OKR depth cases (2016)

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okr depth cases laura peters

about brussels and the depth cases

In the beginning of November the group made a study trip to Brussels, Belgium, to find relationships to our study area in London, the Old Kent Road. In a first view, the relation was not clear: how a relatvely small city could have similar aspects to the Old Kent Road, a place with a strong industrial character , mixed with the commerce and housing present on most of the roads in London? Brussels is a mixed city. Walking around it, even in the centre and historical places, you can find housing building with different kind of commerce on the ground flor, some manufacture places, streets only for car trading business, big markets. In 20 minutes from de centre there is Buda, an industrial area in Flanders, witch you can find many types of industries, mixed with housing areas as well. In a exercise arround the city, we were challenge to find and draw depth situations, places you can see throw or walk inside the block or building. The drawing represents a depth case study in the centre of Brussels, Belgium. Walking around the street you can find 4 entrances that leads you true inside a block, ending in a bright pink gallery with a glass roof. The gallery contains shops, nail services, cinema, entrance to a hotel and restaurants, besides an entrance to a housing building situated inside the block, not visible from outside.

Despite the doubtful materiality and use of these space, the ideia of entering a consolidated block by narrow paths, being able to cross by it and connecting to another building inside makes it interesting, peculiar and maybe worth studying. Taking in account and trying to understand the potential this space has, the axonometric drawing shows the buildings that face the street, forming the block, overlapping the path inside, showing where the entrances are and what streets they connect to. The gallery it’s represented with an indication of how the roof and structure are, the walkable public way and what faces it - the shops and services. Also, the empty space between the wall of the outside buildings and the residential one inside generates facades facing the interior witch are also represented. The main interest although is to highlight the public path, that connect the streets and gives depth do the block, thinking it as a third element attached to the block to connect and create shortcuts. That way, maybe other forms of attachments and connections despite a gallery could be tried out, bringing the question on how to create an efficient depth into a block, and what forms it can take - a gallery, an empty space, a park, just a roof, etc.





housing shops inside the gallerynail services / shops

shops inside the gallery nail services / shoe shops



pstr aat

shops inside the gallery antiques shops / restaurants


retail / shops

retail and shops



bar bar retail / shops

entrance to the middle building




about old kent road and the depth cases

The Old Kent Road, situated in the southeast of London, was part of an ancient trackway rout, being still part of a major road that connects London to Dover. The area presents a distinguished characteristic then most of the others roads in London. Besides a serie of retail shops through the extension, it has a bunch of industries of different scales, since manufacturing to big recycling centres. The industrial character began to take place in 1811 with the opening of the Surrey Canal, and the road fully consolidated with commercial trades, markets and housing by 1845, when the bricklayers arms station was opened. The area it’s going through a changing process. With the hight value of the land in the central areas the demand for housing in other areas of London has been increasing exponentially. That way, less central areas are being pushed for the construction of housing, generating a rise in the land price, witch in many cases makes small business, considered less economically valuable, leave the area for more suburban ones. But, if the manufacture and small industry continue to leave, this part of the city can lose its historical formation and the value of being a mix and dynamic area.

This sequence of drawing intents to represent an interesting aspect present on Old Kent Road and surroundings. The cases shows situations with an intense use of the space with a mix use, including industries, housing, commerce and smaller sectors like churches and manufacturing. Beyond being exemples of small bits of city where the mix use works and creates a nice dynamic, they all represent cases os depth in the block, witch means that the walkable and visual space inside the block goes beyond the entrance in the facade. This places of depth, usually behind the front of the buildings, are were the city actually works, almost like infrastructures, and they start to be even more interesting when shared by more then one business, like the areas in case. So, the axonometric drawings represents how this places works, the movement and life they have inside, how the business work together sharing the space between them. This places cannot be considered “pretty” or “attractive” as architectural pieces, but they work in a way that has a big value for studying, as say a lot about what the Old Kent Road and surrounding is.

01. surrey canal road

art studio housing


art studio housing

art studio and housing

workshops renewal manegement

art studio and housing

mechanic storage


mechanics and storage



mechanics storage


mechanics storage

total area : 7212 m2 total area : 7212 m2area : 3240 m2 walkable walkable area : 3240 m2 maximum hight : 12m maximum hight : 12m of entrances :2 numbernumber of entrances :2 of businisses : 14 numbernumber of businisses : 14 types od use : 4od use : 4 types notes : notes : -it’s possible to cross by foot in the morning -it’s possible to cross by foot in the morning -it will be demolished for the New Bermondsey Station project -it to will demolished -righ next thebe Millwall stadium for the New Bermondsey Station project

-righ next to the Millwall stadium

case 01 surrey canal road

02. verney 02. road verney road

plants culture glass workshop


plants culture glass workshop plants culture storage

glass workshop






house state agents house state agents house state agents

total area : 10893 m2 area totalwalkable area : 10893 m2: 3334 m2 walkable area : 3334 m2: 9m maximum hight maximum hight : 9m number of entrances : 1 total area : 10893 m2 number of entrances :1 number businisses :8 walkable area of : 3334 m2 number of businisses : 8 types od use : 2 maximum hight : 9m types od use : 2 number of entrances : 1 number of businisses :8 : notesnotes : types-it’s od ause : 2 trading -it’s a trading state state notes : -it’s a trading state



case 02 t marchant trading estate

03. southwark reuse and recycling centre

old gas works structures

personal storage

housing, retail and a church

hertz car rental

housing and retail


old ad t ro


department store

vacant warehouse

mothercare centre offices hss hire- tool hire and equipment

tranding estate (case 02)



southwark reuse and recycling centre

This axonometric section of Old Kent Road and surroundings represents mainly the Southwark Reuse and Recycling Centre, a big industrial area were the gas works structures are. The metallic structures can be considered a historic patrimony of the area, once it was constructed in 1830 and worked until 1908, an importing landmark of the area. The drawing aim to study the mix of uses and scales presented in this area, as it goes thru a small and large scale of industry as and residential blocks. In the immediate surround of the road there are residential buildings, retail and services with housing or offices above it, parking lots and some warehouses. The industries blocks are small and most of them presents depth cases, a space between buildings were the entrances and parking are. Further, the area taken by the Southwark Reuse and Recycling Centre creates a distance between Old Kent Road and the north side of the area, once it present a large industry scale. In this scenario, it can be seen how the smaller cases of depth communicates more into a pedestrian scale, more friendly to be next to a hight street. Further north there are more industries trading estates and housing buildings. Besides the industrial sites, residential ones also appear in the section, giving the view of how mixed this area is, as how typologically different the spaces are typologically, but can work together, being both industry and residential spaces important to the life this place has.

case 03 southwark reuse and recycling centre

458 old kent road

04. 04.

458 old kent road 458 old kent road

offices housing estate

religious institution offices offices

housing estate housing estate

religious religious institution institution


workshop workshop

tool hire & supplies citroen tool hire & supplies tool hire & supplies

pejout chinese

citroen pejout restaurant citroen pejout chinese chinese restaurant restaurant

retail retail retail

total area : 5651 m2 walkable area : 1606 m2 totaltotal area : 5651 m2 area : 5651 m2 walkable area : 1606 m2 maximum hight : 10m walkable area : 1606 m2 maximum hight : 10m number of entrances :1 maximum hight : 10m number of entrances :1 :1 number of businisses :6 number of entrances number of businisses :6 number businisses typesofod use : 4 : 6 types od use :4 :4 types od use notes :

notes : : notes -in between housing and sites industrial sites -in between housing and industrial -in between housing and industrial sites -the industrial site next to itredeveloped has been redeveloped as housing -the-the industrial site next to it has been as housing industrial site next to it has been redeveloped as housing

case 04 458 okr

trying out some strategies

After studying some depth cases in the Old Kent Road area, it was time to try out some preliminar strategies in how to approach a design project in this kind of typology. This strategies were thought using the cases as basis, what was good about them and what need to improve. Also, all of them try to think in how to maintain this typology typical from the area despite the financial speculation and recent projects for the area, in a way that the warehouses as depth situations could work in combination to the new housing projects.

01. active facade creating programs such as commerce in the front facade of the warehouses our any typology helps bringing people to the area our even inside the depth, creating a movement day and night and helping the local economy

02. flexibility in a time of constant changes in economy, its useful to have building and warehouses that could change its layout to contain may kinds os programs and business. A housing project could have a small industry in the ground floor, our a commerce; a warehouse could change its typology to contain business, housing, industry, studios, etc. That way the area can change without the need of demolishing buildings.

03. mixed use

04. cross over

to have different programs in the same building or in a depth situation its important to diversify the use, generating all types of movement around the area, making possible to unite industrial, commerce and housing.

in depth cases, its important to create the possibility for pedestrians to cross over the lot, avoiding dead ends or areas that people are afraid to get in. Also, creates shortcuts and public spaces in combination with mixed uses.

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