La Strada 2018 – Programme Booklet (EN)

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27th July – 4th August 2018

When the streets and squares are stirred into movement, that means La Strada. Know your way around by using the La Strada pocket guide, complete with its concise overview of the programme.

Legend Indoor

For the whole family


Mobile theatre

Especially for children

Open air

La Strada app


Artists in residence

Contents opening show at the Graz Opera House: Compagnie XY (FR) ............................ 7 nouveau cirque NoFit State Circus and Motionhouse (GB) .................... 9 Compagnie Baro d‘evel (FR/ES) ... 11 street theatre Compagnie Adhok (FR/AT) .......... 13 Marco Barotti (IT) ............................. 14 Nick Steur (NL) .................................. 15 Cynthia Schwertsik (AT) ................ 16 Cia. Vero Cendoya (ES) .................. 17 Mezzanin Theater (AT) ................... 18 Eléctrico 28 (AT/ES) ......................... 19 Compagnie La Belle Image (FR) .. 20 Engrenage[s] (FR) ............................. 21 Steinbauer & Dobrowsky with Eddie Luis and his Jazz Passengers (AT) ..................... 22

community art Veronika Tzekova (BG/AT) ............ 33 Liquid Loft (AT) ................................. 35 Cie Onyrikon & Samson Ogiamien (FR/AT) ............ 36 La Fabrique Royale (FR) ................. 37 Pierre Sauvageot / Lieux Publics & Cie (FR/AT) .......... 39 aXe Graz (AT) ..................................... 40 Kunstlabor Graz / Teatri ODA (AT/XK) .......................... 41 Cirque Noël 2018/19 ...................... 45 Visitor service ..................................... 47

Open Dance at Kaiserfeldgasse .............................. 23 puppet theatre / dance* Familie Flöz (DE) .............................. 25 Improbable (GB) ................................ 27 Asphalt Piloten (CH)* ..................... 28 Jan Martens (BE)* ............................ 29 Compagnie Les Clochards Célestes (FR) ...................................... 30 Susi Claus (DE) ................................... 31 street theatre

nouveau cirque

puppet theatre

community art

“Artists explore limits, change perspectives and reflect on the themes of our time.�

Angie Hiesl Produktion x-mal Mensch Stuhl / La Strada 2017


... a great get-together Arriving from eight nations, these are the artists who will perform in and with Graz for this year’s festival. Here they meet up with their local colleagues, together to permeate the city, explore limits, change perspectives and reflect on the themes of our time. Yet the principal actors in La Strada 2018 are the inhabitants of the city and it will only be through their active participation that the festival will become a one-off, unique experience. The international networking activities and steady development of a Creation Center Graz have resulted in more coproductions at this year’s La Strada than ever before – six of them authored in this country. The wonderful project Foreign Tongues by the Austrian dance troupe Liquid Loft, along with the street opera by aXe Theater Graz, were developed with support from the international network IN SITU. The puppet theatre performance called The Paper Man, by the British Improbable group and one of the most exciting productions of New Circus, Bestias by Baro d’evel, are coproductions involving La Strada. When, at the close of the festival, French composer Pierre Sauvageot places his Grand Ensemble of musicians on the balconies of a residential block, the title will represent not only a great orchestra but also a large residential complex and indeed a great get-together. Werner Schrempf / Artistic Director



July 27








Compagnie XY


Il n‘est pas encore minuit... It isn’t midnight yet … The French Compagnie XY explores the limits of what is physically possible, turns bodies into poetry, together creating magical moments. When the 22 acrobats get to open La Strada at Graz Opera House, they will illustrate that great acrobatics don’t require spectacular stage scenery. With their bodies they masterfully create entire landscapes, delighting in the game of building and dismantling, composing and falling apart. A powerful visual masterpiece of circus art and dance.

Opera Graz: 27/7, 28/7, 31/7, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8 / 8 pm Recommended from age 6 Tickets:

Length: 60‘

Category 1: € 54 Regular Price / € 48 Reduced Price Category 2: € 47 Regular Price / € 42 Reduced Price Category 3: € 41 Regular Price / € 37 Reduced Price Barrier-free access: € 17 Wheelchair users / € 12 accompanying persons Family package: Our special family package is available at all advance ticket sales points but cannot be booked online. With the friendly assistance of:


Contemporary circus lies at the crossroads of all languages centred on abandonment to the body.

Photo: NoFit State Circus and Motionhouse

— Camille Decourtye, Baro d‘evel

nouveau cirque

NoFit State Circus and Motionhouse


BLOCK Acrobats of NoFit State Circus, together with dancers of the renowned Compagnie Motionhouse, create their own world with twenty grey blocks, exploring its limits. BLOCK is currently one of the most interesting productions of nouveau cirque. It points out the potential that is created when circus and dance come together, flow into each other and rub against each other. This leads to the creation of an anarchic, untamed and thrilling performance for public space.

Kunsthaus / Elingasse WEIZ: 31/7 / 7.30 pm STAINZ: 1/8 / 8 pm Hauptplatz Hauptplatz Graz: 31/7, 1/8 / 11 am 2/8, 3/8, 4/8 / 5 pm & 7.30 pm Free entry! With the friendly assistance of:

Length: 40‘ 9

Compagnie Baro d‘evel


Bestias Finally it is here. One of the most fascinating productions of nouveau cirque that is currently showing worldwide is coming to Graz. Artists of the French-Catalan Compagnie Baro d‘evel will be opening doors to a different world, going beyond limits and guiding the audience to see what is essential. The work “Bestias”, which was coproduced by La Strada, is an artful play of human and animal bodies, together narrating stories about control and devotion, equilibrium and disturbance, perfectionism and imperfection. A surreal, poetic journey into the unknown.

Tent in Augarten: 29/7, 30/7, 1/8, 2/8, 4/8, 5/8 8 pm / Recommended from age 7 A coproduction with La Strada Graz. Tickets: Length: 100‘ (including admission) € 38 Regular Price / € 32 Reduced Price (also applies to Spark7 members) Barrier-free access: € 22 Wheelchair users / € 17 accompanying persons Family package: Our special family package is available at all advance ticket sales points but cannot be booked online.


Photo: Compagnie Adhok

street theatre

Street theatre can happen to anybody, it is inclusive and has the power to surprise. — Cynthia Schwertsik

Compagnie Adhok


Immortels: Der Flug Two years ago with “Echappées Belles”, the beautiful escapists from a care home, Compagnie Adhok showed in a touching way which topics preoccupy older people. Now, with poetic choreography, the French artists are focusing on things that concern young adults. They seemingly have the world at their feet, opportunities are manifold, everything seems possible and yet so many things remain out of reach. How do we orientate ourselves in a world in which there is so much communication, yet hardly anything is said? Together with young people from Graz, Compagnie Adhok will give a voice to this generation, a perspective for the quest of finding their own way.

Starting point at Stempfergasse: 2/8, 3/8, 4/8 / 4.30 pm & 7 pm Free entry!

Length: 40‘


Marco Barotti


The Woodpecker Marco Barotti’s small mechanical woodpeckers perch in all possible and impossible places in the city, on street signs or lamp posts. They record electromagnetic radiations in their urban environs and replay them by tapping with their beaks. This performance at the intersection between audible and visual art renders the city’s unseen waves visible and audible. Andreas-Hofer-Platz: 2/8 / Installation from 10 am till 12 pm Karmeliterplatz: 3/8 / Installation from 10 am till 12 pm Graz-Reininghaus: 4/8 / Installation from 4 pm till 8 pm Also: “pop-ups” in the city centre. Times and locations of performances announced in advance by push-message on the La Strada and Kleine Zeitung app. A La Strada-coproduction with the international streetart-network IN SITU. 14

Free entry!

Nick Steur


A piece of 2 – balancing human sized rocks Dutch performance artist Nick Steur is one of those artists who seem to make the impossible possible. With his bare hands and without mechanical assistance, over a five day performance he creates fragile sculptures out of rocks weighing up to 1.5 tonnes. Working in deep concentration, he begins each day where he left off the previous day. Forever seeking that moment when the whole becomes what is truly a balancing act.

Augarten (near AuschlĂśssl): 28/7, 29/7, 30/7, 31/7, 1/8 Performance from 1 pm till 7 pm Free entry! Realised in cooperation with Steiner Bau and Natursteine Rath.


Cynthia Schwertsik


Zentrifuge Vienna, Graz and Adelaide are the main stations in the life of Austrian artist Cynthia Schwertsik, who returns to the river Mur this summer with her centrifuge. And she will be doing what she has already done all over the world; measuring the city. In a metal frame with rounded edges, the trained dancer rolls through the streets exploring the public space and, in the tradition of New York-based performance artist Laurie Anderson, it will be provocative and certainly not go unnoticed.

Augarten: 28/7 / 5 pm / Length: 45‘ Volksgarten: 29/7 / 6 pm / Length: 45‘ Also: tour through the city centre. Times and locations of performances announced in advance by push-message on the La Strada and Kleine Zeitung app. 16

Free entry!

Cia. Vero Cendoya


La Partida Five dancers, five football players, one referee and a game with some rules of its own. The artists of Compania Vero Cendoya don’t need anything else to develop an award-­ winning project. Because, following the World Championships, it isn’t all over yet. Having won numerous awards, “La Partida” is coming to Graz and maybe, just maybe, it will be possible to inspire the odd “football hater’s” interest in the game. Because, in the end, dance and sports are not so far apart. A powerful mix of body art, music, humour and un­ expected choreographies.

Concordia / Ragnitz sports ground (Ragnitzstrasse 58): 3/8, 4/8 / 7 pm Free entry!

Length: 55‘



Mezzanin Theater


La vita mi piaggio If the pension payments are so small that one is even forced to decide between vanilla and chocolate, it might be best to build your own ice cream cart. In the humorous street­theatre show by Natascha Grasser, Hanni Westphal and Martina Kolbinger-Reiner deal with the challenges of age in an ironic and critical way, inviting the audience to see everyday life from a different perspective. Griesplatz: 28/7 / 11 am Augarten: 29/7 / 11 am Mariahilferplatz: 30/7 / 11 am

Tummelplatz: 28/7 / 5 pm Volksgarten: 29/7 / 5 pm MURPARK: 30/7 / 5 pm

WEIZ: 31/7 / 5 pm Südtirolerplatz STAINZ: 1/8 / 6.30 pm Hauptplatz Recommended from age 8. A coproduction with La Strada Graz.


Free entry!

Length: 40‘

Eléctrico 28


Full House The story of Miss Koala, Mister Dog and Mrs Horse is staged where life is actually happening: in the backyards of the city. This modern tale for both children and grown-ups deals with living together in urban space, including all the challenges that come with overcoming being different. Because Miss Koala would love to love everybody, Mr. Dog mainly wants his peace and Mrs. Horse is brimming with energy.

Courtyard, Marianum social centre, Caritas: 28/7, 29/7, 30/7 / 11 am Recommended for ages 0 to 100 Free entry!

Length: 50‘

In cooperation with Akademie Graz and Caritas Steiermark as part of the project ZUKUNFT SÄEN – 800 Jahre Diözese Graz-Seckau.


Compagnie La Belle Image


Después... “We’re tearing walls down, dancing on ruins and rebuilding the world.” Musicians of Compagnie La Belle Image have great plans for their gig in Graz. Those who know them have no doubt they will be keeping their word. In their latest creation “Después...”, the musicians explore music from South-America, including Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. The result is enthralling musical theatre, full of passion, and a celebration to which all visitors are cordially invited.

Hauptplatz WEIZ: 31/7 / 6 pm STAINZ: 1/8 / 5 pm Bahnhofspark Freiheitsplatz: 2/8 / 11 am 3/8, 4/8 / 11 am & 6 pm Free entry! 20

Length: 60‘



Red Line Crossers Wherever the nine musicians and four hip-hop dancers of Compagnie Engrenage[s] turn up, they invite residents to conquer the city. And to run away together from the city, in the heart of the city. Those who like to yield to the rhythms and sounds of New Orleans, Africa and the Caribbean, will have a lot of fun, taking new steps along familiar routes.

Hauptplatz Graz: 28/7 / 5 pm Augarten: 28/7 / 7 pm Burggarten: 29/7 / 11 am Hauptplatz Graz: 29/7 / 7 pm MURPARK: 30/7 / 4 pm Karmeliterplatz: 30/7 / 7 pm WEIZ: 31/7 / 8.15 pm Starting point at Elingasse STAINZ: 1/8 / 7:20 pm / Length: 25‘ Hauptplatz Free entry!

Length: 45‘


Artists in Residence Tryout

Steinbauer & Dobrowsky with Eddie Luis and his Jazz Passengers


STORYVILLE – The Big Easy in Graz Graz-based artists embark on an expedition to the cradle of jazz, tracking down a story that didn’t have a happy ending back then. With a dance around truth, fiction and poetry, they strive to revive the heritage of legendary musician Buddy Bolden. For a few years he was said to be the uncrowned King of New Orleans with his cornet, before he lost his mind and then died in 1931 after turning dumb. His music can be heard this summer in Graz, bringing a little of that “Big Easy” feeling to the city.


Being in residence during La Strada, the artists are working on this coproduction, which will be premiered in 2019. On Thursday August 2nd, members of the public have the opportunity to take part in a public rehearsal exercise. For this you can obtain numbered tickets at Graz Tourismus and at the Ticketzentrum. The starting point and time will be stated on the numbered tickets.

Open Dance


> Trio Infernal and Paula Barenbuem > La Buya del Fandango > Eddie Luis & die Gnadenlosen – XL It all kicks off with the sounds of jazz, tango, house and drum’n’bass with Trio Infernal. Then it’s time for a sparkling ball led by Compagnie La Belle Image. It all gets wonderfully sensual when Eddie Luis & Die Gnadenlosen spice up salon music, oldies, pop and super hits with a little jazz from the heyday of swing. Never miss a chance to dance!

Kaiserfeldgasse: 1/8, 2/8, 3/8 at 7.30 pm DJ-Line / Live music from approx. 9 pm 1/8: DJ Vesna / live: Trio Infernal and Paula Barenbuem 2/8: DJ-Line with Cie La Belle Image / live: La Buya del Fandango 3/8: DJ-Line with Eddie Luis / live: Eddie Luis & die Gnadenlosen – XL Free entry!


Fantasy, poetry and masks open up the innermost world to us.

Photo: Familie Flöz

— Michael Vogel, Familie Flöz


puppet theatre dance

Familie Flöz


Dr Nest Quite self-assured, Dr Nest takes on his new position at a remote mental home. Soon he plunges into the bizarre worlds of the residents. With their impressive and demanding body and mask theatre, Familie Flöz offers a narrative about the both tragic and comical fragility of people’s lives.

Opera Graz: 29/7, 30/7 / 8 pm / Recommended from age 12 Tickets: Length: 80’ (without break) Category 1: € 54 Regular Price / € 48 Reduced Price Category 2: € 47 Regular Price / € 42 Reduced Price Category 3: € 41 Regular Price / € 37 Reduced Price Barrier-free access: € 17 Wheelchair users / € 12 accompanying persons Family package: Our special family package is available at all advance ticket sales points but cannot be booked online. With the friendly assistance of:





The Paper Man “What do we do when fascism comes to town?” With “The Paper Man”, British Company Improbable tells the story of the Austrian football player Matthias Sindelar, aka “the paper man”. He had the courage to affront the Nazis in the “Anschluss match” on March 12th 1938 at Vienna’s Prater stadium and died 10 months later under circumstances that remain unclear to this date. In this performance the puppet theatre players tell Sindelar’s story, which remains as poignant as it was at the time of his death, 80 years ago.

Orpheum Graz: 1/8, 2/8 / 7.30 pm / in English Recommended from age 14 A coproduction with La Strada Graz and Norfolk & Norwich Festival. Tickets: € 18, choice of seat


Length: 85‘ (without break)

Barrier-free access: € 10 Wheelchair users / € 5 accompanying persons


Asphalt Piloten


Still Motion The human body in urban space is the focus of the fascinating dance project “Still Motion”. Thus it is also the focus of the five projectors that literally spotlight this figure, with its shadowy movements at the intersection between performance and visual arts. An impressively soft and striking choreography.

Fernheizwerk Graz (Puchstrasse 51): 31/7, 1/8 10 pm, 11 pm, 12 am / Recommended from age 13 Tickets: Length: 30‘ € 25 Regular Price / € 20 Reduced Price Barrier-free access: € 10 Wheelchair users / € 5 accompanying persons With the friendly assistance of: 28

Jan Martens


Sweat Baby Sweat “Sweat Baby Sweat is a performance about love”, Jan Martens says, and those who watch this slow duet, combining acrobatic power and vulnerability, will understand that this is not an exaggeration. In their provocatively slow dance, Kimmy Ligtvoet and Steven Michel use elements of yoga, acrobatics, rock’n’roll and Butoh Japanese dance theatre in order to fill this sequel of Marten’s “Small Guide on how to treat your Lifetime Companion” with emotions.

Graz Opera – Studiobühne (Girardigasse): 28/7, 29/7 / 8.30 pm Recommended from age 12 Tickets: € 25 Regular Price / € 20 Reduced Price Barrier-free access: € 10 Wheelchair users / € 5 accompanying persons

Length: 65’


Compagnie Les Clochards Célestes


Là où vont danser les bêtes “Where will the animals be dancing?” ask Antoinette Cremona and Sha Presseq in their lively and subtle puppet theatre. This year, the answer is: “In Graz!” It is a whole gathering of animals, emerging from this old cart on the hands of the puppeteer, but also on the heads of the audience. All revolving around Mamita, the ancient turtle searching for the beach where she used to lay her eggs.

Lesliehof in the Joanneumsviertel: 28/7, 29/7, 30/7 / 10 am & 5 pm MURPARK: 31/7 / 11 am LEIBNITZ: 31/7 / 5 pm Schloss Seggau STAINZ: 1/8 / 11 am Rauch-Hof Recommended from age 4 Free entry! 30

With the friendly assistance of:

Length: 40‘

Susi Claus


Janoschs Apfelmännchen Sometimes things can go so completely awry, when big wishes are fulfilled. At least at first sight. Something Eberhard has to realise, when the apple for which he has yearned so long finally grows on his apple tree. What’s more, oversized! Because such a huge apple causes more problems than you might think. Until, yes well until the “fearsome” dragon arrives. Susi Claus narrates Janosch’s famous story in such a loving and lively way that dropping by is a sweet and juicy pleasure not only for the youngest La Strada visitors. Kunsthaus WEIZ: 31/7 / 4 pm MURPARK: 1/8 / 4 pm Lesliehof in the Joanneumsviertel: 2/8, 3/8, 4/8 / 10 am & 5 pm Recommended from age 4 Free entry! With the friendly assistance of: :

Length: 45‘ 31

community art

Community Art describes forms of communication and interaction; it’s about understanding and misunderstanding. Photo: Veronika Tzekova

— Chris Haring, Liquid Loft

Veronika Tzekova


FOOOOTBALLLL If four teams representing politics, art, media and migration fight over the ball, a game of football can become a metaphor of life. On a pitch with four goals, with play running not just along but also across, almost the same rules apply as in any conventional match. But with her land-art installation, Veronika Tzekova puts the positioning of society’s players in question and provokes new areas of competition. Indeed she proves what everyone already suspected: a game of football is more than just a game. Gruabn (Kastellfeldgasse): 2/8 / 8 pm A coproduction of the international street art network IN SITU. Free entry! With the friendly assistance of:

Length: 60‘ 33

Liquid Loft


Foreign Tongues Foreign Tongues puts the act of speaking at the centre of a choreography in urban space and reflects its polyphony and multilingualism. With a flexible sound system the performers interweave the city’s soundscape with the timbres of distant or neighbouring language spaces. Interpreted through dance, voice recordings from different regions in Europe become readable like an open-air score. The sound of the cities turns into a spoken word symphony, which expands with each new location. In this new coproduction with La Strada, the internationally acclaimed performance company Liquid Loft sets off for public space and uses the collision of languages and communicative contradictions as a means of creation. Foreign Tongues demonstrates, among other things, how much is already understood, even at a point where you think you haven’t understood anything yet.

Burghöfe (Hofgasse 15): 29/7, 30/7 / 7 pm & 9 pm Recommended from age 12 This La Strada coproduction is a pilot project of the international street performance network IN SITU. Tickets

Length: 75‘

€ 12 Regular Price / € 8 Reduced Price Barrier-free access: € 10 Wheelchair users / € 5 accompanying persons


Artists in Residence Tryout

Cie Onyrikon & Samson Ogiamien


Iyagbon Below What do the local “Krampus” figure, Nigerian Edo masks and Sri Lankan devil’s dances have in common? Magical thinking, myths and folk wisdom, blended with the power of nature and people’s need to wonder. The French physical and mask theatre troup Onyrikon and Graz-resident Nigerian artist Samson Ogiamien celebrate these “rituals” in their music and dance performance. The audience is spirited away on a dream journey between beauty and horror: close encounters with masks, spirits and dwarves are possible.


Being in residence during La Strada, the artists are working on this coproduction, which will be premiered in 2019. On Friday August 3rd, members of the public have the opportunity to take part in two public rehearsal exercises. For this you can obtain numbered tickets at Graz Tourismus and at Ticketzentrum. The starting point and time will be stated on the numbered tickets. (Recommended from age 12)

La Fabrique Royale


Zéro Degré The free-runners of the French troupe La Fabrique Royale fly from roof to roof, overcoming gravity apparently effortlessly. But Zéro Degré is more than a spectacular acrobatic performance. In combination with sounds, director Franklin Roulot develops an artistic language that plunges everyday surroundings into a completely new perspective. Here it isn’t just about how towns are built, but also how people live there together.

Starting point at Messe Graz (entrance on Fröhlichgasse): 28/7, 29/7 / 7 pm A La Strada-coproduction with the international street art network IN SITU. Free entry!

Length: 60‘



Pierre Sauvageot / Lieux Publics & Cie


Grand Ensemble “Grand Ensemble” has two meanings in French: “large residential area” and “large orchestra”. French composer and sound artist Pierre Sauvageot takes the risk of connecting these two meanings together. The unusual placing of a classical orchestra on balconies makes unexpected orchestral effects possible: different floors communicate with one another, melodies travel from window to window, rhythms are interrupted by staircases, repeating from music stand to music stand. Music from classical instruments connects with noises, sounds and conversations between people who live in the building. In Graz the production is being put together in collaboration with the Graz Philharmonic Orchestra.

Hirtenkloster residential block (Wienerstrasse 166): 3/8, 4/8 / 8 pm With the support of the European network IN SITU. Free entry!

Length: 43‘

For information about getting there by public transport and limited parking facilities, please check the La Strada app or La Strada website With the friendly assistance of: legero united – the shoemakers | Initiator of



aXe Graz


Seppi. Das Kind, das nicht aufhörte zu wachsen. In cooperation with the artists of aXe Graz, Fiston Mwanza Mujila, Patrick Dunst and young refugees, La Strada brings opera to the streets, right in the middle of a residential area. It tells of a society tending to ever more alienation and over-saturated with consumption. An interactive work of street performance that can be expected to move the audience in more ways than one. Theodor-Körner-Str. 113 – 115: 28/7, 29/7 / 9 pm entry from 8.30 pm / Recommended from age 10 A La Strada coproduction with the international street art network IN SITU. Tickets: € 12 Regular Price / € 8 Reduced Price Barrier-free access: € 10 Wheelchair users / € 5 accompanying persons 40

Length: 50‘

Kunstlabor Graz / Teatri ODA


The way it feels to be “in between” is what Kunstlabor Graz is helping its audience to sense this year. Where am I? Where do I have to go? Will I be led? May I stay or do I have to go? And who decides? In a powerful performance involving few words, the artists offer an experience of what it means to live with and survive these questions. In the midst of glazed structures, escalators and mirrored cabinets, musak and piercing audio signals, they stage with poignancy one of the most burning societal questions of our time.



1/8, 2/8, 3/8 / 2.30 pm & 5.30 pm / Recommended from age 14 A coproduction with La Strada Graz. Numbered tickets Length: 90‘ Available at Graz Tourismus or Ticketzentrum. The starting point will be given on numbered tickets.


Seth Honnor / Kaleider The Pig / IN SITU Pilot Project


IN SITU news flash Under the title IN SITU ACT, the international network for the development and support of artistic creation in the public space is currently engaged in its sixth project phase in succession and has received support for this from the European Commission ever since 2003. From 2016 till 2020, 23 partner institutions from 15 nations have been and will be working together with the artists on new projects. Here the important criteria are originality, innovation and uniqueness, the interleaving of contemporary art with new technology and the involvement of the public, with a view to shifting aesthetic appreciation centre-stage in the transformation of cities and regions. In the four-year period of the current project phase, six so-called pilot projects are to be realised and staged internationally. Among them is the La Strada-directed production Foreign Tongues by the Austrian Liquid Loft company, with choreography by Chris Haring. Following a preview performance at the Dutch Terschelling festival, the piece will be premiered at La Strada before embarking on an international tour that will include being featured at the Cultural Capital Leeuwarden. Werner Schrempf / Artistic Director

Further information: 43


CHRISTMAS TIME IS CIRCUS TIME! As pulses race, acrobats prevail over great heights and all share that appetite for discovery, it’s time for Cirque Noël! Once again, contemporary circus projects will hold sway over the theatres of Graz. In their current production “Air Play”, Seth Bloom and Christina Gelsone of the Acrobuffos company tell the story of two siblings travelling through a surreal landscape and encountering not just huge dragons and oversize balloons. An adventure for the whole family in the best tradition of circus. Australian company Gravity & Other Myths will delight one and all with their new production “Backbone”. For all those who thought they had learnt the limits of gravity last year, we can reveal: it’s time to revise…

CIRQUE NOËL 2018/19 18th December 2018 to 6th January 2019 GRAVITY AND OTHER MYTHS (AU) | Orpheum Graz ACROBUFFOS (US) | Helmut List Halle

INFORMATION & TICKETS T i c k e t z e n t r u m : + 4 3 3 1 6 8 0 0 0 / w w w. t i c k e t z e n t r u m . a t

W W W. C I R Q U E - N O E L . AT


For those who want to stay up-to-date on events, we made the La Strada app – download for free. Here you’ll find all the groups and shows, venues and prices, as well as a calendar that shows at a glance what’s happening and where at that moment. You can also order tickets as well as look at photos and videos of the individual groups. And, last but not least, here you’ll find the links to all artists’ social media presence. For the following projects you can get the performance venue, starting point and time via push message from the La Strada app: Marco Barotti (p. 14), Cynthia Schwertsik (p. 16) ... and for those who always want to be on time, there’s “qando Graz”, the app of Graz Linien: up-to-date departure times for busses and trams in zone 101, route queries, announcements and news in real time. Both apps can be downloaded for free from the App Store and the Google Play Store!

Tickets & Info Tickets & Information: +43 316 26 97 89 / / or at the advance ticket sales points: Graz Tourismus: Herrengasse 16, 8010 Graz, +43 316 80 75 0 Ticketzentrum: Kaiser-Josef-Platz 10, 8010 Graz, +43 316 80 00 oeticket sales offices throughout Austria and Kleine Zeitung Ticketing: +43 316 871 871 11 Reduction: Schoolchildren, students, senior citizens, annual ticket or half-year ticket holders of Holding Graz Linien public transport and season ticket holders of Freizeit Graz GmbH. Special prices are available with valid ID at all advance tickets sales points, but cannot be booked online. Ö1 Club-members get 10 % off 2 tickets each. La Strada family package: Special prices for families are available at all advance tickets sales points, but cannot be booked online. On the La Strada website you’ll find all productions, performance dates, times and venues as well as ticket information at a glance, in addition to interesting news and background information about La Strada and the IN SITU European network.

Imprint La Strada is an event produced by die ORGANISATION in collaboration with Tourismusverband Graz / Artistic Director: Werner Schrempf / Publisher: ARGE La Strada, Opernring 12, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA © La Strada 2018 / Photos: Press material of the groups, p.4: Nikola Milatovic / Editing & Text: Stefanie Obrist; Diana Brus, Mirella Bärnthaler / Graphics: Sylvia Zannantonio Design: Print: Medienfabrik Graz / Translation: Susanne Baumann-Cox / For readability purposes, no genderspecific terms are used. The masculine form is used generically and fundamentally refers to both genders equally. Subject to change, errors and misprints without notice. 47

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La Strada is culture-partner of Steiermark Tourismus. For everything about enjoying culture in the green (heart) go to Media Partners:

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La Strada is coorganiser of the European street art network IN SITU:

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