This is a feature article taken from Rock Sound magazine. Straight away, the contrast between the bright green and black certainly gains the reader’s attention. This magazine is quite a visual magazine, so there are two large photographs. This is probably so when people are flicking through the magazine, they can straight away recognise who the article is about. Pull quotes have been used to entice the reader by taking part of the article out of context to trick the reader into thinking the article is about something else. Similarly to Vive Le Rock, Rock Sound has only used two columns of text. They have used a side bar, which contains information, which isn’t necessarily to do with the context of the article, but it’s to do with the band featured. A small masthead has been used, again so it’s easier for the reader to recognise who the article is about. The gutters are there to separate the paragraphs of text. Captions are used on the photographs, but are in a small and simplistic font so it doesn’t distract from the photo.
This feature article was taken from Vive Le Rock magazine. They’ve used the classic layout of a full page photo, and then a page of text. This particular feature article was an interview with a band member, which is typically what the feature article consists of. They’ve used pull quotes to entice the reader into reading the whole article. The contrast between one page and the other creates a dramatic effect. Whilst they’ve filled the second page with text, they’ve left enough white space to make sure the page isn’t overcrowded, and there isn’t too much going on. The gutters separate the two columns of text. The masthead is in a font which very much compliments the simplicity of the rest of the text on the page. Also, the font goes well with the type of music magazine. There is a clear kicker to give the reader more information about the article. I think the simplicity of this double page spread is so nothing distracts the reader from the importance of the main feature article.