Believe Out Loud is an online network that empowers Christians to work for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. We elevate the people and places where Christianity and LGBT justice intersect.
INTERSECTIONS INTERNATIONAL MISSION Intersections International leads people to unite across lines of difference in mutual pursuit of social justice, globally and locally. We create safe space at the crossroads of some of our world’s most critical conflicts, engaging dissimilar communities in dialogue, service, advocacy and artistic expression. Together, we work toward a just world—
united in diversity.
145 W 28th St., 11th Fl. New York, NY 10001
BELIEVE OUT LOUD VISION We Believe That Faith is a journey that reveals the new and unexpected everyday. Just as Abraham set forth on a journey in response to God’s call, we are travelers on an unknown, wondrous and sometimes frightening path.
Each of us is made in God’s image – beautiful and beloved, unique and whole. The greatest commandment is love. We strive to love God with all our hearts, all our minds and all our souls and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus teaches us to welcome all. We believe our churches and society should do the same. We work for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality because God calls us to do justice and love kindness. One day, all of us – regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity – will be treated as equals in our families, our churches and our communities. Until that day, we will raise our Christian voices for love, equality and justice!
ABOUT INTERSECTIONS INTERNATIONAL Four interactive programs stand at the intersections of veterans and civilians, divided nations and peoples, artistic engagement and community values, and Christianity and LGBTQ equality. Intersections’ unique and proven methodology creates safe space for people to come together across these lines— in contrasting (and sometimes volatile) environments. We work with our participants to discover common ground and pursue justice through four modes of action: dialogue, service, advocacy and artistic expression. Arts & Humanities: Uniting art and community to transform conflicts through original theatrical works, and providing leadership development to underserved populations. Believe Out Loud: Uniting Christianity and LGBTQ justice through an online network empowering Christians to work for LGBTQ equality. Global Peacemaking: Uniting divided nations and peoples through multi-cultural, interreligious action that builds relationships and dismantles extremist narratives. Service Together: Uniting veterans and civilians by building community and providing mutual service to others.
ABOUT BELIEVE OUT LOUD Believe Out Loud is an online community that empowers Christians to work for justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people. Reaching a monthly average of more than 5 million people per month, we are the leading platform in Christian faith and LGBTQ advocacy. Members of Believe Out Loud hold many distinct identities, and together we are creating a world where all Christian churches welcome and affirm LGBTQ people. On our daily blog and social networks, we offer a community where friends and allies can access resources for their journeys and share their own stories of Christian faith and LGBTQ advocacy. Rooted in a framework of justice, Believe Out Loud affirms our members in their identities and challenges LGBTQ Christians to “go and do likewise� (Luke 10:37). Believe Out Loud was formed in 2009 to encourage Christian clergy to voice their affirmation for LGBTQ people. We continue this work by inviting affirming churches to publicly proclaim their welcome through our Welcoming Church Map, which is a critical resource for LGBTQ Christians and allies looking for a church home. Through our campaigns feature, we provide opportunities for our members to advocate for LGBTQ people in their churches, denominations, and communities.
Jan 2007
Progressive Christians Uniting, in consultation with policy staff at the Haas, Jr. Fund, launches the Religious Voices Project, an exploratory initiative to determine where mainline Protestant clergy stand on gay and lesbian equality and assess methods to move more clergy toward LGBT acceptance.
Oct 2007
Religious Voices Project determines that a campaign to encourage clergy support of LGBT equality is feasible.
Mar 2008
Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) begins The Mainline Protestant Clergy Voices Survey, the most comprehensive survey of mainline clergy ever conducted. A wide variety of issues a re covered, including their position on LGBT civil rights.
Dec 2008
The Religious Voices Project becomes "Believe Out Loud.� Social marketing joins traditional offline messaging methods as part of the campaign’s core strategies.
May 2009
Public Religion Research Institute releases "Mainline Protestant Clergy Views on Theology and Gay and Lesbian Issues." Results confirm direction of Believe Out Loud and indicate growing base of support within church.
June 2009
Believe Out Loud moves from Progressive Christians Uniting and comes under the auspices of Intersections International and The Collegiate Churches of New York.
Feb 2010
BelieveOutLoud.com is publicly launched as well as offline work with pro-LGBT affinity groups of targeted mainline denominations
May 2011
Believe Out Loud releases "Got Moms?" viral video, which stirs debate when Sojourners refuses an ad to promote the video due to video’s message of welcome for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Christian church.
September 2011
Believe Out Loud shifts focus from reaching mainline Protestant clergy. Expands mission to reach Christians of all kinds, regardless of denomination, affiliation or role. Non-Christian allies join on to register support. Facebook community grows by 400+ people a day.
November 2012
Tremendous growth occurs across the entire online platform. Believe Out Loud surpasses 100,000 fans on Facebook and reaches 2-4 million people per month through viral messaging. Believe Out Loud recognized as online leader in disseminating LGBT-inclusive Christian voices.
Today, Believe Out Loud has nearly 215,000 Facebook followers and has become a thought leader in the community when merging christianity and LGBT equality.
INTERSECTIONS INTERNATIONAL STAFF Rev. Robert Chase Founding Director Alison Amyx Senior Communications Strategist of Believe Out Loud Chrissy Etienne Online Communications Specialist of Believe Out Loud Lucretia Holden Chief Operating Officer, M.A., SHRM-CP Tracy Hyter-Suffern Development Officer A. Fariduddin Frederick R. Johnson Director of Strategic Initiatives Marie Martinez Executive Assistant Chuk Obasi Arts & Humanities Program Assistant Molly Pearl Program Manager of Service Together Reese Rathjen Campaign Manager of Believe Out Loud
James Rowe Director of Believe Out Loud Imtashal Tariq Global Peacemaking Assistant Evangeline Villena Digital Strategist
INTERSECTIONS INTERNATIONAL GOVERNING BOARD* Rev. Robert Chase, President Danita Branam, Chair Jane Buyers Russo, Treasurer Marcia Fingal, Secretary Barbara Costigan Richard Dickens Jay Godfrey Marvin Rodriguez Anna Svahn
* Bylaws not available
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT “ I support Believe Out Loud because they’re an organization that doesn’t make me choose. I can be unapologetically black, female, Christian, and queer and not only find acceptance but encouragement.” — Ashley Birt
Believe Out Loud blogger “Believe Out Loud is a valued partner in elevating the voices of Christians who fully support love, compassion and justice for LGBT people and their families. Organizations like Believe Out Loud are needed to stop the deep hurt too many still experience from pulpits (and in public) in the name of religion.” — Cedric Harmon,
Co-Director, Many Voices
VOLUNTEERS & WEBSITE Volunteer bloggers write in via christian leaders around the world create content.
Believe Out Loud has a strong social media and website presence. The content is bold and challenges the status quo while being sure to stay rooted in the Bible. The website is dated in key areas, including their history timeline yet the content is fresh and covers the breadth of sexuality and faith. The website needs an overhaul to remain vibrant. I would love to see them really invest in this platform and ensure everything is up to date.