Concept Panel F Laura Taylor

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Laura Taylor MA Visual Communication - Graphic Design Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504



- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Initial Starting Point / The Library of Babel

“The mystics claim that their ecstasy reveals to them a circular chamber containing a great circular book, whose spine is continuous and which follows the complete circle of the walls.�

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Alison Barnes

This project, undertaken on the MA Typo/Graphics course at LCC/UAL, established my interest in developing work of a geo/graphic nature. New Basford is an area north of Nottingham city centre that was established through the burgeoning lace industry. It is an area that is predominantly filled with two up, two down terraces, some light industrial units (built following a ‘slum clearance’ programme) and a few remaining Victorian factory buildings. It is a place that one tends to pass through, rather than being a destination in itself—on face value it is a typical inner city area suffering from the usual problems of unemployment, graffiti and general deprivation. I wanted to develop work that probed beneath the surface of New Basford, going beyond the seemingly identikit streets and houses, and attempting to represent a sense of place. My methodology was that of the anthropologist, seeking out signs and interventions of a low-tech, personal and vernacular nature. These were recorded and used to develop a series of maps charting non-traditional elements such as graffiti, decorative brick features and memories. The maps (approx 900mm square) were produced on translucent stock that enabled two different maps to be overlaid and further conclusions drawn.

Alison Barnes - Geo/Graphic Mapping - 2003

The graffiti territory map reveals patterns of movement across the area. Some authors remain very local, perhaps only spreading across one or two roads; others travel further within the area. Through charting the graffiti, this map reveals the spatial activity of groups of friends; a bully targeting specific individuals; a foot fetishist; and, a politically motivated, left wing author.

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Research / Anton Alvarez

Anton Alvarez - The Thread Wrapping Machine

Anton Alvarez is a Swedish-Chilean designer based in Stockholm. A recent graduate of the Royal College of Art’s Design Products MA, Alvarez originally studied fine art and cabinetmaking before completing an Interior Architecture and Furniture Design course at Konstfack, the University College of Arts, Craft and Design in Stockholm. Alvarez’s work focuses on the design of systems and the creation of tools and processes for producing products. Alvarez work has been exhibited internationally, including at the Design Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Research / Dan Collier

Typographic Links is a hand-sewn book which maps interesting links and connections throughout the world of typography. Red threads are used as three-dimensional ‘hyperlinks’ to guide the reader through the pages. Created in 2007, it was on display at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York in 2011 as part of the Talk To Me exhibition.

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Research

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Research / Gerhard Richter

The creation of one of his paintings is a well-choreographed process that includes applying layers of carefully strained pigment and then adding, subtracting and repositioning them in order to achieve a perfect harmony of all visual elements.

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Rationale / Audience

1. Working Title: East Meets West / East x West 1b. Dissertation Working Title: Printed publication or eBook: Where is the printed book within the digital world? 2. Rationale for the project proposed: Provide a concise, logical rationale for the project, 200 words. My initial starting point came from Jorge Luis Borges story The Library Of Babel where a circular book was introduced that had a circular spine and followed the circular walls. This concept made me think about the circular journey that I undertake each week where I travel from Wolverhampton to Derby University and vice versa. There are so many commuters travelling back and forth just like me each day, or each week undertaking the same monotonous and repetitive route. The monotony is an element that interests me and I feel that many people could relate to my journey. Interaction is a recurring theme throughout my work. With a printed outcome, the reader is given the opportunity to handle the tactile publication allowing the user to feel the paper qualities and textures. Interaction design can also be useful when it comes to a pull out for instance – unfolding the pages by hand and unraveling a story. If this outcome were to be translated into an app, many traits would be lost through the digital nature. By incorporating Graphic Design and Textiles together, I hope to map my individual journey and inspire others on their commutes. The loose threads and stitching will be used to map elements of my journey, with the loose threads suggesting that the route is continuous/can be continued in the future. (The tense of this will alter as the project is completed). 3. Audience: Describe the audience that the project is aimed at. Ask yourself, who will benefit from the process or outcome of the project proposed, whose needs will you meet, who are you communicating with, who are you seeking to persuade or inform? As I intend for this project to be a one off piece of design work, I aim to propose an outcome for an exhibition based on travelling and commuting. This would allow my audience - gallery visitors and collectors an opportunity to see my work in an exhibition space surrounded with other outcomes from designers, also based around the same topic. It is males who are generally associated with the notion of travelling to work, monotonous journeys etc so with this project I hope to show that women should not be dismissed as commuters. This will be achieved through the femininity of textiles and stitching.

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Research / Leo Virieu

Leo Virieu - Affone

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Experimental

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Experimental Research

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Experimental

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Experimental

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Experimental / Sky Photographs

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Experimental

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Experimental

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Experimental

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Experimental

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Final Outcome

- Map pages stitched into - Sky Photographs to be used as narrative - Loose Threads - Concertina - Simple but follows route/direction - Hyperlinks - Textures - Surfaces - Distorting some of the images with printing techniques - 6 / 8 pages in total - Pin pricks without threads to show other commuters routes / possibilities

- Audience - Designed for an exhibition based on travelling / commuting - Appeal to both male and female

- Laura Taylor

- Realisation / 2014 / 7VC504

- Bibliography

Anon. (Undated) Nautical Map. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 16th June 2014). Kokin, L. (2006) También Protegidos. [Online]. Available at:!prettyPhoto[folio]/21/ (Accessed 16th June 2014). Anon. (Undated) [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 16th June 2014). Crawley, P. (Undated) Hand Stitched Typographic Artwork. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 16th June 2014). Collier, D. (2007) Typographic Links. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 16th June 2014). Wikipedia. (2014) West Midlands (Region). [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 18th June 2014). Wikipedia. (2014) East Midlands. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 18th June 2014). Parker, E. (2012) paper, paint, stitch: [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 18th June 2014). Maruyama, S. (2011) Water Sculpture. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 19th June 2014). Devaux, S. (2012) Petite Trame Graphique. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 19th June 2014). Devaux, S. (2013) Livre De Matieres. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 19th June 2014). We The Urban. (2014) SPOTLIGHT: Layered, Painted Photographs by Gerhard Richter. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 17th July 2014). Virieu, L. (2011) Affone. (2014). [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 29 March 2014). Barnes, A. (2003) Geo/graphic Mapping. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 22 February 2014). Barnes, A. (2010) Food Miles. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 22 February 2014). Barnes, A. (2010) Food Miles. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 22 February 2014). KDO. (2012) Roland Barthes – “The Death of the Author” – Critical Summary. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 22 February 2014). Anon. (2014) Death Of The Author. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 22 February 2014). Alvarez, A. (2013) The Thread Wrapping Machine. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 28 February 2014). Alvarez, A. (2014) Biography. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 2 April 2014). Dieseltriebzug. (2012) Bergen - Oslo 1/2 (Bergenbahn) : Führerstandsmitfahrt. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed 2 April 2014). Hawkins, Y. (2010) Sewing Circle. [Online]. Available at:!Sewing-Circle/zoom/c1xgd/imagegq5 [Accessed 18 March 2014]. Rafaeli, S. (1988) Interactivity: from new media to communication. In: Advancing communication science: Merging mass and interpersonal processes. London: Sage. [Online]. Also Available at: [Accessed 18 March 2014]. Neves, M. (2013) Printed Interactivity: Towards a new understanding of Graphic Design. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 18 March 2014]. Barthes, R. (1998) “The Death of the Author.” Art and Interpretation: An Anthology of Readings in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. Ed. Eric Dayton. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview, 1998. 383-386. Print. Safran Foer, J. (2010) Everything Is Illuminated/Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. United States: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH). Poyner, R. (2003) No More Rules: Graphic Design & Postmodernism. London: Laurence King Publishing. Losowsky, A. (2013) Fully Booked: Ink on Paper: Design and Concepts for New Publications. Germany: Gestalten.

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