BIS Spring 20 US catalogue

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Books and gifts for the creative minds



Cover image taken from Pregnancy Cookbook p.17

Dear reader, Creativity is moving up in the world. Once it was nice to have, now it’s a need to have. Creativity is a 21st-century survival skill that professional and personal success depends on. There’s an old Chinese proverb: “When the winds of change blow, some build walls, others build windmills.” The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker points out that in periods of change, our natural instinct is to dig in and build walls that shield us. Creativity is what helps us build windmills. It’s the type of thinking that helps us adventure into unfamiliar territory, see opportunities, generate options, and come up with new solutions in our private lives, our politics, our schools and our work. In business, creativity fuels innovation. There is no innovation without creativity. We got you covered on all accounts: for your private life, we offer Frame Your Imagination and Museum Art Cards, for your political life we have Branded Protest, for academics Good Services, and for your work Know Your Onions Corporate Identity. At BIS Publishers we find it important to train and develop children’s ability to think creatively, therefore, we present My Photography Game. Our priority at BIS Publishers is to cultivate creativity in all facets of your life. We hope our list will surprise, amaze, and inspire you. Don’t forget to stay connected via our social network – like, share and spread the word! As always, if you have a good idea for a new project, don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear from you. The BIS Publishers team, Bionda Dias

Content 4 NEW TITLES FALL 2019 6 Branded Protest Branding as a Tool to Give Protest an Iconic Face 7 Don’t Buy this Book Entrepreneurship for Creative People 8 Good Services Decoding the Mystery of what Makes a Good Service 9 Know Your Onions Corporate Identity Get your Head Around Corporate Identity Design and Deliver One Like the Big Boys and Girls 10

Dutch Design Cowboys

11 Fizz The Beginners Guide to Making Natural, Non-Alcoholic Fermented Drinks 12 Pregnancy Cookbook A Collection of Recipes that Appeal or Appall Depending on your Trimester 13 Museum Art Cards Experience the Museum with all your Senses 14 Frame Your Imagination Stimulate your Creativity with over 90 Drawing Challenges 15 My Photography Game Play, Match and Share!



17 How to Survive the Organizational Revolution A Guide to Agile Contemporary Operating Models, Platforms and Ecosystems 17 23 Innovations in Digital Communication Move Beyond Speculations and Master Mediated Communication 17 Products that Last Product Design for Circular Business Models 17 Connecting Harness Your Emotions to Enhance your Creativity 18 The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker How to Make Connections others Don’t 18 Pitching Ideas Make People Fall in Love with your Ideas 18 Hidden Persuasion 33 Psychological Influence Techniques in Advertising 18 Shetching / Sketching the Basics Drawing Techniques for Product Designers 19 Think Like a Lawyer, Don’t Act Like One 19 Think Like a Manager, Don’t Act Like One 19 The Empathy Game Playfully Connect on a Deeper Level 19 Robot Memory Game

20 HIGHLIGHTED Gift 22 HIGHLIGHTED Creative Business 24


26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker / Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book / Little Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book / The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Notebook / Creative Thinker’s Dominoes Visual Thinking / Visual Thinking Workbook / Visual Doing / Visual Doing Workbook Don’t Read this Book / To Don’t List / Don’t/Do This Game Think Like a... Lawyer / Manager / Artist / Designer, Don’t Act Like One How to Visit an Art Museum / How to Be a Better Tourist Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow / Don’t Talk Just Kiss / Free Your Mind / Eat Your Heart Out This is my ... New York / Berlin / Londen / Paris Once Upon a Time I.. Was / Went / Wanted to Be

34 BACKLIST 35 38 40 41 43 44

Creative Business Design Architecture and Spatial Design Gift Books Notebooks and Postcards Games





Image taken from FIZZ 978 90 6393 544 6 $ 19.99 - May 2020


New Titles Spring 2020



Branded Protest Branding as a Tool to Give Protest an Iconic Face

Branded Protest takes a closer look at the unique relationship between “branding” and “protest.” It researches the power of branding, and its influence on current protest movements, giving examples of unique branding efforts that support protest. In a time of hypermediation, we find that visual stimulation generally holds the key to success of a message. To streamline the process, branding is becoming an essential part of the communication channel. The success of protest actions is increased by good branding. This book is a reference tool which will reflect on current protest developments in the context of historic relevant protest movements, in order to show their differences and common goals. The focus is on the different branding tools of each individual protest divided into main branding tool directions. For students, educational professionals, brand and graphic design professionals, and a design-interested audience.

“We cross our arms to express our dissatisfaction with the government”

Cross Your Arms A perfect example of body-gesture protest originated in Hong Kong in 2014. The crossed arms gesture evolved into one of the key branding tools of the famous Yellow Umbrella protest movement.

painted white, referring to the activists who were tear-gassed and pepper-sprayed by the police, and he brandishes the iconic yellow umbrella. Adopted by the movement as a symbol of freedom and peace, Umbrella Man became a mirror in which the protesters could see their own reflections.


The media was quick to associate this piece with the Goddess of Democracy, the 11-metre-high, papier-mâché, torch-bearing female figure constructed during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. Milk was apparently unaware of this statue, probably as he was too young to remember it (he was born in 1992). This is a classic form of branding – giving an idea a 3D form, in this case as a giant sculpture.

Anonymous protester, Hong Kong


Pro-democracy campaigners widely adopted the crossed-arms posture during the Umbrella Movement protests. Also known as Occupy Central, the protests took place in 2014 in demand for freer elections in Hong Kong. Over 79 days, a civil disobedience campaign brought parts of the busy city to a standstill. Crossing the arms symbolized resistance to the political status quo, while simultaneously insisting on the peaceful nature of the protest. With this posture, demonstrators emphasized that they were carrying no weapons. The gesture transmitted the message that they were neither using nor advocating violence to achieve their aims.

The Umbrella Movement On 28 September 2014, Hong Kong police used pepper spray and tear gas against protesters. In an attempt to protect themselves from the chemicals, the protesters sheltered under their umbrellas. The ultimate symbol of Hong Kong protest, the yellow umbrella, was born. Since then, the yellow umbrella has become the global icon of pro-democracy in China, a potent semiotic symbol of political protest.

Statement Symbol In the Umbrella Movement, the umbrella becomes a “statement symbol”. It designates a protected space for dialogue, an invitation to stop and engage with the political situation in a moment of uncertainty. The umbrella is at the heart of a performance by and for the artist community, as distinguished from propaganda for the people. In the I-Ching performance series, the umbrella was a space for intimate exchange, a forced yet spiritual engagement with the individual, a dedicated time for understanding the other, and being open to new translations and mistranslations.

A Mirror for Protesters The umbrella encompasses all of these associations and goes far beyond them. During the 2014 protest, sculptural umbrella interventions interrupted the streets of Hong Kong. They included Umbrella Man – a 4-metre-high human figure constructed from wooden blocks – by an artist known only as Milk. Umbrella Man tells the people’s story of the protest. His face is

“Not everyone can be there on the front lines. The ribbon is a way to show your support” Kasey Wong assistant professor of design, at Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Brand the Change, page 35



Klaus Kempenaars is one of the founders of xSITE. Specialising in branding, Klaus can build on a long collaboration with international companies.

April 2020 208 pages 10 4/8 x 7 inches paperback $ 45.00 ISBN 978 90 6369 541 5

Ingeborg Bloem is also one of the founders of xSITE. She is a cross-media designer/Art Director with broad experience in the development of brand and communication projects.


• Filled with case studies like Yellow Umbrella Movement, Pink Pussy Hat and Women March • Interviews with prominent Art Directors, designers and speakers like Joshua Wong or Milk, Gérard Biard, Pussy Riot and El Zeft • Foreword by Steven Heller


Don’t Buy This Book Entrepreneurship for Creative People

Don’t Buy This Book is the sequel to the highly successful Don’t Read This Book – Time Management for Creative People. Like its predecessor, it uses the ToDon’tList method to help you make the right choices – choices that help you achieve your goals as a creative entrepreneur. Don’t Buy This Book walks you through the necessary steps: testing your idea, getting it ready for business, and building on it. It covers everything you need to get started or improve your business as a creative and it offers practical exercises to clarify who you want to be as an entrepreneur.

Why Creative People Become Entrepreneurs


Don’t solve a problem by creating another one

De why achter de meeste ideeën voor een product of service ontstaat vanuit een ‘probleem’. Dat probleem willen we dan oplossen. Maar vraag je af of dit probleem er ook echt wel is. Of dermate groot is dat mensen er een oplossing voor willen. Op kickstarter zijn talloze oplossingen voor problemen te vinden, waarvan je je kan afvragen welk probleem het oplost. Vaak zijn het variaties/verbeteringen op zaken die er al lang zijn.

Wanneer we een probleem willen oplossen is onze eerste reactie om iets toe te voegen. Als we ons snijden plakken we er een pleister op. Als het eten niet smaakt gooien we er extra zout op. Maar vaak verzinnen we add-ons die niet noodzakelijk zijn. En even over de vraag of je kopers toch overtuigd krijgt van de noodzakelijkheid, je bent dan dus producten aan het produceren die dus eigenlijk helemaal niet nodig zijn en daarmee dus eigenlijk helemaal niets bijdragen aan de wereld. Behalve dat we nu extra spullen hebben. Zeker als je doel is om de wereld beter achter te laten is dit een belangrijke vraag. Je kan elektrische auto’s gaan maken — en dat is natuurlijk altijd beter dan auto’s die op benzine lopen — maar je bent nog steeds auto’s aan het maken. En dat je in een elektrische auto zit, betekent niet dat de stroom die erin gaat is opgewekt met windmolens. Als die stroom is opgewekt met steenkolen zijn we uiteindelijk nog niet zoveel opgeschoten. Er zijn nog steeds heel veel grondstoffen voor nodig. Als we de wereld willen verbeteren zijn we vooral geneigd nieuwe dingen te kopen, die weliswaar schoner zijn, maar vervolgens staat het vervuilende apparaat op straat en is er ook nog eens een nieuw apparaat gemaakt. Opruimguru Marie Kondo beschrijft hoe je zo veel mogelijk spullen weg kan doen en zo je leven overzichtelijker maakt. Hoe alleen over wat je vreugde geeft. Vol passie schrijft ze over de vuilniszakken die de deur uit gaan. Wat alleen jammer is dat al die overbodig spullen vaak worden weggegooid. Je zou kunnen kijken hoe je juist die spullen wel een tweede leven geeft.


Don’t Read this Book, page 37

To Don’t List, page 41

Er was eens een businessman die keihard werkte om zoveel geld te verdienen dat hij de rest van zijn leven op vakantie zou kunnen. Dit doel kreeg de opperste prioriteit, ging voor alle andere dingen: gezin, vrienden, leven. Uiteindelijk was dan het zover. Hij kocht een jacht en zeilde de wereld over. Dat deed hij drie jaar lang. Eenzaam dobberend op zee, kwam hij tot een conclusie… wat had hij nu eigenlijk?


People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. — Simon Sinek

Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. And it will leave you unfulfilled.

People will always love your idea…

Wat je idee ook is, mensen zullen het bijna altijd een goed idee vinden. Wat is de reden om het geen goed idee te vinden? Eerst was er geen idee, nu is er wel een idee, maar alles is nog steeds hetzelfde. Het is fijn om positieve feedback te krijgen op dat wat je van plan bent. Het geeft jezelf vertrouwen om iets ook daadwerkelijk te gaan doen.

— Barack Obama

….until you ask them to pay for it

De harde werkelijkheid doet zijn intrede wanneer de mensen die jouw plannen goed vonden – of het nu een ontwerpstudio of een product is –ook moeten gaan betalen. Iets een goed idee vinden is, is iets anders dan dit goede idee ook kopen. Een goed idee hebben, is dus iets anders dan een businessmodel. En let op: dan gaat het er (in dit boek) niet eens om, zo snel mogelijk zoveel mogelijk geld te verdienen. Het gaat er wél om dat je als entrepreneur jouw service of product wilt verkopen. zodat je kunt blijven doen wat je leuk vindt. Zoals de Nederlandse rapper Brainpower ooit zei: “Ik maak geen platen om mijn kamer mee te behangen”.

Maar nog beter hoe je voorkomt dat deze spullen überhaupt je huis in komen.

As creatives we have a responsibilty and we can make a change!

We hebben als creatieven een verantwoordelijkheid. We creëeren dingen, maar we moeten ons dus wel realiseren wat de impact daarvan is. Zowel in positieve als in negatieve zin. Dichtbij ons huis zit een kleine ijssalon met fantastisch homemade ijs. De winkel gaat open in het begin van de lente en sluit in de herfst. Zodra de winkel open is, komt iedereen voor het ambachtelijke ijs. Zo ver, zo goed. Het enige nadeel is dat de hele dag medewerkers met vuilniszakken vol lege ijsbakjes en plastic lepeltjes lopen te slepen. Er is dus een keerzijde die we liever niet zien maar er wel is. Maar juist daar zit ook een mogelijkheid. Op het moment dat we juist die keerzijde oplossen, verbeteren we de wereld. En dat zou als creatieve entrepreneurs toch moeten lukken.

A city is a passel of people packed in a pot like pickles — David Detzert Eerder hadden we het over de verticalen concurrenten. Als we het over elektrische auto’s hebben dan zijn horizontale concurrenten vooral andere automerken. Op de verticale as bevinden zich de alternatieven. Wat als we nu een manier vinden waarbij we geen auto meer nodig hebben. Wie kijkt naar de toekomst van de stad ziet dat de stad alleen maar drukker zal worden met mensen. Waardoor er steeds minder ruimte zal zijn voor auto’s. Individueler vervoer en openbaar vervoer worden waarschijnlijk veel belangrijker. Een elektrische step en fiets of een zelfrijdende bus zouden dus goede verticale concurrenten kunnen zijn van de elektrische auto. Bovendien zij


Create your Pitch Answer as short as possible. Max 1 sentence.

1. What is your product or service?

5. Who is your target customer/client?

2. Why do you do it?

6. Why do people need it /why would they buy it?

3. What does it do/is its effect?

7.How will they benefit from your product or service? If there are more benefits, decide which one is the most important one for prospective clients.

4. What is unique about what you offer?

8. How will this improve your clients’ quality of life?

Don’t/Do This - Game, page 37



Donald Roos is an independent typographic designer and creative entrepreneur. He creates movie titles for feature films and helps startups with concepts and UI/UX designs for apps and tools. He regularly sets up new projects because he loves to execute fresh ideas. His biggest problem: too much to do and too little time. That’s why he came up with the To Don’t List method.

April 2020 160 pages 8 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches paperback $ 20.00 ISBN 978 90 6369 537 8

Anne de Bruijn is a copywriter, editor and producer. She creates audio guides, videos and other content for internationally known museums as well as corporate organisations. She regularly helps new freelancers and entrepreneurs get started. Anne also has a keen interest in languages and cultural diversity. She previously co-wrote ‘Don’t Read This Book’.


• The book helps you define your ambitions and priorities, but also gives realistic tips about return of investment, contracts, pricing and marketing. • To Don’t series: 25.000 copies sold • Highly illustrated and beautifully designed



Know Your Onions - Corporate Identity Get your Head Around Corporate Identity Design and Deliver One Like the Big Boys and Girls Not all of us get to work on multi-million corporate identity projects for airlines and huge conglomerates. If you are new to the sector or honing your skills, then this is for you. This book is for people who have to tackle identity projects in the real world. It is a broad introduction to identity design, not branding - don’t worry, you’ll learn the difference. If you want a book that gives you an action plan, this is for you. Whether you are newly tasked with a corporate identity project or just looking to hone your skills, this book will help you understand the process and learn how to deliver designs that impress.

18 THINKING Identity, corporate identity or brand I think it might help to clear the air and define what these terms actually mean. They certainly get mixed up and used incorrectly. As the title suggests this book is about identity. Identity is the visual language that an organisation uses to identify itself to the world. Often included in that is the use of the logo, typographic style, color palette, photography and illustration, language and tone of voice. Corporate identity focuses on a visual identity for a business as opposed to a product for instance. It is the same as ‘identity’ but usually refers to the organisation only. Branding is a much wider subject, it includes identity, corporate identity and a stack of other things like how your customers interact and feel about your organisation and product. Branding includes experiential marketing or engagement marketing, PR, events, the whole thing. For instance, Marmite is not just defined by the label on the pot, it has a whole personality of the brand (love it or hate it) and thrives on how people perceive it and its unique position in the British psyche. How many expats ask their mates to bring over a pot of Marmite in their suitcases when they come to visit? It’s the taste of home and a real illustration of brand buy-in. Clients often refer to a branding projects when they mean an identity project, there is no point in correcting them, just so as you know the difference. And now you do. Occasionally you may actually get asked to provide a full branding project.You’ll be tackling a stack of things outside a normal designers role and despite the publication of various books on the market that reckon you can do the whole thing in 5 easy steps, personally, I don’t think you can. I don’t cover that in this book. We have to focus people, identity is what we are dealing with here.



Favour gonna kill you faster than a bullet

Working for free There are a number of scenarios when working for free and only two of them should ever be acceptable and all of them are your own personal choice. These are:

Carlito Brigante, from the 1993 film Carlito’s Way’

Bono means ‘good’, I wonder if the U2 frontman knew that when he chose that, bet he did



Know Your Onions: Graphic Design, page 39

There could be a Know Your Onions book on each of these subjects and many, many more, but I’m not an expert on them, sorry to say.





For a mate If you want to produce an identity for a mate, why not? You’ll be helping them and as they are your mate, why wouldn’t you? But make sure you set out the parameters. As Carlito says ‘Favour gonna kill you faster than a bullet’. Know what you have agreed to, try an keep it professional and document what you agreed. I know you are dealing with a friend, but you will lose one as quick as lightning if you both don’t understand the parameters. Buy the way, just because the work is for free, don’t think for a moment you won’t have the same issues with regard to pinion and direction, unless of course you agree otherwise.

Pro bono On occasion, and I do it too, I choose to help an organisation and deliver my skills at no cost. I’m lucky, I have a great team (that sounds like something motivational speakers says) who can step in and do the necessary at the drop of a hat, so when I get a estimate request from an organisation like a small mental health charity, I price it low, really low. This is the key point, they think they are paying for it and the reason I make them think that is when you are paying for something, it has worth. But come invoice day, I explain that we have decided to offer the work at no cost, pro bono. It’s a nice thing to do. When projects are offered the oherway around, when the client asks for pro bono work or at a reduced cost, things often work out badly. I was once called in after a large branding agency, who’s creative director like the limelight had delivered a pro bono identity, only to leave them (after 13 months) with nothing more tangible than a new logo. It would be unprofessional for me to mention the organisation or the agency involved (ahem) but the result was a charity with a new logo and no understanding of how to implement it. The agency did it for the press, and they did very well out of it. There are no sour grapes here, I got paid well to ‘rescue’ the project, but if you are going to work pro bono, do the right thing and do it properly. Pitch We get asked to pitch all the time. A pitch can mean two things, come in an present your company and its credentials, which to my mind is absolutely free. Or do a stack of design work on our project, which you won’t be paid for, so that we can see whether we like them or not, or even steal them when you are not looking. I’ve banged on about how I feel about it in my other books.You have to choose yourself whether you want to entertain this sort of thing or not. If you are working for an agency, it won’t be your decision,

A lovely ‘thank you’ from a charity we worked with

Know Your Onions: Web Design, page 39



Drew de Soto is the founder and Creative Director of Navig8 (2000) and has gone on to work with some of the most influential UK organisations. These include the British Council, the UK Government, international charities and brands.

March 2020 208 pages 7 7/8 x 4 5/8 inches paperback $ 24.99 ISBN 978 90 6369 539 2

• A broad introduction to the world of designing and managing a corporate identity project, focusing on the design process. • Over 58,000 copies of the series sold! • Humorously written and very practical; full of illustrations, diagrams, notes, examples and case studies


Good Services Decoding the Mystery of What Makes a Good Service

Service design is a rapidly growing area of interest in design and business management. This book lays out the essential principles for building services that work well for users, demystifying what we mean by a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ service and describing the common elements within all services that work well for users or don’t. There are a lot of books on how to get started, but this is the first book that describes what a ‘good’ service is, what makes a good service and why. This book unlocks the common characteristics of ‘good service’ to the benefit of anyone involved with designing or delivering services. For readers who are not professional service designers, this book gives an indication of service standards they and their teams should aim to meet and the tools to achieve that goal.

What is a service? There are many definitions of ‘a service’. Most are long, complicated and almost impossible to remember. Most will claim that services are intangible or a set of processes, making them sound almost as if they are too complex to be designed.

But services aren’t complicated, and they don’t deserve the complicated explanation they’ve been given in the past. A service is simply something that helps someone to do something.

1 Be easy to find

To a user, a service is simple. It’s something that helps them to do something - like learn to drive, buy a house, or become a childminder. It’s an activity that needs to be done. A verb that comes naturally from a given situation that cuts across websites, call centre menus and around your carefully placed advice towards its end goal. This isn’t how most organisations see their services though. For most organisations, services are individual discrete actions that need to be completed in a specified order – things like ‘account registration’ ‘booking an appointment’ or ‘filling a claim’. Because of this, they need to be uniquely identifiable so that the people who are operating them can become familiar with them, and assist a user to complete their task. We’ve given these things names, nouns, to help us keep track of them. In government, these are things like ‘Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)’ or ‘Statutory Off Road Vehicle Notification (SORN)’ – but the names private organisations give these things are no less obtuse. When it comes to finding your service, nothing is more important than its name. Sadly services that are badly named often fall into the category of ‘Googlefails’ – things you wouldn’t be able to find unless you knew what to ask for. 23


How to Have Your Cake and Eat it too, page 36

A good service is easy to find

The service must be able to be found by a user with no prior knowledge of the task they set out to do. For example someone who wants to ‘learn to drive’ must be able to find their way to ‘get a driving license’ as part of that service unaided.

Good services are verbs Bad services are nouns 24

Thinking in Services, page 36



Lou Downe is Director of Design for the UK Government and was voted one of the UK’s top 50 Creative Leaders by Creative Review in 2016, and one of the world’s 100 most influential people in Digital Government by Apolitical in 2018.

March 2020 192 pages 6 7/8 x 5 1/8 inches paperback $ 23.00 ISBN 978 90 6369 543 9

• Provide readers with the know-how to evaluate and improve service standards in the workplace • Author was voted one of the world’s 100 most influential people in Digital Government by Apolitical in 2018



Dutch Design Cowboys

The internationally well-known and prize-winning Studio Kluif never ceases to amaze with their magical and attractive designs. Ranging from graphic design, illustration, packaging and design for fashion, this substantial monograph is packed with their latest creative projects



Work Hard, Play Harder, page 40



An award-winning design studio founded in 1999, Studio Kluif focuses on the full range of design from packaging to creative strategy and identity design. They received a Crossborder Award for Best International Marketing Campaign for Fatboy and various Pentawards for Worldwide Packaging. They are based in the Netherlands.

May 2020 176 pages 8 5/8 x 6 inches Hardcover in slip case $ 25.00 ISBN 978 90 6369 538 5

• Latest work of an awardwinning design studio • This is the fifth monograph of Studio Kluif


Frame your Imagination Stimulate your Creativity with over 90 Drawing Challenges

Frame Your Imagination stimulates your creativity with over 90 drawing challenges. Each page contains a shape or line, some with color, others without. Include the shape or line into a drawing of anything that comes to mind. Kind of a ‘finish the drawing’ principle with complete artistic freedom. It is totally up to you!

#news #wave #separate #couple #illustration #beach #north #sculptures #male #reminder #breakfast #border #fashion #jazz #sunny #chair #hope #yes #skyline #become #handmade #act #jewel #graphic #next #lovers #frameyourimagination04 #bored #growingup #dance #fly #winter #mono #music #beautiful #being #surprise #journey #skeleton #people #first #worldwide #ride #dirt #country #swag #air #disgusting #mountains #structure #weekend #colourful #old #computer #climate #identity #lonelyplant #upstairs #animal #friends #hot #worldcaptures #beenthere #game #longtime #giant #words #important #open #drive #painful #evening #shallow #animal #certain #look #smile #draw #me #wanderlust #playing #cold #art #wakeup #sing #ticket#big #feminist #sinking #sound #design #mood #hello #workout #begin #partytime #fun #font #no #insect #landscape #follow #imagine #try #roadtrip #together #spring #wildlife #transparent #book #wild #jungle #doodle #female #shadow #passed #blessed #food #business #emotions #bubble #firstkiss #trip #bye #full #healthy #dark #earthcapture #highway #sad #fear #target #fairytale #enjoy #stopmotion #zoo #future #bohemian #machine #decorative #angry #aestheticart #think #girl #rollercoaster #yummy #summerday #still #pastel #sail #dream #little #photo #writer #black #floor #noise #phone #strong #young #abstract #traveltheworld #queen #save #write #ocean #cute #tiny #naturelover #beyond #flyago #water #sketching #difficult #meet #novel #hair #car #moment #cultureshock #wish #up #past #rain #mother #snow #believe #..................................



Caroline Ellerbeck graduated from the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in The Hague. Since 2003 she has worked independently as an illustrator for various clients. Whether she makes illustrations for children’s books, magazines or campaigns, her style is always recognisable and clear. She always knows how to find the right visual language for the assignment.

February 2020 192 pages 5 1/8 x 6 6/8 inches paperback $ 14.99 ISBN 978 90 6369 542 2


#radio #outdoorliving #wish #art #fashion #portrait #interiordesign #artist #next #machine #frameyourimagination16 #certain #friday #travel #sorrow #workhard #nevermind #architecture #healthy #no #country #hot #fun #party #words #full #gallery #model #desert #summertime #work #yes #insect #identity #imagine #red #strong #goodmorning #design #important #circus #bubble #wildlifephotography #partytime #difficult #small #interior #car #become #spring #write #font #blessed #sweet #breakfast #abstract #green #emphatic #interior #male #think #zoo #sea #illustration #target #hallucination #citylife #beautyaddict #roadtrip #drive #emotions #beach #homevillage #rain #workout #creative #empty #sail #train #dark #people #doodle #north #yesterday #blackandwhite #together #save #today #selfie #funny #friends #myth #animal #shake #painful #skeleton #water #beautiful #mylife #wind #treehouse #walking #diary #clean #old #queen #cold #sometimes #bored #flyago #death #couple #believe #hair #big #botanic #cake #threat #home #selfish #lovers #handshake #contrast #evening #world #coffeetable #wave #mood #open #mountains #sky #ticket #business #scared #princess #jewel #autumn #show #smile #rollercoaster #up #upstairs #wakeup #hell #hunger #kawaii #outoftheblue #king #worldcaptures #literature #saturdaymood #fairytale #air #winner #try #skyline #sandcastle #cute #winter #christmas #journey #sunnysunday #climate #street #milkyway #one #meet #omg #painting #little #weekend #transparent #writer #coffee #flowers #floor #secret #sinking #shallow #ride #grow #...............


#interiordesign #interior #dragon #tree #blackandwhite #number #simple #botanic #frameyourimagination78 #imprisoned #love #poem #generation #treehouse #green #summertime #princess #lol #lifestyle #homevillage #birthday #talkloud #christmas #share #flowers #walking #king #pattern #digitalart #show #birth #coffeetable #scared #sunnysunday #contrast #excitement #painting #yesterday #afternoon #selfish #lifetime #outoftheblue #boat#sweetheart #gallery #one #alone #nevermind #sometimes #castle #leafs #sunset #motivation #botanicalart #ideas #desert #suddenly #skate #streetstyle #grow #circus #wind #future #bohemian #machine #decorative #angry #aestheticart #think #dinner #morning #homesickness #down #wildlifephotography #creative #milkyway #cake #masterpiece #wall #goodmorning #nofilter #street #saturdaymood #herbs #room #sea #moving #plans #naturephotography #happy #summer #pretty #bike #romance #friday #coffee #small #hunger #party #space #broken #face #fineart #beautyaddict #inspiration #style #thinking #explore #cool #bug #moon #secret #outdoorliving #news #wave #separate #couple #illustration #beach #north #sculptures #male #reminder #breakfast #border #fashion #jazz #sunny #chair #hope #yes #skyline #become #handmade #act #jewel #graphic #next #lovers #bored #growingup #dance #fly #winter #mono #music #beautiful #being #surprise #journey #skeleton #people #first #worldwide #ride #dirt #country #swag #air #disgusting #mountains #structure #weekend #colourful #old #computer #climate #identity #lonelyplant #...................


There are hashtags mentioned throughout the book that you can use for inspiration. The drawing challenges are designed to stimulate your creative mind and stretch your imagination. No artistic skills are required, use the art of creative thinking! Don’t forget to post your drawing on Instagram with the hashtag #frameyourimagination and the page # to show others what you’ve created and get inspired by what others did.

• Great gift potential • Various artists and illustrators will be asked to share their creations with the hastag #frameyourimagination to start an online buzz



FIZZ The Beginner’s Guide to Making Natural, Non-Alcoholic Fermented Drinks Fermentation produces fantastic non-alcoholic drinks. Think of a fresh and tart kombucha, a thirst-quenching water kefir, or an earthy beet kvass…they all fizz with healthy bacteria and they all surprise you with their complex taste. More and more, you’ll see these drinks offered in top restaurants and cocktail bars. But you can also make them yourself. Fermented drinks, with their natural sparkle and slightly yeasty taste, are a great alternative to wine or beer. They are perfect for those who want to consume less alcohol and those who want to give a probiotic boost to their body. This book tells you everything you need to know to brew these healthy and alcohol-free drinks. You will find accessible recipes with step-by-step illustrations, scientific background information on the fermentation process, and ‘juicy’ anecdotes about the origin of these extraordinary drinks.



Barbara Serulus is a culinary journalist for Belgian magazines and newspapers such as De Standaard Magazine and Weekend Knack. On the side she works as a chef at the Table Dance restaurant in Antwerp.

May 2020 144 pages 8 4/8 x 6 1/8 inches paperback $ 19.99 ISBN 978 90 6369 544 6

Elise van Iterson is an illustrator who works for various Dutch magazines and newspapers such as Vrij Nederland, ELLE Eten, Trouw and Hollands Maandblad. Besides that, she is a chef at the restaurant Bureau in Amsterdam.


• Fermented, non-alcoholic beverages are trending • Higlhy illustrated with an overall vintage feeling • Easy recipes; no extra knowledge about the process needed


Pregnancy Cookbook A Collection of Recipes that Appeal or Appall Depending on your Trimester Being pregnant is an exciting time, as your little avocado finally metamorphoses into a fantastic watermelon. It brings a lot of change: in your body, your moods and, more often than not, your appetite. For the next nine months, your tastebuds will never be the same. While there is much joy surrounding the soon arrival of a new family member, this book celebrates the fleeting wonder of weird pregnancy cravings. Together we’ll revel in 40 dishes; one for every week that you’re expectant. Like a roulette of feelings, this book will repulse, excite, horrify and satisfy you at every turn of the page. You’ll experience feelings you never knew existed, and once your bundle of joy is delivered, this collection of treats will never appeal to you again – unless, of course, you find yourself with another bun in the oven.

Week 8 Your baby is now the size of a grape.

Cho-Co-La-Te Ba-Con Ingredients

You don’t have to be pregnant to appreciate this delicacy. Because bacon. And chocolate.

Bacon Milk chocolate

But also bacon. When I first heard about this craving I thought this shouldn’t only be for pregnant women. I soon realized that this has been a thing in the US for years, and for obvious reasons, because bacon goes well with everything. Now imagine it with chocolate. Few things in the universe complement each other better than chocolate and bacon. Rainbows and unicorns do, but their taste is supposed to be a bit bland. Fry yourself some bacon until it’s nice and crisp. Let it cool, and dab off the grease. Melt some milk chocolate and cover your bacon in it. Make sure the bacon is dry and crispy before you completely cover it with chocolate, because soft, moist bacon isn’t really bacon.





Week 4 Your baby is now the size of a poppy seed.

Pickloreo Ingredients

A recipe that has upset and excited many

Oreo cookies

of holies, a cookie not to be tinkered with,


springboard of flavor waiting to catapult you

people. Some see the Oreo as the holiest others as a blank canvas of opportunity, a into ecstasy. As you can probably guess, by Whipped cream

“others” I mean “other pregnant women”. You’re about to discover the Pickloreo, a cookie and pickle sandwich with sweet cream on top. Or in the middle. Or on the bottom. Whatever tickles your fancy. Unlike the recipes you’ve seen so far, this one requires a little bit of prep, but that’s half the fun of eating. Disassemble each Oreo into three parts: cookie,






pickles, two slices for each sandwich. Stack the Pickloreo in the following order: cookie, pickle, sweet, sweet delicious cream, pickle, cookie. Make sure you build plenty so you can out-eat your craving without having to build refills. So stack your stacks on stacks.



Football Baby Names, page 43


The Art of Parenting, page 43



Pascal Rotteveel joined VICE in 2015 to set up the VIRTUE creative department in Amsterdam working on branded partnerships for mostly EMEA and global clients. He has been recognised with more than 30 awards including Webby awards, Lovie Awards, Eurobest, ADC, Epica, Effie, The FWA, Emerce, SAN Accenten and SpinAwards.

Mei 2020 112 pages 9 7/8 x 7 7/8 inches hardcover $ 24.99 ISBN 978 90 6369 548 4

• Very strong gift book potential • Millenial (future) parents are the biggest pregnant audience with a big budget • The photos are taken by an acclaimed and awarded food photographer and stylist



Museum Art Cards Experience the Museum with all your Senses

Besides the overwhelming amount of visual information that can stand in the way of a pleasant museum visit, there’s another trivial matter: meaning. Many of us aim to understand and categorize everything we see, but what do you truly think when looking at a particular artwork? The activities on these cards help you to establish a connection with an artwork yourself, despite any given information. You can do this in every art museum, anywhere in the world. Follow the activities from A-Z, choose one randomly or select the ones that appeal to you most.


How to Visit an Art Museum, page 42



Lise Lotte ten Voorde works for FOMU, the Antwerp Museum of Photography. She also writes about art, photography and contemporary culture for clients such as Vrij Nederland, Charlie Magazine, De Online Gids, SMAK museum of contemporary Art in Ghent, NRC Next and various artists.

February 2020 52 cards 5 7/8 x 4 3/8 x 1 1/8 inches boxed set $ 24.99 ISBN 978 90 6369 549 1

Naomi Boas is a Rotterdam-based art historian specialised in 19th-century photography and art education. She was educator at the Nederlands Fotomuseum between 2003-2008. Since then she has been the owner of Beeldverhalen, her one-person business for telling and writing stories about art and cultural heritage in co-creation with museums, primary and secondary schools and creatives.


• Can be used in every museum across the world • 50 activities that help you engage deeply with art • Follow the activities from A-Z, choose one randomly or do the ones who appeal to you most. • Cards are designed by the award-winning designer Sybren Kuiper


My Photography Game Play, Match, Share!

My Photography Game is a matching and creating game about the secrets of image making for children ages six years and up. While collecting quartets, the player looks carefully at images and symbols, discovering the underlying visual elements that connect them. After matching all sets of four, take pictures applying the characteristics of each theme and they’ll become a great photographer! Its intuitive design, beautiful images, and visual rules allow children to learn the game on their own. The variety of art works from different fields and periods is an added educational element for acquiring visual literacy and encourages observation as well as comparison. It can be played individually or in small groups.


My Photography Toolbox, page 44



Rosa Pons-Cerdà is an interdisciplinary writer, media and games content designer. Lenno Verhoog is a researcher in Creative Practices. He is also a course leader of Image & Media Technology at HKU-Media.

March 2020 52 cards 5 1/8 x 3 7/8 x 1 3/8 inches boxed set $ 19.99 ISBN 978 90 6369 552 1

• From the same authors as My Photography Toolbox which sold over 5,000 copies • Age 6+


Recently Published Image taken from ‘Food Futures’ 978 90 6369 517 0 $ 35.00



23 Innovations in Digital Communication

How to Survive the Organizational Revolution

For many innovations marketing is always the precursor. However, in VR marketing is somewhat lurking behind. Most companies are still in a waiting mode and want to be sure that VR can be used as an efficient marketing tool. A consideration for marketers are the high costs involved in making VR-campaigns and the

3 h o w t o su rvi ve t h e organ i z at i o n a l

a g ui de to a g i l e co n t e mpo r a ry o pe r at i n g mo de l s , pl atfo r ms a n d e co s ys t e ms

insecure return on investment. Reach might be low because VR goggles, even the

The Spotify model

The popularity of agile ways of working on a project level has raised interest in the possibility to build entire organizations according to agile processes. In agile dialect, the question is: how to scale agile? Especially in online environments in which speed of innovation is of high importance organizations the

of people in a tribe is 100. People in a tribe are colocated.

manager is mainly on maintaining high quality knowledge in the group that

Guild A guild is a group in the organizations that shares knowledge on a voluntary basis across the organization. They tend to connect similar chapters in different tribes but they are open for everybody to join.

search for organizational forms that enable fast deployment has been pursued with vigor. The necessity to make new or improved applications available to customers fast is very high in these industries. It is no coincidence then that one of the scaled agile models that attracts most attention emerged at Spo-

here is that the chapter lead is the line manager who reports to the tribe lead.

A final but smaller role is that of sys-

tify, the online music streaming service.

The chapter lead fulfills line manager tasks like setting salaries and ensuring

tem owner. This is a role somebody has next to a squad membership or

functionalities available online without asking for permission of a higher

five elements:

hierarchical layer. This is one way to ensure speedy deployment of new

Product owner The product owner performs the same

features. Another way to create speed is to organize squads such that they

role as in agile/scrum processes. She or he determines the deliverables that

can function as independent from each other as possible. Each dependency is

need to be made, prioritizes the work to be done, but does not specify how the work should be done.

likely to slow down the process because it requires meeting and coordination.



A squad is a team that creates those deliverables. For example a squad

A tribe is a collection of squads working in a related area, like back end

can focus on payment solutions. An interesting feature of a squad is that,

infrastructure or the Spotify music player. The tribe lead is responsible for

provided a fixed process is followed, individuals in a squad can make new

creating the right habitat for people to be effective in. The maximum number

with brands in an original way, but the question is how. VR has already been used in retail (i.e. Coca cola), in real estate to show properties (i.e. Matterport) and the

A chapter bundles expertise in the organization. It contains people with similar skills in the same tribe. For example, a chapter may focus on data analytics or user experience. Without chapters, there would be no learning from each other. An interesting feature

Figure x depicts the basic form of the Spotify model. The model builds on

cheap ones, are not commonplace yet. In theory, VR may bring people in touch

reports to him. Chapter

development of individuals. However, the chapter lead is not a fulltime

chapter lead role. It exists to ensure the overall system remains coherent.

manager, but is also part of one of the squads. This way of working is interesting because the focus of the line

With so many different squads working independently and making changes, the risk that consistency is lost is not

car industry to give product demonstrations (i.e. Hyunday, Lexus, Nissan and Volvo) and to intensify story telling (i.e. Elle magazine). In the traveling branche (i.e. Quantas and Marriot hotels) VR makes you experience your holiday before you book it, because the inside and outside views of the hotel rooms give you the feeling that you already reached and are enjoying your holiday destination. The popularity of VR in marketing is on the rise as communication campaigns using VR get awards in prestigious contests such as the annual Digital Communication Awards (DCA) and Cannes Lions Innovations Conference.

SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION In order to establish whether VR has an added value, academic research compares experiences in virtual worlds with experiences generated via traditional media. But what should we measure? On the one hand, we can argue that for the sake of comparability it is best to choose an experience measurement that ‘fits’ all media, leading to generic dimensions related to emotions and evaluation. On the other


hand, it might be better to measure types of experiences that best fit the specif-


ic medium of VR. This makes it difficult to find the right angle for academic research. The dimension that is most often measured in VR related research is immersion.


We do not often encounter this dimension in studies of print experiences, or in


the comparison of brand experiences. Immersion is defined as a psychological state in which virtual objects are experienced as if they are real, giving the illusion



of presence and making the virtuality unnoticed.





Figure x: The Sp otify model


We need to cross the river

Build a brigde

We need to cross the river



Figure out how

I hope someone is working on the river problem...

By Donna Davis

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not readily available and communication is difficult. In these worlds, their identity is tied to a body they choose and by the actions they take, where they have so often been marginalized in the physical world in a culture that does not understand or rejects these individuals and/or their appearance. Stories of a community of such individuals are documented in the film Our Digital Selves. This example also has important implications for the future of health commu-

nication. Research consistently reveals a sense of safety, security, and a resulting

As virtual and mixed reality technologies are increasingly being utilized for im-

share in any other setting, online or offline. In a virtual world, individuals are able

willingness to share insights about their conditions that they would often not

”The Spotify model is about creating minimal viable bureaucracy with high autonomy and high alignment” > Joakim Sunden


Low Low



Looking at this model the question arises whether this is really a new organizational form or whether it just uses new words for old forms. The model looks conspicuously like a matrix. However there are a few notable differences with a matrix structure. In a matrix similar skills are grouped together in departments whereas squads contain

Probably more relevant than a discussion about whether this structure is really new and different is the realiza-

Parkinson’s support community that has been meeting in the virtual world since

cial virtual worlds also offer a vibrant and effective platform for building commu-

2011. This community was founded by an 84-year-old woman with Parkinson’s

nity, especially for globally dispersed populations or among individuals who may

disease who immediately felt benefits through the playful social activities she

be limited by mobility. Consider, for example, the potential of social virtual worlds

a variety of skills. In a matrix work is often project based meaning that team composition changes form project to project, but in the Spotify model team composition is stable. Finally in the pure version of the matrix, each member of the organization is accountable to two line managers. In the Spotify model there is only one: the chapter lead. A squad member gets the input what to do from the product owner and how to do it from the chapter lead. But the chapter lead does the performance review.

Spotify reinvents the matrix organization

to build communities of support that healthcare providers may want to consider for reaching vulnerable and often inaccessible populations. Such is the case with a

munities. Although many people think of VR for gaming and entertainment, so-

Figure x: C oncept of aligned autonomy

imaginary. The system owner role is kept small though, so as not to impede much on the independence of the squads.

mersive storytelling, marketing, and entertainment, organizations are likewise attempting to identify how to best utilize these environments to build online com-

was able to enjoy in the virtual world. The story of Fran Serenade (as she is known

for people with disabilities or who are immune compromised, who are often una-

in Second Life) has been well documented. As telehealth continues to experience

ble to work or be socially active in the physical world. Two features of social virtual

rapid growth and adoption, social virtual worlds provide a viable and eminently

worlds that make this especially effective emerge through the sense of presence.

more engaging alternative to the typical webcam or text platforms currently uti-

When individuals feel physically present and able to interact in and with a space

lized. Other examples of the sense of presence in VR as used in healthcare can be

as well as embodied through the user’s avatar that can also interact with other avatars, the sense of engagement and connection is also elevated.

seen in a 2018 commercial showing the power of the mind for an amputee learning to walk with a prosthetic.Similarly, VR is being used very effectively in working with burn victims and physical therapy.

One example of this use of VR is in the exploration of disability communities in 3D platforms that exist as screen-based virtual reality but are also important to the evolution of social virtual worlds optimized for headsets. Second Life (secon-

garding the future of work as automation and virtual and augmented reality are changing the nature of jobs, of the workplace and of the labor force. Consider both the challenges and the opportunities to build alternative work opportunities for

abilities (PWD). These individuals can choose how to represent themselves in the

disabled people who are often not given access to work due to their disability. As

virtual world where a wheelchair-bound person can create an avatar body that may

technology continues to improve speech to text, text to speech, and eye-tracking,

or may not include a wheelchair. In a virtual world, where most communication is


Technological transformation including VR is also raising critical questions re-, a social virtual world that went online in 2004, is home to more than a half million active users worldwide. Among these “residents” are people with dis-

new work and research opportunities will continue to emerge people who repre-

text-based, the deaf person can communicate with all people, where in the phys-

sent many types of disabilities. And, once again, human resources professionals

ical world they have so often been left out of communities when sign language is

will be watching closely as the focus on equity and inclusion means the inclusion




People face a bewildering choice of new organizational design options. How to Survive the Organizational Revolution is an indispensable book that helps navigate the new landscape by providing a concise, practical overview of various methods and provides a user guide, showing when they are effective and when to avoid them.

Reading this book will render deep insights into how innovative digital media can be used to influence buying behavior and decision-making. With expert knowledge, testimonials, and key research, this book describes, criticizes, and evaluates 23 innovations that have had a profound impact on media and communication. The professional and scientific impact, and social challenges coming with these innovations are discussed.

Authors: Pieter Koene, Martijn Ars and Ard-Pieter de Man | 216 pages | 8 4/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | 978 90 6369 521 7 | $ 45.00

Authors: Paul Ketelaar, Sanne Demir & Jan Aarts 340 pages | 9 5/8 x 7 6/8 inches | paperback | 978 90 6369 518 7 | $ 45.00

Products that Last


Products that Last starts where most books on product development end. The book offers readers an innovative and practical methodology to unravel a product’s afterlife and systematically evaluate it for new opportunities. It introduces business models that enable us to benefit from the opportunities offered by a much longer product life.

How can we cultivate our creativity to live a more emotionally rewarding life? Drawing on insights from neuroscience and psychology, Connecting will explore seven paradoxical aspects of our emotional experiences that fuel our creativity. Each page is an illustrative example designed to enlighten, illuminate, challenge and provoke.

Authors: Conny Bakker, Marcel den Hollander and Ed van Hinte | 128 pages | 10 3/8 x 7 7/8 inches | paperback otabind | 978 90 6369 522 4 | $ 45.00

Authors: Paulina Larocca and Tony Ibbotson | 160 pages | 8 1/8 x 8 1/8 inches | hardcover | 978 90 6369 526 2 | $ 24.99 |



The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker

Pitching Ideas

People who are good at creating ideas are good at seeing connections. Could teaching people to see connections be a way to help them be more creative? Supported by the latest neuroscience, this book gives you hands-on advice on how to enhance your own creativity. An inspiring combination of theory, techniques, anecdotes, and exercises to help you access better ideas and bigger breakthroughs.

For one reason or another, pitching ideas is one of the most undervalued practices in the creative field. In this book the author will take you inside of the heads of the people you have to convince. Pitching Ideas will help you to find the essence of the idea you want to get across and will explain how you can really convince the right people in the end.

Author: Dorte Nielsen and Sarah Thurber | 192 pages | 192 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 1/8 inches | paperback | 978 90 6369 532 3 | $ 19.99

Hidden Persuasion

Hidden Persuasion analyzes advertising beyond the persuasive power of the imagery itself. It explains the psychology behind 33 effective influence techniques in visual persuasion and how to apply them. The techniques range from influencing essentials to more obscure and insidious ones. The reader will gain deep insights into how visual means are constructed to influence behavior and decisionmaking on an unconscious level. Authors: Marc Andrews, Matthijs van Leeuwen, Rick van Baaren | 192 pages | 9 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | 978 90 6369 531 6 | $ 24.99


Author: Jeroen van Geel | 128 pages | 8 2/8 x 5 6/8 inches | paperback | 978 90 6369 529 3 | $ 19.99

Sketching & Sketching the Basics

Sketching is an incredibly broad and practical survey of sketching techniques for product designers. The book is suited for the classroom, but every design studio will also find this manual an asset. Sketching the Basics explains the rudiments of learning to draw, using step-by-step illustrations, examples, and strategies. You will learn how to apply sketches in the design process. Authors: Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur | Sketching: 256 pages | 11 1/8 x 8 6/8 inches | paperback | 978 90 6369 533 0 | $ 29.99 Sketching the Basics | 204 pages | 11 1/8 x 8 6/8 inches | paperback | 978 90 6369 534 7 | $ 29.99


Think Like a Lawyer, Don’t Act Like One

Think Like a Manager, Don’t Act Like One


never lose sight A conflict can arise when two people have opposite – thus clashing – interests. That makes it difficult to keep your focus on the goal. Take the Taekwondo fighter in the picture. He’s missed out on the bronze medal and he’s pissed. You can’t really blame him: he’s trained his whole life for an Olympic medal. But, in his rage, he kicks the referee in the face. No doubt he’s blowing off a lot of steam, but he’s also saying goodbye to any chance of an Olympic medal – which, after all, is what he wants. You’ll only achieve your objective if you focus on it. ■

# 46

Be prepAred to do it Many who are party to a conflict – particularly large companies – deal with conflict situations by dragging their feet. That’s not so stupid. A delaying strategy often works: many cases just die a slow death and disappear. If your opponent does this, you might have to get rough: you don’t have to like it, but you have to be prepared to do it. And you’ve got to let them know. The moment you hear that sound of dragging feet, take legal action or call in the media. They’ll listen, and they’ll often want to settle fast. As Al Capone once said: “You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.” ■

Think like a Lawyer, Don’t Act Like One provides 75 strategies to solve conflicts. It can be used when dealing with grumpy police officers, angry neighbors, unwilling debtors, failing clients, nasty lawyers and other conflict seekers. Each strategy is thoroughly tested and can be used at the kitchen table, on the street and in the boardroom. This is a complete and tested ready to use guide to prevent and solve conflicts. Author: Aernoud Bourdrez | 160 pages 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback | 978 90 6369 535 4 | $ 16.99

Think Like a Manager, Don’t Act Like One offers 75 successful approaches to help you foresee or manage unpredictable situations in daily life. These 75 perspectives will add to your confusion – but also your understanding. It probably wouldn’t be sensible to follow every one of them, but they might give you some fresh ideas. Because those who keep doing what they’ve always done achieve the results they’ve always achieved. Authors: Harry Starren | 160 pages 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback | 978 90 6369 536 1 | $ 16.99

The Empathy Game

Robot Memory Game

Empathy fuels connections between people. But, what’s a real connection in the digital age? When do we still sit down, actively listen and engage with each other’s stories? The Empathy Game encourages sharing, listening and engaging with our fellow humans. There’s often more to discover than we assume to know.

Match the robots within a category - can you match the two self-driving robots, the clone robots or the kiss robots? The Robot Memory Game presents many different ro­bots that we have already come across in daily life. From recognizable robots to hidden robots or help robots to self-reliant machines.

Authors: Saskia H. Herrmann and Jorik Elferink | 3 x 50 cards | 4 6/8 x 5 7/8 x 1 2/8 inches | boxed set + 2 dice | 978 90 6369 524 8 | $ 24.99

Author: Mieke Gerritzen | 60 cards | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | boxed set | 978 90 6369 525 5 | $ 19.99


Highlighted Gifts



2nd printing

4th printing

2nd printing

Think Like an Artist, Don’t Act Like One Author: Koos de Wilt | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 468 5


This is a Good Guide - for a Sustainable Lifestyle Author: Marieke Eyskoot | 280 pages | 9 3/8 x 7 inches | hardcover | $ 35.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 492 0

Food Futures Author: Chloé Rutzerveld | 120 pages | 9 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 35.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 517 0

Dilemmarama The Game Concept: Dilemma op Dinsdag | 64 cards in a box | 5 7/8 x 4 5/8 x 1 7/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 424 1

Linjaa Concept: Renske Solkesz | 80 cards in a box | 4 5/8 x 4 5/8 x 1 3/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 503 3



2nd printing

Creativity Works! Author: Coen Luijten and Joris van Dooren | 160 pages | 6 6/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 506 4

Once Upon a Time I Was... Author: Lavinia Bakker | 144 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 421 0

Creativity + Author: Paulina Larocca | 60 pages | 3 7/8 x 7 7/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 488 3

Little Creative Thinker’s Connection Dominoes Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 28 cards | box with sleeve | 4 3/8 x 4 3/8 x 2 2/8 inches | $ 17.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 513 2 | Age: 4 years +

My Photography Toolbox Concept: Rosa Pons-Cerdà and Lenno Verhoog | 72 cards in a box | 4 4/8 x 3 1/8 x 1 7/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 504 0


Highlighted Creative Business





12th printing

2nd printing

Visual Thinking | Author: Willemien Brand | 144 pages | 9 7/8 x 8 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 453 1


Visual Doing Author: Willemien Brand 144 pages | 9 7/8 x 8 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 499 9 |

Know Your Onions: Graphic Design | Author: Drew de Soto | 186 pages | 7 7/8 x 4 5/8 inches | paperback with elastic band | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 258 2

Inspiration for Innovation Author: Gijs van Wulfen 224 pages | 6 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 496 8

Designing With and Within Public Organizations Author: André Schaminée | 208 pages | 9 7/8 x 7 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 497 5







2nd printing

Design . Think . Make .  Break . Repeat | Authors: Martin Tomitsch, Cara Wrigley and Madeleine Borthwick | 208 pages | paperback | 9 x 7 4/8 inches | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 479 1

How to Research Trends Author: Els Dragt | 200 pages | 9 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 433 3

The Innovation Matrix Authos: Mirjam E. Ros and Deepika Jeyakodi | 136 pages | 7 7/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 520 0

Don’t Read This Book | Author: Donald Roos | 160 pages | 8 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 423 4

Don’t/Do This – Game Author: Donald Roos | 156 cards | 7 x 3 5/8 x 7/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 484 5


Bestselling Series


Image taken from ‘Visual Doing’ 978 90 6369 499 9 $ 24.99



The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker Creative Thinker’s / Little Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Notebook Little Creative Thinker’s Dominoes

People who are good at creating ideas are good at seeing connections. Could teaching people to see connections be a way to help them be more creative? Supported by the latest neuroscience, this series of books gives you hands-on advice and a practical approach on how to enhance your own creativity. The first book of this serie is a combination of theory, techniques, anecdotes and exercises. The exercise books are filled with hands-on exercises and the domino game is a wonderful simple children’s game that’s all about matching the bricks with the same pattern, a shape or a concept.

“After this training it is easier to come up with fresh ideas, novel concepts, breakthrough thinking, and innovative solutions to draw upon when you are faced with challenges that call for new thinking, whether that be in business or in life.” - New Design magazine

Info The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Sarah Thurber | 176 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | 978 90 6369 532 3

Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 112 pages | 9 4/8 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | 978 90 6369 438 8

Little Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 112 pages | 9 1/8 x 6 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 17.99 | 978 90 6369 491 3

Little Creative Thinker’s Connection Dominoes Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 28 cards | box: 4 3/8 x 4 3/8 x 2 2/8 inches | $ 17.99 | 978 90 6369 513 2 | Age: 4 years +

The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Notebooks Authors: Dorte Nielsen | 152 pages | 9 7/8 x 4 7/8 inches | $ 17.99 | 978 90 6369 439 5

• High profile American and Danish authors • Little Creative Thinker’s Exercise book will be used in Danish primary education

Author Dorte is a creativity expert, author, keynote speaker and the founder of Creative Thinker and the Center for Creative Thinking in Copenhagen. Dorte also founded Creative Communication, an award-winning BA education programme for Art Directors and Conceptual Thinkers. Sarah Thurber is managing partner of the FourSight company in the USA. A leader in innovation and creativity, Sarah specializes in developing research-based tools to enhance innovation and team performance. Katrine Granholm is an award-winning Creative Director, Art Director and Digital Concept Developer. She is a renowned lecturer in digital tools and concepts in further education.


• Series sold for over 37.000 copies


Visual Thinking / Visual Thinking Workbook / Visual Doing / Visual Doing Workbook

Visual thinking and drawing are both becoming increasingly important in today’s business settings. A picture really can tell a thousand words. Visual Thinking provides you the skills to develop your own style and teaches you how to generate change by integrating visual communication. Visual Doing leads you through a new range of exercises, techniques and subjects which will help you to tell your own visual story by looking at these subjects from different perspectives: ‘me as an individual’, ‘we as a team’ and ‘us as a company.’ The workbooks are great tools to help you kick-start your visual journey and gain the confidence to produce amazing, compelling drawings.

“Visual Thinking is a very practical and approachable guide to improving anybody’s skills for visual communication at the office. It’s simple and very effective.” - The Clerkenwell Post – Montse Prats (Founder of Magma Books)

Info Visual Thinking Author: Willemien Brand 144 pages | 9 7/8 x 8 2/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 24.99 | 978 90 6369 453 1

Visual Thinking Workbook Author: Willemien Brand 32 pages | 8 2/8 x 11 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $12.99 | 978 90 6369 511 8

Visual Doing Author: Willemien Brand 144 pages | 9 7/8 x 8 2/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 24.99 | 978 90 6369 499 9 |

Visual Doing Workbook Author: Willemien Brand 32 pages | 8 2/8 x 11 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 12.99 | 978 90 6369 500 2

Author Willemien Brand has turned her passion for drawing and design into her life’s work. She graduated with distinction from the prestigious Design Academy in Eindhoven and enjoyed an award-winning career as an industrial designer with ATAG Keukentechniek before setting up the successful design studios Buro BRAND and BRAND Business.

• Perfect for companies that want to develop their corporate communication • Crammed with tons of visual exercises • Series sold for over 50.000 copies



Don’t Read this Book / To Don’t List / Don’t Do This Game

As creative people, we have ideas. Bad, good, weird, clever, and even brilliant ideas. But most of them (even the great ideas) never see the light of day. Why? If you ask a creative person, the answer will always revolve around time. Don’t Read This Book focuses on how to make choices about everything you do in your daily creative practice and life. The book follows the ‘To Don’tList’ method: When you say ‘no’ to one to-do, task, or project, you have more time to execute another one. Don’t Do This Game will get you out of your comfort zone. It stimulates creativity through limitations. To Don’t List gives you the gift of simplicity: Just make a list for your life/work/project/year/month/day and throw out everything after the 3rd item.

“Bold and inviting. It makes you want to highlight and sketch. Go ahead!” - Communicatie Magazine

Info Don’t Read This Book Author: Donald Roos 160 pages | 8 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | 978 90 6369 423 4

Don’t/Do This – Game Author: Donald Roos 156 cards | 7 x 3 5/8 x 7/8 inches | $ 19.99 | 978 90 6369 484 5

To Don’t List Author: Donald Roos 200 pages | 5 4/8 x 3 4/8 inches | calendar block | $ 12.99 | 978 90 6369 505 7

Author Donald Roos is an independent typographic designer, entrepreneur, and former teacher at the Royal Academy of Art in the Netherlands. In his daily life as a designer he creates movie titles for motion pictures and television. He also designs complex interfaces.


• The forthcomming title Don’t Buy This Book (Spring 2020) is the newest book in this serie • To Don’t—Family (11.000 cps sold) • ToDon’tList iPhone app available


Think Lika a... Lawyer / Manager / Artist / Designer, Don’t Act Like One

This series gives you 75 inspiring, educational and sometimes hilarious insights into the adventurous minds of lawyers, managers, artists and designers. The insights give every professional tools to apply in their own life; when you’re dealing with grumpy police officers, angry neighbours, unwilling debtors, failing clients, nasty lawyers and other conflict seekers. Or learn from approaches to help you foresee or manage unpredictable situations. Or take a fresh look at art and let it inspire you when answering fundamental questions. Or learn from the inimitable reasons the designers have for designing their creations or just enjoy the explanations about designs around us.

“Filled with sage advice, great pictures and an entertaining read -I highly recommend it!” - Ron Galella

Info Think Like a Lawyer, Don’t Act Like One Author: Aernoud Bourdrez | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | 978 90 6369 535 4

Think Like a Manager, Don’t Act Like One Author: Harry Starren | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | 978 90 6369 536 1

Think Like an Artist, Don’t Act Like One Author: Koos de Wilt | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | 978 90 6369 468 5

Think Like A Designer, Don’t Act Like One Author: Jeroen van Erp | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | 978 90 6369 485 2

• Series sold over 94.000 copies • Authors have high profiles in The Netherlands

Author Aernoud Bourdrez is a copyright lawyer and negotiator. Now acts on behalf of visual artists, photographers, designers and architects. Harry Starren is the former CEO of de Baak VNO-NCW, the premier leadership development institute in the Netherlands. Koos de Wilt is writer and art historian working on the interface of culture and business. Jeroen van Erp is a designer, professor and author. He cofounded strategic design agency Fabrique.

• Beatiful images in each chapter that enhance the impact of the text



How to Visit an Art Museum / How to Be a Better Tourist

How to Visit an Art Museum offers fresh perspectives on how to behave once inside the museum. Whether first-timer or frequent visitor, it shows you the sense and nonsense of museum etiquette. This book encourages you to look outside the box and tackle the challenges that art presents to us by taking things into your own hands. How to be a Better Tourist helps you get the most out of your stay without damaging the soul of your destination. Because, ultimately, an imaginatively considered vacation is a genuinely rewarding experience.

“Idema challenges us to shape our own view, rather than to necessarily agree with him. After all, sparking the right questions is much more inspiring than providing clear-cut answers.” - Wim Pijbes, General Director Rijksmuseum

Info How to Visit an Art Museum Author: Johan Idema 128 pages | 6 5/8 x 4 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 17.99 | 978 90 6369 355 8

How to Be a Better Tourist Author: Johan Idema 144 pages | 6 5/8 x 4 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 17.99 | 978 90 63 69 493 7

• Series sold over 22.000 copies • Has been translated in many different languages

Author Johan Idema is a passionate promoter of innovation in the art world. He works as a consultant, writer, and cultural entrepreneur. He specialises in creative concept development, business planning and innovation management.


• Highly visual book with lots of inspiration and quotes


Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow / Don’t Talk Just Kiss / Free Your Mind / Eat Your Heart Out

When times are particularly difficult, and you are likely to slip into despair, some of the greatest pop songs can provide true comfort to make it through the pain. The problem with advice in general is that we often don’t take it. The great thing about advice songs is that you can kick back and listen to someone else coach you through a tough situation while rocking out at the same time. These wonderful books lists 250 of the best pop songs and the best love advice songs for those times that solid life or love advice is needed. The best 20 pieces of advice have been collected in the postcard blocks.

“This book contains 250 musical advices. It is fascinating how the melodies form in the head as soon as you read the advice. A beautiful produced little book that is simply fun to read.” - Novum magazine

Info Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow Author: Marcus Kraft 512 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 1/8 inches | hardcover | $ 19.99 | 978 90 6369 288 9

Don’t Talk Just Kiss Author: Marcus Kraft 512 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 1/8 inches | hardcover | $ 19.99 | 978 90 6369 452 4

Free Your Mind Postcard Block Author: Marcus Kraft 20 postcards in a book | 6 4/8 x 4 5/8 inches | $ 9.99 | 978 90 6369 507 1

Eat Your Heart Out Poscard Block Author: Marcus Kraft 20 postcards in a book | 6 4/8 x 4 5/8 inches | $ 9.99 | 978 90 6369 508 8


• Beautiful produced books • Very popular in concept stores and featured in stylish blogs • Series sold over 43.000 copies

Marcus Kraft is an art director, graphic designer, typographer and owner of Studio Marcus Kraft, based in Zurich, Switzerland. His work has been awarded international prizes and it has been frequently exhibited and published. Marcus is also the founder and curator of Tableau Zurich, a public art space in Zurich.



This is my ... New York / Berlin / London / Paris

This is the first DIY city guide series on the market, kicking off with four very popular destinations: New York City, London, Paris, and Berlin. These guides are colouring and creative activity books, travel notebooks, and city guides in one. Each book contains beautiful illustrations of the city for you to colour in or finish, inspirational to-do lists, and fun facts about the city. But it also leaves plenty of space for your own stories, drawings, pictures, tickets, notes, and tips. With this journal you create your own city guide full of memories and tips about your trip, to cherish as a keepsake of your trip to the city and to inspire friends to go there, too.

“So far nobody had come to the idea to apply this successful principle in the travel book market. These new city guides are the next style of trendy activity books, where the reader contributes to the content” -

Info This is my New York Author: Petra de Hamer 128 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | 978 90 6369 420 3

This is my Berlin Author: Petra de Hamer 128 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | 978 90 6369 396 1

This is my London Author: Petra de Hamer 128 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | 978 90 6369 395 4

This is my Paris Author: Petra de Hamer 128 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | 978 90 6369 394 7

• Series sold over 20.000 copies • Very popular in gift stores

Author Petra de Hamer is working as a culinary writer and photographer. She wrote articles and interviews for several magazines and newspapers in the Netherlands and Belgium. She also made a lot of cookbooks and travel guides.


• First travel guides created with the successful DIY principle


Once Upon a Time I.. Was / Went / Wanted To Be

These guided diaries helps you create your own autobiography; helps you find out who you are and what you want to be; helps you to explore a city or country. By means of questions and space for pictures, little drawings, lists of your favorite things, your memories and more. These diaries are very nicely styled and have an attractive fresh design, which sets it apart from the ordinary, mainstream look most of these diaries usually have.

Info Once Upon a Time I Was... Author: Lavinia Bakker | 144 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | 978 90 6369 421 0

Once Upon a Time I Wanted to Be… Author: Lavinia Baker | 144 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | 978 90 6369 419 7

Once Upon a Time I Went To... Author: Lavina Bakker | 144 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | 978 90 6369 454 8

Author Lavinia Bakker is an author and business owner from Amsterdam. She has two great passions in her life: animals and fashion. Lavinia and her twin sister Abigail combined these two passions with Geitenwollenshirts (eco t-shirts), Real Fake (an animal friendly fashion label). She is also the owner of a concept store based in Amsterdam.

• Series sold over 26.000 copies • Lots of space for pictures, little drawings, lists of your favorite things, memories and more



Image taken from 'Worlds of Wonder' 978 90 6369 464 7 $Â 45.00




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How to Survive the Organizational Revolution Author: Pieter Koene, Martijn Ars and Ard-Pieter de Man | 216 pages | 8 4/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 521 7

Mastering the Art of Negotiation Author: Geurt Jan de Heus | 216 pages | 7 4/8 x 9 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 431 9

This Human Author: Melis Senova | 208 pages | 9 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 460 9

The 7 Principles of Complete Co-Creation Authors: Stefanie Jansen and Maarten Pieters | 208 pages | 9 3/8 x 7 3/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 473 9

Convivial Toolbox Authors: Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders and Pieter Jan Stappers | 312 pages | 9 1/8 x 7 5/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 49.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 284 1

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2nd printing

Change Ahead

CEX Sells

Design Roadmapping

Author: Carola Verschoor | 240 pages | 7 4/8 x 9 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 398 5

Authors: Beate van Dongen Crombags and Deborah Wietzes | 176 pages | 8 3/8 x 8 3/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 444 9

Author: Dr Lianne W.L. Simonse | 244 pages | 9 1/8 x 7 4/8 inches | hardcover | $ 49.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 453 1

How to Research Trends

How to Research Trends Workbook

Author: Els Dragt | 200 pages | 9 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback | ISBN 978 90 6369 433 3| $ 45.00

Author: Els Dragt | 64 pages | 5 6/8 x 8 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 12.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 527 9

sta visito Concept Code Authors: Gaby Crucq - Toffolo and Sanne Knitel | 192 pages | 9 6/8 x 7 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 432 6

2nd printing

23 Innovations in Digital Communication Authors: Paul Ketelaar, Sanne Demir & Jan Aarts | 340 pages | 9 5/8 x 7 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 518 7

2nd printing

The Seven Laws of Guaranteed Growth

From Selling to Co-Creating

Author: Frans de Groot | 156 pages | 7 4/8 x 9 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 413 5

Authors: Régis Lemmens, Bill Donaldson and Javier Marcos | 256 pages | 8 1/8 x 8 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 6369 351 0

The Digital Metrics Field Guide Author: Stephen D. Rappaport | 320 pages | 9 1/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 377 0

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be considered ‘jou consistency to be Storytelling on Steroids Author: John Weich | 160 pages | 9 x 6 5/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 311 4

Brand the Change

Branded Protest

Contrarian Branding

Author: Anne Miltenburg | 224 pages | 9 6/8 x 8 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 478 4

Author: Klaus Kempenaars en Ingeborg Bloem | 208 pages | 10 4/8 x 7 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 541 5

Author: Roland van der Vorst | 192 pages | 8 4/8 x 5 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 463 0

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Mapping this struc Author: Michel van Tongeren | 240 pages | 9 7/8 x 7 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 49.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 264 3

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Different Brains, Different Approaches Author: Huub van Osch | 192 pages | 8 1/8 x 8 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 435 7

Hidden Persuasion Authors: Marc Andrews, Dr. Van Leeuwen and Prof. Dr. Van Baaren | 192 pages | 9 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 531 6

Music Thinking Jam Cards

How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Concept: Christof Zürn | 4 6/8 x 4 6/8 x 1 inches | 44 cards in a box | $ 35.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 514 9

Author: J. Margus Klaar | 112 pages | 8 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 381 7




Thinking in Services Author: Majid Iqbal | 240 pages | 9 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 489 0



Worlds of Wonder

Authors: Roel Frissen, Ruud Janssen and Dennis Luijer | 204 pages | 8 1/8 x 8 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 434 0

Author: Lucy Kimbell | 240 pages | 7 4/8 x 9 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 353 4

Author: Gijs van Wulfen | 240 pages | 7 4/8 x 9 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 313 8

The Innovation Maze Author: Gijs van Wulfen | 240 pages | 7 4/8 x 9 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 410 4

Creativity in Business Authors: Igor Byttebier and Ramon Vullings | 204 pages | 9 3/8 x 6 5/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 29.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 380 0


Get Agile!

Blue is the New Black

Authors: Pieter Jongerius et al. | 176 pages | 8 3/8 x 5 7/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 35.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 302 2

Author: Susie Breuer | 232 pages | 9 1/8 x 6 7/8 inches | paperback with Key Dates Calendar insert | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 340 4

Inspiration for Innovation Author: Gijs van Wulfen 224 pages | 6 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 496 8

Are We There Yet? Author: Sam Bucolo | 216 pages | 8 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 409 8




Authors: Ramon Vullings and Marc Heleven | 220 pages | 5 7/8 x 5 7/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 379 4




Not Invented Here

Author: Lou Downe | 192 pages | 6 7/8 x 5 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 23.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 543 9



The Innovation Expedition


Authors: Stan Boshouwers and Erik Bär | 272 pages | 10 5/8 x 9 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 464 7


The Service Innovation Handbook



Event Design Handbook


Good Services

The Innovation Matrix Authos: Mirjam E. Ros and Deepika Jeyakodi | 136 pages | 7 7/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 520 0

Visual Thinking Author: Willemien Brand | 144 pages | 9 7/8 x 8 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 453 1

Visual Thinking Workbook Author: Willemien Brand 32 pages | 8 2/8 x 11 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 12.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 511 8





Visual Doing Author: Willemien Brand 144 pages | 9 7/8 x 8 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 499 9 |


Visual Doing Workbook Author: Willemien Brand 32 pages | 8 2/8 x 11 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 12.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 500 2

The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Sarah Thurber | 176 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 532 3



The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Notebook Author: Dorte Nielsen | 152 pages | 11 7/8 x 6 1/8 inches | triangular hardcover | $ 17.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 439 5

Connecting Authors: Paulina Larocca and Tony Ibbotson | 160 pages | 8 1/8 x 8 1/8 inches | hardcover | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 526 2

75 Tools for Creative Thinking Authors: Booreiland | 75 cards in a box | 5 7/8 x 3 7/8 x 2 7/8 inches | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 275 9

Creative Thinker’s Exercise book Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 112 pages | 9 4/8 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 438 8


Little Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book Author: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 112 pages | 9 1/8 x 6 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 17.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 491 3



Don’t Buy This Book

Don’t Read This Book

Authors: Donald Roos and Anne de Bruijn 160 pages | 8 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches paperback | $ 20.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 537 8

Author: Donald Roos | 160 pages | 8 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 423 4



2nd printing

Don’t/Do This – Game Author: Donald Roos | 156 cards | 7 x 3 5/8 x 7/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 484 5

When the Box is the Limit

Author: Walter Vandervelde 192 pages | 7 7/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 35.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 512 5

Pitching Ideas

Author: Jeroen van Geel | 128 pages | 8 2/8 x 5 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 529 3

Creativity +

Author: Paulina Larocca | 60 pages | 9 3/8 x 6 5/8 x 5/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 488 3

Creative Personal Branding

Author: Jürgen Salenbacher | 228 pages | 8 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 315 2



2nd printing

4th printing

Augmenting Alice

Notes on Design

Strategic Design

Make Design Matter

The Designer As…

Author: Galit Ariel | 256 pages | 9 7/8 x 7 7/8 inches | hardcover | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 470 8

Author: Kees Dorst | 208 pages | 8 5/8 x 5 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 465 4

Authors: Dr. Giulia Calabretta, Prof. Gerda Gemser and Dr. Ingo Karpen | 228 pages | 7 4/8 x 9 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 445 6

Author: David Carlson | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 4 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 304 6

Author: Steven McCarthy | 248 pages | 7 3/8 x 6 7/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 292 6

2nd printing

Design Transitions Authors: Joyce Yee, Emma Jefferies and Lauren Tan | 224 pages | 9 4/8 x 6 7/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 321 3

Transformations: 7 Roles to Drive Change by Design Authors: Joyce Yee, Emma Jefferies and Dr Kamil Michlewski | 246 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 457 9

Products that Flow

Products that Last

Authors: Siem Haffmans, Marjolein van Gelder and Ed van Hinte 128 pages | 10 3/8 x 7 7/8 inches | flexicover | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 498 2

Authors: Conny Bakker and Marcel den Hollander | 112 pages | 10 3/8 x 7 7/8 inches | paperback otabind | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 522 4

Sustainist Design Guide Editors: Michiel Schwarz and Diana Krabbendam | 144 pages | 9 6/8 x 6 7/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 283 4



Connect Authors: Sabine Wildevuur, Dick van Dijk, Anne Äyväri, Mie Bjerre, Thomas Hammer-Jakobsen and Jesper Lund | 192 pages | 7 7/8 x 5 7/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 331 2

Designing for the Common Good Authors: Kees Dorst, Lucy Kaldor, Lucy Klippan and Rodger Watson | 216 pages | 7 4/8 x 9 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 408 1

Designing With and Within Public Organizations Author: André Schaminée | 208 pages | 9 7/8 x 7 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 497 5

The Politics of Design


Author: Ruben Pater | 192 pages | 7 2/8 x 4 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 422 7

Authors: Elizabeth Herrmann and Ryan Shelley | 240 pages | 9 3/8 x 6 7/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 373 2

2nd printing


Design My Privacy

Meta Products

The Form of Design

Author: Tijmen Schep and Moti | 160 pages | 7 x 4 5/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 437 1

Authors: Wimer Hazenberg, Menno Huisman | 160 pages | 9 1/8 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 6369 251 3

Author: Prof. Josiah Kahane | 240 pages | 9 7/8 x 7 7/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 375 6

Simplicity: A Matter of Design Author: Per Mollerup | 192 pages | 11 5/8 x 6 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 402 9

ViP Vision in Design Authors: Matthijs van Dijk and Paul Hekkert | 376 pages | 9 4/8 x 6 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 29.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 371 8 | hardcover: $ 60.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 205 6




Design . Think . Make .  Break . Repeat.

4th printing

2nd printing

Delft Design Guide

Dynamic Identities

Identity Colour Codes

LOIS Logos

Edited by: Annemiek van Boeijen, Jaap Daalhuizen, Jelle Zijlstra, Roos van der Schoor | 168 pages | 10 x 7 7/8 inches | flexicover | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 327 5

Concept: Irene van Nes | 192 pages | 9 7/8 x 8 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 339 8

Author: Felix Janssens | 304 pages | 9 7/8 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 29.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 335 0

Author: George Lois | 204 pages | 7 3/8 x 6 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 35.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 399 2

Logo Life

Anthon Beeke

Sketching: the Basics


Author: Ron van der Vlugt | 312 pages | 8 6/8 x 6 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 29.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 260 5

Author: Lidewij Edelkoort | 448 pages | 11 1/8 x 8 6/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 49.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 330 5

Authors: Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur | 204 pages | 11 1/8 x 8 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 534 7

Authors: Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur | 256 pages | 11 1/8 x 8 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 533 0

Sketching Product Design Presentation

Authors: Martin Tomitsch, Cara Wrigley, Madeleine Borthwick | 208 pages | paperback | 9 x 7 4/8 inches | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 479 1

2nd printing




Authors: Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur | 192 pages | 11 1/8 x 8 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 329 9




The Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching Author: George Hlavács | 48 pages + 14 practice sheets | 8 5/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 334 3

Designing Diagrams


Author: Jan Gauguin | 200 pages | 9 7/8 x 9 7/8 inches | hardcover | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 228 5

Author: Ralph Burkhardt | 192 pages | 6 7/8 x 4 3/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 455 5



Know your Onions: Corporate Identity Author: Drew de Soto | 208 pages | 7 7/8 x 4 5/8 inches paperback | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 539 2


Know Your Onions: Graphic Design

Know Your Onions: Web Design

Author: Drew de Soto | 186 pages | 7 7/8 x 4 5/8 inches | paperback with elastic band | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 258 2

Author: Drew de Soto | 212 pages | 7 7/8 x 4 5/8 inches | paperback with elastic band | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 312 1

2nd printing

Reading Letters

Type Tricks

Shaping Text

Author: Sofie Beier | 182 pages | 9 7/8 x 8 2/8 inches | hardcover | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 271 1

Author: Sofie Beier | 208 pages | 6 2/8 x 4 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 458 6

Author: Jan Middendorp | 176 pages | 10 2/8 x 8 3/8 inches | flexicover | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 223 0




Work Hard Play Harder Design and concept: Studio Kluif | 160 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 inches | hardcover in slip case | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 298 8



Design and concept: Studio Kluif | 176 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 inches | hardcover in slip case | $ 25.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 538 5



Operative Design

Conditional Design

Authors: Anthony Di Mari and Nora Yoo | 152 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 289 6

Author: Anthony Di Mari | 156 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 365 7

2nd printing

Performative Geometries Edited by: Asterios Agkathidis and Gabi Schillig | 160 pages | 9 3/8 x 6 5/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 250 6

2nd printing

Bio-structural Analogues In architecture Author: Joseph Lim | 232 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 204 9


Dutch Design Cowboys



Graduation Guide for Design Students Author: Moniek Paus | 144 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 inches | hardcover with poster as dust jacket | $ 17.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 286 5


Innovative Architecture Strategies

Author: Baires Raffaelli | 144 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 411 1

Author: Simos Vamvakidis | 160 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 456 2



Modular Structures

Author: Sophia Vyzoviti | 144 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 121 9

Author: Asterios Agkathidis | 136 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 206 3


Eccentric Structures in Architecture Author: Joseph Lim | 160 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 242 1


The Fast Guide to Architectural Form





14th printing

Composing Architecture and Interior Design Author: Simos Vamvakidis | 160 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 487 6

2nd printing

Digital Manufacturing

Computational Architecture

Author: Asterios Agkathidis | 136 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 232 2

Author: Asterios Agkathidis | 160 pages | paperback | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 287 2

2nd printing

Folding architecture

The Spontaneous City


Author: Sophia Vyzoviti | 144 pages | 5 7/8 x 4 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 059 5

Authors: Urhahn Urban Design | 176 pages | 11 6/8 x 9 5/8 inches | paperback | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 265 0

Authors: Prof. Mark Mückenheim and Dipl. Ing. Juliane Demel | 274 pages | 11 5/8 x 9 2/8 inches | hardcover | $ 45.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 267 4




Think Like a Lawyer, Don’t Act Like One

Think Like a Manager, Don’t Act Like One

Author: Aernoud Bourdrez | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 535 4

Author: Harry Starren | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 536 1



4th printing

Think Like an Artist, Don’t Act Like One

Author: Koos de Wilt | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 468 5

2nd printing

Once Upon a Time I Was...

Once Upon a Time I Wanted to Be…

Once Upon a Time I Went To...

Author: Lavinia Bakker | 144 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 421 0

Author: Lavinia Bakker | 144 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 419 7

Author: Lavinia Bakker | 144 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 454 8



Think Like A Designer, Don’t Act Like One Author: Jeroen van Erp | 160 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 485 2



What Are They Saying About You?

Author: Frank Peters | 144 pages | 7 2/8 x 5 3/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 400 5

2nd printing

Don’t Read This Book

Don’t/Do This – Game

Author: Donald Roos | 160 pages | 8 4/8 x 6 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 423 4

Author: Donald Roos | 156 cards | 7 x 3 5/8 x 7/8 inches | box with sleeve | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 484 5

Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 112 pages | 9 4/8 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 438 8

Little Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book

Little Creative Thinker’s Connection Dominoes

Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 112 pages | 9 1/8 x 6 4/8 inches | paperback | $ 12.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 491 3

Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 28 cards | box: 4 3/8 x 4 3/8 x 2 2/8 inches | $ 17.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 513 2

Creativity +

Creativity Works!

The Book of Do-ness

Author: Coen Luijten and Joris van Dooren | 160 pages | 6 6/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 506 4

Author: Sara van de Ven | 240 pages | 5 7/8 x 5 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 451 7



To Don’t List

Logo R.I.P.

Author: Donald Roos 200 pages | 5 4/8 x 3 4/8 inches | calendar block | $ 12.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 505 7

Authors: The Stone Twins | 192 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 6/8 inches | hardcover with gold gilded edges | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 290 2

Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book


Frame Your Imagination

Your Work and Your Life

Author: Caroline Ellerbeck | 192 pages | 5 1/8 x 6 6/8 inches | paperback | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 542 2

Author: Krist Pauwels | 128 pages | 7 4/8 x 5 1/8 inches | hardcover | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 469 2

Author: Paulina Larocca | 160 pages | 9 3/8 x 6 5/8 x 5/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 488 3





Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow Concept: Marcus Kraft | 512 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 288 9





Don’t Talk Just Kiss


Create with Artists


Concept: Marcus Kraft | 512 pages | 7 1/8 x 5 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 452 4

Author: Genís Carreras | 208 pages | 7 7/8 x 6 5/8 inches | paperback | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 341 1

Authors: Rixt Hulshoff Pol and Hanna Piksen | 120 pages | 9 7/8 x 7 7/8 inches | hardcover | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 416 6

Author: Anja Brunt and Tineke Meirink | 80 pages | 11 1/8 x 8 2/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 425 8



Art Is Everywhere

Museum Art Cards

Author: Lorenzo, SerraGlia, Servi | 112 pages | 8 x 5 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 418 0

Author: Lise Lotte ten Voorde | 52 cards | 5 7/8 x 4 3/8 x 1 1/8 inches | boxed set | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 549 1


2nd printing

How to Visit an Art Museum

How to be a Better Tourist

Author: Johan Idema | 128 pages | 6 5/8 x 4 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 17.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 355 8

Author: Johan Idema | 144 pages | 6 5/8 x 4 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 17.99 | ISBN 978 90 63 69 493 7

Creative Chef


Author: Chloé Rutzerveld | 120 pages | 9 x 7 4/8 inches | paperback with flaps | $ 35.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 517 0

Author: Jasper Udink ten Cate | 240 pages | 10 x 8 2/8 inches | hardcover | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 414 2

Authors: Barbara Serulus and Elise van Iterson | 144 pages | 8 4/8 x 6 1/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 544 6


Save the Humans! Authors: Mieke Gerritzen and Koert van Mensvoort | 160 pages | 7 4/8 x 5 1/8 inches | hardcover | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 401 2


This is a Good Guide for a Sustainable Lifestyle Author: Marieke Eyskoot | 280 pages | 9 3/8 x 7 inches | hardcover | $ 35.00 | ISBN 978 90 6369 492 0


Home Made Food Notebook Author: Yvette van Boven | 160 pages | 8 3/8 x 6 3/8 inches | flexibound with ribbon and elastic band | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 397 8






Food Futures



The Do-It-Yourselfie Guide

The Social Climber’s Handbook

The F***ing History of Swearing

Author: Willem Popelier | 160 pages | 6 4/8 x 4 5/8 inches | sewn paperback | $ 12.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 387 9

Author: Nimrod Kamer | 112 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 6/8 inches | hardcover | $ 12.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 483 8

Author: Anna Maria Kiosse | 168 pages | 9 x 6 5/8 inches | paperback | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 467 8

Dear Fashion Diary Authors: Emmi Ojala and Laura de Jong | 160 pages | 8 5/8 x 6 5/8 inches | paperback | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 310 7


Pregnancy Cookbook Author: Pascal Rotteveel | 112 pages | 9 7/8 x 7 7/8 inches | hardcover | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 548 4






Football Baby Names

The Art of Parenting

Read Nothing in Here

Tim Nikken en Boudewijn Bosman 112 pages | 6 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | hardcover | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 523 1

Author: Drew de Soto | 60 pages | 6 6/8 x 5 7/8 inches | hardcover | $ 9.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 480 7

Author: Seema Sharma | 144 pages | 7 2/8 x 5 5/8 inches | paperback with band | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 441 8



2nd printing

Never Sleep with the Director

Never Leave the House Naked

Never Photograph People Eating

Edited by: Anneloes van Gaalen | 160 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 276 6

Edited by: Anneloes van Gaalen | 160 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 214 8

Edited by: Anneloes van Gaalen | 144 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 277 3

Never Use More Than Two Different Typefaces

The Medium is the Message

Edited by: Anneloes van Gaalen | 160 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 216 2

Write Nothing in Here Auhor: Seema Sharma | 160 pages | 9 x 6 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 403 6



Never Use White Type on a Black Background Edited by: Anneloes van Gaalen | 160 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 207 0

Never Touch a Painting When it’s Wet Edited by: Anneloes van Gaalen | 160 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 280 3

2nd printing

Never Use Pop Up Windows Edited by: Anneloes van Gaalen | 160 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 217 9

Edited by: Anneloes van Gaalen | 160 pages | 6 6/8 x 4 3/8 inches | hardcover | $ 14.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 215 5

2nd printing

This is my New York

This is my Berlin

This is my London

This is my Paris

Author: Petra de Hamer | 128 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 420 3

Author: Petra de Hamer | 128 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 396 1

Author: Petra de Hamer | 128 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 395 4

Author: Petra de Hamer | 128 pages | 9 2/8 x 6 2/8 inches | paperback | $ 16.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 394 7

The Divergent and Convergent Thinking Notebook Author: Dorte Nielsen | 152 pages | 11 7/8 x 6 1/8 inches | triangular hardcover | $ 17.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 439 5







Pixel-Art Game – The Milkmaid Concept: Vanessa Catalano | 32 cards | box with sleeve | 5 2/8 x 2 4/8 x 1 inches | $ 12.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 481 4

Pixel-Art Game – Café Terrace at Night Concept: Vanessa Catalano | 32 cards | box with sleeve | 5 2/8 x 2 4/8 x 1 inches | $ 12.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 482 1

Old Masters Memory Game

Collage Memory Game

Optical Illusions Game

Concept: Mieke Gerritzen | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 386 2

Anja Brunt | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | boxed set | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 466 1

Concept: Paul M. Baars | with playing rules in English, Dutch, German, Spanish and French | 20 optical illusions | 80 cards in a box | 5 4/8 x 5 4/8 x 1 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 388 6




Numbers Game

Mezza Card Game



Concept: Paul M. Baars | with playing rules in English, Dutch, German, Spanish and French | 80 illustrations | 80 cards in a box | 5 4/8 x 5 4/8 x 1 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 370 1

Author: Thomas Michaël | 68 cards in a box | 5 7/8 x 2 5/8 x 1 5/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 472 2

Concept: Renske Solkesz 64 cards in a box | 4 5/8 x 4 5/8 x 1 3/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 63 69 296 4

Concept: Renske Solkesz 80 cards in a box | 4 5/8 x 4 5/8 x 1 3/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 503 3





The Startup Game

Don’t/Do This – Game

The Empathy Game

Author: SixWaypoints | 68 cards in a box | 4 3/8 x 5 4/8 x 1 4/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 442 5

Author: Donald Roos | 156 cards | box with sleeve | 7 x 3 5/8 x 7/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 484 5

Authors: Saskia H. Herrmann and Jorik Elferink | 3 x 50 cards | 4 6/8 x 5 7/8 x 1 2/8 inches | boxed set + 2 dice | $ 24.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 524 8


Dilemmarama The Game Concept: Dilemma op Dinsdag | 64 cards in a box | 5 7/8 x 4 5/8 x 1 7/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 424 1

Concept: Mieke Gerritzen | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 525 5

Authors: Dorte Nielsen and Katrine Granholm | 28 cards | box with sleeve | 4 3/8 x 4 3/8 x 2 2/8 inches | $ 17.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 513 2 | Age: 4 years +


My Photography Game

Concept: Rosa Pons-Cerdà and Lenno Verhoog | 72 cards in a box | 4 4/8 x 3 1/8 x 1 7/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 504 0 |

Authors: Rosa and Lenno Verhoog 52 cards | 5 1/8 x 3 7/8 x 1 3/8 inches | boxed set | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 552 1 | Age: 6 years +


Robot Memory Game

Little Creative Thinker’s Connection Dominoes

My Photography Toolbox





Make a Face Memory Game

Street Style Memory Game I

Author: Anja Brunt | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 348 0

Concept and photography: Barbara Iweins | 2 x 25 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 8 4/8 x 3 7/8 inches | $17.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 231 5


2nd printing

2nd printing





2nd printing

ISBN 978 90 6369 301 5

Street Art Memory Game

Twins Memory Game (new edition)

Visual Power Memory Game

Fake for Real Memory Game

Editors: Janne Ettwig and Lilian van Dongen Torman | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 322 0

Concept: Maaike Strengholt | Photography: Dim Balsem | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 301 5

Authors: Mieke Gerritzen and Koert van Mensvoort | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 098 4

Published in collaboration with All Media | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 177 6

2nd printing

You Are What You Eat Memory Game Concept: Marije Vogelzang | 2 x 25 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 272 8

Brand Memory Game Concept: Hendrik-Jan Grievink | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 262 9

2nd printing

Can You See What I See Memory Game Concept: Tineke Meirink | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 299 5

Play Van Abbe Edited by: Van Abbemuseum | 2 x 30 cards in a box | 5 6/8 x 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches | $ 19.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 241 4

Creative Chef Postcards

Creatures of Creativeland

Free Your Mind Postcard Block

Eat Your Heart Out Poscard Block

Author: Jasper Udink ten Cate | 25 postcards in a book | 5 7/8 x 3 7/8 inches | $ 9.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 440 1

Concept: Jana Pejkovska and Adrian Flores | 20 postcards in a book | 6 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches | $ 9.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 390 9

Concept: Marcus Kraft 20 postcards in a book | 6 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches | $ 9.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 507 1

Concept: Marcus Kraft | 20 postcards in a book | 6 4/8 x 5 4/8 inches | $ 9.99 | ISBN 978 90 6369 508 8


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INDEX 1/100: 1 to 1 The essence of Retail Branding and Design 23 Innovations in Digital Communication 7 Principles to Complete Co-Creation, The 75 Tools for Creative Thinking

p. 35 p. 35 p. 35 p. 37

A: Anthon Beeke It’s a Miracle! Augmenting Alice Are We There Yet? Art Is Everywhere Art of Parenting, The

p. 39 p. 38 p. 36 p. 42 p. 43

B: Bio-Structual Analogues in Architecture Blue is the New Black Book of Do-ness, The Branded Protest Brand Memory Game Brand the Change

p. 40 p. 36 p. 41 p. 35 p. 45 p. 35

C: Can You See What I See Memory Game CEX Sells Change Ahead Co Lab: Collaborative Design Survey Collage Memory Game Composing Architecture & Interior Design Computational Architecture Concept Code Conditional Design Connect Connecting Contrarian Branding Convivial Design Toolbox Create with Artists Creative Chef Creative Chef Postcards Creative Thinkers Excercise Book Creative Personal Branding Creativity + Creativity in Business (Creativity Today) Creativity Works! Creatures of Creativeland


p. 45 p. 35 p. 35 p. 38 p. 44 p. 40 p. 40 p. 35 p. 40 p. 38 p. 37 p. 35 p. 35 p. 42 p. 42 p. 45 p. 41 p. 37 p. 37 p. 36 p. 41 p. 45

D: Dear Fashion Diary Delft Design Guide Designer As…, The Designing Diagrams Designing for the Common Good Designing With(in) Public Organisations Design My Privacy Design Roadmapping Design.Think.Make.Break.Repeat Design Transitions Different Brains, Different Approaches Digital Manufacturing in Design and Architecture Digital Metrics Field Guide, The Dilemmarama The Game Divergent Convergent Thinking Notebook, The Do-It-Yourselfie Guide, The Don’t Buy This Book Don’t Do this - Game Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow Don’t Read this Book Don’t Talk, Just Kiss Dutch Design Cowboys Dynamic Identities

p. 42 p. 39 p. 38 p. 39 p. 38 p. 38 p. 38 p. 35 p. 39 p. 38 p. 36 p. 40 p. 35 p. 44 p. 43 p. 42 p. 37 p. 37 p. 42 p. 37 p. 42 p. 40 p. 39

E: Eccentric Structures in Architecture Eat Your Heart Out Empathy Game, The Event Design Handbook Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching, The

p. 40 p. 55 p. 44 p. 36 p. 39

F: Fake for Real Memory Game Fast Guide to Architectural Form, The Fizz Folding Architecture Food Futures Football Baby Names Form of Design, The Frame Your Imagination From Selling to Co-Creating Free Your Mind F***ing History of Swearing, The

p. 45 p. 40 p. 42 p. 40 p. 42 p. 42 p. 38 p. 41 p. 35 p. 45 p. 42

G: Get Agile Good Services Graduation Guide for Design Students

p. 36 p. 36 p. 40

H: Hidden Persuasion Hotchpotch Home Made Food Notebook How to Be a Better Tourist How to Have Your Cake and Eat it too How to Research Trends How to Research Trends Workbook How to Survive the Organizational Revolution How to Visit an Art Museum

p. 36 p. 39 p. 42 p. 42 p. 36 p. 35 p. 35 p. 35 p. 42

I: Identity Colour Codes Innovation Expedition, The Innovation Matrix, The Innovation Maze, The Innovative Architecture Strategies Inspiration - design methodology in architecture Inspiration for Innovation

p. 39 p. 36 p. 36 p. 36 p. 40 p. 40 p. 36

K: Know Your Onions Know Your Onions Corporate Identity Know Your Onions Web design

p. 39 p. 39 p. 39

L: Linjaa Little Creative Thinker’s Connection Dominos Little Creative Thinker’s Exercise Book Logo Life Logo RIP LOIS Logos

p. 44 p. 44 p. 41 p. 39 p. 41 p. 39

M: Make a Face Memory Game Make Design Matter Mastering The Art of Negotiating Medium is the Message, The; Ridiculous Advertising Rules Meta Products, Building the internet of things Mezza Card Game Modular Structures in Design and Architecture Mozaa Museum Art Cards Music Thinking Jam Cards My Photography Game My Photography Toolbox

p. 44 p. 38 p. 35 p. 43 p. 38 p. 44 p. 40 p. 44 p. 42 p. 36 p. 44 p. 44

N: Never Leave the House Naked p. 43 Never Photograph People Eating p. 43 Never Sleep with the Director p. 43 Never Touch a Painting when it’s wet p. 43 Never Use More Than Two Different Typefaces; Ridiculous Typography Rules p. 43 Never Use Pop Up Windows; Ridiculous web design rules p. 43 Never Use White Type on a Black Background p. 43 Notes on Design p. 38

BACKLIST Not Invented Here Numbers Game

p. 36 p. 44

O: Old Masters Memory Game Once Upon a Time I Was... Once Upon a Time I Wanted to be… Once Upon a Time I Went Operative Design Optical Illusions Game

p. 44 p. 41 p. 41 p. 41 p. 40 p. 44

P: Performative Geometries Philographics Philographics Postcard Book Pitching Ideas Pixel Art Game - Café Terrace at Night Pixel Art Game - The Milkmaid Play van Abbe Politics of Design, The Pop-Up City - City-Making in a Fluid World Pregnancy Cookbook Product Sketches Products that Flow Products that Last

p. 40 p. 42 p. 45 p. 37 p. 44 p. 44 p. 45 p. 38 p. 40 p. 42 p. 39 p. 38 p. 38

R: Reading Letters Read Nothing in Here Robot Memory Game

p. 39 p. 43 p. 44

S: Save the Humans! Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker, The Service Innovation Handbook, The Seven Laws of Guaranteed Growth, The Shaping Text Simplicity: A Matter of Design Sketching Sketching -The Basics Sketching: Product Design Presentation Social Climber’s Handbook, The Spontaneous City, The Startup Game, The Storytelling on Steroids Strategic Design Street Art Memory Game Street Style II Street Style III Supersurfaces Sustainist Design Guide

p. 42 p. 36 p. 36 p. 35 p. 39 p. 38 p. 39 p. 39 p. 39 p. 42 p. 40 p. 44 p. 35 p. 38 p. 44 p. 44 p. 44 p. 40 p. 38

T: Thinking in Services Think Like a Designer, Don’t Act Like One Think Like a Lawyer Don’t Act Like One Think Like a Manager Don’t Act Like One Think Like an Artist, Don’t Act Like One This Human This is a Good Guide - for a Sustainable Lifestyle This is my Berlin This is my London This is my New York This is my Paris To Don’t List Transformations: 7 Roles to Drive Change by Design Trashures Twins Memory Game - New edition Type Tricks

p. 36 p. 41 p. 41 p. 41 p. 41 p. 35 p. 42 p. 43 p. 43 p. 43 p. 43 p. 41 p. 38 p. 42 p. 45 p. 39

V: Van Abbe Memory Game Vision in Product Design Visual Power Memory Game Visual Doing Visual Doing Workbook

p. 45 p. 38 p. 45 p. 37 p. 37

Visual Thinking Visual Thinking Workbook

p. 36 p. 36

W: What Are They Saying About You? When the Box is the Limit Worlds of Wonder Work Hard Play Harder Write Nothing in here

p. 41 p. 37 p. 36 p. 40 p. 43

Y: You are what you eat Memory Game Your Work and Your Life

p. 45 p. 41


BIS Publishers Building Het Sieraad Postjesweg 1 1057 DT Amsterdam The Netherlands

DISTRIBUTED BY: Chronicle Books

ISBN 978-90-6369-567-5

680 Second Street San Francisco, CA 94107 Telephone: 415 537 4200 Email:

9 789063 695675

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