April 2k17 Issue

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It‘s your time to shine...

Express Me, Express You, Embrace We Cover Story 13 Married To Ministry with Evangelist Richardson Featured Events Smarter in 2017 18 Planning with Chef Chantea CEO Life ~ G’s Place 24 19 with Gwen & Aneshia

32 The Tainted Tiara

with Author Latonya Smiley

Voices of LASUMXP & Guests 6

It’s A Balancing Act


No Peace! No Justice!


Where Your Essence Lies


A Worthy Woman


Redefine Your Stereotype


Laugh A Little!!


Classy Eyes

Karmen Booth-Brewton

Apostle Angela Thibeaux

Apostle Crystal Willingham

Apostle Denise Chase

Kelly Fair

Toni Pearson

Shelly Winters

To share your story or advertise with us, send an email to: mzmoministry@gmail.com

With each issue, it is my heart’s desire to grow LASUMXP into something more and more brilliant. To make her a household name, because of the content she carries. The vision was simple, but the process to publish, not so much. LASUMXP is supposed to be a platform for the not-so famous or yet to be popular voice, with so much heart to share. It is set to be a stage for sisters, related through shared journeys of everyday life. A concert of voices, whose sounds and tones, although unique, dance together in our ears in perfect harmony. Melodic sounds of love, laughter and life exploding on our screens, with each page. A timeless collection of pieces where, word of mouth flows through the air, high fiving every sister, brave, bold and authentic enough to share her measure. Have we done that yet? No. We have barely scratched the surface. But you can bet your red bottoms that I am going to keep pushing and thriving until we do just that! I never had plans to grace the cover of LASUMXP, nor fill more than one section with my voice. I wanted to yield the floor to others and share it with a symphony of sisters. Yet, there were times, where pulling off the next issue, was tap dancing dangerously close to me having to do so. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say. If you know me, then you know I was anointed with words for days. Smile and watch your co-signing on that one. {wink} Yet each issue, if I didn’t know any better, I would say like magic I did it. But it was God speaking to the hearts of some awesome women, who released their sound. I must say like a kid in a candy store, with no fear of diabetes and permission to let loose, I still get excited on each release date. Yes, I love what I have been graced to do. I truly hope you all look forward to the releases as well and anticipate the day that many of you will grace us with your heart as well. As earlier mention, there is so much more to do and I can’t do it alone. There are so many women with amazing stories, lessons learned, life tips and just an all-around sunny personalities. Why don’t you join me? Become part of the team! Help me pull together interesting pieces and let’s plan some amazing themes for each issue. Let’s get some discussions going on social media and most importantly our website. Become a blogger for the website. Take over our social media. Become an interviewer and bring us some dynamic pieces. Become our networking correspondent and keep your ear to the golden paved road, traveled with Red, Blue, Tan or Black bottoms strutting their stuff. Work on the layout, become a coordinator, become our marketing guru, HELP with the editing. Trust me, there is a place for you. Don’t be shy and don’t dilly dally, make haste and join me. Has hearing the true heart of LASUMXP stirred your creative juices? Let’s chat ASAP! I’m waiting …

In this issue I took a different route in gathering pieces for this issue. I think it worked fabulously, too. With so much going on in the world, we had plenty of things to talk about. This month’s theme is “A Woman’s Worth” and our guest writers gave us some treats. We are chatting about everything from the darkness in our cities to First Lady Trump’s fashion. Our girl, Karmen is back taking us on an excursion through her world. Chef Chantea dropped us some tips on party/event planning. You know that season is upon us. Don’t stress out your budget and still come up short. Use wisdom and Chef, sho’nuff shared some great tips with us. We are working on our favorite nail tech Shana. She will be back, probably in the next issue. She told me that she has been working on some things for us. As a matter of fact, send me some questions for Chef Chantea and Shana. Let’s get that going! See, there are so many ways for you to assist with the brilliant plan for LASUMXP. We have a new author that we are featuring in this issue. Wow! Her journey and story is so touching, yet her story is far from unique. The unfortunate part is the fact that others have experienced the same thing or something very similar. But I trust that it will encourage others who have endured a similar experience and enlighten others who haven’t. Speaking about a situation from your space of healing and/or deliverance shows great strength, courage and that knock ‘em out

sister-girl swag that so many of us wear. Read her story, purchase the book and connect with the author. The three apostles…I didn’t plan it that way either. I am so appreciative of the stories they shared, “A Worthy Woman”, “Where Your Essence Lies” and “No Peace, No Justice”. My my my! One serves as a great reminder, another expands our thinking, while the final one should snatch all of our thoughts and hearts and pull us into alignment. I’m telling you, this is a goooood issue. “Classy Eyes” caught my attention on social media and I asked her if she wouldn’t mind expounding on her thoughts, getting it LASUMXP ready. You know social media kind of limits your characters, but not your character! Come on here! Actually all of the pieces I’ve mentioned in this paragraph were all introduced to my viewing on social media. Get connected! Now you know, we couldn’t release an issue without our “Married to Ministry” piece. This sister is about her business and would love to assist you in being about your business. Check out her story and connect. Again, get connected! I have some new pieces coming your way in the next issue too. So don’t just read your friend/sister’s piece. Read it all and tell me what else you would love to read about. Let’s get to this brilliant plan for LASUMXP. Join me, connect with the fabulous queens in each issue and share your own sound. We have room on the stage for you too. Until the next issue, smooches! Xoxo Keep IT Kingdom!

Monique Strong

LASUMXP Editor In Chief

mzmoministry@gmail.com www.moniquestrong.org

It’s A Balancing Act By Karmen Brewton Brewton--Booth

here does the time go??? It’s coming up on my three year anniversary from when I first said “I do”, and boy have things been changing. I started a new job, while juggling the responsibilities of being a mother to two daughters, the oldest 18, and the youngest 5, being a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. It’s amazing that a woman has that type of stamina. Have you ever really thought about all the things that we have to be to everyone else, while still taking care of ourselves? Why do we, as women, put ourselves last? From our careers, to just taking the time to care for ourselves as we should, we seem to always put everyone and everything before ourselves. It’s a redundant scenario. Careers are placed on hold, we allow our spouses (or significant others) to go out and chase their dreams, while we tend to families and make other things priorities. Some of us stay home to take care of ailing parents, while others are soccer moms running kids here and there, and if you don’t have kids, I’m sure you can replace that noun with whatever else that takes time out of your day, and away from you. Sometimes resenting, that when everyone else has seemingly fulfilled their purpose, that we are later in life trying to fulfill ours. For a while, I struggled with trying to find the balance in my work/home/personal life. Friends complained that I didn’t reach out, or come around like I once had. Work began to spill over into my home life. Days became longer, and my nights were shorter. Trying to excel in a new position and stay on top of everything at home and not neglect my husband and children. Then slowly, things began to unravel. We began to eat out more, as I cooked less. If I left the responsibility to my husband of getting my youngest child ready for school, things would never be done as if I had done them. I was uninformed of what was going on, missing dates and deadlines, while the teenager was in her bedroom raising herself. Most importantly, I think my husband and I realized the honeymoon was over! I coasted along for months as if things slowly began to come undone, and the events of my life made me take a step back and reevaluate things. I know that we feel that we can take care of it all. At least, I felt that way. When I first got married, I kept hearing about a “Virtuous Woman”, the “Proverbs 31 Woman”. Have y’all ever read Proverbs 31?? Well let me tell you, ALL the details of a virtuous woman, start way before verse 31! What a virtuous woman entails starts at Proverbs 11 and continues through Proverbs 31! So I told myself if God said it… I can do it! That is a hard task to achieve. Quite honestly, I think even now, I need someone to interpret what all of those scriptures mean as it applies to the 21 century Virtuous Woman. I am still trying to fulfill what God has said a good woman should be.

Quite honestly, I think even now, I need someone to interpret what all of those scriptures mean as it applies to the 21st century Virtuous Woman .


I absolutely have not embodied what I interpreted this woman to be. However, I try to achieve that greatness every day that I wake up. I trust that one day, I will be what God has designed me to be… A Virtuous Woman! I understand that I will not be able to cook every meal, talk to every friend, check every homework assignment, go to every event, and be everything to everyone. However, I am learning to prioritize and trust that others can step in and help (without anyone dying). Whenever I’ve been sick, or tired, or taken away from my home on business, I can see what a crucial role I play in my family and friends lives. Even in my work life I can tell that my absence effects even that part of my life, in some way. “To whom much is given, much is required.” The responsibility of woman is enormous. What we give is enormous. What we take on is enormous…. But… we were designed to handle it.


By Apostle Angela Thibeaux

What comes first the justice or the peace? No I didn't get it backwards. My heart has been grieving really heavily for our city of Chicago, for our people and our nation. I've cried fiery tears and have sat perplexed about a viable solution. Everyone seems to have a piece of the puzzle that can change these matters but I believe where we fail is, when everyone believes that their piece of the puzzle is the solution, when in actuality it is all-inclusive. We need prayer, repentance, love, leadership, mentorship, education, jobs, economic revision, charity and justice. What we fail to realize is that the solution begins with UNITY! None of us can change this city and stop these crimes alone. Not one of these things alone will cause lasting and transcending change. The enemy’s greatest achievement is to divide and conquer and convince everyone that division is their own idea and choice. It is an age-old method that has brought the most suffering to our world, slavery, holocaust, etc. The ability to turn the eyes of a group negatively toward another is done over time, but once it is done the power over both of the groups is immeasurable. One group is controlled by FEAR while the other is disillusioned by POWER. We have become enemies who perpetuate the same pain we claim we want to relieve. Why the heck can't we realize that we need the church, the activist, the businessman, the government, the residents, the educators, etc.? Whenever our nation and another nation have been at odds and we finally decide to attempt to work together toward a solution for all, we have what we call PEACE TALKS. They work at bringing UNITY FIRST. Airing out all past issues and finding agreeable solutions and strategies. Once this is done over the course of many conversations, they then sign a PEACE TREATY. Once this is done then they attempt to implement action/strategy based on the heavy work accomplished during the peace talks. We need PEACE TALKS IN CHICAGO FIRST! Not between the gangs and the preacher, or the police and the activist but among all the leaders in every venture, who claim they want better. We have all become TOO PRIDEFUL to talk without defense, ego, and judgment. We have to stop trying to get everyone to join our own movements and becoming offended when we see a lack of response to our piece of the puzzle. This breeds further division. WE ALL NEED TO REPENT OF OUR PRIDE! We can see that the soul of our nation is full of PRIDE, because we have birthed out our most prideful soul and put him in the White House. And I'm not talking about his politics; I'm talking about the character of a man and the spirit of a nation. When lust brings forth sin, then sin will bring forth death. (James 1:14-15). Let's realize that WE can cause a movement together. A HAND UNITED CAN CHANGE A CITY DIVIDED! This motto was given to me over 10 years ago. It has become more relevant and passionate for me today. I'M GUILTY... Guilty of what you may ask. Guilty of doing too little. Guilty of thinking too narrowly. Guilty of letting my lack dictate my actions. Guilty of letting my frustrations get the best of me. Guilty of being angry with the

majority. Guilty of being swallowed up by the vast sufferings of my people, my city, my nation and my world. I read a comment that asked, "Why is it that the majority of the support given to the black community comes from other races? Where is the BLACK Church?� I must admit that this bothered me. WHERE IS THE BLACK CHURCH? I admit that the church has a lot of issues and a lot of change that needs to take place. I have been disappointed at times as well. However, what really made me upset is that we don't realize that the sufferings of our community's sit directly on the doorsteps of the BLACK CHURCH! First, statistically the global black church is represented by what we call storefront/small churches. Medium to large churches are increasing but they are still the minority when it comes to statistics. That being said when most people speak of our lack of presence in the communities, they often have in mind the storefront/small churches. We must understand the internal struggles of the churches of this size. There is BIG Heart and BIG Vision in these churches but there are great depths of lack in the majority of these churches. What you see represented outwardly in the community is also represented inwardly sitting in the chairs. There is lack of provision, lack of influence, lack of human resources, lack of support/encouragement, lack of regard/respect and many times lack of education (sometimes traditional, wisdom, strategy, etc.). Many of the churches struggle to impact the community by impacting the community represented inside. They are the impoverished, imprisoned, dysfunctional and bond. Their natural resources are minimal and may not stretch very far, so it seems they have no regard for the suffering outside. NOT TRUE! The solution to this dilemma is UNITY in the COMMUNITY! If we could pool our limited natural resources together we could make a greater impact. Secondly, our larger black churches are working more diligently to make an impact outside. Pastor Corey Brooks has been on the frontline for many years. Apostle David Rodgers has been a voice crying out for years. Apostle Matthew Stevenson is calling a rise in the standard of how we live and do ministry. These are just a few, who are fighting in this war! We must realize that the black church has been affected by the sufferings as well. The deaths, the poverty, the devastation of communities are represented IN the church. Our leaders have to impact the community within and then mobilize them to impact the community without. We have to bring life to the dead bones that walk in the church from these war zones and then equip them and mobilize them to go out. GIVE US A MINUTE to RECOVER ALL! GIVE US A MINUTE TO RESTOCK OUR WEAPONRY! GIVE US A MINUTE TO READY OUR TROOPS! GIVE US A MINUTE TO GET OUR DIVINE STRATEGY! GIVE US A MINUTE! The TRUE CHURCH is RISING‌NOW!

Where Your Essence Lies By Apostle Crystal Willingham

oving wife, mother, sister, and friend. That’s what my epitaph will probably say when I pass away. All of the other significant things I will have done with my life will be chapters in the book of my life. In other words, you’d have to be there. Somewhere in the obituary, you’ll know that I gave my life to Christ at a young age and was loved by all who knew me. But it seems in today’s life and time, that may not be enough to satisfy the hunger we have to be remembered as the one who did much more or became, what we call, great. Women are coming up in an emulous, intensive, and creative world now. It’s not enough to be a loving wife, but now we must be the loving wife who can handle it all. We are entrepreneurs, CEO’s, editor in chief's, heads of organizations, co-pastors, sports announcers, weight trainers, and anything else a man tells us we can’t do. We have been pushed to the limit to become all that we possibly can to get out of life whatever we can milk it for. We are driven to perform and function at high levels of productivity that our mothers and grandmothers would have thought utterly impossible to do. While we do this, we eat more and exercise less. We sleep less and grind our dreams into countless hours a day. Meaning, we rise up, start moving, and before we know it, the day is gone and we have a long list of accomplishments for the day. We are consumed with going and going like the energizer bunny obtaining goals, accomplishing dreams, and putting the trophies on the shelf so that we can feel accomplished. But then when faced with looking at ourselves in the mirror we oftentimes feel defeated when we are not accomplishing something dream oriented. Let me clarify, I am not saying there is anything wrong with being the “Boss Lady”. I am an entrepreneur, wife, mother, and minister myself. But there is a trend that has developed among us “Boss Ladies” that has caused a rip in our sisterhood. We are almost broken up like sororities and if you’re not a “Boss Lady” Soror then you are not doing anything with your life. As if to say, “You had better rise up with your heels on, hair and makeup done, and your itinerary rockin if you’re going to be a real woman in this day and age.” What a misconception! You don’t have to be a “Boss Lady”, life coach, entrepreneur, CEO, or president of an organization to be a significant woman. I love this project, my South African sister Tamara Aeschliman spearheads on her website “Brutiful Me”. Her video project recorded countless women of all ages, shades, nationalities, and races who took the time to send her a 3 second video with the words, “I AM”. Her project is to promote the significance of your existence as a woman. What will it take for you to discover the woman you were created to be? Let’s begin with knowing your own self-worth. Identifying who you are as a woman and your rightful place in the earth. Your self-worth isn’t weighed by what you can do, it’s weighed by knowing that you are loved and by whom you are loved. God loves you and always has loved you first. Knowing you are a jewel in His eyes and there isn’t anything He wouldn’t do for you that He’s always planned for you since the beginning of time. The next thing you must realize is your purpose is not the same outline as everyone else. Womanhood is not a fad, you’re not cloned as a Stepford wife, you’re not a copycat version of someone else, it’s your life and you have to live it fearlessly and fabulously. Eve was created to be with Adam and together they ruled. Rebekah, Leah, Deborah, Naomi, Ruth, Abigail, Sheba, Gomer, Elizabeth, Anna, Marth, and Priscilla all served different purposes that changed the course of Kingdom history. Prophetess Anna for example, was a widow of a man she met in her early days as a young woman. She served God in the temple fasting and praying and is now recorded in history as the woman who confirmed that Jesus was the redeemer. Would you be content with being a housewife, raising up the next governor, mayor, or doctor of breakthroughs in medicine? Can you love yourself, give thanks unto God, and have joy in knowing that your life is just as valuable as tomorrow’s billionaire woman? Can you embrace the life you have in every single day you live it knowing that there will be moments that only last a few minutes but change the course of history in the Kingdom? We recognize

prophetess Anna for (I assume) just a few days but her testimony of Jesus’ life as a woman of God changed Jerusalem. My sister, you, yes you reading this article and feeling insignificant because you don’t have a banging photo, nice flyers, and a fan page on Facebook. You, my sister, who may be single, never been married or have children. You, my sister, who works at a factory, administrative assistant, store manager, and seamstress. You are JUST as valuable as those of us who grind in a different life groove. Our rhythm may be different but we are still beating to the music soundtrack of our lives. Don’t compare yourself to Susie, LaRonda, and Dr. Titus (hold on girls, I made these names up) whose lives were formed in a different mold. Don’t weigh your lives against those who seem as though they are winning at life and doing far more than you. I’d rather make heaven with two souls then to make hell and have won one thousand. At the end of my days and in the day of judgement, I want to hear him say, “... well done, my good and faithful servant.” Crystal Willingham CEO crystal@iamclearascrystal.com Voice Overs * Radio * TV * Event Host

A Worthy Woman By Apostle Denise Chase

To be a “Worthy Woman” a woman must first “Know her worth”. To know her worth she must do an inventory of herself and the treasure she carries. More often, than not, we as women sell ourselves short because we accept and settle for the things that are offered to us, rather than asking for what we want or stating our requirements. This is true whether it is for a position on a job, or in a relationship, etc. One of the biggest things that cause us to do this is, LOW TO NO CONFIDENCE IN OURSELVES. Building your confidence is the first MAJOR step to becoming a “Worthy Woman”. To build your confidence, you must know the goods you bring to the table. I will use myself for example. Although there are many beneficial qualities I possess, one thing that I know, without a doubt that I am good at is, helping others break cycles of negativity and seeing themselves beyond where they are. I have an awesome resume of effectiveness in this area. How did I get to be such an expert in this area of life? I first had to break the cycles of negativity in me, see and unlock the treasure within myself. I could not totally achieve this on my own. I cried out to God for help and He sent Women of God in my life, to midwife me through this process of becoming. These women helped me to see and realize there was more to me than just physical attributes. I had to look beyond the outside of myself and take the limitations off. Who I really was became clearer to me as I looked beyond the surface of myself. Looking at myself from top to bottom, I came to know that I am intelligent, I have wisdom and insight. I also learned about myself that I was stronger than I gave myself credit for and that I did not have to hide myself to get attention (or not). I learned how to truly love and accept me for who God made me and not try to be someone or something I was not. In short, I saw the TRUE AUTHENTIC ME. I set some new standards for myself that were and are not negotiable, such as, not allowing others opinions of me to take precedence over God’s word concerning me. I would no longer allow the meaningless enticing words of men to discredit and degrade me as a strong woman. I refused to allow myself to let whatever others did or did not do, to influence my decisions for myself. So on and so forth. To be a Worthy Woman, is to always be true to yourself, respect yourself, know your limits, communicate for yourself, believe in yourself, trust yourself (which is to TRUST GOD), know how much of yourself to give, take time for yourself (and know that it is not selfish, but healthy), take risks, DREAM BIG, go for the impossible, empower, encourage, inspire and mentor others on your journey. Know that you have the power to make a difference and that change is necessary. Set boundaries of allowance and disallowance for yourself, etc. All of these attributes are important as “A Worthy Woman”, because they allow you and others to see and know you from the inside out and not just the outside in. Graciously submitted by Apostle Denise Chase a.k.a. “THE BREAKER” Empowering, Encouraging and Equipping women to break cycles of negativity and embrace the freedom to become the Designer’s Originals they were created to be. Founder and COO of Know Your Worth Empowerment Group, LLC

With Evangelist L. Renee Richardson

hat an honor to share my story with the readers of this wonderful magazine. It takes incredible vision to deliver a magazine like LASUMXP. My hat’s off to Ms. Monique-Madam Editor. I am L. Renee Richardson. I have been born to educate, empower and enlighten the world in my passion, pillars of women, wealth and God’s incredible Word. My purpose is to teach you how to “create wealth” no matter how old you are or how little you have. My early spiritual story begins in Georgia in the 70s. I discovered a life in Christ at the age of 10. My father was in the military and we lived on the base, where the soldiers lived. It was a beautiful time and season, but the economic season was shifting. The church on the base would send out a large school bus to pick up children. One beautiful Sunday the bus stopped in front of our house. I boarded it and went to Sunday School for the Protestant Faith. The services were divided for those of the Protestant Faith and the Catholic Faith. I can still remember watching the film strip about the life of Apostle Paul. That Sunday I received a Good News Bible that was on the shelf in the vestibule. The Bible was written in an easy language to understand and featured illustrations. I picked it up and never put it down. In the 70s, the time was tumultuous. Oil prices were escalating. Gas was sky high and we travelled about 40 miles one way to our new church, Victory Drive Deliverance Temple, in Savannah, GA. My mom had just received the Holy Ghost. Bishop Luther C. Anderson was my first pastor. We witnessed God’s incredible provision. As gas prices began to soar, now up to 52 cents a gallon, it was costly to travel 80 miles round trip. One Sunday, my mom registered for a gas drawing at Sears. She won a full year’s worth of free gas! I had grown up in the Baptist faith but now we had entered the world of Pentecostalism. About four months after my mom was saved, I too received the infilling of the Holy Spirit at Watch Night service, celebrating the entrance of the New Year. I was introduced to a new group of young people who were in love with Christ. We lived near Savannah until I was about 12, then moved 250 miles away to near Columbus, Georgia. My parents built their dream home, paying almost 100% cash. I was 13 and entering the 7th grade. It was a new world. Primarily African American. I was rejected because I was different. The youth would pick on me and call me sanctified. I spoke different. I dressed different. I acted different. It was in the garden on the playground that I learned to pray. I asked God for friends. He sent me Belinda, she was Hispanic and rejected too. Five years later, I can remember my senior year; I was elected to Senior Class President. It was time to take pictures for the yearbook. We had to wear a low cut V-neck top in the senior pictures. My mother did not want me to wear it. She considered it too low cut for a young Christian lady. However, my mom still wanted me to be in the yearbook. So I took a picture in a suit and brought it to Mrs. Palmer, who was over the yearbook. When she saw my picture in a business suit, she bluntly stated that “you are going to stick out like a sore thumb.” To a 17 year old, that was horrific, but it has defined my life. I have always stuck out. I channeled my lessons I learned from being different. As I faced my young adult future, while others were settling for living in Georgia, I had a desire to go to the big city. My aunt lived in Chicago and our church headquarters was located in Chicago. I travelled to Chicago during summers in my teens. In my MBA program at the University of Georgia, I had picked out Leo Burnett, from a list of top ad agencies in Chicago. It ranked number one. I loved newspapers and learned about the media department in ad agencies from a college project stuffing envelopes. Leo Burnett Media only recruited at the top schools like

Northwestern, Dartmouth, and Dennison. Schools I had never heard about. The Lord blessed. Leo Burnett Media picked out my resume and reached out to me. Four weeks later, I had an interview on the phone (they did not come to recruit at my school). After that, I was selected for interviews with six people in Chicago. They flew me in, put me up in a fine hotel downtown and entertained me! Well the Lord blessed again, and I was hired at $32,000 a year at one of the best companies in the world. Five years later, as a single woman at the age of 29, I was blessed to buy a brand new home, built from the ground. It was in the city. It was a model home. It had a big yard and carport. It had four contracts that fell through before I applied. God hid it for me. It was perfect. I was actively involved in my local church, holding positions of teaching and mentoring our youth. I wrote stage plays that brought tears to the audience’s eyes and the presence of God showered the place. I taught Sunday School to young people. I drove “my babies” into the crime ridden west and south sides of Chicago, late nights after practice and church. I gave the Lord my heart, soul, body and mind. In 2000, I was attending Dr. Horace Smith’s church on the Southside. They introduced a program that changed my life. It was a daily Bible reading program that allowed you to walk through the Bible in a year. As I was reading through the Bible in a year, the Lord began to set the path for a new direction in life. My mom was in seminary in Georgia and I came home to visit. I had birthed African American recruiting for Leo Burnett Media, now known as Starcom. I would fly to Atlanta and recruit at the AUC-Atlanta University Center (Spellman, Clark/Atlanta, Morehouse and then Morris Brown). Then I would drive 100 miles to visit my parents in my hometown in Georgia. My daily Bible readying had rejuvenated a thirst for God and his message to today. My mom invited me to her class at seminary and I met Dr. Ron Cottle (www.roncottleministries.com), who was over the seminary. He was teaching about Moses at the burning bush and the call on his life. I cried as I wrote my notes. After class, I asked for him to pray for me and he did something unique. He stopped everyone and asked them to point in my direction. He and the entire class prayed for me. He said he was going to “impart” into my life. “The anointing that was on him,” he placed on me! Whew! What a conversion. I felt that I was born again, again. God downloaded a global view into my heart. I became aware of a huge kingdom that was bigger than my local church, local organization or anything I had ever witnessed. From this divine impartation, in November 2000, Women of Vision and Destiny Ministries, Inc. was birthed. I wondered what my purpose was. I always loved teaching but now God planted a huge desire to see the lives of women and teen girls changed through his word. We started with Bible Studies in my home. Over 80 women would come and fill multiple levels of my home. God’s presence flooded the place. We outgrew my home, went to a friend’s basement, then a hotel and blossomed into the Homan Square Community Center. God was birthing woman. Each month nearly 150-200 women would drive from all over and show up for our WOVD University of Life Classes. It was also a painful time as many male leaders rejected the power that God was demonstrating in my life (the life of a woman) and the lives of women who were being delivered. The most painful rejection came from pastors who did not understand the movement and set out to sabotage it by subtly encouraging my top leaders and their members to disassociate with WOVD. Looking back, I realize that WOVD was a pioneer in women’s ministry and many were afraid we would turn into a church and take their members. That was not our intent. We were ministering to women on a large scale before it became popular like today. I personally believe that many of today’s women’s groups were and are still inspired by WOVD to walk out their calling. In 2003, we ended up at the McCormick Place for a huge women’s conference in the ballroom that seated 2,500 people.

I believe the enemy knew that God was producing a mighty movement. We came under intense opposition and it slowed the organization down. Many gave up, but God kept me going. I knew he had birthed WOVD. My Biblical role model is the Proverbs 31 Woman. In Proverbs 31:18 we learn that "she works late into the night to make sure her business earns a profit.” She was married to the ministry of being a wife, business woman, mother, and Christian role model. Are you working late into the night to build your business? Dreams? Career? Home? What are your desires? What are the desires you have on your life? Have you really thought about it? Do you want a career? Have babies? Go back to school? Be debt free? Take a vacation? How much do you want to earn? What is it that you REALLY desire? I ask myself this question daily. There are many things I am doing, but the most important question is what do I really want to do? What I really want to do becomes my life goals. After 20 years of travelling all over the world, where I logged over 300,000 miles, I retired from my six figure job in Corporate America to pursue the dream of becoming financial independent through entrepreneurship. My husband Glen and I opened up an ice cream store on Michigan Avenue! (www.marbleslab.com) I now lead two powerful, global corporations: Women of Vision and Destiny Ministries, Inc. (www.wovd.org) and Wealth and Riches Today, Inc. (www.wealthandrichestoday.com), the parent company of Rich Gurlz Inc. (www.richgurlzspa.eventbrite.com). We launched Wealth & Riches Today, Inc. as a global effort to increase the number of businesses who earn $1 million a year in revenue. Currently only 2% of women owned businesses earn over $1 million. We are hosting our Rich Gurlz Dream Big Luxury Bizness Spa Retreat (www.richgurlzspa.eventbrite.com) on January 3-7, 2018 at The Henderson Resort and SPA, owned by Sheila Johnson, co-founder of BET. She is the first African American woman with a net work of one billion dollars. Now I am an author, spirit filled motivational speaker, visionary, Christian educator, entrepreneur, Billionaire Visionnaire®, marketing guru and business empowerment coach. I am committed to what I passionately advised others to do all my life: Design the Wealthy Lifestyle You Desire…Today! The Lord has sent the most amazing group of women into my life. Women of Vision & Destiny Ministries, Inc. (www.powercircleinfo.eventbrite.com) was re-invented in 2015 and we launched our Vision 2025 to open 57 centers in 50 states and 7 continents. God is so amazing. He continues to coach and stretch me in my Prayer Closet. I am married to ministry…never give up until you see the God results manifested in your life! He will deliver your dreams. God has a master plan for your life. Many of you may be in a dark season, headed for a dark season or coming out of a dark season. The good news is…the Lord has already promised you a wonderful future!

Planning Events Smarter in 2017

It’s that time of year again, where people will be planning reunions, wedding and graduation receptions, baby showers, birthday parties or just a gathering of family and friends. One of the most expensive parts to that planning is…you guessed it, the FOOD! Unfortunately, not all caterers will try to save you money. I’m going to share a few tips with you from my e-book, How to Plan an Award Winning Party on a Budget. Whether you are doing it on your own or hiring a caterer, there are some basics to party planning that you need to master in the beginning so that your bank account will thank you later. Let’s get this party planned!

I’m not just saying that because I am a pastry chef. It is the truth! It’s the second item on your menu that people remember the most. You can always win them over with the dessert options but it will not make up for a bad menu. If you’re serving Pound cake, add whip cream and fruit to the plate or sprinkle it with powder sugar. (Note: If you are serving a heavy meal then you need to serve a light dessert and vice versa.) 5. If you are having a buffet, place the item with the least amount of servings per person at the end. Why? After everyone has filled their plates up, there will not be much room or any at all for that item. No one will notice that you didn’t have much of it, well hopefully they won’t. Think about it. Items at the beginning of the buffet line are hit the hardest. It’s the first thing people see and like. They’re not sure if they will want the other items down the line. Try this with a fruit tray at your next event and see how it goes.

First of all, please note that buffet type meals (meat, side dish, salad, dessert) are cheaper than ordering party trays. Party trays only serve approximately 12-20 people per tray and there is no discount if you 6. Everything is NOT always cheaper in Sam’s order multiple trays. You may be ordering a tray of 50 Club and Costco. Give yourself time to shop chicken tenders but the serving portion is usually 2-3 around because there have been plenty of times in per person. It’s lower if you plan on having men at my experience, where the local grocery stores had your event because their portions sizes are bigger than better deals. women, so they might grab five. You have to take all of this into consideration. Seasonal items, like fruit Below are a couple of sample menus: will definitely cost you more, because suppliers up the price when they are not “in season” and unfortunately Breakfast or Brunch: Sausage, Egg & Cheese Casserole or Quiche, Fresh Fruit, Mini Muffins, Juice that price is passed on to the consumer. and Water (Note: You can replace the sausage with Here are some basic tips to get you started: turkey and use 4z bottles of water along with 1. You have to set a working budget. There is no individual bottles of juice. While individual bottles of way in getting around this. Too many people plan juice may be a little more expensive, they provide zero events with food with no budget in mind. They waste and you can save what has not been used. Don’t just wing it and end up spending more money than put them on ice. Only use what you need at first and they ever wanted to. If you’re using a caterer, be then monitor it.) honest with how much you don’t want to go over. This will affect the menu options, but it also gives Lunch or Dinner: Roast Beef, Garlic Roasted Potatoes or Scalloped Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Dinner Rolls them an idea on what to offer you. Don’t waste & Dessert. Don’t forget our note on tip #4 about desanyone’s time planning a royal event, when you serts. know you only have Wal-Mart money. Just be honest is all I’m saying. Not knowing what to serve at your event can break the bank and cause a lot of wasted food. Nobody has time 2. Decide what type of meat (s) you want first. This is the most expensive item on your menu and for that. Take time to plan your event out including the you want to build around it. Don’t go cheap on the food. If you have to purchase decorations, then make sure that you can use them again for future events, meat. Everyone will remember the meat. even if they are themed. Remember, not everything 3. Choose side dishes that feed the most people needs to have the “theme” printed on them, but it can per serving. This is very important, especially, be in the same color scheme. when using expensive cuts of meat. We all know that rice and potatoes stretch pretty well but what Bon Appetite, you don’t want to do is serve them plain, EVER! Chef Chantea Spice them up a bit and make them memorable. www.esanasdelights.com 4. It is necessary to have beautiful desserts and

Redefine Your Stereotype By Kelly Fair

Although stereotypes are formed from ignorance, they have a way of sticking around. Like labels, they become false defining features of groups of people. Some of us spend our lives trying to shake these definitions and defy stereotypes. While it is hard to lump all women into one group as there are so many diversities, differences, and intersecting identities making up each individual woman, there are consistent stereotypes. We hope that you feel inspired to redefine your stereotypes. Women are overly emotional. When women show emotion they are seen as being weak and incapable. This is especially true when they are compared to men. Acknowledging and expressing emotions is a powerful trait. It shows empathy and care. Don't be afraid to show and express emotion to others, even in leadership roles. Being tuned in to your emotions as those of your team make you a more effective leader. Black women are loud. You have the right to be loud. You have the right to be angry and frustrated. Don't let a stereotype scare you from stating your opinion. Reclaim this stereotype as a symbol of your power. You can be loud and make a difference whether through word or action. Women dislike one another. This stereotype has permeated media. Television, movies, songs, you name it, there are women competing against one another. Women are portrayed as caddy and shallow as they complete for usually a boy's attention. Don't let this stereotype define you! Don't believe that the only relationship you can have with another woman is a combative one. Sisterhood is important. Healthy, supportive relationships will carry you through many obstacles. All women want children. A woman is not defined by her family. She does not gain her identity through her children. A woman without a child is not any more or less a woman. While we are moving away from this stereotype as a society, it is still the norm to assume a woman will marry and have children. Challenge yourself to believe more for your future. You can have a family and be successful and you cannot have a family and be successful. Be you. Be powerful. Be woman.

Kelly Fair CEO & Founder @ Polished Pebbles Lead Consultant @ Kelly Fair The Mentor http://www.polishedpebbles.com/ https://kellyfairthementor.com/

Laugh A Little!! By Toni Pearson

Funny movies, sitcoms, cute toddlers and a good friend’s jokes can all offer one of the most powerful, natural stress relievers out there: laughter. When was the last time you had a good gut buster? Although you probably can’t laugh off depression, one of the many benefits of laughter and a sense of humor is that they buffer you against the negatives of life that could lead to depression. As an added bonus, research has shown that people who use humor to fight stress also feel less lonely and more positive about themselves. Also, one recent study found that humor therapy was as effective as widely used antipsychotic drugs — minus the side effects — in managing agitation in patients with dementia. We can’t yet say that a certain number of laughs every day will keep the doctor away. However, studies have shown that people who say they laugh a lot also tend to be in good health and generally feel well. Additional research shows that when you laugh, there is an increase in oxygen-rich blood flow in your body, possibly due to the release of endorphins, which create a chemical rush that counters negative feelings and stress. Activities that increase endorphins include a good workout and listening to music you love and laughter deserves its place on the list with these stress busters!! Let’s look at the many benefits of laughter:  Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.  Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.  Laughter burns calories. OK, so it’s no replacement for going to the gym, but one study found that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn about 40 calories—which could be enough to lose three or four pounds over the course of a year.  Laughter lightens anger’s heavy load. Nothing diffuses anger and conflict faster than a shared laugh. Looking at the funny side can put problems into perspective and enable you to move on from confrontations without holding onto bitterness or resentment. So let’s remember, a little laughter can go a long way and a merry heart doeth good like a medicine!! In Fitness and Grace, Sister Toni P.

Classy Eyes By Shelly Winters

I didn't watch the inauguration of President Donald Trump live, but saw pictures and read all about Melania Trump's ensemble and how great she looked; and I totally agree. Yet, at issue are the comments, "NOW we have a classy First Lady AGAIN" and "we FINALLY have another Jackie O." Let me explain why that's offensive.

represented so much for so many women and girls, would be celebrated for her accomplishments if of a different race and political affiliation, is tolerated, then how does America REALLY see me, other African American women and women of color? When Michelle Obama has been/is/will be attacked for merely being a beautiful, fit and educated black woman, who dared to live in the White House, it is in essence attacking me and attempting to assign value to who I am, how I look and my place in this country. That's why it's offensive.

Melania, bless her heart, is the new purveyor of class in America? Having posed nude on a fur rug for a magazine? Suggestively touching herself? And being nude and oiled up while suggestively touching another woman? And that's now acceptable imaging for our First Lady? Let's be honest. If Michelle Obama did that, Shelley M. Winters she wouldn't be given the same grace and the hypocrisy is infuriating. While Melania looked fabulous at the inauguration, she's not "classy like Jackie O." I'm not bashing Melania; I'm just challenging the choice of wording to describe her. Being "classy" (or as I prefer to say elegant) transcends clothing choices. It's about dignity, character and grace and Michelle Obama embodies all of that. Maybe a better word to use to describe Melania's appearance is glamorous. I'll admit she embodies an effortless glamour, possibly due to her modeling past, that the two-time Ivy League educated, no-nude-photo-having Michelle later developed. Just as Nancy Reagan, a former Hollywood actress, had a similar type of glamour that was unmatched by Laura and Barbara Bush, who had different life experiences. When Michelle was in campaign mode and as First Lady, she routinely wore pearls and sheath dresses, popularized by Jackie O., style icon and the standard bearer for elegant First Ladies. Yet, she was ridiculed for showing her beautiful bronze and well-toned arms. The comments stated that she looked so "un-First Ladylike". Really? Please go back and look at photos of Jackie O. So, it begged the questions...Is the issue really a First Lady wearing sleeveless dresses? Or the fact that there's an African American First Lady? Michelle represented the best and brightest of African American women, a modern Claire Huxtable. And if the issue is the latter, then is the real problem that she ascended to a position that exceeded many Americans' comfort level? If that answer is yes, then it would denote tolerance, not acceptance. So if she, who

CEO Life ~ G’s Place

By Gwen Haney Haney--Smith and Aneshia Smith GWEN TALKS: In 1994, I lost my only son in a car accident and I thought my life was over. BUT GOD STEPPED IN. During this bereavement season when I returned to work, the Vice Chancellor spoke with me about God's expectations. He stated that God really wanted me to mourn my son, but not in sorrow, but rather in happiness. He was sure that this was the way my son would have wanted me to live. He told me that others have such admiration and respect for me and how I hold myself to the highest standards. He said, “YOU DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR OWN SELF WORTH.” That was the day I heard the Lord say to me, “HAVE FAITH. I AM WITH YOU.” 2 CORINTHIANS 12:9. “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” With God on my side, I then purchased my first home and first new car. Several years later, with mixed emotions, I made the decision after 32yrs to retire from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where I served as Office Manager/Event Planner in the College of Pharmacy, Dean's Office and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Services. I was shaped into the person I am today as an “All Around Event Planner.” This included planning and organizing many local and nationwide association events, galas, student socials, conferences and events for pharmacists, politicians, health professional, administrators and other associates. In 2007, God took the ropes and I applied to work for the local high school as a cafeteria worker. During my interview the director asked, “After 32 years as an Administrator, why would you want to work in the cafeteria?” I had always been one of the bakers in my family, for large meals and special events and I wanted to learn the behind the scene workings of preparing and serving meals. With encouragement from my husband, mother, children, co-workers and my cheerleader brother, G's Place was created. This was the start of my small business that became my newly found, yet hidden dream. By word of mouth from family and friends, there became a great demand for my variety of cakes (my own created pound cake recipe) and homemade banana pudding. Along with the baking I was also receiving request to plan weddings, birthday parties, baby showers, family gatherings, social club parties, funerals, writing obituaries, grant proposals, invitations, etc. So G's Place began to expand. Somewhere during the expansion, Aneshia found a creative interest in the event planning of G's Place. We have shaped a growing business that has well overwhelmed our foreseen expectations. One of my most memorable events was more than 20 years ago and one of my first weddings. It was a rescue case, with one week to spare, when the bride discovered she was overwhelmed and it was not going to happen. Working a 40hr job and raising my small children, I created wedding programs, selected and ordered bridal shoes, hired a DJ and photographer, held rehearsal in the mother's living room, ordered flowers and tied up all of the loose ends; for the most beautiful wedding I have ever orchestrated. ANESHIA TALKS: G’s Place was and is a dream now a reality that began as one of my mother’s, Ms. Gwen Smith-Haney’s babies. Yep, G’s Place is my sibling so to speak. I began as a simple assistant to my mother. It was decorating reception halls, putting together centerpieces, proof reading programs or simply doing whatever whenever I was needed. While aiding and assisting, when my mom was called to work what I call her MAGIC; I began to have a few idea of my own. Scared to say anything because this was my mom’s dream and I didn’t want to interfere. Here and there I would give a suggestion or two, create centerpieces, rearrange tables, rewrite a program/obituary and chime in a few suggestions during consultations with bridal parties. I was simply giving a helping hand. In 2007 we became a team. So now my mom gets to work with her oldest baby (Aneshia Sharee), while creating AMAZING visions for others with her youngest baby (G’S Place). G’s Place is now a Mother/Daughter team that turns the visions/dreams of others into an AMAZING reality that is Breathe Taking. Please know it has not been an easy journey for my mother or me. I have watched my

mother endure several loses, the weight of the world and so much more but she still manages to SMILE, LOVE and keep her youngest baby (G’s Place) alive. Not only have I worked with my Mom, I have also had the opportunity to complete a few events of my own, such as “All In the Family Jumps (with Robin Wright)”. It is an event to allow the children of Maywood and surroundings areas, time to just enjoy themselves outside as we use to, jumping rope, playing hopscotch, twirling hoola hoops and just making new friends. I am also the second half to “Ladies in Hats” (with Nova Mines), an event held yearly, every 2 Sunday in October. Ladies in Hats gathers women in a room to speak life encourage and uplift each other, while sharing our life experiences by rocking one of the various hats we as women wear daily. My GREATEST event was making my mother’s dream and visions a reality for her 64 Birthday/Retirement Party. By the way this was her second retirement. nd


Who gets the chance to be the event planner for the event planner? When I saw her face and eyes light up, I knew I had nailed it!! Now understand my mother and I are perfectionist and NEVER stamp our name to anything that isn’t done in Decency and Order. But to see her face and hear her say THANK YOU, was PRICELESS for me. The feeling I got with my mom is the feeling we achieve with each one of our clients. So for your next event contact G’s PLACE and allow this mother/daughter team to turn your vision and dream into a REALITY!!! FROM G'S PLACE: Live every day for your passion. Passion leads you to your dreams and your dreams lead you to God’s promises. Please remember that GREAT customer service is your business card, because people share their experience with others, due to GREAT work and CUSTOMER SERVICE. G's Place Gwen Haney-Smith & Aneshia Smith Founder and Proprietors Phone: 815-260-8182 Email: gs9place@yahoo.com

The Tainted Tiara By LaTonya Smiley

I will start off by saying, God is good! I am a woman who was broken to the core of my being. Child Molestation ripped my life apart. I was estranged from my family, a teenage runaway, a teenage mom, a high school dropout, and three kids before the age of 22…. But God!!! Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. That is the reason that I am before you today, unbroken. What the devil meant for evil, God turned it around for my good. He had already knew I would go through being sexually assaulted by my father resulting in a pregnancy, several bouts with domestic violence and through His mercy, all of the suicide attempts failed. He took all of my broken pieces and made me whole again and He'll do the same thing for you, if you allow Him. If you give Him all of the fragments of your broken pieces He will turn it around suddenly, that’s the kind of God that we serve! I am so glad that He has allowed me to experience real love on this side of heaven. I have been writing all of my life. I would keep a diary as a little girl and always write my thoughts down. I would write poetry and stuff like that. I never thought that I would write a book. I never saw myself being an author I wanted to be a rapper. I did not realize at the time writing would become therapy for me and people wanted to hear what I had to say. In fear of getting hit in the mouth, I would just pour my heart out on paper. I remember my mother found my diary and she was so upset because it was my thoughts towards her and they weren't nice thoughts. Because she was always mean to me, especially after she found out that I was molested by my dad. Somehow it became my fault. All of these small writings, I feel were things placed in me for a book that would later help others heal from Child Sexual Abuse. The book started as therapy, it was my way of getting the story out of me, in hopes of becoming unburdened by my past, with was contaminating my future. I think I cried the whole time I was writing this horrific story that I could not believe was part of my truth. The transparency that God commanded of me in this book, is what was so hard about getting it out. I had to get to a point where I could not worry about mama's feelings. I couldn’t worry about grandma's feelings. I had to write this book and be obedient to the Holy Spirit, to help someone else who is going through the same brokenness and can't find their way. “Secrets Untold , A Daughter’s Cry” is about my life and how my childhood was snatched away from me, at the hands of my father but more so, how God healed and allowed me to forgive my parents and through obedience my joy was restored. The main point that I make in this book is that you have to take accountability for the things that happen to you in life. Regardless of what it is you are being held accountable for your reaction to what has happened. God commands us to forgive and sometimes we have to go back and reevaluate our hearts, to make sure there is nothing there blocking us from being effective in our perspective ministries. God commands us to love Him with everything in us and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Those are the two greatest commandments and if we don't forgive, we are disobeying those commandments. Partial obedience is disobedience. Many were called to be generational curse breakers of our families, but we are blinded and bound by un-forgiveness. LET IT GO, AND BEGIN TO LIVE LIFE, ON TOP OF THE WORLD, INSTEAD OF THE WORLD ON TOP OF YOU! BE BLESSED Minister Latonya Smiley Executive Director Eve’s Roses evesroses@yahoo.com

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