10 minute read
CONGRATULATION WOLFFARTH ELEMENTARY A+ RATING: Various representatives gathered to celebrate Wolffarth Elementary its faculty, staff, and students who met standard for the 2021-22 school year! The school earned distinctions in all six areas and were the highest ranking school in LISD! Congratulations to Wolffarth Elementary faculty, staff, students, and families from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
FOSTERING AN INTEREST IN STEM: More than 70 students from Bean Elementary became doctors for a day at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Students at the “Doctors for a Day” minicamp had the opportunity to get hands-on experience diagnosing patients and working with equipment at the TTUHSC F. Marie SimLife Center. Congratulations from Latino Lubbock Magazine! (Photo by Melissa Whitfield, TTUHSC)

DOCTORS FOR A DAY: The Bean Elementary students expereinced what it was like to become doctors from medical students Tat exas Tech University Health Sciences Center. The “Doctors for a Day” minicamp gave them a better understanding and opportunity to get hands-on experience to diagnosing patients. The students also got to learn more about science. (Photo by Melissa Whitfield, TTUHSC)

First Mexican American Woman to be on Quarter
When you get your hands on your first Jovita Idar Quarter, you’ll see the reverse (tails) depicts a portrait of Jovita Idar with her hands clasped. Within her body are inscriptions representing some of her greatest accomplishments and the newspapers for which she wrote. The Jovita Idar Quarter is the ninth coin in the American Women Quarters™ Program. Jovita Idar was a Mexican-American journalist, activist, teacher, and suffragist. She devoted her life to fighting against separatist ideologies and sought to create a better future for Mexican-Americans. Idar was born on September 7, 1885, in Laredo, Texas. The daughter of a newspaper editor and a civil rights advocate, Idar was exposed to journalism and political activism at a very young age. Her ideas and practices were ahead of her time. She made it her mission to pursue civil rights for Mexican-Americans and believed education was the foundation for a better future. Idar wrote many news articles in various publications speaking out about racism and supporting the revolution in Mexico. In 1911, she joined the First Mexicanist Congress in Laredo and organized MexicanAmerican activists. She and other women formed La Liga Femenil Mexicanista, or the League of Mexican Women, a political and charitable organization that sought to empower Mexican-American women. Idar was chosen as its first president. Jovita Idar died in San Antonio, Texas on June 15, 1946. Throughout her life, she remained on the front lines of change and advocated fiercely for the rights of women and Mexican-Americans.
Source: United States Mint.
File Your FASFA Now
Each year, the FAFSA opens on Oct. 1. File your FAFSA as close to Oct. 1 as possible to improve your chances of qualifying for the most grant, scholarship and work-study aid. Applications began being accepted for the 2022-23 school year on Oct. 1, 2021. For the 2023-24 school year, the start date is Oct. 1, 2022.
Certain aid is awarded to students who apply the earliest, such as federal work-study dollars and many state and institutional grants and scholarships. Submit the form much earlier to meet financial aid deadlines for your state and college and to get your aid dollars in time for the start of the school year. Repara tu crédito
Reparar su crédito es esencial para tener un puntaje de crédito más alto. El tener un mayor puntaje de crédito le abre más oportunidades y le ayuda a reducir costos en productos financieros. Siga estos siguientes pasos que le ayudaran a reparar su crédito: Conozca sus derechos; revise su informe de crédito; realice una aclaración con cada uno de los burós (Equifax, Experian, y TransUnion); haga sus pagos a tiempo, ya que representa el 35% de su puntaje de crédito; mantenga el uso de sus líneas de crédito debajo del 30%; y finalmente tenga en cuenta su historial y las nuevas líneas de crédito. Adicionalmente, recuerde que las compañías reparadoras de crédito no están autorizadas legalmente a remover nada de su informe de crédito por lo que le recomiendo que usted realice los trámites necesarios para reparar su crédito. Los créditos pueden ser necesarios en un futuro para cumplir sus metas financieras. Le recomiendo que revise los términos y condiciones de todos los créditos que tenga abiertos. Esto incluye determinar también que créditos son necesarios para cumplir sus metas y revisar si es necesario aplicar para nuevas líneas de crédito.
(In English, p. 8)
Education & Scholarship Updates
SITY SCHOLARSHIP is now open for 14 scholarships. The application will close on Fri- day, September 30, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. These scholarships are designed to assist young men currently attending Wayland Baptist University, Lubbock Christian University, or South Plains College and to encourage retention. For more details and to apply go to: www.loshermanosfamilia.org/universityscholarship
Fastweb.com - This website claims to be the most complete source of local, national, and college-specific scholarships on the net. It lists thousands of scholarships. When you sign up, you can get email updates when new scholarships become available. Good and free resource. FALLEN HEROES FUND Scholarship to assist with educational expenses of dependent survivors of service men and women and first responders who have died on active duty since September 11, 2001. Dependent survivors would include spouse, sons, and daughters (biological, adopted or step children). The scholarships are available as supplements to financial aid and survivor educational benefits. The applicant may be registered as a full or parttime student. Use the following link to apply: www.grantrequest.com/ SID_6007?SA=SNA&FID=35040
ARSHIP This scholarship fund was established through contributions to the 2001 Hero’s Luncheon honoring former State Senator and Texas Tech University Chancellor John Montford. ELIGIBILITY: Students at Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (one award per school) SELECTION CRITERIA: First-generation students. CONTACT: Scholarship & Financial Aid Office, TTU, Box 45011, Lubbock, TX 79409 or TTU Health Sciences Center 3601 4th Street MS8310, Lubbock, TX 79409
SCHOLARSHIP for Students majoring in Journalism Office of the Dean, School of Mass Communications P.O. Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409-3082 COLLEGE BOARD Fund Finder is an online tool to help you locate scholarships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background. Apply online at: bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search COLLEGENET A convenient, speedy site which searches scholarships from categories such as ACT and SAT scores, GPA, etc. Apply online at: www.collegenet. com
ASSOCIATION, Inc. (NSNA) Breakthrough To Nursing Scholarships For Ethnic Apply online at www.nsna.org

Youth Opportunities

MONSTER October 4, 2022, from 4:30 – 5:30 pm. Join us as we create our own fun and silly monsters out of different materials! This is a family program to be held at Patterson Branch Library, 1836 Parkway
AN DAY Oct. 2, 2022
Students in grades 1-12 are currently being evaluated for services. The deadline for referrals for students in grades 1-12 is October 7, 2022. For more information, contact your child's counselor or the Office of Advanced Academics, (806) 219-0335. LUBBOCK ISD HOLIDAY Oct. 10, 2022 BUBBLEFEST Science Spectrum & OMNI Theater OCTOBER 15, 2022 AT 10 AM – 6 PM If you love to play with bubbles, then check-out the exciting BubbleFest! TEEN TALK Join other teens and let your voice be heard to talk about the things that matter to you and to learn life skills, on 10/20/2022 from 7 to 8 p.m. Please call the Godeke Branch Library at 806-775-3362 to register. Grades 6-12.
TRAIL Thursday, October 27 - 30th, at 6 pm at the Lubbock Municipal Garden & Arts Center. Free to the public! BOOK PUMPKINS Come turn a book into a pumpkin for your holiday table or shelf! Supplies are first come, first served. Ages 13+, October 10, 2022, 7 pm – 8 pm.
PARTY October 27, 2022, from 10:30 – 11:30 am. at Mahon Library, 1306 9th St. Dress up as your favorite book character and come make spooky crafts! Ages 2 to 7 OPEN FITNESS Avoid the unpredictable weather of high winds and too hot temperatures. Use our fitness equipment to get fit! Treadmill, bikes and more! Ages 13+ (13-16 yrs. needs guardian) 3 p.m., M-F at the Trejo Center. Free. TEEN HELP: Catholic Charities offers FREE help for youth up to 17 years old struggling with negative behaviors, loss of self-respect, bullying, etc. Parents may call 1-800-530-4704 and make a confidential appointment.

DO YOU HAVE A STORY? Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock.net/have-astory or, email your youth news, quinceañera, and other info to news@latinolubbock.net
Tiny Stories by Evie
This children’s book is a collection of tiny stories for kids of all ages. They are fictional stories where the characters include people, fruits, and animals. The book is available on Amazon.com as a paperback or as the Kindle Edition. Anyone subscribed to Kindle Unlimited can read the book for free. The author, Evelyn “Evie” Williams, is a sweet 11-year-old girl living in Lubbock, Texas. When she was 10 years old, she suffered a hematoma in her brain and was diagnosed with an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) from birth. She spent her birthday in the hospital, but the nurses and child life staff made it a better experience. She underwent several surgeries and was in a self-induced coma. She is recovering at home as doctors continue to evaluate her progress. Evie authored these tiny stories as homeschool assignments. These stories may be inspired by other stories that she read, but most are new stories she created from her own experience or interests. The book was illustrated by Toby “TJ” Williams, Jr. TJ is Evie’s only sibling. He created the drawings by using Microsoft Paint 3D. TJ’s favorite subjects are Spanish, health, and business. His family, especially his Martinez cousins, helped him cope with the challenges of Evie’s condition. Their parents Toby and Irene Williams are very proud. Irene grew up in the Arnett Benson neighborhood and is a graduate of Lubbock High School. Find a copy on paperback or Kindle Edition at Amazon at www. amazon.com/dp/B0B9R269LF
Yes, I know, high school is challenging- but it can also be fun (if you make it). Aside from the mundane routine of schoolwork, high school has given me lots of enjoyable opportunities as well. When I started high school, I thought it would be work, work, and more work. It turns out though, that it could be so much more. It occurred to me that I wanted to make my four years in high school memorable. With not a minute to spare, I set out to make moments I would remember forever. I started attending pep rallies, musical auditions, student council meetings, football games, and other club meetings at school. I realized I loved being active in my school community and school as a whole. It makes all the difference! I encourage you to go to that football game, go to that meeting, and make those memories because you only experience high school once.
Blaise Martinez - is the new youth Writer for a Teen's View. She is a 10th grader at Lubbock High School. She aspires to attend Stanford University, major in computer science, and pursue a career in computer science and app development. Welcome from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
¡Celebrate, celebra! Hispanic Heritage Month, mes de la Herencia Hispana Sept. 15 to Oct. 15

MEET SLATON HS HOMECOMING QUEEN: Slaton High School named it's 2022 Homecoming Queen ~ Kat Castillo who has enlisted to serve in the United States Marine Corps after graduation. She is pictured with her parents Rebecca Castillo and Greg Castillo. Congratulations from Latino Lubbock Magazine! (Photo by Louisa Gonzales, Counselor Slaton High School)
· File your FASFA ASAP · Start scheduling important dates on your calendar - online or a hard copy · Register for fastweb.com or collegenet.com · Stick to the syllabus. · Keep seeking and applying for scholarships.

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