Western Kentucky Town Hall Agenda

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Western Kentucky Town Hall March 10th, 2018 2-4pm at the Graves County Public Library We have a vision … We are working for a day when Kentuckians – and all people – enjoy a better quality of life. When the lives of people and communities matter before profits. When our communities have good jobs that support our families without doing damage to the water, air, and land. When companies and the wealthy pay their share of taxes and can’t buy elections. When all people have health care, shelter, food, education, and other basic needs. When children are listened to and valued. When discrimination is wiped out of our laws, habits, and hearts. And when the voices of ordinary people are heard and respected in our democracy.

Who is KFTC? Kentuckians For The Commonwealth is a statewide citizens' organization working for a new balance of power and a just society. As we work together we build our strength, individually and as a group, and we find solutions to real life problems. We use direct action to challenge – and change – unfair political, economic and social systems. KFTC has been around for 36 years and has over 11,000 members across the Commonwealth. Our membership is open to all people who are committed to equality, democracy and nonviolent change. Become a member by visiting the KFTC table at today’s event, or join online at kftc.org/join

Town Hall Agenda

**Please keep individual questions and comments to under 5 minutes to help ensure we hear from a as many people as possible and stay on schedule**

2:00 An Introduction to KFTC and our Panelists 2:15 Beverly Craig, Four Rivers Behavioral Health on funding our Medicaid system to support healthy citizens and a healthy economy 2:20 Questions and comments on the budget and health care 2:40 Matthew Powell, Kentucky Educators Association on our state pension system and the need to find funding before making cuts 2:50 Questions and comments on our state pension system 3:05 Ralph Priddy, NAACP on how public programs boost business and ensure equality 3:15 Questions on comments on the budget as at tool for growing business and equity 3:30 Amanda Groves, KFTC member and Steering Committee Representative on the budget as a moral document and our need to take action 3:40 Questions and comments on the morality of our budget and ways to take action 3:55 Next Steps and Closing Remarks

Key Issues and Legislation KFTC works on a broad range of issues. Here are a few bills that could come up in tonight’s discussion. For more detailed information and updates in real-time, visit kftc.org/billtracker HB 29 The Kentucky Forward Plan KFTC's platform supports creating a just economy that sustains communities, families and individuals, and establishing an equitable, fair and progressive tax structure. HB 180 Repeal of Charter Schools KFTC's platform calls for a system of high-quality public education, including pre-school through higher education, that is accessible and affordable for all Kentuckians. Charter schools take resources from public education and do not serve all students. HB 31 Gun Safety KFTC's platform calls for responsible gun ownership to address the problem of gun violence. HB 326 “Anti-Trans Bathroom Bill “ KFTC’s platform supports affirming people's gender identities and gender expressions and opposes discrimination. HB 227 Net Metering. KFTC's platform calls for energy policies that promote the development of community-scale, locally owned renewable energy sources, create local jobs, and help lowwealth households, enterprises, and communities to access energy efficiency measures and clean energy solutions. This bill attempts to do just the opposite. HB 227 would effectively end netmetering as we know it, also hurting Kentucky's independent solar installers. HB 200 Bevin’s Budget. KFTC’s platform supports funding effective and efficient community services through an equitable, fair and progressive tax structure. HB 200 falls well short of this goal. SB1 Public Pension System According to the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, “The Senate’s pension legislation, introduced as SB 1, includes cutting teachers’ cost of living adjustments, moving new employees into a less secure hybrid cash balance plan and requiring an expensive method of paying unfunded liabilities known as “level dollar.”

About the Legislators The following local and state legislators were invited to participate in our town hall discussion and either declined or did not respond. Here is information about them, including their mailing address if you’d like to send them a postcard. See Laura Harper Knight or Lesley Garret after the event to send a video to your legislator where you share your vision for Kentucky.

State Legislators

Rep. Steven Rudy (Republican, D1, Chair of Appropriations and Revenue) - Refused to call HB 29 to a hearing in his committee, voted against minimum wage increase in 2015, In response to a question about racial justice during a recent lobby meeting with KFTC, Rudy said of his constituents “They’re all white.” Mailing Address: 350 Peppers Mill Dr, Paducah KY 42001 Rep. Will Coursey (Democrat, D3) – According to KFTC’s last contact, Coursey is opposed to any changes to teacher’s pensions. He committed to vote no on HB 277. Mailing Address: 285 Oak Level Elva Rd, Symsonia KY 42082 Rep. Richard Heath (Republican, D2) – Co-sponsored HB 326 “Anti-Trans Bathroom Bill”, Responded to our email request for a meeting with “No.” Mailing Address: 438 Millers Chapel Rd, Mayfield KY 42066 Rep. Kenny Imes (Republican, D5) cosponsored HB6, a bill that would give out $60 million in tax breaks without any plans to raise revenue. Mailing Address: 4064 US 641 N, Murray KY 42071

Rep. Gerald Watkins (Democrat, D6) Mailing Address: 4317 Pines Rd, Paducah KY 42001 Sen. Danny Carrol (Republican, D2) – Mailing Address: 220 Cimarron Way, Paducah KY 42001 Sen. Stan Humphries (Republican, D1) – According to KFTC’s last contact, he understands the concerns around the pension system because he is a former educator. He has some issues with the current pension bill (SB1) but believes we need to make the system more solvent. He was uncomfortable with the bill reducing the COLA and thinks the bill needs a lot of amendments. Mailing Address: 763 Sinking Fork Rd, Cadiz KY 4221

Local Legislators

Sarah Stewart Holland, Paducah City Commissioner Introduced Fairness Ordinance to city commission. (270) 444-8504 Richie Galloway, Graves County Commissioner. 6659 Stat Route 97, Mayfield, KY 42066. (270) 328-8271 Tyler Goodman, Graves County Commissioner 208 Duffers Lane, Mayfield, KY 42066. (270) 705-4630

Next Steps and Upcoming Events: Tonight: Write a post card to a legislator, and/or see Laura Harper Knight or Lesley Garret to send a video interview to your legislator about your vision for Kentucky. March 12: Women’s History Month A presentation by NOW Calloway County Library, 6:30pm The People’s Movement: United We Stand Rally Rally for Pensions, finding funding 5pm EST, Capitol Building, Frankfort email lesley@kftc.org for carpool info March 18: KFTC WKY Chapter Meeting Voter Empowerment Training 3 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Kess Creek Park (Mayfield) March 24: March For Our Lives Rally, Western Kentucky Rally for gun safety and against gun violence 1 p.m. Memorial Park (Calvert City) April 14: Murray Half Marathon and NOW fundraiser Join a cheer team supporting the Murray chapter of the National Organization for Women as they run a half marathon to raise funds to support their work. Contact Gina Crider for info (270-2932649) April 15: KFTC WKY Chapter Meeting Feat. Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition Political Engagement Training 3 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. McCracken County Public Library (Paducah)

April 24: Fairness Canvass Knock on doors in support for the Fairness campaign 10 a.m. Meet in McCracken County Public Library Parking Lot (Paducah) To be determined: Two Voter Registration Events Join our Democracy Team and email lesley@kftc.org for more info!

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