Second Store: The Magazine

Page 1

Spring 2020 Volume 01.


Who are we? We are the UK’s first female-only sneaker store, dedicated to bringing you the freshest seasonal sneakers. Our aim is to make you feel fabulously confident and second to none. Second Store the magazine, is a collaboration of style, women, career and news to celebrate all things fashion and female. We want to use this platform to inspire creativity and empowerment.


Contents page WOMXN 7 An Ode To Simone- “I Am a Woman” 10 Pink Power:

15 and 16 Commissioned Artwork

MIND 18 The Handbook of Self-care


We are super excited to bring you the first, shiny new edition of Second Store, the magazine! The world got a whole lot crazier right around when

24 The Sacrifices of The Modern

we were due to package this lil’ baby

up for you all. I hope that amongst


27 Comissioned Content

STYLE 32 Stussy in Spring Editorial 34 Second Store S/S 20’ 38 “The Price They Pay for The Clothes We

Come on in!


the storm this volume brings you a little bit of escapism, comfort and calm. Without further adieu, come on in and enjoy! Lauren Campbell, Editor @Yves_aint_lauren.

41 Thankyou Contributions.






Stand Together Unisex Tee, ÂŁ15

Second Store has teamed up with local Leeds artist Bobbi Rae to release a collection that encourages individuals to stand up for what the believe in and champions the idea of sisterhood and solidarity.

From this collection 50% of all proceeds will be donated to the Abortion Support Network. This is a charity that supports women through unwanted pregnancies , providing safe and legal abortion methods, financial assistance and accommodation to those who need it.

ASN understands the dangers that unwanted pregnancies can pose to those amongst the most vulnerable in society and recognises whilst we may be unable to change the laws in place at this present time, they can still offer women an array of options when they feel like they have none left.

Shop the collection available online now @SecondStore.

Stand Together Tote, ÂŁ6


Stand Together Unisex Baseball Tee, ÂŁ18

Celebrate Your Creativity


W O M X Womxn [ woom-uhn ] noun, plural wom¡xn [wim-in]


An alternative spelling to avoid the suggestion of sexism perceived in the sequences m-a-n and m-e-n, and to be inclusive of trans and nonbinary women: The demonstrators demanded equal treatment for womxn and men alike.



“I Am a Woman”: An Ode to Simone Written By Lauren Campbell.


imone De Beauvoir; philosopher,





Woman. There are some who enter this world and are beyond their time, labelled as outlandish or ambitious for their panoramic view of the horizon before them. Simone De Beauvoir was one of these being’s, a French author of the Forties whose work would not be truly appreciated for many years to come. Nowadays, Beauvoir is hailed for her feminist and intellectual theory. Our brand Second Store was in fact inspired by Beauvoir’s Second Sex, 1949, which outlined the oppressions of women and offered contemporary theory around the sexism and theme of relationships during her time. Beauvoir epitomised controversy and freedom of speech, she

“A woman is what a man says she is, and everything that he cannot be.” – Simone De Beauvoir.


“If the feminine issue is so absurd, is because the male’s arrogance made it “a discussion”. - The Second Sex, 1949.


was well-know for her open relationship with Jean-Paul Sartre, a factor alone that was frowned upon by many as she entered into a life-long “soul partnership”. Satre and Beauvoir supported each-other through their partnership, although in their fifty-one years together they did not marry, live together or have children.

us all that it is men who are indeed fearful of empowered women who ooze courage, charisma and confidence. During today’s forth-wave feminism, Beauvoir’s literature is simultaneously as prominent, relevant, and controversial as it was during her career. We, as feminists, use these lessons from the past to empower the movement of the present and

“[Simone De Beau-

future and though

voir] didn’t just write

there are many

the feminist book, she


wrote the movement’s bible”




power and reject-

of the author’s perlife




2019). Despite many



ing misogyny, we


mustn’t stop there.

being commented on throughout her career and



ultimately just wanted women to be free to choose their own path. She argued that women had more to offer than reproductive organs and marigolds, “Women are not the victims of some mysterious fate: our ovaries do not condemn us to a lifetime of submission”. During a time of powerful men and dictators, she empowered women not to be fearful of men and taught

The Second Sex, avilable at Waterstones (online or instore), £4.99.



12 Nick Collins Artist:


The magnificent tool of femininity.


Written by Lauren Campbell

Frills, lace, fluffy powder puffs and sparkly pink hair slides...



epitome of femininity and the

sensitised, wrapped in pink cotton candy

child-like connotations portrayed with it

and sporting a puffed-sleeve gingham dress,

in main-stream media. Someone clad in

then we are overly sexualised through the

such a way can’t possible be a figure of

use of pink. Signified especially by the adult

strength, resilience and power! Why? They

sex industry changing what was once “blue

are too feminine, too girly, too weak.

movies” to “pink movies” in Japanese culture

Long has pink had negative connotations

(Koller, 2008). However, pink is a powerful

to the weakness of femininity, long have

colour and one that is often overlooked. In

women fought to be respected and long

nature pink is not a prominent colour, often

have we stripped ourselves of any feminine

hidden amongst grander shrubbery and

traits to do so. Fourth-wave feminism is

for this reason Alice Bucknell discusses the

now reclaiming that weakness. No matter

“spectacular contradiction” it has to offer

how it is presented pink is just a colour, yet

as an ode to the suppression’s of women

one that society has scolded with unworthy

everyday. Society has taught women from

connotations. Pink is ambiguously feminine,

a young age to be more like boys, to be

it both empowers and trivialises women

stronger and use masculine traits to portray

(Bucknell, 2017) from Barbie to breast

power. Stereotypical themes of femininity,

cancer charities. When we are not overly

such as pink, are frowned upon by men

Photographyby:Autri Taheri






themes of masculinity are celebrated. For instance, I have two younger siblings, a girl and a boy. When the little girl plays with her older brother’s

“Society has taught women from a young age to be more like boys, to be stronger and portray masculine traits”.

toys, it is not questioned. Why can’t she also play with Star Wars figurines?

is the 21st century! However, if my little

After all, there is nothing to suggest that

brother was to play with my younger

women can’t enjoy Sci-Fi action films

sister’s Disney princesses, whom also

set in mystical lands, come on guys this

come from mystical lands…there is a level


of unease. There is a shift in behaviour that threatens to question his intentions, “why play with those girly toys when you could play with Marvel action figurines instead?” I hear the echoes from our older generations of family members. The problem with this unspoken tension is that it suggests a weakness that has been linked with femininity. The little girls of the world are urged to engage in typically masculine activities, whilst in juxtaposition the little boys of the world

Photography by: Amy Shamblen

are urged away from typically feminine activities.





Pink should be celebrated and femininity

suggest the patriarchal privileging of

should be celebrated, that’s why at Second

masculinity over femininity, which is

Store we don’t shy away from expressing

representative of an on-going struggle

ourselves through the use of pink. We see

against a thinly disguised misogyny.

this colour as a medal of honour, for all the

There is nothing inherently wrong

trials and tribulations that women before

with the colour pink and that is what we

us faced, and all of the obstacles we have

should be teaching generations, younger

overcame to be respected on the level

and older. If a child has a bouncy ball,

that we are today despite the continuing

whether that ball is pink, blue or green,

battle against sexism and inequality. Why

the colour makes no difference to it’s

shy away from portrayals of femininity

ability to perform as a bouncy ball.

if what we are passionate about is the

Therefore, theoretically if a woman

very same thing? It is an opportunity to

(or man) chooses to express her/their

turn something negative into a positive,

femininity through the use of pink, it

to seize the possibilities that become

makes no difference to their strength and

available when we take ownership of our

capability based on a colour preference.

weaknesses and make them our strengths.

Art Work by Erin Wardingham



Art Work by Erin Wardingham

M I N D 19


The Handbook of Self-Care Written By Lauren Campbell


is about taking deliberate

in the housework department but, they do

action to improve our physical and mental

not report the same feelings of stress and

well-being; being respectful of the mind,

anxiety connected to these tasks. Men tend

body and soul. Many of us feel guilty

to take more responsibility for activities that

about taking time for ourselves when

they find more enjoyable such as cooking,

there are so many external responsibilities

volunteering with after school classes or

to consider, but it is important to remind

playing with the children whilst the women


clean the house and organises uniforms for






An issue many of us encounter, especially as women, is that self-care is considered too ‘time consuming’, there isn’t enough hours in the day to possibly consider a









the next day. However, these are also the

But self-care is so much more than that. It is

areas where women reportedly want to join

about giving our bodies the stand-by setting

in more; spending time with the family and

that they crave and finding ways to switch

alleviating feelings of stress by increasing

off from life’s daily stressors. Statistically

feelings of gratitude, appreciation and love.

women feel more symptoms of anxiety and depression surrounding the topic of daily

Here Is the Catch...

time consumption, because their time tends to

Women feel like they miss out on these areas

be filled with repetitive mundane tasks such

of home-life and feel stress over juggling

as housework, cleaning, cooking, caring for

responsibilities, but potentially the biggest

the family. This is still very much apparent in

set-back of self-care is the battle of inner

the 21st century. Credit where it is due, the

conflict. We strive to achieve beyond our

modern man holds a lot more responsibility

abilities and if we do not achieve everything


on our ‘to-do list’ we experience feelings of disappointment or frustration. Let me set the scene. You had set yourself the task of sorting out the under-bed storage in the kids room this evening… and despite your partner having already


offered, you also said you would pick up shopping on the way home from work.


However, your meeting over ran and

Photography by: Tonik

you got stuck in traffic so you’re behind

load of washing that could have waited

‘schedule’. You’re already starting to

until the morning and you make lunch for

feel the recognisable heat of stress.

tomorrow. All before remembering that

You eventually arrive home, somewhat

you were supposed to organise the under-

frustrated and greeted by hungry mouths

bed storage...Suddenly you’re annoyed

to feed. After insisting on tidying away

you agreed to go in for that cup of tea.

,you send your child to complete the

Except the reality is that you were right to

impossible task of putting their dance

go in for that cup of tea, the kids played

kit on solo (all whilst being consumed

great together! It was so nice to catchup

by their iPad). Knowing that you were

with your friend, sat beside her log fire

supposed to call into your friends, you

burner with her candles on, warm vanilla

decide to stay to watch your child’s

wrapping round you like a comforting

class, it is something you wont be able

blanket. You came away with a smile on

to do for much longer. You can call

your face and a spring in your step, you

by hers on the way home after, right?

felt happy when you walked into your own

So, you do and you’re invited in for a

home. Later, you feel frustrated for not

cup of tea. With one eye on the clock,

saving those other tasks for when you had

you agree. Eventually you get home and

‘more time’. That bath and early night sound

your partner kindly agrees to put the kids

really good now, especially since its ten

to bed, it’s perfect time to have yourself

o’clock and the bath has turned into a quick

a bath and unwind from the day, isn’t

shower. You’re guilty that you had failed

it? Totally! But instead you opt for that

to notice your partner beginning the lunch-

box duties, before being sidetracked by the

Second Store’s top tips:

kids, remembering how he always wants to help. Does any of this sound familiar? Where do we go from here? We underestimate our ability to regulate self-care, it is an inner conflict that we will long battle to overcome, there’s no quick overnight fix. The bath and pyjamas are not the bigger picture. What is important is that you take the time to listen to your body and allow yourself to take a step back from the ‘to-do’ lists. One method that categorically works for your friend, college or partner might not feel as effective to you, so therefore you have to tap into your beliefs, desires and passions. It is all about looking after you. If that feels like a long, warm, candle lit, bubble bath or a brisk, sea salt infused walk across the beach, or even a hot cup of herbal tea with your favourite candle and book, then do that. Even when it feels like your drowning in the depths of work, responsibilities and family; we all have time in this world to look after ourselves if we just prioritise it. The under bed storage can be organised another day, and the kitchen cupboards can remain chaotic because you have food in there, you have a roof over your head, you have people who love you and you have a life that is worth living.

-Never underestimate the power of sleep. It can be difficult to switch off from that racing ‘todo’ list in our minds but avoid letting stress jump into bed with you. We recommend keeping a journal, it is far more therapeutic than an iphone notes page. Transfer anything from your mental to-do list onto paper. Doing so will relieve an abundance of anxiety.

-Do one thing everyday that makes you feel good and accomplished. For many this can be exercise, but go at your own pace and listen to your body. Don’t feel shameful if you don’t manage a 5k after a long day at work, if a walk in the park or a yoga session makes you feel just as good then so be it. If getting lost in a book (or this magazine perhaps) provides you a form of relaxation then read a chapter before bed. If you like to draw then spend some time planning your next creative project. Ultimately, reap the rewards of achieving something for yourself.

-We urge you not to spend too much time on your digital devices. The over-use of technology does no good for our general or mental health. But if needs be, instead of endlessly scrolling social media, use the time to meaningfully connect with friends or family. It is so understated the power of a quick call to a bestie to reassure you that you’re doing brilliant.


Run Your World.

Saucony Shadow Original, Now Available online at Second Store, £70.00


W O R K 25

The Sacrifices of The Modern

Businesswoman. Interviewed by Lauren Campbell

You didn’t always have this plan, so how long have you been self-employed now? No! For years I worked as a cashier at The Bank of Scotland and my partner was a taxi driver, I loved my little job but I knew I wanted more. I’ve been self-employed for around 11 years now. ‘It all began one dark stormy

Everyone has to start somewhere and

night’ when we took ourselves along to the

sometimes all it takes is a step into the

local pub and booted out the management

unknown to discover what it is that drives

that was in there. It took a huge leap of

you. Meet Sarah Brown, she’s a devoted

faith to sign on as managers for six months.

mother, sister, daughter, wife and she’s

During which we stirred up a little storm

also the face of a local northern pizza

and decided to take over the 10-year lease!

business, The Log Fire Pizza Co., which


boasts a mere 20K Facebook followers in

Twenty thousand Facebook followers is pretty

its humble hometown of South Shields. The

impressive for small, f amily-run business! What

company has been running for four years

do you think has made you both so successful?

and has enticed many a celebrity including

Well obviously me, right? …

northern comedian, Chris Ramsey,


fact that people love pizza! We had built up

global super-chef, Marco Pierre White.

a good reputation while running the local

Undoubtedly, Second Store jumped at the

pub and this stood us in good stead at the

opportunity to pick this lovely lady’s brain

beginning of setting up the new business.

and find out what it is that drives her in

Our friendly reputation for serving good

the business world of self-employment.

food attracted our customers and soon with

Oh and the

face for the customer. Being self-employed takes a lot of motivation. In the industry I work in, the hours are unsociable so I have often had to sacrifice my social life, especially in the beginning. This can mean you miss out on lots, but success comes at a price and you have to keep your

the help of friends and family, our customer

goals in sight. Being a mother of three, it

base grew! Social Media and word of

can feel like an impossible task to juggle

mouth always helps but it’s not all rainbows!

family time and cater to the needs of a

I worked hard to get to where we are now,

ten year old, sometimes it can feel like

we left the pub and started something

the business is taking priority. Luckily, my

brand new from scratch. This meant moving house and technically being unemployed

“Men can be authoritative in business and

for almost a year whilst we got it up and

command more respect [it can be] difficult

running. Everything has into the business to

for a woman to display masculine behaviours

be the best we can be, including training

without being portrayed as bossy or difficult”.

in Naples at an authentic pizza school to become fully certified in our trade! I have

littlest one loves to come with us and help

quite literally shed blood, sweat and tears.

out, and the two older girls often help us with the front of house. I am really lucky



to have the support we do from them, and


our family. Being self-employed can be

It is easy to become a slave to the business

all-consuming, it requires good planning,

when you’re independently running it without

time management and a little bit of

staff back-up. If you don’t go to work you

sacrifice to fit in family life. I always try and

don’t earn any money. You don’t get sick

prioritise my day’s off for reconnecting

pay or holiday pay, even if you’re feeling ill



would about











or really tired. You have to put on a smiling


Do you think female businesswomen, especially those that are self-employed, are portrayed

What has been your best opportunity through

and respected the same as men in the media?

Being workself-employed to date? elevates you into the world of

Men can be authoritative in business and

business. Rather than being in a job where someone

command more respect. Therefore, it is often

else benefits from your hard work, I get to be the

more difficult for a woman to display these

one benefiting. I admit I have become a bit of a

masculine behaviours without being portrayed

perfectionist. The opportunity to grow the business

as bossy or difficult. It can feel like you have

from a small local pizza truck into a franchise

to work harder to achieve what you want.

model has been the best opportunity so far.

Obviously, there is also the gender pay gap, men are more than likely to earn more than a

What advice would you give to other females or

woman when they are both in exactly the same

like-minded individuals, in your position who are

role. I suppose being self-employed allows us to

thinking about starting off their own business? I

have more control over this as we pay ourselves

If you have a dream you should follow it. Being

our own wage anyway, that’s a benefit.

self-employed can be hard, but it is so rewarding if you’re prepared to work hard and set yourself

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

a goal. Keeping these goals in mind will drive

I like the creativity and freedom that being self-

you forward and keep you working hard until you

employed brings. Being in this business has

achieve them. I ask the universe for a lot, many

taught me a lot about how to handle difficult

people don’t believe in that but I think if you



envision something enough then you can make it a

planning and organising. How to read

reality. If you never try, you’ll never know. Be brave.



people, how to manage people and how to not be afraid to ask for what you want. I’m very sociable so despite missing out on social events from time to time in my own life, I enjoy being part of the local community and meeting new people all of the time. I love working events and busy periods where we have an influx of new customers, there’s a real hustle and bustle that keeps my energy high.


>Check out The Log Fire Pizza Co. on Facebook and Instagram!


Art Work by Erin Wardingham



#Your Style.

Just do it.

Credit: @Katie O’Rourke


Stussy in Spring

Photographer: Adam Thirtle Stylist: Lily Davies Model: Sarika McCoy Assistant: Katie O’Rourke


Photographer: Adam Thirtle Stylist: Lily Davies Models: Sarika McCoy Mac Collins Assistant: Katie O’Rourke


Second Store S/S ‘20The Sun is Coming It might have to be enjoyed from the comfort of our own homes but there’s no doubt that spring has sprung! We’re bringing you our hottest sneakers online at the moment and tips on how to style them with w pieces! (All you beautiful people on furlough or less, this one’s for you!)

Pretty in Pastels... Saucony DXN Vintage in White & Gum, £75

Kimono Wrap Dress, Lilac, £75 Leather Tote Bag in Beige, £180, online exclusive @ Transparent Retro Square Sunglasses, £11.95 @na-kd. com 34

Clean Cut tailoring... VEJA Esplar 3-Lock in White Gold, £105

Wide Leg Suit Pants in Beige, £40.95, White linen t-shirt, £9.99 @h& RIVA White Rope Shoulder Bag, £22.00 @Topshop. com Nail Polish in Gold Goals, £3.99 @h&


GOOD NEWS LONDON Softball 2 Low in Weave Canvas, £130

Classic and colourful...

Cotton Dress with Pleated detail, £59 Multi-coloured crotchet tote bag, £39.99 Hexagon Sunglasses, £11.95, 36

A Monochrome Summer...

VEJA V-10 Leather White Black, £115

Pull-on Leather Shorts, £175, @ Oversized V-Neck Jumper in Beige, £55 Black Organic Cotton Scrunchie, £3, Gold Sculptural Twisted Hoop Earrings, £15, Rains Tote Crossbody, £89, @Rains


“The Price They Pay for The Clothes We Wear”



Written by Eleanor Jenkings, Creator of The Luminary Studios


sewn. They say ‘no’ to unfair wages of

developing nations, make up the largest

those who provide labour and ‘no’ the



exploitation of the human workforce.

workforce and there is no secret that

Essentially, when a consumer chooses to

fast, cheap and accessible fashion has

shop sustainably they help end the battle

contributed to the modern enslavement

of oppression of the individuals who

of such workers. An industry that impacts

make these mass manufactured goods.





both their rights as humans but also their freedom as women. Alternatively,

Conversely, through the process of

if the contemporary consumer was


to practice more ethical purchasing

consumer aids in creating a better

behaviours, opting for slower modes


of production that generate a more

produce these garments. Fairer wages



enable greater access to resources

fashion could instead be utilised as

such as healthcare and education, this

a tool to empower these individuals.

empowers women by providing them











with greater control of their own lives. Sustainable





A better financial position enables

refer to the use of materials from

women to make choices surrounding



their own bodies, such as the ability to

but also the ethical treatment of the

access contraception. A fairer income

individuals involved in every step of the

also enables these individuals to make

manufacturing process. Through saying

decisions regarding their future, through

‘no’ to mass production, a consumer

the ability to enrol in education or gain

indirectly says no to the unsafe factory

training in a field of their choice. Safer

conditions where garments are cut and

workspaces, such as factories or studios,



Photography by: Riya Kumari


that are supported by sustainable

the Carcel assembly system invests

fashion enterprises, ensure that

in the women of its workforce. The

their workers do not have to

platform built for these individuals,

make a daily choice between an

works to break the poverty-crime cycle

income, to support themselves and

that they are bound to by their absence

their family, or facing potentially

of education and financial insecurity.


Consequently, Carcel demonstrate how



sustainable fashion can be utilised as Incredibly, some brands go above

a tool to empower women, through

and beyond to support the women


involved in the manufacturing of

from the socially unjust mechanisms

their stock. These brands craft

of mass production that are utilised

opportunities to empower their

by so many other fast fashion brands.



workers further than the basic


ethical impacts of fairer wages

As with everything else in fashion,

and safer conditions. An example

the pioneers that demonstrate a new-

of which is portrayed within

forward thinking approach, in this case

the work of Carcel, a women’s

a more sustainable production process,



will lead the way in transforming

in Denmark. The brand uses a

the industry. This will persuade and

voluntary, fairly paid, handmade


to order, female workforce which

convert, specifically with the rise of the



sustainably savvy consumer. Ultimately,

Peruvian and Thai prisons. Through

everyone has a part to plan in re-



thinking values, ethical considerations

programme, Carcel provide these

and purchasing powers. This shift in

women with skills and training

consumerism will consequently deliver

that offer them the possibility of

a greater emancipation of the women

employment once their sentence

who dedicate their livelihoods to the

has been served. Fundamentally,

garments we wear.










Thankyou for contributing Thank-you to all the creative souls that have helped along the way to put together this edition of Second Store! Erin Wardingham @erin.wardingham Eleanor Jenkings @Theluminarystudios Lily Davies @lilywdavies Katie O’Rourke @katieorourke_



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