5 minute read
Index of references
Index of reference
Sources cited::
Asociación Nacional de Industriales (ANDI), “COLOMBIA: BALANCE 2020 Y PERSPECTIVAS 2021”, 2021.
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Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), “Digital Technologies for a New Future”, 2021.
El País, “El PIB de Colombia creció 10,6% en 2021, la mayor subida anual desde que hay registros”, February 15, 2022.
Infobae, “OECD reduced to 2.3% its forecast for Mexico’s GDP growth in 2022”, February 21, 2022.
International Monetary Fund (IMF), “WORLD ECONOMIC OUTLOOK UPDATE” January 2022.
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World Trade Organization (WTO), “La recuperación del comercio mundial supera las expectativas, aunque con divergencias regionales”, October 4, 2021.
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International Trade Center (ITC). With information from UN Comtrade (United Nations Organizations Trade Statistics Database) and official sources: • El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank. • Guatemala: Central Bank of Guatemala. • Paraguay: General Directorate of Customs. • Dominican Rep.: UN Comtrade.
Descartes Datamyne. With information from official sources and partner countries: • Argentina: General Directorate of Customs. • Brazil: Latin American Integration Association (Aladi). • Chile: National Customs Service. • Colombia: National Tax and Customs Directorate (Dian). • Costa Rica: National Customs Service. • Ecuador: National Customs Service. • Honduras: General Directorate of Customs Franchise Control. • Mexico: National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (Inegi). • Panama: National Customs Authority. • Peru: National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat). • Uruguay: General Directorate of Customs.
* Para las tablas y gráficos de importaciones por empresas y equipos del Capítulo 1 se tomaron únicamente los códigos de clasificación arancelaria de productos relacionados con equipos audiovisuales para el Digital Signage (pantallas, displays, dispositivos de transmisión, computadoras) para transacciones realizadas hasta diciembre de 2019.
HS-Code Description
Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers; television picture and sound recorders and reproducers, parts and accessories thereof. 8521 Video recording or playback devices.
8521.90 Video recording or reproducing apparatus; other than magnetic tape.
8528 Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus; Television reception apparatus, whether or not incorporating radio broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus.
(Mexico and Panama) Monitors; of a kind used solely or principally in an automatic data-
8528.51 processing system of heading 84.71. Monitors; other than cathode ray tube monitors; capable of direct connection and desig-
8528.52 ned for use with an automatic data processing machine of heading 84.71. Monitors other than cathode ray tube monitors; whether or not colored, other than those
8528.59 of subheading 8528.52.
8528.72 Reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus; incorporating a color video screen or display.
Transmission apparatus; parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of 8529
headings 8525 to 8528.
Reception and transmission apparatus; for use with apparatus of headings 8525 to 8528, 8529.90
excluding aerials and aerial reflectors.
Electrical machinery and apparatus; having individual functions, not specified or inclu8543
ded elsewhere in this chapter.
Electrical machinery and apparatus; having individual functions, not specified or included 8543.70
elsewhere in this chapter, n.e.s. in heading 8543.
8543.70.95 Touch-sensitive input devices (referred to as “touch screens”) without display capability, for incorporation into devices having a display, which operate by detecting the presence and location of a touch within the display area (such detection may be obtained by means of resistance, electrostatic capability, acoustic pulse recognition, infrared lights, or other touch-sensitive technology).
* For the tables and graphs of imports by companies and equipment of Chapter 1, only the tariff classification codes of products related to audiovisual equipment for Digital Signage (screens, displays, transmission devices, computers) were taken for transactions carried out until December 2019.
Technical Sheet Survey “TOP BRANDS IN LATIN AMERICA”. Data collection dates: February 18, 2022 to March 18, 2022. Data collection technique: Online survey on the Encuestadatos.com platform. Method: ten multiple-choice questions. Subjects covered: Selection of one or several of the most used brands of equipment and software, and types of solutions in Digital Signage. Target group: Latin American Digital Signage companies. Survey developed by Latin Press, Inc.