Holmen Madrid

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In the thick of things. When you read a Spanish or Portuguese newspaper, the chances are high – in fact, it’s more than likely – that it originates in Fuenlabrada, a town just 20 kilometres south of central Madrid. This is the home of Holmen Paper Madrid, a hyper-modern paper mill that, with its two very efficient paper machines, high quality and strategic location, has quickly grown into a clearly dominant player in the extensive Iberian market. It is also quite likely, when you have finished with your newspaper, that it is here it will end up, since the entire production is built on recycled paper. Welcome to a paper mill that holds centre stage. One that’s in the thick of things. In the middle of an exciting phase of development and growth.

This is what we do.

Newsprint for the whole Mediterranean.

The bulk of all printing paper produced by Holmen Paper Madrid is so-called standard newsprint. It is used primarily by the traditional daily press and the expanding free dailies sector. Our main customers are located on the Iberian peninsula – Spain and Portugal are counted as the mill’s home markets – but the paper is also sold to many other countries around the entire Mediterranean. A smaller part of the production consists of quality paper for supplements and a growing part is coated magazine paper. The latter is used increasingly for different types of advertising sheets and special supplements with high printability requirements. The average weight of printing paper produced is about 45 g/m². For comparison, ordinary copying paper has a weight of around 80 g/m².

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All paper grades are made of 100% recovered fibres, processed in their own pulp lines connected directly to the paper mill. Holmen Paper is a very pro-active player in forcing the pace of recycling in Spain and Portugal. The majority of the recovered paper comes from the wholly-owned subsidiary, CARPA, and other papercollecting companies partially owned by Holmen. When it comes to newsprint, it is important to demonstrate good runnability, high strength and first-class printing results. Quality must be consistent for each reel delivered, every day, throughout the year. A very important consideration is security of delivery. No newsprint means no newspaper. Situated in the middle of the Iberian peninsula, Holmen Paper Madrid can offer its customers direct, fast and secure delivery. The logistic requirements for transport to and from the mill are enormous. In total, hundreds of truckloads of recovered paper are coming in to the mill, and finished paper sent out, every day.

Madrid, PM62, at 10.17

The PM62 is Holmen Paper’s newest paper machine. It came into operation at the end of 2005 and when fully trimmed will have a production capacity of more than 300,000

tonnes per year. PM62 has a machine width of about nine metres. In May 2007 the machine set its first world speed record of 1,977 metres/minute. Other records are expected to come in the future.

This is how we do it.

From old to new in just seconds.

The raw material at Holmen Paper Madrid consists of recovered and sorted recycled paper in the form of old daily newspapers, weekly magazines and telephone directories. This recycled paper comes mainly from Spain and Portugal but also from the south of France. It is de-inked and then mixed with water in a large drum, cleaned, strained, washed and bleached on three modern and environmentally adapted production lines. The DIP (De-Inked Pulp) resulting from this process contains about 85% reused fibres and is pumped on to the two paper machines. By the time the pulp reaches the paper machines it has been thinned down with water and contains only about 1% fibres. From the head box, the thin pulp mixture is spread out on the screen cloth in the machine’s wire section. The water is strained off and the fibres begin to form into a sheet of paper, which is passed on into the press section. Here still more water is pressed out and dried off before the fragile paper

web continues into the machine’s long drying section. After passing through a large number of steam-heated drying cylinders, the paper is given a good printing surface in the soft calender before it is finally wound onto a large so-called tambour reel. Paper from the PM61 can also be coated in the machine to give an even better printing surface. The entire manufacturing cycle in the new, over 100-metre-long PM62 paper machine takes about 10 seconds. At this point, the paper has a dry matter content of about 90%. The large tambour reel is passed on to the winding machines for rewinding and cutting to the required customer format. The final rolls are packed, labelled and transferred to the semiautomatic warehouse before loading onto lorries for onward transport to the customers. Holmen Paper Madrid’s two paper machines have the designations PM61 and PM62.

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Madrid, PM61, at 11.15

Luis Jiménez, Fernando Rodríguez, Francisco San José and Rafael Galgo go through the machine systematically during a planned service. The older machine from 1998 has

a web width of around 6.5 metres but good development potential for quality coating. The PM61 has an integrated coating section that makes it possible to produce a paper of unique quality: a lightly coated paper based on 100% recycled fibres.

Here’s what our paper is used for.

News, sport and advertising in a never-ending stream.

Holmen Paper Madrid’s customers are the large daily press and media houses on the Iberian peninsula. However, a certain amount of export takes place to customers mainly in Italy and France but also in countries such as Israel and Egypt. The paper is used in all types of daily newspapers – not least the sports pages, which are an important part of the market in Spain. Free dailies have made definite inroads into this part of Europe and are expanding strongly. An advantage that Holmen Paper can offer its customers is several qualities of paper from the same supplier – the same paper mill in the case of Holmen Paper Madrid.

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A Spanish evening paper can for example obtain, in the same delivery, standard newsprint for the main newspaper and lightly coated magazine paper for its TV supplement. Selling takes place largely through the wholly-owned subsidiary Holmen Paper Iberica, which has its sales office at the paper mill and a branch in Lisbon, Portugal.

Madrid, PM62, at 15.35

Most functions in a modern paper mill are computerised. The degree of automation is high. And this requires qualified skills in all personnel responsible for operation and maintenance. Good teamwork and a sense of responsibility are at least as important in ensuring that production continues non-stop all day round.

Here’s how we think.

With long-term responsibility for the world around us.

Persistence and responsibility. These are two of the most important guiding stars in Holmen Paper’s long-term business strategy. We are here to stay as manufacturer and supplier and see it as our clear responsibility to continually reduce the effect of the operation on the environment. It is self-evident to us that we must follow all the applicable rules and regulations of the relevant authorities. At the same time we try hard to keep one step ahead when it comes to finding new ways of cutting emissions and reducing water and energy consumption to levels that are technically and economically feasible in a competitive business like the international paper industry.

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Holmen Paper Madrid has an ongoing cooperative activity with the local water company aimed at reducing fresh water consumption. There is also an experiment to reuse waste water as process water. The major part of the energy – electricity and steam used in the processes – comes from our own gas cogeneration plants at the mill. Natural gas is piped into Spain from North Africa.

Madrid, in the corridor, at 16.15

Service, high availability and a positive spirit. More and more customers are demanding just-in-time delivery of printing paper, while often at the same time asking for advice on paper technology issues – primarily concerning choice of paper for new printing projects.

Here’s how we think.

Respect and responsibility for each other.

At Holmen Paper we treat each other with mutual respect. We depend on each other. We take responsibility and help out when necessary. We take care of each other – and our customers. Our basic values include commitment, courage, customer orientation and professionalism in everything we do.

Holmen Paper’s parent company, Holmen AB, is a member of both the Swedish and international UNcontrolled organisation, Global Compact. As a member company we must live up to ten basic principles governing everything from respect for human rights to working conditions, freedom of collective representation, the environment and dissociation from corruption.

Our employees have the right to expect participation, delegation of authority and short decision paths. We in turn gain a sense of pride and pleasure when things go well for our workforce, the machines, our paper mill and the entire company.

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Madrid, de-inking plant, at 17.03

The main energy source is natural gas, which is piped from North Africa. Steam, hot water and electrical power are generated in our own cogeneration plants.

Facts about Holmen Paper Madrid History

Founded 1998. Acquired by Holmen Paper in 2000 (the original Holmen Paper Madrid was built in central Madrid in 1935).

No. of employees

550 (incl. CARPA, the wholly-owned company for collecting recovered paper).

Production capacity

470,000 tonnes/year


Holmen News, Holmen Bravo, Holmen Plus

Raw material consumption

Waste paper Electricity Gas







Trimmed width

6,500 mm

8,900 mm

Main production Certification

Newsprint, MF Magazine Newsprint and lightly coated magazine paper ISO 9001 quality control (1996) ISO 14001 environment control (1999) SS 627750 energy management (2006)

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600 ktonnes 460 GWh 580 MtePCS

Raw materials Coating material

De-inked pulp (DIP)

Holmen Paper AB Holmen Paper is one of Europe’s leading producers of newsprint and magazine paper. Three manufacturing mills in Sweden: Braviken (at Bråviken near Norrköping), Hallsta (at Hallstavik in northern Roslagen), Wargön (at the mouth of the Göta river at the southern end of Lake Vänern). And one mill in Madrid (Spain). Holmen Paper has circa 2,700 employees and a turnover of about SEK 10 billion. Read more at www.holmenpaper.com

Key markets Italy


France UK Other World


Other Europe

Method of delivery


Holmen AB Holmen Paper is part of the Holmen Group, a forest industry concern with about 5,000 employees and a turnover of almost SEK 20 billion. As well as Holmen Paper, Holmen AB includes Iggesund Paper­­board (which manufactures paperboard for packaging and graphic purposes), Holmen Timber (which produces sawn timber products), Holmen Skog (which is responsible for timber supply and management of the company’s forests) and finally Holmen Energi (which is responsible for electrical power supply to the company’s Swedish facilities and the group’s own hydro­electric power installations). Holmen AB is listed on the Stockholm stock exchange. Read more at www.holmen.com

Madrid, PM62, at 19.23

Holmen Paper Madrid is one of Europe’s most efficient newsprint paper mills. As well as a high rate of production, the operation is marked by high operational safety, a guarantee that enables customers in the Mediterranean countries to print their newspapers on time next day – and the day after, and the day after that.


Phone: +34 91 642 0603. Fax: +34 91 642 2470. Holmen Paper AB, SE-601 88 Norrkรถping, Sweden. Phone: +46 11 23 50 00. Fax: +46 11 23 60 30. E-mail: info@holmenpaper.com Internet: www.holmenpaper.com

Holmen Paper Madrid. 2008-02. ENG

Holmen Paper Madrid, Parque Industrial, C/del Papel 1, ES-28947 Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain.

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