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Volunteer Appreciation Week
April 16-23, 2023
America's story has been marked by the service of volun teers. Generations of self less individuals from all walks of life have served each other and our Na tion, each person dedi cated to making tomorrow better than today. They exemplify the quintessen tial American idea that we can change things, make things better, and solve problems when we work to gether.
During National Volunteer Week, April 16-23, 2023 we celebrate the profound impact of volunteers and encourage all Americans to discover their own power to make a difference. Every one of us has a role to play in making our communities and our country stronger.
Despite Hispanic Americans’ long traditions of involvement in volunteer groups, including trade and professional associations, and women’s and men’s clubs and unions, their numbers are underrepresented in contemporary volunteer programs.
“Mainstream volunteer programs have not reached out sufficiently to include as diverse a volunteer pool as possible” to accommodate cultural differences in such programs.
Experts recommend that in this era of rising needs and limited resources Hispanics’ talents should be mobilized through the aggressive recruitment, training, and stimulation of volunteers.
As such, for Hispanics find an organization that shares similar interests to you. Veterans - you know the drill.
Happy Volunteer Appreciation week from Latino Lubbock Magazine!