Lash Inc U.K Issue 9

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ISSUE 9 2020

United Kingdom

Lashes fit for a (Drag)


Featured Lash Artist - Lana Slatina

contents welcome 4

Meet Team Lash Inc


Letter from the Editor

lashes 8

Our Front Cover for Lash Inc U.K.






46 Lashmaker Balance

Facial Aesthetics treatments: where are we now?

Are you a Lash Newbie?

10 12

I wish I’d known this before I opened a home-based salon.

14 Self-Love and Self-Care

for the Lash Artist 16

Eyelash Extension Petition


Lash Artist of Year - Competition Wiiner

25 35

Reader Gallery NYC Volume Cup

36 Lash Newbies – Now and

Then 2 Welcome

Wheel 48

Laminated brows, The brow for 2020!

Tips to professional looking photos for social media


44 A new tanning product,

50 Top 5 tips for content

it’s a Tannovation®

creation 52


Spice up your event with social media hy should you try a new W hobby this year?



How to Analyze Your Clients Lashes


Insta Lashspiration


Events Calendar



61 Lash Inc Accredited 69

Training Directory


Supplier Directory


58 54 Welcome 3

Meet Team Lash Inc.

Louise Tierney Editor-in-Chief

Wendy Maltman Designer


Nina Andrews

Karla K. Runner

Jill Heijligers-Peloquin

Deboragh Hendren

Molly O’Bryant

Nina Andrews

Also: Britta Krueger Ghislaine Rueda Dr Jenni Cherington Karen Wood Valeriia Sudilovskaya-Diachuk Rachael and Sophia Christine Stark Andrew Low Mariola Mikolajczyk

Our Senior Journalists

Charlene Nutter

Jessika Aude Gautier

Photo: Henk Steyn Photography Model: Barbie Jackson

(Jason Jackson MUA and Drag queen)

Shey Peral

Roberta Grande

Martina Kallos

Chantee Collins

Jannica Rez, Owner of J.REZ Lash and Brow Studio In South Africa

4 Welcome

Letter from the Editor Welcome to this issue, which marks 25 issues of Lash Inc International, 70 issues of Lash Inc from our regional issues and 6 years in business. So a very special time for us. We are delighted to be serving the lash community globally and always excited to see what is happening all over the world. In this issue, you will find tips for new lash artists. Even if you are not a new lash artist, you can still get little nuggets of wisdom from the articles. We also have a focus on Social Media and photography for social media, after all, social media is one of the best ways to get clients. I will also be including some not very well known Social Media Hacks which I use with my @lashinc (almost at 50K followers) and other Left: Maya Rehman, Lash Artist Centre: Victoria Lee, P.A. to Editor Right: Louise Tierney, Editor

business social media accounts such as @pinkinccafe (at almost 6k and growing). I hope you benefit from them as I have, it is the kind of thing that is stumbled upon by a few and not spoken about unless you book an advanced social media course. Sit back and enjoy this issue and as always you are welcome to email with your submissions for consideration for our next issue. All the best!

Louise Tierney Lash Inc International Editor @louise_lashinc @lashinc

Published by Lash Inc Axiom Building Lash Inc, 102B 48-54 Washington Street Glasgow G3 8AZ Contact: Louise Tierney

Envelope GLOBE

facebook /LashInc TWITTER-SQUARE @LashInc instagram @LashInc Welcome 5

iConic Beauty Boutique Your Brow, lash and Beauty bar Your one-stop shop to enhance the beauty you already have

all readers get 10% off by quoting 'Glasgow MAG'

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Our Front Cover for Lash Inc U.K. “I feel that there is truly nothing more artistic than to love people.” - Vincent van Gogh


am Jannica Rez and the Lash artist behind this lash art look.

I am Jannica Rez and the Lash artist behind this lash art look. My biggest aim with this shoot was to celebrate inclusiveness. We wanted to inspire and colour up the judgement we receive from others. We want to promote kindness and love which go so well with fluffy lashes! There is such joy to be that person who can

accept another person for who they are. There is magic in it! We love to grow and be a part of a world that will celebrate with us. That is our 2020 Vision.

Doing the art of placing lash extensions for a living has enriched my life and have gained so much. It all started by me making the choice to accept myself and do what I love most!

Behind the scenes of this photoshoot, we shared stories of our past struggles and we all realized that aside from the people that judge us, we can be our own worst enemies.

I believe God gave me a talent and has blessed me so much. The least I can do is to pour it all back onto Him and give Him the Glory.

It’s important to just stop and start accepting ourselves for who we are and to start loving ourselves. Because it is only from a place of love we will be able to start understanding and accepting others for who they truly are.

It is like Vincent said, “There is nothing more artistic than to love people.” We hope you enjoy this set of coloured lashes and will celebrate with us!

Lashes 9

Are you a Lash Newbie? by Britta Krueger


You have probably thought long and hard about this before deciding to start your venture into the lash world. It is such an exciting time!

o many dreams and plans and every day offers new opportunities. You will have a vision in your mind of how you want your business to work out and how your life will be when your dreams come true! So, first, step first…… When you start THE most important part is to book really good training. Saving a few pounds can be a make or break decision and ruin your business before you even begin. So, do your research, speak to the trainers, read feedback or even ask online if anyone has trained with that company and then make an informed decision. You need to take the full package into consideration which includes * The training day • What does the training include • Are you offered a kit • Are the training methods and products up to date • How many people are training on the day • How long is the training

10 Lashes

• •

What is the support after the training Is there a network or group to help you get started afterwards

which in turn is actually costing you more than starting with the right course and earn money straight away.

These are just some of the most important questions you need to ask. Don’t try and save a few pence thinking you can brush up on knowledge by watching YouTube videos afterwards.

Don’t be frustrated when your tweezers don’t behave at the beginning. Don’t throw them away when you feel as if the lashes don’t want to stay on or you are struggling to isolate your clients’ natural lashes.

Let’s look at the options you have…. A good training course will leave you inspired, motivated and excited. You will have the necessary knowledge to start practising and soon start gaining experience and earning money.

These things are totally normal and happen to everyone. With the right training, you will have a good backup and support group of trainers and fellow therapists who will help with encouragement, motivation and advice so you can build on your passion for lashes and grow your little business successfully.

Versus….. A bad course will leave you out of pocket, frustrated, disheartened, disappointed and annoyed. You will browse youtube and the internet for advice and try all sorts of misleading and confusing tips from fellow therapists (not trainers). It will take a lot longer for you to gain experience and learn good and safe techniques

Training is the first port of call for you to get started but the product side should not be underestimated either! Your trainer should supply or suggest a high-quality kit for you to use. The main advantage of using a kit from your trainer is

that you can learn how to get the most out of your products. If your trainer is using those products in courses and treatments he/she will be experienced enough to help you with advice and recommendations. Don’t fall into the trap of buying a cheap kit online from auction websites or abroad…..” buy cheap buy twice” comes to mind. There is a risk that you will not get good results and you will also not have local support to help with any product queries or questions. When considering buying products from abroad you need to be aware of a lot more as it involves import fees and taxes, product assessments and registration and other documents you will need to legally import the products and be covered by your insurance. Please don’t take this lightly as it can cost you very dearly to fall into this trap.

Especially as a newbie you want to make sure you learn from the best, use the best and get the best results for your clients. After all, this is your business and you want it to succeed! Taking shortcuts will not earn you brownie points in the future (ask any successful business owner and they will confirm). High-quality products, knowledge, skill, passion and dedication for your business will make you stand apart from your competition. Do your research and see if you can associate with a brand if you can book training and a kit with a brand or renown company you have an instant advantage when it comes to advertising the treatment to your clients. Often you will find that those companies will also offer additional help in the form of marketing materials, support,

advertising or methods to build your business and client base and they might even feature you or share your work which can have a fantastic and positive impact on your business and local recognition amongst your existing and future clients. Try your best but don’t be too hard on yourself. Work hard to make the dream of your own business come true but don’t lose the passion. Enjoy each day, enjoy learning new things, enjoy looking after your clients and enjoy being the best you can at what you do! Happy lashing.

Instagram GLOBE @flirtieshq Lashes 11

I wish I’d known this before I opened a home-based salon. by Nina Andrews

Once upon a time, there was a naive and overly confident little girl who decided to find her fortune and work her own hours from home providing eyelash extensions. Over the first 5 years, she slowly built her skills and clientele, she was able to quit her job, and lash full time. Harrah! The End.


wish…As demand for eyelash extensions grew in Australia and better training became available, she was able to grow and develop a successful career! The world was her lash tile, ready for whatever creation she wanted to embark upon. Then the tweezers hit the fan… Real-life intervened and the safe bubble was burst by the cold spike of fiscal responsibility. Things I wish I’d known BEFORE I embarked upon a home-based salon:


Council Permits. Check your local council, in Australia, multiple states require permitting for homebased beauty businesses. I cannot emphasise this enough: THE COUNCIL ARE YOUR FRIENDS AND HERE TO MAKE SURE YOU DON’T GIVE ANYONE EYE INFECTIONS. They are not out to get you, small home-based business is encouraged by most councils. Contact them today for an info pack as each council can be slightly different. If you are found running illegally the fines are massive.


You will never experience privacy again. You have a home-based salon which means you share your personal space with strangers. Block off your home, have your salon at the front or in the garage, you don’t need strangers walking through your home- this will soon become a privacy invasion and you will no longer see your home as a safe place to hide. Trust me…

12 Lashes


Policies and procedures Don’t be available 24/7. You are not just waiting at home for clients, even though they may think that. Remember it’s a BUSINESS so treat it as such- have opening hours, late/cancellation policies (that you are enatic with EVERYONE), and turn your phone off/or have a separate business phone so you are not so accessible. I am home at 7 am on a Sunday, doesn’t mean I want to do your lashes, Karen, because you forgot to book in advance for your cousin’s wedding and are now looking like a potato.

4 5

Insurance. If you don’t have insurance please stop reading and make it happen today. This isn’t negotiable. Cards. When I finally installed an Epftos machine in my home-based salon my clientele cried happy tears. All of a sudden, my business flourished- I didn’t realise how much the “cash only” factor was turning people off. The convenience of cards cannot be overemphasised. It’s so easy to tap and go, no money to secure or count, the funds just magically appears in your account, and clients LOVE it. You must make buying from you as free of obstacles as possible.


Taxes. Unfortunately, my last point is a doubleedged sword; Epftos is visible, so its time to get yourself an accountant. In Australia there

is a massive crackdown on beauty salons and home-based business; since you are both you are in the auditing firing line. No ‘cashies’ girls, you are digging a grave for yourself. I put aside money every week into a separate account, I put more away than what I need. Accountants will help you work out how much you will need to put aside based on your circumstances.


Neighbours and basic respect. When my home-based business was booming I decided to bring on a staff member to train while I was building my commercial location. However, this brings a problem; the salon could have up to 7 cars on the street and pretty soon my neighbours had something to say about that. I was affecting the amenities of my street and making no friends. It all ended uneventfully as we were in the process of building the new location so the council were happy to wait but it was massive stress on top of the build. Remember you are making a living, but your neighbours just want some quiet time. Some of my clients parked like morons- if I had my time again, I would have been firmer from the get-go and probably feathers wouldn’t have been so ruffled.


I would have asked for help sooner. If I had my time again, I would have employed an accountant/bookkeeper sooner, I now have both and they make my life so much easier) I would of sort training earlier for running a business. I would have taken it more seriously sooner. Has this hurt my career? No, it was the learning curve I needed and made

me the leader of my team and salon that I am today. But the shift from a hobby into career happens so subtly when you are in the weeds that it can be hard to see from the inside. I recommend monthly business meetings with yourself, go to a cafÊ and look at your figureskeep on-top of knowing where you are in business. I just kind of floated along for a few years, and I know many lash sisters who are in the same position. Be kind to yourself and learn from the mistakes of others. We are all learning. You simply need to take a few necessary steps to make sure you are covered so you don’t end up breaking down crying one night because you have been lashing for 14hrs a day 3 days in a row and hate your life choices, the council are after you as you are uninsured. Talk about a disaster! Happy lashing! #LashWithlove Nina Andrews Lashes On Point Pty Ltd

Instagram @lashesonpointsalon facebook GLOBE

Lashes 13

Self-Love and Self-Care for the Lash Artist by Karla K. Runner

Having been a licensed Aesthetician for 37 years and a Lash Artist for the last 15, my passion for my craft has, at times, taken a toll on my body. You know how we are… driven, passionate to create, givers, slow to say no? We work for hours on end, often barely taking breaks to use the bathroom! We skip lunch to squeeze in just one more client who failed to book ahead but has that “lash emergency”! Sounding familiar? We leave the salon at the end of the day starving, with tired eyes and yet gratified by the beauty of the work we’ve done all day. But, we are here at the start of a brand new year and it is the perfect time to promise ourselves to do better to care for ourselves as we take care of our clients.


ere are a few little things that I have decided to change my daily routine that hopefully will inspire you to follow suit. Let’s make a pact as those who take care of the beauty needs of others to do better at taking care of ourselves. Our posture often suffers if we don’t pay attention to the ergonomics of our work areas. I read numerous comments in lash forums of artists asking for suggestions for better seating for themselves. We sit for the better part of the day so what we sit on is vitally important. Once you decide what keeps your backside happy, understanding the best position concerning your client’s head is the next step. Ergonomics is something we discuss in my lash training classes. I have found that if you use a seat that raises and lowers you can easily adjust depending upon the client. Some may even use a hydraulic table and can adjust

aligns with the centre of my breasts (like nipple height), then they are right in the right spot! If they’re lower, I find that I end up hunching over them and begin to feel the strain across the back of my shoulders, in my neck or both. If their head is higher, I begin to feel strain in my shoulders and upper arms as I am unconsciously reaching upwards. So, anytime I feel strained while working, I have trained myself to check my seat height and position. Check YouTube for Brugger Exercises that are wonderful for improving posture and for stretching the neck, upper back and stretching the spinal column.

the height of it easily.

the hard way the importance of exercising the muscles that control the eye. I have done a bit of research on the subject and learned some amazing facts about the way the eye works and

Here’s how I gauge the proper position… if the centre of the crown of the client’s head

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Needless to say, our eyes can also suffer from the work that we do. I’ve personally had challenges with my vision that were hereditary, but quite possibly exacerbated by the close work we do daily. So, like everything else, I’ve learned

the way the eyeball elongates when we focus intensely for long periods. The muscles that pull the eyeball to help us focus need to be coaxed to relax to encourage good vision. Later in this article, I will share a video that teaches these exercises that I learned for you to try. Healthy eyes and good vision are a lifeline for lash artists! Another critical part of our bodies that we need to protect at all costs is our hands! I am nearing 62 years of age and have been an Aesthetician working with my hands for over half of my lifetime. I’ve had issues with tendonitis, carpal tunnel, and a trigger finger, all occupationally induced. But, I still wouldn’t trade my career for any other! I have learned the importance of protecting my wrists and fingers. Hand yoga exercises have

been a lifesaver for me, teaching me to stretch and strengthen them by elongating the muscles that we use so much. Learning to not just take the time to stretch them throughout the day, but to make time to do so has become a matter of self-love for me. Instead of my used-to-be usual of back to back appointments with no breaks, I’ve decided to, finally care enough about my well-being to schedule breaks in my heaviest days to stretch and to get up and move. My workdays for years consisted of nothing for me and all for my clients. I now schedule only one long day a week with several shorter ones rounding out my work week. My long day contains two breaks, one for actually eating and one for doing my self-care exercises. I wish someone had taught me the importance of taking better care of my body early in my career. I hope that you will learn from my mistakes and commit to yourself to love yourself more and prove it by better self-care. One other major change I made in my lifestyle to stay healthier and more pain-free was to get to the gym several times a week and for more than cardio! I learned to strength train and lift weights in addition to a little cardio. I realized that the sedentary lifestyle of a lash artist who sits for 8 hours or more a day was killing me. I was overweight, partly since my body stayed in starvation mode for the better part of the day every day and then I fed it whatever I could find when I finished for the day.

The other contributing factor was the fact that I was too exhausted to do anything physical at the end of the day. The longer I sustained this lifestyle, the bigger I got! I had to decide to love myself to live and get my body moving. I am now about 100 pounds lighter, I’m stronger, I eat better, rest better and I take better care of myself daily. Please take the time to do a self-love check and make some adjustments where you need to better care for yourself this year. I am pretty sure you will be very glad you did! Some recommended Youtube videos to check out; How to do the Brugger Break (Posture Microbreaks) 10 Great Exercises to Improve Eyesight by Bright Side Yoga for Hands, Fingers, Wrists by YogawithAdriene Yoga for Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back by YogawithAdriene Karla Runner is a 37-year beauty industry veteran, licensed Aesthetician, Master Makeup Artist, Lash Artist and educator who resides in Little Rock, Arkansas in the US but whose reach and influence is global. Her reputation for excellence along with her engaging personality and genuine love for people has built her an

the perfect combinations for her success when Eyelash Extensions were still a very new concept in the states. A pioneer and trailblazer by nature, she introduced the service to her city and state. Seeing a need for education and training in her local region, she sought out and found a lash company to join forces with and became a trainer, travelling the southern US and teaching excellence in lash artistry to many. Years later she struck out on her own, launching The Lash Queen Academy, offering instruction in Eyelash and Makeup Artistry and opening The Lash Queen Studios, a full-service Lash and Aesthetics Spa. She and her team of experts offer their clients top-notch artistry with a dedication to maintaining the health and integrity of the natural lashes. Karla’s exclusive clientele have relied on her skills for the last 15 years for the best lash services in the area. She is ever learning and evolving. Even with her years of experience, she still seeks to learn and grow. “Every teacher owes it to their students to also be a master at learning new things themselves.” is her philosophy. To book appointments visit BookTheQueen Find her on social media: facebook instagram Envelope Email: phone-square

123 456 7890

enduring beauty empire. Longevity and perseverance, a passion for the industry and a spirit of excellence were

Lashes 15

Eyelash Extension Petition by Ghislaine Rueda


hat will their lash lines look like in 20 years? That is the question I ask myself each time a client asks

insides of hundreds of patients eyes, I believe as lash artist we should be educated on things we will encounter and have protocols when a client

Courses are unregulated and the certification isn’t acknowledged by the state. Therefore I am petitioning for the following:

for eyelash extensions that are longer than their natural eyelashes can handle. The American Academy of Ophthalmology says eyelashes are more than just cosmetic fringe. Lashes protect the eye from debris that can obstruct vision or cause infection or injury. The Royal Society published a study by David Hu at the Georgia Institute of Technology, who said “that the delicate hair on the eyelids also have a purpose to keep the eyes moist”. However, we must have lashes in order to experience these things. A few years back as a ophthalmic assistant I encountered a patient that lost her vision due to her inability to close her eye completely. It resulted in a severe corneal erosion which made her legally blind because it obstructed her vision. I’m lead to ask myself can prolonged exposure to the fumes from an adhesive or eyepads/tapes rubbing against the eye cause conjunctival erosions for lash clients in the future? Blepharitis, has been diagnosed in ophthalmology for decades! Primarily in older patients, some due to their inability to wash their face from their arthritis. Now, lash mites are viral due to clients fear of washing their eyelids because they either don’t want their extensions to fall out, are not given aftercare instructions or told not to do so. As lash artists we should be focused on the health of our clients natural eyelashes and eyelids. That is why I’m petitioning eyelash extension application regulation in the state of Florida. We shouldn’t be compromising the health of our clients eyes. I spent 11 years beside the most amazing ophthalmologists and watching them do everything in their power

is faced with a corneal or conjunctival abrasion, blepharitis, styles, chalazion, conjunctivitis, lash mites etc. Eye education should be apart of the Eyelash Extension Industry and proper eyelash extension application should be regulated in this industry. The hardest part of being so booked is you can’t save anyone else. I can guarantee the number of clients in your city with an unhealthy set of lashes far out ways the number of clients with a suitable set of extensions. The US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health published a study by Dr. Nandini Bothra from the A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences, in Mangalore, India, that collected the data that concluded there is a significant positive association between long-term use of eye cosmetics like mascara and the fallout of eyelashes. Furthermore, use of water for removal of waterproof mascara was associated with a higher incidence of eyelash fallout. The overall incidence of eyelash fallout observed was 19% and incidence of associated eye problems were 31%. If a product like mascara can cause lash fallout from removing the waxy substance from our natural eyelashes, and be associated with an even higher rate in eye problems how much more can improper application and lack of education contribute to lash fallout and eye problems.

 Any persons applying eyelash extensions is to be required to carry a License I-IV

to restore their patients vision. I’ve had the opportunity to be behind a microscope and look at patient eyelashes and eyelids as part of the workup processes, I have photographed the

or equivalent. I know some states do not require any licensing, and they should. The facial specialist licensing does not cover any eyelash or eyelid knowledge in its curriculums,

16 Lashes

I am currently petitioning eyelash extension application regulation in the state of Florida. Due to thousands of Licensed Estheticians practicing lash extensions incorrectly. The only regulation over lash extension application is the requirement of being a Licensed Esthetician

 Any persons educating is to be required to carry a License Level III-IV  Any person applying eyelash extensions or educating must practice one year prior to receiving advanced licensing or submissions  Licensed Lash Artist Level III-IV required course submissions to the state for approval before educating.  Required Ophthalmic Education (knowledge about the sclera, cornea, conjunctiva, upper and lower lid, lacrimal glands, eye diseases, and eyelashes) Must pass test in order to receive licensing. (Annual Retest)  Licensed Lash Artist is to pass a Lash Extension Comprehension Assessment  Any unlicensed individual reported applying lash extensions without a license will be fined (X) amount as a penalty. I believe with these regulations our industry will truly flourish like never before. (Left) Client diagnosed with Alopecia (Right) Client after 3 month study. Client was seen weekly for a period of 3 months. Used bridging for 1 month then natural lashes began to grow using .03 extensions. Client stated the only thing she did different was not rub her eyes in order to not compromise the retention of the extensions. Ghislaine Rueda Euphoria Studios CEO @euphoriastudiosfl

Featured Lash Artist - Petya Stoyanova

Lash Artist of Year - Competition Wiiner

1st place • Classic Lashes • Jade Jones

1st place • 2D-3D Lashes • Natasha Gallier

2nd place • Classic Lashes • Natasha Gallier

2nd place • 2D-3D Lashes • Mary Jean Javier

18 Lashes

3rd place • Classic Lashes • Dayna Tames

1st place • Male Lashes • Jade Jones

2nd place • Male Lashes • Yuel Loo

1st place • Mega Volume • Jade Jones

2nd place • Mega Volume • Mary Jean Javier

Lashes 19

Lash Artist of Year - Grand Master

1st place • 2D-3D Lashes • Ewelina Switala

1st place • Fantasy Lashes • Koshie Tapai

2nd place • 2D-3D Lashes • Fiona McNeil Nagy

2nd place • Fantasy Lashes • Hang Nguyen

3rd place • 2D-3D Lashes • Shey Peral

3rd place • Fantasy Lashes • Sandra Kliokmaniene

20 Lashes

1st place • Classic Lashes • Ewelina Switala

1st place • Lash Lift • Deborah Hendren

1st place • Male Lashes • Aileen Joseph

2nd place • Lash Lift • Maxime Moret

2nd place • Male Lashes • Maya Rehman

Lashes 21

Lash Artist of Year - Master Level

1st place • 2D-3D Volume Lashes • Chelsea Florence Untoro

1st place • Classic Lashes • Yurika Nakamura

2nd place • 2D-3D Volume Lashes • Sarah Love

3rd place • 2D-3D Volume Lashes • Maxime Moret

22 Lashes

1st place • Mega Volume Lashes • Hang Nguyen

Lash Artist of Year - Junior Level

1st place • 2D-3D Volume Lashes • Elizabeth Nelson

1st place • Classic Lashes • Irina Voronia

2nd place • 2D-3D Volume Lashes • Mihaela Timpau

3rd place • 2D-3D Volume Lashes • Angelina Pearson Hesketh

1st place • Lash Lift • Brittany Johnson

Lashes 23

Featured Lash Artist - Sara Ercevic

Readers Gallery




Lashes 25



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Lashes 27






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Lashes 29

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Lashes 31





32 Lashes

Solent • Caribbean • Croatia • Canada Luxury yacht sailing day trips and all-inclusive sailing holidays Relax on on your sailing holiday

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When we say it is all-inclusive, it really is. We don’t catch you out with add ons. Step off the plane into the sunshine and we welcome you to paradise! From only £285 pppd.

Lunch or Dinner trips available daily throughout the summer - and at other times of the year on request Quote Lash to enjoy a discount on Solent day trips to only £99 per person perfect for couples or a group of friends, family or colleagues “6 out of 5 if I could” KEEFY888

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“Friendly, funny and amazing hosts” ELLEN K

NYC Volume C up - Favourites

Favourite • Hitomi Smith

Favourite • Tram Nguyen

Lashes 35

Lash Newbies – Now and Then by Jill Heijligers-Peloquin


onsumers are increasingly informed and curious about how the services they book will be performed. How long will the effect last? Is it a good value? What are the risks? Is it safe? They’re no longer offering themselves up blindly as guinea pigs for the sake of beauty. The way they establish their informed consent is exactly how you do: Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Beauty Blogger reviews and insider articles in Marie-Claire, Allure and other publications set the bar for initial expectations. If you are a new service provider, having

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recently learned how to apply eyelash extensions, you are bringing the same informed curiosity to the service game! This can be a winning advantage or a fearful point of entry. Let’s tip the scale for you to favour the winning advantage!

LASH NEWBIES NOW have exciting benefits automatically built into their foundational training. This is great news – your first win – something to hold onto while worrying about how to fashion the investment in training, tools and supplies into a happy, profitable career.

For the sake of this conversation, a “Lash Newbie” does not mean you are fresh out of lash class. A Lash Newbie can also be defined as someone already making a living performing eyelash extensions – they just perhaps have yet to master advanced techniques and challenging scenarios.

Your learning curve is a very different journey than that of your educator’s. It’s shorter, richer and designed to prepare you for success. Your educators and mentors have designed their programs to be more dynamic and effective than what they experienced. It’s a smart evolution that benefits both newbie and mentor.

Educators are taking students farther in their first courses than ever before. Some teach “Straight to Volume”. Some offer the entire academia of their course before a student sets foot in the classroom. This creates space for more practical exercise, model work and personal attention. A new lash grad can walk away with more practical, hands-on experience than ever before. They leave the classroom with more confidence and less confusion.

stretch into mastery:

Because the lash industry has outgrown its training pants, and the supplies used have also matured and improved, everyone is benefitting: lash artists, clients, educators and students.

 Reserve energy and income to attend webinars, online classes, conferences and continuing education. You’ll be ready to stretch and grow sooner than you think!

If you are a “Lash Newbie”, keep these points in mind. Be confident. Stay coachable. Here’s how to progress quickly, reach proficiency and

 Find a lash mentor. (Hint: the perfect mentor may not be your original instructor.)

IGTV and Facebook Groups. Complete, quality education is not free, and not accessible to everyone who can search the internet.

 Embrace the business side of the lash biz early and earnestly. It’s a business, not a hobby.

 Commit to at least 1 proper continuing education course per year.

 Document your work with photos and notes. This can help you legally, but also will encourage you, as you see your progress!

Lash Newbies THEN were not prepared enough to realize that a lash certificate is simply the official beginning of a journey. It is a pretty piece of paper that can be framed and placed on the wall. Yes, it is an achievement, but it isn’t a distinction of mastery. Time in the saddle and regular, continuing education is how to create a genuine patina of expertise.

 Do not fall for every shiny object (i.e. new tweezer designs that promise miracles – seasoned veterans also fall for this!)

Instagram @lashfxglobal facebook

 Beware of the free degree from YouTube,

Lashes 37 @petras.wardrobe Use code GLM15 for 15% off your order


Facial Aesthetics treatments: where are we now? by Dr Jenni Cherington


suspect I’m in the minority here, but I love January. February is the Miserable Month we need to watch out for, but January! Its a month of self-care; wearing cosy pyjamas we got for Christmas, catching up on tv shows and drinking Options hot chocolate (because we’re all trying to secretly cut back on the festive excesses, but still love sweet things). I really do try to avoid the ‘New Year, New Me’ hype surrounding January, and I think it’s important to use it instead as a period of self-

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reflection and give ourselves a pat on the back for how far we’ve come. Because really, saying you’re having ‘a fresh start’ in January kind of sounds like the old you wasn’t good enough, and that kind of negativity about ourselves can be so destructive. Life should be all about continuous learning, whether that’s about yourself, your relationships or your career. In the 10 years since I graduated from Dundee Dental School, I’ve never stopped learning, and I’m always striving to become a

better, more caring and competent dentist to my patients. One of the paths that this took me down was into the world of Facial Aesthetics and skincare, and I have been treating patients with dermal fillers, medical micro-needling and wrinkle relaxing injections (most commonly known as Botox©) for around 8 years. Even in that time, Facial Aesthetics has changed hugely, as new products come on the market and practitioner skills increase. For example, when I started, it was mostly plumping

lips and smoothing foreheads, with a ‘one size fits all’ approach that often left patients expressionless or with unnaturally full faces. There wasn’t the same approach to safety, or what to do if something went wrong either. For example, a practitioner with a sub-par knowledge of anatomy could accidentally inject filler into a blood vessel, essentially causing a blockage. We’ve all seen the pictures of botched treatment. There have been documented cases of people going blind or being permanently scarred from this, yet it wasn’t until the third course that I was shown how to properly dissolve filler! How terrifying is that?! Thankfully though, regulations have come on leaps and bounds since then. In 2016, Healthcare Improvement Scotland started regulating independent clinics in Scotland, essentially driving a lot of businesses out of salons and back into doctors and dental surgeries. Independent companies such as Save Face and the ACE (Aesthetic Complications Experts) group encouraged practitioners to get registered, and there are now dozens of courses on managing complications, which was virtually unheard of 7 years ago. When you visit a practitioner for a consultation, it is worth checking if they are registered with any of these bodies, as they will then have a network of experts within easy reach should any issues occur. Unfortunately, though, January can also bring the blues with it. Dark nights, miserable weather and being back at work can all contribute to your mental health taking a dip. A lot of people want to change their appearance at this time of year, but be careful how you do it. Instagram

recently banned some Facial Aesthetics accounts for essentially false advertising, selling ‘Kimmy K packages’ of large amounts of filler for a cheap price. For once, I agree with Insta, as the only way to drop the stigma of Facial Aesthetics is to practice ethical treatment. For example, when a client comes in to see me for a consultation, I always ask why they want treatment. Is it because they get headaches from frowning at a computer screen all day, or is it because they think having a face that looks more like Kylie Jenner will make you a better person? If the answer is the latter, I’m the wrong practitioner for you! Don’t get me wrong, if your anatomy allows it, I can make your lips look more like hers, and it might make you more confident, but I can’t sell you a Kardashian lifestyle that will magically give you happiness, a dream job or lots of money. It’s important that patients recognise the difference, and my treatments reflect that. Secondly, I try to go with the minimum volume of filler or Botox© you will need. I’d much rather you gradually built up treatments over a few visits; it gives a better, more natural result and ultimately you’ll be happier. Most of the practitioners I follow on Instagram do this as well, and there are now whole courses designed around minimally invasive treatments that work with your face to give you a better look. Thirdly, there are so many more uses of Botox and dermal fillers than just lips and foreheads! One of my most successful treatments was actually on my husband. He’d been going through a stressful time at work and was waking

up with headaches from grinding his teeth. I was able to place some Botox© into his masseter muscles (the big ones at the side of your jaw when you clench), and it relaxed the muscles enough to stop his grinding and his headaches. Treatments can also be used on your armpits to stop sweating, and a little spot placed just below your nose can help drop down your top lip, which is great if you show a lot of gum when you smile. There are literally so many applications for these treatments other than the ones you most commonly see celebrities with. So now we’re not only into a new year but a new decade, where do I see facial aesthetics leading us? Well, I hope the trend for natural, subtle enhancements continues, and social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook start to take more interest in regulating pages that fuel the fire of mental health issues. I also really hope that Facial Aesthetics starts to lose some of its stigma and that if you do your research properly and find the right practitioner, you’re in safe hands. Dr Jenni Cherington BDS MFDS graduated from Dundee Dental School in 2009 and became qualified in facial aesthetics in 2012. She works at MyDentist in Carluke, offering dermal fillers, wrinkle relaxing treatments, medical micro-needling and NHS/ private dentistry. She aims to be a source of knowledge and information for any patient looking for dental or rejuvenation treatments. Outwith dentistry she enjoys travelling to music festivals and gigs and lives with her husband and two guinea pigs.



Beauty 41

Laminated brows, The brow for 2020! by Deboragh Hendren

Laminated Brows, Fluffy Brows, Feathery Brows, the Brow Lift or the Brow Perm? No matter what you call it, Im telling you now, this is THE brow trend for 2020!


hink insta-perfect glossy full brows that are natural, yet fierce. This “new” trend is taking over and we are here for it.

Brow lamination, is thought to have originated in Russia, where beauty culture is a huge industry, however we have reports of a this treatment being performed, albeit with perming solution, in the 80s in the good ole’ US of A, when a fuller brow was coveted and everyone wanted to be like Brooke Shields (the original Cara Delevingne for those not old enough to remember!) Brow Lamination is a godsend for anyone who is looking for a fuller brow, and with lots of us turning away from the rather saturated microblading market, this is a real hero procedure that can literally transform your face, pain free and in under an hour. As any good brow artist will tell you, there have been some fad brows in the last few years, but the results of this are particularly astounding, its like you have grown actual hairs on your brows in the short time you are in the hot seat, and we have seen clients cry real tears at the results.

We had a client in a few weeks ago, who had suffered a bad fall as a child, and she cut open her forehead. When she had her forehead stitched back together at the hospital as a small 2 year old child, there was little regard paid to the fact that the scar was going to run diagonally through the start of her right brow. Fast forward 28 years, and you have a 30-year-old woman, who has one eyebrow slightly lower than the other on her face. Upon meeting, (for a henna brow application) I immediately noticed the lower brow and asked her about it, when she told me the story of her childhood accident, and, after a pretty lengthy consultation, I offered to patch test her for our “new laminated brow” and arranged to see her in a couple of days. What happens next is like a real life miracle (ok – that’s maybe a little dramatic, but keep reading!!) Using our knowledge of how to style the hair, we used the treatment to our advantage and manipulated the brow hair on the right hand side to sit slightly straighter and taller on her face, all while avoiding that tell tale “surprised” look!

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The result at the end, was a pair of brows that were no longer “distant cousins, 3 times removed”, but definitely related, and as close to being “sisters” as we could make them. The client was shocked, and cried real tears as felt her face had symmetry for as long as she could remember. Since then, we have been inundated with clients looking for the “laminated brow” and the satisfaction of seeing your clients brows appear, like magic, is just perfection. If you haven’t booked onto a training course to learn this new procedure, then why not? Every good Lash salon, Lash bar or Lash tech should be looking at learning brow techniques to offer to your clients, after all Brows are no longer the supporting act, they are quickly becoming the star of the show.



Featured Lash Artist - Margarita Zimmer Beauty 43

A new tanning product, it’s a Tannovation®

Karen Wood, the inventor behind 30 Minute Tan™ and Dance Tan™ has created and launched Tannovation®, a Sunless Tanning & Cosmetics Product, which was developed and manufactured in Glasgow, Scotland.


aren’s innovative tanning product Tannovation®, promises to give a natural sunkissed glow in just 60 minutes, or with longer processing time, a deep rich dark bronze tan if required. This is achieved using Karen’s Time Defined Technology™, all without the dangers of UV & Sun Damage. This is fully bespoke, and a World First Exclusive, her “Crafted for Beauty™” products come in spray, mousse and micro serum form, and these will be made fresh in Tannovations on-site laboratory. Using the very best ingredients such as Vegan/Eco-certified approved DHA, Melanin, DMI and the “oh so luxurious” Champagne & Black Truffle Extract, these tanning solutions are making a splash in

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the market for the right reasons, and of course, all have the signature tropical coconut fragrance, for which Karen’s products have been known. No smelling of Biscuits here! The idea behind the business came about in response to increased attention into sun damage and skin cancer awareness, and sadly, after her friend passed away from skin cancer, following a short time of using sunbeds. Karen, who suffers from functional neurological disorder, has poured her heart and soul into this business, not only because this is a cause so close to her heart, but because she understands the dangers of using sunbeds, or not using appropriate sun protection, but also that most of us feel better with a tan.

Tannovation founder, Karen Wood, said: “We offer the full UK beauty market-fresh, consistent and innovative products” “I set up this business with my father William, who sadly passed away in 2015 shortly before our first product launched, but I know he’d be very proud of where the business is now. We’ve worked so incredibly hard over the years, building up a loyal customer base and we’re looking forward to reaching a bigger audience” instagram @tannovation GLOBE


Lashmaker Balance Wheel Improve the quality of extension by means of the Lashmaker Balance Wheel by Valeriia Sudilovskaya-Diachuk

What is a balance wheel and why is it needed?


his wheel is applied to narrow fields of activity, to life in general and even on projects.

All you need is a half-hour of time, a piece of paper and a pen. Using this simple tool you will identify weak areas in your lash work. It will help you quickly and easily realize which area is worth working on. Any balance wheel is designed to harmonize life or work (as in our case) so that there is no fixation on one thing, and all spheres develop evenly. So you can work on certain areas to become a more balanced Lash Artist. In this article, we will talk about the LASHMAKER BALANCE WHEEL. We will identify weaknesses and begin work on them. Ideally, each item should have 10 points. But this requires a lot of experience, therefore, in the case of beginners, the wheel must be uniform so that it can roll.

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How to work with the lashmaker balance wheel: 1. Redraw the picture above on a piece of paper, sign the sectors. 2. Mark on a scale of 1 to 10 where you are currently at your own sensations.

not return.  Filling percentage 10 – 100% filling, I have no problems with internal and external corners.

3. Fill each sector. 4. Look at the resulting wheel inside. 5. Praise yourself for those sectors where you marked 7 and above points. 6. Highlight 3 zones to work on. 7. Write a plan to improve them and act.  Intuitively mark the mark on the axis as described below:  Speed Where 10 is I always fit into the allotted time for extension, my clients admire the speed and do not get tired.

Where 1 is my time stands still, people groan and beg to let them go ‘as is’ and usually do

1 – The filling is less than 70%, I can’t get to lashes which are difficult to reach, I don’t see the bottom row, internal and external corners take away all the forces.

 Wear 10 – Every time it’s a pity to remove lashes. Clients wear them a long time and still come back with many lashes on.

1 – Wear for about 2 weeks. Often lashes from one eye fall off earlier. Applied lashes fall off even when combing during the procedure.

 Symmetry 10 – I work with rowing not only at the moments of transition but also throughout the lashes row. The layout for both eyes is different, taking into account the

characteristics of each of them.

1 – I don’t see what rowing is, visually the eyes turn out different not only in density but also in length. I didn’t know that the eyes are asymmetrical.

 Margin 10 – Margin is perfect and uniform throughout the eyelid. Nothing pricks or annoys the client, and the natural lashes grow for a long time.

1 – Margin is a kind of moving throughout the eye. In some places, the client feels a tingling sensation; in others, the applied lashes swag.

 Direction 10 – It always turns out the way I planned. The applied lashes are close to each other. I know how to work in both a fan-like and fox-like direction. I adapt to the preferences of the client. After the procedure, the client does not want to touch them with a brush – everything is perfect.

1- The applied lashes are often cluttered, sometimes look messy and not neat, the client scratches with a brush for a long time after the procedure in the hope of laying them as needed.

 Glued spots 10 – The client does not have any glued spots or discomfort if they happen, I can easily remove them when checking.

1 – There are always glued spots, and they look like I can remove them only with a remover. The job is dirty.

 Effect selection 10 – I provide all measures to perfectly select the length, thickness and bend. Visually simulate the look of everyone around and even cats.

1 – Basically I hear, ‘This is not at all what I wanted.’ I work with one or two effects, but I don’t know the rest. I do not have a lot of types of length and curl.

So, we connected all the points on the axis. We praise ourselves for all sectors in which we have 7 points or more. And then we write a plan of work on weak sectors. It can be seminars, masterclasses and training on this topic (choose a convenient format for yourself – online or offline training, your favourite teachers). Sign up for an upcoming championship, it will not let you relax and turn off the path of improvement. Take photos of each of your work and analyze it. Look at your usual work from a different angle. Be inspired by future achievements and into battle! Valeriia Sudilovskaya-Diachuk, founder and head of the network of LASHHOUSE studios in Crimea. instagram instagram

@valeria_lashhouse @lash_house_crimea

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Credits: Vertical Response, Wikipedia, @pinkinccafe Photography workshop.

Tips to professional-looking photos for social media


Don’t zoom Smartphone cameras are improving, but the second you start zooming, you lose some of the picture quality. It sounds simple, but simply just move closer to your subject! Or, take the photo then crop it later. If you do it this way, they wont look blurry.


Use the rule of thirds You could be using the fanciest of cameras, but if your photo composition is all wrong, you might as well be using the cheapest camera. The rule of thirds is one of the first principles you learn in a photography class as it’s highly important for well-balanced and intriguing photos. The rule is to break down an image and visualize it in thirds, both with horizontal and vertical lines. This gives you 9 imaginary boxes on your proposed photo. The 4 most inner lines on your grid are your guides for placing focal points in your photo. When taking a photo with an iPhone, you’ll notice the gird lines automatically appear on the camera screen.


Try camera apps for more control Rather than snapping photos straight from your camera, try several apps that give you more control. Camera+ is a popular option for iPhone users. DSLR Camera Pro is a hot choice for Android users. As the

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photographer, you have more options to take creative shots with these apps. Each one costs around £3 or less.


Add a new lens You can buy lenses for your smartphone. You can buy a set of lenses for as little as £10 on Amazon. You can get magnetic or clip on lenses that go right over the camera lens on your phone. These can transform your phone into a more professional tool.


Use natural light Natural light, there is nothing like it. Smartphones aren’t great with lighting,

so to compensate for this make sure you take photos near natural light. Going outside is a great option, but if you need to shoot indoors, shoot near a window. However, you don’t want to shoot directly into the window or your photo will be too bright. Instead, put your product or subject off to an angle and take the picture with your back to the window. Using the flash isn’t a good idea either. The flash in your smartphone isn’t great, and will likely cast a yellow light or shadows over your product. It’s not flattering on a product or person.


Use online editing tools Once you’ve taken your shots, turn to a photo-editing app or tool to crop, straighten, or enhance your photos with filters. Pixlr Editor, GIMP, BeautyPlus, and Adobe Photoshop Express are all great options. They’re free and easy to use for first timer editors.


. Use a creative but simple background Background ideas:  Go outdoors and find a clear, colourful, or bright background like the side of a brick building  Place products on wooden tables, floors, or cutting boards  Hang a piece of ironed fabric on a wall to use as a backdrop, have your client stand in front of it.  Find a coloured wall to shoot in front of  Use stone, tiles, wooden or rock walls as a background


Try adding props

Adding a prop to your picture can spice it up. Of course, the prop should make sense. Think about how a customer uses your product to come up with prop ideas.


Take a variety of shots Practice makes perfect, and variety helps. If you take two or three shots of the same product in a different setting, you’re bound to get a slew of great pics. Eventually, you’ll have a stockpile of product shots that you can rely on. We usually take 5 – 10 photos and choose 1.


Keep things looking clean and bright. Not many people like to look at an Instagram feed with dull, dark photos. Keep it bright, colourful if that fits with your brand.

Try to keep backgrounds clutter free, this is especially important as a lash artist. No glue drops, stray lashes or messy pads or cluttered work surfaces. Everything has a place and purpose, think staged photos which are the most popular in Insta-land.


Keep things Interesting and fun So it is not all about the technical side. You have to keep things interesting and a but fun. Put some personality into it. Try to be different whenever you can.

The scenes images and videos on your stories where you can have a bit more of a play without ruining your look. Infact you can have lots of fun on stories and can bend your brand guidelines slightly.

Have fun! Credits: Vertical Response, Wikipedia, @pinkinccafe Photography workshop.

Business 49

Top 5 tips for content creation. Social Media has so many benefits, and we understand that sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming. You have nothing to fear, we have put together our top 5 tips for creating valuable content on social media. Get that notepad and pen ready and let’s sweeten up your business! ARE YOU READY?


ORIGINALITY Be the narrator and develop your online character to represent your brand image. With original ideas, look to gain trust by connecting and engaging with branded images, videos, tutorials, q&as. There are plenty of free apps to help you get those creative juices flowing. Keep your content simple and to the point, tell your followers a story and keep it consistent with your brand. Think about your content before you post. Does it help and educate your followers? Do you have the answers? Are you solving a problem? How can you help others?

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If you want to build relationships with your customers online, consider adding polls, questions and quizzes to your stories. Understand and talk to your followers; they are (literally) at your fingertips!

Try to add your branding or watermark on a plain background which means it is easy to recognise.

REPOST YOUR ENGAGEMENT Add your location and relevant hashtags to your posts; this gives you that extra reach.

You can also find accounts that inspire you, join a community and network, network, network! Once you make connections, team up, get tagged, GAIN THAT TRUST and repost the engagement and interactions to share this with your followers!

WATERMARK Make sure that all of the images and content that appears on your social media is branded. In doing this, you will avoid the risk of others stealing and using your content.

A watermark with your branding is you essentially “signing” your work. So it is just as crucial as copyrighting your logo or your business name. You have done the hard work by creating the content so ensure you get the credit for it!


CONSISTENCY Brand consistency helps to create a strong pathway to brand awareness which is essential for customers to identify your brand. Create a theme for the week; your content should be planned to ensure that you keep your social media alive and exciting. Think about what would you like to see and what would be fun for you to create. Try to create a different focus for each day; this means that visitors to your profile will keep an eye out for your content. Think about what colours, styles and language you use. As long as you have everything integrated, and you stay consistent, your

business will grow and stand out from the crowd!


BE RELATABLE Customers want to be able to see your brand as approachable and personable. They should be able to relate to the brand, and this can be done in a variety of ways. Use customer reviews to show off what is great about your brand. Customers trust their peers’ opinions more than any advert.

Show off your staff and your story, and customers want to know who YOU are and your journey. We would love to know how you get on with our tips. Tag us in our posts @sweettalkdigital or use our hashtag #sweettalkdigital. Keep it sweet! Rachael and Sophia

day to day goings-on in the workplace.

Instagram @sweettalkdigital Facebook @sweettalkdigital

Make sure your brand voice is relatable to your target market; this will increase the chances of getting them followers up!

Rachael Griffin and Sophia Moghul are the co-founders of Sweet Talk Digital Marketing.

Use your social media channels to show the

Twitter-square @sweettalkdigi

Business 51

Spice up your event with social media by Christine Stark

Christine is a social media marketing manager born and raised in Glasgow. She helps small and medium organisations get the most out of social media and email marketing. When she’s not working, you’ll find her wandering Glasgow’s vintage shops, at the latest addition to Glasgow’s food scene, or indulging her caffeine addiction.


e all know that small businesses

can suffer in January – between the post-Christmas slump, Blue Monday and the dark nights, no wonder we’re all feeling a little dejected at the moment. But what better way to boost your spirits (and sales!) than a party?

AND building up partnerships with other local

use? Whatever it is, have a quick search online

businesses. Whether it’s a discount event, a cocktail evening, a family fun day or something else entirely, social media is the best way for you to get the word out there. To get started, just follow these tips!

to see if your chosen hashtag is already in use for something else and that it can’t be misconstrued in any way.

Okay, so it doesn’t have to be a party in the

Use a hashtag: Rustle up a short, snappy hashtag for your

Get graphic: You’re going to need some eye-catching imagery to promote your event if you want to succeed. There are so many demands on people’s

traditional sense, but hosting an event is one of the best ways to boost your business’ profile. It can prove invaluable in terms of your brand

event and use it in all of your social messages in the run up to the day. Or maybe your business already has a hashtag that you want people to

attention these days, you have to stand out, and you can do that by branding your events with something people will remember. If you’re

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worried that you’re a bit more MS Paint than Picasso, don’t worry! There are loads of easyto-use free design tools to try (my favourite is Canva, which has a banner-making tool) that will help you create imagery for your event.

Create your event pages: Create an Eventbrite page for your event – this is quick and easy, thanks to the latest update on the platform. Bear in mind that you can customise your checkout questions so that

about your event. Do you have a mailing list? Put together an email to let them know about the event, and don’t forget to include your hashtag. Update your social media profiles with your event images and mention the key event

Remember to check the size of the image you need before you begin (for example, Eventbrite requires 2160x1080px, and Facebook event pages need 1920×1080px).

you can ask things like dietary or accessibility requirements in advance. Once you have created your Eventbrite, it will be shown on the ‘Event Discovery’ platform, meaning it will start showing up for people who have been to similar events and are local. Eventbrite also offers the option to pull the event directly through to your business’ Facebook page. Creating a public Facebook event will instantly notify followers of your business page. When someone clicks the ‘attending’ or ‘interested’ button on your event page, the page will show up in their Facebook friends’ feeds too.

details in your bio. Include a link to your ticket page, and if you have ‘swipe up’ capability on Instagram, use it! Schedule some posts about your event using a social media scheduling tool like Buffer or Hootsuite, as this will take some of the pressure off.

It’s tempting to pack as much information into your image as possible, but try to hold back. Too many details on your event image will only be a distraction, and Facebook even penalises event banners that are too text-heavy. Ideally, an event banner should tell people the following: • • •

Who is hosting the event (your logo is enough) What the event is Where and when it’s happening.

Of course, there’s lots more that you can do with social media, but these tips should help you get started and get those attendees up!

Start shouting about it! Now you have your hashtag, your images and your event pages; it’s time to start shouting

Business 53

Why should you try a new hobby this year? by Andrew Low

I'm Andrew, A freelance photographer based in Glasgow and I'm going to tell you a little about me and why starting a new hobby has changed my life.


started photography seriously mid-2019 but I always loved taking photos on holidays, trips away etc like most people do and I always appreciated other peoples photos. In early 2019 I decided I needed a life change after a long term relationship ended, I started to try some new hobbies one of which was photography so after a few months of using my phone camera I decided it was time I invested some money about bought myself my first DSLR camera. I poured all my time and effort into becoming self-taught in photography over the year learning as much as I could from youtube and books and trust me I am still learning and don't think I will stop! I started as most people do by taking photos of landscapes and cities and from there I moved onto portraits, then I started doing product photography for companies and then onto weddings. Throughout the year I started to meet new people through the hobby and making new friendships, it then went from being a hobby to

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something I could pursue as a career, I started to get more opportunities such as being able to write this for you all to read.

overwhelming and have a negative impact on how people view themselves or view what they create.

I was able to be published by doing the photography for the children at Portobello High School in Edinburgh who created a book written completely by the kids. I was lucky enough to be featured by camera companies throughout the UK such as Canon and had the chance to work alongside some amazing companies and people.

I wanted to put the social back into social media and let other people experience what I have this year, a lot of the time people care too much about social media and how they are viewed by other people and it has a huge negative effect on mental health, but I also think social media used correctly can help.

But what I am proud of is being able to create the Instagram page @glasgowcreates and give back to other people, I was inspired by the people who took time out of their day to help me to make this page with the help of a few other fellow photographers, it's a page that shares images by other photographers but also holds meetups every other month that's open to anyone at all, one of our next meetups is a weekend trip to the isle of Skye with a tour guide for the weekend!

Glasgow creates want to be on the side that helps and brings people together for and creates new friendships by bringing groups of people together who share a common interest.

But as much as what I do is social media-based, I think the times before social media were simpler. The world we live in today everything is social media-based and sometimes it can be

None of this could have been possible if I hadn’t started something new and took a risk and I really apprentice the team at the Glasgow lifestyle magazine for the opportunity to share my story and hopefully you decide to try something you always wanted to and stick to it for the year and come back at the end of 2020 and tell us what you did and how it paid off for you.



Business 55

How to Analyze Your Clients Lashes by Mariola Mikolajczyk

We all know that the styling of the eye is very important but before that, you need to understand what style you choose and why that is why first you need to know how to properly analyze your model.


uite often I get questions, such as what map is used on “this picture”. You need

 The Iris, it’s partly hidden underneath the bottom eyelid

to understand that each style will look different on each model and that your job is to find the best style for each of your clients. You will be able to do that when you will understand the power and importance of eye analyses.

 How to deal with narrow shaped eyes: we want to open the eye by using longer sizes or stronger curls in the middle part of the eye

 How to deal with rounded shaped eyes: we want to balance the shape of that eyes, by making them flatter. We can achieve this look by using longer sizes or a bigger curl in the outer corners. 2. Vertical Axis- 3rd eye method To check the vertical axis, we need to measure the length of one eye and compare it with the distance between the eyes.

To correctly analyze your client’s eyes, you need to know how to determine the eye shape, set of the eyes, horizontal and vertical axis, natural lashes position, eyebrow position and specified imperfections of the eye, etc.

1. Eye shape We have two ways to determine the eye shape, the first one is the eye proportion if you will create the horizontal axis by connecting the inner and outer corner and compare them to each other.

 Between Iris and waterline, we have a gap

Almond  Proportion 2:1  Iris is softly touching the waterline  How to deal with almond-shaped eyes: it’s a perfect, most wanted shape does not require any correction

And the second way is to specify the position of the iris.

Wide-set  Distance between the eyes is longer than the length of the eye  How to deal with this: Use thicker lashes or a bigger volume in the inner corners to create the illusion that the eyes are closer to each other. Open eye style: for example, doll

Narrow  Proportion 1:1

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Rounded  Proportion 2:2

Narrow set  Distance between the ice is shorter than the length of the eye

 How to deal with this: use thicker lashes or bigger volume in the outer corner to create an illusion of normal set eyes. Use a style that will pull the eyes outwards for example kitten, cat eye, fox.

Normal set  Distance between the eyes equals the length of the eye  No correction is needed

3. Horizontal axis Create the horizontal axis by connecting the inner and outer corner.

Downturned axis The outer corner is on a lower level than in the corners. This axis gives us a ‘sad eye’ effect, we can correct it by not filling the outer corner Lashes.

You need to determine if the lashes growing upwards, straight or downwards. This is important as the curls will look differently on each natural lash.

Most common is when lashes in outer corner growing downwards that’s why you need to use stronger curl in that part.

6. Eyebrow position Very important when choosing the length of

Upturned axis Outer corners are on a higher level than the inner corners. This axis doesn’t need any correction.

Straight axis Outer and inner corners are on the same level. You need to be careful as it’s easy to make that eye look “droopy” very important is to take under consideration the position of natural lashes. (See point 5)

4. Set of the eyes Deep-set You can determine deep-set eyes by:  Not visible upper eyelid  Shadow below the brow bone

Use a longer size of the lashes as the shadow underneath the brow brown will make the lashes look shorter, use B, L, L+ curls.

Bulging eyes Upper and the bottom eyelid is very visible you can see the shape of the eyeball.

Use shorter lashes to avoid making eye even more outstanding, stronger curls like C or D.

your lashes

High eyebrow arch Longer lashes to fill the area underneath the brow

Low eyebrow arch Shorter lashes to keep them below the eyebrows.

7. Imperfections Hooded eye In this case, we want to hide the hooded part of the eye by using L or L+ curls and longer sizes lashes in an area where the eyelid is dropping. instagram


5. Natural lashes position

Business 57

Featured Lash Artist - Vilja


2,666 posts


5476 following

Lash Inc. Instagram is where it’s at these days. Get some #Lashspiration from our handpicked #LashArtist feeds.





@london_lash_pro / @hanna_london_lash





Business 59

Events Calendar 2020 Events

January 2020 2nd Lash Competition by Minkys Extensiones de Pestanas

May 2020

September 2020

Artistic Fur Lash League Online The Lash Social 2020 Competition map-marker-alt UK map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt 1st May 2020

Calendar-Alt 20th September 2020

October 2020

map-marker-alt Mexico Calendar-Alt 1st January 2020

Immaculate Beauty Academy Conference & Competition

March 2020

map-marker-alt UK Calendar-Alt 1st & 2nd May 2020

map-marker-alt Estonia Calendar-Alt 9th & 10th October 2020

NALA Conference and Awards Gala

Lash Agora Championship

World Lash University Online Competition map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt 1st Marh 2020

Artistic Fur Online Lash Forum map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt 16th & 17th March 2020

International Lash Cup map-marker-alt Italy Calendar-Alt 21st & 22nd March 2020

Lash Challenge Croatia Online/ Live map-marker-alt Croatia Calendar-Alt 27th & 28th March 2020

Love4Lashes Online Competition map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt 31st March 2020

April 2020 Lash Angels Competition 2020 map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt April 2020

Hellenic Beauty Global Cup map-marker-alt Crete Calendar-Alt 3rd to 5th April 2020

The Lash Social Online Competition map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt 12th April 2020

Oscars Online Competition map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt 30th April 2020

60 Business

map-marker-alt Canada Calendar-Alt 2nd & 3rd May 2020

Lash Boss Championship

map-marker-alt Vienna Calendar-Alt 11th to 13th October 2020

World Lash Day

map-marker-alt Mexico Calendar-Alt 2nd to4thMay 2020

map-marker-alt UK Calendar-Alt 23rd October 2020 GLOBE

Ultimate Lux Lash and Brow Congress and Contest

Lash Diamond Conference & Competition

Lash Shebang 2020

map-marker-alt Online/Finland Calendar-Alt 8th May 2020

map-marker-alt Macedonia Calendar-Alt 24th & 25th October 2020

World Lash University Conference

November 2020

map-marker-alt UK Calendar-Alt 17th May 2020

map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt 6th & 7th November 2020

Dalila Beauty Championship

Gel-lys Lash Training map-marker-alt UK Calendar-Alt 18th May 2020

June 2020 World Series of Beauty Conference & Championship map-marker-alt Las Vegas Calendar-Alt 26th June 2020

August 2020 Diamond Lash Battle map-marker-alt Online/Belgium Calendar-Alt 14th August 2020

Lash Global Conference and Competition map-marker-alt Online/Canada Calendar-Alt 24th to 26th August 2020

To have your event featured contact:

Lash Inc. AC C R E D I T E D

The following academies and individual training providers are accredited by Lash Inc. Their training courses and qualifications meet all requirements for approval by our organisation.

United Kingdom & Ireland


Absolute Beauty Academy Susan Nielsen

Envelope-Open 16 Foxhouses road . Whitehaven , Cumbria, CA288AF Envelope phone-square +7710787687 facebook-square absolutebeautyacademy

Beauty By Lauren Lauren Williams

Envelope-Open Ebbw Vale Innovation Centre, Victoria Business Park, Festival Drive, Ebbw Vale, NP23 8XA Envelope GLOBE instagram @beautbylauren

Bella Lashes Academy Miley Garnder

Envelope-Open 26 Robertsgate Lofthouse Wakefield WF 33 PZ Envelope instagram @bellaluxurylashes

Bethany pilling Envelope-Open 127 Andover Avenue, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M24 1JQ Envelope

Blink Lashy

Tasha Young Envelope-Open 31 Rodney Street Liverpool, L1 9EH, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7727 283450 GLOBE facebook-square BLINK-LASHY-official instagram @blinklashy

Claire Crowell

Flawless Lashes Ltd

Envelope-Open Unit 1, Saltmeadows Trade Park, Gateshead, NE10 0EQ Envelope

Loreta Jasilionyte

DARLIN’ House Of Beauty

Glam Lashes

Envelope-Open Unit 2 Hope Terrace, Lostock Hall, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 5RU Envelope phone-square +01772 628722 GLOBE instagram @darlinhouseobeauty

Envelope-Open Norfolk, UK Envelope GLOBE facebook-square glamglowbeautylounge instagram @glamlashes_bymarta

Envelope-Open Unit2, Oak Cottage, County Oak Way, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 7ST Envelope Classic Charm GLOBE Silva Petraitiene facebook-square FLbyLoreta Envelope-Open 184 Springwell Lane, Balby, DN4 9AY, instagram @flawless_lashes_by_loreta Doncaster Envelope Georgia Keeling-Roddis phone-square +44 7914221815 Envelope-Open 23 Norton Avenue, Penketh, GLOBE WARRINGTON, WA5 2RB facebook-square classic_charm_uk Envelope instagram @classic_charm_uk instagram

Francesca Galea

Elie Eyelash Extensions Julie Knight

Envelope-Open 21 Crystal Way, Bradley Stoke, Bristol Envelope phone-square +44 7521 904625 GLOBE facebook-square EliteEyelashExtensionsUK instagram @elite.eyelash.extensions

Evi Valentine’s Eyelash Training Evita Urvake

Envelope-Open 10 Merrion Street, 2nd Floor, LS1, 6PQ Envelope phone-square +7533979840 GLOBE

Eyelash Excellence Frankie Widdows

Envelope-Open Kent Envelope phone-square +44 7714 638 405 GLOBE facebook-square FrankieWiddowsEyelashExcellence instagram @frankiewiddows

Marta Wiatr

Gregory’s Glamour Beauty Academy Amanda Gregory

Envelope-Open 88 Sycamore Road Strood, Kent ME22NZ Envelope

House of Hansen Academy Ltd Stacey Hansen-Spure

Envelope-Open 31 Hannah Street, Porth, CF39 9RB Envelope phone-square +01443 858144 facebook-square House of Hansen Ltd instagram @House of Hansen Ltd

House of Lashes Abbie Cary

Envelope-Open 2 Addison Close, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 9TD Envelope

Iconic Beauty Academy Deboragh Hendren

Envelope-Open Axiom Art, c/o suite 102B 48-52 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ Envelope phone-square +7879993042 GLOBE facebook-square iconbeautyboutique instagram @iconicbeautyboutique

Business 61

IL Pro Beauty Studio

Lash Revolution

LL Training Academy

Envelope-Open Avontar road, South Ockendon, Essex, RM15 5FD Envelope phone-square +4.47553E+11 facebook-square ilprobeautystudio instagram @ilprobeautystudio

Envelope-Open 25 Greek Street, Stockport, SK3 8AB Envelope

Envelope-Open 48 joeys lane Bilbrook Wolverhampton WV8 1JL, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, WV8 1JL Envelope

Inga Lipinske

IN Lashes

Inga Sigauskaite Envelope-Open 77 Avontar court, Avontar road, South Ockendon, RM15 5FD, Essex Envelope phone-square +4.47553E+11 facebook-square IN Lashes instagram @inlashesextensions

Kent lashes & Training Academy Ashley Clark

Envelope-Open 38 Heath Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 3NZ Envelope phone-square +7791582751 facebook-square ajs.hairextensions.9 instagram @lashed_by_ashley_clark

KG Professional Katie Godfrey

Envelope-Open Unit B8,Basepoint Innovation Centre, 110 Butterfield, Great Marlings, LU2 8DL, Luton Envelope phone-square +01582 434342 GLOBE facebook-square kgprofessional instagram @kgprofessional

Lash Lady Scunthorpe Joanna Staniul

Envelope-Open Scunthorpe, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7881 202 465 GLOBE instagram @lashladyuk

Lash Love Academy Emily Man

Envelope-Open 53 St Augustines House, Werrington Street, London NW1 1QE Envelope

62 Business

kitty Rose

Lash Zone

Karolina Vilmane Envelope-Open Flat 18 Gloster Ridley Court, 12 St.Anne’s Row, London, Envelope phone-square +4.47553E+11 facebook-square Lash_zone instagram @karolina_lashzone

Lash4ever Alina’s Lash Art Studio Alina Zvirble

Envelope-Open PMU Edward Street ,Moorefield Road, Newbridge, Co. Kildare Envelope phone-square +851654955 GLOBE facebook-square Lash4ever Alina’s Lash Art Studio instagram @lash4ever_alinas_lash_ar

Lashes by Livvy Olivia Jay

Envelope-Open 12, Crate, 15 Oakwood Hill Industrial Estate, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3TZ Envelope phone-square +0203 829 5990 GLOBE instagram @lashesbylivvy

Lash Famous

Gemma Edmonson Envelope-Open Knebworth, Hertfordshire Envelope GLOBE instagram @lash_famous

Felicity Turner

LL Training Academy Poppy Bayliss

Envelope-Open 78 Lytham Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR23AQ Envelope instagram @lashesbypoppy

London Lash Envelope-Open London Envelope phone-square +44 7495 456 276 GLOBE facebook-square londonlashpro instagram @london_lash_pro

LushlashTraining Academy Studio Emma Louise Smith

Envelope-Open 5 newland street, Witham, Essex CM81DU Envelope phone-square +07543 182838 GLOBE instagram @lushlash_training_academy @lushlash_salons


Elain Sullivan Envelope-Open 14 Goldcrest Road, Liverpool, L31 1LT Envelope

Malgorzata Cholewa

Envelope-Open 52 Stewartstown Avenue, Belfast, BT11 9GE Envelope

Envelope-Open Rugby Business Centre Suite No 8, 21-23 Clifton Road, Rugby, England, CV21 3PY Envelope facebook-square londonlashpro glamourlookstudio instagram @glamour look studio

Lessons in Lash Artistry


Envelope-Open 8 Marion Crescent, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 7DY Envelope

Envelope-Open 18 Fairview Close, Hythe SO455EX Envelope

Lavilash by Michelle Michelle McDonald

Rachel Bridges

Hannah Gregory

Maya’s Lash Studio & Academy Maya Andreea Rehman

Envelope-Open Mirren Court One, 119 Renfrew Road, Paisley, PA34 4EA Envelope phone-square +7986987988 GLOBE facebook-square maya_lashstudio instagram @maya_lashstudio

Queenys Russian Lashes Beauty & Training Academy Danielle Lunn

Envelope-Open 136 Cosford Crescent Castle Vale Birmingham B35 6QE Envelope

RW Lavish

Rebecca Willis

The Lash Trainers

Kylie Benyon and Jazmine Oastler Envelope-Open 35 Shelford Road Milton Southsea Portsmouth Hampshire Envelope facebook-square The Lash Trainers instagram @KJthelashtrainers

The Lash Trainers Dovile Balioniene

Envelope instagram @michelleryanlashes

Envelope-Open 75 Newhouse Crescent, WD25 7HU, Watford, Hertfordshire Envelope phone-square +7305998450 GLOBE instagram @rwlavish

Million Lashes Professional

Sarah Bran Lash Academy

Envelope GLOBE instagram @Million Lashes

Envelope-Open Southampton Envelope facebook-square Sarah Bran Lash and Brow Artist instagram @sarahbran_lashbrowartist

Envelope-Open Chelmsford, CM2 Envelope GLOBE facebook-square theprolashacademy instagram @theprolashacademy

Michelle Mitchell Michelle Ryan


Nevaeh Lashes Training Academy Ellie-May Baker

Envelope-Open The Glamour Pit, 178 Queens Drive, Liverpool, L4 6XD Envelope

On the Lash by Jo Cooke

Jo Cooke (Joanne Aydogan)

Sarah Bran

Sarah Crawford

Envelope-Open Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 3PN, 17 Wellington Drive, UK Envelope GLOBE instagram @tiamolashes

Tee Pee Lashes Academy

TPR Lashes

Envelope-Open 54 Penlan View, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 8NJ Envelope

Envelope-Open 114 Victoria West, FY53LG Envelope

The Golden Lash by Katherine Vitoria

Miranda Tarpey

Patsy Lash Academy

Katherine Vitoria

Patsy Lashes Penny Lewis

Envelope-Open 41 Chedworth Crescent, Little Hulton Manchester, Lancashire, M38 9FH, United Kingdom Envelope phone-square +44 7570 115741 GLOBE facebook-square patsylashes instagram @patsylashes_

Jenna Neil

Envelope-Open The old coach house, Farleigh Wallop, Basingstoke, R425 ZHT Envelope sarahcrawfordlashesandbrows@

Tara Pembridge

Envelope-Open 41 Chedsworth Cresent, M389FH Envelope GLOBE

The Pro Lash Academy

Tiamo Lashes Studio Sarah Crawford Lash Academy Audrone Smigelskiene

Envelope-Open 29 Eastville Road, Wakefield, WF4 1AX Envelope GLOBE facebook-square onthelashbyjobreeze instagram @onthelashbyjobreeze

Penny Lewis

Envelope-Open 68 Ethridge Road, Loughton, London, IG10 2HY Envelope

Danielle Isaksen

UK Lash Institute

Envelope-Open 708 Wimborne Road, BH92EG Envelope phone-square +7415534843 GLOBE instagram @the_goldenlash @katherinevitoriamakeup

Envelope-Open Suite 2E, Britannia House, Leagrave Road, Luton Bedfordshire, LU3 1RJ Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344 324 GLOBE facebook-square Uk-Lash-Institute instagram @uklashinstitute

The Lash Girl

VanitĂŠ Studios

Envelope-Open Unit 1 Cross Crown Street, Cleckheaton, Bradford Envelope instagram @thelashgirl_

Envelope-Open 33 Ivy Graham Close, Manchester, M40 3AS Envelope

Bethan Aitken

Sabrina Benkhalifa

Business 63

Vanity Lash

Hannah Gardner Envelope-Open Upper 28 Market Place, Bingham, NG13 BAN, Nottingham Envelope GLOBE facebook-square VanityLashUK instagram @Officialvanitylash

Vera Popa

Teodora Veronica Popa

Lash Dolls Beauty and Training Academy Karen Grehan Richardson


Envelope-Open Suite 2, The courtyard, Ratoath Co Meath, Ireland Envelope phone-square +3.53853E+11 facebook-square Lashdolls2 instagram @Lashdolls2

BeautyLounge STHLM

Lashes Love

Envelope-Open 89 Stevenage Road, London, Niamh Bergin SW6 6QS Envelope-Open Ballybrack, Co.Dublin Envelope Envelope instagram @vera.popa GLOBE facebook-square lasheslove_ie Zivile Tautkiene instagram @_nailsandlashesbyniamh

Zivile Tautkiene

Envelope-Open 87 Drumalane Park, Newry, BT35 8AT Envelope instagram @vera.popa


Coco Tan Tanning Studio Kamila Kraska

Luscious Lash Extensions Claire Ryan

Envelope-Open Unit 3/4 Glanmire Business Park, Glanmire, Co. Cork Envelope phone-square +083/1383218 facebook-square LusciousLashExtensions instagram @lusciouslashextensions

Envelope-Open Unit 2b block A Courtyard, Shopping Million Lashes Professional Centre, Newbridge, CO KILDARE, Betty W12WT38 Envelope-Open 106 Lagan Road,Glasnevin, D11TX99, Envelope Dublin, Ireland Envelope Devilash GLOBE Monika Wojtysiak facebook-square Million Lashes Envelope-Open Unit 27 Terryland House, galway, instagram @Million_lashes_Ireland Ireland Envelope phone-square +085 248 7390 GLOBE facebook-square lashluvgalway instagram @lashluv_galway

Egoist Beauty

Jolanta Boruszek Envelope-Open 56 Clonlea Mount Oval Village, Rochestown, Cork, T12WK3R Envelope GLOBE instagram @Egoistbeautylashes

Lash academy by Magda Frost Magda Frost

instagram @magdafrost_lashstudio

64 Business


Paulina Szymanska Paulina Szymanska

Envelope-Open 12 Thomas street, 2nd floor, Limerick Envelope

Ritzy Eyes

Donata Jucyte Envelope-Open Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15EF82, Ireland Envelope phone-square +44 831 040 220 GLOBE facebook-square ritzyeyesstudio instagram @ritzyeyes

Elisabeth Bexter

Envelope-Open Sweden, Amsterdam Envelope phone-square +46 8 650 1551 GLOBE facebook-square beautyloungesthlm instagram @ bybexter


Beauty Queens Daisy Krikemans

Envelope-Open Beerse, Belgium Envelope phone-square +32 497899424 GLOBE facebook-square BEAUTYQUEENSPRO instagram @daisy_krikemans

Shey Lashey’s Shey Peral

Envelope-Open Eikenlei 107, 2960 Sint-Job-in-‘T-Goor Envelope phone-square +32 (0)3 344 69 29 GLOBE facebook-square LaSheysLLA instagram @lashey_s


VIP Lashes Academy Petya Stoyanova

Envelope-Open UL. “Vasil Levski” 16, 8000 Burgas Center, Burgas, Bulgaria Envelope phone-square +359 89 505 8281 GLOBE facebook-square viplashesacademy instagram @viplashes_academy



PNNB Academy

Lash Inc Italia

Envelope-Open Peter Bangs Vej 74, 2000 Envelope phone-square +4542203298 GLOBE facebook-square pnnblashacademy instagram @pnnblashacademy

Envelope-Open Via Nosate 74 Envelope instagram @carlagiannotti_lashartist

Marie Mary Christiane Pasnin


Sophie lash and brow studio Sofja Smatko

Envelope-Open Estonia, Harjumaa, Tallinn, Narva mnt, 7A - 208, 10117 Envelope phone-square +37255551082 GLOBE facebook-square instagram


Salon Styleteam Oy Ripsitukku LashStock Anne Kallio

Carla Giannotti


Charizmatic Lashes Academy Laima Ozola

Envelope-Open Pupuku iela 7-11, Riga Latvia Envelope


Anny’s lashes

Onutė Juršienė Envelope-Open Vido Maciuleviciaus street 51, Vilnius Envelope phone-square +37067173484 GLOBE instagram

Blakstienųstilizavimo Namai Greta Žemaitaitiene

Envelope-Open Tiltu gatvė 6, Klaipėda Envelope

TD Lashes

Dorota Tomaszewska Envelope-Open Naujulu Kalvelly 2-OJI.G22 Vilnius, LT13212 Lietuva Envelope phone-square +37067664421 GLOBE facebook-square Blakstienu Priauginimo Kursai.Step by Step Studio.Aida Danielė instagram @araida37

UAB Grandis LT (Beauty & You) Mr. Rolandas Raudys

Envelope-Open Sparnu str. 9A, LT-46283, Kaunas Envelope phone-square +37062025055 GLOBE facebook-square Beauty&You Professional instagram @beautyyouschool


Fitore R. Kalludra Fitore R. Kalludra

Envelope-Open Friisebrygga 2, 3921 Porsgrunn Envelope

Michaela Boyanova

Envelope-Open Hämeentie 14 LH 324240 Salo Envelope phone-square +35 840 084 3454 GLOBE facebook-square Salon-Styleteam-Oy instagram @styleteamoy

MB “ILGALAIKIO MAKIAZO STUDIJA” Envelope-Open Ukmerges 21-3, KAUNAS, Lithuania Envelope phone-square +37067772784 GLOBE

Envelope-Open Kristiansands hudpleie AS Kristiansand 4612 Henrik Wergelands, Gt 11 Envelope phone-square +4792515683 GLOBE instagram @michaela_lashmaker


MB Beauty School “Chilivanila”


American Lash Lounge (The lash Academy) A. Natascha Morgan

Envelope-Open Ludwigstr. 3 66849 Landstuhl Envelope phone-square +0172-612 0398 GLOBE facebook-square instagram @the.lashacademy

Sonata Adomaviciene

Jurgita Mankevičienė

Envelope-Open Laisvės alėja 28-1, Kaunas LT 44238 Envelope

Step By Step Studio Aida Danielė

Envelope-Open Taikos pr. 51, Klaipėda, Lithuania, LT-91150 Envelope phone-square +370 675 93300 GLOBE facebook-square Blakstienu Priauginimo Kursai.Step by Step Studio.Aida Danielė instagram @araida37

Michaela Boyanova

Star Lash Academy

Agnieszka Kwiatkowska Envelope-Open Sowińskiego 1 30-524 city: Kraków Envelope phone-square +48883676941 GLOBE instagram @starlashAcademy

Business 65



HappyLashes & Beauty SRL

Lana Slatina

Envelope-Open Str. Emil Garleanu Nr. 12, Bloc A1, Scara 2, Ap. 37, Sector 3, Bucuresti, 31161, Romania Envelope phone-square +40720480660 GLOBE facebook-square happylashes instagram @happylashesro

Envelope-Open C/ Urquiza 3 - 4 i, 28017 Madrid, Madrid, Spain Envelope phone-square +34 685 565 071 GLOBE facebook-square lana.slatina instagram @lanaslatina


Yulia Yarkova

Iutis Georgiana

Arche Lash Academy Envelope-Open Krasnodar, Geroy Sarabeeva 3/1 Envelope

Lash School «LOTUS» Aisha Jagieva

Envelope-Open The city of Vladikavkaz, Costa 180 Avenue Envelope facebook-square elashesandnails instagram @aisha_lashess

Svetlana Slatina Leontieva

My Style

Envelope-Open Paseig San Gervasio 16 Envelope phone-square +34690018004 instagram @mystyle_bcn

Australia & New Zealand


AusAsena Artistry Mia Quach

Envelope phone-square +61416566556 Lash School by V.Sudilovskaya GLOBE Valeriia Sudilovskaya-Diachuk facebook-square Asenaartistry Envelope-Open Russia, Simferopol, Chehova 4, 295011 instagram @asenaartistry Envelope Beauty Box phone-square +79788077809 Megan Moon GLOBE Envelope-Open Shop: 9, 19 Railway Street, facebook-square Valerie Sudilovskaia Mudgeeraba. instagram @lash_house_crimea Envelope @v_sudilovskaya phone-square +0411 063 756 GLOBE International Lash & Brow facebook-square beautyboxone Design Academy instagram @beautyboxlashesandbrows

Levchuk Irina Mikhailovna,

Envelope-Open Kiyevskoye Shosse, 1, Moscow Oblast Envelope phone-square +7 916 601-09-10 GLOBE facebook-square volumelashes instagram @lashandbrow_academy

Get Lashed by Tayla Tayla Perrin

Envelope-Open 5 Beach Road, Coolum Beach, QLD 4573 Envelope


Envelope-Open 28 Coleford Road, Wellard, WA Envelope GLOBE facebook-square ibeautiqlashesbrows instagram @ibeautiqlashesbrows

66 Business

Lash Xtend

Amy Williams Envelope-Open 16/344 Bilsen Road, Geebung QLD 4034 Envelope phone-square +61449602750 GLOBE facebook-square lashxtendbeauty instagram @ lashextend

Lashes On Point Pty Ltd Nina Andrews

Envelope-Open Shop 4, 80 Hazel Glen Drive, Doreen, VIC 3754 Envelope phone-square +0439 369 908 GLOBE facebook-square lashesonpointsalon instagram @lashesonpointsalon

MYSTIQ | Lash Professional Sasha Ryan

Envelope-Open Coomera, Gold Coast, Australia 4270 Envelope phone-square +61412736553 GLOBE facebook-square mymystiq instagram @ my_mystiq

NHMLASH Studio Nadia Southon

Envelope-Open Shop 2b/8 Carrara Street, Mount Gravatt East 4122 Envelope phone-square +61452433374 GLOBE facebook-square nhmlash instagram @nhmlash

RM Lash and Beauty

Rimvita Marcinkeviciute Envelope-Open 20/650 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Envelope phone-square +61 424382379 GLOBE facebook-square RM Lash and Beauty instagram @rm_lashes_sydney @sydney_rm_eyelash_training

Whiplash Academy Mae Day Watson

Envelope-Open 188 Reynolds Road, Mt Pleasant WA 6153 Envelope

New Zealand


Lisa Gillanders Envelope-Open 50 Park Road, Greenmeadows, Napier 4112, New Zealand Envelope phone-square +64275456106 GLOBE facebook-square LashWorx Products and Training instagram @ lashworx2213

North America


Beauty lash Academy (Beauty Lash Mexico)

Patricio Simroth (Cristina Palacios) Envelope-Open Ave. Revolución #2703, Colonia Ladrillera C.P. 64830, Monterrey Nuevo León, México. Envelope phone-square +(81) 81031150 GLOBE facebook-square Beauty Lash Mexico YT: Beauty Lash instagram @beautylashmex


Carolina Zamorano Envelope-Open Av 31 Oriente #2022, L104, 72530 Envelope instagram @lalashionista

Lash Dolls Milwaukee Rebecca Hart

Envelope-Open 329 Glen Echo Ln, Unit F, Cary, NC 27518 Envelope phone-square +414-207-2889 GLOBE facebook-square lashdollsmke instagram @lashdollsmke

Lashley Academy Ashley Hoang

Envelope-Open 10401 N Scottsdale Rd, Rm 140, Scottsdale, AZ 85253-1428 Envelope

Lux Lashes by CC Chantee Collins

Envelope GLOBE facebook-square Luxhairlashesbycc instagram @luxlashesbycc


United States of America

Elite Lash Society

Chic Lash Bar

Envelope-Open 11230 122 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5M 0B7, Canada Envelope GLOBE

Envelope-Open 39872 Los Alamos Rd. #A8 Murrieta, Oleanders Products Training CA92562 Center Envelope Gina Williams phone-square +951-878-0907 Envelope-Open 134 Evergreen Pl, East Orange, New GLOBE Jersey, 07018 instagram @chic_lash_bar Envelope phone-square +18772734153 Coco Lash Lounge Inc GLOBE Nicole Riera Envelope-Open 7930 citrus garden drive #107 Tampa facebook-square oleanderspi Florida 33625 instagram @optrainingcenter Envelope @oleanderspi phone-square +813-391-1159 GLOBE Ooh La Lashes facebook-square Coco Lash Lounge Gloria Mazaheri instagram @cocolashloungeinc Envelope-Open 616 Paxton Place, Suite 102, Lititz,


Flair Lashes

Marta Ientilucci Envelope-Open 19 Skeleton Street, Orangeville Envelope phone-square +14168808237 GLOBE

My Lash Empire Jamie Diedrick

Envelope-Open 49 Yorkland Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4C 9Z4, Canada Envelope

Tracy Scrima Envelope-Open 8 Jonathan Road, Burlington, MA 01803

Maribel Schultz

EyEnvy Lash & Brow Studio Charlene Hatfield Nutter

Envelope-Open 27 Washington Street, Camden, ME04843 Envelope phone-square +(603) 548-0386 +(207) 390-0122 GLOBE facebook-square EyeEnvyCamden instagram @eyenvylashstudio

Oleanders Products LLc &

PA 17543 Envelope phone-square +717-524-7540 GLOBE facebook-square Ooh-La-Lashes-by-Gloria-Mazaheri instagram @oohlalashesltd

Business 67

The Lash Beauty Lash Parlour

iLash Cosmetics

Envelope-Open 9705 South Dixie Hwy Miami, Fl, 33156 Envelope phone-square +(786) 942- 3385 GLOBE facebook-square lashbparlour instagram @@lashbparlour

Envelope-Open Kennet str 9, Knysna, 6571 Envelope phone-square +27 825666481 GLOBE facebook-square ilashextensions instagram @ilashcosmetics

Kenya Green


South Africa

Dollface Lash Artistry Jessica Cik

Envelope-Open 25 Tredoux Street Beyers Park Boksburg Envelope phone-square +817045265 GLOBE facebook-square dollfacesouthafrica instagram @dollface_eyelash_extensions

Flirt & Flutter

Lauren Gottscho Envelope instagram @Flirtandflutter27

Glama-Lash Academy Mirelle Dianne Neto

Elizna Tripkovic

Lash and Beauty Room/ Academy Emma Justine Brink

Envelope-Open 8 Riebeek Street, Chelsea Village, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800 Envelope phone-square +27 21 761 2181 +27 82 770 3628 GLOBE facebook-square lashandbeautyacademy instagram @lashandbeautyroom @lashandbeautyacademy

The lash & Brow Institute Lisa Telo

Envelope-Open Shop 3, The Urban Beauty Lounge - Wembley Square 1, Capetown Envelope

The Lash Collection Academy Carla Crafford

Envelope-Open 11 Liebenberg Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale,1609, Gauteng Envelope phone-square +27 825614733 GLOBE instagram @mirelledianneneto

Envelope-Open Unit 41 Woodbridge Business Park, Milnerton, Cape Town Envelope phone-square +002721 5551517 GLOBE facebook-square TheLashCollectionSA instagram @TheLashCollectionSA

I.V.Lashes Professional Eyelash Extensions

Urban Girl Lash Academy

Irena Vidmich

Envelope-Open 39 Island View Bloubergstrand, Cape Town Envelope phone-square +2.70631E+11 facebook-square ivlashescapetown instagram @i.v.lashes

EJ Visser

Envelope-Open Girlzguyz beauty 30 Blaauwberg Rd Blouberg, blouberg, Capetown, Western Cape, 7441 Envelope

Wink & Whisper Falon Johnson

Envelope-Open 52 Kingfisher Drive, Fourways, Johannesburg, South Africa Envelope GLOBE facebook-square Wink and Whisper instagram @wink_whisper

Kylie Chandler Envelope-Open 25 Kruger Drive, Craighall Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2196 Envelope

Worldwide & Online

Blink by Vick Limited Kate Friedman

Envelope GLOBE facebook-square blinkbyvicky instagram @blinkbyvick

Elvyra’s Beauty Elvyra Auguste

instagram @elvyraauguste

Ewii Beauty Salon & Academy Ewelina Apanel

phone-square +7703678990 instagram @ewii_beauty

Grande Beauty Academy Roberta Grande


IM Beauty Academy Ltd Inga Misiute

Envelope GLOBE facebook-square inga.beautician instagram @immaculatelashes

Kukla Aesthetics

Ramunė Loseva (KUKLA) Envelope


Pretty Pea Lashes Lauren Hilton

instagram @prettypealashes

Silvija Lash Academy Sylva O


Vivi Beauty Lounge Vaida Cepliauskaite

Envelope instagram @vivi_beauty_lounge

Greta Žemaitaitiene Envelope

Erika Ramonaite Envelope

68 Business

Training Directory

I.Nova Studio

United Kingdom

Jojo Nails & Beauty Trainings

Artistic Fur

Ksenia Karnejenko Envelope-Open Glasgow, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7411427010 GLOBE instagram @ ksenia_karnejenko a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

AV Passion Beauty

Agata Vinckevic Envelope-Open Hampton, London Envelope phone-square +44 7772333995 instagram @agata_lashartist a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

UK Beauty Retreat

Kerry Kehoe Envelope-Open Hull, Yorkshire Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344324 GLOBE facebook-square /beautyretreathull instagram lashbrowretreat a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Inese Stepanova Envelope-Open Exmouth, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7580 120 587 instagram @ a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Joanna Piechaczyk Envelope-Open Northamptonshire phone-square +44 7851 074 552 GLOBE facebook-square /jojo Nails & Beauty Trainings instagram @Jojo_nails_lashes_training a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t


Jeneer Chandler Envelope-Open Hertfordshire Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344324 GLOBE facebook-square /lashtheticsherts instagram lastheticsherts

Renata Fodor-Csuti Envelope phone-square +44 7555 481 857 GLOBE facebook-square /bestlashesandbrowsworldwide instagram @ bestlashesandbrows a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Cardrew Ind. Est, Redruth, TR15 1SS

Envelope phone-square +44 7875 436 054 GLOBE facebook-square /ilashtique instagram @ ilashtique a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Lash & Brow Secrets

Darja Striletskaja Envelope-Open Hornsey, London Envelope phone-square +44 7926 198 718 GLOBE instagram @ lashandbrowsectrets a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

East Anglian Beauty Training Maureen Blackman Envelope-Open Norwich, Norfolk, NR6 Envelope phone-square +44 7717 257 756 GLOBE facebook-square /eastanglianbeautytraining a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Lash City London

Zey Ozbayir Envelope-Open New Southgate, London Envelope phone-square +44 7926 198 718 GLOBE facebook-square /Lash-City-London instagram Lashcitylondon a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Glam Lashes

Marta Wiatr Envelope-Open Norfolk, UK Envelope GLOBE instagram @ glamlashes_bymarta

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

LASHacademy Envelope GLOBE

London Lash Envelope-Open London Envelope phone-square +44 7495456276 GLOBE instagram @ london_lash_pro a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Lash treatments & Training

Misha Patel Envelope-Open Portsmouth, Hampshire Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344324 iLashtique GLOBE Cindy Nicholls facebook-square /lashtntuk/ Envelope-Open Room 21, West Cornwall Enterprise Centre, instagram lash_treatments_n_training

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Best Lashes&Brows (Best L&B Ltd)

Lash Lady Scunthorpe

Joanna Staniul Envelope-Open Scunthorpe, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7881 202 465 GLOBE instagram @ lashladyuk

Lash Precision

Vicky Bridger Envelope-Open Worthing, Sussex Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344324 GLOBE facebook-square /lashprecision/ instagram @lashprecision a c e o b m / fo / k.p :th t

London Lash Manchester

Ludmila Lazdovska Envelope-Open Manchester Envelope phone-square +44 7874 909 728 instagram @ london_lash_manchester a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Samantha Rose

Samantha Houghton Envelope-Open Blackburn, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7701086502 GLOBE instagram @samantharose_salon a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Business 69

Shiny Lashes

Katarzyna Kotlarz Envelope-Open Birmingham, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7843906484 GLOBE instagram @shinylashesbirmingham a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t


Annya Studio

Anna Slufirski Envelope-Open Tallagh, Dublin 24, Ireland Envelope facebook-square /annyasstudio instagram @annyastudio a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

UK Lash Institute

Ms Diva

Miranda Tarpey Envelope Envelope-Open Suite 2E, Britannia House, Leagrave phone-square 0870 991 991 Road, Luton Bedfordshire, LU3 1RJ GLOBE Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344 324 Ritzy Eyes GLOBE Donata Jucyte instagram uklashinstitute Envelope-Open Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate, a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Wink Lash Bar

Marie Darbyshire Envelope-Open Bolton, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7971566985 GLOBE instagram @winklashbars a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

May’d Beautiful

Donna May Envelope-Open North Wales & Essex Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344 324 facebook-square /maydbeautiful/ instagram @mayd_beautiful

Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland

Envelope phone-square 0831 040 220 USA

Beverly Hills Lashes Envelope phone-square +1 (310) 500-0551 GLOBE facebook-square /beverlyhillslashes instagram @ beverlyhillslashes TWITTER-SQUARE @ bevhillslashes PINTEREST /bevhillslashes a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

c o m .e r/ttw / t/ ip :th t

Envelope phone-square +44 7714 638405 GLOBE

Michelle Ryan Envelope phone-square +44 7825 924 920 GLOBE

Sarah Humphreyson Envelope-Open 15 Drake Mill Business Park,

Plymouth PL6 7PS Envelope phone-square +44 1752 771 112 GLOBE facebook-square /eyelashqueenplymouth instagram @eyelashqueenplymouth a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

MaiLash & Brows

Mai Le Envelope-Open Scottsdale, AZ Envelope phone-square +1 (480) 404-0092 GLOBE

PINKLAB INC. phone-square 877-623-0037 GLOBE

San Diego Eyelash Extensions Olga Villarreal Envelope-Open 12935 Pomerado Road, Poway,

CA 92064

Envelope phone-square +1 (619) 438-5770 GLOBE facebook-square /sdeyelash instagram @sdeyelash TWITTER-SQUARE @sdeyelash PINTEREST sdeyelash a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

c o m .e r/ttw / t/ ip :th t

70 Business

Envelope phone-square +1 (818) 970–7151 GLOBE

SkinCare Fundamentals

Stephanie Frey Envelope-Open 200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo,

CA 94572

Envelope phone-square +1 (888) 388-7546 GLOBE facebook-square /skincarefundamentals instagram @skincarefun a c e o b m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t


Bambola Lash Beauty

Melissa Vitale Envelope phone-square +1 (647) 404 5450 GLOBE

Estilo Lash

Kim Helgesen-Fuentes Envelope-Open Mackenzie, BC Envelope phone-square +1 (250) 615-1232 GLOBE facebook-square estilolashmobileeyelashextensions a c e o b m / fo / k.p :th t

c o m .e tse rn tp /i/p :th t

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Frankie Widdows

Sinful Lashes

Lash Out Beauty

Amanda Masi Envelope-Open 98 Fermar Dr Vaughan, Ontario Envelope phone-square (416) 910 1044

Luxe Lash Academy Envelope-Open Vancouver, British Columbia Envelope phone-square +1 (778) 808–5572 GLOBE facebook-square /luxeacademy a c e o b m / fo / k.p :th t

Premium Products and Quality Training Envelope phone-square +1 (403) 999–4455

Kim Helgesen-Fuentes Envelope-Open 23 Heather cres , Mackenzie BC Envelope phone-square 1 (250)615-1232


Enchanted S.P.A Envelope-Open 1/7 Wise Sreet, Joondalup,

Western Australia, 6027 Envelope phone-square +61 1300 113 996 GLOBE

Lash Xtend

Amy Williams Envelope-Open 16/344 Bilsen Road, Geebung

Qld 4034

Envelope phone-square +61449602750 GLOBE facebook-square /lahxtendbeauty instagram @ lashextend a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t


Lisa Gillianders Envelope-Open 50 Park Road, Greenmeadows,

Napier 4112, New Zealand Envelope phone-square +64275456106 GLOBE

Asena Artistry

Mia Quach Envelope phone-square +61416566556 GLOBE facebook-square /asenaartistry instagram @asenaartistry


Beauty Queens

Daisy Krikemans Envelope-Open Beerse, Belgium Envelope phone-square +32 497899424 GLOBE instagram @daisy_krikemans a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t


MYLASHCOMPANY Envelope-Open Beringsvej 7, 7500 Holstebro, Denmark Envelope phone-square +45 5070 2543 GLOBE Finland

Salon Styleteam Oy / Ripsitukku / LashStock

Anna Kallio Envelope-Open Hämeentie 14 LH 324240 Salo Envelope phone-square +35 840 084 3454 GLOBE instagram @styleteamoy a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t


Supplier Directory United Kingdom

Best Lashes&Brows®

Renata Fodor-Csuti Envelope phone-square +44 7555 481 857 GLOBE facebook-square /bestlashesandbrowsworldwide instagram @ bestlashesandbrows a c e o b m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Golden Eyelashes Ltd. Envelope phone-square +44 7522 168 750 GLOBE golden–

Lash Heaven GLOBE

Lash Perfect Envelope phone-square +44 208 500 9028 GLOBE

LASHacademy Training & Products Envelope GLOBE

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t


Nadia Southon Envelope-Open Shop 2b/8 Carrara Street,

Mount Gravatt East 4122 Envelope phone-square +61452433374 GLOBE facebook-square /nhmlash instagram @ nhmlash

Beautifeye By Jules- Lash Boutique (glyfada- attikaGreece)

Julia Chatzopoulou Envelope-Open Glyfáda, Greece Envelope phone-square 0030 694472 5646 instagram @ beautifeye_by_jules a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

LashBase Ltd Envelope-Open Unit 1 Stratfield Park, Elettra Avenue,

Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7

Envelope phone-square +44 239 225 1425 GLOBE facebook-square /lashbase instagram @ lashbase_ltd TWITTER-SQUARE @ lashbase a c e o b m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

c o m .e r/ttw / t/ ip :th t

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Lashes on Point

Nina Andrews Envelope-Open Shop 4, 80 Hazel Glen Drive,

Doreen, VIC 3754

Envelope phone-square +61439369908 GLOBE facebook-square /lashesonpointsalon instagram @ lashesonpointsalon a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t


My Beautiful Eyes

Milano Royal Lashes

Anna Orlova Envelope-Open Milan, Itlay Envelope phone-square +39 347 044 8332 GLOBE instagram @anna.orlova.royal.lashes

Envelope GLOBE

Nouveau Lash

Nouveau Beauty Group phone-square +44 844 801 6820 GLOBE

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

VZ Hair and Glamour Ltd Envelope phone-square +44 7554 925 551 GLOBE Business 71


Elite Lash Academy Envelope-Open Mall Road, Monaghan, Ireland Envelope phone-square +353 868 593 699 GLOBE

Glamour Lashes Ireland

Novalash Envelope phone-square +1 (866) 430–1261 GLOBE

PremierLash – designer lashes™ Envelope phone-square +1 (877) 366-5274 GLOBE

Envelope phone-square +353 872 974 781 GLOBE

RevitaLash® Cosmetics

USA & Canada

Envelope GLOBE

Angel Eyelashes Envelope GLOBE


Sinful Lashes Envelope phone-square +1 (818) 970–7151 GLOBE

SkinCare Fundamentals Kimberly Jaynes Envelope-Open 353 Pierpont Ave, Saltlake City, UT 84101 Envelope-Open 200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo, CA 94572 Envelope Envelope phone-square 801-735-2439 GLOBE phone-square +1 (888) 388-7546 GLOBE facebook-square /borboletabeauty facebook-square /skincarefundamentals instagram @ borboletabeauty instagram @skincarefun a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Boutique Lash Company Envelope phone-square +1 (780) 266–3875 GLOBE

Eye and Lash Health Institute Ellie Malmin Envelope phone-square 561 358 5999 GLOBE instagram @ellielashes a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

Hot Lashes

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

SkynLash Academy Envelope-Open NJ USA Envelope phone-square +1 (732) 618–2096 GLOBE

Sugar Lash Pro GLOBE facebook-square /sugarlashPRO a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

Sweet Lash Envelope-Open 377 Marshall Way N #1, Layton,

Envelope phone-square +1 (403) 999–4455 GLOBE

Lash Affair by J.Paris

The Lashe, Inc.

Envelope phone-square +1 (800) 608-2420 GLOBE

Lash FX

Jill Heijligers-Peloquin Envelope-Open 2147 E Willis Road Gilbert, Arizona 85297 Envelope phone-square 1-855-4-LASHFX GLOBE

72 Business

UT 84041

Envelope GLOBE Envelope-Open 6321 N Avondale Ave., Suite 206,

Chicago, IL 60631 Envelope phone-square +1 (773) 202-9399 GLOBE facebook-square /thelashe instagram @thelashe TWITTER-SQUARE @thelashe

Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc.

Viengsamay Kettavong Envelope phone-square +1 (619) 800-4429 GLOBE facebook-square /ultimatelashbrowusa a c e o b m / fo / k.p :th t


Enchanted SPA Envelope-Open 1/7 Wise Sreet, Joondalup, Western

Australia, 6027

Envelope phone-square +61 1300 113 996 GLOBE Netherlands

Lash eXtend Envelope phone-square 033–4450323 GLOBE South Africa

Luscious Lashes International Envelope phone-square +27 72 338 7000 GLOBE

The Lash Collection Envelope GLOBE Bulgaria

EBC Limited Envelope-Open 26 Prilep Str, Varna 9000, Bulgaria Envelope phone-square +359 5260 4073 GLOBE Thailand

Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc.

Viengsamay Kettavong Envelope phone-square +619 800 4429 GLOBE facebook-square /ultimatelashbrowusa a c e o b m / fo / k.p :th t

a c e b o m / fo / k.p :th t

a m g n rc tso m / i./p /:th t

c o m .e r/ttw / t/ ip :th t

Want to get listed in our supplier directory? Email for details!

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