The next top squirrel sunneva

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It all started a few years ago, my brother, Henry, went out to get some food. When he came back, he brought the newspaper with him. We ate our nuts, in our little tree, and read it together. On the front page was a fyrirsögn, but it was some shit on it. Henry read out loud: “The next top squirrel… Hey, we should taka þátt.” Me: “What is it?” Henry: “Some competition… I think” Me: “I always wanted to be the next to squirrel… Lets go!” So we went to the city on our little Barbie car, Henry loved Barbie. We came to a big house, where the competition átti að vera. We went inside and walked around. Henry: “There are no squirrels here…” We asked a man that stood in the middle of the room: “Where are the squirrels?” The man brá svo mikið að hann sló í áttina að okkur and we ran away. We saw people (mostly girls and women) walking and running around. We came into a little room, there was two men and three women að spila spil. I said: “We’re here to taka þátt í the next top squirrel!” One woman began to screem and jump around, one man and one woman just sat there and gláptu. Ant the other were laughing their ass off. Henry: “He said we are here to taka þátt í the next top squirrel!!!” Then one man said: “Allright then, show us something.” The other voru furðulostin og sögðu öll í kór: “What!” The man whispered: “Uss, let them show us…” Me and my brother just began to dance country-dance and do kokhljóð. The people laughed and laughed. Then a little girl came in and said: “Dad, can we go home now?” An awkward silence began, but then he said: “Aww what a cute squirrels! Dad can I keep them?” Her dad: “No my darling, I’m sorry.” The little girl: “But, but, but I always wanted a squirrel… Don’t you love me?”

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