4 minute read
Bilingual Financial Literacy Workshop
and an independent, anonymous panel of judges will determine the recipients.
The Adelante Awards Gala is LHF's largest fundraiser and benefits many of its programs.
And this year's gala theme will be in coordination with Cinco de Mayo and will be held on Friday, May 5, 2023. The theme will follow the observance with a Mexican Fiesta.
They invite the public to consider nominating individuals from their organization, business, workplace, or church communities whom they believe deserve such recognition. Online nominations can be made at www.loshermanosfamilia.org.
The Adelante Awards Gala is LHF's largest fundraiser and benefits many of its programs.
L os Hermanos Familia (LHF) will hold their annual Bilingual Financial Literacy workshop each Tuesday in April - the 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2023, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.
In partnership with the KEY organization of Texas Tech and other presenters, the workshop series is provided in English and Spanish.
Some of the workshops will include the Financial Goal Setting. Savings will provide the basics of how to save money, and navigate to the various types of savings plans.
In addition, how to invest your money for retirement.
The first workshop series will be held Tuesday, April 4th. Workshops will start at 5:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 1120 52nd St., in Lubbock. Dinner will be provided. Childcare will not available. Prizes for attendance will be given.
This year’s 2023 Corporate Sponsors include Lubbock National Bank, Platinum Sponsor; as well as Latino Lubbock Magazine who is committed to the financial independence of the community it serves; with special thanks to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

In addition, a special program will be provided by Andrew & Celeste Aguilar of Primerica.

To register, visit www. loshermanosfamilia.org. Or contact (806)792-1212.
To be a sponsor or for ticket information, please contact (806) 792-1212, or visit www.loshermanosfamilia.org.
Important Numbers
Program/Service info, call 2-1-1 City services, call 3-1-1 Suicide & Crisis Line 9-8-8 City - (806)775-3000. www.ci.lubbock.tx.us County - (806) 775-1000 www.co.lubbock.tx.us

LISD - (806) 766-1000 www.lubbockisd.org
Latino Lubbock Magazine (806)792-1212 news@latinolubbock.net www.latinolubbock.net
(By appointment only)
News & Info - 18th
Ad Submissions - 21st - 23rd
To submit news and info: www.latinolubbock.net/have-a-story
Or, email: news@latinolubbock.net
Website: www.latinolubbock.net
Social Media: www.facebook.com/LatinoLubbock twitter.com/latinolubbock www.instagram.com/latinolubbock
Write us at: Latino Lubbock Magazine
P. O. Box 6473 Lubbock, TX 79493
Online Calendar www.latinolubbock.net/events
Christy Martinez-Garcia
Sales Consultants
Bridge Communications
Frank Garcia, Rosario Smith, Luis & Amanda Peralez, Chris Arteaga, Nancy Alvarado, Nohemi Aradillas, Kevin Gonzalez
En Aquellos Días
Rosario Smith
Forward in Christ Pastor Josh Ramirez
My College Experience
Bailee Alonzo
A Teen's View
Blaise Martinez
Opinion Pieces
Individuals interested in writing an Opinion piece* may contact news@latinolubbock.net. Please include your name, contact number, and subject.
*NOTE: Op-ed pieces are scheduled one to two months ahead, and are at the discretion of the publisher. Latino Lubbock Magazine is published monthly, 12 months per year, and distributed usually the first and second day of each month. With 100,000 readers per month. Over 300 distributions points in LBK, and in out of town delivery in Plainview, Hale Center, Cotton Center, Abernathy, New Deal, Idalou, Wolfforth, Morton, Ralls, Crosbyton, Lamesa, Slaton, Littlefield, Brownfield, Shallowater, O'Donnell, Tahoka, Anton, Lorenzo, and Levelland. Now in Midland and Odessa. Bilingual (English 60%/Spanish 40%). This publication is Hispanic, woman-owned and locally operated.
Copyright 2023 by Latino Lubbock Magazine, LLC
Absolutely no part of this periodical may be reproduced without the consent of Latino Lubbock Magazine. This periodical’s name and logo, and the various concepts, titles and headings therein, are trademarks of Latino Lubbock Magazine.
Editor’s Note: The terms “Latino” and “Hispanic” are used interchangeably by the U.S. Census Bureau and by Latino Lub- bock throughout this publication to identify persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central and South American, Dominican, and Spanish descent; they may be of any race.
“We are nearly 20% of the population, so for every 10 characters, two should be Latino. For every 10 executives, two should be Latino. For every 10 crew members, two should be Latino. For every 10 films, two should be about Latinos,” John Alberto Leguizamo Peláez is an American actor, comedian, and film producer. He has appeared in over 100 films, produced over 20 films and documentaries, made over 30 television appearances, and has produced various television projects.
Meaning: Do not ignore the advice of someone who speaks from experience.
¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy Birthday!
Gabriella Beltran
Copyright 2023 by Latino Lubbock Magazine
Cover By Christy Martinez-Garcia
This month's April cover showcases the colorful blooms bursting to life around us. We can look forward to these flowers from March through early May, and while most will embrace this color of grace, some will complain because of allergies. LOL! My grandad Don Juan Martinez taught me how to garden and to appreciate these beautiful blooms. My grandma Fidencia Castro taught me the health benefits and use of certain flowers. She taught me about foraging - the act of gathering wild food for free - and how impacted her and her family during the Depression years. Although it's gained far greater popularity in recent years, for our distant ancestors foraging would simply have been a way of life – a necessity in fact. It is also important for us to be aware of how these blooms are significant to the ecology of bees, butterflies and ultimately our environment. Take a minute and stop and smell the roses!
Word from the Publisher Page 4
Political Page 7
Opportunity/Business Page 8-9
Health/Salud Page 10-11
Blanca Martinez Growing Where She Blooms Page 12
Education/Youth Page 14-15
Faith & Religion Page 18
Memorials Page 22
Latino Lubbock Magazine's Mission Statement:
"Provide Lubbock news from a Latino perspective for the emerging voice of Lubbock with objectivity, professionalism, cultural competency and understanding, and accuracy; and, give Latinos a publication by, about, and for them that they can take pride in; as well as the community a tool for better understanding and creating dialogue."
Alíviate pronto... Get well soon Our Prayers are with you
Lupe Ramirez
Jesse Madrid
Juan Contreras
Beatrice Hernandez
Robert Martinez
Eloisa Martinez
Pinkie Mungia
Coach Edward Hernandez
Manuel Posadas
Raymond Rodriguez
Robert Narvaiz
Pinkie Mungia
Vicky Torres
Henry Castellano
Eloisa Abeyta
Beto Castañeda
Rene M. Dominguez, Sr.
Martin Rivera
Evie Williams
Tavita Dorow
Josie Castro
To add names, and to keep us updated on the condition of those listed in the Get Well List please call (806)792-1212.