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¿Que es el autismo?
El autismo es una incapacidad relativa al desarrollo mental que típicamente aparece durante los tres primeros años de vida. Es resultado de un trastorno neurológico que afecta el funcionamiento del cerebro, el autismo y sus comportamientos asociados pueden ocurrir en 1 de cada 150 individuos. El autismo es cuatro veces más frecuente en los niños que en las niñas y no conoce las fronteras raciales, étnicas y sociales. El ingreso económico, el modo de vida y los niveles educativos de la familia, no afectan la posibilidad de que estos casos se ocurren. El autismo impacta al desarrollo normal del cerebro en áreas relacionadas con la interacción social y las habilidades comunicativas. Los niños y adultos con autismo típicamente tienen deficiencias en la comunicación verbal y no verbal, en las interacciones sociales y en las actividades de ocio y juego.
FREE CLINIC OFFERED FOR WOMEN’S HEALTH DAY TTUHSC School of Medicine students will host a Women’s Health Day free clinic from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 15 at The Free Clinic located at Lubbock Impact, 2707 34th St. will provide free medical services to uninsured women, including wellwoman exams, breast exams, pelvic exams, Pap smears, mammogram sign-ups and referrals, pregnancy tests, prenatal referrals, sexually transmitted infections checks, general health exams and HPV vaccinations. T to make an appointment, call (806) 370-7472.

COVID FUNERAL ASSISTANCE If you experience the loss of a family member due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you could be eligible to apply for funeral assistance through Federal Emergency Management Agency. To see if you qualify for assistance and to begin your application with FEMA, call 844-684-6333.
FREE COVID-19 VACCINES, BOOSTERS The City of Lubbock Public Health Department is offering booster shots for all available COVID-19 vaccines will be by appointment only at the health department. They’ll be offering FREE COVID-19 vaccines (ages 5+), boosters, flu shot and regular immunizations. Please call the City of Lubbock Public Health Department at 806775-2933. isit mylubbock.us/covid19vaccine for more details.
SOUTH PLAINS FOOD BANK To receive a food box from SPFB, you still need to qualify through one of our partnering agencies and receive a voucher. You can call 2-1-1 or visit www.211texas.org to find a local agency that is giving our vouchers. Citizens are still required to bring all documentation needed to see if you qualify.
Sin embargo, es importante distinguir el autismo de otras condiciones:
•Dificultad en juntarse con otros niños
•Insistencia en todo identico, resistencia a cambios de rutina
•Risa y sonrisa inapropiadas
•Ningún temor real a los peligros
•Poco o ningún contacto visual
•Insensible a métodos normales de enseñanza
•Juegos raros ininterrumpidos
•Aparente insensibilidad al dolor

•Ecolalia (repetición de palabras y frases en vez de un lenguaje normal)
•Prefiere estar solo; posee una manera reservada
• Dificultad en expresar sus necesidades; emplean los gestos o señalan a los objetos en vez de usar palabras. Para mas informacíon visita su doctor.
HEALTHBEAT EQUIPMENT brings the best of the gym to the great outdoors at Buddy Holly Lake of Cesar Chavez Drive The outdoor fitness equipment is available to the public and has 10 pieces of fitness equipment. This is a project of Los Hermanos Familia. FREE.
FREE CLINIC at Lubbock Impact The Free Clinic holds a free doctors clinic every Wednesday at 34th Street and Boston Avenue. Registration begins at 4 PM. Patients must be 18 and older and medically uninsured to receive free medications and doctors visits. For more info call (806) 799-4320.