Artist Typeface

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Module TFD1064. Design for Communication Design Graphic design group Project – “Artist typeface” Student: Laura Garside Student number: 1259855015 Contact details: 07411790119


INITIAL RESEARCH AND SAMPLES PICASSO A lot of Picasso’s work is abstract which makes it easy to spot out interesting shapes. His work ranges from different styles so this makes it interesting when thinking about creating a font, as it could take different styles which could range from and abstract arty font to a modernistic structured font. PICASSO TYPEFACE EXPERIMENT Looking at the artwork of Picasso I’ve been experimenting with what sort of typeface i could potentially create when taking influence from his work, so using Photoshop and Picasso’s image to the bottom right I have cut out shapes that I’ve seen in the image that resemble letters. I think the example type has a very arty effect.

EDUARDO PAOLOZZI Used lots of juxtapositions in artwork which could be interpreted into a typeface, also lots of abstract shapes and geometric shapes which could create a modern type. EDUARDO PAOLOZZI ARTIST TYPEFACE EXPERIMENT I really like the work of Eduardo Paolozzi so have experimented with his work to see what kind of typeface i could create by cutting out already existing shapes that are within his work, using the bottom left image. I really like the style of type I could potentially could create using Eduardo Paolozzi the shapes of the lettering is interesting.


Jasper Johns Pieces of his work are created using structured lines which creates shapes in the artwork making it abstract and also making it easy to see shapes within his work, this would be good for creating a modern typeface. I have tried to create something similar using structural lines that create pattern within the type, I’ve also experimented with using similar colours to what Jasper Johns has in the peice above in particular.

I really like dada movement artwork, particularly the photomontage pieces and one specific artist Hannah Hoch in specific. I’ve been looking at the way they layer aspects of their artwork and how they layer type, I love the styles of typefaces they use as they are bold and quite in your face. Ive experimented with the shape of the typeface by making it structured, what I really think makes it inspired by the Dada movement is how the letters are slightly layered over one another.


Looking at her work I can see how intricate it is and how much amazing detail there is. Her work is often 3D which could be an interesting part of a typeface, what I also like about her work when thinking of creating a font is that she often paints in black or white. I really like how structured a lot of her pieces are. I have taken influence from Louise Nevelson’s work by playing around with smooth curved edges when creting an influenced typeface.

CASSANDRE Looking closely at his poster work using view finders I can see abstract areas which create pieces that I can pick type out of, shapes used in his work is quite smooth, curves and quite basic and also some areas seem very cubism inspired, which could all be aspects when thinking of creating a typeface. My sample typeface is very simple and all straight structured edges, and the letts are more in the form of shapes.

ARMIN HOFMANN Looking at his work I’ve come across posters where he has used textures such as lines to create parts of the poster such as the shapes, when thinking of creating my own typeface I think this would be a really good technique to use, and would give a modern effect to the type. I’ve taken my influence from bottom right image and started with some initial sketches, the top image is after I had scanned sketches in and used as a guid to then create on photoshop, I Really like this type the second and third examples are my favourite as they are slightly more dimensional and interesting to look at, really like the simple structured type.


A painter who moved from using the objects as paintbrushes to using them as the painting itself. He is best known for his “accumulations” and destruction/ recomposition of object. His artwork looks very rural and arty, lots of different colours used. When looking at Arman’s paintings for type inspiration it makes me think of a graffiti style typeface, or a typeface created up with pattern. My experiment of influencing Arman’s work into a typface my initial idea was to create the type usins the letters themselves so the type would be made up of an odject.

TRANSCRIBING THREE CHOSEN ARTIST WORK INTO TYPEFACE PICASSO CUBISM My first chosen artist is Picasso, in particular I want to look at his cubism work and have based my first initial typeface on Picassos cubism work. I have mainly looked at the two images to the left to take inspiration, I have looked at the shapes that i could see formed within his work and interpreted the shapes into letterforms. I really like the typeface I have created I think it’s different and has a slightly modern feel.


TRANSCRIBING THREE CHOSEN ARTIST WORK INTO TYPEFACE I wasn’t completely happy with some of the lettering, so I did a dew different letterforms I could potentially use if I decide to go ahad with this typeface. The type to the right shows how the typeface might look when used in a variety of different sizes.

This is how the typeface would look when using in a Bold or Italic option.

TRANSCRIBING THREE CHOSEN ARTIST WORK INTO TYPEFACE ARMIN HOFMANN My second chosen artist is Armin Hofmann, after doing a sample of a typeface using Armin Hofmann as my influence particulary looking at the image to the left, I really loved the letterforms I came up with and love how modern yet simple the typeface looked, and think it represented the artist Armin Hofmann’s work very well



This is how the typeface could potentially look when being used in a variety of different sizes. And the type above also shows how it might look when using in a Bold or Italic option.

TRANSCRIBING THREE CHOSEN ARTIST WORK INTO TYPEFACE EDUARDO PAOLOZZI My third chosen artist is Eduardo Paolozzi, as I really like how his artwork is quite fun and has a juxtaposition os structures shapes and also smooth curves shapes, which I have tried to represent in my initial sketch of the typeface inspired by Eduardo Paolozzi.



Sketches of how this typeface using Eduardo Paolozzi as my artist influence would look in different font sizes. How it would also look when using a Bold or Italic option


PICASSO CUBISM TYPEFACE This is my final typeface which i have created on illustrator. I find that the typeface is really very simple, yet has a modern feel to it, I also thinkthat because the typeface is so simple it will come in handy for many uses and would be a popular choice of type as its not too fussy and would work well in many ways. I have made a couple changes from my first initial sketch of the typeface, firstly being that I changed the letterform B to one of my additional ideas since i was not happy with the initial sketch. Secondly being the letterform of D, im much more happy with its apperance now as I feel it represents cubism a lot more, and also is alot more interesting to look at than before. Ive also slightly simplified the letterform O, I find this reprsents cubism more and also represents the basic shapes picasso used in his paintings. I have also changed the Q as I felt it was the only one that didn fit in as it had smooth curved edges and none of the other letterforms have this for it to fit in with. I’m happy with my typeface as I feel it represents cubism and Picasso well.

60 pt 48 pt 72 pt 84 pt 94 pt 114 pt

Here are 6 samples off the type face at different sizing, I wanted to experiment to make sure the typeface would work well at different sizes, which it does. Meaning it will be suitable when applied at different scales when in use.

LAYOUTS FOR DESIGN REQUIREMENTS COLOUR SPACING I’ve made my font so the lettering is 3mm apart from one another when picking the smallest option, I chose 3mm as this just seemed to look the best with my type as I lik how it looks close together, but still has obvious spaces. The largest option ive chose for the spaces between the font to go up to is 6mm.

When looking at colour I looked at some of Picasso’s cubism artwork, and noticed some of the colours where very bold and samples the colours in the image and put them onto my typeface and cam out with these 3 colours, I’ve also shown an option for the colours to be slightly more pastel as i noticed not all of the colours were bright and bold.

SHAPE The red lines show how the shapes of the letterforms work. although they look very different I kept the proportion the same by measuring up where the edges ended, or where there was an angle of the letters.

FINISHED SOLUTIONS These are the finished fonts for my typeface, I really like there simplicity and clean feel. I changed the colours more th these nuetral colours which are taken from the the image below which is Picasso’s painting in cubism, now it links alot more clearly to my chosen artist.





FONT BUREAU ADVERT When thinking about creating an advert for Font Burea that would represent my typeface I instantly knew I wanted to incorparate geometric shapes but something which was also quite messy. I first started out by doing a rough sketch of geometric shapes and kept overlapping shapes which gave me a really nice effect of structured squares and triangles. After scanning this I tidied up the sketch and filled in the shapes with colours that were from Picassos ‘Factory, Horta de Ebbo’ cubism artwork by picking out the shades. This is my final advert for Font Burea, I really like it, I think it’s really picasso inspired due to geometric shapes and im very happy with the final outcome. I wanted to keep the design simple so added interest by adding lots of different colours from picassos art work. I think this is a really good advert for my typeface and represents what it says. I kept my typeface as white block style to keep the simplicty of the design as i didnt want to add any more colour and wanted the typeface to stand out agaisnt the background.


When creating the specimen book for Font Burea I knew I wanted to keep with the same theme as my advertisment so they would link in together, and used the same geometric patten, which would be all down the left had side and the spine of the specimen book. I then used my typeface, and used the geometric shapes again for the font which I really liked, which also incorparates all of the colours I got from Picasso’s cusims art work I took all my inspiration from, which i think is a really nice touch as you can get a feel of how the typeface would look with all the particular shades id chosen for the typeface. I also used the geometric shapes behind my type to add a little interest and so cubism was more linked into the design. Im happy with the final outcome and feel it represents my typeface really well along with the advertisment, I also think its an interesting quirky design that is representative of Picassos cubism art work.


This is what my typeface will look like on the Font Bureau web page. I have named my typeface ‘Picasso Cubism’ and have shown all the different variations that comes with the typeface. Also in the description I have detailed what influenced the typeface and also that the designer is myself.


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