2 minute read
For the love oF music
Yamaha Music School adapts to life amid Covid-19.
While the Covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to people, businesses and institutions around the world, some have also risen to the challenge and found a way to adapt. This is exactly what Yamaha Music School in Doha did by moving its music lessons from offline to online with the help of its dedicated team. This move allowed the school to minimise the risk to staff, students and their families while also ensuring that learning and playing could continue. The school’s partners at Yamaha supported the initiative by sharing resources for virtual instruction, professional development, and critical information, meaning that webinars, articles, guidance, links, and more were exchanged daily. Students were kept motivated by additional incentives shared with them every month, including extra sessions and music books that included more challenging pieces. Well-earned recognition for the students’ hard work and achievements came when they were asked to record video performances at home that were then shared online with the public.
Now that the school has begun welcoming students back to the classroom, strict procedures are in place to minimise the risk of Covid-19. These steps include first checking the EHTERAZ app, then taking temperatures, sanitising hands and observing social distancing inside classrooms between teachers and students. No matter whether online or in the classroom, Yamaha Music School has certainly proven that making music is all about keeping the flow.
فغش ىقيسوملا

ةقوبسم يرغ تايدتح روهظ في ١۹- ديفوك ةحئاج تببست ينح في ضعبلا فرع دقف ،لماعلا ءاحنأ ةفاك في تاسسؤلماو تاكرشلاو دارفلأل طبضلاب اذه .فيكتلل هقيرط دجيو يدحتلا ىوتسم لىإ يقتري فيك ءاطعإ للاخ نم ةحودلا في ”ىقيسوملل اهاماي ةسردم" هتلعف ام تحمس .نيافتلما اهقيرف ةدعاسبم تنترنلإا برع ىقيسولما سورد ذيملاتلاو نوفظولما اهل ضرعتي يتلا رطالمخا ليلقتب ةوطلخا هذه ةسردلما ءاكرش مدقو .فزعلاو ملعتلا رارمتسا نامض عم مهتلائاعو دراولما ةكراشم للاخ نم ةردابلما هذهل معدلا لك ”اهاماي" في ناكف ،ةماهلا تامولعلماو ينهلما ريوطتلاو ،يضاترفلاا ميلعتلل ىلع تنترنلإا برع اهيرغو طباورلاو تاداشرلإاو تلااقلماو تاودنلا لدابت تتم ةيفاضإ زفاوح للاخ نم بلاطلا زيفتح تم دقو .يموي ساسأ بتكلاو ةيفاضلإا تارودلا كلذ في ابم ،رهش لك مهعم اهتكراشم لمعل ريدقتلا زربو .ةبوعص ثركأ تاعوطقم تنمضت يتلا ةيقيسولما ويديفلا ضورع ليجست مهنم بلط امدنع مهتازانجإو قاشلا بلاطلا .تنترنلإا برع روهملجا عم اهتكراشمو لزنلما في

لخاد ىرخأ ةرم بلاطلاب بيحترلا في ةسردلما تأدب نأ دعبو ،مويلا .ىودعلاب ةباصلإا رطامخ ليلقتل ةمراص تاءارجإ قيبطت تم ،فوفصلا سايق مث ،”زاترحإ" قيبطت نم لاوأ ققحتلا تاوطلخا هذه تنمضت تاعاق لخاد يعامتجلاا دعابتلا ةبقارمو نيديلا ميقعتو ،ةرارلحا تاجرد تدكأ ،فوفصلا في وأ تنترنلإا برع ءاوس .بلاطلاو ينملعلما ينب ةساردلا يه امنإ ىقيسولما ةعانص نأب لاعف ”ىقيسوملل اهاماي ةسردم" .رايتلا عم يرسلا في