give people something to do with their productive time. After 5 months we found we could open but with no treatments on the face and then my nail

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girl dropped the bombshell she was leaving. Could it get any worse! Yes, we then get told the day before we think we can Resume business including facials that it would be another 2 weeks! This news hit us hard, loyal clients that had been with us for years didn’t return after waiting so long when other people were offering their services, people were made redundant, people were still furloughed or scared and business the resumed is moving slow. Every step possible was made to make the salon safe, full PPE including disposable gloves, masks, visors and aprons are used for all clients. As well as our normal cleaning regime we now clean all areas between clients, this means longer times between clients to clean, have a drink, a bite to eat and get ready for the next client. We also have had anti-COVID-19 fogging done which makes us a safe zone for 28 days then it is done again. Sanitising points are all

through the salon, a sign-in book for COVID tracking, floors signs. You name it we have done it. Business doesn’t feel the same, you are afraid that you aren’t doing things right even though you have been following strict hygiene for years. On returning to work I was so anxious and worried it was an awful feeling. Training courses are now limited to 2 students per class for safety as per the HSE guidelines which also means a reduction in earnings but at least they can carry on and we know we are doing everything possible. What will the future hold? I don’t know, I built this business from scratch 20 years ago and honestly don’t know if we as an industry will survive such a hit.


Featured Lash Artist - Оля Осадчук

NYC Volume C up - 1st Place instagram @NYCvolumecup

1st place • EXPERT • Olena Lim

3D Volume • EXPERT • Mai Arai

3D Volume • JUNIOR • Momo Shiraishi

3D Volume • MASTER • Camilla Juul Dahl

18 Lashes

5-6D • 1st place • Doreen Mller

Classic Junior • 1st place • JUNIOR • Marie Elise Lehmann

Classic Master • 1st place • MASTER • Mutsumi Shimodori

Fantasy Lash • 1st Place • Fujimi Noguchi

Kim K • 1st place • Maureen Kumala Dewi

Mega Volume • 1st Place • Nurjamal Baitemirova

Lashes 19

NYC Volume C up - 2nd Place instagram @NYCvolumecup

2nd Place • EXPERT • Angelica Latt

3D Volume • EXPERT • Shelley Pan

3D Volume • JUNIOR • Patricia Petersen

3D volume • MASTER • Jantakan Kunsakorn

20 Lashes

3rd Place • MASTER • Yuki Yoshida

5-6D • 2nd place • Ludmila Stummer

Classic Junior • 2nd place • JUNIOR • Zilla Olson

Fantasy Lash Art • 2nd place • Aileen Fawcett

Kim K • 2nd place • Mai Arai

Mega Volume • 2nd Place • Doreen Mueller

Lashes 21

Featured Lash Artist - Lana Slatina

Readers G allery


Tracy Scrima

Lashes 23

Diane Draganek

Christina Petillo

24 Lashes

Denise Canino

Doreen Muller

Elisha Clewlaw

Emma McHugh

Elzbieta Kalawska Kopacz

IIana Mikulina

Lashes 25

Jacky Lee

Irina Voronina

26 Lashes

Jola Boruszek

Karen Grahen

Kristie Mulhane

Martina Kallos

Maricela Ortega Barrios

Michelle Rutz

Lashes 27

Kosphie Taipari

Petra Poganoyva

28 Lashes

Rebecca Booth

Rebecca Wills

Roberta Norgailaite

Sandra Matulyte

Sandy Huang

Sara Stortenbecker

Sylvie Kozelska

Lashes 29

Eddy Vu

Tuan Do

30 Lashes

Vivian Mirella

Rodica Fusu

Candace Gribben

Chelle Yvelle

Lashes 31

NYC Volume Cup - Favourites

Favourite • Jill (Nurjamal Baitemirova)

Favourite • Maja (Fujimi Noguchi)

Favourite • TB (Klaudia Turek)

Favourite • VLC (Fujimi Noguchi)

Lashes 33

Lash Rebrand Journey by Maya Andreea Rehman

OLD LOGO 1: Why did you decide to rebrand? Firstly, I was never happy with the old logo, in fact I had about 4-5 of them in the past and after a few months I always got bored and I just feel they didn't portray the luxury image I was hoping for. I told myself next time I do it I will spend a bit more money. There was also the fact that I was bored in lockdown and I had some money on the side to invest in my business. But most importantly I wanted to get my clients excited for coming back after the lockdown. New brand for new beginnings. 2: What problem were you attempting to solve? From the time I spent rebranding in the past, I must admit not a lot of time was spent on this part of the business, this showed that more time and thought had to be put into this in order for it to work and long lasting. I wanted to show potential clients we are a professional brand, specializing in eyelash

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extensions with an elegant look. I also wanted to separate the 3 parts of the business so decided for 3 logos:1. Maya Lash Studio for clients 2. Maya Lash Academy for students 3. Maya Lashes and Accessories for students 3: What do we want to convey? To whom? The message we wanted to convey is that we are a professional yet luxurious business for both clients and students alike. We wanted to be taken seriously, so we knew the corny brand wouldn't cut it! Also, we wanted to portray what we already are when it comes to the safety of our staff and clients. This new brand denotes simplicity where the last ones were quite cluttered yet very effective. The Brand rationale is that it is leading with a strong, confident upper case name, that's softened

by the use of the san serif font and blush base colour palette. This brand evokes sophistication and elegance with the use of a single soft swoosh to subtly mimic the movement of the lash. The chosen colour palette is feminine and emits calmness and tranquillity- ideal for the interior environment of my salon for a soothing client experience. 4: What brief did you give your designer? My designers (Design Line Creative) are well known in Scotland with a vast portfolio to match, they have done numerous jobs including Glasgow Airport and whisky labels. Luckily, I have already had a few colleagues from DLC regularly visiting my salon for treatments. In particular, Kim who was part of the design project really got to the grips with it all and started to get a feel of what I do and my passion behind my company ethos. She put to paper what I struggled to express from my thoughts, she connected with my inner thoughts.

5: Did they create several versions? Yes, and they were all beautiful in their unique way. It was very difficult choosing the final version. 6: How did you choose the final version? I was firstly very inclined to go for a more holistic geometrical look but asking friends and family about it they were more inclined with the most simple one. Having to explain the "holistic" one until they got it made me think that if I have to explain it then it’s pointless, I wanted everyone to connect to it as easy as I did. For me, the holistic one made sense as I am a qualified Beauty and massage therapist and I always wanted to include touches here and there that connects to all senses i.e. essential oil smells, heated blanket and coziness all around as well as soothing music etc. 7: Explain your new brand and what you are trying to convey with it? Simply put: Lashes with a smile! Great customer service and professional courses, Last but not least to be recognized as the “go to” in regards to lashes whether they are aftercare packs, personalised sets or advice. 8: What tips can you give people who want to rebrand? DO NOT I repeat DO NOT go for the cheapest! Don't give this crucial part to be decided by some friend of a friend, sister or wannabe designer. You need a professional that knows what they are doing. You do it cheap you do it twice, well 4 times in my case! First and foremost look around for the best designer teams and great logos that you are attracted to. If there is one in particular you really like just ask the company, 9 times out of 10 they will be happy to recommend you to the company

that designed theirs (great brownie points for them because : Your brand designer is for LIFE)!

between £20 to £100. Their poor quality design impacted on the brands minimal life expectancy

I promise you if you are happy the first time round you will most certainly go back and ask them for more services e.g: labels for products, leaflets for special events etc. Keep professional and do not ask for reduction in price! If they want to give you a discount they will, you do not need to ask. You want to build a rapport with them, if you are professional, they will also be.

I designed 3 different logos - labels for products, manual covers and certificates. This cost on average a thousand pounds but was worth every penny. Now more than ever I love it and I feel it mostly identifies ME and my business.

Because Kim was my client before the work she did for me I actually had a discussion with her that I was afraid I would lose her as a customer once she started designing everything. We promised each other we have boundaries and we managed to keep that side of businesses separate. You need your brand designer to come see your salon and have a chat of what your business means for you and what you want to portray. Tell them everything, no thought and no question is silly. They depend on you to tell them otherwise they can only do so much. The more ideas and suggestions you give them, the more they know your brand and where to go brand wise. This is Branding! not just a logo! you want to make sure it will work and translate with everything you do! They should be there for you when you need them, if the designer decides to not cooperate with you due to being offended by changes you suggest then they are not the right one for you. There has to be mutual input and collaboration from both parties. I have had my fair share of time wasters in the past including those that decide to charge you extra, mid-way through the project. 9: Is it expensive to rebrand? It all depends what you mean by expensive. You need to know your worth! Remember those 4 ex brands I had? 2 were free and 2 ranged anything

A great colour and simple brand is easier to play with on social media and help you keep a theme. My next step is to get them to create a website too. Like branding, I failed so many times choosing the best website company and always went for "friends" cowboys and fraudsters. My past 4 websites have cost me in a region of £2-3k with nothing to show for it. Thinking back, I wish I had done better research on which company to choose and pay the right money for the right company. Getting a bargain isn’t always the way forward when rebranding your company. If you haggle and look for a cheap option then the work that will be put into this project will also look cheap and not give a true reflection of what you really want. It is ok if you are just a start up and you don't have the funds to make an investment on your company. Instead, I would wait a big longer, build on your client base, save more money and pay for a good product that will last a very long time. I hope my experience in this rebranding path will help you make the right choices when you decide to embark on this journey! Lots of love Maya Andreea Rehman instagram @maya_lashstudio instagram @maya_lashacademy instagram @maya_lashes_accessories

Lashes 35

Cover Story... Success Secrets of Flawless Lashes by Loreta Loreta Jasilionyte founded beauty company, Flawless Lashes by Loreta in 2013, after rapidly becoming recognised as one of the leading Master Lash Artists and innovators in the Lash industry.


even years on from starting Flawless Lashes, the brand now offers a thriving online retail sector; a worldwide wholesale distribution network; a training Academy (and Academy online); as well as an ever-expanding trainer network operating under the brand umbrella. The multi Award-winning company repeatedly wins awards for its customer service, academy trainings and products. Most recently it received three British Hair and Beauty Award recognitions in the categories of Training Centre of Excellence, Customer Service, and Employer of the Year; while also currently being a finalist in the Pure Beauty Awards nominations for its Intensive Eye mascara. Here, Loreta details the secrets to the Company’s success. The first secret to Flawless Lashes’ success is to start with passion.

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Passion will always lead the way. There wasn’t a grand plan to have a big beauty business. It simply started with passion for a hobby. That passion provided the diligence to practice and get better and better. That dedication and determination led to Loreta’s skilful eye, and desire to be the best. Loreta used to say to her clients “Prepare to be wowed!” She wouldn’t let any of her clients leave her lash studio until their lashes were styled up to the standard that an A-list celebrity would expect! If passion is the first secret, the natural one to follow is reputation. Reputation counts for everything, and clearly went ahead of her, with Loreta becoming in demand for appointments, training and judging competitions, purely by word of mouth. When Loreta first started, her network grew by recommendation and reputation alone. Word of

mouth, was the social media of the early 2010s. The next thing to mention, is to stay open to opportunity. After completing basic lash training in 2012, Loreta then self-taught in Russian Volume, which is her speciality. With her own unique style and method for brilliant results, Loreta started to get enquiries from lots of trainers wanting to be trained by her. She began travelling to train others in 2013, and has now travelled the World as a respected International trainer and judge for numerous prestigious competitions. It was in training others, that the natural next step showed itself in creating the Flawless Lashes product range. Every lash tech wanted to work with the best products. While teaching students, Loreta found it very difficult to find consistent, quality products, which led her to create her

own lash range that meant she could bring her exacting standards to a wider audience through products that she truly believed in. Staying open to opportunity has shown itself again in 2020, with the emergence of Flawless Lashes’ first online Academy trainings: Lash Lift and Brow Lamination. “It started as an experiment,” says Loreta. “We recorded and edited the videos a few weeks before lockdown began in the UK. We could never have known what was going to happen in 2020.” If you had asked her prior to all this, she would have said, “no, certain lash trainings must be done in person. And while I do still stand by that in terms of the very beginnings of your career as a lash artist, I must say, the possibilities of the Internet, have completely changed how and when we are able to learn.” Loreta and her team have been blown away by the response to and uptake of the first two trainings available on The Academy online, and are actively looking to expand the online educational experiences that the brand offers. You might expect the next secret to talk about continuing to hustle and do more in order to grow, but actually, here Loreta stops, and says that the next step to success is actively building in rest. “Rest is important,” says the founder. “Don’t sacrifice the important things in your life, for anything. Especially not work. Delegate tasks, and get extra help where necessary, and ensure that you are spending time with the people that are important to you.” The CEO insists that your business will be better for having routine down time and proper business boundaries that promote a good work/life balance.

The remaining secrets to Flawless Lashes’ success as a Company, all lean towards bringing a personal why, ethics and standards to your business. With any product that Flawless brings to the market, the emphasis is on creating products that will enable her clients to create ‘flawless masterpieces’, and provide the best care to maintain the healthy lashes of their clients. One of the USPs of Loreta’s trainings and product range is that everything is grounded in science, knowledge and lash wellness. “Weighty lashes may look good on a night out, but it’s not worth it, if it damages the lash for the entire lash cycle, or even worse, permanently. At Flawless Lashes, we provide the products, and train students in techniques that produce the desired look, without sacrificing lash health.” “Our clients tell us that the continuing popularity of the range is because they want to work with award-winning products that they know they can rely on. We always give the best customer support and we provide an affordable, quality product. All of which are important foundation values that enable the Company to deliver excellent result for our clients, in turn allowing them to generate profitable revenue for their businesses.” Loreta also champions community over competition. “It’s easy to become super competitive in this business, but my motto is to be as helpful as I can to everyone. I hope that everyone finds the success that they are working so hard towards - then it makes all my hard work so worthwhile.” Loreta firmly believes that there is

space for everyone in the lashing industry. “More lash techs and businesses, just means that the industry is growing and more in-demand.” And her advice to new lash artists? When you are just starting out, don’t compare yourself to others. “My business started in an office in my garden, that my husband built. If I were comparing my beginnings to someone else who was more fully established, I’d likely never have got to where I am now, because I would have been busy concentrating on what they were doing, rather than myself. I find that when you compare, you can be prone to trying to copy what someone else is doing, or what you see is working for them. Every business, even within the same industry is unique and what works for one, may not work for another. Rather than trying to be like someone else, I’d always say, focus on being yourself.” And the last secret? Ask yourself – what’s your mission? For Loreta, it has always been to raise the standard of eyelash extensions so that each student is confident and highly skilled, meaning that each of their clients will enjoy a top-class service. “The training is the top of the pyramid, followed by the products that you are using. The highest standards need to be found there, because even though these are at the top, it’s the customer who is the most important part of it all, and needs to always get the best you have to offer.” GLOBE instagram @flawless_lashes_by_loreta

Lashes 37

Lockdown Start Up Interview with Beauty by The Beach Salon by Angelina Walsh 1: What made you want to train in eyelash extensions. My younger sister is a really successful eyelash technician and absolutely loves it! Her passion & determination she put into her business really struck something in me. I felt like I was missing out on something amazing...and I was right!! I have 2 young daughters, Genevieve and Evangeline and I ideally want to spend as much time as I can with them so building my own business seemed perfect!! I pick my hours and do what works for us as a family. 2: Tell is about setting up your business during Covid-19 and with a new baby. Setting up a business during Covid-19 was anything but ideal, yet somehow I have made it work. Thankfully eyelash extensions seem to be a bit of a necessity now for people, instead of a luxury. The guys & girls that get them done tend to have them day in, day out. When I was younger you really only got them for really special

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occasions (showing my age haha). Having a new baby & juggling starting up a business is tough, exhausting actually. But, I am so determined to make this work for me and my family!! When I am lashing I tend to clear my mind and just concentrate 100% so it is a really great way for me to zone out and not be "mum" for a few hours. 3: What is your business name and where are you based. What are your social tags? My business name is "Beauty by the Beach" I am based in Troon & East Kilbride. instagram facebook Beauty by the Beach 4: What is your next step? For me, I am really keen to have my own space, a unit or to become part of a salon team! I love the idea of having a team. The main goal is to have my own salon, do lashes & rent other space out for different services.

5: Do you have many competitors in your area? What other services do you offer? I have lots of competition (including my own sister) but I am a firm believer that there is enough business to go around. I plan on working hard, doing beautiful lashes & keep my clients returning.

Featured Lash Artist - Kosphie Taipari


M Curl by Jenelle Paris, Founder of Lash Affair

M Curl is the hottest trend of 2020. Okay, maybe not trendier than Tik Tok, but lash artists have been raving about M Curl everywhere I look. I got certified in lashes in 2008 and founded Lash Affair in 2013. We’ve always been a fan of specialty curls but these just hit differently. They are similar to L curl, but in my opinion, better. Here at Lash Affair, our team has been doing some serious quality control to make sure we released an M Curl we could stand behind.


Curl has been all the rage from artists and clients alike for a variety of reasons. M Curl can make a cat eye map even more dramatic. By placing the lashes on the outer corners you’ll get that feline flick you’re looking for. Have hooded lids? No problem. The lift of M Curl can make hooded eyelids/mono lids appear more open and can overall lift the appearance of the face. I like to use M Curl to build texture as well. M Curl can be used solo or can be mixed with CC curl to really create that dimension. So what does M Curl look like? Sister to the already popular L Curl, M Curl has a straight base for flush attachment and lifts up with more of a curved bend than L Curl. Think D Curl curve on an L curl. Does this all sound like

algebra to you? Check out our curl chart below to see the difference! Pretty much everyone will look good with M Curl, but it will make the biggest difference for clients with straight lashes. The straight base will adhere to the natural lashes well and lift them making a major difference. We all know how important flush placement is *wink wink* better retention The coolest use of M Curl can be on a client with downturned eyes. The intense bend up will lift the end of the eye making it appear lifted. This type of corrective styling can be life-changing. Keep in mind M Curl won’t extend too far out like C Curl or make the end of the eyes look droopy. Instead, you’ll see a correction with the edge of the eyes looking more lifted. Win!

Ready to try it out? Lash Affair has your back. M Curl is available in our luxury collection in 0.07 with mixed length tray options. M Curl is the perfect option for anyone looking to step out of their comfort zone and try something fun and new! Did we mention fun? Lash Affair gives you the confidence to break through the bullsh*t, push for what you deserve, and reveal who you really are. We enable you through the most innovative information in the industry to inspire your success. Feel your power. Change Your Story. Lash Affair is always here for our community and we encourage you to try something new. Please reach out with any additional questions at 800.608.2420 or stalk us instagram @lashaffairbyjp

Beauty 41

Client Masks & Lash Retention Problems by Emily Lee

What a year it has been! I think we can all agree that 2020 has really thrown a wrench in our lives, businesses, and now our retention too?


hether you’ve been a lash professional for years, or if you are brand new out of school, you will have learned that our lash adhesive can be quite temperamental, affected by room temperature, relative humidity, hair chemicals, skincare ingredients, health, medications, and even our clients’ menstrual cycles! Just when we think we have our adhesive and retention figured out, life throws us another curveball. Enter 2020. Now, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 10 months, you already know that the quick and wide spread of Covid-19 early this year caused a global pandemic to be declared. This caused many countries to put a mandatory mask order in place, especially while giving and receiving personal services, such as nailcare, haircare, skincare, and of course, lash services. This means that clients and service providers in personal service establishments MUST wear a mask, and in some cases, also a face shield while in close proximity. While it is always a great idea for the lash professional to be wearing a mask, preferably one

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that will protect them from the adhesive’s harmful vapors, the added precaution of the client also wearing a mask is causing all sorts of retention issues for us. As mentioned earlier, temperature and relative humidity plays a huge role in adhesive polymerization and ultimately, our lash retention. Since returning to work with the new mask mandates, lash professionals all over the world are noticing an increase of lash retention issues, and the lead suspect is the client’s mask. When your client is wearing mask and lying down on your treatment table, their breath blows back up toward their eyes, and with it, moisture droplets and heat. I’ll say it again for the people in the back - the client’s breathing is increasing the temperature and relative humidity around their eyes, precisely the area that your adhesive needs a stable environment in order to bond properly. This puts lash professionals between a rock and a hard place, because the health authority is telling us our clients MUST be wearing a mask, but the very mask they are required to wear is causing the extensions to not last at all, resulting in unsatisfied clients.

Luckily, there ARE ways around it! We have tested four different solutions to this, and we’ll tell you which is the most effective. First, here’s a visual baseline of what it looks like when a masked client is breathing normally out of their nose with a reusable cloth mask, and with a disposable procedure mask on. [IMG1, IMG2] The First method is to use double masks with the top mask folded in half at the bridge of the nose. The intention is that the thickness and angle of the top mask folded over would redirect the airflow back down toward the client. [IMG3, IMG4] PROS: • Nothing adhered to the skin. • Fast and easy to rig up. • Reduces the airflow up to the eyes. CONS: • Does not completely eliminate the airflow up to the eyes. • Some margin of error, easy to position incorrectly. • Can shift if client moves face or speaks. •· Masks are expensive and can be hard to get right now.

The next method is to tape down the top of the mask. The idea is to create a seal with the skin so there is no gap for air to come up out of. [IMG5, IMG6] PROS: • Eliminates the air coming out of the top of the mask. • Most of us already have assorted tapes on hand so no extra cost. • More effective than the double mask method. CONS: • Tape on the skin for long periods can be irritating for some people. • Eliminates the air from coming up out the top, but not the front of some masks. The third method is using one side of a plastic page protector sheet cut in half and taped to the skin above the mask. The idea is similar to method 2 using tape to create a seal, but taking it one step further to redirect the air back down. [IMG7, IMG8] PROS: • Completely eliminates the airflow up to the eye AND redirects it down and away from the lash tech. • The plastic is flexible and relatively comfortable. • Cutting it in half yields 4 pieces per sheet, making it cost pennies per client. CONS: • More work to cut the sheets vs. a ready-made solution. • More plastic waste.

• Tape on the skin for long periods can be irritating for some people. The fourth and final method is a ready-made client shield. This is the same method and objective as number 3, except these come ready to use. [IMG9, IMG10]

the airflow away. He felt method 3 was the best solution overall because it delivered all the benefits, but wasn’t as uncomfortable to wear and remove as method 4. Whatever solution you end up choosing for your business, make sure it checks off all the right boxes for you and your clients.

PROS: • Ready to use so no extra effort cutting plastic sheets or fiddling with tape.

To watch the video version of this article, please subscribe to Emily’s channel at www.YouTube. com/BeautyProMedia and please feel free to connect with her on social media!

• Completely eliminates the airflow up to the eye AND redirects it down and away from the lash tech.

Connect with Emily here:

CONS: • This plastic is more rigid than page protectors, so it was less comfortable for the client. • More plastic waste. • The tape that came on these shields had a more painful removal than the sensitive tape we used with method 2 and 3. Full disclosure, we tried this method last, so the skin had already had tape applied and removed several times. • More costly than method 2 and 3. At the end of the day, there are a few factors you need to keep in mind, including efficacy and client comfort. We asked our lovely model if he had a preference of the four methods and he said that while the double mask was the most comfortable because there wasn’t anything adhered to his skin, he didn’t feel it was very consistently effective. The tape only option was the next most comfortable, but he didn’t feel it was as good a solution as method 3 and 4 because it didn’t actually divert

Infection Control Course: GLOBE Youtube BeautyProMedia instagram @BeautyProMedia instagram @BeautyProBox [CREDITS] [Writer Bio] Emily is an Award-winning Esthetician and Lash Professional from Vancouver, Canada. She is an International Judge, Educator, Lash Mentor, and a Multi-Media Content Creator. Emily’s hopes and dreams are to help the industry grow with a more consistent, higher standard. Emily believes in being integrous, uplifting, fun, passionate, and most importantly, she believes in being the change.

Beauty 43

Beauty & Make Up Borboleta Eyelash Growth Serum Take your lashes from lacklustre to lush. Formulated by the experts in lashes, just one swipe of this lash-loving serum each night makes lashes look longer, thicker and darker in as little as 4 weeks with maximum results at 8 weeks. The nourishing formula works wonders on natural lashes, yet it’s totally lash extension safe. Rave reviews from all over the globe. Check out their Instagram account @borboletabeauty RRP $75 Borboleta Cool Down Patches Another fantastic product from Borboleta. Need a quick boost? These soothing eye masks instantly chill, calm and refresh tired eyes on contact. Designed to be used after lash treatments (yet so addictive you will want to use them all the time), The replenishing gel formula soothes, depuffs and diminishes the appearance of dark circles. Caffeine firms and boosts circulation, while kelp extract moisturizes and heals. Cooling hydrogel creates a seal to penetrate skin. A firm favourite with @lashinc owner Louise Tierney. RRP $19 @borboletabeauty Smart Ass Beauty Serum, Soap and Moisturiser Louise trailed the products for 30 days and in that time she reported that she really

44 Beauty

started to see a difference to her skin. “The serum in particular instantly makes the skin feel tight and toned. Great if you are 40+ and notice your skin starting to age and lack bounce”. When it comes to donkey milk the benefits are vast. The rich composition of the milk used as a natural ingredient in our products help in the overall regeneration of the skin, because of the high levels of protein, phospholipids, and ceramides, which in turn confer it with both soothing and reconstructing properties, in turn producing an effective and excellent moisturizer and perhaps, more importantly, an anti-wrinkle treatment, and for the final flourish, it has a natural and amazing tensor (Botox) effect on the skin, leaving the skin velvety soft, compact, and luminous. Packed with Vit C, A, D & E it is also excellent in the treatment of acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis. Wrinkle rewind serum RRP £59.00 @smartassbeauty Flawless Lashes by Loreta - Intensify Mascara Give glorious volume to your lashes with the distinctive tapered brush head. Gets right into those baby lashes and lower lashes. The conical design aids separation of lashes, giving a defined lash-lift effect finish. Perfect for lash lift clients wanting a more dramatic look and fantastic for clients taking a break from lashes. The mascara formula includes castor seed oil and coconut oil to nourish lashes, making them feel as good as they look. Another @ lashinc favourite.

LaCure Beaute Face Mask with Rose, Pomegranate & Red Fruits Moisturizes the skin : 100% Helps to feel the skin is more luminous and helps puify and clean the skin. After the first use my skin felt deeply moisturied and visibly more radient. RRP 45 Euro (Pack of 3) Tata Harper Clarifying Mask Tata Harper Skincare is a 100% natural, nontoxic, high-performance luxury skincare, cosmetics and aromatherapy line based on an Organic farm in the Champlain Valley of Vermont. A complexion perfecting treatment that targets impurities to restore healthy, balanced, and clear skin. Best for uneven texture, redness, or blemish prone skin. This product was tested on 2 people, one male and one female. The results were quite simply amazing. The mask completely cleared all blackheads from the nose area and reduced wrinkles significantly after one use, the skin was absolutely glowing after. As it contains highly concentrated ingredients It can only be used once per week or once per fortnight depending on your skin, but at £56 in our option it is worth every penny. We were simply blown again and now members of the Tara Harper fan group on Facebook! £56


5 steps to creating and developing your social media brand Step 1: Branding Before you get started, you need a strong brand. A strong brand means a great logo which will appear on all of your accounts. This also means other matching materials for your social media cover images and the rest. A strong brand means having a purpose,

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a mission statement and something that can be summed up in a tagline. Know your target audience, know your niche and know what you’re trying to accomplish. Don’t try to appeal to everyone. Instead, create a brand that when someone looks at it, they will know instantly whether that is something they are likely to be interested in.

Step 2: Implementation Build a website to match your brand. Sign up to social media accounts. Choose at least 3 – ideally more but also pick one primary account that you will put the most focus onto. Add social sharing buttons, ‘follow me’ buttons and more to your homepage. Consider adding a feed.

Research Social media is not just there for you to market to people. This is a two-way tool and that is good news for you. Looking at your competition and asking these important questions: What are other popular brands in your niche doing? What can you do the same? What should you do differently? What have they missed? What are people asking for that isn’t being delivered? Look for potential business partners and influencers you can work with. Spend time developing your reputation in these circles, spend time learning the lingo and the state of the niche. Step 3: Creating Posts Posts on your social media accounts always need to offer value. People will not follow you out of the goodness of their heart! You need to be consistent and stay on-topic. There is some leeway here for personal brands to branch out slightly. Post regularly and remember that only a

percentage of your followers will see each post. So, don’t worry about inundating them! Images Images shared to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest etc. This can help to grab attention but they work best if they also offer inherent value by being entertaining, interesting or useful. They can help to sell a dream and a lifestyle and get people really on board with your brand. Step Content Your bread and butter very often will be to post content from your site. Use highly shareable titles. Make sure to use images, to spread your content out. Step 4: Always have an actual USP – something that will make your content worth reading for your audience. Try to have an emotional element. 800-1,800 words are the ideal lengths. Post as often as possible. ‘Storytelling is SEO for the human brain’ There is nothing wrong with sharing older content. Look for old posts on your site that

you can re-share and that people might find interesting or relevant. There is nothing wrong with sharing content from other brands. In fact, look for what is trending and doing well then share it yourself for guaranteed growth! Some Things to Try Make videos and if possible or run a YouTube channel. This is great for engagement, for getting people to watch to the end and more. Try going live Use Facebook Live, Instagram or. Use Instagram Stories and Snapchat. Use the lesser-known social media channels. Step 5: Set up a content schedule Use scheduling apps to make lots of posts at once and then have them gradually published out to your accounts. This makes it easier for yourself by setting up your mobile device for easy posting. Identify points during your day/routine where you can easily upload content. Embrace the account you most gravitate toward.

Business 47

Social Media Marketers

Start Using Stories or Face Becoming Obsolete! Adapt or die. That is the name of the game when it comes to internet marketing and especially social media marketing.


f you aren’t aable to keep up with the changing trends and demands of the social media landscape, then you won’t be able to stay relevant. Right now, changing with the times means placing more emphasis on stories. And there’s a VERY good reason for this. A Quick Primer Just in case you’re that out of touch and you’re not sure what a Story is, this is essentially a concept in social media that involves posting a short video to your account that typically lasts around 10 seconds, and which disappears after 24 hours. This won’t normally appear anywhere on your home page/ profile, and nor will it appear in the user’s main feed. Rather, it will normally appear above the rest of the content at the top of the page. Let Me Count the Ways… The benefits of Stories right now are huge and near endless. Firstly, the position of the stories that we just mentioned – on both Facebook and Instagram, Stories appear above all other content in large rectangular icons. This makes

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them very easy to see, and that helps them stand out.

it. This leverages that powerful feeling we all know as FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out!

And this has never been more important at a time when both platforms are de-emphasizing brand content in home feeds. The Instagram feed for example is now predominantly made up of the content that users show an interest in.

The best part about Stories though, is how they allow you to engage with your audience. Stories allow you to post about your day, to show your personality, and to reveal a little bit behind the curtain. This is huge from the perspectives of the follower, as it allows them to feel that they know you, and understand you a little better. This drastically increases the likelihood that they might buy from you, which is of course precisely what we’re going for!

Conversely, Stories are shown in chronological order, making it easy for you to stand out. Another big benefit of Stories is a short duration. This means a couple of things. Firstly, it means that you don’t need to worry about creating a beautiful image that is going to live on your page forever. If you want to post something quick and dirty, then this is a perfect way. If you want to post something offtopic, perhaps even a little off-brand, then this is the safest environment for that. Another advantage of this is that it makes it more exciting for users. Users will typically act much quicker to view a Story because a) it tends to be more personal in nature, and B) they know they only have a limited time to see

The big advantage of Stories is not for increasing followers, but for building stronger relationships with those that already exist. The Sites That You Need to be Posting Social Media Stories On Social Media Stories have taken the internet by storm, and for good reason. It all began with Snapchat, which introduced the concept in 203. Since then, everything from Instagram and Facebook, to YouTube and even Skype have released something similar. As with anything, the popularity Stories comes down to utility. Users enjoy Stories

because they allow a quick insight into the minds of their favourite creators, brands, and businesses. Businesses enjoy Stories because they are popular with users and enjoy a lot of engagement. Thus, the market forces are in place, and it’s no wonder that the concept grew! And for these same reasons, you need to make sure that your business is taking part too. The only problem? Social media stories are a little obtuse for some businesses and hard to grasp. Apart from anything else, many companies aren’t aware of just how many sites are offering the feature, or how it works on each platform. Here’s everything you need to know. How Every Site is Implementing Stories? Snapchat It’s only fair to start with Snapchat, seeing as this is the one that started it all. Snapchat is of course the social site/messaging app that initially became famous for its self-destructing messages. Stories take this same concept and apply it to a more public form of publishing. Snapchat isn’t as in vogue as it once was, but it remains somewhere between the 5th and 6th

biggest social platform on the web. Not only that, but it has built itself around the concept of Stories.

offering. Fortunately, such options as polls, questions boxes, and more will help to make up for this to some extent.

Stories on Snapchat benefit from the excellent ‘Lenses’ feature, which is a fancy term for very advanced filters that tend to go viral. Snapchat Stories also have the huge advantage of allowing a link embedded right into them.

Then there’s the fact that Instagram lets you share your stories directly to Facebook, expanding your reach even further.

Facebook Facebook Stories offer a tempting alternative for business owners that have grown disheartened with the reduced prevalence of content from Pages. Stories allow you to appear right at the top of a user’s feed, and to interact in a very direct manner. Facebook also has the advantage of being THE largest social media platform in the world and giving you access to a truly massive number of people. Facebook also lets you include a call-to-action link, which has the potential to be extremely useful.

YouTube Reels YouTube Reels are stories for YouTube. YouTube is a platform all about video, but in this case, it is encouraging users to embrace the short-form. Like other forms of Story, YouTube Reels will only appear for 24 hours. To try this one, you’ll need to use the Reels tab in the YouTube mobile app. More options include: • Medium Series • Messenger Day • Skype Highlights • TikTok

Instagram Instagram doesn’t allow you to include a link until you have at least 10,000 followers, or you are a verified account. This is an annoying limitation on an otherwise feature-rich

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How to use brand specific hashtags to target followers?


y creating your hashtags you can drive organic traffic to your website and target your audience. It's important to make the most of this marketing strategy and get with the times, as they carry a lot of weight in social media marketing now. #hashtagresearch Do some research. Many sites will search across many social media sites and show you posts with the hashtag in. The aim for you is to create relevant hashtags that aren't in use as well as using ones that are. Take #testyourhashtags as an example. I used a site called and searched for this hashtag, surprisingly there were no results. That's not a bad thing though. Consider that if there are no current posts attached to the tag, this blog will be the only one and you will have the readers full attention. Take another example #createhashtags, this will be widely used as people will be researching on how to create hashtags and the originator of the articles will use that tag when talking about how to create

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them. Sort of like supply and demand. Tips for #creatinghashtags 1. Keep them short. Period. 2. Use them in the content of your social media posts instead of at the bottom. 3. Keep your links close to your hashtags, this will help increase the engagement you receive. 4. Make sure they are interesting, #furniture is not as interesting as #shabbychicfurniture 5. They must be relevant. How many times do you see people randomly putting tags in a post just to get clicks? Sure they will come up in a search b ut if their post isn't about the topic, they won't get the engagement. I wouldn't write a blog about dogs and then use #motorbikes #classiccars as chances are I will just make myself unpopular. Once you have made your hashtags - do you test them? Sitting on a social media post and randomly

putting in tags that spring to mind is one thing but if you don't know their impact or if anyone else is using them, how do you know if they are going to work for you? Or worse, you could use a hashtag thinking it means one thing but it means something completely different #awkward. You don't want to be paying respects to someone's funeral and then add a hashtag that is linked to mass amounts of party gear. Take #walkitoff - it could mean things to do with dieting, exercise. sports, charity walks or even in regards to someone getting fired from a job. Just #walkitoff It is really important to test your hashtags and while you are at it, make sure you look into software that can track the analytics of them so you know what gets the clicks and what drives the consumers to your website. If you find a hashtag relevant to your site that isn't widely used, it is possible to start a trend and be the centre of it, that's why testing and tracking are so important.


2,666 posts


5476 following

Lash Inc. Instagram is where it’s at these days. Get some #Lashspiration from our handpicked #LashArtist feeds.










Business 51

Lash Inc. AC C R E D I T E D

Bellissimo By belle

Holly Amber Jackson Envelope-Open 43 haycock close talybridge cheshire Envelope

Bethany Pilling

The following academies and individual Bethany Pilling training providers are accredited by Lash Inc. Envelope-Open 127 andover avenue, Their training courses and qualifications manchester,Greater Manchester, m24 1jq meet all requirements for approval by our Envelope organisation.

United Kingdom & Ireland


2Faced Academy Tia Hall-Collins

Envelope-Open 4 midpoint burnt tree Tipton West Midlands dy4 7uf Envelope

AGB Training Academy Alicia Ziane

Envelope-Open 110 Barton Road BL49PT Envelope phone-square 7904562252 instagram @aliciagracebeauty @agbtrainingacademy

Angie Adamus Lash and Permanent Make up Angelina Adamus

Envelope-Open 112 Rowan Road SW165JQ London Envelope

Amplify Beauty Treatments and Training Stacey Johnson

Envelope-Open 105 Whitegate drive Blackpool Lancashire FY39BY Envelope phone-square 7927002792 GLOBE instagram @amplifybeautytraining

Beauty By Lauren Lauren Williams

Envelope-Open Ebbw Vale Innovation Centre, Victoria Business Park, Festival Drive, Ebbw Vale, NP23 8XA Envelope GLOBE instagram @beautbylauren

52 Business

B Lashed Training Academy Bianca Bailey

Envelope-Open 1 Hockley Hill Birmingham B18 6NF Envelope phone-square 7588247009 instagram @b_lashed

Bella Lashes Academy Miley Garnder

Envelope-Open 26 Robertsgate Lofthouse Wakefield WF33PZ Envelope instagram @bellaluxurylashes

Betsy Darling Lash Academy Natalie Holden

Envelope-Open 17 Brunshaw Avenue, Burnley, Lancashire BB10 4LQ facebook-square betsydarlinglashes instagram @betsydarlinglashes

Blink Lashy

Tasha Young Envelope-Open 31 Rodney street Liverpool, L1 9EH, UK Envelope GLOBE phone-square 44 7727 283450 facebook-square ajs.hairextensions.9

Blynk Academy Davon Hurst

Envelope-Open 67 chesterfield road Sheffield South Yorkshire, s80rn Envelope phone-square 7940405275 instagram @devonlashx @devonlashacademy @blynkhq

ChloĂŤ lash & beauty training academy Chloe Rolph

Envelope-Open Unit 5, Base point business centre, Jubilee close, Weymouth, Dorset, DT47BS Envelope phone-square 7401219595 GLOBE facebook-square ChloeLashBeautyBar instagram @chloelashandbeautybar

Claire Crowell Claire Crowell

Envelope-Open Unit 1, Saltmeadows trade park, Gateshead, NE10 0EQ Envelope facebook-square AbsolutelyFabulousBeautySalon instagram @ abfabnailsclaire

Classic Charm

Silva Petraitiene Envelope-Open 184 Springwell Lane, Balby, DN4 9AY, Doncaster Envelope phone-square +44 7914221815 GLOBE facebook-square classic_charm_uk instagram @classic_charm_uk

DARLIN’ House Of Beauty Francesca Galea

Envelope-Open Unit 2 Hope Terrace, Lostock Hall, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 5RU Envelope phone-square 01772 628722 GLOBE instagram @darlinhouseobeauty

Elie Eyelash Extensions Julie Knight

Envelope-Open 21 Crystal Way, Bradley Stoke, Bristol Envelope phone-square +44 7521 904625 GLOBE facebook-square EliteEyelashExtensionsUK instagram @elite.eyelash.extensions

Flawless Lashes Ltd

Glam Lashes Studio

Innovative Lashes

Envelope-Open Unit2, Oak Cottage, County Oak Way, Crawley, West Sussex Envelope GLOBE facebook-square FLbyLoreta instagram @flawless_lashes_by_loreta

Envelope-Open Norfolk, UK Envelope GLOBE facebook-square glamglowbeautylounge instagram @glamlashes_bymarta

Envelope-Open 7 Heatley St, PR1 2XB, Preston Envelope phone-square 7584125552 facebook-square lashesbyRamintaPreston instagram @innovativelashespreston

Eyeconic London

Hollies Beauty Hut Hollie Allison

IN Lashes


Envelope-Open 77 Avontar court, Avontar road, South Ockendon, RM15 5FD, Essex Envelope phone-square +4.47553E+11 facebook-square IN Lashes instagram @inlashesextensions

Loreta Jasilionyte

Sally Sarikaya

Envelope-Open 17 Market Street, Westhoughton, Bolton, BL53AH Envelope

Eyelash Excellence Frankie Widdows

Envelope-Open Kent Envelope phone-square 44 7714 638 405 GLOBE facebook-square FrankieWiddowsEyelashExcellence instagram @ frankiewiddows

Faces by EKK

Elzbieta Kalawska-Kopacz Envelope-Open 37 Wedgewood Rd, Luton, Bedfordshire Envelope phone-square 7398719138 GLOBE facebook-square EKK treatments and trainings instagram @ f_a_c_e_s_by_e_k_k

Georgia Keeling-Roddis Georgia Keeling-Roddis

Envelope-Open 23 Norton Avenue, Penketh, WARRINGTON, WA5 2RB Envelope instagram

Gregory’s Glamour Beauty Academy Amanda Gregory

Envelope-Open 88 Sycamore Road Strood, Kent ME22NZ Envelope

Marta Wiatr

House of Hansen Academy Ltd Stacey Hansen-Spure

Envelope-Open 31 Hannah Street, Porth, CF39 9RB Envelope phone-square 01443 858144 facebook-square House of Hansen Ltd instagram @houseofhansen31

House of Lashes Abbie Cary

Envelope-Open 2 Addison Close, Lancing,West Sussex, BN15 9TD Envelope instagram @whiplashperth

Iconic Beauty Academy Deboragh Hendren

Envelope-Open Axiom Art, c/o suite 102B 48-52 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ Envelope phone-square +7879993042 GLOBE facebook-square iconbeautyboutique instagram @iconicbeautyboutique

IL Pro Beauty Studio Inga Lipinske

Envelope-Open Avontar road, South Ockendon, Essex, RM15 5FD Envelope phone-square +4.47553E+11 facebook-square ilprobeautystudio instagram @ilprobeautystudio

Indulge Urself Elisha Clewlow

Envelope-Open Office 2, L Kahn Manufacturing, 13 Wellfield Road, Hatfield, AL100BS Envelope

Raminta Lapinskaite

Inga Sigauskaite

Katrina's Hair & Beauty Academy Katrina Kirtley

Envelope-Open 167 prince of wales lane Envelope instagram @katrinas_hair_beauty

Kent lashes & Training Academy Ashley Clark

Envelope-Open 38 Heath Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 3NZ Envelope phone-square +7791582751 facebook-square ajs.hairextensions.9 instagram @ lashed_by_ashley_clark

KG Professional Katie Godfrey

Envelope-Open Unit B8,Basepoint Innovation Centre, 110 Butterfield, Great Marlings, LU2 8DL, Luton Envelope phone-square +01582 434342 GLOBE facebook-square kgprofessional instagram @kgprofessional

Lash Academy by Zane Armo Zane Armo

Envelope-Open 20 High street, DE14 1HU, Burton On Trent Envelope

Business 53

Lash Couture

Lashes by Kasia

Lavilash by michelle

Envelope-Open 11 Well street Envelope phone-square 7517956627 instagram @lash_couture_hq

Envelope-Open 24 heron park Pe15ph peterborough Envelope phone-square 7840817768 instagram @lashes_by_kasiaw

Envelope-Open 52 Stewartstown Avenue, Belfast, BT11 9GE Envelope instagram @Lavilash_by_michelle

Lash Girl London Ltd

Lash Zone

LBD Lashes Professional

Envelope-Open 44 Riverdene, London, HAT9TD Envelope GLOBE instagram

Envelope-Open Flat 18 Gloster Ridley Court, 12 St.Anne’s Row, London, Envelope phone-square +4.47553E+11 facebook-square Lash_zone instagram @karolina_lashzone

Envelope-Open 3 Hazel Grove HU3 2LN Hull Envelope

Laura Williams

Samira Kaur

Lash Lady Scunthorpe Joanna Staniul

Envelope-Open Scunthorpe, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7881 202 465 GLOBE instagram @lashladyuk

Katarzyna (Łukasz) Wozniak

Karolina Vilmane

Lash4ever Alina’s Lash Art Studio Alina Zvirble

Envelope-Open PMU Edward Street ,Moorefield Road, Newbridge, Co. Kildare Envelope Lash Love Academy phone-square +851654955 Emily Man GLOBE Envelope-Open 53 St Augustines House, Werrington facebook-square Lash4ever Alina’s Lash Art Studio Street, London NW1 1QE instagram @lash4ever_alinas_lash_a Envelope

Lash Revolution kitty Rose

Envelope-Open 25 Greek Street, Stockport, Sk3 8AB Envelope

Lash2Lash Academy Marina Stirbu

Envelope-Open 14 Staithe gardens LS10 3NA Envelope phone-square 7393312157 instagram

Lashed By SJ

Shanice Hamilton Envelope-Open Roma parva 9 Waterloo road fifth floor, Wolverhampton , WV1, 4nb Envelope instagram @lashedbysj.xo

Lashes By Chloe Chloe Head

Diane Draganek

Lessons in Lash Artistry Rachel Bridges

Envelope-Open 8 Marion Crescent, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 7DY Envelope instagram @lashlikeyoumeanit

LL Training Academy Felicity Turner

Envelope-Open 48 joeys lane Bilbrook Wolverhampton WV8 1JL, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, WV8 1JL Envelope

Lashes by Livvy

LL Training Academy

Envelope-Open 12, Crate, 15 Oakwood Hill Industrial Estate, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3TZ Envelope phone-square +0203 829 5990 GLOBE instagram @lashesbylivvy

Envelope-Open 78 lytham road, fulwood, preston, pr23aq Envelope instagram @lashesbypoppy

Olivia Jay

Poppy Bayliss

Lushlash Training Academy Emma Louise Smith

Envelope-Open Knebworth, Hertfordshire Envelope GLOBE instagram @lash_famous

Envelope-Open 5 newland street, Witham, Essex CM81DU Envelope phone-square 07543 182838 GLOBE instagram @lushlash_training_academy @lushlash_salons

Lashionista Academy UK



Envelope-Open14 Goldcrest Road, Liverpool, L31 1LT Envelope

LashFamous Academy Gemma Edmonson

Hyldreth Nuttall

Lashionista Academy UK

Envelope-Open 3 Queen Street, Cheadle, Stockport, Hyldreth Nuttall SK8 2DS Envelope Envelope instagram @lashesbychloe_x

54 Business

Michelle mcdonald

Elain Sullivan

Leo Lash

Leah Oldfield Envelope

London Lash

Mollyjade Lashes Molly Houghton

PBM Pro Beauty Master’s

Envelope-Open London Envelope phone-square 44 7495 456 276 GLOBE facebook-square londonlashpro instagram @ london_lash_pro

Envelope-Open 37 Glenwoods, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK160ND Envelope phone-square 7590559913 instagram @mollyjadelashes

Envelope-Open 3 Glencoe Drive, Dagenham, RM10 7NS Envelope facebook-square permanentlashinlondon

Luxe Lashes

Nevaeh Lashes Training Academy

Monika Zielińska

Abbie Williams Envelope-Open Unit 3, Redwards, Brook Way, Hastings TN35 4NN Envelope phone-square 7930144923 facebook-square Luxe Lashes by Abbie instagram @ luxelashesbyabbie

Ellie-May Baker

Malgorzata Cholewa

Envelope-Open The Glamour Pit, 178 Queens Drive, Liverpool, L4 6XD Envelope instagram @NevaehLashes

On the Lash by jO Cooke

Aida Samulione

Perfection Beauty Academy Envelope-Open 29 KINGSBURY SQUARE. HP20 2JA Aylesbury Envelope phone-square "01296706363 07759707783" GLOBE instagram @bebeautyaylesbury

Jo Cooke (Joanne Aydogan)

Pro beauty academy by J.R

Envelope-Open Rugby Business Centre Suite No 8, 21-23 Clifton Road, Rugby, England, CV21 3PY Envelope facebook-square londonlashpro glamourlookstudio instagram @glamour look studio

Envelope-Open 29 Eastville Road, Wakefield, WF4 1AX Envelope GLOBE facebook-square onthelashbyjobreeze instagram @onthelashbyjobreeze

Envelope-Open 150 Northfield road, PeterboroughC , ambridgeshire, PE1 3QE Envelope instagram @pro_beauty_j.r


Chloe McStay

Queenys Russian Lashes Beauty & Training Academy

Envelope-Open Hope Street, Central Chambers Envelope GLOBE instagram @outlashedacademy

Danielle Lunn

Envelope-Open 136 Cosford Crescent Castle Vale Birmingham B35 6QE Envelope

Patsy Lashes

RW Lavish

Envelope-Open 41 Chedworth Crescent, Little Hulton Manchester, Lancashire, M38 9fh, United Kingdom Envelope phone-square 44 7570 115741 GLOBE facebook-square patsylashes instagram @patsylashes

Envelope-Open 75 Newhouse Crescent, WD25 7HU, Watford, Hertfordshire Envelope phone-square 7305998450 GLOBE instagram @@rwlavish

Patsy Lash Academy

Envelope-Open The old coach house, Farleigh Wallop, Basingstoke, R425 ZHT Envelope

Hannah Gregory Envelope-Open 18 Fairview Close, Hythe SO455EX Envelope

Maya’s Lash Studio & Academy Maya Andreea Rehman

Envelope-Open Mirren Court One, 119 Renfrew Road, Paisley, PA34 4EA Envelope phone-square +7986987988 GLOBE facebook-square maya_lashstudio instagram @maya_lashstudio

Michelle Mitchell Michelle Ryan

Envelope instagram @michelle_ryan_no.91

Million Lashes Professional Betty

Envelope GLOBE

OutLashed Academy

Penny Lewis

Penny Lewis

Envelope-Open 41 Chedsworth Cresent, M389FH Envelope GLOBE

Jūratė Rimkeviciene

Rebecca Willis

Sarah Crawford Lash Academy Sarah Crawford

Sarah Bran Lash Academy Sarah Bran

Envelope-Open Southampton Envelope facebook-square Sarah Bran Lash and Brow Artist instagram @sarahbran_lashbrowartist

Business 55

Siella Lash Academy Doey Ragbourne

The beauty Investor Leah Jade Dyson

Envelope-Open 2 Malta Cottages Ashmore Green Thatcham Rg189ez Envelope

Envelope-Open 9 market street , Westhoughton, Bolton BL5 3AH Envelope Skilled Lash Academy by Iga GLOBE Iga Bajorek facebook-square the Beauty Investor Envelope-Open 226 Stamford Street Central OL67LJ instagram @thebeautyinvestor Ashton-under-Lyne Envelope The beauty room GLOBE Arianna Floyd facebook-square salonigalashes Envelope-Open 80 Prospect Street Unit 2, Peabody instagram @@skilledacademy MA 01960 USA Envelope ST Beauty phone-square 978-223-333 Sandra Telega GLOBE Envelope-Open 200 Brook Drive RG26UB READING instagram @pamperedbyari Envelope phone-square 7578554195 The Golden Lash by Katherine facebook-square ST beauty Vitoria instagram @lashesbyst Katherine Vitoria Envelope-Open 708 Wimborne Road, BH92EG The Lash Girl Envelope Bethan Aitken phone-square 7415534843 Envelope-Open Unit 1 Cross Crown Street, GLOBE Cleckheaton, Bradford instagram @the_goldenlash Envelope @katherinevitoriamakeup instagram @thelashgirl_

The Lash Trainers

Kylie Benyon and Jazmine Oastler Envelope-Open 35 Shelford Road Milton Southsea Portsmouth Hampshire Envelope facebook-square The Lash Trainers instagram @KJthelashtrainers

The Lash Empire UK Eleanor Bradley

Envelope-Open Rear 202-294 Manchester Road, Walkden, M28 3LU GLOBE facebook-square thelashempireuk instagram

TPR Lashes

Danielle Isaksen Envelope-Open 114 Victoria West, fy53LG Envelope instagram @tprlashes

UK Lash Institute Miranda Tarpey

Envelope-Open Suite 2E, Britannia House, Leagrave Road, Luton Bedfordshire, Lu3 1RJ Envelope phone-square 44 1582 344 324 GLOBE facebook-square Uk-Lash-Institute-By-Miranda-Tarpey instagram @uklashinstitute

VanitĂŠ Studios

Sabrina Benkhalifa Envelope-Open 33 Ivy Graham Close, Manchester, M40 3AS Envelope

Vanity Lash

Hannah Gardner Envelope-Open Upper 28 Market Place, Bingham, NG13 BAN, Nottingham Envelope GLOBE facebook-square VanityLashUK instagram @Officialvanitylash

Warpaint Academy Sadie Barrington

Envelope-Open 40 Rumbridge Street, Totton, SO40 9DS Envelope phone-square 7415768137 The Lash Trainers GLOBE The Pro Lash Academy Dovile Balioniene facebook-square warpaintsalon Jenna Neil Envelope-Open 68 ethridge road, Loughton, London, instagram @warpaintartistry Envelope-Open Chelmsford, CM2 IG10 2HY Envelope Wink Lash & Brow Artistry Envelope GLOBE Lucy alice Johnstone instagram @dolinda_lashstudio facebook-square theprolashacademy Envelope-Open Suite 4, Azure Business Centre, instagram @theprolashacademy TiamoLashes Studio Newcastle, NE158LN Audrone Smigelskiene Envelope Tee Pee Lashes Academy Envelope-Open Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 facebook-square wink eyelash extensions Tara Pembridge 3PN, 17 Wellington drive, UK instagram @wink_extensions Envelope-Open 54 Penlan View, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 Envelope 8NJ GLOBE Envelope instagram @tiamolashes instagram @teepeelashes

56 Business

Zivile Tautkiene

Lashes & Confidence

Million Lashes Professional

Envelope-Open 87 drumalane park, Newry, Bt35 8AT Envelope facebook-square ztblakstienustilistesiauliai instagram @lashes_by_zivile_siauliai

Envelope-Open Unit 1, 5 bridge street swords co Dublin Envelope phone-square 851003257 instagram @lashes&confidence

Envelope-Open 106 Lagan Road,Glasnevin, D11TX99, Dublin, Ireland Envelope GLOBE facebook-square Million Lashes instagram @Million_lashes_Ireland

Zivile Tautkiene


Blink Academy Paula Molloy

Envelope-Open 3A The Woodlands Office Park, Southerncross Road ,Bray Co.wicklow Envelope phone-square 879807326 GLOBE instagram @blink_lash_brow_bar

Coco Tan Tanning Studio Kamila Kraska

Laura Hanlon

Lash Academy by Magda Frost Magda Frost

instagram @magdafrost_lashstudio

Lash Dolls Beauty and Training Academy Karen Grehan Richardson

Envelope-Open Suite 2, The courtyard, Ratoath Co Meath, Ireland Envelope phone-square +3.53853E+11 facebook-square lashdollsbeautyacademy instagram @Lashdolls_ireland

Envelope-Open Unit 2b block A Courtyard, Shopping Centre, Newbridge, CO KILDARE, Lashes Love W12WT38 Niamh Bergin Envelope Envelope-Open Ballybrack, Co.Dublin instagram @kamilakraska_crystallashes Envelope GLOBE Devilash facebook-square lasheslove_ie Monika Wojtysiak instagram @_nailsandlashesbyniamh Envelope-Open Unit 27 Terryland House, galway, Ireland Luscious Lash Extensions Envelope Claire Ryan phone-square +085 248 7390 Envelope-Open Unit 3/4 Glanmire Business Park, GLOBE Glanmire, Co. Cork facebook-square lashluvgalway Envelope instagram @lashluv_galway phone-square +083/1383218

Egoist Beauty

Jolanta Boruszek

facebook-square LusciousLashExtensions instagram @lusciouslashextensions

MB Lashy Training Academy

From Donna With Love

Melete Beauty

Envelope-Open 162 Claddagh road, Ballyfermot, Dublin, D10 AX80 Envelope phone-square 7851815796 instagram @From Donna With Love

Paulina Szymanska Paulina Szymanska

Envelope-Open 12 Thomas street, 2nd floor, Limerick Envelope

Ritzy Eyes

Donata Jucyte Envelope-Open Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15EF82, Ireland Envelope phone-square +44 831 040 220 GLOBE facebook-square ritzyeyesstudio instagram @ritzyeyes

Thammy Lash Academy Tham Nguyen

Envelope-Open 10 temple view way, Clarehall, Dublin,LEINSTER 13 Envelope



Shey Lashey’s Shey Peral

Envelope-Open Eikenlei 107, 2960 Sint-Job-in-‘T-Goor Envelope Marie Boyle phone-square +32 (0)3 344 69 29 Envelope-Open 42 upper mainstreet, Letterkenny, co GLOBE Donegal, ireland facebook-square LaSheysLLA Envelope instagram @lashey_s

Envelope-Open 56 Clonlea Mount Oval Village, Rochestown, Cork, T12WK3R Envelope GLOBE instagram @Egoistbeautylashes

Donna Donnelly


Julita Przekora Envelope-Open Envelope facebook-square instagram

18 Summerhill, Nenagh, Co Tipperary Ireland MELETE BEAUTY MELETE BEAUTY

Business 57



VIP Lashes Academy Petya Stoyanova

American Lash Lounge (The lash Academy)

Envelope-Open UL. “Vasil Levski” 16, 8000 Burgas Center, Burgas, Bulgaria Envelope phone-square +359 89 505 8281 GLOBE facebook-square viplashesacademy instagram @viplashes_academy

A. Natascha Morgan

Envelope-Open Ludwigstr. 3 66849 Landstuhl Envelope phone-square +0172-612 0398 GLOBE facebook-square instagram @the.lashacademy



PNNB Academy

Lash Inc Italia

Envelope-Open Peter Bangs Vej 74, 2000 Envelope phone-square +4542203298 GLOBE facebook-square pnnblashacademy instagram @pnnblashacademy

Envelope-Open Via Nosate 74 Envelope instagram @carlagiannotti_lashartist

Marie Mary Christiane Pasnin


Sophie lash and brow studio Sofja Smatko

Envelope-Open Estonia, Harjumaa, Tallinn, Narva mnt, 7A - 208, 10117 Envelope phone-square +37255551082 GLOBE facebook-square instagram


Salon Styleteam Oy Ripsitukku LashStock Anne Kallio

Envelope-Open Hämeentie 14 LH 324240 Salo Envelope phone-square +35 840 084 3454 GLOBE facebook-square Salon-Styleteam-Oy instagram @styleteamoy

Carla Giannotti


Charizmatic Lashes Academy Laima Ozola

Jurgita Mankevičienė

Envelope-Open Laisvės alėja 28-1, Kaunas LT 44238 Envelope

Next Level blakstienų grožio mokymai Rima Labanauskienė

Envelope-Open Savanorių per. 273-206, Kaunas Envelope phone-square +37066406050 facebook-square Next Level blakstienų grožio mokymai.

Step By Step Studio Aida Danielė

Envelope-Open Taikos pr. 51, Klaipėda, Lithuania, LT-91150 Envelope phone-square +370 675 93300 GLOBE facebook-square Blakstienu Priauginimo Kursai.Step by Step Studio.Aida Danielė instagram @araida37

Envelope-Open Pupuku iela 7-11, Riga Latvia Envelope

TD Lashes


Envelope-Open Naujulu Kalvelly 2-OJI.G22 Vilnius, LT13212 Lietuva Envelope phone-square +37067664421 GLOBE

Anny’s lashes

Onutė Juršienė Envelope-Open Vido Maciuleviciaus street 51, Vilnius Envelope phone-square +37067173484 GLOBE instagram

Blakstienųstilizavimo Namai Greta Žemaitaitiene

Envelope-Open Tiltu gatvė 6, Klaipėda Envelope

Baltic Beauty School Envelope-Open Kaunas, Vilniaus g.17 / Mapu str. 1 Envelope phone-square 370 6 015 5573 GLOBE


Envelope-Open Ukmerges 21-3, KAUNAS, Lithuania Envelope phone-square +37067772784 GLOBE

58 Business

MB Beauty School “Chilivanila”

Dorota Tomaszewska

UAB Grandis LT (Beauty & You) Mr. Rolandas Raudys

Envelope-Open Sparnu str. 9A, LT-46283, Kaunas Envelope phone-square +37062025055 GLOBE facebook-square Beauty&You Professional instagram @beautyyouschool


Di Lashes

Diana Amule Envelope-Open Øvre Eikervei 13, 3048 Drammen, Norway Envelope phone-square +4746560708 GLOBE facebook-square dilashesdiana instagram @dilashesdiana

Fitore R. Kalludra

Lash School «LOTUS»

Boss Lash and Training

Envelope-Open Friisebrygga 2, 3921 Porsgrunn Envelope

Envelope-Open The city of Vladikavkaz, Costa 180 Avenue Envelope facebook-square elashesandnails instagram @aisha_lashess

Envelope-Open 8/82 City Rd Beenleigh, QLD 4207 Envelope instagram @bosslashh

International Lash & Brow Design Academy

Envelope-Open 5 Beach Road, Coolum Beach, QLD 4573 Envelope instagram @ beautyonbeach.coolum

Fitore R. Kalludra

Michaela Boyanova Michaela Boyanova

Envelope-Open Kristiansands hudpleie AS Kristiansand 4612 Henrik Wergelands, Gt 11 Envelope phone-square +4792515683 GLOBE instagram @michaela_lashmaker

Sandra Kliokmaniene Envelope-Open Storgata 4, Fredrikstad, Otta, 1607 Envelope

Aisha Jagieva

Levchuk Irina Mikhailovna,

Envelope-Open Kiyevskoye Shosse, 1, Moscow Oblast Envelope phone-square +7 916 601-09-10 GLOBE facebook-square volumelashes instagram @lashandbrow_academy



Star Lash Academy

Lana Slatina

Agnieszka Kwiatkowska Envelope-Open Sowińskiego 1 30-524 city: Kraków Envelope phone-square +48883676941 GLOBE instagram @starlashAcademy


Andree Iutis Beauty Concept Academy Andree Iutis

Envelope-Open str. Danubiu, nr. 3 Bucharest

HappyLashes & Beauty SRL Iutis Georgiana

Envelope-Open Str. Emil Garleanu Nr. 12, Bloc A1, Scara 2, Ap. 37, Sector 3, Bucuresti, 31161, Romania Envelope phone-square +40720480660 GLOBE facebook-square happylashes instagram @happylashesro


Arche Lash Academy мадина арчелия

Svetlana Slatina Leontieva Envelope-Open C/ Urquiza 3 - 4 i, 28017 Madrid, Madrid, Spain Envelope phone-square +34 685 565 071 GLOBE facebook-square lana.slatina instagram @lanaslatina

My Style

Yulia Yarkova Envelope-Open Paseig San Gervasio 16 Envelope phone-square +34690018004 instagram @mystyle_bcn

Australia & New Zealand


Beauty Box

Megan Moon Envelope-Open Shop: 9, 19 Railway Street, Mudgeeraba. Envelope phone-square +0411 063 756 GLOBE facebook-square beautyboxone instagram @beautyboxlashesandbrows

Eve Brammal

Get Lashed by Tayla Tayla Perrin


Envelope-Open 28 Coleford Road, Wellard, WA Envelope GLOBE facebook-square ibeautiqlashesbrows instagram @ibeautiqlashesbrows

Kirsty Beale Lash Artistry Kirsty Beale

Envelope-Open 5/67 Cowper Wharf Roadway Woolloomooloo, Sydney 2011 Envelope phone-square 458363103 GLOBE facebook-square Kirstybeale_lashartistry instagram @Kirstybeale_lashartistry

Lash Realm Academy Ashley Pateman

Envelope-Open 58 Keppel Street, Bathurst NSW 2795 Envelope GLOBE instagram @lash_realm

Lash Xtend

Amy Williams Envelope-Open 16/344 Bilsen Road, Geebung QLD 4034 Envelope phone-square +61449602750 GLOBE facebook-square lashxtendbeauty instagram @ lashextend

Envelope-Open Krasnodar, Geroy Sarabeeva 3/1 Envelope

Business 59


Whiplash Academy

Lashes by Tiffany

Envelope-Open Shop14/129-133 Olsen Ave, Labrador 4215 Envelope phone-square 0406 443 066 GLOBE facebook-square lashedupandbeauty instagram @lashedup_beautysalon

Envelope-Open 188 Reynolds Road, Mt Pleasant WA 6153 Envelope instagram @ whiplashperth

Envelope-Open 731 Davis Drive, Newmarket, Ontario Envelope instagram @lashesxtiffany

New Zealand

Shoko Noto


Lashes On Point Pty Ltd

Lisa Gillanders

Envelope-Open 306-935 Cloverdale Ave Envelope

Christin Hor

Mae Day Watson

Envelope-Open 50 Park Road, Greenmeadows, Napier 4112, New Zealand Envelope-Open Shop 4, 80 Hazel Glen Drive, Doreen, Envelope VIC 3754 Envelope phone-square +64275456106 GLOBE phone-square +0439 369 908 facebook-square LashWorx Products and Training GLOBE instagram @ lashworx2213 facebook-square lashesonpointsalon instagram @ lashesonpointsalon

Nina Andrews

MYSTIQ | Lash Professional

Lash Lounge Nelson Training Academy

Envelope-Open Coomera, Gold Coast, Australia 4270 Envelope phone-square +61412736553 GLOBE facebook-square mymystiq instagram @ my_mystiq

Envelope-Open Level 1, 56 bridge St. Nelson Envelope GLOBE facebook-square LLN Training Academy instagram @llntrainingacademy

Sasha Ryan

NHMLASH Studio Nadia Southon

Envelope-Open Shop 2b/8 Carrara Street, Mount Gravatt East 4122 Envelope phone-square +61452433374 GLOBE facebook-square nhmlash instagram @nhmlash

RM Lash and Beauty

Rimvita Marcinkeviciute Envelope-Open 20/650 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Envelope phone-square +61 424382379 GLOBE facebook-square RM Lash and Beauty instagram @rm_lashes_sydney @sydney_rm_eyelash_training

Miriam Sciascia

North America


Elite Lash Society Amanda

Envelope-Open 11230 122 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5M 0B7, Canada Envelope GLOBE instagram @elitelashsociety

Flair Lashes

Marta Ientilucci Envelope-Open 19 Skeleton Street, Orangeville Envelope phone-square 416-880-8237 GLOBE

J Lash Academy Jessica Suik

Envelope-Open 4031 crowsnest crescent, Sherwood park, Alberta Envelope

60 Business

Tiffany Le

LBS Lash Bar Inc.

My Lash Empire Jamie Diedrick

Envelope-Open 49 Yorkland Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4C 9Z4, Canada Envelope facebook-square mylashempire instagram @mylashempire

Velour Aesthetic Kyla Diaz

Envelope-Open 133 Panatella rd nw Calgary AB Envelope instagram @velouresthetic


Glam Academy (Gemalybrows Lash&beauty) Gemma Citlalli GarcĂ­a Villa

Envelope-Open Jazmin 3, Viveros , Tepic Nayarit Mexico Envelope phone-square 2368332605 GLOBE instagram @Gemma.Lashes


Carolina Zamorano Envelope-Open Av 31 Oriente #2022, L104, 72530 Envelope instagram @lalashionista

United States of America

Be Lash'd

Brianna Porus Envelope-Open 159A Ridge Road, North Arlington, NC 07031 Envelope instagram @belashd_

Blink Academy of Lash Art

Lash Dolls Milwaukee

Envelope-Open 109 Brady Ct Cary, NC 27511 Envelope phone-square (919) 805-0149 GLOBE facebook-square blinkbeautifully instagram @blinklash_studio

Envelope-Open 329 Glen Echo Ln, Unit F, Cary, NC 27518 Envelope phone-square +414-207-2889 GLOBE facebook-square lashdollsmke instagram @lashdollsmke

Tamra Shepherd

Chic Lash Bar

Maribel Schultz

Rebecca Hart

Lash House

Envelope-Open 39872 Los Alamos Rd. #A8Â Murrieta, Adriana Martinez CA92562 Envelope-Open San Diego, CA Envelope Envelope phone-square +951-878-0907 Lashes Edu GLOBE Rachel LaRochelle instagram @chic_lash_bar Envelope

Coco Lash Lounge Inc Nicole Riera

Envelope-Open 7930 citrus garden drive #107 Tampa Florida 33625 Envelope phone-square +813-391-1159 GLOBE facebook-square Coco Lash Lounge instagram @cocolashloungeinc

EyEnvy Lash & Brow Studio Charlene Hatfield Nutter

Envelope-Open 27 Washington Street, Camden, ME04843 Envelope phone-square +(603) 548-0386 +(207) 390-0122 GLOBE facebook-square EyeEnvyCamden instagram @eyenvylashstudio

Flutter Beauty Boutique Jacqueline M. Sablan

Envelope-Open 1350 Marine Corp Drive. Suite 102, Tamuning GU 96913 Envelope instagram @flutterbyjac

Lash & Skin Co.

Tiffany Lynn Bentz

Oleanders Products LLc & Oleanders Products Training Center Gina Williams

Envelope-Open 134 Evergreen Pl, East Orange, New Jersey, 07018 Envelope phone-square +18772734153 GLOBE facebook-square oleanderspi instagram @optrainingcenter @oleanderspi

Ooh La Lashes Gloria Mazaheri

Envelope-Open 10401 N Scottsdale Rd, Rm 140, Scottsdale, AZ 85253-1428 Envelope

Envelope-Open 616 Paxton Place, Suite 102, Lititz, PA 17543 Envelope phone-square +717-524-7540 GLOBE facebook-square Ooh-La-Lashes-by-Gloria-Mazaheri instagram @oohlalashesltd

LT Lash Academy

The Lash Beauty Lash Parlour

Envelope-Open 63 Sockanosset Cross Rd Cranston, Rhode Island 02920 Envelope

Envelope-Open 9705 South Dixie Hwy Miami, Fl, 33156 Envelope phone-square +(786) 942- 3385 GLOBE facebook-square lashbparlour instagram @@lashbparlour

Lashley Academy Ashley Hoang

Charline Voltaire

Lux Lashes by CC Chantee Collins

Envelope GLOBE facebook-square Luxhairlashesbycc instagram @luxlashesbycc

Make Me Mink Lashes Miiaye Brown

Envelope-Open 115 Stratmore Place, Stockbridge Georgia 30281 Envelope phone-square 404-287-6822 GLOBE facebook-square Make Me Mink Lashes instagram @Make Me Mink Lashes

Kenya Green


South Africa

DashLash Training Academy Daria Baluta

Envelope-Open 109 Plein Street, Cape Town CBD, 8001 Envelope phone-square 2773257233 GLOBE facebook-square dashlashlab instagram @dashlashlab

Envelope-Open Gilbert AZ 85295 - USA Envelope instagram @lashandskinco

Business 61

Dollface Lash Artistry Jessica Cik

Envelope-Open 25 Tredoux Street Beyers Park Boksburg Envelope phone-square +817045265 GLOBE facebook-square dollfacesouthafrica instagram @dollface_eyelash_extensions

Flirt & Flutter

Lauren Gottscho Envelope instagram @Flirtandflutter27

Glama-Lash Academy Mirelle Dianne Neto

Envelope-Open 11 Liebenberg Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale,1609, Gauteng Envelope phone-square +27 825614733 GLOBE instagram @mirelledianneneto

I.V.Lashes Professional Eyelash Extensions Irena Vidmich

Envelope-Open 39 Island View Bloubergstrand, Cape Town Envelope phone-square +2.70631E+11 facebook-square ivlashescapetown instagram @i.v.lashes

I.V.Lashes&Brows Extensions Irena Vidmich

Lash and Beauty Room/ Academy Emma Justine Brink

Envelope-Open 8 Riebeek Street, Chelsea Village, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800 Envelope phone-square +27 21 761 2181 +27 82 770 3628 GLOBE facebook-square lashandbeautyacademy instagram @lashandbeautyroom @lashandbeautyacademy

Lash and Brow Academy _SA EJ Visser

Envelope-Open Girlzguyz beauty 30 Blaauwberg Rd Blouberg, blouberg, Capetown, Western Cape, 7441 Envelope

The lash & Brow Institute Lisa Telo

Envelope-Open Shop 3, The Urban Beauty Lounge - Wembley Square 1, Capetown Envelope

The Lash Collection Academy Carla Crafford

Envelope-Open Unit 41 Woodbridge Business Park, Milnerton, Cape Town Envelope phone-square +002721 5551517 GLOBE facebook-square TheLashCollectionSA instagram @TheLashCollectionSA

Envelope-Open Shop 11, Milpark Centre, Cnr Koeberg and Ixia St, Milnerton, Cape Town Envelope phone-square 27 (63) 096 88 05 GLOBE facebook-square ivlashescapetown

V. Royals Beauty & Academy

iLash Cosmetics

Wink & Whisper

Envelope-Open Kennet str 9, Knysna, 6571 Envelope phone-square +27 825666481 GLOBE facebook-square ilashextensions instagram @ilashcosmetics

Envelope-Open 52 Kingfisher Drive, Fourways, Johannesburg, South Africa Envelope GLOBE facebook-square Wink and Whisper instagram @wink_whisper

Elizna Tripkovic

62 Business

Tawanda Zenda, Violet Karengwa Envelope-Open 43 Andringa street, stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, Cape Town, Western Cape, 7600 Envelope

Falon Johnson

Kylie Chandler Envelope-Open 25 Kruger Drive, Craighall Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2196 Envelope

Worldwide & Online

Absolute Beauty Academy susan nielsen

Envelope-Open 16 Foxhouses road . Whitehaven , Cumbria, CA288AF Envelope phone-square 7710787687 facebook-square absolutebeautyacademy

Beau Beauty Academy Terri Clevely

Envelope-Open 10 Cowling Drive, Stockwood, Bristol , England BS148DS

Beauty lash Academy (Beauty Lash Mexico)

Patricio Simroth (Cristina Palacios) Envelope-Open Ave. Revolución #2703, Colonia Ladrillera C.P. 64830, Monterrey Nuevo León, México. Envelope phone-square (81) 81031150 GLOBE facebook-square Beauty Lash Mexico YT: Beauty Lash instagram @beautylashmex

Blink by Vick Limited Kate Friedman

Envelope GLOBE facebook-square blinkbyvicky instagram @blinkbyvick

Brows & Lashes

Relebohile Rapulane Envelope-Open Borokhoaneng Maseru 100 Envelope

Di Lash Room

Carmen San Miguel Envelope

Ewii Beauty Salon & Academy Ewelina Apanel

phone-square +7703678990 instagram @ewii_beauty

Evi Valentine’s Eyelash Training

Lash Life Training Academy

Vivi Beauty Lounge

Envelope-Open 10 Merrion Street, 2nd floor, LS1, 6PQ Envelope phone-square 7533979840 GLOBE

Envelope-Open With Love, 2 Union Street, Larkhall, ML9 2BD Envelope

Envelope instagram @vivi_beauty_lounge

Feel good with some me time Academy

Lash School by V.Sudilovskaya

Envelope-Open Ermou 18, Athens, Greece Envelope phone-square 3.06971E+11 GLOBE facebook-square VLV Lashes instagram @vlv_lashes

Evita Urvake

Leanne Waugh

Envelope-Open 103, Queensferry Road, Rosyth, Scotland Envelope phone-square 7826555652 facebook-square FeelGoodwithsomemetime

Glam Lashes And Beauty Giedre Jociene

Envelope instagram glam_lashes_and_beauty

Grande Beauty Academy

Jenna Elaine Gardiner Wedlock

Valeriia Sudilovskaya-Diachuk

Envelope-Open Russia, Simferopol, Chehova 4, 295011 Envelope phone-square 79788077809 GLOBE facebook-square Valerie Sudilovskaia instagram @lash_house_crimea @v_sudilovskaya


Shey Peral

Vaida Cepliauskaite


Liountmila Vertikova

Berrycole Studios Bianca Haris-Berry

Elli Lash

Bojana Ostojic

Elvyra’s Beauty Elvyra Auguste

Envelope instagram @Ilashedbyimogen

Envelope-Open Eikenlei 107. 2960 Sint-Job-In-‘T- Goor, Netherlands Envelope phone-square 32 (0)3 344 69 29 GLOBE facebook-square LaShey’s Lash Lounge & Academy instagram @lashey_s

IM Beauty Academy Ltd

Pretty Pea Lashes

Greta Žemaitaitiene

instagram @prettypealashes

Envelope facebook-square blakstienustilizavimonamai instagram @blakstienu_stilizavimo_namai

Roberta Grande


iLashed by Imogen Imogen Southwood

Inga Misiute

Lauren Hilton

Envelope GLOBE facebook-square inga.beautician instagram @immaculatelashes

Right Beauty

Kukla Aesthetics

Ramunė Loseva (KUKLA) Envelope

Lash Institute Singapore Annie Annabelle Soo

Envelope-Open 245 Jalan Besar, Level 3, 208918, Singapore Envelope phone-square 65-8339-5652 GLOBE facebook-square lashinstitutesg instagram @lashinstitute_sg

instagram @elvyraauguste

Erika Ramonaite Envelope GLOBE instagram @ramonaiteerika @lashkingdompro

Teodora Bugarski

Kristina Meskyte

Envelope-Open Kataniceva 2, Belgrade Envelope phone-square 381 61 1435292 GLOBE facebook-square Right Beauty instagram

instagram @kristina_meskyte

Silvija Lash Academy

Tracy Scrima


Envelope-Open 8 Jonathan Road, Burlington, MA 01803

Sylva O

Lash Corner

Ivana Lash corner Nina Lash Envelope

Valery School

Valeryia Halamytska Envelope-Open Dimitrova ave 54/244 Mogilev, Mogilevskaya Region 212038 Envelope phone-square 3.75337E+11 instagram @coach_valery

Business 63

Training Directory

Inese Stepanova Envelope-Open Exmouth, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7580 120 587 instagram @

United Kingdom

Jojo Nails & Beauty Trainings

Artistic Fur

Ksenia Karnejenko Envelope-Open Glasgow, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7411427010 GLOBE instagram @ ksenia_karnejenko a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

AV Passion Beauty

Agata Vinckevic Envelope-Open Hampton, London Envelope phone-square +44 7772333995 instagram @ agata_lashartist a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

UK Beauty Retreat

Kerry Kehoe Envelope-Open Hull, Yorkshire Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344324 GLOBE facebook-square /beautyretreathull instagram lashbrowretreat a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

I.Nova Studio

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Joanna Piechaczyk Envelope-Open Northamptonshire phone-square +44 7851 074 552 GLOBE facebook-square /jojo Nails & Beauty Trainings instagram @Jojo_nails_lashes_training a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t


Jeneer Chandler Envelope-Open Hertfordshire Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344324 GLOBE facebook-square /lashtheticsherts instagram lastheticsherts

Renata Fodor-Csuti Envelope phone-square +44 7555 481 857 GLOBE facebook-square /bestlashesandbrowsworldwide instagram @ bestlashesandbrows a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Cardrew Ind. Est, Redruth, TR15 1SS

Envelope phone-square +44 7875 436 054 GLOBE facebook-square /ilashtique instagram @ ilashtique a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Lash & Brow Secrets

Darja Striletskaja Envelope-Open Hornsey, London Envelope phone-square +44 7926 198 718 GLOBE instagram @ lashandbrowsectrets a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

East Anglian Beauty Training Maureen Blackman Envelope-Open Norwich, Norfolk, NR6 Envelope phone-square +44 7717 257 756 GLOBE facebook-square /eastanglianbeautytraining a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Lash City London

Zey Ozbayir Envelope-Open New Southgate, London Envelope phone-square +44 7926 198 718 GLOBE facebook-square /Lash-City-London instagram Lashcitylondon a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Glam Lashes

Marta Wiatr Envelope-Open Norfolk, UK Envelope GLOBE instagram @ glamlashes_bymarta a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

64 Business

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

LASHacademy Envelope GLOBE

London Lash Envelope-Open London Envelope phone-square +44 7495456276 GLOBE instagram @ london_lash_pro a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Lash treatments & Training

Misha Patel Envelope-Open Portsmouth, Hampshire Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344324 iLashtique GLOBE Cindy Nicholls facebook-square /lashtntuk/ Envelope-Open Room 21, West Cornwall Enterprise Centre, instagram lash_treatments_n_training

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Best Lashes&Brows (Best L&B Ltd)

Lash Lady Scunthorpe

Joanna Staniul Envelope-Open Scunthorpe, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7881 202 465 GLOBE instagram @ lashladyuk

Lash Precision

Vicky Bridger Envelope-Open Worthing, Sussex Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344324 GLOBE facebook-square /lashprecision/ instagram @lashprecision a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

London Lash Manchester

Ludmila Lazdovska Envelope-Open Manchester Envelope phone-square +44 7874 909 728 instagram @ london_lash_manchester a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Samantha Rose

Samantha Houghton Envelope-Open Blackburn, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7701086502 GLOBE instagram @samantharose_salon a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Shiny Lashes

Katarzyna Kotlarz Envelope-Open Birmingham, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7843906484 GLOBE instagram @shinylashesbirmingham a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t


Annya Studio

Anna Slufirski Envelope-Open Tallagh, Dublin 24, Ireland Envelope facebook-square /annyasstudio instagram @ annyastudio a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

UK Lash Institute

Ms Diva

Miranda Tarpey Envelope Envelope-Open Suite 2E, Britannia House, Leagrave phone-square 0870 991 991 Road, Luton Bedfordshire, LU3 1RJ GLOBE Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344 324 Ritzy Eyes GLOBE Donata Jucyte instagram uklashinstitute Envelope-Open Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate, a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Wink Lash Bar

Marie Darbyshire Envelope-Open Bolton, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7971566985 GLOBE instagram @winklashbars a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

May’d Beautiful

Donna May Envelope-Open North Wales & Essex Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344 324 facebook-square /maydbeautiful/ instagram @mayd_beautiful

Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland

Envelope phone-square 0831 040 220 USA

Beverly Hills Lashes Envelope phone-square +1 (310) 500-0551 GLOBE facebook-square /beverlyhillslashes instagram @ beverlyhillslashes TWITTER-SQUARE @ bevhillslashes PINTEREST /bevhillslashes a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

c o m .e r/ttw / t/ ip :th t

Envelope phone-square +44 7714 638405 GLOBE

Michelle Ryan Envelope phone-square +44 7825 924 920 GLOBE

Sarah Humphreyson Envelope-Open 15 Drake Mill Business Park,

Plymouth PL6 7PS Envelope phone-square +44 1752 771 112 GLOBE facebook-square /eyelashqueenplymouth instagram @eyelashqueenplymouth a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Envelope phone-square +1 (818) 970–7151 GLOBE

SkinCare Fundamentals

Stephanie Frey Envelope-Open 200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo,

CA 94572

Envelope phone-square +1 (888) 388-7546 GLOBE facebook-square /skincarefundamentals instagram @skincarefun a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t


Bambola Lash Beauty

Melissa Vitale Envelope phone-square +1 (647) 404 5450 GLOBE

Estilo Lash

Kim Helgesen-Fuentes Envelope-Open Mackenzie, BC Envelope phone-square +1 (250) 615-1232 GLOBE facebook-square estilolashmobileeyelashextensions a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

c o m .e tse rn tp /i/p :th t

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Frankie Widdows

Sinful Lashes

MaiLash & Brows

Mai Le Envelope-Open Scottsdale, AZ Envelope phone-square +1 (480) 404-0092 GLOBE

PINKLAB INC. phone-square 877-623-0037 GLOBE

San Diego Eyelash Extensions Olga Villarreal Envelope-Open 12935 Pomerado Road, Poway,

CA 92064

Envelope phone-square +1 (619) 438-5770 GLOBE facebook-square /sdeyelash instagram @sdeyelash TWITTER-SQUARE @sdeyelash PINTEREST sdeyelash a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

c o m .e r/ttw / t/ ip :th t

Lash Out Beauty

Amanda Masi Envelope-Open 98 Fermar Dr Vaughan, Ontario Envelope phone-square (416) 910 1044

Luxe Lash Academy Envelope-Open Vancouver, British Columbia Envelope phone-square +1 (778) 808–5572 GLOBE facebook-square /luxeacademy a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Premium Products and Quality Training Envelope phone-square +1 (403) 999–4455

Kim Helgesen-Fuentes Envelope-Open 23 Heather cres , Mackenzie BC Envelope phone-square 1 (250)615-1232

Business 65


Enchanted S.P.A Envelope-Open 1/7 Wise Sreet, Joondalup,

Western Australia, 6027 Envelope phone-square +61 1300 113 996 GLOBE

Lash Xtend

Amy Williams Envelope-Open 16/344 Bilsen Road, Geebung

Qld 4034

Envelope phone-square +61449602750 GLOBE facebook-square /lahxtendbeauty instagram @ lashextend a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t


Lisa Gillianders Envelope-Open 50 Park Road, Greenmeadows,

Napier 4112, New Zealand Envelope phone-square +64275456106 GLOBE

Asena Artistry

Mia Quach Envelope phone-square +61416566556 GLOBE facebook-square /asenaartistry instagram @ asenaartistry


Beauty Queens

Daisy Krikemans Envelope-Open Beerse, Belgium Envelope phone-square +32 497899424 GLOBE instagram @daisy_krikemans a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t


MYLASHCOMPANY Envelope-Open Beringsvej 7, 7500 Holstebro, Denmark Envelope phone-square +45 5070 2543 GLOBE Finland

Salon Styleteam Oy / Ripsitukku / LashStock

Anna Kallio Envelope-Open Hämeentie 14 LH 324240 Salo Envelope phone-square +35 840 084 3454 GLOBE instagram @styleteamoy a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t


Supplier Directory United Kingdom

Best Lashes&Brows®

Renata Fodor-Csuti Envelope phone-square +44 7555 481 857 GLOBE facebook-square /bestlashesandbrowsworldwide instagram @ bestlashesandbrows a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Golden Eyelashes Ltd. Envelope phone-square +44 7522 168 750 GLOBE golden–

Lash Heaven GLOBE

Lash Perfect Envelope phone-square +44 208 500 9028 GLOBE

LASHacademy Training & Products Envelope GLOBE

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t


Nadia Southon Envelope-Open Shop 2b/8 Carrara Street,

Mount Gravatt East 4122 Envelope phone-square +61452433374 GLOBE facebook-square /nhmlash instagram @ nhmlash

Beautifeye By Jules- Lash Boutique (glyfada- attikaGreece)

Julia Chatzopoulou Envelope-Open Glyfáda, Greece Envelope phone-square 0030 694472 5646 instagram @ beautifeye_by_jules a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

LashBase Ltd Envelope-Open Unit 1 Stratfield Park, Elettra Avenue,

Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7

Envelope phone-square +44 239 225 1425 GLOBE facebook-square /lashbase instagram @ lashbase_ltd TWITTER-SQUARE @ lashbase a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

c o m .e r/ttw / t/ ip :th t

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Lashes on Point

Nina Andrews Envelope-Open Shop 4, 80 Hazel Glen Drive,

Doreen, VIC 3754

Envelope phone-square +61439369908 GLOBE facebook-square /lashesonpointsalon instagram @ lashesonpointsalon a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

66 Business


My Beautiful Eyes

Milano Royal Lashes

Anna Orlova Envelope-Open Milan, Itlay Envelope phone-square +39 347 044 8332 GLOBE instagram @ anna.orlova.royal.lashes

Envelope GLOBE

Nouveau Lash

Nouveau Beauty Group phone-square +44 844 801 6820 GLOBE

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

VZ Hair and Glamour Ltd Envelope phone-square +44 7554 925 551 GLOBE


Elite Lash Academy Envelope-Open Mall Road, Monaghan, Ireland Envelope phone-square +353 868 593 699 GLOBE

Glamour Lashes Ireland

Novalash Envelope phone-square +1 (866) 430–1261 GLOBE

PremierLash – designer lashes™ Envelope phone-square +1 (877) 366-5274 GLOBE

Envelope phone-square +353 872 974 781 GLOBE

RevitaLash® Cosmetics

USA & Canada

Envelope GLOBE

Angel Eyelashes Envelope GLOBE


Sinful Lashes Envelope phone-square +1 (818) 970–7151 GLOBE

SkinCare Fundamentals Kimberly Jaynes Envelope-Open 353 Pierpont Ave, Saltlake City, UT 84101 Envelope-Open 200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo, CA 94572 Envelope Envelope phone-square 801-735-2439 GLOBE phone-square +1 (888) 388-7546 GLOBE facebook-square /borboletabeauty facebook-square /skincarefundamentals instagram @ borboletabeauty instagram @skincarefun a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Boutique Lash Company Envelope phone-square +1 (780) 266–3875 GLOBE

Eye and Lash Health Institute Ellie Malmin Envelope phone-square 561 358 5999 GLOBE instagram @ellielashes a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

Hot Lashes

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

SkynLash Academy Envelope-Open NJ USA Envelope phone-square +1 (732) 618–2096 GLOBE

Sugar Lash Pro GLOBE facebook-square /sugarlashPRO a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Sweet Lash Envelope-Open 377 Marshall Way N #1, Layton,

Envelope phone-square +1 (403) 999–4455 GLOBE

Lash Affair by J.Paris

The Lashe, Inc.

Envelope phone-square +1 (800) 608-2420 GLOBE

Lash FX

Jill Heijligers-Peloquin Envelope-Open 2147 E Willis Road Gilbert, Arizona 85297 Envelope phone-square 1-855-4-LASHFX GLOBE

UT 84041

Envelope GLOBE Envelope-Open 6321 N Avondale Ave., Suite 206,

Chicago, IL 60631 Envelope phone-square +1 (773) 202-9399 GLOBE facebook-square /thelashe instagram @thelashe TWITTER-SQUARE @thelashe

Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc.

Viengsamay Kettavong Envelope phone-square +1 (619) 800-4429 GLOBE facebook-square /ultimatelashbrowusa a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t


Enchanted SPA Envelope-Open 1/7 Wise Sreet, Joondalup, Western

Australia, 6027

Envelope phone-square +61 1300 113 996 GLOBE Netherlands

Lash eXtend Envelope phone-square 033–4450323 GLOBE South Africa

Luscious Lashes International Envelope phone-square +27 72 338 7000 GLOBE

The Lash Collection Envelope GLOBE Bulgaria

EBC Limited Envelope-Open 26 Prilep Str, Varna 9000, Bulgaria Envelope phone-square +359 5260 4073 GLOBE Thailand

Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc.

Viengsamay Kettavong Envelope phone-square +619 800 4429 GLOBE facebook-square /ultimatelashbrowusa a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p / :th t

c o m .e r/ttw / t/ ip :th t

Want to get listed in our supplier directory? Email for details! Business 67

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