Lash Inc United Kingdom - Issue 7 - Pre-release

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ISSUE 1 2019

United Kingdom


Welcome 1 Letter from The Editor 2 Meet Team Lash Inc. Lashes Evolutionary Education is 5 Powered by Steam 7


Lash Pro Contest 2019: Lash Art Online

11 Moving Time 13 Magnetic Lashes Lash Fact or Fiction: 15 Misconceptions in the Lash



17 Emerging Trends Scheme Helping 19 Graduate Students Build Confidence 21 How To Choose Good Training 23 Anja Weiss Metrics Follow Ratio 25 Instagram Calculator


31 39 10

41 43 45

Reader Gallery 10 Lash Lies and the Truth Behind Them Lash Extensions Make My Lashes Shorter! Intellectual Property: The Essential Info A Tiny Blip, Not a Breakup: Dirty Lashes

Business Five Effective Ways to Improve 49 Your Customer Service 47


Seasonal Hair Loss and its Effects on your Eyelashes

NovaLash launches London 27 Volume!


Tips on How to Write the 50 6Catchiest Instagram Captions

53 Events Calendar 54 Lash Inc Accredited Directory 59 Training Directory 61 Supplier Directory

The Editor

Letter from

Welcome to this quarters issue of Lash Inc. In this issue, we asked our writers about the Lash Myths & Misconceptions they come across most often. The same misconceptions are universal no matter what country we looked at. Some statements you will know to be false others might surprise you. The Lash Industry is changing at a rapid pace, and we must always keep up to date, as information that we thought to be true a few years also might now be proven to be false. Also, in this issue, we dive a little deeper into Instagram and give you some tips that will help on your journey to Influencer status. As we are on the topic of Instagram, I would like to thank all our @lashinc readers for helping us reach over 40,000 followers. As we move into August, we are ramping up the preparations for @ worldlashday on 23rd October. This year we are organizing an event in Glasgow, Scotland in the United Kingdom. If you are in Europe, I hope you will book your ticket to our conference and World Lash Day Party. We can’t wait to celebrate this day with you. Should you wish to organize your own Word Lash Day event, please tag us on Instagram at @Worldlashday will share or should you want it to be an official event please direct message @worldlashday, or email check out updates at www.worldlashday. com I hope you enjoy this myth-busting, trend watching, social media helping, issue. Enjoy! Best wishes,

Louise Tierney

Lash Inc International Editor @louise_lashinc @lashinc

Cover Image Photographer - Dana Hamacher Lash Artist - Melania Brd

1 - Welcome

Lash Inc.

Meet Team

Wendy Maltman

Louise Tierney

Our Senior

Cathy Rodgers





Charlene Nutter

Jessika Aude Gautier

Molly O’Bryant

Nina Andrews

Shey Peral

Martina Kallos

Chantee Collins

Danielle Lunn

Sarah Humphreyson

Angelina Salacinski

Lola Lashes

Mary Jean Javier

Roberta Grande

Contributors Alena Skodic

Anja Weiss

Published by: Lash Inc Axiom Building Lash Inc, 102B 48-54 Washington Street Glasgow G3 8AZ Contact Name: Louise Tierney Contact Email:

Jill HeijligersPeloquin

Melania Brd

/LashInc @LashInc @Lashinc LashIncMedia Welcome - 2

WORLD LASH D AY WO R L D L AS H DAY .CO M Every year on the 23rd of October What will you be doing to promote the lash Industry? #worldlashday


Evolutionary Education is Powered

by Steam

by Jill Heijligers-Peloquin

Every industry relies on change and innovation to evolve and thrive. The beauty industry as a whole, uses nano-technology, plant-based science and whatever cutting edge advances in chemistry available to grab the attention of the beauty consumer and practitioner. The lash industry is an industry founded on skilled artisanship and prizes those that master delicate and intricate technique. At a glance, it’s difficult to think of our industry embracing STEAM Power.... until you see that is the way we move forward as a respected, and lucrative career choice. S.T.E.M. Theory is familiar to those who have children in the modern school system: S =Science, T=Technology, E=Engineering and M=Math. Enter ART. Without art, our industry fails to serve the beauty customer. So, we endeavor - at the educator’s level to emphasize Science, Technology,

Engineering, Art and Math— let’s go down that rabbit hole a little further. Science-based explanations of how our adhesives work, cure, retain and break down serve us well. Educators are embracing science-based teaching instead of lore and industry mythology - which is an excellent start. This alone is a very good track that new lash artists can lean into as they navigate their success journey. Legend and lore do not have reliable methodology or measurable proof of action, interaction and reaction— science does. If your

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theories or tenets are ever challenged in debate (even the good ole ‘social media debate’), only science can hold up to the strain and win; anecdotal truths, folk wisdom and experiential reasoning will not. Technology - the “T Word”! So many lash artists do not yet buy into how technology can simplify our work life. Apps are no longer just for gaming past time; you can manage client appointments, save notations on styling, reserve credit card information and, yet, so much more. True skin tone matching,

facial mapping and even augmented reality before/after consultations can be used. Our future is bright and rife with technological advancements. Business coaching on the Alexa Skills app, and even our very own Lash Inc Media app bring technology with you wherever you and your smart phone roam (roaming charges may apply). Engineering – wait! Lash Artists are ENGINEERS? You bet! Trajectory of lashes, the most stabilizing placement of extensions and the minimization of damage to a natural lash all rely on understanding of Engineering Theory such as leverage, balance and weight distribution. Many of our industry innovators have Engineering backgrounds, believe it or not. The best Engineering makes the impossible possible. Isn’t that what we do as lash artists? Deliver the impossible when it comes to leveraging curl, balancing diameter and distributing effective length to both please the client and maintain healthy, safe standards? A = Art. This is what is lacking in basic education. Foundational studies concentrate on the hard, measurable skills such as accuracy, safety and timing. But the ART of Lashing is often only taught in advanced, continuing education classes (or self-taught by the artistically talented and naturallygifted among us). Art is the parcel of our craft that is a soft skill, measured by pleasure and how we make the client feel. Yes, of course it incorporates color, composition, texture and definition, but the true

artistry is molding a skeptical, unsurehow-to-express-what-she-wants new client into a trusting, loyal and lifelong client. This “ART” - developing the soft skills of success as well as managing and delivering the artistic esthetics and expectations as we interact with our clients and cohorts in business - should be taught and defined early on in the lash education process. Only then can it be refined and perfected as all our other skills and tools are refined and sharpened. The process then becomes an entire, art-enriched journey. Beginning lash artists will know and recognize the power of developing their soft skills as it equates to success (aka happy, loyal clients who pay the prices you set, and recommend your services to others)! Math - In my household “the maths” are both feared and celebrated. The MATH of your lash business reaches into every corner and crevice. Never underestimate the power of “knowing the numbers”. Understanding the mathematics of your business, and learning to love them, help lash artists in many ways. We use Math to decide how long, thick or many lashes we can apply; we use math to figure out our appointment pricing and timing; and we use math to discover our most (and least) profitable services and products, so we can sustain a profitable business model - and so much more. When developing curriculum for lash education - both foundational courses and advanced studies - hold the STEAM theme as your litmus test. Are you covering your manual topics, speaking Science instead of lore, using and

explaining the benefits of Technology, embracing and giving permission to tinker with engineering, nurturing the missing link (Art skills) and helping your students to recognize and familiarize themselves with the Math of success? STEAM powers a more successful business experience for you, your clients and your legacy! Lash long, and prosper!

JHP Jill Heijligers-Peloquin is the owner and founder of Lash FX®️ Global, LashATTRACTION™️ Magic Liner & Magnetic Lashes and the Executive Producer of Lash Inc Media. Follow her on Instagram @lashfxglobal

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Lash Pro Contest 2019: by Alena Skodic

1st place winner: Helena Derheim: I am a lash artist, but I also studied the History of Arts and that's my hobby - ART. I started to draw as a little girl. My mom showed me all the basics and I loved it! After school I started to study education and the history of arts. I learned new ways to paint. My favorite theme is portraits although not realistic ones. I think the idea behind the face shows the soul of a person. This is the one thing that shows how the person naturally is. Now I'm a Lash Artist and Lash Art is my favorite form of art. The base of my work is the acrylic painting as the background. It sets the colors for the whole work. The Lashes have two different blue colors, with red and white highlights. The glitter and the little Swarovski stones let the eyes shine. My costume is the Body Art. Because this represent my hobby and passion. The aim was so that my model would merge with the painting. Or is she the painting?

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Right & left: 1st place winner Helena Derheim

Lash Art Online

2nd place winner: Anna Wanner: When I got to know that the topic for the Lash Pro Contest was 'Hobbies' I had a clear vision and the perfect pictures in my mind. My customer is a really passionate Biker. She always tells me how awesome her hobby is and you can see how she feels by that huge enthusiasm in her eyes.

With this hobby you can be surrounded by nature and enjoy the fresh air. After an exhausting day you just sit on your motorcycle, set off and forget about all your daily worries. You feel the unconditional freedom! The beautiful landscapes you get to see, it's just perfect. In the photo is a great machine which matches with the colors. Just a lovely hobby!

2nd Place Winner Anna Wanner

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3rd place winner: Koshie Iles: I chose "Horse Riding" as my hobby, I used blue .07 C curl in x3 different tones of blue. I also used Brown color lashes mixed in to tie in with the horse. Makeup and Lashes where done by myself and I had someone else do the photography. I used recycled material for the costume made the accessories and hat decorations. The horse was a friends. Horse riding is elegant and healing. You get a lot of stress relief by just being around a horse. I chose to have the model dressed in a big elegant dress to capture this feeling.

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3rd Place Winner Koshie IIes

Featured Lash Artist - Maja Kiprovska



by Shey Peral

LaShey’s Lash Lounge & Academy

It has happened. The time has come to make a change. You realize your working space is too small for you, your clients and your services. You have to choose between keeping things the way they are and be happy about it or take a risk and move your business to a bigger location so you can grow your business. It is scary taking the risk to change your location. There are just so many things to consider. The best way to find out what you want to do is to make lists, but where do you start? We have made a list to help you out!

1. Location

2. Surface

Make a list of all of your customers. Where do they come from? What is their travelling distance? What is their route? Travelling time? Draw this on a map and look if there is a location in the centre that you would like to move to. Is this location affordable? Is it easy to reach? Maybe you want to start in a whole new location, but you might consider the risk that will bring with this decision if it’s really far away from where you are now. You might have to start from scratch. Make sure to tell your customers you are planning a move and what your options are. The feedback will help you a lot in making your own decision.

Once you’ve found your location, it’s important to know how big you’d like it to be. Think about your current services. Are there any other services you would like to add? Do you want to hire staff to create the time to add other services? How much place do you need to make these services happen? What are your ambitions and what might the future bring on a realistic level? When you figure this out, it’s time to do some window shopping. What furniture do you need? Would you like a reception desk? How many toilets? Do you need a kitchen? Do you need a coffee corner? A waiting room? Draw a plan with the needed furniture and figure out how much space will be needed. Don’t shop for colours at this phase just yet!

3. Branding Now you know where you want your new location to be and how big it should be. Time for branding! It’s a new start, maybe it’s time for refreshment and new color branding. Do you still love your logo? Do you want to change colors? Look for some mood boards on Pinterest to help you out. Choose 3 to 5 colors to work with and what mood you want to translate on to your clients. Is it a clinical feel you want to give, or rather cozy, chic, bohemian, nature, ... whatever feel it is, you can go crazy with colors. Time for window shopping again! Look for the furniture in the right color, paint, details, decoration. Make a list of all the prices that you find, this is important for your budgeting. Also, it is important to find out how you want to raise your prices. You need to be able to pay for your new location and this comes with a price change. Consider going from a week to week menu to a price per hour. Let your clients know change is coming.

4. Budgeting Now you know exactly what you want it’s time to look for a place. Are you going to rent or are you buying a place? Go to the bank to see what is possible. Make a list of the places you’d like to visit and write down the info and prices.

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Use Instagram and Facebook stories to keep people posted about your progress. If you are having a hard time choosing between colors of some chairs, post it on your story! Make a countdown. Maybe you should do some opening promotions or make a competition to win a service. Keep everyone interested!

7. The grand opening Enjoy your opening and make it happen. Use all your feedback for any tweaks later on and enjoy the compliments. You’ve worked hard for it and you deserve it!

Together with your other price lists you’ll find out what you need. Keep in mind, you always should have some extra budget for renovation. You might find the ideal location and find out there is still some renovation needed. Think extra walls, new electricity, plumbing, new floors, doors and toilets.

5. Start Planning You have your budget, time to make some calls! Call all the locations you’d like to visit and make lots of pics to review the pros and cons when you get home. When you’ve found your location, start planning dates. How much time do you need to paint, renovate, install furniture, everything? When will you do this? Do you need to plan extra space in your salon schedule? Make sure to notify your clients in time so nobody is disappointed.

Calculate an extra week or two for worst case scenarios! You might have to wait a little longer for your windows, doors, or floor than expected. Time to plan your opening! How big would you like it to be? Do you need decoration? Are you going to cater? What is your capacity? Is there enough parking space? What drinks will you be serving? This all depends on your budget.

You will come across many things you haven’t considered while planning everything. Try to pass your ideas through people you feel are important to you. You might come up with something you haven’t thought about before. Don’t forget your own health. It is a very time-consuming period and we tend to forget to eat, drink or rest. Make time for yourself and your family. Stay motivated and everything will fall into place. Good luck!

@lashey_s @LaShey’s Lash Lounge & Academy web:

6. Marketing and Social media The moment you have your plan all figured out, make sure the world knows! Update your website, update your online booking tool if you have one, update your social media. Send some mails to your client list.

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by Jill Heijligers-Peloquin

It’s so important to keep your nose to the wind - to keep your eyes facing forward - so that you can spot trends that might bring your lash industry business to the next level. Early adopters and pioneers in the lash industry have always been forward thinkers and risk takers, but lash artists and salon owners should also start looking ahead and try to stay abreast of trends so they can prepare their staff members to learn, execute and sell the very, very best of the best in services and products. As a brand owner, educator and lash industry influencer, I want to bring one of the newest product-as-service ideas to the attention of the lash industry. Lash artists who work very hard for their money, can actually cash in on this particular trend, taking ownership of their expertise; becoming the first and ONLY - choice for consumers to turn to when they are curious about

MAGNETIC LASHES These are not the first generation of magnetic lashes. You know, the ones we all wanted so badly to love and to embrace. The new generation of magnetic lashes bond or attach to magnetic, magic, liquid eyeliner! There is no adhesive involved. If you can wear liquid eyeliner, you can wear magnetic lashes on the very first try. The gorgeous lashes seat themselves securely on the eyelid, and they last all day. Go ahead - they pass the wink test, the cry test and even the sneeze test! Another terrific advantage of magnetic lashes and magical liquid liner, is that you can change your lashes with every change of mood - even throughout the same day!

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Eyelash extension wearers are committed to, at minimum, 2-4 weeks of wearing the same style and color of lashes. Magnetic lash wearers can switch from daytime, businessappropriate lengths to evening glamor with a quick switch of lash styles or colors. Change your heels - change your lash! Change your handbag - change your lash! Let your hair down - and let your lashes go extreme! Here’s what sets one magnetic lash company apart from others, and some advice of what to look for in premium magnetic lashes and magic liners: •

Opt for a customized fitting and personal consultation if possible. A professional lash and brow specialist, can help you with the finer points of magnetic lashlife and teach you how to apply them like an expert! If you can’t find a salon or studio near you that offers this couture lash service, at least choose an online company that has clear instructions, explainer videos and a help line or online technical support system in place. You might

very well have questions - and you deserve answers! •

If you live in the USA, buy from a company whose liquid liner is made in the USA in an FDAapproved facility. Remember though, the FDA does NOT regulate cosmetics. If any brand tries to throw around the “F(DA) word”, they are probably trying to pull the wool over your eyes in other respects as well!

If you live in the UK or EU, make sure the eyeliner you buy is manufactured in either the UK or EU and is “EU Compliant”. Ingredients and a responsible party should be clearly listed on the label.

To date, there is no information nor any cases reported of contraindication regarding the use of small magnets on the eyelids, but it is very important to note the ingredients in the eyeliner. If you experience any irritation or discomfort while wearing these products, stop using them. If the

irritation persists or worsens, see an appropriate medical doctor. •

Magnets- especially such tiny, strong magnets, should be kept away from small children. If swallowed, they can cause serious consequences in the intestinal tract.

If the company you choose to purchase your lashes and liners from, state that they “invented” magnetic liner, be wary. All eyeliners and mascaras that contain iron oxides are naturally magnetic. They always have been!

Many lash extension professionals turn away customers whose lashes are too frail or sparse to withstand the weight and application of eyelash extensions. Perhaps they suffer from alopecia or the effects of chemotherapy or reconstructive surgery. Now, lash specialists can say YES to anyone who can wear liquid eyeliner! And they can wear whatever style or length they desire! The customer no longer has to comply with “safe lengths” - they can explore their own taste in lash fashion. There is no stress or damage to be caused by applying or removing magnetic lashes, so long as the eyes are clean and healthy. As always, the best practices for any cosmetic product or service should be observed for the best results. Never apply such eyeliners or lashes to injured, irritated or broken skin. Use gentle, safe and confident motions when applying and removing the lashes and liner. Never, ever, apply liquid eyeliner while in a moving vehicle (or when driving)!

Lash artists are especially curious to know if magnetic lashes can be worn at the same time as wearing lash extensions. Of course! Since the eyeliner, which is applied to the skin of the eyelid, is holding the lashes in place, the lash extension bonds won’t be stressed or sabotaged. It may take a little practice to gently remove the waterproof magic liner so that it doesn’t dredge through the lash extensions or create a dirty build-up around them, but that is easy to practice and learn! The key is to use a gentle, waterproof eye makeup remover (we recommend a silicone makeup remover) with a brush to dissolve and lift away the eyeliner from between the lashes. Voila! Gentle, but thorough eye makeup removal. Please note that it should always be followed by a gentle eyelid and eyelash shampoo cleansing. Clean Magnetic Lashes last longer, look better and make for healthy eyes! For a very long time, lash lovers have been told a lot of “what NOT to do” rules when wearing eyelash extensions. Do NOT sleep on your side or stomach. Do NOT wear waterproof eyeliner. Do NOT use certain makeup removers. You may NOT have lashes that walk into the room two minutes before you do! It’s going to be so liberating for lash artists and clients alike to say YES to any length lashes. To rub your eyes in the morning to your heart’s delight! To sleep face down in your yummy, fluffy pillow once again!

in the mirror. For the client that desires lovely lashes 24/7, lash extensions are here to stay! But if you are a lash professional who would love to serve a broader audience and make more money without being trapped behind the lash table for two hours per client, I’d say it’s time to give magnetic lashes a try yourself. This product-sold-as-a-service could be a game changer for you!! Lash long & Prosper!

Jill Heij ligers-Peloquin

Magnetic Lashes and Liner will never replace lash extension services for the client that needs and wants to see herself looking eyes wide open and 5-10 years younger no matter when she looks

Owner and Founder Lash FX®️ Global Creator of LashATTRACTION™️ Magic Liner & Lashes Executive Producer Lash Inc Media


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Lash Fact or Fiction:

Misconceptions in the Lash Industry by Chantee Collins

Instagram @Luxlashesbycc

As a lash artist, we all have heard tips or learned what we should or should not do in the Lashing. Leaving us wondering if what we heard or have been taught is actually true information.

moisture to the lashes. It will also help increase the retention time and drying time.

Here are a few misconceptions in the Lash industry that we will prove iseither fact or fiction.

4). Learning any new technique takes time & practice

1). Eyelash extensions are a one-size fits all service. Fiction: There are no two people with the same natural lashes and eye shape. Some clients might have healthy strong full lashes which can withstand a thicker diameter lash extension or mega volume. While others have thin, fragile, sparse natural lashes that requires a smaller diameter and less volume. 2). Nano misting after an eyelash t re at ment will c au se shock polymerization if not used correctly.

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Fact: When using a Nano Mister, never apply it immediately to the finished set of lash extensions. Doing so, will shock the adhesive causing it to polymerize and turn the extensions white at the base. Wait at least 5 to 10 minutes after set is completed, then mist the extensions using a ruler length distance between the mister and eye. This will keep you from applying to much moisture to the extensions. 3). Cleansing and priming before lash treatment is not necessary. Fiction: This is a very important step to all lash treatments. The cleanser helps to clean any oils, makeup and protein from the lashes. The primer contains a high percentage of water which adds

Fact: In order to master any technique, it takes dedication and being consistent with practicing. Practice, Practice, Practice. Do not rush the process but instead, evaluate your mistakes and see what you can do to make it better. Always seek opportunities to level up your knowledge and training.

Chantee Collins @Luxlashesbycc



by Mary Jean Javier @luxelashbyangel

The year 2019 has seen eyelash extensions gain more popularity as one of the most sought after beauty trends. You’ve probably seen your favourite celebrity rocking the latest lash designs that left you amazed. Beauty experts have gone beyond imaginable heights to create some of the most glamorous lash designs that are out of the ordinary. We are going to look at some of the eyelash extensions trends stealing the show in the year 2019.

Strip Lash Look Eyelash Extensions

Heated Pre-Made Lashes

Strip lash look or Wispy lashes present a new trend of making lash extensions to look spikey by mixing curls and lengths with clean texture, enhanced uniformity and comfort. These lashes have a lightweight and invisible band that perfectly connects hair strands to create accurate and secure corners. The best thing about wispy lashes is that they are feathered by hand to match natural lashes.

If you are used to glue-bonded lash fans, welcome to the world of heat-bonded lashes. As the name suggests, each fan is sealed at the base using heat instead of glue. The main purpose of using heat is to avoid adding unnecessary weight to pre-made fans. Accumulated glue and the weight of lash extensions can have a negative effect on the health of your natural lashes. This type of premade fans also makes things easier

Below: Mary Jean Emerging Trends in Eyelash Extensions.

when removing the lashes from their tray. This technique can both save time from technicians and the clients.

Easy Fan Volume Lashes Easy Fan Volume Lashes have come to simplify things for lash technicians who are new to volume lashes. These lashes come with a unique sticky lash strip that helps to avoid separation of volume fans at the base. Lash technicians are able to create precise fans within a matter of seconds. Besides making things easier for lash technicians, this technique is a time saver for clients because they don’t have to spend hours waiting for their lashes to be done.

Magnetic lash extensions The use of magnetic lashes is a trend aimed at improving simplicity and convenience. Imagine the amount of time and resources you spend on buying and having your extensions attached to your natural lashes. You also have to give up some fun activities such as going swimming. Magnetic lashes are designed to have a set of above and below the eyelashes that are held together by some tiny magnets. This means that there will be no application of glue and you can remove the lash extensions whenever you wish. The extensions are also reusable and easy to attach on your own. You can also get the next generation magnetic lashes & magnetic liner combo, where the magnets stick to the iron pigmented eyeliner you apply to your eyelid.

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Glitter Lashes If you are looking for that dramatic and unique look to draw attention, glitter lashes are the way to go. The procedure involves sprinkling a special kind of glitter to the normal lashes to achieve that shiny look. However, this trend should not get you excited to the extent of using regular glitter which can harm your eyes. Make sure you use the recommended products to avoid injuries to your eyes and to get the kind of sparkle you desire. According to Mary, a lash expert at Luxe Lashes by Angel, glitter mascara is the most appropriate product to use. This form of mascara is specifically made to catch the light whilst preventing flakes from damaging your eyes.

Coloured Lash Extensions Are you bored with the conventional black lashes that everyone else is wearing? Here’s a solution for you. Lash experts have formulated a new

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set of lashes that come in an array of colours. This provides the opportunity to match any dress code or function for that colourful and glamorous look. Also referred as the mermaid lash trend, coloured lashes present a whole new experience for that spring or summer occasion. One thing that coloured lashes guarantee is uniqueness that will make everyone pay attention.

Above: Mary Jean Javier Lash Artist

Remember not to use real flower petals that have not been treated because this could subject you to different allergies. There you have it; some amazing eyelash trends to make your year more exciting. Break from the ordinary by trying one or two of these lash trends.

Flower Lash Extensions Flowers represent a sense of beauty and appreciation of nature. As to whether flowers can be used for lash extensions is a big surprise that most people wouldn’t expect. One of the latest beauty trends involves attaching flower petals on the eyelids, just like using false eyelashes decorated with flowers. This style makes you look pretty, but the practicality still remains a topic of discussion. Flower lashes can be used for a one-off event but definitely not workable for someone who wants to use them as normal lash extensions.

Mary Jean Javier @luxelashbyangel

Graduate Scheme Helping Students

Build Confidence

by Lola Lashes Lets cut the the chase. Quality lash training is very accessible due to our fast-growing industry. But what happens next? We have created the 'next step' for all our students across North Tyneside in the UK.

needs education and support and by collaborating and working hard I am sure I can help make this happen.

Have you ever been to a student hair salon at your local college? Students are experiencing life as a professional, dealing with customers and working alongside other Hair Stylists to build confidence. My question is, what percentage of students actually then go onto becoming successful by being either employed or self-employed? By the time these students leave they have so much real work experience and confidence, I would say the chance of employment is high.

Can you offer something similar in your country?

What about our lash industry? Is one day really enough? We are surrounded by a game where training and education is fastly becoming a 'trend'. More salons offering one day courses... more salons training students and allowing them to enter the industry with very little experience. I have a growing passion to help our industry grow correctly. Of course, money is important as my business feeds my family but what about my students? Their families? Their future? This is why I decided to take my support that one step further. Our lash industry is not government regulated in the UK. Courses are often accredited by some companies with little knowledge. How do we stop a new generation of badly trained Lash Artists? How do we help our industry grow with passion? I don't believe a one-day course can do this.

Many times, I listen to students come to me because they did a one-day course and don't feel confident enough to continue or they 'blame themselves' for every little problem that occurs during the treatment because they simply just don't understand the products they are working with. I took this information and wondered how I could adjust my workings, and here is where I developed the Student Graduation Scheme. Similar to that of college however students have successfully passed Lola Lashes Training. By taking these students and offering them a place alongside us on a selfemployed basis we can continue to work with them, they feel supported, they also can shadow us. They understand how it feels to develop and build their own career and first hand see the day to day life of a busy Lash Artist and business owner. As Artists we work together in one space and we discuss problems and solve them as we work. I have found all the girls who have worked with me have an amazing confidence to build their clientele.


Lola Lashes Amanda Patterson Eyelash Artist/ Educator

My dream is to build a strong foundation here in the North East, Education and Events is something I feel very strongly about. I want to offer opportunities to those who are unable to travel South where the majority of training is usually held. The North

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INSURANCE COVER FOR GRADUATES OF LASH INC Pioneering insurance package specifically designed for you


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Good Training

How To Choose by Jessika Aude Gautier

Owner/founder at Star Lashes World and World Beauty University Are you new to the lash industry? Welcome to the beautiful world of eyelash extensions.

Right: Jessika Aude Gautier Lash Work

In order to succeed in your new career, you need to choose your training carefully. Because the secret to success is a good education. Take the time to do your research; do not just rely on a pamphlet. Picture, or beautiful website, sometimes they just do not tell the whole story. Make sure the trainer you are looking to go to can give you all the necessary tools and knowledge to become top in your field. Contrary to popular belief, applying eyelash extensions is not that hard if you are taught the proper techniques.


How to greed your client.



Also, it is imperative is to make sure your trainer can give you a certificate that is valid in your country or state, and recognized by insurance companies.



Creating Lash Maps.

-Preparing your client.




Client comfort.

The different natural lashes.

Curls, thicknesses, and lengths.



Perfect refill.




Eye diseases.

Knowing your cyanoacrylate.


The secrets to ultimate retention.

Make sure there is a hands-on practice with a live model. Find a good model

Research the company, and use a secure payment method, better safe than sorry, I have heard of students who send money, and unfortunately never got their training. Inquire about what products you will be working with; you need to work with top quality products. Obtain the course plans for the training you are interested in, an compare them. Go for the most complete training. Below are a few musts that you should find on your beginner's course/training plan: •

Business possibilities.



Social media.

How to build a portfolio.

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who can lay down for a long period of time, if she has beautiful eyes and is pretty, that’s a plus, you will be able to post beautiful pictures on your social media and advertise your new service. Take a deposit to make sure your model shows up; you have spent a lot of money on your training, you would not want to be stuck without model. If your training is abroad, I suggest you choose your model yourself using social media, I have had a bad experience on traveling very far for training and having me assigned a bad model, or even once, years ago, flew all the way to Australia for costly training, I wanted to find my own model, but was assured they had one for me. Well, surprise, there was no model for me. Extremely disappointed. No pictures to post. Promotional opportunity lost. Do not hesitate to ask for help from your training provider; they should provide full after training support. Always keep learning! If you already are in the eyelash extensions business, even if you have been doing volume for a while, I

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suggest you attend training regularly. I recommend at least once a year. You need to stay on top of what is happening in the industry; you need to develop new skills, make your brain cells wake up, and learn new things. You need to set yourself apart and be able to oer dierent styles and exclusive lash maps to your clients. I regularly teach my Volume Master Class to students who already have five or more volume training, and am so touched and moved that they all testify that they have learned so much. Most really love my exclusive Color Mapping Technique, my accelerated fanning technique, and my secrets to ultimate retention. At the same time, when attending training and conferences, you will meet amazing people who share the same passion as you, create new friendships, and most of the time, future business partnerships. Happy Lashing!

Above: World Beauty University

Once you stop learning you start dying Albert Einstein If you need help finding quality training in your area, or for any other reasons, do not hesitate to reach out, would Love to help, w ith great pleasure.

Jessika xxx @starlashesworld @Star Lashes World



Interview by Louise Tierney

Before I started my lash career, I owned two shops and a webshop with clothes and accessories. I worked many hours per day and then, one day, I received a diagnosis, that made me think over my life. I decided then, that I would have to change something. At that time, I had been having my own lashes done for more than 7 years, and during one appointment, when I was lying there having my lashes done, I thought: Why not? I was so excited about my decision, that I rented a room even before I had attended my first training course. I was so convinced, that there was no doubt for me. Today, I can say, that this was the best decision ever. I really love my job - and it is not only a job, It really is my passion. I have a lash salon in Essen, Germany. I am a lash stylist and I also became a trainer and editor for Lach Inc. Germany. In my opinion, you can be a successful lash stylist in many ways. You can be successful if you earn a lot of money, or you can be successful if you have enough time for your family and have a great work-life balance. This is something, everyone has to define for themselves. It is the same with your whole business. You have to define your goals - and when you reach them, you are successful. Everyone's goals can be completely different. That is why it is important to define your own goals. If you don’t have any goals, you can’t reach them. And reaching goals makes you successful. In my opinion, it is very important, to be well educated on what you are doing. I never stop taking courses and train with different trainers. You can always learn something new. What I think is also very important, is to get in contact with the right people - especially if you want to grow your business. You can be a great lash artist or a great trainer, but if nobody knows you, it won’t help. So, find out for yourself what you want to achieve and go towards it. I always say: Think big

In these times of social media and the world wide web, it is becoming increasingly easier to be connected with lash artists all over the world and share knowledge and experiences. We can learn so much from each other. I can not understand, why some stylists have very competitive thoughts about their colleagues. I don’t see other lash technicians as rivals - I work hand in hand with other stylists, even in my own city, and send them new clients if I can not fit them in - or we warn each other when there are some strange clients. I think that is the way it should be. If you are starting your lash career right now, I would like to give you some advice: Stay patient - success won’t come overnight.

Above: Anja Weiss

is nothing to lose, but everything to gain. And even if you won’t win, you will improve yourself by taking part anyway.

Never stop practicing - even if you feel like you want to throw your tweezers away - we all know that feeling.

Also, it is a great way to get in contact with other stylists, trainers, judges, etc.

Never stop educating yourself. This is really important - believe me.

As I mentioned above: it is never wrong to get in contact with the right people.

And last, but not least: take part in competitions - that is what I was told by one of my trainers.


At that time, I was thinking that I am far away from that, but I did it and I was rewarded for it. I won second place in my first competition. So don’t be afraid - there

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Featured Lash Artist - Suzana Neimi Gavez

Instagram Metrics

Follow Ratio Calculator Follow Ratio is the number of followers compared to the number of accounts someone is following on Instagram It is also known as the Follower to Following Ratio. Follow Ratio is generally considered a good measure of the quality of an account. This is because the most interesting Instagram accounts will have far more people following them than they are following themselves. It is also one of the metrics used by brands looking for quality influencers. Think of it this way – imagine everyone (including Kylie Jenner ) followed just their family members on Instagram. This would mean Kylie would have tons of followers, but still only follow a few people. Instagram only allows you to follow at most 7,500 people. Therefore, your follower/following ratio can only grow. That’s why your follower/following ratio will only matter between 1,000 to 15,000 followers. Follow Ratio Formula The equation for Follow Ratio is: Follow Ration = Number of followers / number following The Ratio Indicator For those with followers between 1,000 and 15,000, here’s what your follower/ following ratio tell users about you. <0.5 Spammer: Users that are inexperienced with Instagram automation tools and are spamming followers in hope for follows back. 0.5-1 Suspicious: Users that are likely to be using Instagram automation tools, but are following the wrong people or has poor quality content leading to poor follow back rates. 1-2 Normal: Users that have some success with Instagram automation, but need to focus on other strategies to drive more engagement.

2-10 Micro Influencer: Users that are either master of Instagram automation or has incredible content to grow their account. 10+ Influencer: Likely to be microcelebrities or rising stars that are popular on other social media channels. To calculate your Follower/Following Ratio, take your number of followers, then divide it by your total following. For example, an account with 11,155 followers, and 1366 following will have a follower/following ratio of 8.3. That’s simply calculated by 11,155 / 1366 = 8.16. Therefore, this account is considered to be a micro-influencer.

General Instagram Tips: 1) Make sure you are using a business profile and not personal. 2) Use your location in each post to reach people in your local area.

Below: Follow Ratio Formula

3) Is you have both a salon or academy have different accounts. So that you can tailor content for that audience. 4) People buy from people, personalise your profile by posting images of you in the salon. 5) Post images of a staged salon (think clean, tidy, fresh flowers, bright). 6) Try to keep a consistent feel to your posts. Use themed backgrounds. Get familiar with an app for producing text overlays and adding images such as Canva 7) Post engaging content 8) Post often at least once per day to keep followers interested. 9) Engage with accounts, follow others but keep your ratio in mind 10) Like and comment on accounts often 11) Collaborate with accounts on cross promotion. Perhaps with a local restaurant or hair salon. Are you on the road to influencer?

Seasonal Hair Loss and its

Effects on your Eyelashes by Mary Jean Javier

@luxelashbyangel You might have experienced increased lash loss after an eyelash extension treatment and maybe thought that your lash technician did a poor job. While cases of increased lash loss might be due to poor service, if you have went to a good lash technician the more likely cause is natural conditions. You can expect to experience increased hair loss and in turn lash loss during spring and autumn seasons. Below is a detailed explanation of the biological cause of hair loss during these seasons and possible solutions.

What Causes Temporary Hair Loss During Spring and Autumn? The main cause of increased hair loss is due to the changing life cycle of cells in your body during these seasons. Due to the intensive renewal of cells, the skin starts to peel, which causes hair loss. This process is normal for mammals, so it should not worry you. The same process happens to your lashes, and you might notice that your eyelash extensions fall off more often during spring and autumn. Human hair is always on a growth cycle that causes normal shredding of hair strands. According to scientific studies, a human loses up to 100 hair strands per day and loses 1-4 eyelashes per eye per day. This number might increase in different seasons due to changes in temperature. Temperature changes usually affect hormonal balance within the body, which explains the increased loss of hair. This is a temporary condition that lasts for six weeks at most. Another important factor to note is that increased temperature levels can make the body to produce less melatonin. This interferes with the hormone levels in your scalp, which can lead to increased shedding of hair,

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Seasonal Hair Loss Effects on Your Lashes Just like any other part of your body, eyelashes face the same seasonal effects. If you have experienced unusual shedding of lashes, do not rule out seasonal and climatic changes as the main cause. You might need to go for lash infills more often during spring and autumn, but this is a temporary condition that should not last more than two lash cycles.

Possible Solutions for Seasonal Hair Loss • Take foods rich in iron and vitamin B To increase iron levels, you can take lentils, fish, red meat, sea food, eggs or giblets. For Vitamin B, you can take hard cheeses, vegetables, fruits, fatty fish and whole grain cereals. These nutrients are important in strengthening hair and improving growth.

• Dietary supplements Taking dietary supplements that help to reduce hair loss can prepare you for the coming seasons. Dermatologists suggest taking such supplements three months before the beginning of spring or autumn if you want to avoid hair loss during these seasons.

Below: Seasonal Hair Loss and It's effects on your eyelashes.

• Anti-hair loss treatments You can prevent hair loss by taking treatments that are rich in amino acids. This will strengthen the keratin structure of your hair follicles to avoid increased loss of lashes.

• Consider lash infills The simplest way to deal with seasonal loss of lashes is to visit your lash professional for infills. Since this is a temporary condition that will be over in a few weeks, lash infills will solve your problem more easily.

Advice from Luxe Lashes by Angel We advise our clients not to worry if they have problems with lashes falling off faster during spring and autumn. This is a normal condition that should last for a few weeks. Explain lash shedding to your clients and what they might experience so there are no surprises. We are ready in these seasons to offer more great infills to ensure clients eyelash extension stay strong and healthy.


London Volume!

NovaLash launches by Nova Lash

London Volume gives massive volume to lashes, creating wispier, textured and more natural volume

Left & Right: Novalash Work

Houston, Texas - July 1, 2019 When it comes to lashes bigger is better. Clients cannot get enough volume and Novalash delivers with new London Volume Lashes - This new lash extension trend provides a dense-but fluffy lash line with massive volume and a wispier more textured look - and most importantly they will last longer! Novalash boast these lashes will last a record 4-5 weeks between appointments. This process not only lasts longer, it is more efficient, does not cause stress to the natural lashes, and looks more attractive and natural.

that other methods cannot achieve,” says Global Master Trainer, Zachary Falb. The 2 stars of the system are the new Royal Platinum Bond adhesive which creates a fast drying, permanent bond and London Volume’s STARlite Forceps which allow more lashes to be applied with bigger fans.

“The NovaLash London Volume technique allows a maximum amount of multiple lengths of lash extensions to be applied at one time with Camilla Lashes.

“The STARlite Forceps are not only going to speed up lash professionals time, but their design saves the artist from hand fatigue.” says Falb.

Stylists can now get a .03 lash fan with up to 15 extensions on one natural lash, safely! Clients leave with full, feathered, naturally-textured lashes

NovaLash Brand Ambassador, Justine Ivaldi said, “Royal Platinum Bond is NovaLash’s thinnest, fastest drying adhesive in the Platinum Bond series. This cuts out time spent on the separation step because the adhesive cures so quickly so I can continue to apply more lashes to my clients giving them that extra volume they want. London Volume allows clients to only need to fill their lashes every 4-5 weeks. Allowing lash artists to take more clients!” This global trend of London Volume takes lashes and lash stylists to the next level. Giving the fullness everyone has been wanting but keeping the beautiful NovaLash texture.

With the newest adhesive to the award-winning Platinum Bond series, Royal Platinum Bond adhesive safely cures with water and air, resulting in waterproof and oil-proof massive lashes. Taking volume lashes to the place where all trends begin, London.

ABOUT NOVALASH For the past 15 years, NovaLash has been dedicated to creating the safest techniques and highest quality products, for both professionals and clients With detailed multi-leveled education for certified and aspiring Lash Stylists, NovaLash is the most awarded eyelash extension brand. For more information, visit:

Instagram: @Novalashusa @Novalashuk

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Right & Left: Vicky Bridger Lash Work

Interview with Vicky Bridger Q) Tell us Vicky, when did you enter the lash industry?

A) I took my first lash course in 2010 when lash extensions were a very new treatment in my area of the UK. That was when I noticed a niche for lash specialists and wanted to be the best that I could be so embarked on building a reputation for lash extensions in my town. Q) What tips can you give to new lash artist trying to grow their business? A) My first piece of advice is PRACTICE, PRACTICE PRACTICE!! Never stop practicing even if you think you're good enough. Just spending 10mins a day infront of the TV whether that’s practicing fan making, glue dipping or placing classics on a sponge every bit of practice is experience and it will help you improve so quickly. Secondly, never stop learning. I still take lash courses every year (at least 2) because it’s important to keep current in this ever-changing industry. It will ensure your knowledge is up to date and clients love to see a lash technician improving her skills and growing her collection of certificates. Also, try to educate yourself on marketing

especially online and social media marketing. I have taken several marketing courses, and this has really helped to boost my business to the point that my client books were full within 3 months of taking the first course.

Q) What awards have you won? Or media you have been featured in? A) Having spent a lot of time and money on so much training and having a full client base I still lack the confidence to take part in as many competitions as I should. I am very critical of my own work and this prevents me from pushing myself but I'm hoping to change my attitude towards this in the future and be brave and push myself more! However, I've been lucky enough to excel in other areas when last year I was asked to be a speaker at the 24 hour Online Lash Conference on World Lash Day 2018. I was really honoured to be involved as we were able to raise money for a worthy cause and smashed our target! I have also had the pleasure to feature several times is Lash Inc UK magazine, one article was on the subject of regulating the industry in the UK, a subject I am very passionate about.

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Q) Tell us in a few paragraphs about your business A) My business, Lash Precision, focuses on providing high quality lash services to clients. Currently I am looking for larger premises to enable me to take on a few members of staff to accommodate new clients. Last year I began working for Miranda Tarpey of The UK Lash Institute as one of her head trainers. I really love this element of the business as it allows me to do something different but still relevant to the lash industry and I enjoy seeing students improve.

Q). What do you love about this industry? A) It's such a cliché bit I love this industry and my job never feels like work; I never get that Sunday evening feeling of dread! The sense of achievement I feel when clients look in the mirror after I've done their lashes and say " yes, they're perfect" I love making clients feel special. But I also am passionate to keep learning and this industry never fails to deliver new information, new innovations and new techniques. The opportunities to

travel and meet some very inspiring people is also something that keeps me interested in this industry.

Q). Who do you find inspirational in the industry? A) There are so many inspiring people within this industry so it's hard to select just a few so I'm going to concentrate on those who are local to me. I must start with Miranda Tarpey. Before working for her as an educator I had been following her on social media and then took 2 of her courses which gave me the chance to meet her and learn from her. She has some fantastic ideas on improving the industry and her innovations set her aside from the rest. She's a real lash idol. Another inspiration to me is Frankie Widdows. I was lucky enough to do my first Russian Volume training with

her in 2015 on a 1-1 bases which was fantastic. I like her story of how she had a complete career change having not worked in the beauty industry before to know being a brand owner and expanding her business to include a training academy and product range. She's become a huge success in a short space of time. Lastly another local inspiration to me is Loreta Jasilionyte. Again, I admire how she had a complete career change and has built up her lash empire from scratch and is a real success. Having seen her speak at 2 conferences I also had the privilege to meet her. She is a very genuine person who also has a drive to improve the standards within the industry and has also produced a lovely product range.

Above: Vicky Bridger

Q). What are your favourite brands? A) My go-to brand is UK Lash Institute; all of the products are of high quality and lovely to work with. If I find that some items are out of stock then other brands, I like to work with are Eyelash Excellence, Flawless Lashes and London Lash.

Follow Vicky at @Vicky_ uklashinstitute

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Reader Gallery Jenna Leroux

Nicci Van Straaten i 29 - Lashes

Kathy Nguyen

Felicia Bleakney

Mary Jean Javier

Monica Moussa

Aleksandra Kobysz

Genna Rose Lashes - 30

Virginia Lew

Helen Boyd

JosĂŠ Thijssen Chanel Xavier

Jelena Antic 31 - Lashes

Sanela Paic

Moonika Sahin

Nicholas Guarriello Lashes - 32

Jessica Lippy

Samantha Turner

Zeinab Dakroub

Gina Luisetti 33 - Lashes

Shantyl Mlee

Zoe Bayliss

Megan Sayre

Shantyl Mlee

Lashes - 34

Liza Smith

Tyler -Ann Pintaudi

Helen Boyd

Lady Lash 35 - Lashes

Zoe Bayliss

Romana Juric


Katherine Wilkinson

Gintare Pukstaite Lashes - 36

and the Truth Behind Them

10 Lash Lies

By Martina Kallos

Now and then we hear something that leaves us confused as we have heard so many different statements about it.

1. You can't wear makeup with lash extensions.

3. Don't wash your lashes for 24 hours after the set is done.

This is a Myth: You can wear make-up.

This is a Myth: Please, wash them, a minimum of 10 mins after application is needed but after that feel free to wash them.

The biggest problem with wearing make-up is bad hygiene (or NO hygiene at all) Every client can wear any make up they want as long as it's washed properly before sleeping. That includes mascara (if they like the “clumpy” look – it’s their choice) eyeliner or eyeshadow.

2. You have to avoid oil products or any cosmetic face products that contain oil. This is a Myth: You don't need to stop using oily products, (at least not entirely). Most of the cosmetic products contain a small percentage of oil. But they don’t affect the retention. If oil were the ingredient that can remove the lashes, then we would do the removals with oil instead of gel or cream removers (that are chemicals) Oils can affect the retention if they are not removed during the preparation, but after the lashes are done, not a problem. However, is there is a buildup or oil and skin cells this will affect retention so please clean your lashes every night.

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This is already “old” news, but it's good to be reminded. There are so many positive effects that come out of washing the client's lashes after the treatment. Preventing sensitivities and allergies is just one of many benefits. Don’t be afraid to recommend this to your clients; they will love it.

5. You can extend the natural lashes max 2-3 mm with extensions. Myth: This was a general rule, but there are so many exceptions, so it's not a rule anymore. The length of extensions depends on the strength of the natural lashes. Sometimes we are dealing with super short , but thick and strong natural lashes and we can easily apply the extensions that are double the length without any damaging. And lots of times we see really long but thin and weak natural lashes, that can't hold any extra mm, and we are actually applying shorter extensions. The truth is possibilities.




4. You have to take a break from wearing lash extensions.

6. Allergy and sensitivity is the same thing.

This is a Myth: Generally, you don't have to take a break.

This is a Myth: This can't be more wrong!

I have so many clients and friends who wear lashes for years already (over 7,8,9 years)

Allergy is, and once you become allergic to something, you can't go back.

90% of them never took them off. They wear short, natural lashes, wash them properly and come to infills regularly and they never had an issue with their extensions. As long as the treatment is done correctly and we don't overload the lashes, and as long as the clients are coming back every three weeks (no longer) it's perfectly safe to wear extensions for many years.

You can control it a little with medicines, but your body will always suffer, and your immune systems will always fight against the substances you became allergic to. Sensitivity is a temporary condition that can be affected by so many different factors, and it's something that can be avoided, controlled and is curable.

Sensitivity depends a lot of a persons' immune system and every time or immune system weakens ( from stress, lack of vitamins, lack of sleep...) we can expect to experience some sensitivity to different products. But, constant sensitive experiences on a specific product can lead to allergies.

7. Lash extensions can last up to 7-8 weeks! This is a Myth: Technically, Yes they can, but they will damage your natural lashes if you don't come for an infill on time. This is misleading advertising, that quickly gets peoples' attention, but it's definitely not true if you are a professional lash artist. Eyelash extensions actually can last that long if they are done under the right lash cycle timing and if a client is super careful. BUT, the damage that can be done, is just not worth it. The longer lash extensions stay on the natural lash, the heavier they become, as the growth is moving forward to the tips of the lashes. The heavier they become, we are putting a client to risk to damage the root of their natural lash and even to lose the lash permanently. So, make sure your clients come on time and advertise the treatments without giving false information.

8. You can't learn lash extensions online. Myth & Truth: Partially not true. You can, but you have to be extraordinarily talented and incredibly persistent. This is a type of a treatment that takes strong will, a lot of patience and hours and hours of practicing. There is a small percentage of people that could learn it by watching, but 95% of people need professional help and physical contact and guidance to be able to understand and perform a complete procedure thoroughly. So, instead of wasting time, trying to figure out are you one of those 5% of people that can do it, better to save time and invest on professional training with a good educator. Also, many insurers will not accept your qualification if you have learned your initial lash training online. Skill building workshops are fine for learning online though.

9. If you go cheap, you will be more successful. This is a Myth: The biggest lie of all. Low prices are a magnet for people who have only one criterion – low cost! These customers are usually the ones that don't follow your instructions for aftercare or any advice that are given to them. Most of the time, these are also the clients that don't respect our time and don't show up on their appointments or ask for crazy demands that we can't fulfill. I don't say that all the treatments MUST have high prices ( we know it depends on so many things) BUT, we shouldn't underestimate our time, our abilities and knowledge. If you don't respect your investment, your health, knowledge, the time you don't spend with your family and everything else that we sacrifice by working on a beauty Industry, nobody else will.

The more you pay for something, the more you appreciate it. Just think of your most expensive pair of shoes (or a bag) and remember how you treat it with such love and you store it carefully. And then look at the cheap ones that you are wearing right now, just tossed in front of the door (right?)

10. You have clients that are your regulars for years; you are friends, right? This is a Myth: No, you are NOT! Sometimes we get attached to our clients, and we start to experiences things a little too emotional. Offering a beauty service can get quite lonely sometimes. Yes, it involves being around the people the whole day, but so many are never alone, but actually feeling lonely. Lots of shallow conversations, nervewracking situations where you have to keep your self-control, lots of listening, and being supportive. And when you find a really nice person, you seem to get too attached, and you expect them to understand your issues. Only 2-3% of your clients will maybe become your friends. Everyone else – they are and will be your clients as long as they are happy with the service you offer. Keep in mind – the second something better/cheaper/faster/closer comes up, clients will go because it suits them better. And don't let that affect you. This is a business. And as long they are paying for your services, it's business. Be friendly but not their friend.


@martina_Kallos_ lasheducator

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The Essential Info

Intellectual Property: by Louise Tierney

The fidget-spinner craze swept playgrounds across the country two years ago, who could have imagined that its inventor had failed to protect the intellectual property (IP) behind her own creation. Florida-based Catherine Hettinger, despite owning the patent for eight years previously, decided to surrender it in 2005 because she could not afford the renewal fee. While tens of millions of the gadgets were being sold worldwide, she wasn’t making a penny. Continuing to protect her I.P would have made her multiple millions but instead, she got Zero. I can’t even imagine the pain she must feel knowing this. Are you protecting your IP? This could be a design for a new tweezer (Design right), a lash manual (copyright), Brand name or logo (Trademark). Because I had the trademark for Lash Inc in many countries I managed to get the Instagram names for variations of Lash Inc back from people using the name to promote their business, including @lashinc which as registered to someone in the USA. If you have a trademark you can use it to get back social media names, domain names and more. How protected are you?

Having intellectual property is a business asset and the more you have the more valuable your business will be. This increases the value of your company when you eventually sell the business but also opens up franchising & licensing opportunities should you wish to have a lash bar in every city without opening them and running yourself. If you need any advice I’m happy to pass on details of IP lawyers that can help you or you can try registering on your own. I had a great success rate in registering trademarks, it can sometimes be out your depth, but if you really can’t afford a lawyer yet it’s worth doing yourself, rather than doing nothing.

Above & Below: Intellectual Property

I’m happy to help point you in the right direction so if you have any questions just let me know. Useful websites: UK IP Office organisations/intellectual-propertyoffice EU IPO intellectual-property_en USA IP Office Canada IP Office cipointernet-internetopic.nsf/eng/ Home Australia IP Office

Instagram: @Louise_lashinc

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Dirty Lashes

A Tiny Blip, Not a Breakup: by Nina Andrews @lashesonpointsalon @lashesonpointacademy

Below: Nina Andrews

A LOT! I’m sure that you all know the moral dilemma I was in. I now have to explain to this client why her lashes are not holding anymore, it’s a build-up of about 2-3 weeks’ worth of makeup residue, skin cells, sebum, and environmental pollutants. How do I explain to my client that the reason for her poor retention was that her lashes were dirty without insulting her or making her feel that I was telling her SHE was dirty? How do I not cause a lash break up? First things first, take a photo. Photos do not lie. Zoom in on the picture and show your client. Most of the time

My story is not unusual, I’m sure many artists reading this article have had a similar experience. I had a long-term client of mine call one day very upset, (let’s call her Tina) “Nina, I’ve been a loyal customer for many years, I pay good money for my lashes and I love your work, but they are not lasting me like they used to. They also don’t look as fluffy or full. Have you done something differently? Because I’m really not happy.” We booked Tina in for a consultation, so that I could have a look at her lashes and what might be causing the poor retention. Prior to the appointment, I sat down and I went over in my mind things to check: Is it her skincare? Is it hormonal? Maybe a new contraception method? Perhaps she has been picking? I know that my glue is perfect and fresh, my environment is optimal and if it was my technique, surely more clients would be affected? Finally, when I saw Tina’s lashes, I immediately understood. My beautiful client had been a little ‘lax’ with her cleaning and when I say a little, I mean

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clients are simply unaware just how important cleaning is. Once they see the build-up sitting on their lashes, the client is now aware of the effect that not cleaning their lashes actually has. As the professional it’s our duty to educate and inform. Whilst showing them the photo, explain the reason that their lashes are not lasting is because they are not removing oil which can reduce the adhesives effectiveness and effect the overall appearance of the fans. Once you explain that this oil and residue was glugging her natural lashes and also stopping her from achieving that amazing retention and fluffiness she had once enjoyed, things generally

change pretty quickly. So, after I had shown Tina the build-up on her lash line with the photo and explained the situation, I sent her home to cleanse her lashes morning and night for 3 days. With excessive build-up, it often takes a few washes to remove the oil residue. After a couple of days of thorough cleansing, I was able to perform a normal refill for Tina. The key to remember here is that some ladies may actually be cleaning, just not effectively. So, ensuring that your clients know how to clean their lashes correctly is vital.

in the cost of their appointments. Inside our kits, clients are provided with a lash shampoo, cleaning brush, mascara wands, as well as some travel wands in containers for added hygiene in messy handbags. We also give them a sheet that lists the cleansing process and explains how to use the aftercare kit. When our clients lash shampoo bottles are running low, we offer free refills of their bottles and replace their cleansing brushes when needed, so that our clients are always fully stocked with everything that they need to keep their lashes fresh, clean and healthy. •

We now have to clearly define cleaning, client responsibilities and the importance it holds with retention. •

Cleansing Policy

At Lashes On Point, we ask our clients to sign a Cleansing Policy. It’s a separate form to the usual waiver which I feel gives it added significance. Basically, it explains that the clients eye hygiene is their own responsibility and is necessary to the longevity of their eyelash extensions. Daily cleaning and general maintenance is necessary if you want extensions. •

Aftercare Kit

We provide our clients with a fully decked out aftercare kit, this is included

Show Them How to Cleanse

Physically show them how to use the products you give to them. We like to send all of our clients a video of me actually cleansing my lashes and explaining step-by-step how to use everything in the kit. •

Cleansing Station

At Lashes On Point, we have a separate cleansing station for our clients who are coming in, short of time, in a rush or maybe during their lunch breaks. Having a special area for clients to cleanse their lashes thoroughly before their appointment and remove makeup will make everyone’s day run more smoothly. That way, at the end of their appointment, clients can simply reapply their make-up and be on their way. It

doesn’t need to be fancy, just some lash shampoo, an array of brushes, oil free makeup remover, lash safe cleansing wipes etc. •

Don’t Jump The Gun

Don’t get on the forums and get mad. The days of “dump that client” are gone, educate your clients with love and respect, if they don’t know, THEN THEY DON’T KNOW, come from a professional place and educate with respect. Lash retention is 20% us but also 80% the client. They need to understand their role. So, take this time to educate and empower. Dirty lashes don’t need to mean a breakup, educating your client and coming from a place of love will allow you to move forward together as a strong team. Tina is still a client of mine many years later and her lashes are impeccably clean these days. I’m so glad that I took the time, this was a tiny blip, not a breakup.

@lashesonpointsalon @lashesonpointacademy

Lashes - 42

Featured Lash Artist - Radmila Woll


Five Effective Ways to Improve Your

Customer Service by Chantee Collins


Customers are tired of not feeling valued for spending top dollars in our lash salons. To be honest, they are the core to many of our successful businesses and without them, our doors would be closed. So, the question would be, how do we provide excellent customer service without our customers running over our businesses? Here are some ways that will improve your customer services and do just that:

products for your clients? As we all know social media has been the “Go To” for information about anything that we want to research. So as lash professionals, we must take it a step further and learn from other lash masters, companies and associations on the proper techniques or latest information within the lash community. This will allow you to answer some of the questions that your clients/ customers might have. They will appreciate and value you more for your thorough knowledge.

#1. Show that you Care

#3. Enforce Customer Polices

A customer should never be ignored or delayed on appointment time because of the lash technicians poor scheduling. When a customer walks into your business, a new customer or a regular, they should always be greeted. Acknowledging that person will make he or she feel that they matter or that you appreciate them being there. They chose you as their trusted lash technician, why not say “Hello”, or “Good Morning”. Since this is a time sensitive business, it is important to schedule services accordingly to avoid a customer waiting pass their scheduled time. There are many lash technicians that allot an extra 15-20 minutes in between each appointment to either clean up after the previous customer or take a short break to regroup for the next customer. While we enforce customers to respect our time, we must respect theirs also. #2. Educate yourself on your Services/ Products Are you current with the latest eyelash trainings and information? Are you providing the right maintenance

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We all should have our business polices in place. You know that famous quote, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” (Benjamin Franklin), well it is true. Having our policies in place will prepare you for high quality customer service. Policies are not meant to control your customers or to be the “Mean” lash artist, but policies will allow them to respect your business. The trick is, you and your team must put this into practice daily in order for it to work. For example, one day you cannot allow your customer to come into their appointment 30 minutes late without consequences and expect them to respect your Late Policy fee. So, let’s start today using these polices as a form of clear understanding to both parties.

compliment, add it to your positive list to continue doing that positive thing and maybe even adding to it. Your customers will feel like you value their opinion and continue to market your business in a positive way. #5. Respond The best way to help show that you value the customer is to respond to their needs. Imagine yourselves on the customer end and decide how you would want to be treated if you had a problem or just needed a questioned answered. If you are busy at the time, let the customer know that you have acknowledge their message and will get to them as soon as possible. So, lets strive to be more attentive to the customers’ needs, listen to what they have to say and respectfully respond to any unanswered questions or concerns in a timely manner. All these important ways to lead to a better and more effective customer service, will take your business to the next level of success. Customers will remember the great experience they have with you and how special you made them feel. The goal is to have happy, returning customers. Now that you have the blueprint to help with the success of your business, what is your next step of improvement?

#4. Ask for Feedback Don’t be afraid, ask away! Most of us are afraid of what our customers really think of us or how we run our business. The truth is, we need to know their thoughts so that we can better serve them. How can we Grow, if we do not Know! If it is a customer complaint, try turning it into a positive. See what you can do to make it better. If it is a


6 Tips on How to Write the

Catchiest Instagram Captions by Mary Jean Javier @luxelashbyangel

If you are not doing something to improve your online presence, then you are definitely a step behind your competitors. One of the greatest avenues for marketing is using Instagram to market your products or services. You need to create interesting captions to push your brand. Here are 6 tips to help you come up with the coolest Instagram captions. Include an Interesting Story People are most likely looking for entertainment whenever they login to their Instagram accounts. Telling a story will draw more attention to a bigger audience. Ensure that you do not use too many words, else the readers will not have a second look at your post. Make your story easy to understand and enjoyable to capture your target market. Use a Few Relevant Hashtags As much as we want to promote our services or business to a bigger audience within social media, too many hashtags might give the impression of spamming. The best thing is to identify the most relevant hashtags, and also come up with your own. Do not limit yourself to placing your hashtags at the end of the post. You can carefully integrate them throughout your post without spamming. Instead of using popular hashtags such as #happy or #love, focus on hashtags that are specific to your audience. Make Good Use of Emojis Most of us will barely finish a sentence without including an emoji. As much

Right: Instagram Captions

as they make communication more interesting, overusing emojis can work to your disadvantage. Just like the use of hashtags, the kind of emojis you choose need to be on point in terms of relating to your line of products or services. The wrong use of emojis can ruin your content if they are not correctly placed or if they don’t relate to your brand.

should not sound like a sales pitch.

Mary Jean Javier @luxelashbyangel

Avoid Grammar and Spelling Mistakes This might seem obvious or not necessary, but grammar and spelling mistakes might put off your audience. You need to remember that your post is being read by people from all professions and ages around the world. The things that you consider little might make the deal breaker when it comes to attracting your target audience. Always go through your captions before posting to ensure that they have no spelling mistakes and are grammatically correct. Make Quick and Understandable Sentences Nobody enjoys reading long sentences to get a message out of it. Using quick and punchy sentences will make your captions more readable and interesting. However, be careful not to create short sentences that are vague. Even if you are trying to create some humor out of it, it might go unnoticed if the reader fails to understand them. Include a Call-To-Action The main aim of creating Instagram captions is to make your brand more popular. You need to include a call-toaction to encourage your audience to not only scroll through your post but also like and share if they find it funny or interesting. Your call-to-action

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@LashInc 2,371 posts 37.7k followers 5000 following Lash Inc. Instagram is where it’s at these days. Get some #Lashspiration from our handpicked #LashArtist feeds.

@ @lash_extensions_solana




@Lash Inc Association





Business - 48

Are you really

Turning a Profit?

by Danielle Lunn

Whether you are working in this industry full time or do it as a little extra money earner, it is important to know whether you are making profit? I decided to become self-employed after working 15 years in retail management. Although I was a high earner in this industry, I would be working over 15 hours and I would work every weekend and every bank holiday. When the Christmas period arrived, I would be working 6 days a week all through November and December. I had no time to spend with my family. When I had a day off, I would spend it recovering. I had always had a passion for hair and beauty and one day decided enough was enough and I wanted to start earning money for myself and running my own business doing something that I enjoyed. When I first started out in this industry, I believed I was earning a decent wage. However, when it was time to fill in that dreaded tax return and I worked out what I was earning an hour I realised that some weeks I wasn’t even taking home what I would consider a liveable wage. So, what did I do about this? Take control of my finances Well the first thing I started doing was filling in my tax sheets by day. I created a spreadsheet where I inputted all incoming/outgoing money into my business. I fill this in daily so I can track my profit for the week and accumulative for the year. I then set myself a goal. For me I needed to be earning what I was in my previous job to make it worth my while. So, I worked out my previous salary to weekly wage and set this as my minimum “take home” goal.

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Below: Nina Andrews

Review my losses I decided to review all aspects of my business to see where I may be losing money. The two main areas for me were stock control and client cancellations. When I first started offering Lash Extensions, I was so frustrated with how long a set was taking me! I started buying so many different types of tools, adhesives, lashes and basically anything I thought might help me with reducing my time. Although some of the tools, like my Dumounts (which I couldn’t do without now) did help me, many of the tools and gadgets I had, I hardly used and were sitting there gathering dust. I had trays upon trays of unused lashes some not even opened! The same with adhesive. When I added them all up in cash value I was horrified. ‘Enough

is enough’ I told myself. I decided I would sell anything I could to other lash technicians, and I would use the spare adhesives for practising making my fans. I also decided going forward I would only buy what I needed. To make this decision I ask myself will it make me any extra money on what I earn now? If the answer is no then I don’t purchase it. I created a stock control sheet for my products and only replenish when running low. I have recently purchased the Lash Pack subscription from Lash Factor which I think is a great idea. For a small monthly fee, you receive a lash pack every quarter which has various gadgets, products and tools from different companies. This month I received lash factors superbonder, which I did already want to try, A fan (to dry lashes), adhesive from velvet

lashes, this alone would be more than the subscription so definitely worth it. For me anything I don’t use I will give to my students. When I first started out in the industry, I was grateful for every client I booked in, although I had policies per say in place, I didn’t use them. Clients were cancelling/no-showing on me left right and centre but at the time I thought this was acceptable as they were the only clients I had. As time developed and I began to get busier the cancellations/no-shows became a problem. Clients were booking out my time which other clients wanted and then cancelling at the last minute. The first policy I introduced was a booking fee. At first, I really hated asking for one, for some reason I felt cheeky. But I once I did, I soon became aware of the difference it made. People gave me due notice of appointment changes/cancellations but most of all it really reduced the amount of time wasters trying to book in. I now take booking fees for every appointment, price dependant on service or training course. I reiterated to my clients, my policies with regards to turning up on time for appointments, cleaning their lashes and coming to lash appointments with clean lashes. I explained that now I am busier and have back to back clients, I can’t run over at infill times. Arriving late or turning up with dirty lashes will reduce the amount of time I have to fill. Most my clients love full lashes, so this seemed to work, of course I still have the odd one or two who don’t' listen! All my policies are clearly displayed on my website and consultation sheets.

is by talking to other lash artists in your area or on lash forums. For me my quietest periods are the school holidays with the exemption of the summer holidays. To help me manage this, I take my holidays in some of the quieter periods. Where I don’t take a holiday, I will offer discounts on my training courses and focus on education. When I plan further education for myself, so training courses or mentoring sessions, I try to take the courses during my quiet periods. This way I am still gaining something, which will in turn help me make more profit. At the beginning of each year I set new financial and career goals for myself. I also set timelines for me to achieve these goals. I always try to make them realistic and achievable. I review my goals each quarter. If I haven’t achieved certain goals I try not to panic and reset my timelines. Loving what i do When I first became self-employed, I started out prominently doing hairdressing. I offered lashes as a side treatment but hardly had any lash clients. After a year or so, I realised I really didn’t enjoy hairdressing. I knew I quite enjoyed doing those few lash clients I had, so I started researching, watching tutorials and joining lash groups on Facebook. Within no time I gained more lash clients and more confidence. Then I took a Russian Volume course. Well, this was a game changer for me. I just fell in love with Volume Lashes Its imperative for me to motivate myself to enjoy what I do! So, hail Russian Volume is all I can say!

Set future goals and plan ahead. There will be times in any business where you experience quiet periods. If you are new to the industry, then the easiest way to find out this information

Business - 50


Lash Queens!

Sarah Humphreyson

Making money doing what you love is our theme for this quarter and I thought I'd share my story. I am the founder of Eyelash Queen. Now that feels strange to write, and honestly, I never knew my little lash love would come this far. Starting out as a Beauty Therapist in 2006, I went on to complete Classic Lash Training in 2007. Working in various salons and customer servicebased roles – eyelash extensions soon proved to be so popular that I was boasting a bursting appointment book! I stopped offering nails, massage and facials because as the first eyelash technician in Plymouth - my hometown - I was inundated with customers. I was beating people off with a stick! Accidentally, I ended up renting a small room in a dentist in 2014. I say accidentally because I had worked in a few different salons just doing my thing and after deciding it wasn't for me anymore and seeing a sign on a wall with "rooms to let", off I went. There, Eyelash Queen was born. Thinking it would be something small to support me and my young son, I had no idea the company would grow so rapidly – I guess I just wanted to show him that with enough hard work, anything can be done. He was 18 months old and I was a young single mum, fresh out of an abusive relationship - so I suppose the odds were stacked against me. I loved being my own boss. And that is the beauty of this industry; you can work whenever you like.

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I had started teaching in 2014, due to seeing a big gap in the market in the South West. Expecting to have just one student a month, I was surprised that I was seeing 6 students a week. I've worked for a couple of training companies and after being severely let down by the last one I was forced to accredit my own courses. Along came 2016 and I was looking for premises. The small room in the dentist couldn't contain me anymore! I know have a heaving Lash Lounge with 4 eyelash technicians and 2 receptionists. The academy is attached to the lounge and I started my very own line of branded products. This particular side of the business was so unknown to me - and I had no idea that it was so involved! (And expensive) I love having control over my products - I am a massive eco-warrior at heart and have recently rid our line of unnecessary plastic and replaced with biodegradable boxes. I think I might have found my little niche - and can see me taking this further in the future. I had to severely cut my days in the salon to just 2 now - I was finding everything a bit much. But working on marketing and product supply has ignited a new fire in me, I love it! Late in 2018, Eyelash Queen was split into Eyelash Queen Lash & Beauty Lounge and EyelashQueen Academy Ltd. The Academy now has 5 trainers and is growing every day!

Now, this is what I love about the lash industry. Every day is a new day, I NEVER get up in the morning thinking "ugh, work" and I say that with 100% certainty. I love how diverse the industry is, whether you want to just lash full time, supply products, teach...anything is possible, really! You can make money doing what you love, and I promise you'll love every minute!

@eyelashqueen academy @eyelashqueen academy Web: www.eyelashqueen

Our Oceans are drowning in plastic Every year, 1 million seabirds and 100,00 mammals are killed by plastic pollution Like it or not, the eyelash extension industry is contributing so we are taking a stand and eliminating plastic lash trays Are you with us?

Latin Queen Lashes Melania Pxp Professional -

Brand Focus.

Melania Brd. Was born and lives in Argentina and here she develops her career as a professional in the eyelash industry. With training in more than 13 countries, obtaining certifications from different masters and bringing the best and latest techniques to her training so that her students can offer the best to their clients. She stands out as one of the pioneers of this art in her country and is recognised for her work, dedication and entrepreneurial growth throughout South America and Central America. She has been a Lash Artist for over 6 years and has been a Trainer for more than 3 years. Founder and Director of her company Melania PxP Professional, she has 4 Centre's dedicated exclusively to Eyelash Extensions in the city of Buenos Aires, capital of her Republic. More than 5000 clients have attended since its opening. Her Academy "Melania PxP Lash Academy", is where she directs and teaches courses to more than 500 students per year, meets countless professionals dedicated to the field month by month, in turn expanding

both her art and business. Melania brd represents Argentina and all of Latin America being summoned as a judge and Speaker in International Eyelash Conferences and Congresses and is the only Trainer in her country of the prestigious UK Lashes brand and research centre. She continues to attend training and travelling wherever she needs, getting further educated and finding trends to provide healthy and updated services back in her home country.

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Premium Products Melania PxP Professional Melania PxP Professional supplies offer excellent product support that the brand is well known for. Especially manufactured with its name and high quality, Melania PxP products stand out in the Argentine market for their excellence. Melania brd was the pioneer in having a line of supplies for professionals in its beauty centres, among which the Pro Lash Lifting Kit that includes: perm,

neutralizer, collagen, glue, cleaner, set of moulds and combs. Its improved formula allows accelerating the treatment process, achieving maximum results in less time, favouring not only the clients but also the lash maker. Another of its star products are its Mix of Eyelashes specially composed of 70% PBT, 30% silk fibres, of which its best-selling curvatures are C, CC, D and DD, in thicknesses 0.15 and 0.07, 0.05 to reflect natural looks. Among its products, you can also find tweezers, lash shampoo, adhesive, remover, collagen patches, micro-wipes, brushes and a wide range of supplies for the professional lashista. Melania PxP Lash Academy Franchises In 2015, Melania Brd inaugurates its Lash Academy with headquarters in Buenos Aires. There, more than 1,000 professionals are trained per year in volume, classical and lash lifting techniques. Offering knowledge of the highest level, for a better work out, exploiting the latest trend currently marked by extensions and lifting in Argentina. The goal of this 2019 for Melania Brd was to expand her business. This purpose led her to create the franchise of her brand, which today has sold 5 new branches in different provinces of Argentina and continues its expansion throughout the national territory, promising to reach all of Latin America.

My story I started this profession when I got Lupus. An autoimmune disease that appeared overnight. There was no warning when it arrived and has a thousand faces, shapes, pains and symptoms. I wanted to feel useful and alive, to collaborate with the economy since until that moment; I let them help me in all aspects. The need was greater than the expectations and suddenly I found that I could not meet the demand of clients that I had generated and that were always increasing. They were months where I forgot my limitations because the disease continued, although controlled and I set out to undertake and create a space for every woman to feel beautiful, contained and pampered. Thus, Melania Pxp was born. I hired people to help me with the business and today I am one of the best known and valued industry entrepreneurs in my country and I am sure that this disease showed me my true vocation and talent. Today I am a strong woman thanks to lupus and another of my biggest challenges is also to teach that nothing and no one can determine anything for you and that your only limitation is yourself. Never stop fighting and drawing strength from within yourself to fulfil your goals and your dreams. You deserve what you dream. Go for it!

Official Instagram @ melania.pxp Store Instagram @ melaniapxpstore Facebook Melania PxP Professional Youtube Melania PXP Images & Article: Melania Brd Ph: Dana Hamacher Makeup and hair: Dana Zorzon Production @solmacedoprod Crown by Jose Viva @vivasesculturas

Business - 54

Brow Lamination The latest beauty trend that is taking the by Angelina Salacinski

UK Storm!

LaShey’s Lash Lounge & Academy

So how does it work? It works in a similar way to a lash lift as you are using similar products and the technique is similar although you are not using rods or shields. Brow lamination does not use the same ingredients as a regular lash lift though and so shouldn’t be attempted with your brand of lash lifting products.

What is Brow Lamination? The latest trend at the moment is brow lamination or brow perming. It has taken the UK by storm with hundreds of techs clambering to get trained in the treatment to be able to offer the service to their clients, but what exactly is it? Brow lamination is a beauty trend from Moscow. It makes the eyebrows look fuller, more symmetrical and gives the brows a well groomed look. It also helps to strengthen and nourish the brows and results can last up to 8 weeks. Brow lamination will ‘fix’ your brows into the shape you want! Who is the treatment for? If you have unruly brows, thick stubborn brows or you have brows that are not symmetrical then this is the treatment for you. Similarly, you have a gap in your brows or if you just want a more polished look to your brows then this is also the treatment for you.

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There have been cases where people have attempted to use their regular lash lifting products and have burnt the skin. The brow lamination products have different ingredients and are a different strength. It is important to use products especially designed for the job. Brow lamination uses a perming solution, a fixing solution, glue and a nourishing agent. A liquid silk composition can also be added and this is a proven solution based on keratin and liquid silicone, which coats the hair, creating a protective nutrient-rich film. The perming solution will soften and straighten the hair. The fixing solution fixes the hair for up to 8 weeks.

A lot of people have hairs that grow in different directions and with this treatment you can set the brows so they are all going in the direction you want which gives a neater look. Can anyone have the treatment? The procedure is safe but you can’t have the treatment if you have any cuts, abrasions, burns or scars near the eye. You also would not be a candidate if you have any infections of the eye. How much do I charge? Average price is about £35 How long does the treatment take? Treatment time on average is 30-45 mins Where can I buy products? Lash Factor are UK distributor and products and kits are available at www. Where can I get trained?

A thin layer of glue is applied. You then brush the eyebrows into the shape you desire and then perm and fix them in to place. The brows can be tinted straight after but if you want to apply henna then you must leave at least 24 hours after treatment before doing so. What look can you achieve? Some people want to go for that Cara Delevigne look with brows brushed upwards. Some just want a more natural look whilst others want a very highly defined brow.

Training will also be available soon so keep an eye out on our social media sites. Online training is offered by Lash Inc Academy at

Brand Focus by Emma Smith

Lush Lash

Lushlash Director

The Lushlash Brand began some 4 years ago. It began from a bright idea in my living room while I was a stay at home mum and has expanded beyond my wildest dreams. I decided I needed a part time job, something that would enable me to work alongside my husband working full time and also being flexible for my children. Little did I know at the beginning of my journey that I would come full circle and I now spend several hour ls a week training those women who are in the exact same position as me at the Lushlash Training Academy. I found myself booking onto a beginners lash extension course and before I knew it, I found a new love. I had a job that I could work round my family’s schedule, that I enjoyed almost instantly and that I could supplement my husband’s income. I realised quite quickly, the only way I would improve and be the best lash artist I could be was to educate myself some more. So I followed the same principles that I teach my students now - practise regularly and don’t stop learning. After a short period of time I had a steady client base and within two years I had recruited lash artists to work with me. It was during this time that my passion for lashes took a slightly different turn. I did not just want to use any old products, I wanted to use MY products, products that I knew were the best for me and my client-base I was determined to build. The cheapest or fastest delivery were not the products for me, it was the best that I needed to get my hands on. This is where the LL Lashes journey began.

months on end before deciding on the brand that best suited me. This process was not a quick and easy one, nor cheap - but one I am so happy I did. I have since developed a whole range of products for lash lifting named the 'Lushlift' and the response has been amazing. It was not too long before I began leasing my very first salon and hiring staff. After 9 months being open I am now opening my second Essex branch and I couldn’t be happier. The Lushlash brand and product line is growing daily and so is my team around me. I created the Lushlash Training Academy and LL Lashes product line and I now have an online store with orders coming in at a pace I could only have dreamed of. I will continue to be a lash artist whilst my brands continue to grow because it has never been just a job for me, it is also my passion. I do however now have additional areas of the industry that I am passionate about and that is having the ability to teach others and to produce products that both my brand, my students and my clients feel confident in using. My advice to those looking to begin their lash journey - is to do it! Dream. Believe. Achieve.

LL Lashes began from my living room and investing my savings that I had been putting to one side. I purchased several different samples and narrowed them down. I then tested them for

Business - 56

Featured Lash Artist - Tiffany Palmer

The following academies and individual training providers are accredited by Lash Inc. Their training courses and qualifications meet all requirements for approval by our organisation.

United Kingdom & Ireland

Evi Valentine's Eyelashes

IN Lashes

Evita Urvake

Inga Lipinske

Envelope-Open 10 Merrion Street, Leeds,, LS1 6PQ

Envelope-Open 77 Avontar Court, Avontar Road, South

Beelashfull Ltd


Ockendon, Essex, RM15 5FD

Bianca Harris-berry

phone-square +44 7533 979 840


Envelope-Open 191 Lewisham Way, London, SE4 1UY


phone-square +44 7552 847 669


Envelope GLOBE

Gina G Beauty Ltd

facebook-square IN Lashes instagram @inlashesextensions

Envelope-Open 15 Waterloo Rd, Birmingham,

Blink Lashy

Smethwick , B6 64J

Increase of Beauty

Tasha Young


Karolina Finkowska-krzak

Envelope-Open Blink Lashy, 31 Rodney Street,

facebook-square Ginas-Beauty-Studio

Envelope-Open 13 St James Road Flat 3, Exeter, Devon,

Liverpool, L1 9EH Envelope GLOBE

Glam Lashes by Marta Marta Wiatr Envelope-Open 49 Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, Norfolk,

Claire Crowell

EX4 6PY Envelope facebook-square KarolinaFinkowskaKrzak instagram @increase_of_beauty

NR31 6SH

Claire Crowell


Institute of Eyelash Excellence

Envelope-Open Unit 1, Saltmeadows Trade Park,


Envelope-Open 25 Hillview Road, Canterbury, Kent,

Gateshead, NE10 0EQ

instagram @glamlashes_bymarta




Classic Charm Academy

Golden Lash by Katherine Vitoria

Silva Petraite

Katherine Vitoria

Envelope-Open 184 Springwell Lane, Doncaster, South

Envelope-Open 708 Wimborne Road, England,

Kent Lashes & Training Academy

Yorkshire, DN4 9AY


Ashley Clark



Envelope-Open 38 Heath Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 3NZ


phone-square +44 7415 534 843




phone-square +44 7791 582 751

instagram @classiccharm

instagram @katherinevitoriamakeup


facebook-square ajs.hairextensions.9 instagram @lashed_by_ashley_clark

Cotswold Lashes by Tiffany

IL Pro Beauty Studio

Tiffany Parmar

Inga Lipinske

KG Professional Katie Godfrey

Envelope-Open 7 Coney Hill Road, Gloucester,

Envelope-Open Avontar Road, South Ockendon, Essex,

Gloucestershire, GL4 4QL

RM15 5FD

Envelope-Open Unit B8,basepoint Innovation



Centre, 110 Butterfield, Great Marlings,

phone-square +44 7711 110 486

phone-square +44 7552 847 669

Luton, LU2 8DL


facebook-square ilprobeautystudio


instagram @cotswoldlashesbytiffany

instagram @ilprobeautystudio

phone-square +44 1582 434 342 GLOBE

East Anglian Beauty Training

Immaculate Beauty Academy

Maureen Blackman

Inga Misiute

Envelope-Open Norwich, Norfolk, NR6

Envelope-Open Henderson Drive, Dartford, Kent,



Lash By Francesca


Envelope immaculatebeautyacademy@gmail.

Francesca Middleton

61 - Business

facebook-square kgprofessional instagram @kgprofessional





Lash Inc Accredited Directory LashBrow by Ewelina


Vanity Lash

Ewelina Kreglicka

Emma Smith

Hannah Gardner

Envelope-Open 816 Xq7 Building, Manchester, M5 3FP

Envelope-Open 1st Floor, 5 Newland Street, Witham,

Envelope-Open Upper 28 Market Place, Bingham,


Essex , CM8 2AF

Nottingham, NG13 BAN

phone-square +44 7729 002 480



facebook-square LashBrowManchester



instagram @LashBrowManchester

facebook-square Lushlash_salons

facebook-square VanityLashUK

instagram @Lushlash_training_academy

instagram @Officialvanitylash

Olivia Jay

Master Lash

Venus Beauty

Envelope-Open 12, Crate, 15 Oakwood Hill Industrial

Ellie Frances Strafford

Patrycja Plaszczymaka

Lashes by Livvy

Estate, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3TZ

Envelope-Open 67 Chesterfield Road, Sheffield,

Envelope-Open 81 St Olaves Rd, Bury St Edmunds,


S8 0RN

Suffolk, IP32 6RR




instagram @elliemasterlash


Envelope-Open 122 London Road, Bognor Regis, West

ML Beauty & Education

VIVI Beauty Lounge


Maja Kiprovska

Vaida Cepliauskaite

Silviya Mikova


Envelope-Open 7 Meakin House, 100 Georges Road,

Envelope-Open Thanet Tower, 6 Caxton Street North,

phone-square +44 7886 836 448

London , N7 8JB

London, E16 1XE




phone-square +44 7557 272 202


London Lash Pro

facebook-square vlashesbrows

Hanna Putjato

Patsy Lash Academy

Envelope-Open Unit B1, Quinton Court, Plough Way,

Penny Lewis

London, SE16 7FA

Envelope-Open 41 Chedsworth Cresent , M38 9FH

Envelope-Open 26 Rutland Road, Maidenhead,



Berkshire, SL6 4HY

phone-square +44 7495 456 276


phone-square +44 7554 925 551

Samantha Smith


GLOBE facebook-square londonlashpro instagram @london_lash_pro

Samantha Smith Envelope-Open 98-100 Lower Galleries, Eastgate

Love Beauty Training

Shopping Centre, Basildon, SS14 1AG

Envelope-Open 995 Wycombe Lane, Wooburn Green,



facebook-square SamanthaSmithLashArtist

Envelope GLOBE

Sarah Bran Lash Academy Sarah Bran

Love My Lashes

Envelope-Open Southampton

Sue Winter


Envelope-Open 7 Bremen Grove, Shenley Brook End,

facebook-square Sarah Bran Lash and Brow Artist

Milton Keynes, MK5 7FJ

instagram @sarahbran_lashbrowartist Â

Envelope GLOBE

Ultimate Envelope GLOBE

VZ Hair and Glamour Ltd

DeviLash Lash Extensions Monika Wojtysiak Envelope-Open 16/1 8 William Street, Galway, Ireland Envelope

From Donna With Love Donna Donnelly Envelope-Open 39 Greenfort Gardens, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Envelope phone-square +44 7851 815 796 instagram @From Donna With Love

Glam Lashes by Anna Anna Skowronska Envelope-Open 21 Fan Aoibhinn, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary Envelope

Business - 62

Glamour Lashes Ireland

Ritzy Eyes

I AM Lash


Donata Jucyte

Arune Mooney

phone-square +353 872 974 781

Envelope-Open Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate,

Envelope-Open 2 Cambrian Coast, Ynyslas, Borth,


Blanchardstown, Dublin 15

SY24 5JU



phone-square +353 831 040 220

phone-square +44 7706 942 723



Glamour Look Beauty, Clinic & Academy Joanna Kolbusz Envelope-Open Unit 10 Belgrad Square West, Dublin

Thammy Lash


Thammy Gough

Lash Dolls Beauty and Training Academy

Envelope-Open 3 Elmfield Rise , Clarehall , Dublin 13 Envelope phone-square +353 858 169 953

Karen Grehan


Envelope-Open Suite 2, The Courtyard, Ratoath, Co

facebook-square thammylash


instagram @thammylash

Envelope phone-square +353 852 545 061 facebook-square Lashdolls2 instagram @Lashdolls2

instagram @arune_mooney

Europe Belgium LaShey's Lash Lounge & Academy Shey Peral Envelope-Open Eikenlei 107, 2960 Sint-job-in-‘T-goor





phone-square +32 3 344 69 29

Envelope-Open Unit 2, Tarlair Business Park, Tarlair

facebook-square lasheyLLA

Lash Studio by Magda Frost

Way, Macduff, AB44 1RU

instagram @lashey_s

Magda Frost


Envelope-Open The Feelgood Centre, Exchange

phone-square +44 845 022 2233

House, Main Street, Ballincollig, Cork



Lashes Love

Maya's Lash Studio & Academy Maya Andreea Rehman

Niamh Bergin

Envelope-Open Mirren Court One , 119 Renfrew Road,

Envelope-Open Ballybrack, Co.dublin

Paisley, PA34 4EA




phone-square +44 7986 987 988

facebook-square lasheslove_ie


instagram @__nailsandlashesbyniamh__

instagram @maya_lashstudio

Luscious Lash Extensions


Claire Ryan Envelope-Open Unit 3/4 Glanmire Business Park, Glanmire, Co. Cork Envelope phone-square +353 831 383 218 facebook-square LusciousLashExtensions instagram @lusciouslashextensions

Million Lashes Academy Beata Makowka Envelope-Open 6b Harts Corner, Finglas Road, Dublin Envelope facebook-square MillionLashesDublin

63 - Business

Beauty By Lauren Lauren Williams Envelope-Open Ebbw Vale Innovation Centre, Victoria Business Park, Festival Drive, Ebbw Vale, , NP23 8XA Envelope GLOBE instagram @beautbylauren

House of Hansen Training Academy Stacey Hansen

Estonia Sophie Lash and Brow Studio Sofja Smatko Envelope-Open Estonia, Harjumaa, Tallinn, Narva Mnt, 7A - 208, 10117 Envelope phone-square +3725555 1082 GLOBE facebook-square instagram

Germany Villa Menzi Ina Landolfo Envelope-Open Villa Menzi, Bahnhofstr.31, 71706 Markgröningen Envelope phone-square +49 152 29290900 GLOBE instagram @villamenzi

Lithuania Aida Rusiene Aida Rusiene


Envelope-Open KlaipėDa, Taikos Pr. 51-10, LT 9115

phone-square +44 1443 858 144


Anny's lashes

Sonata Vieta Beauty Academy

Star Lash Academy

Onutė JuršIenė

Sonata Vieta Adomaviciene

Agnieszka Kwiatkowska

Envelope-Open Vido Maciuleviciaus Street 51, Vilnius

Envelope-Open Savanoriu Per. Kaunas, LT-49282

Envelope-Open SowińSkiego 1 30-524 City: Kraków




phone-square +370 6 717 3484

phone-square +370 6777 2784

phone-square +48 883-676-941





Step By Step Studio

Baltic Beauty School

Aida Danielė

Envelope-Open Kaunas, Vilniaus G.17 / Mapu Str. 1

Envelope-Open Taikos Pr. 51, KlaipėDa, Lithuania,



phone-square +370 6 015 5573



phone-square +370 6485 3799

Charming Look A. Jaksto

GLOBE facebook-square aida.rusy instagram @aida_daniele

Envelope-Open 9-332, Vilnius

instagram @starlashAcademy

Romania Happy Lashes & Beauty Andreea Iutis Envelope-Open Str . Anastasie Panu, Nr 1, Bl A1, Bucharest Envelope phone-square +40 720 480 660 GLOBE


UAB Silarta


Silva Siauciunaite


Envelope-Open Tiltu G. 12, Klaipeda

Lana Slatina

Deluxe Lashes International Aleksandra Maniuse Envelope

Envelope phone-square +370 6764 8070 GLOBE

phone-square +370 6092 2922

Lana Slatina Envelope-Open C/ Boldano 44, Local 30, Madrid, 28027 Envelope phone-square +34 685 565 071



Expert Lashes Academy

Deluxe Beauty

facebook-square lana.slatina

Sandra Kliokmaniene

instagram @lanaslatina

Ugne Sabaliauskytė Envelope-Open ŠV.gertrūDos 51




phone-square +370 6453 4648

Michaela Boyanova

MB Beauty School

Michaela Boyanova

Laura Kaminskiene

Envelope-Open Kristiansands Hudpleie As

Envelope-Open Kaunas

Kristiansand 4612 Henrik Wergelands,


GT 11

phone-square +370 6475 2037



phone-square +47 92 515 683 GLOBE

MB Ilgalaikio Makiazo Studija Sonata Adomaviciene

instagram @michaela_lashmaker

Envelope-Open Savanoriu Pr. 282 Kaunas



Lash Life PRO

phone-square +370 6777 2784 facebook-square PMU Sonata Vieta

MB Karališkas Grožis

Envelope-Open Ul. Towarowa 3/2a 20-205 Lublin, Poland


Sweden Sunshine Beauty Academy Simona Raudoniene Envelope-Open Bergavägen 12m , 184 30 Åkersberga Envelope info.sunshinebeauty@gmail,com phone-square +46 70 056 0263 GLOBE

Denmark PNNB ACADEMY Marie Mary Christiane Pasnin Envelope-Open Peter Bangs Vej 74 Envelope phone-square 004542203298 GLOBE


Onutė JuršIenė Envelope-Open Mb KarališKas GrožIs, KęStučIo G. 41a, LT-08143 Envelope GLOBE

Business - 64

Australia & New Zealand

New Zealand


Lashworx Training Academy

Enchanted S.P.A. Envelope-Open Po Box 1483, Joondalup Dc, WA6919 Envelope phone-square +61 450 424 739 GLOBE facebook-square instagram @enchantedspa

iBEAUTIQ Eva Adde Envelope-Open 28 Coleford Road, Wellard, WA6170 Envelope phone-square +61 478 147 773 GLOBE facebook-square ibeautiqlashesbrows instagram @ibeautiqlashesbrows

Lisa Gillanders Envelope-Open 50 Park Road, Greenmeadows, Napier, 4112 Envelope GLOBE

Flair Lashes Marta Ientilucci Envelope-Open 19 Skelton Street, Mono Ontario, L9W 6W9 Envelope phone-square +1 (416) 880-8237 GLOBE facebook-square flairlash

VC Lash Ltd

instagram @flairlash

Envelope-Open Canberra, Act

Flutter Lash Artistry and Training

Envelope phone-square +64 275 541 237 GLOBE

Central America Mexico La Lashionista Carolina Zamorano

Cheralee Placsko Envelope GLOBE

JS Lash Studio Johneilia Stephens Envelope-Open 76 Villa Royale Avenue Envelope


Envelope-Open av 31 Oriente #2022, L104, 72530

phone-square +1 (647) 928-1998

Kerrie Ann Ditz




GLOBE facebook-square lalashionista

Lashes On Point Pty Ltd

instagram @lalashionista

Jessi Love

Nina Andrews Envelope-Open Shop 4, 80 Hazel Glen Drv, Doreen, VIC3754 Envelope lashesonpoint_australia@hotmail.

North America Canada


Boutique Lash Company

phone-square +61 439 369 908

Envelope-Open 2115 39 Street Nw, Edmonton, Alberta,,

RM Lash and Beauty Rimvita Marcinkeviciute

T6L 4G1 phone-square +1 (780) 266-3875

Envelope-Open 20/650 George Street, Sydney Nsw

Clarity Lashes


Claire Ryle


Envelope-Open 6 Aldridge Crescent, Sherwood Park ,

phone-square +61 424 382 379




facebook-square RM Lash and Beauty

phone-square +1 (780) 953-9660

instagram @rm_lashes_sydney


Sugarlash Academy of Lash Artistry Melena Langford Envelope

Flair Lashes Marta Ientilucci Envelope-Open 19 Skeleton Street, Orangeville Envelope phone-square +1 (416) 880-8237 GLOBE

65 - Business

Lash Line Academy & Supplies Inc Envelope GLOBE

Lashes by Amanda Amanda Fung Envelope-Open 7203 Delwood Road Nw, Edmonton, Alberta Envelope phone-square +1 (778) 858-4567 GLOBE

Lashes by Claire Claire Ryle Envelope-Open 6 Aldridge Cres, Sherwood Park, Alberta Envelope phone-square +1 (780) 953-9660

Mesmerizing Minks Sadie Maloney Envelope-Open 22 Organ Crescent, Hamilton, Ontario Envelope phone-square +1 (905) 536-3613

Sugarlash Pro

LA Lash Academy

Oleanders Products LLC

Courtney Buhler

Lucy Argent

Glenn Williams


Envelope-Open 137 Bay Street #8, Santa Monica,

Envelope-Open 134 Evergreen Pl, East Orange, New

phone-square +1 (587) 982-5274


Jersey, 07018 USA




United States

phone-square +1 (424) 200-8278

phone-square +1 (877) 273-4153



LASH103 Lash Studio

instagram @oleanderspi

Benita Lash Studio Envelope-Open 18321 W. Lake Houston Pkwy, Suite 305, Humble, TX77346

Kelley Jenkins Envelope-Open Delta Lash Academy 103 Howard


Street, Greenwood, Ms

Chic Lash Bar


Maribel Schultz

Love Those Lashes LLC

Envelope-Open 39872 Los Alamos Rd. #a8Â murrieta, CA92562 Envelope phone-square +1 (619) 598-4385

Designer Lashes & Beauty Julie E. Garcia Envelope-Open 6895 E. Camelback Rd. Ste. 114, Scottsdale, AZ85251 Envelope phone-square +1 (480) 227-0978 GLOBE

EyEnvy Lash & Brow Studio Charlene Hatfield Nutter Envelope-Open 27 Washington Street, Camden, ME 04843 Envelope

facebook-square oleandersproducts optrainingcenter

Oleanders Products LLc & Oleanders Products Training Center Gina Williams Envelope-Open 134 Evergreen Pl, East Orange, New

Amy Young

Jersey, 07018 USA



phone-square +1 (513) 280-6550

phone-square +1 (877) 273-4153



Lux Lashes by CC Chantee Collins

facebook-square oleanderspi instagram @optrainingcenteroleanderspi





facebook-square Luxhairlashesbycc

phone-square +1 (877) 623-0037

instagram @luxlashesbycc


MaiLash Academy

San Diego Eyelash Extensions

Mai Lee

Envelope-Open 12935 Pomerado Road, Suite C, Poway,

Envelope-Open 1526 N Scottsdale Rd. Tempe, , AZ85281



Envelope info@sandiegoeyelashextensions.

phone-square +1 (480) 404-0092

com phone-square +1 (619) 438-5770

phone-square +1 (207) 390-0122

Make Me Mink Lashes


Miiaye Brown

facebook-square EyeEnvyCamden

Envelope-Open 115 Stratmore Place, Stockbridge

instagram @eyenvylashstudio

Georgia, 30281

Take Care Beauty


Tanya Jones

EyEnvy Lash & Brow Studio Charlene Hatfield Nutter Envelope-Open 1 Nashua Road, #103, Londonderry, NH 03038 Envelope phone-square +1 (603) 548-0386 GLOBE facebook-square EyeEnvyLashStudioNH instagram @eyenvylashstudio

GLOBE www.sandiegoeyelashextensions. com

phone-square +1 (404) 287-6822



phone-square +1 (415) 420-1939

facebook-square Make Me Mink Lashes


instagram @Make Me Mink Lashes

The Beauty Pro Loft Jessica Mogauro Envelope-Open 130 Centre St. Howe Barn #103, Danvers, MA01923 Envelope phone-square +1 (781) 813-8131 GLOBE

Business - 66

The Lash Beauty Lash Parlour

Luscious Lashes International

Kenya Green

Lesley-ann Altree

Envelope-Open 9705 South Dixie Hwy Miami, Fl, 33156

Envelope-Open 6 Hutchinson Ave, Table View, 7441



phone-square +1 (786) 942-3385

phone-square +27 21 557 5279



facebook-square lashbparlour instagram @lashbparlour

Asia Singapore Lash Institute Singapore Annie Annabelle Soo Envelope-Open 245 Jalan Besar, Level 3, Singapore, 208918 Envelope phone-square +65 8339 5652 GLOBE


The Lash Collection Academy Carla Crafford Envelope-Open Unit 41 Woodbridge Business Park, Milnerton, Cape Town Envelope phone-square +27 21 555 1517 GLOBE instagram @TheLashCollectionSA

Vogue Lashes by Adelle Sutton Adelle Sutton Envelope-Open 9 Harvey Street, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 6001 Envelope phone-square +27 41 583 2530

South Africa


Kylie Chandler

Michelle Kriedemann

Envelope-Open Hyde Park Corner Shopping Centre, Suite 301, Hyde Park, Sandton, Jhb, 219 Envelope GLOBE

Lash and Beauty Room/ Academy Emma Justine Brink Envelope-Open 8 Riebeek Street, Chelsea Village, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800 Envelope

Worldwide & Online Worldwide Deluxe Lashes International Aleksandra Maniuse phone-square +370 6092 2922

Online Lessons in Lashes

phone-square +27 21 761 2181




facebook-square lashandbeautyacademy instagram @lashandbeautyacademy

LashesByTanya Tanya Pretorius Envelope-Open Greenstone Drive, Bushwillow Park, 1047 Greenstone Hill, Edenvale, 1609 Envelope phone-square 826146895 instagram @LashesByTanya

67 - Business


Directory UK

Artistic Fur

Ksenia Karnejenko Envelope-Open Glasgow, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7411 427 010 GLOBE instagram @ksenia_karnejenko

AV Passion Beauty Agata Vinckevic Envelope-Open Hampton, London Envelope phone-square +44 7772 333 995 instagram @agata_lashartist

Best Lashes&Brows (Best L&B Ltd) Renata Fodor-Csuti Envelope phone-square +44 7555 481 857 GLOBE facebook-square /bestlashesandbrowsworldwide instagram @bestlashesandbrows

East Anglian Beauty Training Maureen Blackman Envelope-Open Norwich, Norfolk, NR6 Envelope phone-square +44 7717 257 756 GLOBE facebook-square /eastanglianbeautytraining

Glam Lashes Marta Wiatr Envelope-Open Norfolk, UK Envelope GLOBE instagram @glamlashes_bymarta

I.Nova Studio Inese Stepanova Envelope-Open Exmouth, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7580 120 587 instagram


Shiny Lashes

Cindy Nicholls Envelope-Open Room 21, West Cornwall Enterprise

Katarzyna Kotlarz Envelope-Open Birmingham, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7843 906 484 GLOBE instagram @shinylashesbirmingham

Centre, Cardrew Ind. Est, Redruth, TR15 1SS Envelope phone-square +44 7875 436 054 GLOBE facebook-square /ilashtique instagram @ilashtique

Lash & Brow Secrets Darja Striletskaja Envelope-Open Hornsey, London Envelope phone-square +44 7926 198 718 GLOBE instagram @lashandbrowsectrets

Lash Lady Scunthorpe Joanna Staniul Envelope-Open Scunthorpe, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7881 202 465 GLOBE instagram @lashladyuk

LASHacademy Envelope GLOBE

London Lash Envelope-Open London Envelope phone-square +44 7495 456 276 GLOBE instagram @london_lash_pro

Wink Lash Bar Marie Darbyshire Envelope-Open Bolton, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7971 566 985 GLOBE instagram @winklashbars

Frankie Widdows Envelope phone-square +44 7714 638 405 GLOBE

Michelle Ryan Envelope phone-square +44 7825 924 920 GLOBE

Sarah Humphreyson Envelope-Open 15 Drake Mill Business Park, Plymouth PL6 7PS Envelope phone-square +44 1752 771 112 GLOBE facebook-square /eyelashqueenplymouth instagram @eyelashqueenplymouth

UK Lash Institute

London Lash Manchester

Miranda Tarpey Envelope-Open Suite 2E, Britannia House, Leagrave

Ludmila Lazdovska Envelope-Open Manchester Envelope phone-square +44 7874 909 728 instagram @london_lash_manchester

Road, Luton Bedfordshire, Lu3 1RJ Envelope phone-square +44 1582 344 324 GLOBE instagram @uklashinstitute

Samantha Rose Samantha Houghton Envelope-Open Blackburn, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7701 086 502 GLOBE instagram @samantharose_salon

Ireland Annya Studio Anna Slufirski Envelope-Open Tallagh, Dublin 24, Ireland Envelope facebook-square /annyasstudio instagram @annyastudio

Ms Diva Envelope phone-square +44 870 991 991 GLOBE

Business - 68

Ritzy Eyes Donata Jucyte Envelope-Open Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate,



Bambola Lash Beauty

Lisa Gillanders Envelope-Open 50 Park Road, Greenmeadows, napier

Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland Envelope phone-square +44 831 040 220

Melissa Vitale Envelope phone-square +1 (647) 404-5450 GLOBE


Estilo Lash

Beverly Hills Lashes

Kim Helgesen-Fuentes Envelope-Open Mackenzie, BC Envelope phone-square +1 (250) 615-1232 GLOBE facebook-square /estilolashmobileeyelashextensions

Envelope phone-square +1 (310) 500-0551 GLOBE facebook-square /beverlyhillslashes instagram @beverlyhillslashes TWITTER-SQUARE @bevhillslashes PINTEREST /bevhillslashes

MaiLash & Brows Mai Le Envelope-Open Scottsdale, AZ Envelope phone-square +1 (480) 404-0092 GLOBE

PINKLAB Inc phone-square 877-623-0037 GLOBE

San Diego Eyelash Extensions Olga Villarreal Envelope-Open 12935 Pomerado Road, Poway CA 92064 Envelope phone-square +1 (619) 438-5770 GLOBE facebook-square /sdeyelash instagram @sdeyelash TWITTER-SQUARE @sdeyelash PINTEREST /sdeyelash

Sinful Lashes Envelope phone-square +1 (818) 970-7151 GLOBE

SkinCare Fundamentals Stephanie Frey Envelope-Open 200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo, CA 94572 Envelope phone-square +1 (888) 388-7546 GLOBE facebook-square /skincarefundamentals instagram @skincarefun

69 - Business

Lash Out Beauty Amanda Masi Envelope-Open 98 Fermar Dr Vaughan, Ontario Envelope phone-square +1 (416) 910-1044

Luxe Lash Academy Envelope-Open Vancouver, British Columbia Envelope phone-square +1 (778) 808-5572 GLOBE facebook-square /luxeacademy

Premium Products and Quality Training Envelope phone-square +1 (403) 999-4455

Kim Helgesen-Fuentes Envelope-Open 23 Heather cres , Mackenzie BC Envelope phone-square +1 (250) 615-1232

Australia Enchanted S.P.A Envelope-Open 1/7 Wise Sreet, Joondalup, Western Australia, 6027 Envelope phone-square +61 1300 113 996 GLOBE

Lash Xtend Amy Williams Envelope-Open 16/344 Bilsen Road, Geebung Qld 4034 Envelope phone-square +61449602750 GLOBE facebook-square /lashxtendbeauty instagram @lashextend

4112, New Zealand Envelope phone-square +64275456106 GLOBE

Asena Artistry Mia Quach Envelope phone-square +61416566556 GLOBE facebook-square /Asenaartistry instagram @asenaartistry

NHMLASH Studio Nadia Southon Envelope-Open Shop 2b/8 Carrara Street, Mount Gravatt East 4122 Envelope phone-square +61452433374 GLOBE facebook-square /nhmlash instagram @nhmlash

Lashes on Point Nina Andrews Envelope-Open Shop 4, 80 Hazel Glen Drive, Doreen, VIC 3754 Envelope phone-square +61439369908 GLOBE facebook-square /lashesonpointsalon instagram @lashesonpointsalon

Denmark MYLASHCOMPANY Envelope-Open Beringsvej 7, 7500 Holstebro, Denmark Envelope phone-square +45 5070 2543 GLOBE

Belgium LaShey's Shey Peral Envelope-Open Eikenlei 107, 2960 Sint-Job-in-‘t-Goor Envelope phone-square +32 (0)3 344 69 29 GLOBE facebook-square /LaShey’s Lash Lounge & Academy instagram @lashey_s

Beauty Queens

Studio Wimperextensions


Daisy Krikemans Envelope-Open Beerse, Belgium Envelope phone-square +32 497899424 GLOBE instagram @daisy_krikemans

Naomi Rellum Envelope-Open Boven-Hardinxveld, Netherlands Envelope info@wimperextensions-

Salon Styleteam Oy / Ripsitukku / LashStock

Amsterdam BeautyLounge Sthlm Elisabeth Bexter Envelope-Open Sweden, Amsterdam Envelope phone-square +46 8 650 1551 GLOBE instagram @bybexter phone-square +31 634 812 610 GLOBE instagram @wimperextensionbenodigdheden


Norway Lash Look



Onyekachi Iroha Envelope-Open Lagos, Nigeria Envelope phone-square +234 8179 949 118 GLOBE instagram @the_beauty_atelier


Julia Chatzopoulou Envelope-Open Glyfáda, Greece Envelope phone-square +30 694 472 5646 instagram @beautifeye_by_jules

Simona Riciu Envelope-Open Bucuresti, Romania Envelope phone-square +40 765 684 712 GLOBE instagram @simetria_lashpro

LaShey's Shey Peral Envelope-Open Eikenlei 107. 2960 Sint-Job-In-‘t-Goor, Netherlands Envelope phone-square +32 (0)3 344 69 29 GLOBE

phone-square +35 840 084 3454 GLOBE instagram @styleteamoy

The Beauty Atelier

Beautifeye By Jules- Lash Boutique (glyfada- attikaGreece)



Bella by Nives Nives Spehar Envelope-Open Ljubliana, Slovenia Envelope phone-square +386 3177 7692 GLOBE instagram @bella_by_nives

Ina Helland Envelope-Open Oslo, Norway Envelope phone-square +47 9546 0318 GLOBE instagram @inahelland_lashlook

Anne Kallio Envelope-Open Hämeentie 14 LH 324240 Salo Envelope, ripsitukku@gmail.

Simetria Lash Pro

Italy Milano Royal Lashes Anna Orlova Envelope-Open Milan, Itlay Envelope phone-square +39 347 044 8332 GLOBE instagram @anna.orlova.royal.lashes

Business - 70



Ireland Elite Lash Academy

United Kingdom

Envelope-Open Mall Road, Monaghan, Ireland Envelope phone-square +353 868 593 699 GLOBE

Best Lashes & Brows®

Glamour Lashes Ireland

Renata Fodor-Csuti Envelope phone-square +44 7555 481 857 GLOBE facebook-square /bestlashesandbrowsworldwide instagram @bestlashesandbrows

Golden Eyelashes Ltd. Envelope phone-square +44 7522 168 750 GLOBE golden–

Envelope phone-square +353 872 974 781 GLOBE

USA & Canada Angel Eyelashes Envelope GLOBE

Boutique Lash Company


Envelope phone-square +1 (780) 266–3875 GLOBE

Lash Perfect

Hot Lashes

Lash Heaven

SkinCare Fundamentals Envelope-Open 200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo, CA 94572 Envelope phone-square +1 (888) 388-7546 GLOBE facebook-square /skincarefundamentals instagram @skincarefun

SkynLash Academy Envelope-Open NJ USA Envelope phone-square +1 (732) 618–2096 GLOBE

Sugar Lash Pro GLOBE facebook-square /sugarlashPRO

Sweet Lash Envelope-Open 377 Marshall Way N #1, Layton, UT 84041 Envelope GLOBE

The Lashe, Inc.

Envelope GLOBE

Envelope phone-square +1 (800) 608-2420 GLOBE

Envelope-Open 6321 N Avondale Ave., Suite 206, Chicago, IL 60631 Envelope phone-square +1 (773) 202-9399 GLOBE facebook-square /thelashe instagram @thelashe TWITTER-SQUARE @thelashe

LashBase Ltd

Lash FX


Envelope-Open Unit 1 Stratfield Park, Elettra Avenue,

Jill Heijligers-Peloquin Envelope-Open 2147 E Willis Road Gilbert, Arizona 85297 Envelope phone-square 1-855-4-LASHFX GLOBE

Envelope phone-square +44 208 500 9028 GLOBE

Envelope phone-square +1 (403) 999–4455 GLOBE

LASHacademy Training & Products

Lash Affair by J.Paris

Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 Envelope phone-square +44 239 225 1425 GLOBE facebook-square /lashbase instagram @lashbase_ltd TWITTER-SQUARE @lashbase


My Beautiful Eyes

Envelope phone-square +1 (866) 430–1261 GLOBE

Envelope GLOBE

PremierLash – designer lashes™

Nouveau Lash Nouveau Beauty Group phone-square +44 844 801 6820 GLOBE

VZ Hair and Glamour Ltd Envelope phone-square +44 7554 925 551 GLOBE

71 - Business

Envelope phone-square +1 (877) 366-5274 GLOBE

RevitaLash® Cosmetics Envelope GLOBE

Sinful Lashes Envelope phone-square +1 (818) 970–7151 GLOBE

Kimberly Jaynes Envelope-Open 353 Pierpont Ave, Saltlake City, Ut 84101 Envelope phone-square 801-735-2439 GLOBE facebook-square /borboletabeauty instagram @borboletabeauty

Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc. Viengsamay Kettavong Envelope phone-square +1 (619) 800-4429 GLOBE facebook-square /ultimatelashbrowusa

Eye and lash health institute Ellie Malmin Envelope phone-square 561 358 5999 GLOBE instagram @Ellielashes

Australia Enchanted SPA Envelope-Open 1/7 Wise Sreet, Joondalup, Western Australia, 6027 Envelope phone-square +61 1300 113 996 GLOBE


Events Calendar 2019 Events

2020 Events

September 2019

February 2020

Lash Masters Conference 2019

Lash World Cup

map-marker-alt Romania

map-marker-alt Amsterdam

Calendar-Alt 7th & 8th September 2019

Calendar-Alt 15th & 16th February 2020



facebook-square /balticbeautycup

facebook-square /lashworldcup

Lash Inc – Lash Artist of the Year

Lash Olympics

Calendar-Alt Closing date 14th September 2019

map-marker-alt Online

Luscious Lashes International


Calendar-Alt 2nd February 2020

Envelope phone-square +27 72 338 7000 GLOBE

Looks by Linn Awards & Conference

April 2020

Lash eXtend Envelope phone-square 033–4450323 GLOBE

South Africa

The Lash Collection Envelope GLOBE


Calendar-Alt 21st Sept 2019 GLOBE

International Lash Queens Championship

EBC Limited Envelope-Open 26 Prilep Str, Varna 9000, Bulgaria Envelope phone-square +359 5260 4073 GLOBE


Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc. Viengsamay Kettavong Envelope phone-square +619 800 4429 GLOBE facebook-square /ultimatelashbrowusa

map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt Opens November 2019, closes 1st April 2020 GLOBE

Calendar-Alt Closes 30th Sept 2019 GLOBE


Lash Events Online Competition

October 2019 Artistic Lash League

To have your event featured contact:

Calendar-Alt 19th Oct 2019 GLOBE facebook-square /artisticlashleague

World Lash Day Conference Glasgow by Lash Inc HQ Calendar-Alt 23rd Oct 2019 GLOBE

World Lash Day Online Conference map-marker-alt Online Calendar-Alt 23rd October GLOBE

Business - 72

Featured Lash Artist - Jo Cooke

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