les deux allées

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les deux allĂŠes u n

n o u v e a u

Copenhagen University, LIFE, Forest and Landscape Theme course : Landscape Planning

q u a r t i e r


B o r d e a u x

15th June 2011

Rosemary Halsmith , Lasse Hansen , Marie Keraudren , Mai Saame and Nils Vejrum

site as found Bassin a Flot is a riverside post-industrial site on the fringes of Bordeaux’s world heritage listed 18th century centre. While the site, as is typical of industrial zones, is on the fringe ‘old town’, the city has since expanded and sprawled. The site is characterised by industrial remnants - both from times of conflict and from general indusrial production, which as in other port cities, has declined since the 1980s. In a larger context, the city of Bordeaux is on the edge of change. A new train line will open in 2016 which will decrease the Paris - Bordeaux journey from 3.5 hours to 2. Tourism will increase and the population of the city is will continue to rise. The construction of the new bridge, Pont Bacalan-Bastide will connecting Bassin a Flot to the right bank of La Garonne. These developments reflect the rapid and continuing development in Bordeaux.

concept Les Deux Allées is a new quartier in Bordeaux which will address the past, present and future of the exisiting site and its surrounds. These elements are communicated through three main spatial elements, the allées, the enclaves and the promenade. past: Both the industrial and ecological history of the site are honoured at Les Deux Allées. The industrial buildings, structures and surfaces are retained where possible, at times being transformed in to community or cultural buildings, at other times remaining as relics. The design references the site’s pre-industrial ecological history, that of a riverside marshland. The idea of the marshland is transposed in to an urban / residential setting with Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems within the built structure. This allows for greater visibility of water processes and increased permeability and biodiversity. present: The decline of industry combined with the expansion of the modern city has resulted in Bassin a Flot emerging as a void in the urban structure - a gap between old and new. Les Deux Allés will provide a connection across this void. Current uses of the site, both formal and informal, will be respected. Existing residential areas, active businesses and community spaces will be retained. Informal uses, such as fishing spaces by the basin, will be integrated in to the design. future: Bordeaux faces a continuing problem of sprawl. Les Deux Allées will provide an alternative by placing new residential, commercial and mixed use areas within the existing residential structure. The increased tourism brought by the LGV train line will also be addressed at Les Deux Allées. The Bourdeaux Centre for Wine and Tourism is placed on the site, as well as new areas for tourist accomodation.

the allées, the enclaves and the promenade: The allées, Allée Verte and Allée Batie, are the destination points of Les Deux Allées. They are axes which provide activities which will draw people from beyond the immediate surrounds. Their forms are derived from the opposing grid structure to the north and south of the basin. The enclaves make up the residential area of the quartier, and provide connections through and around the exiting residential area. Allée Batie: an urban axis extending along the south side of the basin, constructed of two rows of built form. it is a destination point for employment, residence and recreation. axe Allée Verte: a green axis providing the major public open space for the area. a destination point for recreation, culture, community, tourism. axe vert terminates riverside with built form, the centre for wine and tourism. enclaves: residential / mixed use areas of unique character. each enclave has a site specific SUDS. the existing housing has been retained, and new block structure has been derived from the opening up of the existing residential structure. promenade: axe vert becomes an extension bordeaux’s riverside promenade. it is extended up the left bank of the Garonne and then within the site and alongside the basin.

concept diagram

on ati ua


exhibition centre



v is


tram stop


allĂŠe batie

retention pond

sh op pi ng st re et fishing pier



tram s

allĂŠe batie


c square

community workshop

conservatoire studios


community gardens

parking daycare community gardens eet



sh o

p pin

g s tr


mming pools

youth centre

allée verte

cultural precinct green path

art and theatre

Bordeaux Centre for Wine and Tourism

historical structures






transportation network Public transport within the site is connected to larger transport networks in Bordeaux. The new tram line connects exiting tram lines C, B and A, providing easy connection from the central station, and the new Paris connection, and also across the Pont Bacalan Bastide.


Sustainable transport options are readily avaiable at Les Deux Allées. The public transport network allows every resident to live within 500m of a tram stop. Bordeaux’s existing bicycle networks have been extended through the site and across the Garonne. new tram line new cycle route

height and density

100% - 130% 130% - 160% 250% graduation from 1 to 5 storeys

The average density of Bordeaux has been increased at Les Deux Allées, the new quartier providing a sustainable alternative to suburban sprawl with housing for 15 000 new residents. The density of the area is approximately 12 600 people per km squared. The average population density of Bordeaux is 5066 people per km squared.

new and retained buildings

retained buildings new buildings

Pre-existing buildings have been retained throughout the site, preserving the industrial character of the area. New development has been structured around or within the preserved buildings.


culture mixed use

building uses A variety of building uses are present at Les Deux AllĂŠes. The residents of the enclaves will have the oppotunity to work, live and shop within their quartier, in the residential, mixed use and commercial

commercial residential mixed use industrial monuments tourism

green space There is a hierarchy of green space on the site, with different experiences provided in public, private and semi-private open space. The green spaces increase permeability of the area. The variety of plant species throughout the green spaces increase biodoversity.

public semi-public private

stormwater systems Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems throughout the Les Deux AllĂŠes filter stormwater before it enters the Garonne or infiltrates the water table, through the varying systems of retention, infiltration, evaporation and transportation. These systems relate to the slope on the site, which is minimal. Gardens are irrigated with retained rainwater. SUDS increase the permeability of the quartier. Seasonal wetlandscapes created by evaporation basins increase biodiversity.

infiltration transportation and infiltration evaporation retention transportation

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