Front Door Magazine; The collection issue

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N O V E M B E R 2013 T H E C O L L E C T I O N I S S U E




C O N T E N T S 4 introduction 5 Doors and taxonomy 9 mysteries and stories 7,10, sample collection


Photography in this magazine was all taken by Laura Garside and were all taken within small villages in Huddersfield, including Meltham, Honley, and also stump cross, Halifax Design work and wirting is also all completed by Laura Garside as well as magazine design and layout.

The editor

My name is Laura Garside and this is my magazine created by me using all my own images. Ive always had an interest in photography and magazine design and layout so this brief was the perfect project to create a magazine

This magazine is feautured on a collection, specifically a collection of front doors. The idea behind this magazine is focusing on the detail and how a front door is individual. Just like a persons face, there is personality and character, aspects make them different, and just like a face it can tell a story. A door can hold a mystery, with the not knowing whats behind it and not knowing what could be waiting for you. As people we can even judge a whole bulding on the way the front door looks, we get feelings and vibes from just the way they look. This magazine is essentially highlighting and comparing the different aspects through photography and design,

comparing old and new, dull and bright, smart and rural. What makes them individual, how they look can tell a story. Doors are essentially portals, they take us somewhere. As anything thats individual there a number of aesthetical reasons why, from colour to windows, to texture and panneling, even practical aspects such as door knockers, letter boxes, not one front door from the collection is the same. This magazine is based on taxonomy as a core theme.

front door november 2013


door and taxo “Photographs are valued because they give information. They tell one what there is, they make an inventory.” (Sontag, 1971, p22) When given a design brief with the concept being taxonomy, meaning there needed to be a collection of the same thing, this was a hard decision, the possibilities of items were endless, and after a long consideration period, ideas came and were thrown away. I knew the project would be photography based as it’s an interest and like they say ‘a phtoto tells a thousand words’

s nomy I wanted each photograph in my collection to be individual. This is when the idea came to me about doors, in particular front doors, they come in different shapes, sizes, colours, designs, materials, textures, just like a face each little detail makes it individual, and every detail tells a story. Its always interesting seeing a particular door and it giving you a feeling of the entire house, wether it be creepy or quirky! As humans we are quick to judge on the appearance of things, and what I thought was interesting was the mysetery that each front door held, it has a story and we dont know whats behind it.

“A way of certifying experience, taking photographs is also a way of refusing it by limiting experience to a search for the photogenic, by converting experience into an image, a souvenir.� (Sontag, 1971,



front door november 2013


a s t o r y?

Individuality, mystery? we often think of doors taking us places when one door closes another one opens, its these associations that makes a front door, or any door have that element of mystery. Although realistically we know doors don’t magically teleport us to somewhere better, although wouldn’t that be great! Metaphorically we know going through a new door will take us to new exciting sometimes quite scary places with the mysetery of not knowing where, It’s the unknown which we are intrigued by. We are definatley ifluenced by the way things look, and with the prospect of the unknown and not knowing what could be waiting for us on the other side, but we already have our influenced ideas.


"When one door is closed, don't you know, another is open." - Bob Marley "I have become my own version of an optimist. If I can't make it through one door, I'll go through another door - or I'll make a door. Something terrific will come no matter how dark the present." - Rabindranath Tagore "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." - Milton Berle

front door november 2013



front door november 2013



front door november 2013


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