Express Me, Express You, Embrace We Cover Story To Ministry 9 Married with Pastor Fisher Featured Winter Comfort Food 14 with Chef Chantea M.O.M. 16 Millionaire with Author Alicia Bowens Purpose in Your Pain 18 Finding with CEO Yashika Stewart
Voices of LASUMXP & Guests 22 Whispers of the heart Shartia Divine
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O here we are in a brand new year. Surrounded by great intentions and a mass of well to do wishes. Encouraged by dusted off dreams, vision board overload and melodies of affirmations. This is always a great time of year. Scrooge is in a temporary holding cell and plans fill the air. The spirit of delete and block has swept the nation and our circles become dots. Most of us greet the new year with high hopes and a fresh outlook. No matter how great the previous year was, nobody really wants a repeat. We naturally want to go higher, do better, dream brighter, experience new things and simply enjoy the lovely things that life has to offer. Who signs up for failure and disappointments, intentionally? My prayer for 2017 is simple. That we all remain focused. Hoping that we can all keep the main thing, the main thing and to not derail due to distractions. That we all show up as love and not that watered down version of love. I’m talking about Agape Love. A Love that expands beyond temporary discomforts and disappointments and reaches in to pull another out of the grasp of its opposing heart. When others speak, I hope we listen, pay attention and ask questions without fear of judgement, when we truly don’t get it. We don’t all speak the same heart language. So inquiries should be ever flowing, if we genuinely care to truly get an understanding. May peace flood us, in the midst of the chaos the world will orchestrate in this upcoming season. That each of us manages to carve out a sacred time for rejuvenation and the growth of our soul. That God truly becomes the head of each of our lives and not just the cute confession of our lips. May we follow Christ and not trends and seek to live out the measure uniquely portioned to each of us. In other words may we live out God’s plans for us a individuals, instead of recreating what we deem good ideas that others are doing. Instead of branding ourselves and promoting our own names and ideas, that we truly advance the Kingdom of Heaven, in the earth. That we seek God for strategies on how to make this world a better, safer place and rid it of evil and darkness. For the times ahead are sure to prove darker than we have seen. If we can’t rid the world of it, to make sure we don’t add to it or walk it out ourselves. I said my prayer was simple, not short and there is so much more that I am praying for. But I’ll save that for my FaceTime with God. When I asked God what was next, I heard “FOCUS. Tell My people to FOCUS”. With access to so much and all of the new gidget gadgets that technology and social media introduces, we are truly pulled in many different directions. BRAND! BRAND! BRAND has been in such high demand and it does just that. Demand highly of those enslaved to it. We will talk more on that at a later date. But what it does is make you feel like you have to be everywhere you’re not, but have access to and at times diminishes your message and dismantles the anointing of your platform. You’re stretched thin and spewing out catchy clichés, pulled from familiar spirits and industry homies that sounds good, but fail to heal or destroy yokes. Nor does it lend time for you to truly seek God, listen to what He has to say about what is REALLY going on, to hear an answer that you and others are to trust and obey, to see change and experience power. So FOCUS! Hone in on what is for you and walk it out. Many create beautiful vision boards full of great dreams and desires. But fail to craft a plan to accomplish the things on it. Sometimes the vision board is so overwhelming, even in its beauty that you don’t know how to accomplish all that is pictured. So each year there is this huge roll over. Year after year, each vision board has the same theme. This time don’t put your vision board away, when you complete it. But pull out a notebook and create a timeline to accompany it. Not for the sake of being locked into completing things by the dates written. But to create a realistic time to accomplish one thing at a time, or even a couple of them, if they somehow coincide with each other. The board will give you a continuous glimpse of the big picture. The timeline along with a plan, that you should also draft, will keep you on track and working towards your goals. I actually created what I call my “Focus Frame”. Not to be different, but simply to capture what it does. I hung it
somewhere I would pass every day, on my way to the kitchen. I love food and so there would never be a day where I wouldn’t see my focal points before me, multiple times. I must say, every time that I walk pass it, my hope smiles inside of me. It covers everything from ministry, business, health, hair goals, my credit and life in general. I was going to share a picture of it, but those are my goals and not yours, so there is no need. Create your own and there are no rules to what you focus on, other than to let your focus be your authentic hopes and dreams. You may find that you don’t actually like many of the things that are popular and trendy, or what it brings to your life. Plus, I am not your life coach, just a sister who found a way to keep standing who loves sharing what I’ve tried with you. Nehemiah is a great book to study as a reference for FOCUS. No matter what they tried to do to distract and even discredit him, he wouldn’t abort his mission. Now there are times when you will have to handle or address some things, but every pesky fly that comes your way, doesn’t require your swatting. You may lose your balance trying to do so. Slap on your bug repellent aka THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD, FOCUS and make each moment your best. Also, don’t take on what isn’t your load to carry. Remember, no matter what, KEEP IT Kingdom or Keep IT Moving!
Thank you to the ladies who tell your stories, issue after issue. Guess who just went quarterly...Yes! We did. But, LASUM (Lift A Sister Up Ministries) will actually be hosting grown up time outs this year. Not to mention that the website will definitely be more active. More videos, blogs, new segments and just more opportunities to connect throughout the year. Xpresso is the virtual version of LASUM, so that sisters everywhere can connect with us. So those will be the videos and new shows coming out. LASUMXP is the combination of LASUM and Xpresso, in the written form of collective voices to encourage one another. Now you know where LASUMXP came from or what it stands for. How many of you remember or very first cover? Ms. Teeya Skipper graced the cover and shared her story with us. Well honey she has released her album “IKIGAI (Reason For Being)”. Wow! I love it! I got my copy and my favorite track kept changing as the CD continued to play. There isn’t a genre that you can stuff her artistry into. As you listen to it, you will hear genres you want to attribute a track to, but it doesn’t quite fit. Her sound is her heart and it is eclectic-ly beautiful. Chef Chantea graciously shared with us again. I love what she is doing with young moms. Let us know how the recipe she shared with us, turns out for you. We have millionaire moms and CEOs who rock heels on deck in this issue too. Just a little something to wet your whistle at the top of the year. Stay with us and enjoy our cover story. Every woman in ministry has her own journey. We can learn a lot for a sister! Never be shy of sharing your feedback about the magazine. Just don’t be rude and fleshy. Respect goes a long way and spares a lot. Step forward and share your stories, take out an ad in the magazine (they are no longer free, but affordable), become a content writer or blogger for the site. I need an editor immediately as I know I may miss some things. Become the team that will assist in keeping this machine moving. I know you’re reading this, so email me when you’ve finished enjoying the entire issue. Happy NEW YEAR and welcome 2017! Love, hugs and fabulous blessings queens!
Monique Strong
LASUMXP Editor In Chief
With Pastor Kimberly Fisher There is something to be said for a woman who knows what she wants and then unlocks the proverbial door by breaking the chains of tradition. This is actually what has happened for the little girl from Brooklyn, New York. Kimberly Faye Williams-Fisher was born the seventh child to Arlean Williams. However, she’s not a little girl anymore. She’s an adult woman, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, pastor, associate minister, wife, dr. of Christian services, the VP of Woman of Faith Ministries, etc. With all of the attributes that Dr. K, as she is affectionately called by her husband Lenzy; has, she has There is something not always felt like she was a good fit for the man’s world of ministry. to be said for a There seemed to be a struggle. However, the little girl born in Brooklyn woman who knows but raised in Vicksburg, MS is used to a struggle. This is actually what what she wants... keeps her fit for the Master’s use. She has struggled all her life. She has struggled from the time that her mother sent her and her siblings to be raised by her great aunt and just visiting her mother during the summers. From that time in her life she was sent to live with her mother’s younger sister, for what she thought was just a summer visit and she ended up staying four years. Dr. K’s struggle is very real. Although her struggle is real, God has always had His hand on her life. A person with her nature has always felt like the underdog. She has come a long way from being the “underdog” to what some other male preachers feel as “under qualified” in this male arena of preaching and delivering the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. K has realized that what was spoken of in Joel 2:28, “… your sons and daughters will prophesy…” little did she know that it would not be accepted in the year of 2001; the year in which God called her into the ministry. Since giving her life to her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in 1999, life has taken a different turn of events for Kimberly. The mother of three daughters, three grand -daughters, and one son-in law, she knows what it’s like to want support from other male preachers and not receive it. Dr. K has traveled around the nation, and out of the country preaching the truth of the Gospel of Jesus. Yet the support of what God has called her to do is still not being supported by other men in the gospel.
She used to listen to other Pastors speaking of how it is not an easy job to pastor. Now she sees that the struggle is real. If she was not rooted and grounded in the Word of the Lord she would have succumbed to the struggle a long time ago. But the Word of God is true for the struggle. He promised in the book of Hebrews 13:5, that He would never leave us nor forsake us. So when Dr. K was called to be interim pastor and then pastor of the Morning Star Baptist Church, in Vicksburg, MS in 2011, the real struggle began. She is the first black woman to pastor a Baptist church in the city of Vicksburg. Some told her not to pastor the flock of five that has grown to over one hundred parishioners, while others felt that she couldn’t do it. But here she is four years later still pastoring the church that has expanded in size, membership, and spirituality. This has been done by the grace of God for such a time as this. When you are called of God, you have to know who you are. The struggle is real because the fight for souls is real. Dr. K is determined to keep fighting for the Kingdom of God even though the support that is given to male preachers is not always given to women in the ministry. Is her struggle over? No, certainly not. But she still has the fight and stamina to keep going in any arena of her male counterparts. She hears the Spirit of the Lord say constantly: “To whom much is given, much is required.� God expects a lot. So during the struggle, she remembers how God took the underdog and qualified her to run like the wind in an arena that has been set aside for men.
We all know what time it is. That’s right. You guessed it. Time for chili and soup. There is nothing more warming than having a bowl of one of these on a cold day. It just makes you feel good inside. The fact that you can make a big pot and then freeze portion sizes, is the best thing about it. On days where you don’t have a lot of time to cook dinner, you can take out enough portions for you or the family and put it in the fridge to thaw out all day long. When you get home from work, you put it in your pot to warm up. Pop your collar and declare that dinner is served.
them but leave about ¼ cup of water in the pot. Smash your potatoes in the pot while they are still hot. But leave some chunks of potatoes as well While your potatoes are boiling, slice your sausage and sauté them on the stove or bake them in the oven until done. Add your evaporated milk, soups, sausage and any other optional ingredients that you choose. Season with salt and pepper to taste. In other words add a little and taste it to see if you like it. Add more seasoning if needed. Sprinkle chopped parsley for garnish, optional.
Bonus: Seasoned Crackers (These are great with potato soup and betCasseroles are another great dish that you can make in ter when made the night before) large quantity and freeze in smaller portions. Don’t 1 box of saltine crackers forget to date it and use freezer bags. Not the regular 1 package of dry ranch dressing mix (NOT DIP MIX) ones, because your food will grow ice on it, or in other 1 cup of oil (vegetable or canola will work fine) words become freezer burned. Make sure you are us- 1 T Garlic Powder ing freezer bags. They are thicker and can withstand 2 t Red Crushed Pepper Flakes the cold temperatures of our freezers better than the 1 gallon size storage bag regular ones. Directions: Enjoy this quick version of potato soup recipe and Combine all ingredients in a large measuring cup, exdon’t be afraid to experiment with it, to make it your cept crackers and mix well. Add all 4 sleeves of crackown. ers to the bag and pour the seasoning mixture onto the crackers. Shake gently. Let it sit overnight. Place the Mimi’s Potato Soup crackers in a clean bag or container with lid. 3 medium sized baking potatoes Note: if you forget to do it overnight, then let the 4 oz can evaporated milk crackers sit for at least an hour, in order to soak up 1 can cream of celery soup the seasoning mix. 1 can cream of chicken soup Bon Appetite, 1 can cream of mushroom soup Chef Chantea 1 package of kielbasa sausage (any flavor that you like) Salt and pepper to taste Parsley, chopped (optional garnish) Optional ingredients Shredded Cheese Broccoli, chopped Bacon, chopped Directions: Peel and roughly chop your potatoes. (This will help them boil quicker). Place them in a pot and add enough water to cover them. Sprinkle with salt. Boil until they are fork tender. Drain,
The Making of a Millionaire M.O.M. By Alicia Bowens
Every mother has a millionaire on the inside of her waiting to be unleashed. However, the biggest misconception is that you don’t become a millionaire until you make millions. The truth is, becoming a millionaire starts in your mind, and until you adopt the proper mindset, you will never realize the fortune that is sitting right there on the inside of you.
Today, I know my worth. I’m empowering women to go after their dreams, watching my income increase beyond my 9 to 5, and I just celebrated the launch of my new book, Millionaire M.O.M. I was inspired to create this book collaboration because I knew there were more stories like mine. There are so many women out there living their dreams, but you have no idea what they had to overcome to get there. In this I am Alicia Bowens, your Millionaire M.O.M. volume of Millionaire M.O.M. (yes, there will be Visionary Expert. I help mothers to uncover, more), all the women were teen mothers, but they are embrace, and unleash their greatness into the world. I now successful entrepreneurs, career women, and am so passionate about seeing women walk in their community activists living out their dreams and greatness because there was a time that I was afraid to changing lives. They are true Mothers On a Mission walk in mine. At the age of fifteen, I became a teen to help others achieve success. The one thing that mother and life as I knew it changed. Thankfully, I stands out about this book is that although they were had an amazing support system in my family; all teen mothers, their children weren’t the main however, the trauma associated with being a young obstacle in their lives. It was their mindsets, which is mother – shame, guilt, disappointment - was a major what all mothers, young and old, can relate to. This blow to my self-esteem. I was no longer confident in wisdom and experiences shared in this book are sure my decisions, and I opted to play it safe, doing just to inspire and empower someone to go after their enough to get by and achieve my goals. This mindset dreams. would follow me into my adult life, and would cause In closing, I hope that you realize that YOU are a me to play small, sabotage my success, and devalue Millionaire M.O.M. You have a fortune on the inside the skills that I had to offer. of you that someone needs and is waiting on you to As mothers, we are so busy nurturing and tending to unleash. So get out there and let your genius shine! the needs of others that we often leave our dreams Visionary Expert, Alicia Bowens, is an IT behind. However, our dreams didn’t die when professional, sought after speaker, author, coach, motherhood began. We are all here on this earth to execute our visions tasked by God, and it is our duty, business owner, and radio host. She specializes in helping mothers achieve their dreams via her our utmost obligation, to complete that assignment. coaching programs, books and workshops. Learn The fact of the matter is that someone else’s life is dependent upon you walking in that truth. However, more about Alicia at and follow her on Twitter @alicia_bowens. many of us fail to realize and walk in our dreams because we devalue ourselves. We don’t think we’re good enough, smart enough, or ready. So we resort to playing small and living a life of mediocrity. So, how do you change your mindset? The first step is to recognize words, thoughts and feelings you embrace on a regular that are not benefitting you. Then you identify the source of those things. My experiences and decisions I made as a teen mother caused me to develop my limiting beliefs. Although I beat the odds of being a teen mother, completed high school and college, and now had a successful career, I still didn’t value myself. Truthfully, I didn’t forgive myself for having a child at such a young age. I didn’t forgive myself for the bad decisions that I would make throughout the remainder of my teen years and into my adult years. Only until I decided to forgive myself, realize I was worth more, and unapologetically go after my dreams, did I begin to see major changes in my life.
Finding Purpose In Your Pain By Yashika M. Stewart When I was asked to write this article I was humbled… and scared to death! Can I be transparent with you for a few minutes? I’ve always been more comfortable with being the “supporting” cast member rather than the lead. I think that stemmed from my childhood and perhaps subconsciously feeling like I wasn’t good enough. I grew up always hearing the negative things about me instead of having them celebrate all of the positive things. I was a creative child with a strong personality that spoke up at times when I probably should’ve been quiet. At a very young age my mother taught me to work hard, be strong and confident, stand up for myself and to speak up for those who couldn’t speak for themselves. Unfortunately, that lead to me being called names like “rude”, “disrespectful” and the famous “b” word by some relatives growing up. I was a child that just really wanted to be loved, accepted and understood but instead I felt the opposite. Though they probably had no idea how deeply their negative words affected me at a young age, God knew that He would use those same “negative” qualities for good and anoint me to bless others. I am the only child of Myrtle Stewart-Alston, mother to Naasir, and granddaughter of the late Henry and Rose Stewart. I am an Event Planner, Mentor, Youth Advocate, Designer, Singer-Songwriter, Poet and Future Author. I am the Founder and CEO of 501c3 Nonprofit Organization Beautifully Unique Inc., Owner and CEO of Diamond Elite Entertainment as well as INSPIRE by Shika My’Chelle. I am the 2015 Phoenix Award Recipient from the Town of Babylon’s 26th Annual Women’s History Program. Though to some that probably looks impressive, that doesn’t really tell you much about me, does it? Who is Yashika and how did this opinionated, free spirit that never attended college end up here? FAITH, FAVOR, PRAYER and DETERMINATION!! I graduated from Wyandanch Memorial High School in 1998 and also received a certificate from L.A. Wilson Tech for Fashion and Merchandising. I got married 5 months after graduation at just 18, became a mother at 19 and instead of attending college like I had originally planned, I chose to stay home and focus on my family. In 2003, I followed in the footsteps of my grandmother & mother and started working within the Wyandanch School District as a Teacher’s Assistant, then becoming a Registration and Attendance Officer, before suffering an injury and being let go in 2008. I remember being hurt, confused and to make matters worse, my marriage was rocky. I picked myself up and started working in another school district but in 2011, after deciding to leave my job to take care of my Grandfather full-time, I found myself newly divorced, heartbroken, and unemployed. That’s when God told me to use my gifts to change the world. I didn’t know what He meant at the time but I took my first leap of faith and started Diamond Elite Entertainment. What I didn’t know was that God was about to call me to do something far greater… In August of 2013, after hearing a sermon at church, God revealed the vision for Beautifully Unique Inc. to me. Being raised in a family of educators that dedicated their lives to the youth and the community, I knew I had to do more because the changes I was seeing with the youth wasn’t sitting well with me. I come from the “it takes a village to raise a child” era but somewhere along the way we stopped being a village. I called on my “village” and enlisted the help of my best friend Debricka and my mother to take this journey with me.
Beautifully Unique Inc.'s mission is quite simple: It is to educate, uplift, encourage and empower the youth to think beyond their current circumstances. It is to teach and encourage them to love themselves and to embrace their individuality. It is to be a blessing to our communities and to advocate for those who have simply lost their way. As excited as I was about this new journey, I didn’t know that something was about to happen that would change my life forever. On February 7, 2014, my Grandfather passed away, but before having the chance to fully grieve his loss, my ex-husband who was not just my best friend, but the father of my child passed away on April 9, 2014. There is no way to describe the kind of pain you feel when something like that happens. I was devastated and to make matters worse, my child was hurting and I couldn’t fix it. As much as it hurt, I knew I had to find the strength to go on for my mom and son. So I prayed a lot and threw myself completely into Beautifully Unique Inc. Despite the fact that we have no funding or sponsors, I refuse to let that stop me from doing my part to change lives for the better. From hosting, sponsoring and planning events like our Women of Empowerment Honoree Celebration, celebrating amazing women who have been influential in their communities. As well as youth programs like our Youth Explosion, created to encourage the youth to use their gifts and talents. From participating in National Night Out, at Wyandanch Park, donating school supplies to the children in the community, to partnering with Toys for Tots to bless families, who simply needed a helping hand for Christmas. I am committed to using my gifts to be a blessing to others! God wasn’t done with me yet though… In July 2016, I soft launched INSPIRE by Shika My’Chelle! Fashion has always been something I loved. I dreamt of having a clothing line for years but the timing was never right. So when God said, “THE TIME IS NOW”, I started creating. I knew that I had to do something that would be positive and empower women, but also be powerful enough for men. My purpose is to change lives for the better, to help where I can, to be a blessing, to simply INSPIRE! No matter how hard it gets and how much I’ve sacrificed, I always remember Luke 12:48 (NKJV) where it states, “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.” Whenever I get discouraged and feel like giving up, I remember that when God called me, HE KNEW everything that I’d have to walk through before I did. By the age of 36, I’ve been verbally and emotionally abused, molested, married, suffered a miscarriage, divorced and experienced such loss that it could have destroyed me. I am not a victim though … I AM A SURVIVOR! My past doesn’t define me but it has certainly prepared me for everything that God has planned for me! I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I do know that God is in total control. As Founder and CEO of Beautifully Unique Inc., it is my mission to continue to bless others and do my part to change lives for the better. I’m confident that funding for my organization and the mentor-like program I’d like to start in my community, is on the way. But until then, there is so much more on the horizon for Beautifully Unique Inc. As CEO of INSPIRE by Shika My’Chelle, it is my dream to have women of all sizes, shapes, shades and backgrounds to feel strong, empowered and beautiful while wearing my clothing. I will also be working on rebuilding Diamond Elite Entertainment in 2017; where Fashion, Music, Film, Literary Arts, as well as Events, will be the focus. Who is Yashika? A simple girl from Wyandanch, NY that despite all the pain and disappointment she has experienced, never gave up. Daughter of the King. A woman that despite everything she’s walked through and all the mistakes she’s made, God chose to use to encourage, lift up and inspire others. As grateful as I am for all my blessings, the truth is, none of those “accomplishments” I listed mean more to me than simply being a
great mother to my amazing, smart, handsome, compassionate, creative, opinionated son Naasir. There is nothing “simple” or “easy” about stepping out on faith and following your dreams. There will be some difficult days, there will be great sacrifices that you’ll have to make, you will question yourself often and you might even lose some people close to you. But DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep Going… Let The Pain Be the Fuel You Need to Push Yourself Harder… Stay Focused… and NEVER Stop Believing in Yourself! Always Remain Humble and Remember That It Is Not About You… It’s about being a blessing to others! INSPIRE someone today… Photo Credit: Walter Williams from A Dream Service Clarence Crawford from Clarence Crawford Photography Daryl Matthews from Vidcom Filmworks Inc.
Unique Inc:
When we encounter immaturity, we are presented with an opportunity to build. We stand in the presence of potential and should choose wisely how we proceed.
Whispers of the Heart By Shartia Divine
Matthew: 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also
the more time you spend planning… the less time you spend “putting fires out.” Life is full of the ‘the unexpected’, and we must be flexible with those Welcome to my world; I call this section “Whispers of moments; but we cannot be flexible with all things. the Heart” because one of the definitions of the word ‘heart’ is that it is the centralized and the innermost The next important task is to be sure you surround part of anything. As long as there is a heart beat there yourself around people who truly believe in you and is life. This article is going to encourage you on both will support you. I am not talking about the people internal and external levels. If you are here on this who ‘pretend’ to be there, but I am talking about those earth and there is a rhythmic beat pulsating through who care; those who will hold you accountable for the left side of your chest, you have a purpose. God your dreams and desires. I’m talking about the people does not make mistakes. So, I ask you… what are you who feel like they win when you win. Yes, those true choosing to do with your time here on earth? Where and authentic people. Do you understand why this is will your heart’s whispers take you? important? Well, it is important because when you are around like minded, focused and goal oriented people 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well great things can happen. You are most likely going to with you and that you may be in good health, as it be pushed and inspired to accomplish your mental, goes well with your soul. spiritual, emotional and physical goals. Lastly, but this Greetings Beautiful LASUMXP Sisters, is actually THE MOST IMPORTANT task: Ask God to be with you. I hope and pray that my Whispers of the Heart have been gentle whispers to your hearts. If you have not read my first and second installments and dedications for this magazine, I welcome you! Now, as we enter this first quarter of 2017 what is it that you truly desire for your heart, mind body and soul? Change starts within, with your thoughts and whatever is embedded in these thoughts will eventually come to pass. As a man thinketh… so is he… So, let’s talk about these goals shall we? What do you have in mind for yourself?
I lost the most weight and kept it off when I asked God to assist me. I prayed prior to my fitness journey and asked God to help me reach my God Given Weight. I requested his presence as I meal prepped, chose my meals, arranged my schedule, worked out, led others in their workouts etc,. See, when you seek God’s assistance He will lead you, just as He leads during other times in your life when you seek Him. He can dive on the inside and protect your heart, your blood flow, your mind and more. He can ensure that the workouts are efficient for you. He can ensure that First, let’s remember to make realistic goals. Create the weight will fall off as needed and from the places goals that you can truly envision yourself accomplishing in the next 2-3 months… Goals that are necessary. He can be sure your heart-beats per minute stay in a safe and healthy zone. He can make sure that feasible for you. Begin to press towards those goals, please quit putting them off. The only thing ‘putting it you are releasing the toxins from your body that do not belong… The phenomenal part about inviting God off’ does is put it off… and sometimes indefinitely. into your fitness journey is that he will also work Once you find that fire, keep it ignited. Write daily affirmations and recite them to yourself. Put them up simultaneously in other parts of your life while you are helping yourself. God loves it when we are all around your house, your car, at your desk, set obedient and He does not have to, but he does offer reminders in your phone if you need to. Why should grace, mercy and rewards for when we do. I believe it you do this? Well, when things get difficult you will is His way of encouraging us and showing us that He have these wonderful little reminders and positive loves when we listen (because so often we do not). words of encouragement surrounding you. Writing things down is pertinent. Plan your goals for yourself, Our bodies are temples according to His word and
when we treat it as such he makes it possible for us to endure workouts. He makes it possible for us to afford a healthier eating lifestyle and if you pay close attention He will help you eliminate all things out of your life that do not belong. He will provide an escape, an outlet… in any situation and with all temptations. We just have to recognize this escape and stay the course. God will remove those things out of our lives that are not healthy for us. However, we must do our part as well. We must work to get where we want to be, we must reject anything that is not healthy for our lives. We must believe and not doubt. Too many times we say with our mouths and in front of others that we believe and trust. However, we continue to carry worry in our spirits. We must learn to rise from that worry. Do you know why? Well, eventually that worry draws that very thing you are concerned about to your life… and you will have no one to blame but yourself. So, focus on the possibility. Focus on the ‘what if it does work’ options for your life! Focus on the amazement of you. Yes, you. You are truly special. I know life throws things, people and situations our way that cause us to feel the opposite, but you must know for yourself that you are a gem, a treasure… and there is a need for you. You must believe and press always. When you put out ‘good’, it will come back for you. Trust and believe.
forget to cheer ourselves on for the small wins. These wins are important too. I also challenge you to get yourself an accountability partner that will assist you. Grab your notebook and planner then schedule a meeting with your accountability partner. During your meeting decide on times that you will connect daily, weekly, hourly, etc. (whatever works for you two). Choose a rewards system to put into practice as you attain goals. Then, decide on a repercussion just in case you find yourself slipping as well. Does it happen? Do we fall short sometimes? Of course we do, but just get back on track and keep pressing! Well, I hope you have enjoyed reading this Whispers of the Heart. Be sure to get involved in a fitness program. If you are in the south suburbs or are willing to travel a bit… Earth in Motion Inc., in Park Forest, IL is a wonderful fitness studio! Oh! Be sure to watch your food portions. You absolutely have to power to change your life. As always, this is written from my heart to yours. Make this year something truly special. Please be on the lookout for my book, it will be released soon. Remember, change your thoughts and you change your life. You are more than worthy; never settle for anything less than the best!
God created us in the image of Him and God’s works of His heart proves that we serve a beautiful and I was at the Steve Harvey Show the other day and he amazing God. God also created our hearts, so He’s the one who can help us when we have issues within. said many profound things, but one of the greatest things he said that resonated in my soul was this… “If Remember, we must be transparent and honest with ourselves if we want to mature. God loves us no you can think it, or have thought it… then it is matter what and you should love you too. It is never possible.” Why? Well, it is impossible to have a too late to make your tomorrow what yesterday has thought that isn’t possible, it would not occur if it prepared you for and for what today is calling you to were not possible. Think about it for a minute. God gives us specific thoughts and ideas that are specific. be. ~ Mind, heart, body and soul. A healthier lifestyle will also provide a better home for your precious What is for you is for you and what is for me is for heart. me. I love what Mr. Harvey said and it has me thinking on an entirely different level and I hope it Proverbs: 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, does the same for you. for everything you do flows from it. With all of that being said… today I challenge you to write a list of your long term and short term goals. Break it down into categories Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Business, Financial and any other areas that you see fit for yourself… then write down tangible goals for each that will lead you to accomplishing your greatest goals. Sometimes we